Bowser’s Fury but every Shine makes Mario FASTER...

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hello everyone today we're playing through bowser's fury but every cat shine doubles mario's speed so here we are we're starting off not being able to move at all and soon we're going to be insanely fast there's smoke coming out but i'm not moving at all how am i actually gonna move hmm i don't get any momentum from jumping oh crouch jumping i can move around very slowly by doing this this is gonna take ages oh no i can't get up no am i stuck already wait maybe i can do it oh i can dive i can dive that gets me a lot of momentum okay that was a good idea here's fury bowser we're gonna be fighting you later fury bowser hopefully i'll be able to collect some shine so i can actually move by the time i get to fight fury bowser all right i wanna go this way up to that shine up there ground pound jump yes ground pun jump and then make my way up there ah i didn't quite make that i need to do a little bit of parkour or i can get him to break these bricks and then i can make my way up here oh no no no it rolled me past it oh man no let me get the first moon and let come on yes let's go we got the first shine and now we have unlocked mario's ability to walk we scared off fury bowser all right let's see how fast we are now oh we're walking very very slowly we've got a very very slow walk what's my run like is my run any better i sort of got like a nice little jog but we want to go and help bowser jr down there he's yelling for help if i can somehow make my way down this is going to take years oh i can long jump long jumping is a good way to get some speed i need to get my speed up quickly i need to get up to supersonic speeds hey i've teamed up with bowser jr how much should he help me a little i'm not a noob i know how to play the game i only need a little bit of help but bowser jr you see that first shine up there we're going to go up there and i'm going to use my long jumps so it doesn't take years i don't know the goomba's going to catch up with me because i'm too slow never mind i killed him i was a junior can you go get that for me thank you before i get there oh thank you he got the cat bow for me very wholesome and i can get some cat dog momentum now so i can get a little bit speedier only a little bit though oh hello kitty oh the kitty cat's so cute [Music] i think i killed it anyway moving on oh no am i gonna be able to make it before that platform oh i can do a jump i can do a jump no these guys are gonna hit they plunk their heads down before i even get there but i'm so slow i'm like an old person crossing the road come on we're nearly there it's only taken us a few years come on let's go okay we've got the second cat shine now that will double our speed again hopefully now we'll be at a reasonable speed all right we're a lot better speed now we're a bit slower than normal i think but it's still a lot better than what we started with and it looks like shadow luigi has spawned down there so let's go fully shadow luigi let's see if we can catch up with him at this speed it might be a bit more difficult than normal look at him taunting us we need to go catch him we need to go catch him i love how the game's telling me to dash like i'm not running fast enough i am running fast enough you don't have to tell me how to dash how do i get that off the screen i am dashing this is bullying at this point oh no fury bowser is about to spawn before fury bowser spawns i want to go bully shadow luigi i've almost got him i've almost got him it's just slightly difficult to get him now because i'm slow come on there we go we've got a shadow luigi that will spawn another power moon and fury bowser is about to spawn but i think now we should be on regular speed so after this we're going to be starting ramping up our speed to crazy speeds it's okay this feels like normal speed and fury bowser spawning now i might have to go fight him i don't actually have enough cat shine yet to get giant and fight him but look at him he is so scary maybe i can get him to break open one of the walls to get another shine all the stuff is falling down from the sky i should have no problem avoiding all of this stone out some regular speed i think i'm regular speed though anyway but if i can get him to break open this wall there's a shine behind it where is he come on jump over here oh he did a jump over there and now i can get him to shoot at this wall come on shoot me shoot me shoot me hit me oh no oh no oh no oh no he hit me he broke open that wall and there's some coins and a shine very nice very nice blast through the fury blocks and this i think it will make me times two speed now so we should be faster than normal at this point this is gonna make the game a lot more exciting and a lot more fun and we got rid of fury bowser will i have supersonic speed now let's find out yes i do i love the way his legs move at double the pace that's quite funny that's quite funny let's try a sprint as well yes my sprint is a lot faster this is sort of dangerous let's enter the shell the shell actually makes me slower kind of cringe oh it looks like my dives are bigger as well whoa what will happen when i hit this boost panel as well will this boost panel make me double the speed no it looks like the boost panel actually makes me slower that's kind of cringe but maybe we can get the bully the bully shine i want to collect all these cat shards as well oh it's quite hard to control my jumps at the moment there we go we've got the first one oh i tried to do a dive but it sent me flying oh man let's collect all these shards so there's another shard up here it's so much fun running around with fast mario oh there's one up