Accused of STEALING at a Garage Sale

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so in this video today Matt over at part-time Pickers and I are doing what we always do we're looking for stuff out at garage sales that we can flip on eBay for a profit as you guys just saw in that little intro things took a turn for the worst today so I know you guys have been waiting on this so let's just hop right into it and if you haven't checked out Matt's Channel it will be pinned in the top comment below what do you call this neck pheasant oh the frame is rustic yeah it's a nice ride it's okay if we set this over here yeah oh awesome thank you yeah perfect I made that you made that that's beautiful [Music] somebody made me the custom frame for longboard oh yeah yeah it does look really cool and rustic yeah I like that a lot [Music] and he's way taller than me especially next to me I'm Matt I'm Randy nice to meet you awesome thank you I'll probably grab these as well thank you hello hi do you want these uh Bean boots for a dollar heck yeah yeah awesome it's a good good prize good deal yeah oh yeah liquid core made in the USA that's cute yeah it's kind of like a bookend yeah it's heavy okay that on the one hand it's nice it feels real heavy iron wood do you think so yeah whatever it is Montana Montana yeah yeah okay that'd be my guess nice what do you think Montana Montana yeah so you have uh make an offer is there oh sure go ahead do you have like a ballpark well we we don't want to offend you five bucks yeah yeah what do you think that sounds good that sounds yeah thank you yeah put it on there yeah yeah thank you replacement safety valves for vintage mirror oh you are sure I'm sorry is that why I feel like these are probably worth looking at you okay can you use tidy whities your favorite they're used I don't know I'm assuming they're like no I mean if they're not used okay Perry Ellis oh Mossy Oak made in USA one dollar right now wow this feathers are really nice isn't that wild so that's Ringneck pheasant feathers too it's like 10 different presents so yeah I was looking for a head in that man like [Laughter] Florida oh yeah let's do it see there you go I just have that because there's also remember do you want this for a buck sure vintage Mossy Oaks sure all right it was how much 19. okay now if you're not the one that's getting married I have a wedding dress size 12. there's 19. all right thank you thank you man I try to sell the marketplace oh really they wanted me to open up like a Zella account or something oh you get suspicious when people start dreaming up stuff yeah yeah just to buy something what do you need some help no I think we're good thank you thank you thank you have a great day thank you take care okay that was a cool little stop that was an amazing stuff yeah a little pheasant I hope that stays in Kentucky this though this was a good pie we were selling for like 50 to 90 bucks 50 to 90. yeah and then she gave you those girls how you doing sir [Music] I don't know about those that I just know that it's a little rubber balance or always like the first thing wearing off on pressure cookers and like the seals that go around that so anytime yeah someone will definitely need them you got some Bean boots oh we got this too so we need uh what kind of wood do you think that is I don't know but that is so nice yeah it's really heavy they're good at naming I know you guys know a lot about Woods yeah yeah so so tell us what kind of wood is this attacker heavy it's super heavy possibly from Montana possibly I wish I had a sticker on there saying that said Montana heavy wood en yes it is sorry who knows all right on to the next one that's for American pharaoh oh is it okay I can't I think it's yeah that was the year he wanted okay oh yeah 2015. yeah okay and then there's this yeah how much is this set um well I paid 40 for it but I'm definitely not asking that yeah would you give me [Music] yeah and yeah just dig through there okay thank you yeah okay it's nice I just love that show all right man we owe you 11. I can either give you 20 or 21 whichever 21 sounds different oh thank you very much I appreciate it good luck with your sale thank you the Eleanor Rose dress it's funny how you can just call that out these slim shades are nice oh yeah very primitive oh I guess I would have to come with that though no those just go on top of the light bulb well yeah yeah they do go on top of this these are gold too though yeah it's a whole set be nice for like a someone redoing uh like next to the bed or something yeah I wonder how much those are it's like everything's 50 cents I think it's five dollars that might be a word though yeah it's not bad at all what are you thinking I don't know would you flip it on your store that's the question of the day right yeah they're super cool dang I said it again I don't know I feel like that would be 40 bucks easy yeah and they're so lightweight got the I'm just gonna I'm just gonna make that call that we're gonna get that executive decision hopefully the um I don't know that's just the actual oh wow that is so thin yeah do you see this too I wish that top was there that almost feels what is it now I'm sorry this right here with the matching cup the Shaker oh we're supposed to in the top oh it's the rooster one I felt like yeah there's one and yeah awesome with that I wasn't but where's the I wish the top was on that thing yeah I feel like there's another one that was a rooster that sold a lot yeah I feel like even those cups would be yeah because these little bar shakers all do really well it's crazy how many we found since we realized yeah the one I bought in originally didn't even know what it was the Cup's got to be and everything's so cheap 50 cents there was something was there something else oh you