The BIGGEST Yard Sale We Ever Had!

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you never know dude you want to prepare for the future sometimes don't you oh excuse me hope for the best excuse for a minute talks crib oh talk no no no he's taking in money right what next week make it the following week now john's not here either all right i'll see you what do we got going on right now we're getting ready for the yard sale that we're having tomorrow all right he's putting the first sign up [Music] we're trying to set up for the yard sale somewhat quarter style in here [Music] yeah they're giving out coffee down at that guy's yard sale get over there that don't buy it [Applause] [Music] from this episode [Music] so this was by far the biggest yard sale ever literally 900. almost yeah almost 900. [Applause] all right what's up everybody good morning so it's the day of the big sale here and we got most of the stuff we're trying to sell probably about i would say at least half of it out last night we still have all this down the row we still have a little bit until the sale actually starts it's 7 15 and we put everywhere where we advertise it that it starts at eight so first things first i'm gonna make sammy breakfast sammy and finn some eggs make some coffee and then we're gonna get out here and start bringing out even more stuff and organizing it better so let's do it big yard sale day [Music] okay so here it is the yard sale breakfast topping it off with some pork rolla that cook for a second pork roll egg and cheese this is for sammy the big dog this is for me the little dog and we also have some french press coffee being brewed as we speak setting it off right these are the rolls i was using for sammy though lucia's bakery no point rolls the big dog for phineas okay it's like almost eight o'clock and everybody people are just showing up uh it's a little bit before starting time but i'm gonna go out here sammy's messing with her hair even though it looks perfect she thinks it doesn't let's do this first two guys here good morning hey what's up good hey hello good morning how are you good cold right yeah it is chilly i thought it would be a little bit hotter today but we'll see hey with that ps4 you have was there any controllers or wires or anything like that uh i don't i don't know for sure no okay there i think there was okay let me look really quick uh what were you asking anyway for the ps take 50 50 for the that yeah and if we find the other stuff i don't live around here okay i was just gonna say i was gonna look right now oh okay i'll wait yeah i'll wait but that's it'll be the same price either way oh okay cool yeah the squirrels yeah what were they doing running up and down chasing each other it was probably half dozen of them out there maybe i need some caution tape huh or something yeah if you have the only thing but yeah the the ps1 is like real good to go like i tested it i played it before okay and all this stuff's with it i'm not a hundred percent about the the other one okay and this sega definitely turns on but i don't know about like fully working right right but that would just be like 10 bucks for that one how many are in there i don't know four five bucks for the box i'm just keep adding okay i gotta give each a five dollar change right yes please so you said you weren't from around here what did you do oh that's not too far okay it was i think 27 miles you go out to the flea market there ever uh yeah we go over there the winter time is not so good yeah not a whole lot of people out there um but in the summertime there's quite a few people we need to get out you know i know a few people that sell at the flea market yeah shirley don't know we know eddie that's in the front he sells all these oh that's actually not for sale i'm sorry about that the toolbox is 10 bucks for that but i got to get that one thing out of it but the this toolbox is for sale yeah all right first sale was 75 he got a bunch of video game stuff he'd probably if he resells it i don't know he'll probably double his money but this today is all about purging getting rid of stuff what like vinyl detail uh yeah i take and i i put the stripes put uh uh graphics everything on them and i saw a lot of cars you sell cars and detail them no i i you sell i fix them up okay you know it's like i'll take a plane car and i'll make it look real cool where's that at i have a uh well i'm opened up a place here in summers point i have a dealership in del rand i'm in wildwood summers point in delray oh nice yeah i own like 50 cars that's awesome good for you i started out doing this yeah we were real into it for a while like buying storage units all the time and stuff and then i mean we still do it but my wife's pregnant so it's like before the shows came on and all the yeah well now i've realized the auctions are insane sometimes you they're just people just pay more than this stuff's even worth ah they're out of their minds you do what what now you see that thing that's that's great what day what now oh no i never saw that you're going there what is it an app yeah but you go in there and just do auctions like 30 second auctions people pay you got to ship it i mean you know just yeah yeah that but if you just go look it's hard to get on there you gotta