TABS - Massive STAR FORTRESS SIEGE in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator!

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alright guys we've got a win today's battle what is happening why are my tactics so bad I mean yeah these guys have muskets and I have throwing speech but it just seems like I should be able to win I just need better tactics maybe maybe I need a recruit a general who are some of the most famous generals in history well of course is Alexander is a great ones answer is Guderian what about General Patton I heard he slapped a guy that's gotta make you a good general Robert early yeah yeah was in zoo as always Joseph Stalin's grandma Zell wait what about Napoleon oh you called mole sure yeah you think you could help me I don't know like get good at tabs we're not really uh pardon why not because your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberry well that's not even entirely true yes it is but I'll tell you what I will help you if you defeat me that's easy you got like four guys oh well not anymore okay so Napoleon has put himself into a veritable fortress he's got frickin cannons and what's that in front of him that was just not there about a second ago but it seems Napoleon is using some hacks because now he's got some sharp stakes in front of the cannons he's got towers with musket men in them he's got three freakin cannons of the line I mean Napoleon always wasn't artillery man at heart he's even dude little Frenchie trombone and in a drum set or xylophone one of the two so I've got to defeat him and then he will be on my side and help me get good this seems a little backwards all right well you know what if he's got 10,000 the rules are simple I'm gonna spend less than him I'm gonna try to put some cease cannons out here and I think I'm gonna use mostly Pirates and Napoleonic Renaissance men whoa oh god they have Napoleonic we don't have Napoleonic s-- they're the Napoleon's where are the other guys all right maybe I'm thinking that some harpooners could be good try to rush them but we're gonna need some guys to distract right so how about some blender Bruce's okay I mean if I got three avenues to attack from but hopefully this works out and I've spent less than him by like oh I don't know fifty five dollars okay so the idea is simple I don't know how we're gonna get by these things but that's what the grappling hooks are for now remember if Napoleon dies we win if all of our guys die we obviously lose so let's see how the assault is going oh you know what might work look at that the Cannonball totally missed hold on that's not the purpose of our grappling hook it's not to grapple our own cannonball okay so wait a minute do you hear that the French band is going ham back here or hambone how do you say ham and French cuz I don't viva la France I don't sprechen sie Deutsch or is it French okay boys come on they've got guys up in the guard towers look at this this guy's a veritable sniper he's got a freaking bayonet oh my god okay the harpoons going backwards but I think we have a chance if we take this fortress Napoleon has to surrender right oh my god our cannons are better than their cannons ours don't explode theirs do put it oh my god those spikes are doing a fantastic job of stopping incoming cannon shots deflecting theirs so whoever did is hiding that fortress you designed this fortress new ninny whoever designed it is is not that smart he needs to get good he needs Napoleon on his side okay Napoleon's back there he just shot our dude you better not fall off this cliff you better not I'm gonna have to take command of your knight just for a second sometimes you need to lead from the front shoot Napoleon oh god he's shot back we cannot destroy those stakes they're practically invincible and they've got those stupid guys back there oh no I think we've got a bit of a stalemate Napoleon you know the rules stop smell if it is a draw you lose that doesn't seem fair at all but rules are the rules so we're gonna try to use the old Viking invasion I mean the Vikings invaded France and took over a chunk of it that's what created the Normans right or not necessary treaty but I guess if we have some purser curse just jumping over everything and then we'll have I'm thinking a nice contingent of archers would be good I mean I don't even need them in there and then we'll have a phalanx of brawlers there we go and we're down by 15 bucks so let's see if a Viking invasion can't invade this fortress look at that the berserkers are already in the walls the freezie archers are turning these guys into some slushies hopefully strawberry-flavored so we can consume them after the battle and sustain ourselves the this guy's taking a nap Phillippe fancy musket but I'm Laval we'll take a nap and send files a musket so I think things are going pretty well for us other than the fact that our soldiers are just kind of stuck on these barricades some are able to sneak through however and Napoleon is duking it up back here look at him up here he's just he's fine with his little flintlock pistol and then we've got a Valkyrie who is it with a view friendly freezing arrows but I don't know guys I think we're gonna be