SILVER SABLE | Spider-Man - Part 4

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to your friendly neighborhood Peter man dr. Octavius just called before I started recording saying that we might not be out of a job he might actually have some more stuff for us to do I wanted to swing between the cars that would've been awesome which is great maybe we'll actually get a chance to work again to invent another day as he said whatever that is probably him gotta be calm bad guy and me not agreeing with him and having to fight his face off that's fine Nic Cage and John Travolta did it I mean I can do it black cat don't tell me she's scoping out of places to rob she promised she would give up that life damn she looking at she's looking at the big giant J Jonah beanie baby face okay maybe she wants me to find something maybe was just a peeping tom oh oh something's vibrating aah one of her cats she packs those with range extenders then harvests nearby RFID signals I'll let Yuri know to pick it up she sure does Hey look at the septic guy in the left valishia is too smart to be putting herself at risk like this she must be desperate for some reason better keep an eye out so a lot of these things are just like oh here's this unique thing no there's 20 million of them all around the city you suit available ooh sorry Yuri oh my god the negative suit synchronizes nanomesh particles to unleash a devastating wave of negative energy that's not PMA it's an awesome what's this I know I see sick no associated suit power three tall black hats take out certain lock too soon oh this one looks cool but it also looks like something from Zelda let's say you have a Triforce on my chest still really want this one though alright whenever I get a base token again II won't change my suit hey Yuri you still have black cat suit and equipment in the evidence lockup right maybe right the Krispy Kreme yo check and let me know if her gear is still there I also kind of got evicted from my apartment truly no really any chance you have room at the shelter thanks me homeless man homeless man does whatever a homeless guy you think your homeless man can swing from a web where's that Oh Oh boom I'm getting some [ __ ] pick OHS dog some sick landmark shots Empire State University alma mater and holder of my stoop what I'm very good at this I know I'm on it oh you should shut the [ __ ] out of his own guy oh that was a negative grenade come here come here come here yes sack of negative energy I keep forgettin that I have [ __ ] webs it's like I have wet bombs and all this [ __ ] and I'm not using them nice today this was a maniac but he loved New York the demons though he really it's here the city down what else will have taser webs and also impact waves where bombs are pretty good yeah I'm much faster than I was at the start of the game it's very very nice I want to do a lot of site missions on this one at some point I'll progress the story a little bit but I also want to do a lot of side missions because I want to upgrade my powers in my suit and my gadgets and all that kind of stuff hmm cuz it's important I also want to explore the city I don't want to just do the story stuff well do as much of the game as I can can't believe I haven't slept since the FISC takedown god I start taking better care of myself welcome to feast stands for find extra ass Southtown good one me ok where can I sleep ooh oh that's I'm not even going in the right direction what's up where's Ernie you guys play this late you think also I think they just play all the time I could come at any time of day and they will be doing it homies couch is comfortable well it's probably more comfortable than you know the street also you're spider-man just go out and make yourself a hammock man was I ever a dork was well we all have an awkward face yeah mines been lasting into horses for 28 years now point wish May would take some of this down it's embarrassing it's not embarrassing it's cute look you even drew Doc Ock before he became a thing an artist I was not did you draw a picture of spider-man did you I'm sure it looks good to me did you tell your own future there's a couple of pictures of spider-man they're Benford miss you that's quick all right let's just go sleepy sleeps poor Peterman tired being a spider Parker hundred dollars $300 I can't take this you can and you will I'll pay you back soon just ask for help next time oh you are so much like Ben you have to learn to swallow that Parker pride and accept that you're human like the rest of us hmm am i Martin I'm sorry to interrupt and just wanted to let you know I'm headed out of town you're in charge while I'm gone well you can count on me how long will you be away I really don't know is everything okay it's some personal business I've been planning for a while but please take care of this place it represents the best part of me mm not the negative part of you well I guess I'd better get busy Peter how do you fit all that hair inside that mask Shawn how'd you get that big bubble in your throat while you talk I don't know hello hey did you see my story I did Robbie must be pretty happy right now yeah it kind of went viral and get this mayor Osborne just announced he's going to give officer Davis an award this afternoon nice wait isn't Osborne's campaign rally this after oh I see what he's doing yeah we