told me to look at this I just looked like a knockoff yardro yeah maybe okay let's go make a little power yeah I don't want to break anything yeah thank you for the bundle okay cool how much is that the Shaker oh man um what about a dollar okay sounds great okay thank you wow this might be up Annie's hours thanks I think the back one says snakes no way they're all taped up there's definitely snakes in there life-size reptiles okay yeah two bucks of the hours of entertainment we haven't walked over there at all no okay here you want to put that stuff down for you real quick we'll do it together [Music] so you called it guarantee let's see if you're right oh dang you're right it's probably worth picking up by like 25 cents close one dollar choose one dollar I would say you just Priceless like 20 bucks there you go easy money you got a bite if you swatted it from 50 feet away yeah dang you're calling it before the tag again how do you see four three five that's Mitchell you can see that small look right under the four three five Matilda you're good does converse look like they're vintage might be USA oh look at those cowhide very Kentucky I think we might have hit the jackpot here 's our old I'm in China now oh man they're definitely colder they're super clean patent pending on that side oh yeah that's at least a 20 bill ion dollar s yeah they got the pony on there too yeah dang and they're older yeah they're definitely older and I feel like that's that's just a color right they're not like yellowed no they're yeah yeah exactly how they should be that's awesome very nice very nice well I'm happy with those little little shoe finds vintage Converse baller yeah got everything yeah it's probably worth Starbucks Pottery Barn no way I'm trying to see if I could find a pattern but I really don't even want to open it up like the chances of finding a white crib set without formula or breast milk stains oh yeah exactly always yellow right away yeah yeah it's pretty nice too oh it's a so good apartment oh yeah those handles are amazing let's play like 150 pieces right there too heck yeah three books there you go open it up and check it out open it up check it out how about you open it I got you on camera oh do you think it has a lock code probably all zeros yeah it's on all zeros interesting slide yeah let's see was that why it's three bucks I don't know I don't get out that's cheap you could also ask if they know okay yeah I think you're right though either way somebody will buy it all right I think we are ready okay no woman dad in a nursing home if they had this Farm oh yeah yeah hopefully it's full of cash we'll split it halfway if it's cool maybe it's the deed to the house or something all right Atlanta is very nice [Music] furniture thank you guys oh yeah thanks again okay give me your give me your luggage this is the final Maybe not maybe what else would uh uh nothing is going to be better than this I don't know if we can get it open it's going to be amazing let's just do it yeah right it's only three let's see three numbers so how many possible accommodations I think it's like 900 something it is like 9.99 right yeah so someone can get that open and it is you knew immediately what is it heart apartment Hartman luggage yeah so this was three dollars sold comps if we get it up and if it's a nice condition or like 100 to 180. there's a free spider free Spider I don't want that to go in the truck I don't know I blew it which was probably not the smartest study it oh there it goes he's gone yeah I want to put them on your toe because you would appreciate me not killing it so Hartman for three bucks and that's in perfect condition my favorite parts to handle that is amazing yeah and the owner was the style is she on the horse farm they said okay in Kentucky so maybe a famous person yeah the green box right yeah hey how we doing how are you guys doing enjoying life that's awesome yeah it is oh no yeah could have bake some eggs oh a little Santa guy yep I pull it up for you do you know if it still works it does oh you're holding it okay an hour or two it does work would you like to look at it no if you're holding it for somebody that's okay it's so cute it is cute it's not mine but ladies selling it okay okay awesome that it is like it's never been used yeah looks really nice in there but if you check back check back yeah how much is it if we don't mind asking okay nope solid no what do you think about these things teapot oh it's got the lid is a mini all right I've never seen anything like that made in Russia I've never seen anything made in Russia and The Roosters there's going to have chicken that one too is that one match yeah okay let's see oh I could ask so here Lee wants something let me take a picture of it really quick is it five dollars for the set okay awesome do you have any history on them okay yeah I see they're made in Russia it's pretty rare to see something made in Russia I think they were beautiful they're not yours okay yeah they're very nice the Red Rooster and for five bucks we just gotta pick it up right you think so I think so okay I think we'll take that for five bucks thank you so much thank you yeah good luck with your cell hopefully uh your shade lasts for a while being a productive morning there you go sit down get rid of all the junk yeah there you go did you go over there yeah lots of stuff all right well thanks again yeah have a great day it's just a bonus so it looks like maybe the best one we found all day huh haunted already kind of ironic that Matt thought this was going to be the sale of the day this is actually the sale in a question this was the last sale of the day we hit I had just taken my GoPro off but thankfully Matt's was still rolling now I typically typically cut out the majority of each sale obviously so