this tree nice oh the dives are so chaotic maybe there'll be a power up there we go i want this power up there we are i'm big i'm safe i've got my safety power up i can't actually remember where all these shards are maybe there's one through there if i get my cat power up there we are yes there is nice one nice one we only need one more where's the final one it's probably behind the lighthouse isn't it that's where i'd hide a cat shard yes it is nice i predicted it i predicted it times for the speed now i believe we were already really fast just before how fast is this gonna make me you've collected all five shines and messages ringing out from the cat gigabyte when the beast awakens so shall i okay so we've unlocked the cat gigabill nice so we can actually fight fury bowser oh it's made my jumps a lot bigger as well i get a lot of speed from jumping this is really really cool oh my goodness but let's make our way up bounce pals aisle over here oh i'm getting so much speed from everything i don't want to be a boomerang i want to be a cat being a cat is better than being a boomerang that's just facts that's just how the world is let's get a load of speed over this way oh man hello bully goodbye bully goodbye goodbye he didn't see what hit him i was so fast he didn't see what hit him wait has this made my dive bigger yes it has oh my gosh look at the amount of speed i get from it oh i accidentally dived into the boomerang suit no i don't want to be a cringe boomer but maybe i can make my way up here by just doing one dive let's see dive yeah it did work but i bonked let's go okay i've made my way up i can get bowser jr to collect this shard for me i said collect it please thank you i can probably just make a jump from here to over there let's see if i can let's see if i can oh no yeah kinda kinda i'll see if i can make it jump up the lighthouse i almost made it to the lighthouse i touched the lighthouse and that ink is poisonous apparently brilliant brilliant but we have made it to this shine this is gonna make me so so fast and next i think i can make it to that side wait maybe i can just make a jump from here to it let's give that a try come on no i missed i will make this jump i will make it i've got to make this jump come on let's see no fury bowser i don't care i just want to get that shine first you can fight me later maybe having a tanuki leaf will help oh yes definitely that tanuki leaf is so clutch all right let's see who we can get now with fury bowser after me come on tanooki leaf the fireballs are coming at me there we go let's go i finally got that that only took maybe five attempts this tanooki leaf is op let's see if i can do some jumps with it oh yes i can oh yes i can okay that is so clutch maybe i can get this timer shine really quickly let's ground pound the button it should spawn a shine up there and i only have 20 seconds to get it but with this mega speed i'll be able to get to eat oh no this is gonna make it harder isn't it because i don't have as much control i just need to be careful with these little bits come on ten seconds to spare let's go okay there we go there we go seven seconds to spell i did all right that i did all right there i just got hit by a goomba and it got rid of my tanuki suit now i can't fly oh this is so sad but i guess this gives me the opportunity to test how big my dives are now let's see if i can dive to the cat valve from here almost almost but they are mega oh wow oh wow wait i spawned a power up by hitting that tree i didn't know you could do that that's cool maybe we can run up here really quickly and get the key to that cage this cage here oh i can get propeller boxes as well oh oh my speed goes with the propeller boxes that's so cool oh man this is too op this is too fun where's the key then where's the key oh i can make it up here early as well you're not meant to be up here and i can get the omega cat bell early the really cool cat bell the ground pound cat bell but there's the key the keys over here i can get i can grab the key oh no this is so difficult to control come on key there we go we got the key and i've got the special cat valve i should be able to make it down here easily oh man there we are do i have to throw it at the cage i think i do take it it's so easy i just need to there we go there we go we've unlocked the shine in the cage now we should be upset nine shines i really need to fight fury bowser i want to test out to see whether the speed affects you and the giant bowser fight oh here he is he's spawning i want to get over to the cat val as soon as possible come on i'm by the cat bell come on fury bowser spawn i want to fight you oh okay he's spawned this should spawn the cat bell yes it's spawning and once i collect it i'll turn giant but i want to know if this affects my speed as well come on please affect my speed and please don't crash my game i love this game i love the way it looks it's so cool isn't it but does it affect my speed no i don't think it affects my speed oh this is so sad let's be your bowser then quickly i just need to ground pound on him like this there we go oh no i got launching for the poison after this fight i actually unlock an ice skate i wonder how the ice skate is affected by the speed that'll be cool to find out okay he's about to ground pound on me again jump round noob bowser's a noob bowser is dead he just exploded rest in peace will never see him again oh we get a cat rainbow there we are we've unlocked quite a bit and we should be able to get there almost instantly maybe with one of the propellers i can get there in one propeller stroke i just need to grab one of these there we go let's climb up to the top of here to get another one of those special cat bells and then