Mario Party Superstars but REAL MONEY Buys Items (And Luigi does Absolutely Nothing)

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today we play Mario Party Superstars but you can buy items with real money to make this a bit more fair I'm not allowed to do anything in any video games Luigi has to stand there and try to win by doing absolutely nothing so I'm going to spend some money to try to help Luigi win and all the money goes to charity at the end thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video I hope you've got your credit card ready Mushroomhead has a few words for you guess it's not for me to be your kind pull aside yeah we're fairs let's go everybody starts off with 10 coins just like in normal Mario party it's time to make fun Luigi they'll just start off the first turn of the game let's get a hidden block card and a mushroom and the nice thing about the hidden block art is that we might get a star right at the start of the game or it'll give us some coins either way it'll be nice because we're starting off with only 10 coins maybe we'll be able to afford a star if we can get enough coins no only six coins that's not a lot and you can't use two items in the same turn at least not these kinds of items so let's just roll a 10. that's a nice big number but you know what I think going this way would be nice let's pay one coin to the swamp over here we could make it 10 coins and then none of the CPUs would be able to afford going across but I'll just go like this this should be an okay strategy I hope land on a blue we can almost afford a star we just need two more coins but I'm not expecting okay Yoshi gets a three but I'm not expecting that we are going to be winning any mini games at all because we are doing absolutely nothing unless we end up on the same team as the CPUs and the CPUs carry us through okay Peach and Yoshi both got just threes what about Wario will you also get a three so far everyone's gotten three except for me you get just a one oh he lands on this that means that the star and Toadette actually move over to the left Island so if I continue up this way then I'm not even going to be passing by this star I'm going to be passing by Bowser okay what's the mini game going to be pushy Penguins all right so we have to do absolutely nothing with Luigi in this mini game I don't think that we can win this against Master CPUs by just standing here are we gonna get pushed up right away oh yep there we go Luigi is off okay so we're not winning this minigame will all of the CPUs survive because whoa Yoshi fell off also okay oh and Yoshi is in third though well peach also fell off I'm so surprised that even though these are Master CPUs they're playing so poorly Wario is the winner but we get no coins at all because we were in last place but look at this we're still in second place overall you know what I really do want to get a start so let's buy another one of these and it's also been exciting because we don't know if we're gonna be getting coins or a star so let's see what could it be what are we going to get star would be amazing coins would also be okay ah just more coins and only five coins this time okay that's quite unlucky we get a six so that means that we're not passing by Bowser yet so hopefully hold that comes oh oh and we get a hidden Vlog right here oh that would be wild if this one was a star oh my goodness we just keep getting coins so we've opened three hidden blocks in this game already and so far everyone has only been coins we haven't gotten any stars yet you know what should I just keep buying hidden blog cards that would get very expensive if we buy one every single turn though and we might not even win using that strategy oh my goodness another hidden block this is turn two of the game and we have seen four hidden blocks opened already well two of them were because I bought hidden Block cards but still that's a lot that we're seeing okay now we need Wario to land on an event space again you already landed on one please land on another no oh no no no okay so we're most likely passing by Bowser unless we use a custom dice block to roll a one which we could do I guess hey what is this mini game going to be off it's okay it's just Hammer drop we might actually get some money as possible but if we fall off I don't know if you lose all of your money or if you're just eliminated let's see come on throw some of the money to me throw some of the money to me come on Luigi wants a single coin please please please or money bag would be nice too come on just throw something to Luigi here come on now hey hey don't push me Yoshi oh we got five coins we got five coins let's go a money bag fell on us how good is that oh thank you so much Mr lakitude give me another one of those please no no not a hammer not a hammer give me a money back come on oh everyone was dizzy there that was so funny man these guys are getting a lot of coins getting a boo Bell might be a good idea for us well that's great we didn't get knocked out and we got some coin man everyone's got a lot of coins we're in second place overall right now going into turn number three you know what we're 23 away from this star right now I'm going to take the risk and buy a triple dice block and also a double star card so that if we