mark being a himbo for 12 and a half minutes

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[Music] foreign [Music] you can't stand up well that's your problem no what if you're in your chair Bangarang how are people going to know if they're tied up in the chair I'll do it in the chair then my muscles are too big can possibly do it maybe underways no I'm on the chair can you do it on your knees I'm never wrong can you separate just like yeah what if I'm just strong as [ __ ] how do you feel like I could crush your skull oh let's have an arm wrestling contest right now ready go oh she's so strong how do you feel like does it make you more relaxed to know that a big strong man is standing guard to make sure yes well I hope so unless there's some other big strong man uh wait give me another try I was just faking it okay oh Christmas who's coming Christmas is coming what the [ __ ] Jesus I'm gonna use a beer bottle give me that no no Give me the give me the wine rage go for this leg like this you went in for the leg Yeah and you want to drive up and left but if I say you're here and I grab under you and I lift you up over me and I throw you over my body then yes I would get points because I moved you nine four two okay Mark you got 9 13. sorry I didn't mean to get mad pre-workout got me hopped up the stain on the carpet the president's expectancies you know his standards really high the stress got to me and I'm sorry all right I understand okay cool your turn ready 50 [ __ ] three God go one two three wow it's a push saw it is a it's a it's a push off Universal cut there you go mean anything that's good then you can go it cuts both ways so but you should technically be able to push it stay here hold on try it and try and push it because it seems hard okay all right he knows well I'm not good at holding my breath I don't know if like having a larger muscular frame means that I consume more you know oxygen on a base level we're having a huge throbbing brain is gonna you know put me at a disadvantage oh wow that was good now you do me [ __ ] I'm not putting a lot of power behind it you've got it this one's you it's all you [Applause] one point [Applause] oh damn dude bullseye what am I doing wrong said at the beginning you're trapped in those pants Frida freedom I'm free you need to make yourself strong a strong stable support I am always stable in position okay I get up on top okay ready to go up ready to go up yep I let the disguise fall well no holds bars you want me to no holds bars yeah well don't crack his head on them it will keep each other yeah of course you know the the okay it's not like I'm gonna die no no you wouldn't die okay ready yeah okay come on for three seconds look at me you ever see something like that before you're [ __ ] insufferable you see that this is the one that all the Bros do [Music] yeah hey girl oh girl oh hold on I don't know my startups are in Mark I'm in the Stars well today as a testament to that idea I have a container here that I haven't been able to get open for over a year I don't know what's inside but I can't get it open and I need to open it do this whole video premise is you asking me for a favor yes so what do I get if I open it do I keep it no gotta keep it no I'll buy it I'll buy you one I don't want that one I want this one if I open this I get it you try to Pat out this video because he's so confident he's gonna get it stuck on there all right okay come on you can focus my chi yes you're cheating I need silence no no first of all it's really hard to get a good grip on it because it's a little slippery yeah that's not a lot of grip oh no on the other hand too yeah foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign you did it oh my balls okay [Laughter] I haven't fallen yeah [Laughter] you want to try reverse Randy do you want me to jump yeah are you sure how much you weigh 185 yes go for it [Laughter] okay orange okay gotta go yep you got it that's it don't let me go nowhere I'm gonna die okay okay ready ready and you attack too you feel free to attack I don't know how to go for the window I do wound you know I have feelings yeah people think that I could just take it over and over again because I'm big and strong and tough and my dick is huge but you know sometimes sometimes I hurt too look at you Mark you are so good at things thank you I know you're so handsome look at those muscles gonna work Ripple in the sun please not on my eyes not on my eyes Mark you want to be beautiful or what yeah yeah sure all right ready ready this is for the big win what do we get if we win Eternal damnation for the other Soul all right okay ready set go are you trying at all no not really [ __ ] well I'm damn sure I suppose yeah okay but you got a curve so that is the two these are lines Master Bella I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize so that shows that you've never been to martial arts class I have a martial arts class you don't talk back to the master right right away you go 10 push-ups right away okay by the way 10 push-ups and listen to what I'm talking about so the Curve will give strength to the bow so the bow is very light it's not very big they're yours but it will give a lot of strength you see these you see these they swell to three times their size when I really put my effort in disease these you don't know what I'm talking about so I could mean anything supposed to three times it says only start it's like only fans but my diet insecure about my I'm not I'm a big strong man but I know you know nothing about what I am all about open this do a few times open like that okay this does this hit here no no you sure okay I want the people to see how terrifying it is sure for you to just run at them you know sure yeah all right let's give the people a little taste all right Amy line up all right ready shake hands okay three two see you tomorrow oh [ __ ] oh my God ah
Channel: grim weaper
Views: 2,644,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, crankgameplays, unusannus, mark and ethan
Id: FZpRkvjGQmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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