This was Mario's Worst Party Yet

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[Music] in the cartoon [Laughter] i'm hunting guys thank you for putting uh my logo on your all your player cards i appreciate it uh where is it it's uh the little chest the chest yeah see your size oh what the [ __ ] all right y'all know the [ __ ] vibes y'all might know the [ __ ] vibes no no no [ __ ] vibes i'm gonna be different i'm gonna be different i'm just looking at the devices [Laughter] [Laughter] grizzy i'm going to grab your forehead with my weird finger feet i was actually thinking about the same thing when we moved to the right he's going to take his hat i was like damn is that i'm going to pick you up like an eagle picks a [ __ ] rat up and fly away as a donkey kong who's ready for mario party who's ready to make out with me me me going seven minutes in the closet at the mario party seven minutes of heaven oh [ __ ] they got a police station on here grizzy had a severe disadvantage i got the [ __ ] popo all right i wouldn't [ __ ] who's getting attacked god bro you gotta wait till i say it what the [ __ ] no my prediction moment is ruined i'm getting to ten two okay they won't smitty what am i getting what am i getting one right damn it let me put a baby mustache on donkey kong right now i feel like it would suit we just photoshopped the baby on luigi with a mustache editor delete this video oh i just realized yeah we don't have moaning yoshi anymore oh dude video ruined well luigi just looks like luigi looks like he got it surprisingly in the bud at one point no waluigi walked in on his parents nah i'm pegging luigi oh hell no i can't do it yes [Laughter] oh baby you need a 24. he man get a [ __ ] my words lucky oh already not that lucky i'm pretty lucky oh baby it's pretty good man i'm not gonna lie i kind of miss high-fiving monkey in the other game all right you missed that what the [ __ ] he's grooving he's on an event space oh damn vehicular manslaughter damn i put everybody in jail no [ __ ] was that smitty let's go they're all in federal prison baby everything's mine [Laughter] okay great wait did you just spam it yeah holy [ __ ] puffer what kind oh dude what the [ __ ] [Laughter] let's i literally only use it to play mario party hey grizzy grizzy you're not a snitch right you're not snitch that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying hey everybody i got you i got you i say oh damn another one back to jail i just got out come on bro come on please i'm on probation i can't be doing this i'm going to get a custom dice block just to push us all back there i swear to god yeah why don't you go ahead and chase them who are you chasing everybody's enjoying the table under the table under the table that is definitely the minions in 1942 right there what's he doing oh where's he going [ __ ] ass oh wait i think he said that he's going to chase the people with like that goes to furthest or something oh they're on patrol all right sniffits are out on patrol all right [ __ ] name sniff it give me a star that is not even an option i'll take it really never get sold all our brains automatically [Music] mario party but we don't get any stars is it whoever is in the middle has the advantage yes by a lot that is [ __ ] doo-doo honestly i'm complaining i'm complaining to the puffer corporation of america oh guys guys guys are panicking that's so stupid you guys should be dead i'm going to pull on a glock and shoot you both the [ __ ] leg [Applause] the lag is really bad shut up host oh my god oh oh i hear a bunch of [ __ ] burning [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up wow you should check your closet that i don't understand is there a person in there that's scared is there someone just perpetually on fire in your closet like what does that mean he'll go out eventually what he did he just left he didn't even explain what that was something we don't gonna think about this one what am i gonna do here when am i gonna upload this video tomorrow probably tomorrow and [ __ ] everybody over hmm [Laughter] got three more in the closet could spare one that was 20 20 christmas jesus bro it's been like that grizzly coming back when the new warzone drop i know it yeah damn skippy and i'm enjoying my mental health in the meantime i might stay up two days in a row mike complained about my sleep schedule it'd stay up till nine am to try and fix it you know what i'm gonna sit here all right we got more we got more [Laughter] you're going to get chased by the cops for speeding if you say it that fast yeah bro nice too the [ __ ] you look like a tube all right that's kind of toxic grizzy gets one nice haircut he's just on top of the world nice too you look like a 2. yeah wait till i get a 10 [ __ ] 10 time [ __ ] bro we are actually never getting a star no watch this 10 boom boom boom not even i'm just gonna spam it five [ __ ] the most attractive one here yay that's not that good no shot baba ganoush i can nab you a star from who i'm surprised you ain't doing grizzy for making this oh come on that's racially motivated for sure well now what do you mean by that i'm gonna i'm gonna come on get away get away get away that's my grandpa's ghost don't slap him ow dude how do you get that much from me you just doubled my net worth with that thanks tax oh there's taxes like three bro we haven't moved at all we've gone backwards no it's easy you just just do what puffer just go towards donkey kong have hosts what do i do have hosts get him don't let him that's it no you're just trash you're trash don't worry hoe's got him thank you for the free coins sounds like me trying to force out the turd that won't come out oh no my god this dice is rigged i don't give a [ __ ] all right i'm sick of staying in the same spot what are you doing double dicing i hope i get double one i think we should just end the recording if you get double ones okay good start not great no i mean it's better than a double one bruh great job you could have got that with one dice roll wait is the little sniffing [ __ ] still on uh no he doesn't want to go anymore okay on patrol you have the most coins this makes sense wow grape wow robbery oh no uh yeah i think i think you know which way to full-time job is to make donkey kong sounds sort of [ __ ] [ __ ] robbed again oh sure all right it's selecting random it's selecting random it's not even going on my screen there it goes oh i chose grizzy damn it oh i thought you were actually gonna choose no random always random man i'm gonna get like two coins because puffer's gonna swipe them away in three seconds yeah puffer's gonna put his dildo back on it naked if nine i hate you oh no that's good to see you mr bowser oh my ass you don't really have anything to lose yeah i know that's why i'm glad to see him yeah what are you what are you going to take my star go ahead [ __ ] donkey kong i want to bowser revolution and i got it [ __ ] [Laughter] you robbed me with this mine just had the best time in the recording studio he really does oh i'm feeling this voice line it fire what does it go like you know what to do come on man items that's a good call give me something no dog that's actually yeah preferable wow this is so intense epic who's gonna win i don't know if this is super intense mega awesome leave a comment if this is what you were excited to watch today just drop your favorite part of the video ready five y'all would have been screwed if dk was using both arms bro oh finally [ __ ] wow i roll we all go to jail i don't deserve this all right that's it always the rest of this mario party is just [ __ ] with everyone dude this is a different moment damn bro my [ __ ] wasn't busting dude i wasn't even going i'm convinced my a button is broken later monkey all right that's all i'm gonna call you now okay monkey be careful guilty i might do the same with you i'm changing my pr team has advised me not to comment on this one i'm not gonna laugh i'm gonna mute the laugh okay okay we're taking it easy guys guys racism serious problem not funny nothing funny guys don't let this distract you from the fact that when matt was backed into a corner with grizzly he said you're black you're freaking black tell me i'm wrong show me the law show me the law that says i can't call off the money where should i go this way what's this crossroads this way what is five i'm just going to take a look oh no what's scarier than five i don't know if i have no coins for this star and i'm just over here i have enough i might be able to do that get the first start of the game was there a single word in that [ __ ] once nice holy [ __ ] i'm doing oh my god jesus actually here come the big rules i'm gonna run guys i'm a [ __ ] superstar can you let me have this all right i like that the only thing that defines that i'm able to be a superstar is my my wealth in this game wow it's like real life and this is a depressing depressing anecdote [Music] damn it i went the wrong way yeah i'm gonna hit you with a car then you won't have man this is some [ __ ] no way biting into my croissant four player mini game oh no i'm terrible with puzzles put this down here where's my [ __ ] i have no greens i have no yellows oh okay i keep [ __ ] it up [ __ ] that [ __ ] that one up oh this is bad oh baby i am awful at tetris i am learning what is this this is a bad idea oh i'm doing really bad oh green okay oh baby it's really confusing when they become like diagonal diagonally uh we'll put it right here squish those oh my god ah not