they're just as entertaining as possible but this one we left a little bit more in just so you guys could get the most accurate depiction of like how the sale went and our interactions with this particular home owner but yeah so let's just hop right back into the sale how you doing how much are your hats yeah dollar piece on the hats yeah awesome thank you let's say Hydro Sports boats it's really cool then you're saying once that's fits off I think the Hydra Sports might be the one okay wow that thing's huge yeah oh really yeah yeah that's a big one the Coleman yeah oh it's probably been out all day that one is others three geez that one's cool I've never seen one like this here that one is not common Hillary that's what it says Hillary filled here no Hillary field Gill it looks really clean yeah never used let me Google it real quick okay I'm gonna look at this other one here's a compliment that's like imperfect I've never seen one that came outside yeah the only thing I saw was like that little scratches here's another one though that sold for less than 16. it's hard to say but that one looks pretty easy oh my God did you find the street just this time let me go ask him how she wants for this one oh that's hot I didn't show up in time I was gonna say hey I went to the wrong Street how much is that thing 20 bucks on that all right I'll think about that thank you uh is that your best on it all right we'll see yeah it's like that one's been used I don't think this one yeah it looks real clean inside it may have been used once yeah that's usually how those things go right you buy them and you never use them foreign yeah okay what do you think 20 bucks probably not right it's cool yeah this could be the vulture not because he's actually worth anything a little turkey vulture yeah it has a I guess it probably used to make noise because it has a little thing inside oh oh it still works no slightly it's making a noise please do plus it has Mega Bloks there's all the good stuff up yeah look better from the streets yeah we got the Hat St Louis Cardinals 1997 koozie [Music] five bucks well if they are you can have like 25 more actually there's probably one net because the whole bottom layer is full oh my gosh these two from 2004 sold for 30 for two of them two for uh two for 20. what'd you get okay yeah that's all you that's me it's all you is that just a headache I mean it's a multi-quality listing but you can throw actually so I mean they're they're really cool the coolest Koozies ever and they say 1997. just hold them like that the shape is there I'll give you that you guys do 10 for the box of them I'm not sure how many are in there yeah just take them all get them gone there's only like four four rounds there's only four in there we got the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that's 19 right there so it's at least 50 in there yeah give me 20 and you can take them 20 bucks yeah not from 1997 now okay what do you think 20 bucks I saw you yeah say what year was it 97. a long time ago the first year they made these things huh oh really you know we used to use them all the time on the river I mean oh yeah back well I'll show you what we used what what we got in the olden days back when y'all before y'all come along yeah here was the best thing in the world right there oh okay that's a nice one yeah you're holding onto those huh shoulders those are super good those are good yeah see and when you're all young how did they go from Huggers to koozies I've never heard of Huggers okay he's in the old times okay from somehow they got it from Huggers okay pretty funny I've never figured it down all right this is a little a hidden holster it's called a sneaky pea holster it lasts I'll use for 40 bucks oh wow five bucks five bucks they pay that's awesome 60. there you go I honestly feel like 15 for two it was so fast okay no I'm just talking out of it well I don't want to talk to you if you want to be talked into it I think you want to be talked into it right now or put it on Instagram if you wanna and we can think about it while we go over there yeah all right I'm gonna put it on Instagram it's only going to be up there for like 20 minutes 20 minutes yeah right like five minutes oh geez yeah I'm a little doggy oh he's cute guys over there oh we're gonna get some shaved ice hey puppy how you doing I thought you were a bug hey I almost swatted you I almost swatted this one I thought it was a bug look in my leg yeah Barker okay I gotta write this puppy are you cute gosh all right Instagram will tell us if we're gonna buy those papoozies all right can we buy this dog though why was this dog so cute what the heck that one he's had so many different hats we've sold a ton of them different oh yeah I Gotta See there you go thank you thank you thank you so eight people say yes two people say though you have enough time for us to walk next door okay we're gonna give it a little bit more time let's just go to the next one move the shaved ice roll do you want to shave this right now all right we'll go get a shaved ice after this you want to show one all right I'm like hold on I don't recognize yeah all right three bucks okay great what flavor do you want you pick you want the do you like blue popping raspberry you pick it sounds popping this is the cutest song I've ever seen yeah it's amazing how old is he about three three yeah no way he's tiny I thought he was he's a good boy fancy Contraption there we go Logan you forgot about the Sunoco oh what kind did you choose blue wraps uh yeah what do you think yeah it sounds good blue rice or you don't want the red cherry cherry cheese [Laughter] thanks a lot thank you did not work okay have the people swayed your opinion okay let's let's check Instagram real quick okay okay I still have it up okay 27 yes nine