MARTIN LI'S SECRETS! | Spider-Man - Part 5

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to speed that a man I changed my suit back I don't know I like I like him in his actual suit the game the one that the game is supposed to be showing off but I'm also near a very important building a building that looks very very familiar if any of you have seen it before ok I'm not good I've been there maybe a part-time job it's not a bad idea but it has to be the right job makes him feel useful like he's doing matters you just described feast mg that's perfect I'll talk to me about it oh that's sweet but this is the building from dr. strange it's the one that they protect I can't remember the name of the sanctum or whatever and I had to come down and I took a picture of it as I was flying by and he was like something strange about that building so if they have a lazy little Easter Egg for it right there but also there is a bunch of [ __ ] in here that I wasn't even really paying attention to I also found out that the whole triangle circle and direction thing in the air they're the moves that you can do when you come out of swinging is something that you have to buy so imma buy that right now can i buy this one yes and I could boost off things as well cool so that's a new thing I also didn't even realize I could upgrade these freaking things so my regular web blasters a refill faster if I upgrade them backpack tokens crime tokens adds two shots of the max web shooter okay these probably all use very similar amounts of things spider drone can I make this No ah okay fair enough taser webs they can upgrade those I also wanna upgrade my trip mine if I can't damn any challenge tokens for that could upgrade my web bomb though twice Cleese's blasts increases blast radius nice creases maximum shots oh my god all these things could have been upgraded and I wasn't even doing them like a little silly boy can't create that one you know grade you again can upgrade the drone nice so I need a lot more crime tokens apparently crimes all right so all my [ __ ] just got upgraded right let's see if I can use this thing oh and then if I jump off that's so cool Oh speedy man speedy speedy Spidey boy is gonna say Peter and spider boy together oh my god it's so much more bouncy god I'm Emma the flyer out now I kind of wish I didn't have that giant like explosion of air that came out of it makes it look like it's a superpower attack I mean technically it kinda is but not really anyway I'm gonna keep drinking my coffee as you show me cutscenes Peter so if you're running this place while mr. Li's out of town who's doing your old job me but I could always use more help you know anyone actually I do his name is Miles Morales why does that sound familiar his father was being honored at City Hall ah I talked to him at the funeral he's a smart kid he's just having a tough time I knew a boy like that once I remember it helped to stay busy might help him to here's his mom's number Thanks I'll give her a call hey you haven't heard from mr. Lee have you know why I'm just curious I've got a few minutes before work I'm gonna look around see if there's anything else I can do to help you out oh you don't have to I know I want you oh they're so sweet and wholesome I love them can I be part of your family I should check out Lee's office oh I get it I want to be part of your family without the whole just dead uncle thing you snore like a water buffalo that's not very nice be nice to each other and feast okay hang in there thanks man see well see you later and good talking hey said you were at the bombing I was praying for you Thanks I appreciate it it's nice think positive opportunity comes PMA this office is a lot how do I get in there quietly Oh hmm his office is locked how why would he why would he lock his office maybe there's a vent somewhere Oh do you even have the web-shooters equipped never seen that room before mr. Lee put an end at the end and you get mr. Lai okay so here we go high voltage lines what needs this much power you do the thing okay I heard the conversation anyway but the triangle wouldn't come on they can just see in the doorman please close the blinds in the crawl space it should be right on the other side of the shrine please parents looks like there's a keyhole in the frame I thought Lee's parents abandoned him well I build a shrine to the people who threw you away hmm this is the ghost story Lee's father read to him about a demon that could only be mastered through balance remember the old man said only balance can master the demon strength without balance the monster will turn on anyhoo attempt to control it that's a good message for life you got to have balance in your life no matter what you're doing any special things we did so much for New York I can't believe he was hiding such darkness inside him the reveal of this in the game has been a bit strange because if you've kept up with the game at all and you see 90 trailers you knew he was mr. negative anyways so it almost feels like they knew players knew that and going into this so that the reveal of him being mr. negative was really lackluster it was just kind of like Oh a terrorist attack oh there he is and then he was like okay times up we got to go it was kind of eight keys but this fits the lock in the portrait Wilson Fisk has been arrested I can barely believe it the day I've planned for dreamed of is finally here but for some reason I hesitate can i really go through with this sounds yeah like he didn't want to head down this path because he's corrupted by