though i [ __ ] that one up god damn it oh that was good i don't know what i'm doing either all right all right i keep [ __ ] up big points oh my god i'm about to [ __ ] come on a dog live what why did it switch oh son of a [ __ ] i [ __ ] it up this is not good out of all things that are not good this is definitely one of them what how did that what i don't know why it's bro i'm going to lose my poop i usually don't keep track of it after it's gone down the train it's flushed away i have puffers winning yeah puffer's also a big [ __ ] okay hey you know what i ended where i want to where i wanted to please literally it please one damn he literally needed one more that's crazy that's crazy i'm gonna go this way uh i can't read a map [Music] my name i lost hello ben why is your nose that color bro what does that even mean your nose looks like a dog penis the red rocket it actually does kind of look like a little dog dick little lipstick pecker you can't roll 21 with that you stupid [ __ ] nice nine thank you nice life damn damn what happened you just rolled to the bank to get robbed oh that speaks a lot for our society when the dog you go to the bank oh no no [ __ ] way oh man that's actually big was that intentional bad no that's really bad no literally on purpose the bad are good oh you can't you can i don't know i was going to start my friend i think hold on let me let me open this shut up donkey my bad all right let me take out my dice all right look at it again okay i'll go back oh my god just looking at hentai really quick disappoint my family by jerking off the hentai come on good thing i get the unluckiest player star can't even say he doesn't shuffle what is the bowser shuffle uh tom hanks and saving private ryan be like bowser shuffle time that's actually pretty what if he's just gonna do a cool dance to like some lmfao music of course a [ __ ] course oh what am i ending up oh my god sorry man i really don't care i was the one next to the store [ __ ] haters oh hello i hello by the triple dice block yes oh baby oh [ __ ] here what do i do [ __ ] i don't care if we do it cause i'm putting this on youtube oh i love this all right so let's okay wait let's make up some rules puffer i can only go this way and you can only go the other way that is not going to work we go the same way the way what we have to trap it wait yeah i know all right i'll go this way all right we're good we're good all right we're good we're good we know what we're doing so yeah just follow the rules like a clock follow the rules of law let's go baby let's go let's [ __ ] all right you went that way okay no i went this way all right all right all right this is not good right now that's good we're gonna recover we're good all right i'm gonna thing cross cross across that [ __ ] let's go cross that [ __ ] cross that [ __ ] cross that [ __ ] baby i've had monkey [ __ ] triangles [Laughter] this is the mario party experience you sound like you're actually crying [Laughter] you sound like you're gonna come i swear to god [Laughter] oh oh i hate mario party oh this is not close to me at all so much better oh yeah not near anybody at all ever i actually have to go all the way around bro oh wait one more oh what happened so what happens yeah i don't know um hey you want me to test it out yeah go ahead i think it's the next person that crosses it there's a big ass laser that just [ __ ] beams yo just turned you into darth maul just turned into a grandpa's ass oh wow thank you wow [ __ ] confetti guns [Music] for three coins bruh if i get another four i'm actually committing genocide you're about to lose sex dude i'm gonna lose this is the worst game of mario party oh just [ __ ] give me it oh that's big look at him he's back to happy boy i'm back at it honky kong [Laughter] never mind i lose three coins sloppy knob bonky damn oh this one's literally free for you guys awesome ready up what do you need to practice winning in three seconds maybe get him boys here we go get a boy screaming where are you well pink what are you doing what are you doing grizzy you dumbass [ __ ] oh dumb get him oh my god he might win he might win because jesus holy i guess that makes sense you're still dumb as bricks boy but damn that kind of makes sense my name bro because he was like thinking someone else was being a dumbass no i was focused on me bro i didn't worry about other people like god damn bro [Music] bro i wasn't even i didn't even notice pink doing some dumb [ __ ] i was i was pink i was kidding you was the dumb [ __ ] get hit get hit talk [ __ ] again do it do it i'm so glad to be not included in this competition you're my best friend i love you all right everybody pray to god oh man the guy with six honestly i was ready to get my star stolen i'm