reach the star then we'll be able to buy two stars at once okay so let's use a triple dice over here we need to roll at least a 23 in total so just give me all tens 10 okay we need at least it comes down to give me at least a six come on oh no that is so sad that's so sad I can't believe that that was so close oh and Bowser's taking 20 of our coins anyway okay so actually it's probably good that we're not reaching this star unless we can steal a bunch of coins from somebody but yeah so let's steal coins from Wario because he does have the most coins we can do whatever we want while we are on the board but it's only while we are in mini games we can't do anything so we're picking Wario here because he has the most points going to steal some coins from him stole only eight coins from him so that means that we have 31 points we have to pay one coin when we go by the Womp up top so we're going to be almost at the start oh and we're gonna be landing on a red so we're going to lose three more coins so that's actually bad also you know what I thought that this would be going a lot better for us I thought that we would have so many stars by now already but we're actually in last place right now we are in last place overall that's quite sad okay Yoshi gets a six over here hopefully nobody lands on the event space and sends this star away again because I almost got to start when it was on the right Island so maybe now some of these CPUs they're going to be landing on event his faces and sending the star back to the left Island that would be very sad if that happened if that does happen then it would have been the better move for me to just use a custom dice block and purposefully land a one to also land on a red space but then we would have been right in front of this star we could buy a gold pipe if things start to get really bad and we could start to buy money but that get very priced okay and here's another hidden block and Peach gets quite a few coins 10 coins not bad okay now are you don't land on an event space you're the only one that can do a cursed ice block on me okay so it looks like next turn we're either using a triple dice block or a custom ice block or we could even use our mushroom that we have that could be fine too Barrio rolls a nine a nice big number okay are you heading up though okay good good he is heading up okay so he's not landing on an event space don't get Bowser Shuffle if it's Bowser Shuffle then all of our spaces might get moved around Bowser coin Revolution wouldn't be too bad right now because we're super poor so let's see what it is give happier coins to Bowser that's so sad for Wario he was in first place it goes down from 49 points to 24 coins because it's half of his coins rounded up and the cool thing about this mini game is we Outland it on red slash Bowser spaces except for peach so it's a one versus three minute game skewer Scurry so I'm not allowed to move the joystick right now this is just the demonstration this isn't me moving that's just the intro cutscene now the mini game actually starts I can't move now where you are out right right away now if Yoshi or Wario or both of them okay looks like it's all up to Yoshino Yoshi if you can survive no Yoshi you're a master cvu you shouldn't do that okay but we lose this one I imagine the CPUs are probably going to get most if not all the bonus Stars uh that's quite unlucky for us here and we also have the curse dice block active on us so what should we do this turn you know what I'm going to do something a little crazy this turn I'm going to boost up our coins to 40 and we already do have a double star card so I'm going to buy another hidden block card hopefully we can get a start even if we get some coins that's okay but I'm going to boost up our coins to 40. just so we could guaranteed by two stars and we also do have the curse dice block active so we might not even reach this star okay but let's use our hidden block card to start off let's see are we gonna get money or will we finally get a star so far every hidden Block in this game has only been coins okay and we get some more coins that's all right get 12 coins okay so I could have bought 12 coins fewer than I did now we just need the two otherwise we are in horrendous trouble and we send the star away from us yes yes thank you thank you okay so we should be able to use our double star card yeah you can buy two stars 440 coins right now so that's all right even though we didn't get a star from that hidden block we've spent quite a bit of money on hidden Block cards in this game but there we go we're finally starting to get some Stars I was thinking about how I would do this what strategy would I have when we played this game I was thinking maybe we'd be buying a boo Bell if they get a star if one of them get a star if one of the CPUs gonna start and we really don't want them to have it then we can buy 50 coins for real money and buy a boo Bell and steal their star that would be pretty expensive that would be about as expensive as it would be to buy a gold pipe and buy enough coins to be able to purchase another star so yeah I guess we're gonna see what happens because if somebody lands on us and they duel us then we basically lose whatever coins they choose to duel cause I don't think that we can