TABS but with Destructible Brick CANNON TOWERS Siege in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Mods

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hey Barry what's up you thought you're so cool with your towers we'll look I built my own you're not that special I made new ones what are you gonna do about that what do you really mean he made new ones I'm saying I talked to my boy to Vinci and Neela say man these next hours are even cooler than the ones that you stole also I'm eating my shoulder because it's fun I'm confused by everything you just said well here let me show you see now how DaVinci's an inventor and he loves his cannons right no I like to raid stuff though well I I got the towers and I put I put these cannons in them Oh God cannons are good at killing Vikings they sure are so what we did was we took the towers we put nice protective roofs on them so when enemy catapults come around we should be able to withstand a couple shots and now we put one of the coolest siege weapons in the game a black-powder cannon inside of it we also got these cute little doors so let's see what happens because today is the day that the castles get even cooler all right Vikings what you guys got you guys got cool little castles huh well you haven't even seen the beginning of our technology I said you haven't even seen the beginning of our technology there we go what do you think about that yarl we've got cannons oh come on I guess they're not the most accurate but at least at least they're shooting you know okay guys I better not fall off Oh God what's the vrl doing he's not even fighting get rekt idiot Oh I'm needing it too so we've had some pretty epic sieges both with the castle wall mods and without and I'm delighted to share those with you so if you guys want access to this you if you like what we're doing with the mods and you want to see more do two things for me one pull the trigger on the like button and the second thing is suggest some cool mods that we should check out there have been all sorts you guys suggested Clone Wars and Star Wars we made it and we're planning on doing more so let me know what you guys would like and check this out what's an igloo you're gonna have to wait to see what that thing about so the Vikings I just feel like they're always the bad guys but the Vikings they're like oh you build something I want to knock it down I want to raid it steal your gold I want the gold I want to know what Gold's at and pour me over here you know found these amazing people who are all about art and enlightenment it is the Renaissance after all I'm still teaching my men to maybe stay up on the towers a lot of them aren't listening but you know you can only tell them so much but the cannon towers here should be pretty good at stopping the enemies from being able to get close obviously the Vikings are bringing in their naval ship invasion they love to attack on their boats even if it means carrying them above their heads and I think one of the issues here is the cannons aren't facing the right way but I think we might have enough soldiers here still look at that see some of the cannons are able to find it and do oh my goodness a balloon knocked the top of this tower off Oh timber see that my friends is the cool part about destruction based physics oh my god it was beautiful it's a work of art how it just fell apart and look there they're hitting us with frosty arrows so I think I think the Vikings need to adopt some seized equipment right I mean if you're gonna seize your castle it only makes sense that you bring seized equipment I mean if you think about it Vikings really were just the original pirates so here is the Pirates the Vikings have now brought in two catapults I'm curious to see how good they're gonna do against our cannon towers the Pirates also brought a cannon so cannons versus cannons black powder versus black powder and now our towers you'll notice that they're a little curved inwards so that they're able to fire now one of the things that we're working on is to try to make it so you can rotate the castle walls that you can rotate the towers that maybe there's like a snapping mechanic so that walls are easily put together cuz right now they're a little finicky if you overlap them they'll explode there's a lot of bugs still in this mod some of which you can kind of power through all right so two catapults next to each other aren't very good but look at this man now that the castle that the cannon towers are able to rotate oh oh here it is here it is this is what I love about this this one for circa is hacking away at the walls in while he wouldn't be able to do this in real life in tabs life it's totally accurate that one dude with two axes can chop down an entire tower he even jumped out of the way as it was collapsing I loved it and now he's inside the gates right here hacking up some archers oh and musk him into he's flying with the balloon you are the bravest Berserker I think I've ever seen you know sir if you take one step you'll be the farthest from home you've ever been cuz you're gonna die I don't do it how do you okay yeah goodbye oh oh and here comes the king yeah there it