Can I Survive This Massive CASTLE SIEGE in Village Feud Multiplayer!

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all right everybody bear in here and welcome to village food I'm joined by my friend Komodo hello there sir hello how are you I'd be doing better but I'm actually kind of concerned as to why your archers are trying to kill me I'm guessing by default they just they don't like you person voice is weird because all this land over there that is mine on that side of the region on the side of bridge they're both my lands but you kind of seem to me over there yeah now technically I think I own this and then this area here that we're standing on you built your castle on so well I guess we need to fight over it so you ran through the rules of me when I can show my audience a little bit later but I think it's time that we take the feud to the battlefield well well well hello there we meet again although this time we don't have any castles yeah I don't know where my just like disappeared for some reason I don't know what happened it's the apocalypse maybe oh maybe that's what it is so what I just noticed now that there's no force shooting at us what is this little house over here in the trash yeah go ahead up walk go over there see what it is that's I'm sure it's something good cryptic and I mean there's a rowboat but there's no fish and we got this guy who looks like Loki is he you trying to get me killed by Loki the Viking oh my god these guys you try to get me killed maybe partially so supposedly if you defeat them all there's something there and I don't know what it is it's like maybe a chest or something then well how would we go about defeating well I would say that we need to build up armies maybe get some equipment for ourselves and then maybe truth though I will go I like that okay so will will get better by fighting each other before we go kill the Vikings I guess yeah I guess as long as one of us doesn't die all right so it's build time okay Hey look at this humble origins we go from one house to a giant castle it's just it's the American dream I'm already building here I won't overwhelm you too quick Wow okay I've got a few workers out there gonna go out and make me money yeah it's always a good thing to focus on first because economy yeah so this is like an RTS but we're in the game we get to control it's not just like a mouse cursor anymore yeah let's you get to battle even though the battling is a little questionable but you know it's not too bad ha okay I have an armory now yep I'm definitely not sending peasants over just to say hi I'm definitely not doing that don't worry you're not appreciated right definitely not well I'm definitely not gonna send a small group over to you they're just gonna only hi this looks like a huge group of God how many'd is nice then this is a conveyor belt it's it's quite a few you would be surprised I have a conveyor belt heading your way too and so they're all right I have to see them fight on the bridge right now cuz this is hilarious I think there's a yeah there might be a new glitch in that game because Maya people are Brown like the the clothings Brown and they should be purple and blue oh I see I cuz you're wearing a blue tunic am i wearing a blue tunic yeah this used to not be an issue but there's been an update apparently yeah is this a bug or a feature oh my god he's coming at me okay I'm gonna retreat then so our guys are gonna have a grand old time here get it yeah I'm having a problem figuring out who's winning wait there's a guy chasing me and I can't tell if you there's someone run away bravely bravely running away actually I'm gonna spam another unit that would they take him out yeah yeah I think I need to defend myself yeah yeah because your troops are now in my castle first some reason yeah there's a couple of them over here okay oh when you buy I thought I bought one but each one is like 400 yeah oh yeah there's quite a few units no wonder okay I was like I'll send ten guys next thing you know oh I think I'm getting stabbed right now wait wait what does it say what the whole army just turned on me that's what I thought like when we were warming up I was getting attacked and I was like why are my soldiers dying because they have the same uniforms wait okay so my I just by the way you might want to upgrade your armory I just spawned the the next up unit it's like a Hal beard oh they had the right colors oh they do okay so just deserts they're there every peasants dress like another peasant okay all right so maybe it was before oh yeah my guys have orange uniforms now all right good all right so it isn't broken all right that's good okay so the hall birds will clean up all the dirty peasants yes oh yeah what is your gold output there let me ask me plus eight now oh really oh okay I better speed up here what's your focus yogurts good it's fine well at the time like you asked me I was at six and then I upgraded it so so let's see so I got a farm and the farm boosts your gold out that may have been what it was - yeah it could have been oh and he can get a mind they call it a mind I definitely want a wall AHA okay so now I have a wall and I think our guys are all betting it out in the middle oh and it looks like you won because I can see some blue tunics heading my way so my have to counter that Finn I don't want you raiding my house now if you have an upgrade at wall there is a lever you can hit to close the gates but oh it kind of delays your units that are coming out because they have to go out to the side door yeah look he