beat Master CPUs and Eddie Duo where we do absolutely nothing wait why in the world did Peach try to do that when she had a custom dice box she could have rolled any numbers she wanted she's a master CPU if she did seven or higher then she would have passed by Toadette and she would have been able to buy this star and she can afford this star so why didn't she do that why did she want to land on the red I know that there's possibly a bonus start for who lands on the most red spaces but this is kind of early in the game to be thinking about that maybe she just doesn't want to be on my team for the mini game Pogo a go go okay so we are of course going to be doing absolutely nothing Luigi's just going to be bouncing in place because we can't move him because we're not using the joystick because in all mini games we're doing absolutely nothing so there we go Luigi Falls very quickly now if either Yoshi or Wario or both of them survived then we actually win this mini game and we get some money otherwise each wins and she gets 10 coins so let's see how this is going to work right now these guys they look like they're doing pretty good but can they maintain this for 10 more seconds oh boy sometimes they're so close to the edge hey just four seconds three two one and they both survived oh my goodness so that's actually the first mini game that it counts that we win we're back here we got 10 coins for winning this uh it's so nice to get carried in a minigame and we could already afford the next Start If We Buy Gold pipe right now then we can teleport right to this star you know what I could do something very evil this turn I could get a custom dice block and purposefully land on the event space to send it away because Princess Peach and Wario they're both about to pass by this star I'm not going to do that because that would be evil and I want to do something even more evil I am going to get a custom Dice look and bring up my coins to 40 and you guys are going to see why in a moment so with this custom dice block I am going to roll an eight and that's going to bring us to a lucky space we're going going to get 10 coins from passing by this Koopa Troopa and guys guys guys next turn after Peach buys her star I think I'm going to get a boo Bell oh nice we got another mushroom that's fine I'm going to get a boo Bell and with the boo Bell we are going to steal Princess Peach's star that is my plan that is so evil I'm not sending the star away just so that she could get it unless she rolls a won this turn that'd be very sad if she rolled her one oh my goodness wait Yoshi are you going to get a start wait he already has a star you're getting a start from here okay he gets coins from the hidden block there are so many hidden blocks in this game and not only from me buying hidden Block cards now Peach okay you do roll high enough to buy the star but he's just been doing some really wacky stuff in this game so I wouldn't have been too surprised if Peach actually said no to this star right now so my plan is next turn I'm going to buy a boo Bell with real money oh oh and Peach is landing on an event space oh actually maybe I'll change my plans because maybe I should get a triple dice book and then we could try and head over to the island on the right very quickly that might be a better use of our money actually yeah cause where's Wario going now wait wasn't Wario in first place not too long ago he's in dead last place now he's the only one without his star and he also has the fewest coins and he gives away almost all of his money to Bowser now man things can change so quickly in Mario Party Aaron Wario's dizzy now that's so sad for him so sad so what kind of mini game are we having oh it's a bonus minigame okay what color is peach peach is red because she landed on green so it's random if she gets blue or red and she ended up being red skewer skirt we just had this video game man that's so surprising sometimes you get the same mini game multiple times in a single game it's funny that we're playing a 10 round game again we can't move of course yeah we're hit and goodbye Yoshi but yeah it's funny that sometimes you get the same mini game repeating even though there are 100 total mini games in this game in 10 Rounds you can sometimes have repeating minigames oh Wario why did you stop you're so close they're only four seconds left I was hoping that we'd be able to win another minigame those 20 coins would have been nice actually all right and we are down to the final five terms you know what guys it's been a while since I've played this game hasn't it and I think this is such a fun series to be doing it because I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this and it's also so nice that we can raise money for a good cause so who's going to be chosen as the potential winner here Wario oh they think Wario's going to win okay what is his prize they give him a golden pipe oh my goodness that's like 50 for free that they're giving to Wario basically that might help him out with winning this possibly because this is still anybody's game this is the last five turns if two players land on the same space a duel will be in so we are in big trouble if anyone wants to duel us and you know what this turn I'm actually just going to use this mushroom that we