able to win we're slowly getting through the walls oh man these curiosities I don't even know how to pronounce it cuz I don't speak French you blew bet fiends but I tell you what I do do I do do yes I do do oh my gosh it's the simple things in life okay so they march their way out of the fort and our brawlers just started beating up on him let's see if I can't snipe Napoleon Bergner he dodged it you son of a biscuit we have incoming musket balls incoming balls gentlemen oh we got to be careful cuz he might try to shoot us he dodges it come on boys follow me look this guy's like hugging me so if I weasel my way in there oh my god how did you oh that's gotta hurt he lives this sings and you'll Dukas alright these curiosities are no joke man I think we're gonna need some freakin artillery to get in here I think we have another draw well let's see in this attack who didn't do anything you guys you guys did nothing we're getting rid of you you're going back home that you've probably be happy about that I'm gonna recruit a hwacha and a few Musketeers that's all I can afford I will get a squire however because you know what the medieval faction did let me know that they wanted to be a part of this battle like they've heard everybody's having fun getting stupid draws alright so we've charged you to me base the hwacha actually shot it hurt some of them so that's got to count for something look at the berserkers up on the tower okay come on boys take those guys out of those towers oh yeah that'll do it maybe maybe some who watches unfortunately these little towers don't have destructible physics so all you see is these little Frenchie's up top fangs and muskets oh but we did manage to take out Napoleon oh I love the little the French accents that they have this is a pretty impressive mod Napoleon's back here having a good old time he's dodging arrows left and right he's kicking Valkyries but he's dead we win I'm sorry to say but Napoleon's in another castle are you kidding me this isn't what we agreed on me and Napoleon and now he's got mortars and these guys look like light infantry so they might actually have better range this is a freaking fortress look at this this guy he's got snipers in the towers wait a second Taurasi a cavalry bayonet charging infantry a field howitzer there's Napoleon oh my god with His Royal Guard another bayonet charge and then we've even got dragoons on horseback on another sniper tower there okay you know what I think I think I can't just use the regular factions here I'm gonna need a word wait a minute when we're talking about great generals why don't we think of why don't we think about Julius Caesar look at this we've got the Romans here we've got one of the room the famed Roman seas ballistas we got these guys who look like they want to throw their Spears we've got some cavalry of our own we got tree REI and then we've got Roman Legionnaires and a testudo formation fire archers as well and we got the great Eagle of Rome we can't lose right I mean they've got freaking gunpowder so we're gonna see how this goes but I mean both teams are using cavalry oh there goes a bunch of horses and what are you guys doing who invited that oh I invited them tonight okay well I guess the best we can hope for is that cavalry will march its way straight off the cliff but they are absolutely destroying disrupting our formations I'm not even sure if our commanders still alive you can always tell though because you see how these guys feathers are like facing this way they can't wait see this guys are like that he's like yo take notice of me okay well we lost our siege equipment and this guy is holding on for dear life so that does not bode well for us we lost half of our army already to their cavalry so shields are getting stopped up on the bridge here men are falling over to the sides their bayonet charges are finally coming in but Napoleon is coming out so if we can snipe him with some fire arrows this would count as a victory and he would have to join our squad right beat the cannons definitely enjoy hitting the spikes here so whoops all right fire archers you know the deal you guys need to kill Napoleon watch out for it oh my god the light infantry can fire from so far away they're practically snipers look at that our men are getting picked off left and right Oh Reid we're gonna have to we're gonna have to hire the mercenaries again aren't we that's not how you hold a shield man he's holding his sword behind his back guys I think Julius Caesar just had an epic fail uh wait a minute this is a narrow pass I know some soldiers that fight well on narrow passes I mean we've got a narrow area that we're gonna get charged in so let's bring in some Spartans right in Leonidas himself is leading in them into battle we've also got some slingers so Julius Caesar and Leonidas surely we some of our slingers already got shot by muskets artillery is going off all the cavalry just run through but we brought in a Roman onager which is a catapult of sorts and it just it's falling it's falling you guys better not walk off this cliff I swear to goodness gracious you we'll turn ourselves around and you will kill Napoleon someone needs to kill him the Roman