closed that for some reason all right so I've got my guys are fighting your guys right outside my wall and they're hacking at each other yeah these this that definitely proper uniforms oh my god he's attacking me soldiers protect me are you having fun with my people out there yeah yeah it's just having a grand old time all right that's good three of my guys have survived and are heading your way although I probably shouldn't have told you that let's say thank you I'm gonna go ahead and counter that real quick this is like I mean it's like how Kings fought in medieval times it's more like hellos I challenge you do duel but we don't really want to kill each other we're doling we'd want to stab each other a couple times just a few first blood wins right old chap get whatever mark oh you have to buy arrows oh yeah so you're already looking at market stuff I have gone up into I wonder how far I can shoot my arrows I'm Robin Hood they're they're actually pretty decent oh by the way there is a group of troops heading over to your castle decide see more of those sneaky blue tunics approaching oh man I upgrade at my house we got a second story over here get some wall archers on top of my walls just in case you want to attack mm-hmm I'm gonna try out my good old bow here are you are you shooting my troops trying headshot oh my god that's a lot of guys I'm putting new soldiers immediately so sergeant mandatory sky cause your gates if you want API stop sending truth I barely got there I've got one heart okay I've got some halberds and they protected me for a little bit okay oh there's something called a commander but he's lost that will be the final unit it's just like a strong unit it doesn't actually do anything like I was hoping it would command the troops or give me the ability but that is not a thing all right I think I need to buy more arrows cuz I definitely used a lot like you know attacking your dude oh okay oh you know you can buy hell yeah are you gonna upgrade your health this is cool okay so it looks like I've got an entire city now how do you have troops heading over you halberds and then there's like some nights I wanted to see what they look like they look pretty cool you already have Knights I mean okay you know what we're gonna have to go upgrade my armory here what's you've been upgrading number I'm gonna kind of head out to the ridge I see there's some dudes on your wall peeking over can I that I want to but I do what can i buy the way i just spam two more night units Olaf see ya oh there's archers yeah I lost a lot of health oh there you are Robin um the hood what you ever might oh you hit my guy yeah and then she was she was attacking me all right it looks like I need to buy some soldiers my entire army is dead but don't worry I'm over hey I do not like the look of this I'm gonna bravely run away again I have a bell tower can I can i like chime it and calling dragons and stuff cuz i'd be cool that would be cool wait what's the bell tower open I think a house it looks like it's a house okay so it's an upgraded house I got you alright alright Master Tom's Sakamoto is sending lots of evening thing what was the guy I got first I probably should have upgraded my wall yeah that's what I'm working on right now by the way if you upgrade your market more you'll eventually gonna X how did you die I was uh there was an archer the gates he's shot me so yeah like I said if you upgrade your your market you'll eventually get more vendors and you can buy a next oh snap there's a bunch of nights at my walls yeah sorry about that they said they will die with honor don't let me die without honor as I'm running away please gentlemen standing on my own walls I ran out of arrows you have maybe been cousin in my realm zap are they standing in there in the middle or how's it going let's see I think that I see people turning the tides here but it's just you made some really good progress yeah just keep trying the tides as I build up my wealth of gold here oh and you know just I wonder how much gold you have them so Komodo I'm getting a plus sixteen right now oh that's pretty good it's about to be more because I'm about to buy another worker +17 now alright then let's see go ahead and I've recruited so many workers that I might have to send a few your way oh you're gonna give me some workers expect yeah I'll have a delivery of workers heading your way please let them through your gates they'll be happy to work for you I think I see him on the bridge they're almost here yeah we're told them to bring cakes and pineapples I like cake in pet rabbits so I think also none like your people will really enjoy the gifts that they have yeah I gave your guy an arrow to the face means you know arm okay your are your army didn't really make it to the gate have some archers behind them giving up my Knights cover and basically nailing a little oh a lot of your Knights right now well I'm gonna go take a peek of this because I spent like an absolute crap ton of peasants your way you know it was getting really overpopulated if I City you know it's fine so you just send them out the gate and say hey go across and do stuff no maybe that's kind of cruel just a little bit alright I think I need to upgrade my wall oh yes we went to the castle aged my friend we have a huge battle oh but your peasants have arrived yeah there they're there to work your fields and not stab you I promise very nice basically they're like one shots on the bow and arrow oh really I just took out like three of them oh and here comes my my Knights are coming over