THE SHOCKER | Spider-Man - Part 3

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back test spider-boy i don't know a mission we're gonna have to do right now but i am excited to just keep swinging around this beautiful lovely city and i did see that there was potentially a way of doing tricks in the air but i'm not aware of yet i want to be able to do them other missions page I don't what no I don't want to do that I should look for more towers to activation you should but we should also just go do this thing what yes I'm getting pretty good at the swinging now oh yeah I know what I'm doing I know what it's all about being able to dive-bomb and swing again ah ah super fun alright where are we heading to see that kind of thing when he sticks out two lines that's really cool and it's dynamic yeah that's great and all but I going back to the lab wait is this the lab and I figure my way around I don't know no New York I don't knew no York yeah okay fix that here yeah you got masks here again no there's a doc ock or maybe he does know what if Doc Ock becomes bad which he always does what if he comes bad and then was like well I knew you were spider-man all along and he's like sabotaging you oh I hope not how does it work just like a natural armor you think of what you wanted to do and no we were to think that in real life were also at that point hey hey what do you think you're doing the site's been declared a safety hazard stop right now this is highly sensitive equipment that's it I'm calling the mayor's office directly Peter Parker how the hell are you Norman mr. Osmo please how long have we known each other it's mr. mayor he's the mayor it's Norman Norman what do you think you're doing here the grant agreement you signed has strict safety provisions this isn't your first violation those who are excused by me we should have confiscated this equipment long ago but but I've had a breakthrough thank you for your great service to our country these folks will escort you to a scorp robotics where you'll receive the latest in prosthetics no charge this isn't about safety infractions is it I'm trying to help you Otto I'm free to continue your work in a secure environment at Oscorp you always were the smartest guy in the room you haven't changed a bit neither of you hmm hey Peter Harry will be coming back from Europe early next year maybe the two of you can start that business you always talked about this is opportunity knocking damn you okay blotto easy they didn't take everything maybe we could start over Peter there's no we without the grant from the city I can no longer pay you I need some time to think if I were you I'd look for a new job oh is this the thing that spurns him is that the thing that's gonna make him all bad guy now so I wonder if Norman is Green Goblin in this like if he'll actually turn into Green Goblin or if it's just he's just a mayor all relevant questions how's doc call Harry ask him to talk to his dad Norman never listens to Harry even tried to kill funding for his research stations yummy one of those stations is nearby should see how they're doing while Harry's in Europe okay oh what's behind you I'll think of something some going you're kind of scaring me Harry left me a message about these before you do I need a favor my mom's pet project was research stations that could benefit the public now I launched him but now that I'm away Corpse gonna shut them down unless they prove their value hmm I was hoping you could watch him I left details in each one thanks man as long as they're here it's like a part of my mom is too okay pay the bills but it sounds like it means a lot to him I'll do what I can to help okay so this is how via our research tokens all right what'd I do exactly wait this is another of our air quality stations monitoring contaminants in the surrounding atmosphere super important for the city and its citizens but certain corporate overlords are less than thrilled by the prospect of their pollution output being publicly reported hmm I'm gonna have to do a little bit of science before they reach toxic levels what's the word between you and me I think Oscorp wants this to fail because it might show they're polluting the amount of polycyclic hydrocarbons in the air is way too high yeah Rising Sun I said if it keeps getting worse people could die smog particles are concentrating in trouble spots like mini clouds of smog I'll swing through them and get samples then trace him to the source this place just changed dramatically after I went in there somebody fired it out over a big gas cloud I was like that Harry made the machine and everything to test it was like what's the word contaminants I never heard that word before okay I tried to swing but you wouldn't let me is that the cloud okay let's see if we can you can't swing through that because it's too high up okay so I don't actually have to swing through them I can actually just do my my thing through them you didn't do it Pete yeah yeah yeah gosh dang alright let's do it this way for these