you gotta like apply and everything but like you know like you said you do youtube all the youtubers are on there selling like what now that's what it's called yeah that's cool you go in there and look and watch the ridiculous prices they're getting for like t-shirts and yeah well i mean vintage clothing is a big market now right but what i'm saying is you'll see i got to check it out thank you though i can't believe you didn't uh you know because uh it's the thing right now people are on there like going crazy selling all right so to sell so far up to 85 bucks not bad it's actually popping already it's only like 8 am right now we got a not a crowd but there's a decent amount of people here already early birds all right it's time to take the tops off there's our vhs pop off all the tops get everything open [Applause] there's stuff in here i never even saw before like this first essay [Music] insane for the sign yeah 10. this this uh keyboard oh he's not listening he's one of those nobody ever would thank you good luck with your stay up man thank you have a good one so you're going to go sell to american pickers is that what you said that'd be good right yeah see how much yeah well they look they look for this sammy j okay i thought to say i was all about the presentation it is all about the presentation oh my god i tried to get over at five i had the alarm i was like i'm getting up at five because it was like four something and i had woken up to like spit mucus or something and you're like yeah that's crazy and you're like in mid sleep and it made me feel guilty about getting up early so i was like all right that one turned the alarm clock off and went back to sleep so you're making excuses it's not an excuse you guilt-tripped me into waking up early because you know if i was walking around doing stuff you would have to get up too because you wanted not true that is true that's what happened i would have so then because like he can just get up and come outside i can't well you weren't ready because you weren't ready not because i wasn't i was not ready because i like brushing my teeth when i get up and who made you you did though you did you made breakfast it was very good okay and coffee no eight six okay let's do it we got a deal big sale here just because it was fun to do that it's a pretty cool one though yeah oh i just uh i need a little something somewhere on my bench thank you all right have a good one i guess because i do the same thing so i can't complain but it's almost alarming how cheap people at yards house actually are maybe because they just come out to buy stuff that they don't need so they don't want to pay a lot for it but either way we've been making a lot of sales today already and it's like 30 minutes into the actual set date i'm just going to bring out a few more things from the shed are you going to go get some coffee from duncan yeah or wawa um see you later have a good one somewhere which is wherever you want and dunkin donuts okay i don't want to say this because i did say it's all about display okay but when you have massive amounts of product it's very hard to display it nice so this is this is you know aside from the steps that you need to take to have a successful yard sale this is a step towards you know having a better display in the future this is a step towards having a better life yes free from stuff that you never wanted never wanted never wanted that's not true a lot of this stuff i like but let's pop these open though if there's like five there's no way to even put it all out so it's hard to organize it it's a nice cutting board huh they put books on them oh really hang them up for like key holders oh that's cool oh that's a good idea yeah i got candle wax on that one i just used it as like i'll just sand it down real good get the scratches out go to work on that yeah no way what a turtle legend what are you doing selling some stuff we have the birthday cell this horde is getting too crazy dude dude i see that like we got to get rid of that stuff yeah i just want you both to know that i went to hot bagels and more tried to get you guys coffee right right and there's like 14 women in there working and there's a line up out the door and they're like um can i help you and i'm like yeah um do you know tucker and sammy they're like yeah they go you know what kind of coffee they drink they went they all started looking at each other and they're like i don't know because every time they kind of change it and i'm like do you do you have an idea kind of they're like i'd rather not you know yeah so i was like oh sorry yeah i was gonna bring you bobbin hot bagels trying to get controlled when there's bad people in there they actually know now yeah they knew you but there was like so many girls and they're all so busy you know what i mean they would never know what kind just because it's like it's so sound so it's like they've said that it's not everything like every other day yeah i always if anybody's watching there i get this cinnamon hazelnut coffee i want to know where you guys get that so i can make you know what happens you see one and you're like i heard her say that before and then i turn and there's another one and they're like i heard that before and you turn the other way there's like eight of