surprised you didn't do it i know i should have i should have cooked your name because rightfully that was mine it makes you feel any better i have nothing to my name now thank you you could use my bed that i was sleeping in the gutter if you wanted the bottom of the poverty totem actually i left a mattress there if you wanted do that to my balls luigi hey what you doing boy drop the hammer oh i wanted the triple was that worth all the hubbub was that what if the hubba bubba [Laughter] that's an awfully hot coffee pot one time i have a bubble with my cousin [Music] did you call the police hopefully no he didn't oh my god please don't arrest me strip search me whoa what was that great okay let's see what i can do with my six coins okay probably nothing well chase him you gotta chase him man if you if you chase them then we would have been put all the way back towards the star if we were yeah [Laughter] the banks just really kneel on your neck in this game oh there you go oh yeah okay awesome 20 coins come up big 20 coins all early [ __ ] come back it's good you're good that's giving me top okay i'm sorry i didn't mean that you're bad that's it bottom of the description for you comparison plummet powerful plummeters right i just had to remember which buttons they were oh so this is basically whoever has the less latency wins please do not cut me off mr shy guy please do not cut man what are you doing be honest i thought you could move them [Music] i'm getting on a ship and i'm shooting a cannon as soon as possible at this [ __ ] little tiny little boat i hope you get baited i was just going to spam them back and forth because i thought you could change it and then i just put the left one up and i was like oh no that's just staying up there okay dude why is puffer always so sweaty at mario party dude's nuts nice [ __ ] brain advantage take the guess take the guess everybody take a guess take a guess seven wow ah say i wonder what [ __ ] number it is half of six buy them and then land on it very simple i know i'm stealing your star right oh that was the literal meme right there huh oh man thanks for doing that what is that [Music] oh man i'm so sad i'm over here man the crime rates in space are [ __ ] nuts offer i will do literally anything to keep my star oh jesus mama puffer anything like that what do you what are you what are you offering that would have been pretty funny i want to suck this dick just for the bit guys [Laughter] way to go red rocket i think waluigi got [ __ ] bullied as a child i hope so i don't think waluigi was ever a child he's just perpetually seven feet tall [Laughter] man can't wait to roll a four hole wow no that's crazy ah this is not how it's supposed to go i'm gonna the concert your next star is in half i'm feeling it ha ha [ __ ] are you so so close to it my friend what do you got the money now yay little money why do you got enough money he doesn't do great in life but he could do us play mario party without getting a single star let's go who's got stars only puffer okay [Laughter] so a regular mario party session yeah let's see what mini game it'll be okay storm chasers what a fun game that's mine that's mine that's mine get bro don't let puffer don't let popper do this don't let puffer do this y'all bro no where are you guys what happened please i should be able to rip everyone's arms off because of my giant gorillas yeah you should lose i use my gang ties to kill everyone man i didn't do [ __ ] i didn't do anything my my plant is dead it got no water yeah same puffers oh [ __ ] matt you're writing [Music] oh i got an extra coin for what i'm gonna eat raw hot dogs every night for dinner now [Laughter] oh there i am back in the hood i know last time i didn't go too over me i forgot you couldn't move yeah don't move great now my player on the outside is [ __ ] dead i thought you guys said no moving [Laughter] why is that no moving on come here he's right guys hey luigi luigi roughly close to the edge of that space station there you could just you could just end it right now big guy if he doesn't get this alone he's jumping how much wait how much can you do with a custom dice uh ten yeah eight eight eight you have a you have a double you need eight what are you going for um i'm robbing buffer you don't have the money what you need 50 coins steal stuff [ __ ] my ass you get back out of that you get back out you get back out all right he still did it okay all right yeah it has to be it's going to pick puffer though why me bruh if it came to me i wasn't even going to press a i hope you guys is like scuffed it like doesn't register what i'm pressing cap a hundred percent just i couldn't finish it man we better play that give him up all right we better play that [ __ ] watering game