clouds to be variable to the naked eye Hey Oh huh all my tactics for swinging and everything are going out the [ __ ] window alright it's the next one good samples of bad stuff anyway yep alright where's the next time Oh with the earth let's go God why do I soak all of a sudden but Jack you always some shut up okay mean well it fall through the cloud what's cool I heard a backpack wait I can do this watch watch I can do a cool thing no I can't I thought I could like bounce up off the top of the roof to do it do you do your do your thing feels like I'm breathing from a tailpipe stop breathing it in just hold your breath as we go through it true right one more it's above me every toxins coming in two types of cars and a faulty smokestack I better get photos moo-hoo what I like about the camera in this version of the game is [Music] that I can just equip the camera and then do this like midair that's cool before I never I always wonder like why spider-man just didn't do that oh god my capture card just froze now everything's all laggy just stays out as well that's kind of neat swing Spidey boy so agile and handsome and awesome I love you boy the hell am i going perfect that was cool in the water what did you get out of the garden wish I could ask him but he's dead whoever made him release shocker didn't want any loose ends damn looking at the security footage the guard was in some kind of trance and it might have been the lighting but it looks like his eyes were glowing well that's creepy okay I'll see what I can get out of shocker when I get to the bank you think it's Mysterio the Mysterio in this game I don't know what this is the the section I did in the demo there I did the demo at PAX and this was the boss fight that I got to do so i'ma show you some magic vacuum I created by putting fists away oh I think I just lost my job fight the city norman actually pulled our funding thanks MJ talk to you soon wow that's cool Oh God sorry everyone just beat them over the head with the the boot with the care whoa whoa whoa whoa hey fellas okay okay one at a time web throw objects at enemy's web three enemies to a wall okay I need some objects to throw at you guys here we go here's one I want to do the bonus missions okay I didn't actually do the thing whoa whoa whoa hey hey sir hey okay there's two and there's three [ __ ] okay I'm out of impact web so I can't do the whole thing okay yes yes it is I don't know what I'm doing [ __ ] [ __ ] nice whoa see you later alligator damn I just kicked some at you're welcome homey friendly neighborhood spider boy I have a high five high five okay see you later hi-yah high fives all around like a five xp for giving someone a high five that's awesome narcotics sale okay spider boy is on the case see you got no it's not you guys where is it okay I see where it is and I'm on my way oh stop attacking me very strongly okay hey I pressed dodge ow wait I oh come on he threw me through the wall [ __ ] I should have healed I didn't realize I was so low on health Oh Spidey I'm sorry buddy I almost did the bonus thing as well you know what let's just go stop shop okay most world's slowest web-swing whoo all right get up some momentum that is cool though that you can just build up momentum and get faster and faster this is a good way of doing it too also dive-bombing because it speeds you up all right I'm here let's fight some what does that Herman Herman Schultz is that same can remember Herman a long time no see hey I'm no lawyer but have it your way you wanna fight Lars okay so we can talk science remember our first fight okay no break I think I needed that to swing at you hey I dodged that look this lady just never stops talking but you talk too much do I do I really talk too much I don't know if I talk too much maybe you suck my parents about talking too much come on I keep trying to dodge the last one but it's not working here we go Boosh right in your face cinematic Trey big point come on Herman yeah Herman come on hey here we go spinny spinny I just do this immediately again oh my god I can't oh I could have done it again that would have been awesome man really speeding up this fight that was quick that's interesting man Spidey must be so annoying to fight against I should turn on my battle focus so I can get more Healy's okay get ready oh crap next one strong boy that's how you do it nice so I I blasted through that cuz I played it in the demo so feel like I cheated a small bit but it's a fun fight camera gets a little annoying cuz it's like in such an enclosed space but I like I like the story implications nice good job meat nice also I'm pretty sure he was working for the demon gang perfectly fine news organization is it guys with masks let me get back to you yeah sorry about that it's that time again it's pretty with shocker took a while time to catch up on what I've been missing out the city okay spider-man P I and 1500 XP for this that's a lot are you okay ma'am he's been acting weird and I just found out he's meeting this woman well listen