all do but still a pretty cool moment for officer Davis and his family I'll be there covering it want to join me yeah of course see you then this is how I talk on my phone Parker boy spider Pete does whatever his uncle's dead that wasn't nice these shots are cool could have a got like I can move the camera and everything but it'd be cool if I could like swing it around his face no this beautiful face look at those textures nice all right what are we doing let's let's look for some crimes taking money from me I should head out into the city and try to pay it forward try and pay it forward PD boy okay we're gonna do some more of these ones we got some research tokens alright ooh there's a different one here oh these ones are good these ones give me a lot Howard long time no see how's Pidgey doing he's a little down today misses his cousin's been a bit of a whirlwind for both of us owners of my building resolve for commercial I know that voice we had to move in to feast get our bearings I'm so sorry is that lead from the walking dead heartless when they kicked me out of my place he said all the birds loose peaches only one who found me I've been looking everywhere for the rest of them but with my bad leg and all you know what I get around how about I keep it I have to search for pigeons what is this grass I've thought of for you oh thank you if you have any luck please give me a call well do Howie Mandel right where the hell was I going or in the wrong direction dirt dirt dirt ow I have no understood I'll do a swing by let you know what I find and hey here's a tip on public speaking just picture everyone in their underwear wait not Osbourne you know what never mind how does that work picturing everyone in their underwear how does that work that freaks me out more people fully clothed that's like okay now I just have to worry about your judgment people naked it's like oh now I have to worry about your sweaty bodies so am i cool yeah I'm gonna just do some science real quick those are the same thing again this stations simple really important it measures toxins in the air way more sensitive than anything the city has bad air hits children and the elderly first this was a big one for my mom if his data is accurate I can with the mom camera sulfur dioxide in the air I have a spidey hunch this is caused by inefficient engine exhaust if I get some fresh samples I can identify the make and model and report them if I Spidey swinging through this Spidey smoke I can figure out what Spidey wrong with this town got that one there you go now you got cancer good job heat no it's not but yeah you're doing it you know what it's cuz you cared oh okay okay here we go don't they all they look horrible actually a few more a couple is two you need three that's quick math this is really matter where I go I could just keep going in a straight line good advice for life don't die where is it yeah okay looks like we have three guilty parties I'll need to get pictures of them for proof one down spoo douche taking pictures just like the old bugle days life was so much simpler back then yeah he also had a girlfriend back then we're going around breathing in toxic fumes your life's really gone off the rails there Pete Oh didn't mean to do that little fire he swings no didn't mean to do that either at the keeper I'm so far away from this one now like when you fly forward like that the momentum just like stays going three nights it makes you feel all flowy did you feel like you're flying half the time that might be the most genius move they put in the game as well as the web zip launch to let get you out over buildings like that which you masoom I'm assuming came from necessity after implementing the web swinging mechanics and then be like wait no we can't do that how do we get out over the buildings cuz that's gonna be really annoying it doesn't count come here you freaking care hey there to research tokens nice oh yeah the Fogg needed to clear what are the ones can I do on base tokens what a fast travel oh these become fast travel points afterwards neat should I do another one have them all done in this area you already want to all the cool missions are there to do a lot of very similar missions this is going this direction and see where see what's going on with my mission that was a good one leaving it to the last second to do it feels badass looks a little wonky sometimes because the animation has to kick in but feels fun and that's way more important Hey my focus bar is full finally waiting on that we sorry mister the dead consolidated shippi oh is this that this is it this is the mission from the e3 demo Jeff I'm here what do you see find the rest the boss wasn't dead looks like the demons are moving in on Fisk's territory I got this this is the one they showed this is the very first time we ever saw a gameplay from the game was this mission this is the one where I have to chase the helicopter right I've seen everything got to do with this game by the way come here see it was worth getting that upgrade because now I can perch take him down from much further away but oh god oh god oh god I did not mean to stick to that one I wanted to stick to this I'll take both two-for-one yes a two-for-one special on demon boys just hang them all up they're like special little children hi friend come on up here and hang out