we can go to the next island oh but this is so cool having the omega speed all right we've got the cat bell let's make it over this way let's see if i'm able to make it i'm going very very fast let's see if i am going to be able to make it in one stroke oh this is going to be so close come on oh i only just didn't make it this is so sad it would have been nice to have a propeller here but i think i can fight a load of goombas over here by pressing this switch let's fight them i turned into capo mario all right we need to fight them all i just need to rush into them and spam my button bowser jr is going to be helping me of course thank you bowser jr very kind come on there we are that was too easy i'm kind of worried to collect these shines at this point it's just going to make me too too fast [Music] oh man oh can i make it over there what's that i'll see if i can do a dive never mind i can't do a dive with this cat mario but i can pick up these catboy bombs oh no yeah that's way too dangerous i'm just gonna ignore this and go up here oh to the ice skates whoa these dives these dives though let's see if i can still do this ice skating part how does the ice skate work will the ice skate just be normal speed or will the ice skate be mega fast come on please be mega speed i could if i can even get into it okay there we go we're in the ice skate and oh it just seems to be normal that's sad that's sad let's get out of here i don't want to be in a normalized skate there we go that's the first time i've actually left an ice skate on purpose and we can just run down like this oh wow that was so cool just running down like that and there we go we get another cat shine this is making me mega mega fast wait should we go fight cat boom boom that sounds like a funny idea let's do it come on oh my gosh i can just jump down like that and i think i swim through here i just want to swim through here there we are cat boom boom fight me i think i can oh no oh no oh whoa okay okay the camera's kind of messed up if i just stay still and jump there we go i hit him somehow i hit him somehow he should be pretty easy to avoid though if i just stay away from him go to the other corner that he's in he's gone invisible oh no this is dangerous oh i hit him again somehow i keep on hitting him by accident it's probably best to run cat mario so i can swipe him as well i have an extra mode of attack okay he's here can i swipe him there we go we got him you're so bad captioned him i beat you when i was going super speed it's kind of unfair it's kind of unfair that i can run this fast and he can't really do anything about it but there we go we got the cat showing this will double us again and we've unlocked that bunny maybe we can go chase that bunny now where's the bunny then i might be able to just jump to it oh man okay can i get the bunny like really quickly oh oh my gosh that wasn't even a challenge i just ran straight into it my goodness this is too funny this mod is too funny let's go over to this tower over here let's see if i'm able to climb the tower even with this mega speed yeah i can use these propellers to get up this should be very interesting oh this is gonna be difficult though come on okay yes i can make my way up pretty easily or i just need to be very very careful then i can make oh no oh no oh no oh no where am i where am i i hate this oh i got a cat shot somehow oh no there we go we made our way up please don't get hit by them bowser junior get rid of them thank you there we are oh this is so fast hey there we go there we go these cogs these cogs let's see if i can make it past it this is so difficult but this is so fun as well i love this i love this mod the secret cowbells but let's see if i can make it to the top come on i must be nearly the top now oh i made it to the top nice that took so long i've lost my propeller so i want to be very careful i'm getting this cat shine but there we go we've got the shine at the top of the tower there might be a propeller box over here in these blocks if i'm able to make my way over to it bro what's this guy doing here get out of here there we go we've got another propeller oh no no i fell maybe there's propellers in here though i want to get a propeller and fly across the map with my new speed super speed there we go we've got a propeller where should i fly to let's fly back to the start over this big ink patch i'm like a helicopter wait maybe i can make it to the start early the start of the game oh there's a big invisible wall isn't there ah dang that would have been cool though oh no oh no but fury bowser's about to spawn wait oh i need to get one more shine to awaken him what can i do quickly what will happen if i fly away from him really quickly will he follow me so he's there what will happen if i just fly away from him what will he do okay he's shooting fire at me but from across the map will we jump over i think there's some blocks here yes there's some blocks here that you can hear come at me then okay i can go into this clear pipe i didn't realize there was a clear pipe up here oh no this is gonna be difficult maybe the boost panels will make it easier yeah these boost panels maybe i can get him to break open the oh okay i managed to get him to break open that instead nice that's a lot easier you've collected 15 cat shines you can now access the gigabyte all right okay it's gotten even faster somehow but let's see if we can run in a straight line it might be a bit easier with a propeller so let's go over to the propeller there we are we've got a propeller and let's fly back we now let's go into the pipe and see if it having a propeller makes it a little bit easier i just need to nudge forwards come on okay we made it to the pipe