the negative things will happen so quickly if I give my if I give the word my men will claim Fisk's arms his explosive his secrets will use that strength to teach Norman true pain he'll know what it is to see the things he loves destroyed by his own hands but achieving that end will mean giving up so much everything I've built here at feast all the good I've done could be wiped out if my plan succeeds my chance is finally here yet I still hesitate should I turn back part of me wants to but the demon is hungry and I don't think I'm strong enough to hold it back which I feel like I shouldn't have to say because it was pretty obvious but the ghost sorry demons or eating the shrine in the photo is missing the picture yeah because there's a thingy behind it duh you said it yourself damn do I click on anything here oh cool hmm some kind of puzzle lock okay that's why you're telling me to look at it how does it look okay that doesn't really help but let's start let's start just jamming things in and see what happens rotate oh okay what happens if I rotate the other one that seems right okay there's that one done okay so this looks right there for that no go back okay okay so I have to do this boom baby what are you hiding Lee that secret magic ghost energy duh he sure is obsessed with masks is it a union thing like he's giving his powers to the others how does Lee imbue these with his power bioelectric induction compressed phase shift yeah more like biomechanical jarana me I'm scientists shut up the only way to fight a monster baby so I'm not I'm not familiar with mr. negative in the Spidey universe this is the folder MJ found at the auction house so I don't know how he gets his powers is he like possessed by a demon there's a past down by his dad this might help us figure out what leaves planning next Devil's breath sounds like he's gonna contaminate the whole place oh [ __ ] it's a burn room wired to destroy evidence Thank You spider-sense you saved my marriage okay where are the rest of the things that was one that's too you're not a thing need to overload those junction boxes I know but I can't see anymore things oh oh I need to overload okay there we go how do I get out of here it wasn't that well-hidden it was cuz I got spidey senses that I'm clever hello Peter mr. Lee I thought you were out of town did you find what you were looking for Martin you're back and get that thank you and heading off again shortly I'm afraid just needed a few things from my office you must have heard about City Hall yes tragic Peter was there he was very lucky and an Osborn rally I didn't know you were a fan well what matters is you are both safe amen but the Bombers are still out there who knows what they've planned next I don't think you or may have anything to worry about as long as you stay away from places you're not supposed to be well I should go when will you be back when my work is done mhmmm danger boy don't trust like that I didn't really like close the doors or anything in his office he's gonna know immediately that I was up there or somebody was up there oh [ __ ] do you think he knows I'm spider-man [Music] what is swing around his Peter that's the first time we got to use like Webb powers while still being Peter kind of thing so I want to I want to have a whole skin of him where I can just jump around sorry I upgraded again what else can I get air attack steel additional damage and generate more focus yes wait what's this who if I roll I can press X and bounce back into the Year again increases damage and range of web strike that's actually really useful as well yes this one okay these two are 45 percent complete defender and web singer innovator not so much oh I can fire rockets back against people soren damage but-- enemies can be grabbed and thrown around like wrecking balls dan feast Center in Chinatown a nice lady named Nate Parker some really weird stuff in Lee's office but listen he's got another attack point where when still working on that but I think he's going to use something called The Devil's breath sounds destructive what is it a substance created by Oscorp probably a bio weapon of some kind I have a folder full of info on I'm holding on to it for now I'll send copies as soon as I can okay we'll check his office if the evidence stands up I'll put out an APB look at the little kitty cat in the bottom-left MJ hey just checking in back I think you'll want to hear this wait why are you whispering oh sure I'll even cook oh yeah wait remember how you told me about Lee's corrupting touch I think I just saw it in action how some perfectly nice homeless people just jumped me thing is they had glowing eyes and I remembered Yuri telling me something similar about the guard who released shocker it's all connected there's more but I guess we'll talk about it at dinner yeah okay another camera I wanted to do this black cat all right oh I know I disappointed you when I couldn't go straight yeah hello here you are oh these are cute so it's like the Riddler in the Arkham games branching out I'm gonna try and get ahead of her okay where am I going what am i doing oh hi doctor in my defining moment can't wait to show you cool um I've got dinner plans can I come by later okay be right there wonder if this means I have a job again yes I can stop by just for a minute nice nice nice sexy spider action I'm gonna do flips in midair nice it's so fun JJ it's cool that I can just get XP by doing that that's fun good talk imma go in here and talk to Otto because this is going to progress the story and I want to see what