them and i'm like i'd rather not were they so busy all right we didn't follow every single one of our rules as to make this successful as it possibly could be but here we are it's popping it's been like an hour into the sale and we already sold a lot let's say there he is was that your castle when you were a kid nah are you the mediator of this sailor it's gotta be from the 80s it probably has a date on it that's one of the coolest items we got here it is i've seen everybody online they're like mail it to me they're like mail it to me yeah you break you by bob oh cool then and i had to break the most expensive thing here right that was worth maybe how much do you think that should be worth i think like 20. what is it worth what i mean i don't know the way people were acting online about it they're like oh my god i think it's more of a novelty for themselves that's what it was for me i had it just up in the garage forever yeah i thought you got coffee for us yeah yeah he's riding me he goes oh look my wife had to go get coffee for herself made me feel bad so we do french press he's the machine he is the machine but i i freaking brought bought this french press no i brought i bought this kettle off of amazon so we just used a regular yeah but i paid like a hundred and fifty dollars for and it broke in a week didn't every time i tried to use that thing i press it on the clock the water wasn't hot here's your coffee sir don't spill it again i spilled my coffee don't spill it again she spilled her entire coffee yesterday i was organizing is that the day she made you breakfast all right what do we got here we go right here i was gonna do 20 on these but i'll do 10 each for the shoes just for the jordans i was going to do 20. i don't i'm not wearing if you say it runs the only thing is well the back window you saw that right and the power steering there's like a line or something out i don't know because when you put the steering fluid in it just comes out so those are the main problems no um but it was like an everyday driver until i got the truck and then she got that car but we used to drive it all the time we drove it to like west virginia and like it goes it's it's a piece of but it is what it is yeah um we take 500 for it because i don't think so i mean if you're going to scrap it you you're going to get 500 for it yeah but i could just use it for something else at that point yeah so what's the lowest i think 800 would be the bottom price yeah because i already put it on facebook and i had a couple people that wanted to get it and then i took it down because i was gonna keep it so how about just five you got it all right cool we got a bunch of bags like over on the porch if you want to grab one sure or you can just use that one that's right in there the blue one those are just a buck each yeah it's my my friend got twins yeah that's cool that's cool what signs are we looking at here i don't know but um this is my friend he's the one he's collecting thank you welcome to the yard sale why do you look so cold it's early and it's cold do you need coffee i have coffee i left in my car i forgot it was waiting what are you gonna buy here who sis who what do you mean who's that paul's butt hurt because was rubbing up on leland and bob [Laughter] okay i have a change can you get this yeah it's probably one of the decorations that probably blew off here thank you you're gonna need delivery you're gonna need delivery making deals look here all that they're gone another 20 sale here so what we're thinking about doing bob what do you think about this putting everything that we don't want after on the curb and then throwing up a curb alert that's what i'll come back i was thinking you're going to see it later and be like yo talk look at this check out this curb alert oh yeah that's my house yeah that's my house i've come back around and just like looked at my own trash and started picking it again right before i get into the street i'm not even lying yeah it's like oh i guess i'll teach that thank you thank you he really thinks he's something huh look at this boy say i am [Music] he's up with who last night though his daddy all night long in my arms same position you guys are like this mj show us what you got do a slo-mo shot of them [Music] the toughness that i made all right sami jay's making another sale here she just sold like a 600 pet again you sweatshirt for a dollar how do you feel about that i was gonna give her 50 cents i should have gave her a dollar first off that padding on you sweatshirt was just collecting dust so that's a lie i have enough clothes to fill up the shed that we're getting there like nice stuff do you hear this paul yeah but we're not going to fill up the shed for as much as you want if it's worth you know as much as it costs to somebody who's buying it you know what i mean somebody might buy a pile of paws poop for literally like a grand i know i would exactly like the other night yesterday i fully pooped myself he didn't poop himself he took his pants and i said let me see like spread your butt cheese and it was like this clear cheeks it was have you pooped yourself this year yet no not yet last year you did that right he must be taking that he's taking that medicine that gives you have you have you proved yourself