it's been lonely the last couple of days I've had no one to hang out with no I got all you guys don't suffocate though okay cuz I'm really trying not to kill people are you trying to turn my life around you got what you came for the portals are up there somebody alert the Internet not today that's cool see it's worth having a full bar for this [Music] nice oh that's not the right thing to do ouchy wowie out hey there all day hey Willy you nice jumpsuit slimming stay out of my business wait the demons who's their leader keep my minimize and maybe I'll tell you [Music] saving bad guys from other bad guys not how I thought today would go did you think today would go Spidey [Music] okay okay okay okay I'm getting shot to [ __ ] nice nice nice nice quit hittin yourself oh god damn their attention oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I really wish you'd go down there we go I did it I was [ __ ] awesome whoa sorry boys he didn't even go into the air guys everything so bouncy and spry it's awesome nice nice stick to the wall sweet I mean like special things that I can do for this one hey baby there we go you two stay here wait for the police it's cool that it's not like a self-contained level either like I'm able to just keep going higher and higher okay I want to be able to do cool [ __ ] nice to any different webs I don't want to use my focus thing on you doesn't feel worth it oh no it's Brutus hey big guy hi Oh here we go here we go here we go here we go did I just kill him there we go nice Oh baby now I'm gonna do this sweet Spidey you got so many gadgets and they're awesome god this is so much fun that's so cool I didn't think there you go oh no you're supposed to do that yeah yeah the truth okay do I have anything oh that was cool I'm so cool oh god this game is amazing okay everybody everybody fine Fisk your men are safe you're who runs the demons maybe maybe is it check the roof I've missed these cryptic fist talks the fact that that was all one big playground is really cool hello again this is all different than the e3 demo oh [ __ ] oh no oh we just made it a giant wrecking ball come on watch out so clear you got this Spidey nice nice get ready for it nice that's a lot of when this stuff coming out of you looking badass yeah and this is the first time we ever saw the web swinging in the game oh no what did you do you're supposed to do a different thing pretty go oh okay I got it I got it I got it I'm a special boy it's [ __ ] guy okay okay he's not swinging for some reason everything's being weird the cameras annoy me I know I know working on hurry call you when it's done okay okay catching up to it oh this is hectic sweet Oh frame rates my cheese yeah nice sweet Jesus lay this [ __ ] is so cool oh except that that was awkward bye this is your master plan replace fits one into depth for the second way I go wow you're playing them real bad Oh God [Music] yes this is the plan Oh baby come on people you got [Music] [Laughter] please don't screw this up that's so awesome yeah man that's exhilarating Jesus who these masks are so awesome where do you get him away he goes I caught the bad guys but you might want to bring a ladder go miles a fan boy there he is crap I'm late you coming no I get the city off my dad ceremony do we get to play as miles second grass oh damn I thought I'd get to play as him ooh baby MJ did they start to spare money yet they're still setting up got hung up it'll work be there soon it's not work you can't cold being spied around a job you're not being paid to do it it's hard work I guess I guess it isn't hmm I don't know Pete it's not a profession all right you're still gonna have to go to college I also got new stuffs have I gotten a thing yet it's there's no bass tokens that's fine any challenge tokens okay when do I get challenges all right what are these cell takedowns generate more focus mmm kinda want these ones though the Yank guns out of people's hands I don't really get this just to start this tree [Music] [Music] friends I've just received an update on Adrian Toomes aka the vulture apparently this wing and criminal has fallen ill with cancer he's been moved to the RAF's infirmary for treatment which will undoubtedly cost a fortune in public funds now let me ask you why do we even have an infirmary at the raft it's a supermax prison full of maniacs like God let nature take its course now I realize that time but solid by Jax Bell G J John Jameson and this one is like Alex Jones basically a loudmouth saying a bunch of crazy [ __ ] wait where's this nothing like putting my skills to good use am i chasing a [ __ ] pigeon my balloon I wonder if they'll have a balloon easter egg in it hey Howard I think I found what a Piggy's cousins dusty gray flecks just left the stain on my suit I'll do the same for any others I'd let a backpacks lying around as well that I still have forgotten but I know the backpack ones are kind of annoying cuz I have to stop and climb the walls and everything ok the rally so that is Miles his dad he said he was going to go through the ceremony I don't know the miles lor I'm not super kept up on I've read some of them will be right out front it sounds like a lot of people out there you'll be fine honey last time I gave a speech I was in high school miss Daimler gave me a C - if only miss Steinberg could see you now hey