INVINCIBLE TACTICS! Roman Legionnaires vs Egyptian Pharaoh's Guard in ShieldWall!

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i keep getting this question what happened to shield wall and i don't know the developer hasn't shared anything the only way that i've seen communication for this is via twitter and it was pretty awesome because recently we just got the egyptian faction addition to the game the fourth faction but what i want to do is pit the three most powerful and notorious we're gonna be ptolemy against alexander the great in julius caesar but there's gonna be a little bit of a twist alexander the great is gonna hold the great fortress at alexandria and we're going to be sieging it look at this wait am i ramses or ptolemy i've got a kopesh here we'll get some militia and basically what we need to do is see that giant fortress in the distance well that's the fortress of alexandria and we need to take it unfortunately for us it's held by the great alexander the great but fortunately force if you look at the map here the green faction is julius gaius caesar so you know we got we got that going now as we approach these gates i anticipate look at this look at this amazing egyptian spear wall here they're gonna shut the gates and we're gonna be forced to attack it so gentlemen prepare oh it looks like blue might be attacking the other side so basically once we take the fort we're gonna have to hold it secure it against our enemies and then go out and try to dispatch julius caesar now we're the egyptians and we're red and the romans are not ready that may be a little bit weird but honestly do you guys ever play rome total war the first one remember when like the romans were split into the three families and i think it was like blue and red and green anyway so you know what maybe it's just one of the families all right we've battered down the gates we're rushing through is anyone here to defend really guys is this is it gonna be this easy the best general in the history of histories right now we've got 400 gold so if i press tab one of the things i'm thinking i'm going to want to do is increase the number of units and then i'm going to go straight into upgrading to warriors because i want to get pharaoh's royal guard here uh blue oh okay it hey cleopat wait cleopatra wait a minute is she she betrayed us okay cleopatra those those are fighting words we're gonna take this because then i'm gonna take i'm gonna hold the gate that's gonna be my objective this may have been one of the best seizures ever what was that where is it coming from are you kid there's like snipers from above okay guys run away oh wow okay we found the romans i think they're exterminating or rather the greeks are exterminating charge oh poor cleopatra you chose the wrong side you and pharaoh's guards here were left against me the mighty ptolemy now what's interesting though is like while these guys are like kind of like classic egyptians um ptolemy or ptolemaic egypt was actually very hellenic and hellenic just means greek what are you doing oh get them boys oh you poor fool i'm looking forward to like new additions to the campaign oh they're sieging our gates right now so i'm thinking we're gonna get a standard and we're gonna get a standard main sign on it now what do we want gold per minute movement speed so the egyptians have these new superpowers i'm thinking we want movement speed i don't think i'm gonna have too much of an issue with regards to let's get some of the next guys oh my gosh anubis my standard bear looks awesome gentlemen once they break through that wall we are gonna destroy them and you know what to help with that we're gonna buy throwing spears be prepared oh gosh blue that's interesting so blue is between a rock and a hard place we've quickly taken the fortress and now blue's gonna have green's army the romans are gonna be right behind them uh-oh they lie they just you lost your flag alexander alexander took a spear to the face all right alexander let's let's 1v1 duel at my 1v1 i mean you know all right boys it wouldn't be one with a little bit of help from my friends 357 gold i'm really having a good time right now so let's see where are the romans at oh there they are and there is the great lighthouse and the uh the port back there with some ships so we're gonna meet the romans here you know what actually guys i want you to distract the romans oh my god do we want block do we want gold per minute or do we want hit point healing per second i guess block we're gonna go a little bit different of strategy than we normally would and while those guys are fighting and dying i'm gonna get pharaoh's guard i mean i am ptolemy the great guys are are you winning are you winning son oh he doesn't look like he's winning all right let's see what pharaoh's guard looks like oh man they got those sweet goatees all right go take on those roman those look like roman militia yes standard point level up we're going straight blocking okay so now we have to dispatch the romans eh so the orb standard i have six percent increase to block in 15 to movement speed so while the gates are repairing i can't veer too far away i'm tempted to try to buy more throwing spears here these guys look so awesome here's an egyptian shield wall look at the romans just chilling over there menacingly where you going you're going the wrong way roma victor you're supposed to fight oh my god but yeah it's kind of interesting now i think shield wall is a great game i like it a lot i think it has so much potential but for mata was made by the same developer and there was a lot done on that and i guess there wasn't much communication then either but then like when it was like hey no more updates that wasn't really communicated i still think there's gonna be more oh god we did not guard our loins at the proper moment there throw oh my god that was a terrible one look at all my guys with spears in their face oh i can't hire on this flag i forgot all about that actually so let's see can we win you know what the general will have to fight so spears in the back oh wow we won okay and we upgraded our standard so we're gonna get greater block as well now this is gonna be very very tough to eliminate julius caesar i'm realizing that the easy part was actually taking the fortress now we have so much gold though we have so much gold that like oh my gosh yeah i can do multiple multiple upgrades standard respawn time all right boys let's do this so i've got two throwing spears now and it looks like we're gonna fight around this flag there's different upgrades i can do to where my guys will be able to heal around these flags wait shield's up oh my gosh there we go man they you can't hit ptolemy with a spear i'm a deity anubis is my homeboy whoa whoa whoa oh shoot the standard bear just ambushed me wow we held the line though i mean that just goes to show you the power of pharaoh's guard all right guys hurry up we need to take this and then replenish our troops because we actually we only lost six oh my gosh but look at the battlefield imagine though i think one thing if this game does continue to be developed um well i think it will because he he mentioned the campaign was gonna get some new additions as well but i think if it was to ever get multiplayer that would be so awesome okay yeah see flags healing aura would be really good and i wonder if siege equipment would be cool like what if you know it was more castle attacking center okay there's only a few of them oh man the