this year this year what's this march it's only february oh yeah i'm sure how about last year multiple times that's it yeah i knew that you don't do it paul i've done it a lot before i have done it once in your life since i was little i think only once maybe twice so he's like that long ride and you're like oh the red light mine were just from uh lost sleeping when too drunk oh yeah yeah well i don't know i pissed myself like that but not here that's a little that's a little while i want to get a really cool shot at you like pulling out of here so i can put it in the video how do we make a shot of me cool driving out of here how do you do that [Music] so [Music] no you got to know when to fold them no way in the walkway that's kenny rogers right there in your backyard hey where are you that's amazing is it really look kenny look out for all the boxes of makeup you order you think he's bringing something yeah 30 pounds of foundation a world we live in where the federal postal service works for amazon now what does that mean amazon moves it to the closest distribution center and then usps finishes off the delivery for jeff bezos oh yeah they're his oh we all are you are we're about to be we're i was saying talking to someone about yesterday everything is going to be uh mcgoogle's on books mcdonald's google amazon and starbucks i'm fine with that i love joining i freaking love starbucks this isn't what i thought it was this is not what this is i didn't get these these were just delivered to you for uh from people yeah this is should we check them out yeah we should check it out do they say who santa no it's just history how can sammy jason that's for me hold on you told me what's in there and i'll tell you it's mine look out for all the boxes of makeup you order you think he's bringing something yeah 30 pounds of foundation two packages of makeup in here foundation a world we live in where the federal postal service works for amazon now what does that mean amazon moves it to the closest distribution center and then usps finishes off the delivery for jeff bezo oh yeah they're his oh we all are you are we're about to be we're i was saying talking to someone about yesterday everything is going to be uh mcgoogle's on books mcdonald's google amazon and starbucks i'm fine with that i love joining i freaking love starbucks this isn't what i thought it was this is not what this is i didn't get these these were just delivered to you for uh from people yeah this is should we check them out yeah we should check it out do they say who santa no just history how can sammy jason that's for me [Laughter] hold up you told me what's in there and i'll tell you it's mine drop of hot summer's left that's it you don't have you didn't get like a free case of the then gravy sauce i don't know what that is what are you eating hot sauce egg cheese and pork this was from last night but it's still cold so i figured i'd but i wanted the grape juice he's in the passenger seat the boy just the man i wanted to say you knew where it was yard sale on osborne what's up dude look at this guy my uncle who do you love who do you love brother who do you love sammy how's it going make the claim dude we've been waiting for the wisdom trying to figure that out man it's going we've been waiting for someone to drop some wisdom on the sale there's your lovely bride there's wisdom enough sammy mom i take a t good to see you man she had a good run now i like her what's her name did you this is the homeless girl you brought home that that one weekend this had like an antenna thing coming out the head but that's all gone now you can take that with you she's so pretty put it up at like the put it on top of my bus my vw bus on the bub they would have that outside like the bubba mack shack holding like a guitar or something that's what i'm thinking back in the day right back in the day it's still here brother is everybody looking we said you must be approved we want to know what you got in the truck how are you how are you doing who's who who's tucker me i'm the idiot at first at first i thought you didn't have your address well i didn't on the original post okay that's why i said i wrote you an address then i wrote an address to you again did you write it on a message or on a yeah where you posted it did i not uh respond i'm sorry that's all right um yeah i meant to buy a few things from you but i kept missing out i have a store in ocean city okay yeah another new band that's why yeah what's the store the pink mermaid i don't know much about it uh like i just bought it and it sat here i didn't do anything since then do you know what i mean yeah and the guy who sold it to me was just moving and he said it was his mom's that's the story this is mom's bike yeah i got 10. thank you yeah so you don't have to regret not buying them this time right no way remember the monsters yeah i'm telling you every time i come by here how much for the leg that's not for sale did you uh huh you regretted not buying it i'm telling you my grandson he would have he would have went ape over there they weren't that old though they were like remakes he just loved it and like i told my daughter about it and she was like oh you should have got that should have gotten they were cheap too they worked yeah these