how about that I'm going to send a unit that means two hands to hold his weapon oh so you've upgraded your armory once again I confirm or deny these allegations but yes yes I did actually want to see these guys like attack oh yeah you definitely got some marchers oh god they're cutting me down not me I have some brutes heading over there too if you want to check my brutes out good you're saying let's see who wins this one yeah your arch the archer supports a really good idea yeah it's really good to spam I'm right behind your main unit cuz they'll stand behind and just cover them it looks like we won that one that's one for the good guys you're the bad guys so about that village that's over on the side did we want to take care of that er yeah I think we do let me Clinton kill these guys I heard oh yeah you're gonna I'm gonna go I'm gonna call a truce here I'm not gonna spam any more units I'm gonna have to get some wall archers I can maybe you might want to spam a unit out your your front or something least one oh no my archers are cutting down that is awesome okay and I shoot my own guys I don't think so cuz I definitely would have friendly fired you know the tabs way and it didn't work earlier okay okay they're all right let me get some arrows and you said I could buy an axe at the market did you get that if you have the upgraded market there should be another vendor there and you should be able to buy an axe oh there's another guy okay yeah oh man dude edex looks amazing I'm gonna go refill my arrows and then we'll we'll attack the bike we will edge convene for glorious conquest this is gonna make it to where we pull up a ton of gold yeah how much do you have in your I'm giving +18 I'm at 2700 I'm at 7000 that's really for sparing peasants a lot of cost savings all right fair warrior I'm a truce all right I see you aiming your bow at me but I'll hold the sacks up in peace it's a pizza hakimoto so remember those Viking guys yes I do I got something for them like a housewarming gift yes yeah I figured this would be a really good you know say hello yeah so I think probably the best way to approach this maybe somebody gets in close and I can provide Aero support oh so there's yeah I think that's a good idea ranged in melee support or emotional so there's two of them right oh there's one over here I would even pay an additional where it was wait so maybe we can buy something when we defeat it alright so the deal is I'll help you with your Viking infestation if you help me with mine okay that's not weird crow crow good sir there okay I gotta hit low and down there's one down oh my god watch out there's a tower one yeah he's a sniper sniper Holdings got a big sulphur okay I'm a really bad shot okay you hit him again oh he's like the Viking king yourself just unlock way what about the one in the the tower there we go he's dead so I it said chest unlock did it say that for you oh it's right oh it's going on let me collect it okay yeah I guess that's your gold on your shoulder okay so basically once you get your bow you probably want to go get the Vikings and get a free thousand gold okay well I'm gonna be the good person here I'm gonna help you get your though I appreciate it you know it was it was in the gentlemen's agreement after all it was oh a little bit faster for some reason hey that one's down going for your the the tower hello I missed my last arrow yeah yes yeah yeah okay that's kind of cool it's like creeps legged oh wait I can't gather the gold hey what can you I can't no wait wait no I can I saw him briefly you got it maybe stand on this side of it I think I saw it briefly too well it's okay yay we cool if you're good in then inhabit this right or like set up another base or something Ashi Saruman appoint her like units have you come yeah that would be cool like a little outskirts okay well I do appreciate you helping me in me helping you with the Vikings but way you pointed that arrow at me no okay no I'll do don't worry my Army's about to come over mm-hmm I should be able to buy all the upgrades now to you cuz I have a lot of gold how much gold do you have almost 10,000 I've got 19,000 I think as I think like I'm at a 25 right now yeah that's why okay I just bought the forward Oh same time alright so now it's what the Battle of the ages then yeah I'm at plus 26 gold right now man the fort's do look cool how does one buy oh there you go hey I have max troops on the walls yep I just did as well so now it just comes down to the Army's the cold war has escalated into a hot war I think hey I have my armies heading over this is a typically where the game might potentially break has to warn you I do love this as a concept for a game Komodo you were right this is a little gem a lot of potential all right let's see what so what does the commander do no not much I just think it's a stronger unit on the sky restrike alright now how do I get up on my walls wow that's a cool statue we have statues down here are they no they're like little secrets in your town to like check out upgrades and stuff whoa not really sure but I'd be I'd be focusing on that massive army that's heading your way yeah I've got I've got some guys heading out there I've got my archers shooting at them from the fort and I see your fort over there it looks nice and an outlet you know oh dude okay so you don't have the ocean behind your base uh-huh what about ships I don't know that'd be no that'd be cool I'm gonna go up on my wall real quick how does it look with the armies it looks really cool like they're just in like a giant