MASSIVE Armies! NEW Creative Mode Update (Kingdoms and Castles Gameplay)

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oh my god this is the biggest Viking invasion huh this is this is Lord of the Rings alright everybody better here and welcome to kingdoms and castles guys just wait just wait we've got was this this is a new mode the creative mode let's check it out well look at this do we accept this map I say nay I say we do a large one oh my God look wait wait a minute whoa I can make whatever I want how big is this oh there there's the edge there's the edge of the known world we shall colonize it in one big battlefield legend has it that in the old day that the gods created a flat earth flat earth confirmed by the way you round earthers welcome to Baron von battles in unpopulated land where Lord Baron sits atop his cloud tower throwing lightning boats and pooping on those below him for his own amusement oh my gosh welcome to creative mode check this out we can literally spot wait a minute that was actually perfect timing for the music's that because leave this build for free yes must build in territory that sounds like a bad thing villagers no villagers no villagers no they will do as I command oh my god what is this wood wood so built for free but run for fun oh wait look everything's locked that's weird I can add gold where's my I guess I gotta Oh let's build a castle alright so what we're gonna do here is create an epic defense right oh my god can I set the number of Vikings no man I don't want to set the number of Vikings as much as I want to set amphibious battles worse than all of these people who are these people oh my god so I could have literally build whatever castle I want I've never had this opportunity before eyes you're going to build the biggest castle yes defend the walls what do we do what do we do what do we do all right well first we need a moat why do we need a moat first moats do not come first get these clouds out of here we need a we need to build a weather tower oh my gosh this is literally like everything I've ever dreamed of in kingdoms and castles all right I'm going to build a giant wall I know you guys are thinking about custom battles and I want to hear your suggestions leave them in the comments below oh my gosh like why would the wonky walk asaurus alright so I'm building this outer wall right so imagine we're going to have like an in endless horde of Vikings and ogres because where is it where did that thing go menu we're building up the greatest defense ever and I figure we're gonna need a drawbridge which would be maritime obviously that's a bridge what am i doing with my life we are failing oh we can't build drawbridge hit me Lord cuz he's no war well you heard it oh it's probably in the castle moat a Chamber of war I need a chamber mm well we should have a trimmed of war oh my and that's just upgraded my castle by attaching to it I've never gotten to do this before this is literally creative freedom to do whatever we want ah that's weird if I click on some things aha that's how that's how I trigger the creative mode okay uh we want to do a Moute odd I forgot that you can't drag so some things may take a little bit of time this is gonna be so freaking sweet man I'm so excited to see what people come up with so check this out we've got this little this little promenade here and we've got the main walls in the back and then Oh let's do it man I'm gonna just create some silliness oh it looks so pretty doesn't it and by pretty I mean it will be a valiant defense against the Viking the hordes now we're just kind of going with the basics right now let's build a little little wooden fortresses here out front now I've got to say if I was someone defending this castle I would not want to be the dudes that are like out in these little forts on the perimeters here cuz you know you're gonna get murked first but you know what that's stuff that is this is the like you do you've got a live alright oh man yak is like water come on waters like the best defense especially if you're made of like Psalter I don't know things that don't like water like hydrophobic things let's go let's get some towers yeah well is this we need we need to go guys we need gold how do I add it I want more gold I can't add more gold but I can entries OOP oh they grow what's this I can add fire burn the tree he's oh my god guys this is this is gonna get silly okay um well there it is what would where'd he come from what are you doing mister man without a house oh we got people here but they have no houses oh my god these trees are growing dude some crazy this forests are spreading all right I shall build the the house colonies we have five people you know what we need more people hello people populate the village get oh did I just set fire to my castle put it out cuz thankfully I put these Wells up okay so I asked her trying to burn my castle down apparently it's time to defend this place from the other threats that are not me notably the Vikings and ogres were going to add okay so it is time so here we go wait we got up we got to finish with the hole not that we don't want any of that we want moats we need to fortify this area right all right to finish off the water now can we add I wish I could just do wait a minute I can I believe I can no not you not