you got this dad I mean come on you say spider-man I'm pretty sure that makes you an official superhero superhero oh maybe I'm just a guy who doesn't give up very good man Jeff man I get to play as miles ever want to be I want to be miles or man welcome everyone before I hand it off to Mary Osborne I'd just like to say a few words hippie flippy dippy so I think this gang war may finally be over like and over over I mean there's some loose ends still to be tied up but loose ends well a truck pulled away from the scene from a company called consolidated shipping something's not right about it I just don't know what hmm well maybe after this we can grab some coffee figure it out together yeah well thanks Jim goodness said it better myself but I'll try something's gonna happen I don't like this we all know that officer Davis is a hero but uh instead of coffee maybe we could have dinner instead I have to come over I'll cook or we could you know meet at a totally neutral location for a completely normal meal by professionals for acts smooth of extraordinary bravery above and beyond the call of duty it is my privilege to present officer Jefferson Davis with a department Medal of Honor oh he's not gonna die is he sir kind of in the middle of something here Jim it sounds urgent sir fine congratulations sir I feel like something's gonna happen thank you I share this honor with my family my wife Ryo and my son mines without their support I I couldn't do what I do yes I've worked many years for this moment who is this over the coming days your company your city and everything you care about will be destroyed people will beg you for help but you won't be able to save them listen jackass I get threats like this twice a week let mr. negative Herron tell me what you want to watch you suffer yep oh [ __ ] there is Martin Lee god damn Jesus Christ that's actual terrorism those were suicide bombers Jesus Christ are you pulling any punches later Jesus men was like a war zone like a really Derek I'm going to find your father now we get to play as miles mom thank God Peter's not dead right cuz in an miles a story like how miles become spider-man is because Peter Parker dies I'm not supposed to be blowing this way am i maybe I am this is crazy measure if that's out the game went all this time everyone thought you were playing is the whole game is about Peter Parker turns out it's actually a game about miles [Applause] I smart okay nice going okay she said that a second ago and you saw what happened it's okay mom i watch Nathan Drake do this God [Music] she's discard very very violent all of a sudden she get passed through there I mean it's awesome it's cool when there's actually high stakes for things and it's not just punching each other in the face all the time that's [ __ ] I love it whoa God dead bodies everywhere sweet Jesus yes oh my god don't think oh oh damn it fission mailed okay I didn't know I didn't know I was actually I'm supposed to jump out over that box don't cheat Jesus on I like that you don't go and check okay okay balls could've sworn I heard something maybe it's all that explosions and everything that were going off in the background okay I don't care right now but that was Martin lead that was there he was one instigating everything that was right there gotta help I know I'm waiting for this guy to turn around cam down miles now what's your plan here buddy what are we doing am I [Music] [Music] No you know we have to leave now there he is yeah dad no my god we got and there's your superhero origin story damn that was intense I like it though I like when when they go all out like that I'm sorry for your loss do I know you I'm Peter Parker I was at City Hall and look I know you don't know me but I just wanted to say I know you're going through that's what you were gonna say right or it all gets easier with time don't worry it's a part of God's plan I'm sorry I was just trying out I know I'm sorry about that I don't know what I'm gonna do with him okay help him grieve together the day like voice acting and acting in general in this game was really top-notch AE demons emerge Rini it is Oh you level up now you sure do moms get to levels up I'm sorry Jeff did I get any things yet no I have one skill point webs if a second time without losing altitude ah cool I said this before the game came out I was talking to friends about it I was like it'd be cool if you could get upgrades where you could like triple tap X and just go like and then go really quick damn I can boost myself much further I should have been getting all this [ __ ] what does this one hold or two and X while running yes that's what I wanted I wanted to jump from spider-man to in spite of my - you could hold X to charge up your jump I guess you can't say that you there it's me I'm thinking I screwed up and that kid lost his father they're not even looking for even Yuri doesn't believe you think he's hiding out there no he's not if he's not at the recycling center where he might be yeah good work MJ I'll let you know what I find they're all claiming Martin Lee has the power to quote corrupt people corrupt what does that mean they say it's sort of like mind control it brings out the negative part of you wouldn't normally do so I'm guessing that's the guy who Martin Lee corrupted the guy the cop to get government out of his thing