Eagle is leading the charge and they are smacking the bayonet Chargers out of the way Napoleon went this way the last time is that Napoleon he is taking a nap he must be lit out come on guys you just got to kill Napoleon or take the fort oh my god must get some cannons though Napoleon really knows what he's doing and he's in a fortified defense Oh Oh Napoleon's on fire I repeat he was just on fire Danna Polian just died we have one Spartan that made it to the frontlines and it looks like he's limping I think he took a musket to the left nut and he's also holding his spear behind him so you know there's always that kill them you're not holding it right wait a minute these guys are not being pushed back by the Spartans Oh No there goes our chances of victory he's littéraire last unit is that Leonidas it is Leonidas Lena has just got Spartan kicked that's a little ironic garlic bruiser kurz yep if a roman testudo couldn't do it maybe the Gauls can well there you have the Gauls are here and we've got some berserkers and people with sly handers up in the front so hopefully these mighty barbarians can do a decent job at stopping the cavalry and that's exactly what they just did they knocked those guys off their horses and even in some cases knocked the horses and them off of the cliff that's brilliant you guys are doing well who would have thought man sometimes military organization all you need is a little bit of chaos on your side and we've got some dudes with little bows back here they look like poachers don't think remember poachers if you guys remember Toad poachers poachers from the old tabs put a little og in the comments these guys are stuck where's Napoleon please tell me he's dead again oh my god he's hiding behind all this we're gonna need something greater than this man because nothing has gotten past these defenses well there are these modded pirates these guys are veteran boarders they're led by the pirate queen look at these guys these guys have many blunderbusses they're guarding the really good blunderbusses we've got harpoons we've got cannons the Vikings are here and they brought a wide variety of units so hopefully there we go we're boarding the enemy all those fortifications did a pretty good job at stopping some of the guys that would try to board and invade them the barbarians Oh God we're throwing the ship that's not a good idea Oh God the French cavalry the French cavalry is just too freakin good I think what I'm gonna do is take command of this cannon oh they shot it the boats just chillin here we got some archers we got some freezy boys we're charging some of our men are getting stuck here oh they're doing their best to charge but even the bravest Urals are gonna get cut down oh my god they took a few bayonets and that was it please knock some of them off these girls aren't doing good enough we really had to call in the big guns didn't we we've got the secret units here and I don't know man this is Oh God you guys no one of you did good you better slay that man with the mortar you better kill him you better not fall off or at least distract him so he can't fire okay the pirate queen is charging we've got the samurai giant leading the charge over here unfortunately a lot of our units are bunched up and probably gonna die but at least the samurai giant is charging the berserkers are over here doing well I think we have a chance this time who would have thought we just needed to call on the secret gears I mean clam boys here isn't Artemis is she dead Artemis are you dead Artemis Artemis is dead I think guys I don't see her on the battlefield we got vlad the impaler with a giant oh we got an exploding cannon here so here we go the samurai giant made his way all the way over here and he must have fallen wait yep there he is dang it so our chances of taking this side of the battlefield definitely greatly diminish themselves but we have charge you can see these guys are uh Ness courted back here we got fright of freezy archers doing their thing the cannons shooting from across here I dare say it our units are actually doing a decent job right now pull the cannon back that's them every time I take command of a cannon it dies Vlad Vlad just go around it will ya oh my god she's impaled herself I'm gonna get her off these spears if it's the last thing I do well I can't do it it's not the last thing I'll do hey Vlad has impaled Napoleon oh I wanted him to impale Napoleon and just chuck him off the cliff but it doesn't look like that's gonna work he knocked out Napoleon we finally did it I'm not Pia I mean another Castle what the heck is this this is Napoleon's final castle a star fort bayonet charges in the front he's got cannons up there he's got his Royal Guard next to him we've got a mix of light infantry with extended rifle barrels like so they got better range and then we've got line infantry there's line canons up there are you kidding me alright well then I think we're gonna have to do is attack it on four fronts with four different armies alright as you can see we've got four armies laid out here to attack Napoleon's star fortress we've got the Renaissance faction and they are literally bringing in the big guns we've got two