are cool though we were going to give those to my sister because she lived in new york but she never wanted them so yeah thanks man appreciate that see if he wants him like i said he doesn't it's not soft that would be cool though i'll go to the shop one day and see him up there yeah get a hoagie yeah it's up in the way up in toms river but uh i'll get you an ocean drive song all right later man are you out of here yeah all right have a good one what's up how are you good good nice to meet you tucker so you saw our videos before oh yeah awesome cool all the time this is awesome i appreciate this they gave that to you yeah and i only gave him five he gave me 40. so i suffered a baby yeah her fin fin cat pumps she birthdays you wrote them yeah yeah so you love cats legends they let us live there that's all right the one thing i wanted to add wow look at the wind i had to put up this caution tape although it just has wet paint because like people just started walking back into the yard and we don't really care if they go in the sheds and whatnot but not really anything for sale in the shed it's all like tools there's a few things that we wanted to bring out but we didn't get to either way maybe another thing that i can say for preparation is put up some caution tape in places where you don't want people going because i don't want someone just wandering into my house turn around and all of a sudden the cats are out or something can't have that going on so better safe than sorry hugely successful so far that we sold a lot of stuff it's crazy we went to the uh roo we're so pretty she wants me out so bad she knows everyone's outside having fun but we went to the store last night and we got these juice boxes that are just for kids and it's been so long since i had a juice box but these ones are really really good also these but literally i drank four juice boxes last night because they're so good perfect just way to get hydrated real quick juice boxes i guess i'm getting it in my head because of baby finn coming ruro little brat a rock so you guys watch our channel yes we do what's up nice to meet you nice to meet you what's up dude silas say hi give him a highlight oh yeah the sparkly rocks say yeah they they love watching all the kitties really yeah we have a kitty at home too just one yeah just one for right now do you want some more we can't right now which one was it was the guy like warf was the one who would walk in and like beat some people up when they needed to like the card was all about diplomacy but when diplomacy broke down you got a klingon like wharf on your ship oh my god i'm just all about spock the spock was cool too obviously spock was the man but spock wasn't around in the next generation matter name why i don't think he was in that at all i didn't sell enough they had um data good doc are you about to play that probably here's 50 and a little thanks for holding it for me awesome cool thank you i'm sorry i'm not letting go of that it's okay you got it yeah i got it all right dude thanks for stopping i like that sweatshirt that's cool i know all right i have to say people are getting crazy good deals at this sale but we're clearing out so much stuff and we're stoked about it the whole point of it was to purge everything so the more sales we get the better and there's no way that we can hold on to this stuff if we want to just continue to clean our house out um but that was the younger brother of somebody that sammy had was friends with basically her whole life so i gave him a really good good price but yeah we're going steady here pretty much like 70 percent done probably because i think we run it until like three or four and it's already 145 but i want it all right i got the this phone on like a gimbal you guys can see it in the mirror right here the youtube plaque mirror i'm going to give you guys a walk through it this gimbal's weird it's kind of like off tilter a little bit i haven't really figured it out yet but it does create nice smooth shots let's see i'm gonna give you guys a run through the whole sale so we sold like so much stuff already but the problem is we just have more than anybody could ever want [Music] what are you doing to sell yes i like your uh boss should we sell that couple mil this handmade you made wait you made this she just made it she just did it come on you're right thank you yeah look at those those yeah dude comes back thank you i love it appreciate it that's a good color this is awesome i love this this is a good nice band this is a six this is a 66 split window uh german bus 67 with the last year split window this is 66 it's converted to 12 volt and it's uh it's what we call super far shocker bruh [Music] [Music] all right so me and paul are going to go to taco bell and get some lunch for me turner and him and then he's going to leave because he's got laundry to do so it's not just specifically laundry but i start work tomorrow so i need to do some get some stuff done this is true well i'm still living unemployed life this is true paul's gonna be starting at atlanta care tonight here in atlantic city so if you find yourself in the hospital in the city then you might see me yep you'd be lucky hi how are you hi all right i'm going to do three veggie crunchy tacos creams can i get um