conga line of death obviously oh and it looks like your conga line is longer so I'm gonna go down and buy a few more warriors I see the fourth archers are firing at the armies right now on the bridge it looks I wonder if there's like a rock-paper-scissors like the brutes are really good but we care against arrows see I hope it's like that but I still feel like the the big units are just better like just better yeah hopefully in the future they make it like that that way you can be a little more strategic uh-huh we're like if if instead of the bridge you could have a map where there was like a field in the middle and your guys didn't just like conga line out they would like form and then you could send them so you could send out like you could have army clashing yeah they need like it to where you command the units that would be amazing dude yeah I love this game come on oh thank you for introducing me to do this so our guys are fighting on the bridge are you are you robbing voting from your tower no I'm buying potions at my upgraded uh market potions yeah there's power potions block potions no way oh there's a third guy okay so he burned his special potions we don't look at what our armies look at like right now yeah I got a massive blob of people that bridge you can't even see the bridge see sword swinging like crazy bow now you might have an issue here really really soon because the stairs weak platter that's like last person or last year people yeah we're heading your way oh wow that is an army and a half coming okay well you know that's fine that's fine my guys just informed me that you will not be able to outrun their arrows so I think I'm okay maybe you can even believe that oh this is awesome it's like imagine this is what it'd be like to be a king and be like someone's invading your castle and you're just looking at you're like oh god I hope I hope we win you know what it's gonna turn to you I think it's our turn to who can go sabotage the other person's base oh context of people out there yeah I wonder where my soldiers are walking out the side door hello jeez they must have been attracted oh is that one of your Knights no that's one of mine oh yeah so your army doesn't seem to be too happy about the whole fact that I'm standing in the middle of your castle what are you doing in my castle ax man Marine workers oh I get to strike your people here okay run behind Oh oh this is not good yeah you definitely are distracting my army that's pretty smart are those monitors I sure hope they're oh it's just like an archer free-for-all out front also might be picking off your workers one by one right now well that's rude they have families and dogs to feed so that's on your conscience all right I definitely need more arrows oh no your people are chasing me don't worry I'm hacking at your army as they follow me out here what are these guys doing all right well hmm okay looks like your armies attacking each other right now they seem confused they might actually be I kinda wouldn't be surprised if they were because remember when the peasants looked like they were just stacked attacking each other yeah oh that's the commander he has a really cool looking helmet yeah my archers are shooting arrows inside I take it you're still you know setting up shop in my base oh this might be bad I might be cornered up still watering around your base is working cuz I feel like I'm confusing your army you definitely are go now aha I finally kicked you out of my base oh yeah how's your boss cold now that I've killed I bought more workers so it's back up now oh wait how did mine go down so much my reserves oh are my guys here base their are on their way I might've been playing around too much Oh Oh indeed okay commanders need to go out out the game all right I need to go see what's going on here so let's see hmm need a Robin Hood those can you tank archers are walls yes yeah no all these people trying to pour into my base they're nice they're friends of mine yeah taco night I think I see you standing way over there wait what Oh Oh what's going on I think I just broke the game it just keep me out of the menu what am I still standing are you still fighting I am I just crossed the bridge so I'm at the main menu right now what we mean because our armies were so strong I think yeah we did this last time except for it didn't kick us out to the menu think our armies were too big baron yeah they definitely out of control right now my brakes when it gets that big I'm gonna charge archers yeah so I guess what do we do we call it a draw you know maybe we'll call it a draw we'll keep up to date with updates and if people want to see more of the game we can let us know well when you die you lose all your gold right yes that is the worst thing about that I just had like I just lost twenty thousand gold and we went back menu okay but yeah this is definitely a game that I want to keep up with because it's a lot of fun very cool concept very alright let us know if you want to see more see you the next one night boy
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,770,149
Rating: 4.9117632 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, village feud, castle siege, castle siege war, medieval war, knights vs warriors, castle knights, medieval knights, medieval battle, medieval castle, castle vs castle, castles, knights, medieval combat, medieval, village, feud, medieval feud, family friendly, kid friendly, jul19
Id: Qb-YiWR1VU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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