again guys i just think that cash registers [Laughter] oh baby oh they put you at negative six to take off your debt what are you doing here oh this one um you literally just count what do you mean count the amount of bombs oh yeah got the bombs okay i'm just gonna put a random number [Music] oh god wait are you actually counting no i'm just going to guess whatever puffer guesses [Laughter] how do you confirm i think you gotta wait for the timers up all right i'm gonna stick with mine is it the amount that are on the screen or from the beginning i have no clue on the screen on the screen oh really oh well oh [ __ ] my ass all right this is fine this is not fun i think puffer x you won yeah i didn't yeah i didn't think you had to go down the number honestly well no i have to go down in numbers i thought it was i yeah i didn't know it was depending on how many are there 17 and then yeah i would have to be honest i tried to count and then one blew up and i said nah i gotta be honest dog [ __ ] mini game no there's no bowser this isn't fun honestly this map actually sucks all my money actually [Laughter] steal my money i want to see how much it takes one month four coins i'm gonna punch them once back no no there was nothing i could have done to avoid this one hit big [ __ ] listeners i don't like this map with no money what are your time to go blow up too great okay man off to heaven control are we sure not his game this isn't either of our games this is awful yeah holy [ __ ] what's the power level uh all right holy jesus oh no okay oh wait no one's in the way oh oh all right i might give you a pity item here yep what do you mean yup the block yep that's always there no no that's the card block not that one damn i know man even if somebody gets hit with that that'd be like his regular rolls don't you be talking about my fat like that oh coins too maybe i'll go from zero to zero my regular rolls regular rolls rolls oh it's like that okay wait how did i lose my drill my drill broke hey he's just sitting there i don't know that's it here ready up that's it that's it that's it that's let me do it oh yeah no that's what i'm drawing among us yeah a hundred percent oh oh [Music] wow wow so entertaining amen this is just my dream this is what you always wanted to do oh i came i came about this the wrong way is not good i came all right i saw i praised the lord i [ __ ] this one up i [ __ ] this one up bad oh it's ugly it's ugly oh come on bro i went the wrong way dude oh i just realized it's a chain my big ass monkey body was covering the [ __ ] thing as i was trying to match it i'm not happy where i am because i know it's gonna get taken away on these last five terms no yeah i'm happy i'm living with simple life no house no claws no money nothing no thoughts man i wonder who they're gonna predict to win go ahead who do you think's gonna win you've never even had a hit warrior in the mini game i haven't won a single mini game [Music] mario party but we just get the finger from nintendo bro like this is actually it yeah i can't wait to walk someone random and then not do anything i'm hanging on a thread to buy a star here i got one coin extra yeah wow if i go down am i gonna have to like yeah whatever oh [ __ ] i mean damn you snitch you just got robbed and aren't i gonna get chased back uh yeah if someone doesn't my ass when i'm getting pegged violently oh [ __ ] that's you wow oh this is the worst mario party session ever this is bad because we've all been so fun the other ones are pretty fun even though i'm lost they've been pretty fun this one's just like this one's just given me the sauce oh wow oh i'm so excited [ __ ] hello [ __ ] cheater post advantage brother after al how unlucky i got last time i deserve this you mean you won't remember every time we've played time you have won like every time i did not win last time who won man i know i don't remember i think matt won bro you get the star oh yeah no problem going to the cooper bank we're going to make it probably thank you you deposit these nuts cooper give me a hundred coins oh that could be good give me give me give me whatever you got give me your mother what give me your neighbor's dog what the [ __ ] is going on wait why is smitty's warp blog different oh yeah brother [ __ ] bro my luck is changing my luck is changing mine's not [Music] [Laughter] i need you to tell me like when to just like stop all right let's go mad go go go go go let's go standing spamming all right all right oh don't chill oh you gotta counter the weight brother come on i did i did as well then i don't know what happened i don't know what happened yeah i tried to tilt the weight man we all just died there you realize that right we fell in lava like all of our characters are dead