three veggie crunchy tacos supreme black bean yeah okay um and then three regular tacos and then also three crunchy tacos supreme but regular like with the meat okay um anything else uh crunchwrap supreme can i get uh two crunchwrap supremes um and a beefy melt burrito um and two mango fiestas what size small small actually three mango fiestas three small yeah um that's it i think yeah all right sauce packets yeah mild can we get like can we get like a bunch of the mild sure awesome thank you oh yeah she's in the second window right yeah just put it on this one service do you like a cup holder yeah yeah why i couldn't answer i don't know what's wrong with me paul's never had a mango fiesta before we're gonna try it see what this mango fiesta is all about that's real good it's real good right real good see this tastes like uh because it's not like too sweet to hear and i mean it's just refreshing it's sweet it tastes like you melted one of those mango fruit bars yes this is like mango fruit like popsicle bars yeah it just like melted one it actually tastes like the mango fruit but without the weird taste afterwards you know mangoes can have that weird aftertaste i like that sometimes it's like sour you would you would good uh yeah i'll give it to you you're right you would like that weird taste but also there's that like i didn't see that anywhere on that menu that they showed you so i never know and i always i get like for some reason even though the baja blast is green that's the one that they advertise the most it's like a soda the baja the green one so like i was asking for a baja blast one time but really i meant the mango fiesta very different very different look what i got from tawpaw what post yachts no way does he how does he know he doesn't know anything about it he just gave it to me with a bunch of other stuff and his wife made this for you sammy she said it was he said it was fresh off the needle like today it finished yup daddy's little princess whose idea was it to get her my idea but i didn't say i wanted to raise her to be a rat raise her to be a good girl she grabbed my necklace do you see her right now later it's the same thing yeah same as that name that you sent it to castle grayskull it's a sad goodbye i was shocked that no one kind of purchased me too yeah that is like what's that because it's a contract supreme is it working no no nothing you want to try maybe it's broken does this have to be turned is this open all right we're kind of wrapping up here did paul ever have a manga fiesta no never had to make a fiesta so i will show you the first time he had one right now [Music] all right but what i was gonna say is should we scrap these chairs now yeah they're done so these are getting to the point where like they're rusting out and i felt like i was gonna break one of them sitting on it earlier so they're just dawn but i was saying we sold a lot of stuff but it is a full-time job to try to get your house cleaned up if you've collected as much stuff as we have over the last four years five years whatever however long we've been living here so it's actually like a full-on job to get rid of stuff but we made like i mean we sold i wouldn't say it was all profit but we sold like 400 at least today maybe more still people people coming in but we're getting ready to close up shop here all right so something that we had no plans for sailing today is this bike and this guy he came earlier and he he wanted to buy it so he's here now he just paid for it sure well i'm done from this episode my shirt fell on before i mean if you get this thing riding these are sick bikes it's not going anywhere that's for sure it's going to happen all right this boy just bought this motorcycle did you think we were going to sell that today are you stoked we did that who's asking good attitude the boy no there's another boy up there oh let's go out and we'll see it right this guy's a total idiot it's like 20 guys from sp from abc this guy's asking what's up man you want the longboard how much you want to pay for the longboard the last and final customer was that the last and final customer i think i don't have that when i was trying to collect all these the little rascals yeah there's about 12 of them oh 19 of them i'm pretty sure i don't have that one i'll go look real fast and i'll give you something for these which one are you gonna watch you think i'm probably gonna watch a little start with the little rascals that's not hit even there no that already got that and put that in there it's actually just rewinding in the vcr right now right yeah it's rewinding this nav voyager might be good gold it's old betty davis it's from probably from the 1940s oh earlier 30s look how young it's got some static dirt in it it's on the wrong setting maybe right that's tape this yeah what is that this guy's it's got uh it needs to get sprayed probably you can almost work it out yeah but it's not it's not an actual tube radio though is it it's not a tube radio now jm sounds good right yeah not really it needs to be sprayed let's see if the tape works that's all i was worried about the tape deck right yeah that's what i wanted to switch what is it is he gonna eat the date that's what yeah i should have probably brought one i didn't care about which one's that