you nan bread I want to add water [Music] oh I can make it threatening at any time I want what is this a jellyfish what is old I got it stone why didn't I think it was a jellyfish that those are not the same things by the way so you know oh my gosh we can do whatever we want I could build the biggest Kingdom in the world we're out of money I guess I need a Treasury yeah let's let's build a treasure room now we're gonna add gold oh my God look at the gold we have 3000 gold what's up guys now you're gonna man the parapets because we're gonna go to war we will defend our fortress we were put what are these circles alright let's put one there get out of my way clouds I wish I could get rid of the clouds I'm sure there is a way to get rid of the clouds see when I said clouds I was starting to think of Klaus if your name is Klaus let me know in the chat let me know let me let me know in the comments alright and you know what we do need we do need these to be like perimeter little towers little baricza's all wait a minute what do we do a dragon sighted what who invited him I guess what we could do is just go to this no threats does he disappear no he's still here he's still here and he's coming from over there which is a problem we're going to need to double the walls don't you fall on my walls oh he fell right in the dragon cages alright look at this I'm building the Great River we just we just dug like the the Panama Canal here so ships can pass through the Isthmus yes yes now the overs are obviously after me lucky charms no they're after this treasure over here so let's figure out we need a Great Hall now how does one connect a Great Hall to a castle so put it here whoa when it connected and it looks gorgeous I don't like this here but we do need it in order to continually all the barracks can i connect it like over here just do that I guess it does just doesn't really look like it fits it's almost like a a separate building entirely where's that the Great Hall definitely looks like it can connect off of it there's a chamber of wall my lord wait do we need more people I think we need more people let's go let's give them more people they want more people oh wait those are Vikings that would be bad dad oh you know what we probably need food so let's add some big old granaries like off over here oh and I can build anywhere I want because I am the lord of this domain now how much food do we have not enough well let's add some oh my god that's a lot of food behold the land of toasts manna from heaven you will all be gifted plenty of goodies many goodies will be had today oh my gosh the amount of resources I can just poop out of my butt right here is impressive yes have all of them oh yes have all of the resources whoops like so you double stack and I don't know I think I'm good maybe some more charcoal all right well that that seems to be good for me oh look we need some things notably weaponry where are we gonna get weaponry dear bless us and save us mrs. Oh Davis oh yeah who's got him now huh do we have enough soldiers now we were stuff for soldiers now of course we do now get off me we'll never run a food ever I need a I need a well over here probably in case I accidentally start forest fires only you can prevent forest fires now how do we make the Vikings go down a certain route and ensure that they attack smart ooh you know be cool is if we switch to a dirt road like oh yeah you know we're not gonna pave that this isn't Rome although all roads are gonna lead to your doom oh we want hospitals what are we what do we want to be protecting in this area let's put a little mustering Squares I just realized these are not symmetrical oh look at this this is gonna be cool it's like as you coming to my Empire look at this it's like ah the statues of the king and queen of the land are here I still wish there was a terrain modifier you know because there's only like really one terrain well to the water and the land that's it we need more we need mountains and hills river valleys things like that maybe we put a nori out here bla bla bla bla the water wheel needs to be in the water sir what are you an engineer we've got it oh my god you can you can do whatever you want a whole new word now we're gonna water our plants over here this is pretty freakin sweet look it shows how its irrigating this whole land we could build the biggest farmland we want to over there ohmygosh creative mode you are really really just letting my imagination run wild okay we've almost defended the outer walls and I want to see I want to just have like a see now they need to open up like scripting so people can make wave defense missions man all right now you know what I think I think that's fine well add gold and we're out of food OOP just add it more okay now what if what if I add Vikings whoa oh my God look at this this is a Viking army alright the first great Viking invasion during the winter of 11-5 close the gates they're coming you better you better shoot these guys oh look at that look how cute that is oh my gosh what if we gotta raise the drawbridge wait we don't have wells over here do we we need Wells we need wills ok the Vikings are fanning out some are just literally walking across the Strawbridge someone explains how McHugh had to draw bridges and going up and the Vikings are just allowed