I'm not the best person to help with relationship problems I think she's involved with bad people Rodrigo might be in real trouble he's scared but he won't tell me anything I can check it out any idea when he's meeting her next tonight by the detox center in Greenwich okay don't worry Carmen I'll find out what's going on where in the world is Carmen San Diego's those women just sent me Rodriguez picture let's see if I can find him nice okay private investigator spider-man I was spider caught before I'm spider investigator private and best the spider that's a good one I like that one whoa Here I am that's Rodrigo he's really nervous he's meeting jacksepticeye got green hair I'll get a photo and see if Carmen recognizes her bad angle to get it straight on my life's over okay it's like spider-man why are you here remember tell anyone about this he's being blackmailed am I gonna follow her this sounds bigger than I thought I better follow the blackmailer and find out how big government following people is phone you look familiar sounds like she's blackmailing him she mentioned something about plans she could be planning a heist but I'll need more evidence before I can do anything all right okay I'm gonna see where she's taking the plans I'll be in touch God I'm even faster than the kara now I'm even faster than the Karimun bad joke all right where are you going you're driving very fast system or an accomplice I need a photo you know purchase with a good angle on this new guy looks like it's the underside of the High Line ah that's cool I love that gotcha I love any of the hang upside down look at me go oh I can actually go up and down holy crap it's exactly the thing spider-man should be able to do that's fun sorry they're talking and I'm just going all over Spidey hell yeah okay York you're much slower to follow oh you're gonna swab way no he'll spot me we need to track him from above ground where is he getting on tapping or the Train system should help me follow the train's path oh okay we we are just able to do that now apparently we are we are Batman okay Jesus trains fast not a great combination train drift I'll let you know what I find out watch a lot of heist movies here's the Train that's actually cool that it's a physical train I thought it was just gonna be a thing underground cuz obviously oh oh that's bad no do the thing I didn't I'm not doing that one end of the line I should head over near the subway exit wait for him to get out thank God I almost lost him this is fun these side missions are cool dated dated dated did date sneaky sneaky Spidey boy hi kitten you're my picture oh god sorry oh this is super fun feel like a detective I'm more Batman than Batman is right now ah okay so I have to stick to the wall I put that high like okay what am I getting a picture of that's obscure haha hice plans oh wait it's gonna picture this thing as well there we go now I can plan the heist steal all the money for myself they're on the move now I know why I'm getting so much xp for this okay there's bad guys I'll come back and take pictures with you later I need some speed cuz speed is key super fast fighty hi oh god oh god oh god it's me I'm here to arrest you I'm not really a cop but I'm trying to be okay I'm trying to prove myself do you think if I take you guys out they'll they'll hire me oh god I have to stop the [ __ ] car as well all right there's one care sup I now have to go get the other one okay there they are getting away they are absolutely getting away okay okay okay my web swing he is all over the [ __ ] place right now not today buddy boy you've messed with the long web of the law hi haha bye last but not least our favorite magician spider-man I'm not letting the carrot collapse this time yeah but it's strong I am one of a care I love it when a plan falls apart hey Carmen nice your husband's pal and his team just had their trip to beautiful Atlantic City canceled I've got a contact on the force she'll help Rodrigo especially if you'll agree to testify about the blackmail a good healthy marriage yeah damn you thinking what I'm thinking let's try to get ahead of it are there any fish properties that haven't been hit tonight patrol reported a bunch of activity at one of his shipyards on port side thanks Yuri I'll check it out alright but before I go any further I want to see what my I think I can do suit things yet ooh I've loads of mods Jesus why don't i gadget attacks generate focus okay reduces incoming melee damage that'll be nice creases arrange the AR scanner so I can have three on increases XP from defeating enemies that would be nice perfect dodge temporarily increases damage produced The effect of flashbang stun grenades increase the rate focused and rates finishes generate bonus gadget refills reduces incoming bullet damage that would also be really good enemies take longer to detect you in stealth and web attacks generate more focus okay so there was some that I really wanted more XP I might not be able to craft all of these because some of them might