is alright take out those Viking archers it's time that we win and we move on to the next level Oh are we gonna play a little pinata what happens if you swing and hit the flying guy does candy fall out well I guess first you'd have to successfully swing and hit him that was awesome alright now the Kings gonna run away he's been hit with ice arrows and balloon arrows now is this cannon still firing no what happens I've never tried this I'm oh there we go I fired it okay so I think what I have to do since we don't have line-of-sight and I've never done this this is this is interesting okay okay I hit a guy I hit a guy in spilled him off okay good good so the seizures slowing down I think it's safe to say we know who won Oh am I just not affected by ice what is happening oh okay we're doing some some Jedi techniques right here that catapult is not having a good time one swing two guys off the cliff that's a collateral and the sweet sweet taste of victory perchance don't chase it don't chase it all right so I set up this outpost it's nighttime and we're in a creepy area of my empire where at night not only do my men's heads seem to shrink but also there's rumors of Bubba and here is the Lord of Death himself I think I know what we can do oh man of course they have seized equipment the Baba Yaga wouldn't bring this in oh no and his chief lieutenants the sword caster and vampire here he's got his little mages the candle heads they're a bunch of weirdos he's got a whole army of the undead well luckily we fortified our position with the turtle or as we like to call it the cannon igloo and I brought in a couple archers so I'm actually kind of curious to see if we can hold back against the enemy the cannon is firing the cannon is doing well look at the bones just shattering okay but see this is the thing fire damage is cool and all but if you're attacking a giant stone fortification it's not gonna do a whole lot it's pretty much fireproof but here's what I'm worried about the pumpkin catapults now oh that he opted to go for the anti-infantry way oh no this poor wall in the back that already fell over uh-oh needless to say Oh God our turtle has fallen apart our defenses are falling apart in Baba Yaga out here is destroying us look at this little flag oh this doesn't bode well for us the knight tried to block me and save my life but it's it's not looking well there we go we've defeated Baba Yaga there goes one of the catapults both and the catapults are down and so now it's just cysts so needless to say that the spooky faction had a little bit of difficulty dealing with this haha you know what this reminds me of is the the Korean Turtle ships that they use to defend against the Japanese invasions right isn't that like big oh man it reminds me of Shogun too well if the Vikings have this big of an invasion force they've even remembered to bring their seizure equipment and the year all brought his entire fleet an entire Legion of his best men then he must be facing a formidable opponent this is the turtle wall of the Korean Peninsula it's designed to protect against Vikings because remember this is totally accurate history so the turtle towers in Chuco knew they've invented these semi-automatic crossbows it's be very impressive technology so let's see if they can defend the great wall against the Viking siege the Vikings only have a couple of berserkers oh my god they all ran into the walls that would be cool if you had enough for Zurcher to destroy a wall oh the hole watches see the they brought this artillery and they're like hey wouldn't it be cool if we fired over the walls and like no be even cooler if we fired through them so you know totally I get physics you gotta love it look at the look at these ships taking the incoming hwacha shots I love it the walls are starting to collapse this one is actually pretty cool look at this see this is what I love about this you think this thing would fall apart right well it has just enough keeping it up so the Great Wall of China oh god it's starting to collapse here it's it's it's really the Korean Japanese Chinese alliance the triple on count to defend against the Viking invasion because the Vikings are just getting really really aggressive lately they're innovating everybody look at this man hold on you see this here's a Berserker who jumped through the wall I love how the walls are all in different areas of like this repair due to the siege they're definitely gonna have to rebuild them here because I think that they're gonna request the pirates to support them well the Pirates did come and they advised you know this is a lengthy siege let's counter their towers with our own and put our own siege equipment on top of it so they did the pirate even brought in two of his most specialist units the harpooners and a few cannons for good measure so this seize needless to say is going to be a little bit more difficult here Oh catapult makes contact oh I thought he was aiming for that one turtle tower he fired at the samurai over the middle section of the wall is starting to collapse who watches are firing there's a hole in this wall it's bound to collapse oh man that's gorgeous this catapult