is actually happening with him cuz he's been calling a bunch I just haven't had a chance to go back and see what he's working on do you think he's gonna be Doc Ock yet hey doctor hello Peter I'll be just a minute Wow look at all this new stuff where who are you working with AI M who's AI m we really need to get better about organizing our where did you get all this equipment called in every last favor loans we're starting over once again all the Octavius logos oh there it is is that dr. Octavius is vitruvian man lizards in this game busy getting started you know until now we've been looking at prosthetics from the wrong perspective why restore people to what they were when we can make them better oh okay I think that should do it you're gonna augment people ready I fight [Music] top of the morning everything okay damn it this is all your fault doorman well I know who you're not voting for in the next election sorry I have a habit of making bad jokes in tense situations haha same it was a good joke Parker just a bit of an overreaction on my part no don't worry why don't you take a break although I'll clean this up and get us ready for another test so uh hope you don't mind me asking but it seems you and Norman have a bit of a history we were lab partners in college became friends decided to start a business we both had visions of changing the world just in different ways wait you were at Oscorp when it started I'm half the reason it's called Oscorp ain't grad school everyone called us Theo's had Corp to that and well it is a catchy name well why'd you leave Norman became more and more obsessed with genetics he started a project I considered unethical and there was this anyway lawyers got involved I chose to leave in exchange for a settlement Green Goblin dude that money didn't last very long I relied on grants ever since if this project doesn't work don't worry it'll work let me let me just fix this up I'll brew some fresh coffee okay could you could you top top me up actually don't about enough that is ice-cold coffee right now cuz I remember one of the e3 demos had a no good Oh kind of reroute this circuit okay so extras voltage is six and I need five all right actually no let's do this or maybe get it plus for an A+ five of nine wait how much does this take away - four so I need to get it up in there perfect right that's a perfect perfect but I genius science man Jax science septic septic science math oh why don't you do the honors this time but have you been doing Otto you're the one who's out gobby out of your mind I think we did it next step neural interface that's a lot of work for you to do by yourself sure you can handle it apparently not judging by today's debacle because I still haven't found another job my funds are still I know it's okay don't worry I'll figure it out what's a few bucks when you're trying to change the world right to changing the world mr. call from MJ dr. I need to go but I'll be back later thanks I gotta go have dinner with my boo my redheaded boo I like her a lot but I'm not sure if she likes me I mean we've been talking a lot on the phone and we have a history but I'm not sure OTO what do you think he's like Peter I don't care yes dude I'm getting all the levels I'm level 17 right now I want the air attack one ground strike is a larger blast oh yeah how do I do ground strike I forgot that I could do that after leaping off an enemy or from air combat press square and X to smash the ground all these things are night and using oh yeah I've been trying to grab people but I thought it was just press trying mr. cold we still on for dinner yeah we should talk over dinner the offer still stands for me to come over and cook talk soon all right dinner's MJ's expectations be hard to screw this one up guess I'll just freelance for a while until she calls Oh Peter Peter you're smitten aren't you opt boy imma go over and get this tower whoa [ __ ] is happening hi Webb throw five objects and enemies and form 20 aerial families okay hey I need there's two here's three I want to get all the bonus objectives this time I'm sick of failing them so we're another great at me please whoa he's you're bad at this come on stop trying to hit me and hit me there's four okay I just need one more thing Hey five okay now I just need two aerial combat people okay you guys are all pretty weak now though oh okay okay okay okay okay oh okay I don't even think I have enough damage left in these guys to be able to do 20 maybe more sure enough look hey there's more bad guys okay I just need four more hits oh god okay I did it you've heard of me mom I am proud of me boom three crime tokens loyal they are to Martin week bad mojo officer okay sometimes getting up on top of buildings is a little weird where's this tower I know you guys are getting shot to [ __ ] right now but I've got some scramblers that I need to do can you sign this for my kid can I actually sign something for you oh man that would have been cool I wanted to sign something wait where people fight web for enemies to a wall that's a trip one I didn't even fire that okay and again and and I'm out of them okay that's fine that'll work okay I just have to looking wow I don't even have to fight enemies in the air I just need to launch them in the air okay listen of the day is that you need to press the Dodge button when you're supposed to a not after your face has been shot into a million different bits okay well I need to go to MJ's house anyway we're going to Netflix and chill whoa that was confusing happy able to do the moves in air is so cool