to burn it are they trying to go around oh this is tactics right here okay yeah oh my gosh we definitely need to up our defenses this is inadequate and and these guys are just ringing around the rosey here and burning everything um hold on hold the phones if that is happening then we need to recruit a lord no nuts you train soldiers waiting for training arrival oh I've got a way to I've got a way to fix that there's some trainees fires claimed in Archer tower what if we put this guy yes go get him go get him charge take on the Vikings oh we need we need more we need more Wells I thought I had like the best defenses man but the drop bridges don't even draw you know it's like what are you doing who's this guy are we fighting him what are these guys doing oh they're carrying my people I thought they looked funny dude I could create a huge army man oh look all right if we're not gonna like just draw the bridges at least I'll have my army here oh my god these guys are literally just running amuck this is inexcusable shoot that guy in the back get rid of him oh okay so Archer towers aren't enough man that was a lot of Vikings we added wasn't it all right we've almost quelled the great Viking invasion of 1485 this is 11:05 vinod alright let's add a-- let's fix these walls here we did lose some stuff actually yeah we lost what two three towers these little water forts don't do much mana I'm surprised that oh look there's vikings just over here how do i get rid of them delete nope I deleted the water I cannot delete Vikings there we go Oh apparently my chamber of war burned down look at that a thousand gold that's the most gold I've ever had in a game before alright man this really shows how poorly archers are at destroying these guys right now I should also be able to download maps like you guys if you guys could make maps for me to play like imagine lord of the rings' themed game of thrones themed castles and stuff like that oh god do we have the plague I didn't know that was the thing I mean I knew it was a thing but like why is it a thing we need many hospitals we should put all of the hospitals or people are sick let's get more of them hello oh my god I have 384 people look at how many Hospital put it look at all these doctors we would offer me of doctors coming out cure everybody if their ailments and then we will deal with the die going down with the sickness alright alright look at this I've got the grand army approaching will one of the grand armies look at this the biggest army we've ever fielded in battle or hopefully now I'm hoping that we can stop the Viking threat so we're we're mustering out here we've got the first perhaps you know hold the center and hopefully his army fans out to the left and right oh my god it doesn't it doesn't it just look beautiful oh yes look at this grand army the greatest offense okay now what are they gonna be fighting well let's go to creative mode and see how about one measly troll with a with a little bit of Vikings alright one troll and Vikings have entered the land let's get there they're a preliminary scouting force oh you better not yeah there we go we close the portcullis we've destroyed oh do we have the plague 194 peasants have taken it with the plague because that troll ogre farted on my people and that was the issue really was just a very unsavory character gentlemen we need to dismantle these guys charge oh I did not know oh my gosh we're ganking them Oh who ballista bolts hopefully there's no friendly fire these will be the armies and we reserved I can't drag and click unfortunately dragon click no dragon click not dragon clicks all right um but I'm thinking that we are keeping up recruitment we're gonna need backup armies for sure all these poor souls have no idea what's about to happen we're gonna pause it actually you know what we're gonna speed up past winter look at this ready and go the Vikings have arrived it is Viking DNA all these poor armies man all right let's take control take out the Oguz take out the olgas fight we've got the reserves we're gonna have to send those out so there's too many Vikings what are these guys doing mirrors just chilling here just sitting on that fertile farmland oh my god this may not be you know what there needs to be dragons oh my god I just made a bunch of dragons they're goin ham and a couple little ones Oh ho-ho this is gonna be a problem this is gonna be a problem get that guy a wiener are we getting ganked our brave champion is getting ganked sending the reserves um this is this is a bad this is really bad Oh Gers destroyed castle blocks we've got dragons ogres send in the reserves to fight oh whoa whoa we have an army in here somehow how did you get there oh they've set fire to the well which is funny I just love when that happens and I think it's I think it's super silly so there's crazy amounts of dragons there's crazy warriors everywhere oh my gosh I cannot wait to come up with like or to see what you guys come up with now what is it gonna take to just destroy this do we need add more Vikings and look at this see we've got the long walls what if what if some Vikings attack from over here will they be able to get through and then we're gonna have some Vikings land over here now we're gonna have some augers laying over here oh my gosh what have we done what have