no the thing here also this rain is super pretty happen on a construction site and their equipments covered in dust that's my bad I'm gonna take a closer look let's take out this place having able to take that oh [ __ ] that's centum it sounded like nolan north voice I tried to dodge that that didn't work I got this I got this ah this should worked okay let's do this way didn't that work but isn't my bomb go off good one equip the thing oh I was pressing the wrong button there we go oh that was dope okay tell me are you having a bad day it's raining and I have to have enough fiber today so my bowels aren't moving as quickly as I would like them to be nice nice nice okay now God's more than what you're doing okay maybe not maybe not I'm wrong I keep forgetting to use my super power nice nice never could leave and come back it's funny cuz it was a quip on its own okay do I have any more okay I do ever been so mad you smacked one [ __ ] with another [ __ ] Spidey has nice nice nice oh but you can't spider-man is webbing me you guys know you can do that oh crap wrong wrong oh god Wow okay I need more of this in my life okay okay okay there's a lot to take in okay okay mom one of you die please oh god that's up forever we did it y'all powerful spiders sexy boy I've got Fisk's guys and all the probable cause you need webbed up and waiting good job Thanks thinks he can run things from inside but he's gonna find out why long-distance relationships don't work out no to base tokens in the yes briefs no cuz that means I can make a new suit I can technically make this one it makes you bulletproof but it doesn't look cool what's this electrically insulated suit this looks crap like the ones that make me look sleek and awesome what's this one causing a Spidey bro I kind of want this one it's not the best one overall like it doesn't give me the most amount of powers and everything but it looks cool and I really wanted oh can I just put the other one on it oh I want this one towers to activate yes I mean it's a little weird now cuz I'm in the rain but look I'm Tom Holland that's pretty awesome God is able to get it likes so early on does it stay in the cutscenes I assumed it would oh this isn't it cutscene MJ's hunch was right place is crawling with demons gotta take these guys out then have a look around okay God I'm all shiny I was not supposed to fire that one at it but I'll take it there we go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what God big big big point [ __ ] that's my spider bro holy crap that straw you [ __ ] serious okay that's way over forwards oh oh oh god oh god oh god everything is going wrong in my life okay okay that's too far okay small movements are difficult when your spider spider bro a security lock they use these on banks not recycling centers there's a lot of money in our psyche line where it gets its power from Oh looks like I could override this circuit there you go leave my electric webs okay feeler kits needle have the juice okay god there's a lot of them do you did it there's spider-man there looks like the circuits still stable maybe there's another junction box close by huh what's happening he just kept doing back flips on his own gotcha almost there one more box to do it zap and that last box is not there it's up here there we go living that's it yep that's how that worked what are you doing backflips all the time we control interacting up I don't even press any buttons Oh dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee spider-man oh man I miss the old animated Spiderman cartoons must be where they're planning to attack wait these are Osborne campaign offices all the paths originate from the same address lots of high-tech equipment maybe later I can recycle this stuff into some weapons of my own that was like an Iron Man piece I I hope Iron Man is not in this game hannes from Fisk armory I already hated that he was in well didn't hate but I I like Spidey when he's able to handle himself not be pampered by Tony Stark this is crazy there's some scurry [ __ ] explosives from Fisk's construction site this wasn't a gang war the demons were stealing from fists to go after mayor Osborne hey no but you were right Lee's using this place as a front for the demons mom making gun running whoa oh good and it looks like they're planning another attack this time on Norman Osborn's campaign offices I found an address here I think it's this staging area if I hurry I might be able to stop them I'm always careful careful is my middle name Shawn you're careful McLaughlin Morton Ely and the demons are planning another attack this time on Norman Osborn's campaign office trust me on this one I'm sending you the address of a recycling center you'll find all the evidence there look I believe I'm playing this so I can't believe I'm like swinging around a spider-man right now it's so much fun the rain makes this so pretty then little like kind of fog look to everything it's a very cinematic game insomniac are very good at lighting their engine is very impressive and we've only had one instance so far where the framerate has kind of tanked a small bit and I wasn't even that bad consolidated shipping here we are can i stealth all these boys again I should try to do this quietly but also with style hell yeah I think I can actually make another suit like I think I made this