reinforcements just came out of the woodwork oh he upgraded to spearman he's not at legionnaires yet but these are tier two romans you may not like it but that is not peak roman performance we got a lot of scarabs on our standard here because we're upgrading all that block but yeah it seems the egyptians are probably a little more defensive oriented than say like the romans oh wow that's a bold move julius uh this isn't this is not where you want to be i know you like to be sieged on both sides but this is not the way you want to do it open the gates i am a king oh there we go that actually worked okay if i blow the horn we should have a increase of speed by 15 i want to try to ninja cap okay julius just got reinforcements from the ocean if they were actually reinforcements from the sea with ships oh my gosh an amphibious assault map that is what we need and you could put ballistas over there i really need to be a game designer that's just my dream job and i i really want to do it now i can't hire on this flag so let's see how strong pharaoh's guard are we only lost like two men the romans are oh come on this is just sad it's just sad it's just sad how few men you have hey brute i guess i'm brutus and he's the same guy he's always been gosh like i want to get on a boat and go over to the great lighthouse all right i can do that too okay just not very good but like a sieging of the taking of the lighthouse oh man now i think this is done by one developer so you have to understand that the amount of time that he probably puts into this by himself or nearby himself with marginal help it's pretty impressive all right caesar you're coming with me we're gonna we're gonna put you we can do this the easy way the hard way friend i want to put you it'd be cool if you could capture them like oh look at that season from the top rope boom okay that may have been just the fastest victory ever but yeah so check this out like when you go to the campaign we've done the siege of alexandria and there's supposed to be more in the act three when the romans arrived now this was the one of the hardest maps the other one this one because you had the catapults now i'm gonna be julius caesar controlling these catapults we're going to fight leonidas and versingatorex actually no we're going to go to we want the egyptians yeah you hear that see this is what i'm talking about there's these two giant catapults here and they'll fire randomly but at the enemy look there's one catapult there's two catapults oh man and like so one force is uh storming the beaches actually right here man if we would have met them catapults i need your assistance oh there we go there we go oh that was awesome oh there's cleopatra get em boys all right but uh we just won that and now unlike the last map we are gonna be able to spawn in more soldiers here oh god cleopatra's gonna get absolutely wrecked right here oh my gosh the catapults the inhumanity now i wish blue and green would have fought right there but cleopatra the ai she's like you know what this is not a big deal not a big deal that you know uh catapults are coming out of the woodwork all right get it boys get them now i need the catapults catapults not here oh good fired blue oh we just got on the move though so those are probably gonna be misses all right i think what we want to do is actually take this one over here and blue is taking that fortress but my catapults should fire at it let's see if we can't see oh incoming oh they hit the walls all right blue's rotating over there if i can meet them on the battlefield where is he going is he gonna come this way no he's coming this way okay can i beat him i don't think so depends how good those catapults do uh oh he got here just in time now i cannot fight him there i don't think that would be wise wait if i can fight him outside of his fort so that's leonidas leonidas where are you going my friend oh you want to fight okay let's see if we can't draw him into getting catapulted catapulting yes well that was easy now where's the enemy going i'm gonna back cap him he's spawning back on the beach and i want to get legionaries once again but i think we need to buy a standard and the standard sign now for this what we want is flag capture speed that is the key here to a quick and concise victory over the upstart greeks oh yeah uh oh wait can i outrun them to my fort i don't think so oh never mind they're low on numbers due to the catapult and they're weak don't let them take it catapult boom and boom all right guys do not get distracted there we go i'm a brilliant commander here it's amazing how difficult the campaign missions are because they're set up so like well quite frankly so they'll be very difficult all right i got my first legionaries right here look at him visually you can tell because he's got like chainmail oh shoot there i think they're taking the fortress follow the catapult rocks oh they're over here yeah so cleopatra she only amassed 76 resources she got wiped out fast nothing to see here laninitis this is the goat path and it's mine i will flank you this will not be your thermopolisa yeah man if this is multiplayer and i can be playing against you guys there's so many great games out there ravenfield sheowal that is like if they were just freaking multiplayer all right we got some spears here good hits okay hits come lionitis fight me all right he's got the shield what if we move backwards will they stay testudo let's see come on catapults requesting artillery support i want another round and then we'll go after him we're laying this he's like alright guys not a big deal just a catapult to the left shin my legs gone but it's fine oh they're charging okay those spears did not go well all right standard you're with me we we've got a mission now we upgraded our flag capture speed and look at that that is awesome that's just so fast now he's not on the ocean now for motto is cool because you could send your men to attack it had rts elements to it but unfortunately you're limited to this i i wish you could have bigger armies this could play as an interesting moba don't you think sort of like a squad commanding moba oh big catapult there now we're gonna blow the horn and hopefully capture this flag pretty quickly oh the catapult is it doesn't care what team you're on honestly okay that was exactly what we needed because we need to know where leonidas is and now he can only spawn right here and look at that you're supposed to have 300 men that's an interesting thing because i wonder if there would ever be a greek campaign there's there's uh concept art for it oh lay an artist here i'll stab you in the back just like brutus gets me alright it is the way of the world i'm afraid whoa catapult be still my heart but yeah like if if ships landed and dropped their troops off oh i mean there's just so many possibilities for this game which is why i'm anxious to see what kind of updates will happen when they happen but there's been no word as of now but if you guys do want to see more shield wall we'll pull the trigger on the like button let me know thank you for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 220,008
Rating: 4.9462891 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, shieldwall, shield wall, roman legionnaires, roman legion, egyptian pharaohs guard, pharaoh guard, rome vs egypt, roman army, egyptian army, castle siege
Id: mz6P5ucjIkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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