have because we have a lot of coins we've got a lot of items so I'll just use this mushroom here and if we could roll at least an eight that'll bring us to the start if not that's all right also let's see yes oh man that's so lucky all right let's wait that does bring us to the star right I think it does yeah it looks like it does okay so let's pay some coins you know what let's just pay two coins because let's save on our money maybe we want to use our money for buying stars or possibly stealing stars from others if we want to be very evil but yeah this is great let's buy another star we have three stars now we're very far ahead you know what this just goes to show how cheap pay to win can be in this game if you could buy items and coins with real money man you have a humongous advantage against other players who wouldn't be able to do that because we are doing nothing at all in any of the mini games not even touching the controller but when you can buy items and you can buy coins you can make all kinds of wild stuff happen on the board it's ridiculous could you imagine if in Mario Party if you could always use Whatever item you wanted that could make for some interesting gameplay I should make a mod like that that could be fun to play with friends if anybody could have any item they wanted whenever that could make for an interesting match guys let me know in a comment if you'd like to see a video like that I think that could be quite cool okay so let's see what's Wario doing he's not using his gold pipe because he can't afford the star of course but he wants to roll a 10. now where does that bring him he gets 10 points for passing by this Koopa Troopa he can almost afford this star down what kind of spot is he landing on he lands on a blue he gets six coins he can afford this star now oh so maybe next turn he's going to use the gold pipe and go and buy a staircase what kind of mini game are we having we are having a four player mini game and it is shy guy says that we are going to get eliminated immediately that is so sad the master CPUs are actually pretty good at this mini game I can almost always beat them I think there was one time that I yeah we're just eliminated in the first round I think there was one time that I lost to these ppus I think there's one time that I lost to the master CPUs there's this one CPU it just kept going on forever but let's see I wonder if now they'll play worse because all of the players are eliminated because I've heard some people say in the comments oh Peach is already eliminated that is quite quick goodbye Princess Peach yeah people were saying in the comments that for some Mario Party games the CPUs they just finish off mini games quickly when there are no players left and some games yeah there we go Wario's eliminated already that wasn't a very fast game I wonder if they were eliminated sooner because there were no humans left okay so no coins go to me from the mini game we're still in first place Wario's still in last second and third it's close between Peach and Yoshi we are 26 away from this star and you know what I want to make this an entertaining video for the viewers let's buy another triple dice Vlog and play absolutely wild and why not add a double star card to that okay if we could roll a 26 this turn that would be absolutely wild if we could roll 26 or greater because we've been getting gigantic rolls this entire board let's see what do we get a five okay so now it's impossible even if we get double tens five could we possibly get Triple fives that would give us some money ah then we got a ten okay a 20 not a bad roll and we can steal some money from somebody who do we want to steal from I guess from Peach because she does have the most coins and she is in second place right now is the highest ranked CPU currently hopefully we can get some nice coins from her if we can bring out our total amount of coins to at least 40 that'd be great how many coins do we steal not very many at all we only stole seven coins that's very few coins that we stole so next turn maybe we'll actually be buying some more coins okay if we go there we land on a blue if we go here we land on a blue doesn't really matter let's just come down this way and that brings us to right there so we are about six away from the start oh and it's a hidden Vlog please be a star come on we've seen so many hidden blocks in this game and none of them have had stars please be a star right now come on oh but at least we got the coins that's great okay we got six coins from landing on the blue space and we got seven clings from the hidden blocks we are at 48 so we can afford two stars unless something bad and horrible happens oh look at this man the CPUs are starting to become Big Spenders look at that Yoshi buying a gold pipe that's a big purchase over there here we go you know what I almost have enough coins to be able to steal a star actually oh Peach where are you going you're buying something also buying a gold pipe I've gotta look out for these guys everyone has a gold pipe except for me should I also buy a gold pipe because everyone's bought in gold pipes is everyone's botter everyone's bought in probably everyone's bought gold pipes 17 coins from the lucky space that's so many coins okay Peach is already back up to