suit but I think I came out can use that stuff I found at the recycling center yes trip mines are sweet I can make another suit oh but what one do I want not that one that's silly looking see this is helpful for their stealth sections but hmm this one just looks so silly it looked like a member of Daft Punk maybe I'll make this one I won't wear it right now but I'll make it nice I love using bad guys own weapons against him so then you do this and you fire it and then he goes across him that my friends is what karmic justice looks like what do you sound like you have a cold all of a sudden you ain't gonna find your friend over there okay calm down maybe if I go like right okay cool and then if I do this and you're like huh what was that noise whose footprints are these and you don't see the big giant blue laser coming out of the wall and then come on there's one step further alright next bad guys over there I can handle this uh-huh uh-huh what was that noise hmm that's Metal Gear Solid reference for any of you who don't know whose footprints are these are you gonna see me if I do this safe okay good I need to get to high vantage points for you boys wait maybe if I just sneaky sneak sneaky man spider sneak sneaker suit Boosh nice sometimes the audio is a little off it's not as impactful as it could be okay cam down dude no one's even here he's just he's waiting like guarding the place he's like victory will be ours everyone else is like [ __ ] cherry sloughed we owe God it's it safe and then it suddenly said danger my bad oh oh what just happened thought I called in my little my little Deuter boy my little spider drone friend nice well that solves that please not out here better check inside you guys should not be doing bad things okay good thing I stopped this one I did you could blow up half of Manhattan with the stockpile crime never pays unless you're robbing banks then it pays very very well but don't do that cuz that's bad and you get spanked huh the invoice from an auto shop pale horse rides that's one expensive tune-up what else can I find around here it's one expensive tuna they have bases all around the city Oh so here's how I get base tokens actually just by defeating bases you made filtering using icons as you play okay this is bigger than I thought neat looks like the demons have an army oh [ __ ] whip crack number five top of the mornin to you the hell do I deal with you can I do any of this you it was definitely not this I was pretty damn easy actually Oh nut sack well cursed me for talking too soon that was awesome oh I got a different suit power from the last one and that's equipped instead of the drone that makes way more sense oh [ __ ] oh God oh mama llama okay uh this one oh I can stick the bad guys together whoo catch catch fine Oh fun who are you guys that's not how we do things kind of is whoa whoa where we do this hell are you guys I can't think of her name she's badass I know [Music] Yuri explanation please this is silver Sablin ova table international a private security force paid for by mayor osborne oh the mayor has a pet army now next time you get in my way I will not be so gentle go we'll talk later [Music] I'm in love okey-dokey and level up whoosh it's okay well that took a dark turn anyway sable has the mayor's ear and unchecked Authority we've searched that address you gave he found plenty of evidence of a bomb plot but nothing that leads back to Martin Lee I'm working on hey MJ hey so I dredged up some records on Martin Lee's other business holdings he's got places all over the city huh the locations line up with a map I found at that shipping business I'll check him out let me know what you find at each one and I'll work on building a case you got it I'm headed to Lee's office at feast to see if I can learn more about why he's doing this and what he's got planned next okay no Lee's only got one target on his mind Norman Osborn hmm okay well I'm gonna leave this episode here now that they're all done talking damned so that got really intense there in the middle that whole mile section that was that was really good I like that I like that people were actually dying there was consequence the things people were just showing up and punching each other or sapping each other with secret magic and things like that like there was actual bite to it there was tension and everything I never get to see miles and we get to see if we get to play as him more later on or if there's even gonna be like a miles suit in the game a lot of the suits that I've seen here so far I haven't seen before like I saw like the punk one and the the iron spider from The Avengers is in it I think but a lot of the ones that I've unlocked so far I didn't even know we're in the game so I'm excited to unlock more than but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face who are you pause and I broke shh shh thank you guys that was Co dudes [Music] oh there was saliva creeping its way down my neck and I thought I was gonna choke and die
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,640,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, mr negative, martin li, MJ, shocker, silver sable
Id: Sk1hxCNj5zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 5sec (4685 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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