you could just combine them all together sorry I've got a date okay and not with crime like I normally do cuz that sucks actually a date with crime is actually it makes me feel very sad every time I go home I just want to be loved make it a third web zip thing be handy you live in a nice place whoa why didn't you stay up there do you think they did it in his suit once you know they did you know they had to if not missed opportunity also with all that web food you don't never mind what happened so you know that address you gave me I went there no wait what is this just listen don't do don't say 15 minutes earlier don't don't do it am I gonna have to play as MJ again sneaky sneaky mission 30 minutes earlier an hour earlier god dammit this is the address Pete found men are all carrying firearms what is this place a [ __ ] that's like the place the vulture works in that office might be something inside that connects this tool II need to get back there was that what dumbass can't put their [ __ ] away but it was happy that's a big boy it looks like Fisk I don't know if you're blind as to bats the boxes stored the boxes the boxes make the noise a big one I haven't everybody did their 1mj go 1mj sneaky lady I don't know I don't even have time to look cause I'm too busy oh god there's people everywhere Oh are we done oh god I'm so tense hate it Tombstone oh right Rick won't notice cuz it won't be there you got some stones Rick let's see if they break such a disappointment mark oh god and now I need a new welder whose tombstone I'm not familiar with him it's been years since I've been into like the deep lore of spider-man he shot him in the head and nothing happened peekaboo that was very very close I'm in no way means that voice is familiar as well right boys boy okay I want to say don't ever do that again but since I know you're going to anyway here take a few of those next time nice thanks you know tombstone is crazy and pretty much invincible right everybody has their weakness mine is whatever you're cooking right now smells amazing the chicken curry just needs some time to simmer no dumplings I hope we're never gonna let me live that one down are you nope the great dumpling catastrophe I still can't believe they evacuated the entire building no spider-man toy your neighbors hated me yeah they were pretty happy when we broke up so let's talk about what you found in Lee's office well leek clearly has issues with the norman osborn yeah but but why I don't know yet but his next move looks like it involves Devil's breath whatever that is yeah I'll dig into it sorry I was thinking what if we teamed up Spider Girl what you want to be my sidekick like Spider Girl spider woman no woman no not a sidekick a partner oh not again hey it's your crime system thingy looks like a residential break-in Charles Standish hmm that sounds familiar Oh Oscorp CFO wait you don't think this has anything to do with Lee do you [ __ ] are you cooking run did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor [Laughter] where do you want me to wash a couch is fine see you later yeah I love that they call attention for that because that is the kind of stuff it's like where are you keeping your stuff where was your suit are you naked under that see technically I'm naked under this suit right now so yeah that makes sense I say keep leveling up very quickly if Lee's after me it's got to be related to Devil's breath let me know the second you find something Lee might be planning something even worse than city hall partners sounds good okay she called me her partner that me she loved poor P DS this a spidey heart is gonna explode out of a spider chest he's got a spider erection right now police looked like they could use some help what nice god I am so awesome I got shot to bunk it's fun good one oh I don't have any more of those left well I have one of those you guys stay here and I go if you forget to have webs in combat because I have to switch between them I should be using that way more to like you stack up the combos and stagger people and stun them and everything there's just a lot going on okay and I have a tiny boy brain in a hurry yes that's my name you're hurt I'm okay but you got to find mr. Standish fast those guys in the masks kidnapped him and forced him up to his place he lives in the penthouse top floor okay sit tight hi no glad you're here hit by my car go little drone boy no God I I was not supposed to be there ya got your gun Oh Oh he bounced off that wall I was incredible yo spider drone oh that was awesome okay let me try that again with this ha ha ha that's fun Boosh ok talk about building it up too much oh oh wait web bomb web bomb web um yes then I thought it would stick all those guys to that wall has a big kick and a half said Oh guy game froze and do they do this lady under one that works said another day on the job Oh Big Willie wait you guys work here too this building is serious about parking enforcement Oh God Oh Shi Wow okay I'm a I'm gonna get you one of these I can't get away I'm stuck in animations I'm trying to dodge super [ __ ] grab the door grab the door grab it Oh fight a fir effort sweet Jesus eater won't work they know I'm here maybe I can sneak up through the elevator shaft Oh nope didn't mean to do that the other way talk no why didn't mean to do that either sprint my boys rigs up to the penthouse from here it'd be nice I don't know what you said but I disagree with it get ready should stop doing this we can't keep eating like this there you go I almost stayed in the light they told me not