Second Place Wario are you using your gold pipe now Wario's using his gold pipe he is also joining the one star Club so now all of the CPUs will have one star but each and Yoshi they still have a gold pipe and they can afford a second star wait Mario's going to be passing by the boo so he's probably going to be stealing coins from me because I'm in first place so that makes sense so this isn't a minigame so I am going to be mashing the a button over here or you know what to keep it interesting I'm not going to mash that a button I'm not going to hit the a button at all just to keep it interesting so that it costs us some more coins and then we'll have to spend some more money to get more coins if we want a good strategy how many coins does he get 16. not bad not bad that isn't too many at all so we could buy eight more coins next turn oh no we might have to buy more than eight more coins because they subversed this mini game now and we're definitely losing everything well however many coins we have to wage or what is it okay 10 coins okay so instead of buying eight coins next turn we're going to buy 18 coins next turn and then we're going to be able to make use of the double star card fluff car derby great you guys want to see what happens when Luigi gets knocked off of this track and who do you guys think will win this minigame Yoshi peach or Wario I'm guessing Yoshi because I think in world record speedruns of this people they normally want to start on track number two for Speed runs I'm not sure why that is I don't know if it is faster oh yeah that's what happens if you uh manage to lap somebody and hit them then you knock them off the track like that yes right now it looks like Yoshi is ahead but is he going to be ahead by the end that's what I'm wondering yeah because he is on the inside now so it looks like he does have a pretty good chance here oh and who wins I don't know who won that peach oh my goodness he or she lost actually Peach and Mario perfectly tied well all I can say is I was not expecting that okay so the money gets split among them Luigi gets nothing because he's doing nothing in mini games which is sad for him oh and this reminds me of my video where I made the board all versus spaces only that was quite fun Okay so we've got a four player minigame because everyone landed on Blue spaces and the mini game is pokey pumble I am so tempted to just match the a button here because this is one of my favorite mini games I love trying to get a personal best and new records in this look at that my best time is below four seconds I really want to try and get faster than that but yeah we can't do anything right now because Luigi's doing absolutely nothing in mini games so sad for Luigi in last place look at those times I can beat their dimes so badly okay so coins for them no coins for us now what are we going to do this turn that is the question okay I'm going to do something interesting here there might be a bonus start for who lands on the most red spaces so if we use a custom dice block we can get a 10 and land on a red and if we boost our coins up to 40 right now then we'll be able to use the double star card and we'll have zero coins left over from purchasing the Stars so let's do this because by landing on the red we're basically not losing any coins because we're going to have zero coins left when we land on the red space anyways I'm not sure how many red spaces the others have landed on but maybe this will help us out maybe it would have been a bit better to land on the Bowser space but I don't want to risk losing a star by landing on the Bowser's space so that's quite scary because I know I think it was Wario landed on a Bowser's face one of the CPUs landed on a Bowser's face okay so we are pretty far ahead over here I really like how things are we land on the red we don't lose any coins Luigi just looks at the camera like hey Mario what's going on oh that's right I forgot that these guys have their gold pipes so they're going to be getting some stars now oh that was so funny how the Koopa Troopa was jumping up there almost like he wanted to be seen in the camera okay so Yoshi rolls a seven he's going to be passing by the boo oh and now the CPUs they're not even going to be trying to steal coins from me because I don't have any coins each is the only one that can afford stealing a star but I don't think that she's going to do that I think that she is going to probably buy a star oh and you Yoshi stole some points from her anyway so she wouldn't be able to afford stealing a star now anyways oh Yoshi lands fashionable decisions okay Peach is using the gold pipe so she's getting a second star we are three stars ahead of second place and third place fourth place Wario he has only one stars to wear four stars ahead of him each is going to be passing by the boo but she's probably just going to be stealing coins back from Yoshi over here though we don't necessarily have a guaranteed Victory yet because these guys they might get some stars and they might get some bonus Stars they can still come back okay Peach is stealing some coins from Yoshi there you know what even though we're going to have a guaranteed Victory oh oh or sorry not even though we're gonna have a guaranteed Victory even though it's quite likely that