no thank god we come back on the screen we're all just burned to a crisp all just deep fried deep fried that's a delicacy in some countries i'll take the deep fried kong leg i think it's the first time somebody's exploring the left side of the map what do you want [ __ ] koopa [ __ ] me when i'm conservative my entire life but decide to check out the liberal side of things that's so relatable smitty could be better oh you go to bowser man i'm just about to be able to afford a star can we not do this i'm gonna live off the land don't matter okay great man guys no it's okay i've been left with some coins this time two points to his name oh let's go i can rub them together we can't afford [ __ ] it's actually the worst speak for yourself actually the worst map [ __ ] got my first take two l's after buying a star plus got robbed and he still got like 60 kilos actually insane okay holy [ __ ] die everybody focus popper thoughts no i [ __ ] knew it i knew you would stay eventually hit me jump over stop hitting me i missed kill spinning please don't matt you [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm gonna be awesome oh god damn it i'm gonna [ __ ] all right whatever have fun guys monkey i don't need the money anyways oh yeah matt's on the come up right now oh my dick oh [Music] [Applause] this is new this is new exciting i haven't got that expedition point that'd be kind of unfortunate huh please do it i think i got it oh i almost got the other one oh what could i get okay great party to read the playboy lyrics what do i want to do can i can i can't afford oh yeah just try and roll though i've been doing that in the entire video don't worry about it where is the star you're right i don't know man this is like a rock in a hard place right here [Laughter] this is a guac and a hard pressure the safe we bank on mini game we do it even though i only get 10. i forgot about it i forgot about that i knew it matt's going to try it oh never mind oh wait matt doesn't have enough gives it to him [Laughter] [Music] this is actually the most unluckiest mario party game i've ever seen huh oh unlucky you say coins no don't worry no start what no way turning around for actually getting left in the dust this is incredible thank god don't talk to me about that broke [ __ ] no more i ain't relate thank god yeah he's going to rub your ass finally another star oh wait i'm gonna go didn't you win this last time i did i just don't like it why am i always wearing this costume bruh just throw me in there did i always turn you into a cat girl me in the middle of the cosplay be like wait how do you wait which one do you rotate the left one oh man you're gonna die all right let's go wrong one can you wait we do the left one i've been doing the right one the right one this whole time i'm doing this i've been doing the right one every single day i'm doing both so i can afford damn it i'm gonna be honest i was doing it the wrong way too [Laughter] man you should land on a block that gives smitty 10 coins starts um yeah milly rock comes inside a sock man if you landed a 10 on your double dice you could have got it that ain't never happening man no shot be crazy related on me [Laughter] come on you don't need that you don't need it oh my god bro i don't want it you're the best i can't even [ __ ] afford it anyway oh again i don't want it actually ridiculous i'm gonna cry i know i thought about just leaving it and just watching you walk past it yeah yeah that would have been super funny now he's gonna rob a star and then also be able to [ __ ] buffer some monopoly roll perhaps for sure i wanted matt so bad give me give me 15 coins come on bro i didn't step on anybody to get here i just happened to stumble into success [Laughter] success yeah he landed on a hidden block able to walk two more spaces to the left thought about that where's that item that's a good ass option matt you know what to do no he doesn't there you do matt you guys don't you dare now you got a ring for the [ __ ] guys you gotta rest please i swear to god you got her it's gonna swap me it's gonna it's gonna it's me oh okay [Laughter] nothing new i'm convinced mario party hates me how do i attack people bro oh i tried to wear my [ __ ] not working your [ __ ] working fine no i actually dude i actually like go into the corner why does it do that because you have to change yourself i am i swear to god i am i don't know what's wrong with this monkey nah for a year buddy all right dude i've been yeah i don't [ __ ] get new controllers are you crazy away from me it's an item it's an item i forgot i'm cursed it doesn't even [ __ ] matter the item will get rid of the curse i'm 38 places away i don't care i don't care anymore man star wars bruh there's no way oh thank