to do that this is working incredibly well and I'm getting all my web bombs and stuff back Oh Oh get it because r2 is to run up the wall sometimes when you press l2 r2 to try and get in these areas it doesn't work again I don't even need to do anything with those this time I'm amazed amazed incredible that's what is your call me there Standish okay now what he's not standing enter your password enter your password but a sneaky sneaky spider-man sounds nervous maybe I should take him out these guys are safe I'm glad there's no like I'm glad this stuff like your web shooters like I have a limited amount of them for combat but I don't have a limited amount of them for like swinging and taking guys out and stuff like that that's I really like that he's a danger now he's safe oh god I didn't even check to see if he was safe there was a spider-man game that tried this kind of selfie stuff it was like then war danger man right now why are you in danger Manitoba house intends to telcos you're safe you're safe you're all just gonna be my chandelier would let me equip some tripmines it's really like two of you left go check it out or don't I heard a noise and I'm gonna assume that I got him I got oh can I even perch take down big boys I can Oh thought it'd be a different animation for them I don't need that one guy left that time boom okay all clear hope Standish is all right like think I'd just swing around inside buildings Oh gone sir Wow [ __ ] okay okay let's means business hi [ __ ] wait wait wait wait nice he's update okay now he is let's try this again pretty simple it's safe now what were they after it's uh ponytails financial records about Devil's breath how do you know about that why do they want it I don't even know what it is mr. Osborn's been pouring money into it for years but he keeps the whole project a secret I'm the only one who has any record of it not anymore looks like they copied some records to a secure server payroll information on a dr. Isaac Delaney who is he hi I honestly don't know come on come on balloon a wet barrier this is what I do best homey nice nice almost got him I don't think that this is how physics works but I love it break his back yeah I think so good good you know as elevator shafts go this is pretty nice I love Spidey this is why he's the best one him and Deadpool cuz they just they're their pain is their prism for comedy to crazier the situation the funnier they get I like it a law I also like that pose hey Yuri you okay yeah but I didn't get much out of Standish before the whole disabled guys stepped in and told me to back off what's the deal I get the sense all they care about is keeping him quiet because he knows about Devil's breath right whatever the hell that is I'm working on that I think I just got a lead a lead you sound like a cop don't you mean spider cop [Music] you're in a yury I knew it okay I want to see if I can get any more mods what can I do creases damage on your health is above a hundred slow time after perfect dodge scanned enemies remain highlighted until combat starts web attacks generate more focus creases the amount you are healed from focus oh that's a good one what do I have crease XP reduces incoming bullet damage okay let's replace this one with this nice so power yeah neither new suits wrestler suit bones all is ready I get you for three minutes and three minutes of later [Laughter] oh there it is the spider punk blast enemies with waves of righteous sound I don't want that outfit somebody's suck got so many more I only have like half of them all right how many skill points I have I have two skill points what could I get no not that one this one this one I want I can pull guys into the air with me while I'm fighting it's really handy Peter what happened with standish he's safe okay good and the demons they were looking for a name you got a pen yeah go dr. Isaac Delaney okay I was hoping you could tell me I'm on it just give me a few oh and before I forget you left that tracker from tombstones at my place I'll drop it at dr. octavius's lab you know what I find on Delaney they break the game there's no music anymore okay let's do some more research you get some research points okay I know this nation collects overflow data from all the others yet god forbid we waste oscorp's server space anyway do me a favor and make sure it's running smoothly or everything these stations do is for nothing well this is a nearly enough server space it's close to overloading that'll trigger a purge and everything Harry has will be lost I can't let that happen wait ESU has a backup server easier they never use that can handle the excess data but I'll need to realign the transmission dishes to make a link from here to there fast the secret to things sound out of breath how to find another link in the array whoa whoa got it just have to keep doing that oh wait from this okay what's taking up all that space on Harry servers looked like DNA sequencing but that seems beyond the scope of the research stations beacons are lit [Music] focus ladies it won't matter what's on the server if it all gets erased I promise I'm much better at this than I look talking to the people in the game we go and close nice though is super cool right where am I looking where am i lookin Aaron welcome should be in view of the ESU server now where are you going man we have a certain amount of time to do this you know now I can initiate the data transfer if I hurry I know why you're hurrying the timer's gone but yes let's hurry Oh God let's see okay that's not gonna work how do i oh wait