we're going to win I don't want to give this CPUs a chance to catch up let's try and play pretty well but the options that we have going into this okay so there's a duel for 30 coins now who wins he each wins each can now afford to steal a star because she now has over 50 coins that's quite scary and Wario is just being beaten down and held in fourth place there for so much of the game he's been in fourth place remember back earlier in the game when he was in first place but yeah he's in fourth place right now he's almost at the start though he's getting kind of close to the star which is a little scary oh one versus three minigame G I wonder who's going to win this one what's the minigame River Raiders okay so we might actually get some coins this is quite funny because I'm just not able to move here Luigi's just driving straight I'm just taking these guys on a boat trip later they also not going to move yeah I was wondering if they were also not going to if that was a little funny am I going to get any coins oh wait we have one coin I didn't even see when we got the coin but what are these guys doing they're all just leaning to the left there there's so much money on the right they should have gone for some of that money on the right there's a nice money bag there that peach might get we've gotten two coins so far not bad each missed the money back because she got hit is she getting that one she gets that one though okay we got only two coins and they got 15. so I think they did pretty good in this mini game they probably could have done a lot better Wario's face looks so creepy there two turns are left in the game it is turn nine the second last turn of the game you know what we haven't used the gold pipe yet but we are in the perfect opportunity to do something absolutely evil and chaotic so I am going to boost our coins up to 100 and we're going to buy a boo Bell so here's what we are going to do because we are about to pass by a boot but here's what we're going to do I'm going to use a boo Bell right now we are going to steal a star from Princess Peach who is in second place right now so let's pay 50 coins to steal a car this is not to steal a car to steal a star sorry we are not stealing a car we're paying 50 coins to steal a star and that's the reason that I just paid to get 100 coins right now so that we can steal two stars in this turn so we just stole a star from Princess Peach using the boo Bell and 50 coins and that's nice because now we have six stars each is down to third place but I really want to make sure that Yoshi wins this game so this smart thing to do if you are trying to win would be to steal a star from Yoshi right now but I really want Yoshi to be the top CPU yo she's a nice guy and Princess Peach is almost always in last place on this channel so we are stealing another start from Princess Peach right now poor princess getting all of her Stars stolen in a single turn like that and we are up to Seven Stars now so that's nice next turn we should also be able to do something nice but let's see how the CPUs react to everything that's happening here okay we land on an event space and if they land on me because Peach and Yoshi they're right behind me if they land on me and they're upset and they want to duel me there's nothing that they can take because you can only do it for coins in this game yeah so there's a six from Yoshi he passes by us he's of course trying to make it over there maybe wait can he even get one more start before the end of the game I'm not sure how far away he is from that start maybe he could get a nice item from the lucky space here let's see what the options are if he gets a mushroom oh he just gets seven claims okay I don't know if he can reach his start we'll have to check I don't know if he's close enough and he has no items now Peach if you land on me okay she doesn't land on me yeah she passes he passes by Luigi over there paying three coins to make it across 69 coins left which is very nice and she might be close enough to be able to reach the star the next turn yeah Peach might actually be getting a star next turn which is crazy and she gets 15 coins from the lucky space he just lost a lot of stars so maybe now she's having some good luck things are turning around well I guess her stars were stolen kind of unfairly known expected Luigi to do that so what is our second last mini game going to be well this might not be the second last mini game but the mini game of the second last turn it's everyone versus me and skewers Scurry third time having this mini game what are the whoa oh hold on I knocked something over in real life what are the odds of that these are some very slim odds yeah all right the CPU is just going to stand there because I'm not trying to fake them out guys I can't press any of these buttons I can't move the joystick into a mini game so Luigi has to do absolutely nothing now looks like this is going to be the first time in this video that the team of three actually wins in this mini game Luigi loses unfortunately the there are some more coins to all them enjoy those coins guys I hope you guys enjoy those coins because now it is the final turn of the game and I have something very wild planned let's buy a golden pipe a double star card and 40 coins so that we can