we done to this land there's just way too much can the uber kingdom the beginnings of the uber kingdom hold out let's see I want to grab this army gentlemen can i oh I've selected the wells all they're trying to flank but don't worry we've got the reserve armies over here to dispatch them actually dispatch that man oh this dude just walk through the wall I hate when it does that charge oh my god this this is gonna be tough uh we've got one army here this hit this reminds me of love it's killeth even though we don't have a giant river we've got Vikings rating here have they made it through here it doesn't look like it I sent them over here you know what we're gonna send out there is this reserve army to hold these gates and drawbridges they just don't seem to work right now Olga has destroyed the arts tower look at this fortress going down all right select that army go after the troll selected army go after him we are defending it we've almost got 1,000 people but we are taking a few casualties here oh my god was that it is that all they've got well we do have fires over here why aren't you why aren't you putting it out there's no one over here to work this the king and queen of this war Behcet's land are about to encounter the next invasion oh okay this this looks like it's it man if these guys don't oh my god oh my god this is this is bad I'm gonna have a few nights oh that's cool oh my god I didn't know that happened oh my god look alright now what we're gonna do is here we go we're gonna have a few oh my god yes that's awesome we're gonna add a few dragons to little ones alright and then you know what we're gonna do is we're just gonna watch this in two times speed I want to see what happens oh my god this is the biggest Viking invasion huh ok this is this is Lord of the Rings that's what this is alright we're watching in real time this is battle simulator this is this is Kingdom sand castles battle simulator almost we need more types of units it'd be cool if we could get like the units of archers or like footmen these are Knights right oh my god the dragons are just running amok dude nothing's back here to stop them so let's try to let's try to fix that I'm trying to build a castle here alright now just put three ballistas on there real quick cuz we're missing the good part alright so the Vikings are now beginning to break through the outer wall they've got oh my God look at all these people like you can't see who's the war here's the new other people these guys are just sitting here bait so the AI does AI needs to be manually controlled I think I think there should be enough oh my god this is yeah like look is that if I that's a Viking horde ok so the AI does do it a little bit but you have to be right next to it oh my god you can you can literally not tell and when I think you hide the UI I think you should hide the whole icons that'd be really sweet look at this the kingdom is an absolute ruin this trolls just casually walking by someone someone someone make rid yourselves of this troll I think the Vikings are like yeah dude we've raided everything dragons are literally raining fire down oh you would not want to live here I can promise you that you you would not want to do this you would not want to live here dragon falls on the army oh so close look at this we're not friend we are enemies I want the AI oh man the the the things I wish they could do we've put so many enemies we've broken the AI ah look at it is the battle in the moats so we're moving them closer oh my God look at look at how many people are around the well right now so there's gonna be the battle yeah a few tweaks maybe and you could literally have like any kind of battle you want man any medieval castle look at this the front tower is completely destroyed the inner defenses near the moats are pretty much almost destroyed the drawbridge that wasn't working in one wall segment including the statues we've got fires claiming everything due to just like these dragons going ham nobody has houses because there's 682 people 250 beds and 320 idol people the inner walls were just absolutely sacked we've got one tower here and one ballista the Vikings and and Knights aren't even fighting anymore they're just done with the battle but guys what castle should we recreate what custom battle should we do let me know for the next episode of kingdoms and castles because we've got creative mode and there are a lot of possibilities now I want to hear some awesome ideas let me know you guys were asking for more kingdoms and castles in the foundation video that we posted yesterday if you want to see more of creative mode you know what to do let me know and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,873,813
Rating: 4.8736553 out of 5
Keywords: baron, kingdoms and castles, kingdoms and castles gameplay, kingdoms and castles game, kingdom, castle, kingdoms, castles, fort, forts, fortress, lord of the rings battle, toast, kingdoms and castles new, kingdoms and castles update, kingdoms and castles new update, knc, new update, viking, vikings, viking invasion, viking invasion game, massive battles, massive, troll, giant, kingdoms and castles army, creative mode, sandbox, indie game
Id: jN6lKkAUNiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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