share the same juices incoming bullet damage I would like that one and what else can I afford let me take longer and stealth web attacks generally focus finishers generate you see effective flashbangs wait no what was the melee damage one this is bull [ __ ] my spidey over near this is whoa oh my God look at that one spider armor mark to suit I could have built that I had a base token [ __ ] magnetically polarized armor plating makes suit temporarily bulletproof against all enemies even snipers but then I'd have to go around in this suit and I don't like it as much as this one oh my god this suit also unlocks arms race discharges an amplified EMP build-up to stern hey it's a what Condon suit it's like Black Panthers stark suit oh my god it's the spider-man homecoming suit called in spider bro to temporarily aid in combat oh my god I want this one so badly oh it's so good I still like this one a lot though just the one I had at the very very beginning this one's nice but they I would like deeper reds and blues they none of them have like at the bottom better defense and stuff anyway soon as I get a base token again we're doing that Oh your base focus for these two inclusive blasts whoa okay let's go into my skills here for a sec web singer defender innovator so if I start going down this path I can start yanking like stuff out of people's hands what was this one hole trying gonna grab and throw away black spider okay start going down this path a small bit creases purse takedown range that's a good one being able to swing stuff around and knock them down as I do it I want to do that damn it's so much more stuff that I could have gotten that I didn't realize oh god don't run into me okay I don't have that suit yet the anti-car suit man could have had the spite of my home come on you got it boss tripling security demons won't touch it listen up demons are making moves on all our caches lost to tonight already boss maybe in lockup that don't mean as hardware's up for grabs come Jackie go to you up Eagle two reporting in oh can i stealth what caches are the demons after need to take out the physics men and figure out what their guardian oh yes it is I don't want it in fists or the demons hands snipers everywhere I need to deal with that first okay I'm gonna go through the the farthest guy where can i push we're gonna the farthest guy all the way over there oh this is cool can I see this is the kind of stuff that I never knew I needed in a spider-man game until now this type of like stealthy stuff scattered around here could make a great distraction it sure could Spidey buddy boy jump off the building alright can I just web strike take down what can I sneak a smooch I want to sneak to speak I think they just pins them to the ground oh the web kind of wore off don't you do perch somewhere else we're gonna groans can i perch oh god let's scare the [ __ ] out of me Spidey jump down oh wait can i purge here and just do a thing yeah that's cool okay there's two guys over this side so I need to distract one of them that's sniper has a guard watching him they need to divide and conquer or I could just do this all right phony ID the upgrade to do purge take towns from way further away hey wait let's see this is a distraction object right no one is Freddy neighborhood spider boy aah his moveset and being able to like pull people towards him is perfect for this kind of [ __ ] because that's the thing about Batman and the Arkham games is that you need to get close to them where spider-man doesn't need to where's everyone else there's a lot of guys in this area and I want to stealth the entire thing get outta here get out of here get out of here whoa that was close I didn't realize all the guys that were just there I need to perch somewhere else sometimes he doesn't want to go to the cooler places Oh God why are you here um if I bring you here it's nothing just go check it out and see what happens they do it from here I can't perch anywhere oh my god sometimes he doesn't want to go anywhere okay I really really want to stealth the entire thing if even possible I'm knocking Webb take down our web strike take down him do that oh god that is not where I thought you were going okay should be able to take someone down from here checking on a noise okay except you're not you're standing still come on over to the window dude yeah I know you're supposed to come on over it's a great time can I do it can I do it yeah nice that's impressive as well because there's loads of places you can perch and take dudes down and all that kind of stuff so to have so many different outcomes be possible it's really nice it's also amazing that you cannot see me from here Oh God this is fun so fast distraction object go damn you go check that out but I want your friend to kind of come out as well oh please oh please oh please oh please yes gonna hurt like [ __ ] dude nice oh we're so sneaky stealthy awesome I love it all right I can just make you it's like there's webs on the ground anybody hear that oh god I shouldn't