now all right so it sounds like we're going to get them are we though I mean are you gonna let the people vote and then go against the people I was oh I should have said it has to be like 90 to one okay what should I do what do we do I don't know anything I think about this much I would pass on but I feel like you're gonna be mad yeah let's pass on it are you sure yeah all right if it was like 90 then I would get it okay first taste of the boys we've cut all of this out of the video but if you guys notice at this point the man is actually watching us in the background as he is already thinking that we started recording you doing like your copy review right now no you try it first that's like you trying it now you can see that he has shifted to hiding behind the tree still watching us hey we're gonna play fresh stuff or y'all just want to leave with it I paid your wife do you pay for that well I'm sorry oh yeah no problem how do you know she know the prices on them so they're they're both kind of stickers yeah okay yeah one was five one was one no okay it says five right here if it is not stuck on them okay yeah have a good day what's that we you sold a test for five bucks we have a camera on we're good let's leave I don't know just come here oh we stole this from you well let's accuse somebody of stealing from you sir didn't I say I'm sorry I didn't hear you say you were sorry I'm sorry right out there no you said y'all stolen you walked away okay well you did still in case you want to know because you only get five dollars for it the price tag that's in there is five dollars there were no price check anything I mean they might have got in it but it's it's not the price okay if you're okay we're not trying to steal your stuff if that's what you think she she didn't know okay so it's you know you know it's it's worth more than five dollars right it says five dollars it's a yard sale I said you say I said do you want it back or not do you want it back or not that was the problem you know y'all y'all got your deal you got your Bargains have a good day yeah all right so we're at Chick-fil-A now we're gonna get some lunch but how about that someone accusing us was still in at a garage sale have you ever been accused of stealing at a garage sale yeah ever in my life yeah that was a little too much it was too much yeah and then so the camera pilot pick it up it up but first as he was walking away he said we stole it again and then he told his wife he either said we switched the tag or we stuck a tag in there yeah and I just could not I had to go for that he was just making a bunch of stuff up yeah yeah and then he tried to backtrack when I said you had a camera on your chest the whole time and uh yeah the Tech's still in there too right yeah it says five dollars right there so and it's not even like this is crazy valuable it's at least like 40 bucks 40 bucks we do 10x all the time and not only that if you guys can see my Blue Lips we had the flipping icy right in front of their house like who commits a crime and then just hangs out casually yeah in front of somebody's house there's a little taste test right in front I'm so mad yeah yeah that was a little silly that guy was a little too much a little a Lada yeah a lot to match If You're Gonna Keep somebody stealing you should probably know about it first or ask your wife before you like follow us down yeah yeah yeah I'm like oh he's chasing you down I didn't realize he was actually chasing us down so yeah that's a first definitely first definitely in first all right let's go to Chick-fil-A yes Chick-fil-A to hopefully I think we already feel better all right let's roll so how crazy was that we had no idea that he was like watching us at the other sale and standing there like eventually hiding behind the tree it was pretty cringy that I had to put me like taste testing that icy on YouTube but you know I Told part of the story that he was watching that he was two feet away from his wife and he could avoided this entire situation had he just said hey did those people pay for the stuff two it at the 24 minute Mark you can actually see in the corner of the frame while Matt is trying to make a deal for the Koozie I actually noticed the holster on the table I pick it up I pick the paper up out of the box like the original receipt and there you see the five dollar price tag right in the box right on camera right in the corner of the frame the whole thing was just like a bit much it all could have been avoided um as you all saw that he did say he was sorry originally but like I guess my brain just immediately like nullified his apology when he said I'm sorry and then immediately said twice more that we stole it obviously he didn't mean it he clearly still thought we stole because he said it after his apology I don't know it was nonsense I'm just really thankful that we had a camera on um mostly I'm really thankful that like I said after myself I'm really glad that I walked back up there I have been a pushover for a lot of my life and so honestly like me walking back up there and taking a stand and not just like letting him accuse us of basically being crappy people it felt really good and you know what it made for an entertaining video for you guys so I think that there is more than one win in this situation and yeah I don't know that's really I guess all I have to say about this topic um if you guys have not already checked out Matt's Channel he is an amazing picker and has great videos so be sure to check out his channel as always thank you guys and I will see you all next Thursday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 272,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: 8p6A_ejajaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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