afford both Stars that's a bit of an expensive turn but let's see what we're going to do over here let's just pop into our gold pipe here this is Splendid so into the gold pipe Luigi goes and we're going to be able to buy two stars in this turd oh and we roll a 10 too how nice is that so we get a nice big roll we're buying two stars of course for 40 coins good use of double star cards too bad we didn't see any hidden blocks with stars in this game yet the game still isn't over somebody might be getting some stars from hidden blocks still it might even be us depending on where we live and if there's a bonus start for most spaces traveled that might actually be going to us because we've traveled quite a few spaces oh we're landing on a lucky space not a blue space okay when we get coins don't be swamps told us have that that does nothing okay 10 more coins we have 20 coins and Nine Stars on the final turn of the game hopefully nothing too crazy happens Yoshi unfortunately does not reach the star on the final turn of the game he couldn't cheat and use real money to buy a custom dice block or an item that might have helped him wait he but Yoshi and Peach peace wants to duel for all of Yoshi's money that means there's gonna be 112 coins at stake right yeah 112 points at stake whoever wins gets all those coins and who wins oh my goodness he staked all of that money and Yoshi is the winner everyone if you are a fan of Yoshi put in some clapping emojis right now and if you wanted Peach to win that put in some crying emojis in the comments please oh man that is so sad for peach but so nice for Yoshi Wario are you stealing a star for me noi he doesn't reach oh man imagine if Wario stole a star from us on the final turn but yeah looks like things are going pretty well let's get to the award ceremony in a minute after this final mini game Wario might be getting a bonus star for most event spaces because he has landed on a few event spaces I wonder who is going to be getting the bonus stars and what the bonus stars are going to be and what the ranking is going to be is peach going to be last is Yoshi going to be second that's what I hope I hope the order from first to last is going to be Luigi Yoshi Wario Peach that'd be nice if it's a bit different that's okay wait and what mini game is this too bitter lose it oh Wario's chasing after us he looks so evil today I don't know what it is about Warrior he just looks very evil okay so I'm not moving of course let's see does he go for me first it's like yep there we go he parked me Luigi is pop we weren't doing anything because if you don't touch any uh inputs then you just automatically go downhill the way that Luigi went downhill there oh now it's just Wario and Yoshi is he gonna get him oh boy what's gonna happen what's gonna happen here oh man oh man it's so close Yoshi will you win for us will you win for us oh man he psyched him out there that was so good Yoshi that was a very sneaky movement really interesting to see how the CPUs played this game against each other like that so it counts that we actually won what two or three of the midi games because we got carried by our teammates now who will win it all okay what is the first bonus first bonus is Rich bonus for the fortunate player who collected the most coins I don't know if that's going to us or if that's going to maybe Yoshi or Peach because Peach had a lot of coins but Yoshi won a lot of coins in that duel on the final turn so it might be Yoshi actually who does the bonus go to Yoshi well deserved Yoshi congratulations Yoshi we're very proud of you now the second bonus is doesn't really matter who this goes to unlucky bonus so I think I tried to land on a red space purposefully once with a custom dice block but who else landed on red spaces there weren't too many red spaces in this game so who does this go to and the bonus ghost Koopa Troopa looks so excited who does it go to Luigi wow wait I could have sworn someone else landed on a red space did I land on two red spaces that was actually a really good custom dice block then that brought us to that red space because we got a Bonus star because that peaches in last then Wario and now it's gonna be Yoshi gets out of course and Luigi is in first place congratulations Luigi we spent a lot of money on this Victory and this is quite possibly the most expensive Mario Party SuperStars game of all time though we finished 10 turns with 10 stars and 30 coins there were actually quite a few bonus stars that we could have gotten we could have gotten most event spaces that would have been tied with Peach and Wario we did get most red spaces we could have gotten most spaces traveled and most items used Luigi might have won the board but the real winner is the charity Starlight and I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario Odyssey but every jump costs me one dollar and the money goes to charity thank you so much to you for watching this video and making it possible for me to make videos like this I hope you all have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 394,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, master cpus, master difficulty, money
Id: YJPxD80pRPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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