be looking around I should be playing the game rainin webs hallelujah its rainin waves guys over here somewhere but I cannot see a month I see what you're up to how many one of these yeah see that's what I mean like when he turns them around he can just web straight onto their mouth and then they can't do anything they can't yell or scream for help another thing spider-man's fantastic at do you do you really you know I'm here why haven't you stopped me yet I think these are the last two guys might be nothing might be everything dad I miss my chance okay do not get detected I'm doing this whole thing stealthily okay it's working so far yeah okay so I can get it just you just web everywhere and make you guys go exactly where I want every single time like so come on out inspect the ground inspect her gadget yeah we did it animations are awesome [Music] there you go boys all webbed up pick him away toys you know we can't have vigilantes trespassing or doing illegal searches yeah I know which is why I brought a warrant so what do you say we do some perfectly legal searching I like the sound of that what's your name officer Davies call me Jeff and you are just messing with you what sons a big fan so that Mort cover breaking down doors not without a lot of extra paperwork okay I'll find another way so I like you Jefferson Davis this rundown should have a hole who are you I'm Peter Pan I'm spider-man I'm in a horror movie Oh any fisherman with a grudge and a hook for an okay where's that locked door right where it should yeah a few there I'm doing my best to refrain from knock-knock jokes do ya got it smart but I don't have anything that packs enough current stun gun genius capacitors in this are just what I need for an upgrade I've been thinking of taser webs they call me taser face but you're not just gonna use it you're gonna steal his thing and make your own webs okay nice Electric web for the wind gadget man huh you remind me of my son I started taking apart the TV when he was five now he's unlocking his friends phones sounds like he could teach me a few things your son isn't gonna be miles is it nothing illegal in plain sight kind of second a missile Alice in first glance let's look closer looking for something specific this yards been here a long time who'd Lakers used to use it back in the day gotcha those guys love their hidden rooms check it out sound hollow to you these little moments are really nice like the one on the door thank you go lead out the back but for another junction box you you go from like swinging winces all the way in the sky and doing incredible things through the city but then these little moments where it breaks it down on you you get like you very one-on-one I like that did that work there another one tonight can I just go up here we go what we go hey I doubt I would have found it without you ah safes empty hmm I got a big fat nothing well there's one secret room that could be more notice anything about the floor ha they can hide the doors but not the scrapes they leave keep an eye out for more of those got it let me move okay so where are there more shipping containers over here this one I know I'm after scrapes I should take another look around scrapey scrapey doors oh come on there you go there's a scrapey scrapey door pay dirt scrape no door and then I can see anyway sit tight I'll pull you up whew oh I thought you were just gonna stick a web tool and pull off the machine parts big honking rats careful the bridge is out oh god are you gonna are you gonna jump it nice beasts landing and everything [Music] fair enough another secret door I'll rig the lock let me know if you find the junction box yep on it I just tried did that not work it's gonna be another junction box isn't it did it open no this door must be hooked to another box okay on it you're a friendly neighborhood taser face forget it I thought it said cringe on the side of that box Hey nothing I'm starting to feel like this is Fisk's way of messing with me not knocking walls they kept guns here nah they wouldn't have moved them to the front door got to be a passageway we're missing check out the wall it's my control access to another area physics man we're talking about a vault maybe we're close bet on it looks like a dual circuit see if we can find a second junction box find junction box man that's my name found it that way what am i doing here we go clear noise if we do it do we find the secret lair we did right Jeff trap door outstanding thank you no me out this thing's heavy sure can actually I probably just able to lift it all on my own 2 3 spooky at all probably an old bootleggers tunnel and it looks like no one's cleaned it since Al Capone big chunk of concrete in the way I can't get through let me see how it looks from the top but somebody else can got room to maneuver here hang on here we go what was that subway maybe let's also play some speed okay that definitely wasn't a subway no sounded like explosives and that sounds like demons here people haha damn look at me Spidey