god i would have actually left i think so should i click random oh come on bro random you got a rare room i hope it lands on smitty yeah well it will yay this [ __ ] don't make any sense bro i buy monkey lick the monkey i'm thinking about him please please no stars for you no stars no hoes nothing i hope you misfile your taxes and get the irs on you hey hey i'm sensitive to that right now bro come on i'm just gonna get close enough that i can sniff the star at least yo just get a one just just gonna sniff this you could have gotten a one no i just want to get close to it i'm giving up on this game just give me what the [ __ ] thank you all right i'm good come on baby he's got it wait he's got it he's got it it's big it's big oh you got it i can't do math oh yes again all right [Laughter] man just had to secure that 20 coins just in case i can't believe it bro i better get every pity star known to the man yo for real it's not gonna mean a damn thing i know just for help me please magic bean i jumped because it just falls to his depth nice lag nice lag switch nice leg switch you cheater [ __ ] broke why did you turn left oh it doesn't register left and right i swear that [ __ ] in outer that lag was sick i love that great part of the game no that's fine mario space is totally 108 yards away from the ground [Laughter] very small atmosphere in mario all right [ __ ] it we use everything um um okay rapid fire he's got it 10 and a 7. [ __ ] man rabbit fire there's a rabbit on fire uh where the [ __ ] did that ape come from i'm around do i have anything okay great do you have anything was that your question yeah you have four stars and 56 coins going get an item oh and an item four scores have high lines oh yeah it's it's actually nuts you guys could come back here probably why don't you go ahead and come back on my back smitty won't swallow me place it oh i'll just swap it with buffer maybe he'll give maybe it'll give me a star on the boogie monkey bro it's the most chaotic turn ever don't worry smitty we out here literally no purpose no purpose to this turn whatsoever other than to get chased back ah finally [ __ ] i bought that like eight turns ago at least we finished the game together no man rule zero roll zero i what no that's mad don't leave the pile don't leave roll zero you coward oh [Laughter] take it take my coins coward it's always crazy who knows what do you mean i didn't even preach the reason i couldn't buy a starbucks puffer i am not pressing a let's see how long it is [Laughter] guys i had a fantastic time yeah i know you did i had a great time i'm gonna rip a dog in half long ways what is this one again go we can do it yep we can make it we can make it we can make it you think we can make it we can't yeah we can make it we can make it bye oh what oh [ __ ] go i'm not panicking dude actually that's insane to me dude it's actually insane the lag the input is nuts i wonder who won host advantage it's nuts [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] i just want one star you're fine oh mama where's the unluckiest red spaces wait yeah hide in there oh red spaces i don't know how many landings this game's racist the term unlucky clearly has different definitions for nintendo you know i had zero coins for like 15 turns all right me too [ __ ] near the end oh oh okay yeah shocker that [ __ ] last man hey the two brothers first and second what are you doing come on that's what i should have done i got places to be that they're not in the mario kingdom is it golf no no it's at the bottom of a pit where i'm gonna jump down to it's at the front of a bar it's in one of the tar pits in afghanistan it's in front of a train i'm not going to move i'm actually going to tie myself down 0 [ __ ] stars and 14 coins matt ended up with three stars it's actually nuts yep he actually never even met toadette he actually no i walked i walked past her at the end i wanted he smelled it all right [Laughter] man i ain't never playing mario party with y'all again yeah i'll see you next morning like the video like the video for more [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 2,992,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party switch, mario party online, mario party online update, mario party gameplay, mario, super mario party, super mario party online, super mario party gameplay, smii7y, smii7y mario party, smii7y mario, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario party rage, mario party rage moments, mario party rage quit, mario party superstar, mario party superstars gameplay, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars, mario party superstars dlc
Id: uywg-rzr4FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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