can I just rotate these guys oh okay I didn't know I could looks good no it doesn't because I have to do this let's see ok no ok I could just Rika Jigar things afterwards anyway [Music] there's +4 okay hmm once everything's in place I can just start figuring it out afterwards crap looks good no it doesn't now it does and then this what I need to change this to let's see here we go quit mess it's working I can see the signal go everything's stored successfully should be fine until I have Norman assigned Harrison more server space and he'll be glad to when he sees what the stations have been doing what if he's not need be Terry up I want to do another base I wanted some more base coins tokens whatever or the bases what do they look like again a demon warehouse okay will Pink's Coleman [Music] okay toggle all there we go oh god they're miles away oh god they're miles morales is there really only one or the one that i can do right now damn okay well you're gonna have to do you have time to check something out for me nope no but if you ask nicely just got a call about a suspicious looking fox on a rooftop in Hell's Kitchen I could call in the bomb squad but if it's just some candid science project yeah I know budget crisis yadda yadda yadda so I get it you please check it out here's the magic word I hope it's some kids science project yeah man I miss those days school projects are so much easier than real-life projects that's a reference to the the clock that some kid made and didn't everyone think it was a bomb cuz they didn't understand it well last year nice [ __ ] just like right here okay what's up fellas I don't have any of those can knock you guys off the building with this that worked you seems to take down fire then you I can just sweep it off there we go can't have the ones inside feeling left out nice all right rooftop down now let's head inside going down but kind of right rooftop down now let's head inside going down ramp down with down and we missed a line but still stands me and spider-man are meant to be together forever MJ I'm at the first location on your list and guess what I found demons give the lady a prize see if you can figure out what they're up to well I introduced myself you safe to take down yep form three stealth takedowns and have to do a 35 hit combo [ __ ] that's difficult three takedowns are simply at these the ones that have like a billion waves okay this is the three takedowns and I'm glad I got that upgrade we literally didn't see that coming those are really fun to do wonder if I send out more like my spider drone and stuff does that count as a combo thing all right top come on it Dyson that is attack locked on to me I mean I know I didn't dodge at the right time [Music] I hope you guys can shine a town chest what they're reporting is nothing I wanted a memento was matted shipping I what I did shut our nationals with criminal records are getting into the country what I mean is I always had not getting hit this way I'm just gonna train at all regardless at their combo now 34 new bark Oh almost like that hard to do it's just they're the animations and stuff kind of get annoying sometimes because he like stuck to the wall when I did one stick to the wall and like trying to dodge stuff for them you're in the middle of an attack so you're gonna get hit by a do that can you [ __ ] so I got him on the way down nice [Music] oh that was the very last guy that would have been incredible Wow I got a ring at the end who spider-man MJ call the police all the demons are incapacitated don't forget to bring me a souvenir I'll bring you a vial of their blood what spider-man's badass oh damn yes there was worried it wasn't gonna be able to do it you rack up on combos a lot faster than you think you are like 35 hits sounds like a big combo it is but I was out like 20 real quick okay music still broken alright I'm gonna leave this episode here this one a bit more side mission heavy actually I can't remember what we did at the very start of this episode god so much of it I've been playing this non-stop since the game came out or since I got it which was like today I've recorded like five episodes all in a row so if I'm playing like five to six hours of this game just non-stop back to back to the whole thing is just all blending together to me but I'm so much from that I'm it like some of the missions are a little repetitive like chasing bad guys in their cars and getting pigeons and backpacks and all that kind of stuff like the idea of them is very repetitive but so far I don't feel the repetition setting in maybe cuz I'm just having so much fun with it and balance flying around the city and fighting bad guys and everything just feels super super fun and there's still so much depth to the game that I'm not even tapping into yet like a lot of the combos I don't have down a lot of the suit upgrades and things like that I haven't really tested out yet because I've just been trying to just have fun with it the way I want but I'm having a blast of it but for now thank you guys so much this episode if you liked it start like putting in the face won't you pause and play the road [Music] Shh but thank you guys no sailor dudes [Music] [Applause] spider-man spider-man
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,223,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, mr negative, martin li, MJ, shocker, silver sable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 52sec (4372 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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