and Jeff the best duo iconic duo demons are already gone how'd they beat us here must be a back door see if you can find dare they blew the locks to get in mmm demons stay here he'll know it'll take both of us to stumble and some of these just got a plan Jeff what are you gonna do okay find cover hey boys Wow okay I just tried to dodge and it didn't work Oh wrong thing I forgot I forgot I've got I am dodging bullets Ernie that's really handy actually good job buddy okay wrong guy where's this last okay from there there's one up there your timing is impeccable got him look at me go it's so cool the mobility and everything I'd love to see somebody really good at this game there we go there we go it's got an electric webs now yeah that was awesome oh wait nice to do this thing the same as the other guys but they just look a little different oh that didn't work we do it yeah Jesus Jeff's a badass I love that I love that seamless transition trucks full of gunmen in one day it's time to hang up the web here we go here we go boys here we go boys also looked at his midair dodge is him using his webs to like pull himself out of the way it seems obvious but I don't know why I didn't think of it until he actually does it Oh oh Christ oh Christ thanks for slowing down guys Oh God other than way you stuck to the roof there but whatever nice nice nice nice nice nice nice clear shot okay so I can't just grab you guys like I could all the other chase sequences I was doing so maybe I just have to keep following there we go bah [ __ ] are you doing bobak oh I got shot oh okay okay [ __ ] then you know that could happen there we go so I thought I had to dodge and then do it but I guess not Oh Oh Oh God God Spidey you're so strong oh no no the three decides to run on time Oh No oh sweet Jesus honey am i strong those webs are strong oh come on Jeff how are you alive this should have killed you Oh Jeff you boss Oh listen let's not do that again oh it's Jeff everybody say howdy Jeff we've now identified the officer as Jefferson Davis we're being told he has minor injuries and a massive testicles excuse me miss are you supposed to be here more than you after that auction house thing the bugle put me on the city beat which means I get to focus full-time on real stories like this and the demons you know the closer you get to them the more you become a target right the closer I get the better chance we have to stop them we officer Davis Mary Jane Watson Daily Bugle no coming I don't blame you but these guys are gonna tell their story with or without you and they thrive on controversy so what's hearing I don't have one I just listen okay up in nice she's good so weird to have a story where MJ's at the bugle but Spidey isn't wheels within wheels I'm beat really I don't want to sleep can I upgrade first trap locations are Mac to the lab oh oh I have to dang want to upgrade my stuff's good job Pete you almost died oh you take the subway it's not just sitting on subway be like let's check my Twitter do you think spider-man would have a Twitter and an Instagram if I was a superhero I would now we can upgrade myself how many I don't have any base tokens you get base tokens by completing story stuff I think one skill point extended perch take time would be very nice when throwing an enemy rapidly pressing triangle during the throat to confuse to be here look at it wait wait wait wait stealth takedowns generate much more focus okay I want this one so I can do my parts takedowns from further away garbage sweet garbage hoodie I'm trash don't sweet dump rent they evict me [Music] poor Pete yeah hi I'm trying to track down some items that were accidentally picked up from a dumpster outside my apartment number yeah hang on six for 476 that's 33 Chuck sorry I left it shift your stuffs not there you're out of luck wait wait please this is important can you at least tell me where the truck is let me check all right looks like it should be at the municipal garage at Bowery and Grant got it thanks Eddie how the hell did you change some quick grid not a problem okay I don't care if I lose everything else but I have to find my spidey drive can't be that hard finding a tiny flash drive in a 30-ton garbage truck gotta find my spidey drive it's got all my Spidey porn I got years of research on that drive everything I've worked on since high school Spidey research say it right you want people to take you seriously don't you [Music] Here I am well of course it's locked you can't have people stealing garbage well yeah it's up there's another way in get it up top okay maybe not that's been my go-to every time every time I want to get in somewhere I just go up top whoa what the hell are you doing okay let's try and find another way in spray can wind Oh Spidey it's fine new yoga studio you want to go do yoga I don't want to do yoga hey I don't think the weigh-in is down here oh wait there's oh okay I realize it was two things on the map it's not really breaking and entering if I don't break anything right that's no maybe they