big old beastly DaVinci tanks we got a dude with a troll leg I've never seen that I didn't know one limb could be bigger than the others anyway over here we've got the Hobbit militia followed by a couple of longbowman from England I don't know what hobbits are supposed to do against the wall and we've got the grim reaper over here with a couple vampires and the undead's and some sword masters so I'm hoping that this is going to be enough and then we've got the Shogun army over here we've got a couple samurai out there and then firework archers the whole watches are supposed to be doing good but look at this this is the problem with good defenses the firework archers are not able to really hit their targets because they're guarded pretty well unless of course it's over here where they have her they're having a little bit better luck and that guy is going to space who would have thought the French would be the first to space but unfortunately it looks like most of our defenses are our CG quipment here isn't doing well I'm not entirely sure what siege tanks are gonna be able to do other than take out some of Napoleon's private guard down there muskets are doing pretty good Napoleon's dodging shots up there but the cannons are still up there they've got a ton of infantry I think we messed up by not bringing in the Vikings we need we need guys that can walk up and see dead I really wish wouldn't it be cool if there was like a totally accurate sea simulator at ass totally accurate sea simulator well I don't think our first wave is gonna do very well although the reapers doing a pretty good job at taking the men literally off the wall I think we need to have more men go through this gate let's see will our men be smart enough to go through the gate or will they get stuck on it alright hobbits you guys are put on the sidelines so we changed it up a little bit the Vikings are definitely probably one of the best siege armies because they're berserkers can jump in Valkyries can fly so between that there's gonna be men on the walls and that's exactly what we want even if most of them seem to have missed a few did get up there that Valkyrie just head-butted a brick wall that cannot be good for their spinal column vampires can actually try to get up as well the dynasty faction brought in a couple more whole watches they don't seem to be doing very well let's see if we can't control one nope they're dead because why not I don't know how we're supposed to do this I think we need a lot more seized equipment in more berserkers otherwise Zoe the sword caster flew up there are you kidding me come on guys make it around the door just make it around the door no no don't go that way get up the walls I think we've got another draw what other unit do we have that can make it up there well if we can't get up to them maybe we can bring the battle to us by bringing in the harpooners that should definitely work oh one of them just got taken down by a rogue cannonball shot I really wish these two watches would just fire there we go okay that did something some of the guys got hit by the arrows and I'd be howitzer looked like it got destroyed from that now we just need the harpooners to actually harpoon there we go okay it's working kind of it's kind of working that that's as good as working as far as I'm concerned right now come on men we can't let this this French man destroy us oh who do you just take out there come on Musketeers pick your targets and hold your freakin rifles properly will ya this star fort is no joke if you can't walk your way into the walls then there's no way oh my god that samurai are trying to create a wall here of bodies and climb up there a vampire is biting the wall okay it doesn't have blood that you can suck but I don't know man I guess you're distracting them look at this Napoleon's only got a few units left the Valkyries are come on Valkyries there's only one Valkyries there we go yes the berserkers here I think I think we're gonna take this one we've finally gotten it the vampires are getting up here too okay so we've learned what the best C's units are berserkers Valkyries vampires spares beats battlestar galactica I'm out of castles I will help you now alright ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching another episode of totally a great battle simulator this one was Seas themed this is an amazing mod by eww and you can find it on the modding workshop that everybody shares there's at speaking of which my mod is now available there I finally I've gotten in touch we've got it up there and you know what you can finally play the Star Wars mod so let me know what other mods we should check out what challenges and custom battles you have and I'll see you guys in the next video but why
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 3,828,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, tabs, totally accurate battle simulator, tabs mods, tabs fort, tabs fortress, tabs siege, tabs battle, fortress, siege, fort siege, fortress siege, fortress defense, fortress attack, massive army, fort vs army, army vs fortress, mar20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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