smashed the roof but it wasn't able to kill the crew of that cannon it's still operational that thing's operational I love tabs and I really really love it when it's modded I can't wait to read your suggestions on what mods we should work on neck I've got a very very very special project in the works but we're looking for the next one Kamins are doing pretty well I guess the Pirates of bringing cannons Chuco news man their fire rate is just insane oh dude that guy just got hit with a cannon and taken out the whole watches are of firing a between the rubble here as this poor Viking what is it a head butter tried to get through now what's going on over here is there a unit somehow trapped under this there's the samurai and they're trying to kill him I think he's trapped under the rubble they can't get to him somehow these units all over the place look look at the battlefield now see this is the beauty of it it started all pristine and now it's just absolute chaos as the yarl sitting here he's trying to ride his axe like a broomstick because I guess he wants a Harry Potter mod I don't know how we do that but we could figure it out I mean if you can put towers and balls and talk magic like that in the game can someone tell me what you guys are focused on over here they're shooting at each other whoa look at this dude let's just appreciate the battlefield right now I think it's safe to say that they held the line so if we'd do it again real quick we're not even gonna slow it down I want to see who wins this a battle gentlemen I'm said I'm not gonna slow down I immediately have to slow down because the camera started zooming in fire this is what a siege looks like from Part I view real-time the middle walled section has collapsed the Viking ships have all landed the catapults are starting to smash the middle turret there it's still able to fire the Vikings are swatting at an armored tower with paddles in the lower left it's pretty hilarious and hwacha somehow able to fire through my stone walls like I said bugs right by the way I've got a discord link links gonna be in the video description from videos starting from now onwards you guys can join the community give video suggestions and game suggestions and all kinds like that there might be like mod previews in the future I'm still trying to get that organized but obviously lots of stuffs on lately if you think about it I don't know man the Viking pirate Alliance did pretty well I think they won this one wouldn't you look at this map don't you think oh my gosh I want to have an epic siege of Mount Olympus well I do what if I put a tower here let's hope it worked word came down to Lord Zeus that he would be under siege so he began to fortify his castle even though it looks like it's Medusa's here where are you Medusa and he called upon his allies the renaissance faction in the ever tried and trusty medieval faction he also brought in Barrens cannon towers so those are pretty good too but faced against him was the dreaded pirate captain Baba Rosa Leonidas his twin cousin what who was very jealous of Leonidas is renowned who decides hey I'm gonna kill Zeus and that'll make me famous the Viking yarl who ate his own neck and Baba Yaga Lord of Death so this is gonna be a pretty tricky siege I think I'm not expecting the defenders to do very well they're drastically outnumbered and Zeus is way at the top of his ivory tower there actually looks like the walls collapsing behind him Zeus you may want to get down from there let's take a quick look yeah that looks like a precarious place to be luckily he's taking the elevator known as falling a great distance down [Laughter] shortcut okay back to the siege where things are getting a little bit dicey I don't think Zeus is gonna be able to overcome the adversity on the battlefield here guys uh two out of the four cannon towers are already destroyed and Reds army seems barely touched I think we're gonna have to come up with something else what other addition can we make oh my god the tower is translucent what's happening dude we are breaking the game incoming Oh sous-sous it looks like the first battle for Olympus is going the way of the bad guys ladies and gentlemen do you love tabs mods leave a like if you do please give some suggestions as to what else you think we could make in terms of mods and stuff like that I hope you did enjoy the video and hope your weekends going great I'm gonna go get myself a double cheeseburger with extra pickles I'll see you later thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,217,843
Rating: 4.9431567 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, tabs, tabs mods, tabs bricks, tabs brick, tabs cannon, tabs cannon tower, tabs brick tower, tabs brick cannon tower, bricks, brick cannon, brick tower, brick castle, brick war, brick tower collapse, apr20, TABS castle, destructible physics, castle siege, castles, siege, siege catapult, destructible castle, tabs castle mod, tabs mod gameplay, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, totally accurate battle simulator baron
Id: FHDbqgO8PFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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