oh let's see is that that's not your live stuff on there is it no i'm interested today it's on tape and it's doing that oh my gosh it ate your tape did it really i don't think it ate it i think it just no you can i can wrap it back up okay dude i was tripping there for a second what's on that tape just some good jazz but it's not anything that i can't do with that that's weird so that's yeah we had the tape here let's try one of the other tape pliers yes dude your tape is crossed it over if i get a pe so you opted for that you opted for that no he's not this legendary later [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] how do you feel after today tired beat right yeah all right it's dawn so we just broke down like half of the sale widely successful sold like what do you think half of what we tried to sell i didn't realize how much stuff we actually had it's absurd yeah but we're doing a curb alert here for this pile and someone came to get these bowls that they saw earlier here and took like three or four containers of stuff and this pile's gone to goodwill so it's getting crazy [Music] what'd you find in this stuff this retro barbie backpack but the tag still on it it's so cool are you going to be in 2002 and then it's got the pads like the elbow pads and the knee pads and it's got the gloves look at that so cute so you're gonna keep that kind of not for myself but you know possibly offensive girl is that you're thinking possibly finn is a finley okay so after yard sale i'm gonna break this down what we got going on get rid of all we're getting rid of all this stuff that's not really valuable and just either throwing it out or donating it but then i'm going to come back around with all the stuff that i think has value in some way either as vintage or antique or collectible so these chairs are getting reposted this is an original painting of a wheat field basically and that's getting reposted that's just too good to throw out this pipe threading set is getting reposted the cameras are getting reposted this is for keeping someone sent this to us actually but we got to keep this this is it's not supposed to even be in there lamps getting reposted the fridge is getting reposted these guys are getting reposted this is getting reposted couch reposted table maybe reposted but yeah so we're going to try to repost and sell some of the better more valuable items for less than we originally posted them for but also for more than just you know getting rid of them so that's the plan all right we're gonna go get some twigs for the fire because sammy saw him down the street and everybody's taken all the stuff that we put out to the street plus the stuff that's in the back of the truck just taking it all so we don't even have to take it to goodwill maybe this looks good we could get this no it looked weird from the car i think i could just get all of it our neighbor back there has been working tirelessly tirelessly for weeks making something we have no idea what it was until today look at this wait until you see this he's making a full-blown wall out of it on both sides of the logs what are you seeing this oh that looks so cool [Music] to the river to the river we go leave our worries on the shore and drift away on the river on the river we know sometimes the perfect words are never said i spilled my coffee i don't feel like talking my worries just keep growing by the day i need a moment where the green and blue [Music] no i was just thinking about how jared's mcintyre blew out she still dropped that baby holder off that's not funny but she's okay so it's just like that's some sound dude oh yeah our friend gave sammy this i don't even know what they're called i just called it a baby holder she said what it was i know what they are i know what they do this is a sophisticated baby holder they have a specific name but like when in all reality it's a baby holder shout out to jarrah yeah that's awesome for the dream that was epic i just wanted to say i'm not even going to say exactly how much because i didn't even count it fully but we made so much money today compared to any of the other sales we did probably double if not triple any other sale we've had so this was by far the biggest yard sale ever we're stoked it was the most successful and we're going to do another one next month we made about literally 900 almost yeah almost 900 we just bought primos so oh yeah pizza and cheesesteak celebratory pizza damn it's white pizza i know i have acid reflux so that's better for me yeah but she got a chicken cheesesteak we're about to go in go in and watch how to get away with murder so we'll see you guys in the next one pound me up on the success baby [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 127,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, biggest, yard, sale, we, ever, had, yard sale, garage sale, tag sale, selling, sell everything, flea market, vintage, vintage clothing, video games, nintendo, nes, n64, mario, vw bus, friends, funny, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, new jersey, Somers Point, signs, recap, massive, largest, vlog, couple, married, couple goals, pregnant, pregnancy
Id: n6x4kQAYyMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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