let's see if i can make my way along here oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay okay oh okay i've managed to make it close i just need to nudge forwards a little bit and there we go very very nice there's a cloud over here which we can make too oh okay there's a cloud over here which we can make it to very very easily let's just make it into the cloud you might have an invincibility star power up here oh let's just fly to the end like this oh do i have to kill them all i guess i'm just gonna have to have bowser junior kill all of them for me one left triple kill come on hey let's go now i just need to edge my way forwards towards it without falling off easier said than doing no no no no no no this is so stressful there we are we got it very very nice now let's jump back down all right let's see how fast we are by just running in a straight line let's see where it takes us we'll send i just go flying into a wall maybe i can get rid of this power up as well so i can try out a dive i want to see how big my dives are now okay it's just like a sudden cannonball what wait let's go fight cat pom pom now that'd be cool that'd be a cool boss fight to do fury bowser's about to spawn fury bells are spawning where should i go okay i guess i want to go over the over here to the gigabot because the gigabyte's spawning now oh oh oh i got sent flying i got sent flying somehow what everything's turned very blue i think i got a ton of momentum from running up the cat belt let's just ground pound down to it here we are hey come at me bro wait something's increased my speed look at that that i'm not normally that fast am i i think this has made me a little bit faster all right let's do it round about on him there we go i think whilst i'm in the air i'm faster long got yeah got ya got ya i killed him oh he's just running away what a sorry boy oh he got away again okay let's go out and find more shines or as many as i can before it becomes literally unplayable what i do want to get is one of these helicopter things again because these are you super useful that or the tanuki leaf come on there we go okay we've got one now let's go over to this shine easier said than done again come on there we are yeah that was pretty easy go with the flow i didn't even need to go with the flow i just needed to go with the propeller i just ran into something but let's check out how fast i am now i do want to get to 20 stars i reckon i'll be able to get to 20 shine before the game becomes unplayable let's do a dive okay this is just like teleportation at this point i'm just teleporting to the other side of the map in one dive oh my gosh running forwards that is crazy i want to fight cap bomb though wait is this a bit where you have to bring a bomb or is that for the next okay okay i might have just made it in let's see if i made it in oh no just get to the arena okay i'm on the arena let's see if i can fight cat bomb as cat mario but speedy cat mario maybe i can just dash at her and press the dash button at the same time hit the hit button yes i can i can just dash through her oh this is so easy is that not here oh my gosh i'm just like running into it if any of you seen the flash it's a bit like that where the the villain and the flash just runs into people and goes straight through them can i even get this come on there we are we've got it nice let's see if i'm able to get one more the game might be unplayable okay i think i get out over there okay i made it out and i'm into the black blue void and i'm just going acro okay what just happened i made it out of the black goop void my goodness [Music] okay i'm back here this is too much for my head let's see if i can bully the cat bullies at this speed they should fall down yes they have okay they fell down hmm how will i bully them i i could get the star over here if i'm oh i'm very gentle need to be very gentle with the remote i want to be very very gentle there we are we've got the star oh the stars faster the stars faster come on okay okay i should just be able to run into them oh no okay i've got there's one more left to get let's see if i can get bowser junior to do it for me so i don't think i'm going to be able to get it in just by myself come on bowser junior help me out here wrong way to do me you be in a dummy wait i think i knocked him in but when i ran past i must have let's get a slow-mo replay off will i be able to grab the star though that's the hardest part at this point oh this is literally unplayable at this point how did i end up out there how hard is it just to get one shine there we are okay now that we've got 20 how fast am i if i just run in a straight line how fast will this make me okay i can just jump to like any part of the map i want so say if i want to go to that tower i can literally go wherever i want at this point oh man i think the game is pretty much unplayable at this point but if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy mario odyssey but there's custom enemies let me know if you want more stuff like this press the like and subscribe button if you've enjoyed it really helps out a ton and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 3,843,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, odyssey, smo, mods, modded, moon, power moon, mod, lost kingdoms, manx, mario ost, mario series, super mario, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, jumping, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs, mario mods, bowser's fury, bowser, morio, 3d world, fury, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowsers fury mod, modding, Shine, Speed, fast, speedrun, mario speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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