haven't dumped the trash yet of course they have not okay sorry is there any chance the truck wasn't at the garage sure I guess just means it'd be somewhere in West Chinatown great I'm headed there now great great a great Hey it's a long shot but sometimes the guys stop for pizza before they drop off really I'll check out the pizza shops any idea which one I mean the original journey started with an L I think Larry's Leo's wait I think I see the trucks there is Eddie worries hope you find your stuff I hope so too close by nope stuffs not here just pizza a teddy bear around here there's one where's my spidey drive skin condition under my mask no my only hope you sure they were around here well the guys might have switched routes due to the upcoming Osborne rally if your pickup was on route 35 they'd be dropping off at the incinerator right now incinerator over by Manhattan Bridge yeah I'm trying I like Eddie Eddie's my new best friend me and Eddie are gonna go get Leo's after this go Spidey faster than you ever have before God the swinging in this game is phenomenal feel super good to do yeah you know over buildings it's the best there's the incinerator hope I'm not too late Oh looks like trouble make it double now I didn't see that your pipe yeah you okay sir you okay yeah thanks this gangs been terrorizing the whole neighborhood the last couple of days there's probably more of them on the way I'll keep an eye out hey mind if I look around for some some personal items sure have at it I gotta go file an incident report that's true you do everything there gotta move these bags out of the way that mine okay dramatic it is my stuff please be here please be here yes if it still works what if they picked up your bag and we're like wizard was just spider-man stuff in Peters apartment oh well the gadget prototype looks kind of awesome web bombs why didn't I ever finish it because the story wouldn't let you can make this work blast radius of up to 25 feet nice so what made trip mines the trip mines are fun got it look I am spider-man whoa that was awesome now you better start praying for a new face [ __ ] crap good I didn't finish off a combo there that's fine you're the last one yes you are that's cool though use your web bombs and your guys in the walls plan where am I gonna sleep cuz I could try MJ's loose you really want to go sleep at your ex's is that a good plan Pete are you really thinking this through the Williamsburg Bridge a convenient route all right how am I gonna talk my way onto MJ's couch just flash are those baby blues she will be able to resist chance I could stay over - it's not terrible believe in yourself Pete put yourself down buddy we're talking again I thought maybe yeah that one kind of did such a big deal we're just friends right friends crush on each other's couches all the time are you weird or anything it's just a couch MJ's couch my thinking friends have seen each other naked by the way whoa so BAM Jane it's me Peter man huh looks like MJ story just got published I think I'll find somewhere else to stay she's probably busy with work boy am I glad I came all the way over here for that I could crash with him okay well I'm gonna leave this episode here Pete I'm sorry that you didn't get to go stay at your ex's house and stay in her couch and figure out your feelings but so far this just gets better and better then the upgrades I'm getting make it really good I'm still not fantastic at the combat and I still mess up a lot I'm getting through it but I I think has all this all these stylish options that when I get into combat I forget everything my god too many buttons but overall fantastic game phenomenal game it's exactly what I wanted it to be it's exactly the type of Spider Man I wanted it to be exact type of Peter Parker I wanted to be just overall having a fantastic time and I like I like the story I like that I like some changes they made like Aunt May has a job with Martin Lee and then Norman Osborn is the mayor of the entire town MJ's the one working at the bugle instead of pee Pete's working with dr. Octavius who now is a rivalry with Norman that case of like it's a really interesting take on spider-man and they could have easily just done the exact same thing as every other spider-man did and have Uncle Ben die and show how you got your powers and all that kind of stuff but I'm glad they didn't I'm glad they they had some balls and they they did some different stuff and so far it's been paying off I don't know where it's going but I'm excited now thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face boys and shh thank you guys no sailor dudes [Music] [Applause] go ahead sly
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,619,724
Rating: 4.9531403 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, mr negative, martin li, MJ, shocker, shocker boss fight
Id: -EdX7FRjfb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 56sec (4316 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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