Can You LOSE to Easy CPUs if You START with 5 Stars in Mario Party Superstars?

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easy cpus sometimes have some difficulty in mario party games peach is right in front of the star she's using her item peach why are you warping away from the star so today we'll see if we can let easy cpus win if we start with five stars and they all start with zero stars we're going to have to try to play this very strategically to try to let them win and i hope you enjoy this video first we'll decide the turn all right let's see let's see we get a 10 oh man oh man this is already not looking good we're already starting off in first yeah we are in first place because we have five stars and we're also rolling first you know what i might actually get some custom dice blocks at some parts of the game because maybe i will specifically want to land on an event panel to let someone get a star or maybe i could go to a bowser space and lose some star so that they have a better chance at catching up okay we are up first and all we can do right now is roll so let's roll we get a six okay are we getting an item you know what i'm gonna go here just so we could get an item let's see what item we might get because i'm not in a rush to get this star so you know what on i would love custom dice plug don't really care for the others i don't want to go too hard let's see oh man yeah if you mash the a button too hard then the rocket flies off and you don't get any items but man i guess you have to hit it a bit harder than that i'm probably not going to be using that item but i might because there might be a bonus star for most items used so yeah i'm probably not going to use an item unless i really need to or if i'm confident that others have used more items than me okay yo she buys a triple dice block boy he spends all his money so even if he reaches this star he won't be able to afford it i gotta make sure that these guys have enough coins to be able to afford this star when they reach the start so sometimes if it's a team mini game and i'm on a team i might actually try to win to make my teammates win so that they get some money okay mario also lands on an item space let's see which item does he get enough bro bro this is what happens when you play with easy cpus okay are we all in the same team okay good good four player mini game okay so i can just lose on purpose bill blasters okay so in this mini game wait wait but we are up against easy cpus and you know the thing is with easy cpus their aim is pretty bad and even though there is no time limit that you can see in this mini game i think eventually if this mini game goes on for long enough then i think that a timer does actually appear on the screen at least in this version of the game and yeah in the video that you're watching right now i'm going to just speed this up because you can see that these guys are missing quite a bit takes them quite a while to do some damage man i thought that i wasn't very great at this minigame but after seeing how easy cpus are playing i actually feel not bad mario's almost eliminated and i haven't even pressed any but man rosalina almost got me there yoshi and mario are both almost eliminated rosalina hasn't been hit even once yet okay rosalina does win that one which is very nice good job rosalina okay so that means that rosalina can afford a star which is very nice okay so it's nice that everyone's getting some coins slowly and slowly okay i'm not using the item i'm just rolling normally we get a two what's that okay just a blue size okay so now we can afford a custom dice block if we pass by the shop and where's the staryu she gets a four wait a minute let's go where is the star even okay rosalina rolls yeah i wasn't really paying attention to the star because i'm like i don't have to go to this star oh is that the star over there to the left i think that's it okay so rosalina gets accustomed to okay good she lies on a lucky space get coins get coins give her coins another custom dice and you know what when easy cpus have custom dice blocks sometimes i'm a bit nervous about how they use them especially in this channel because or especially in this challenge because easy cpus don't make the best use of items very often sometimes they'll be like eight away from the star and they'll roll up four to land on an event panel and make the star swap to the other island okay what mini game do we have now tread carefully oh my goodness it is going to be so painful to just stand here and let them defeat me because what i want to do oh man this is one of my favorite mini games i love playing this one so much i guess i'll just stand here we'll see if maybe luigi can win by doing absolutely nothing because if the timer runs out then i'm guessing everyone that survives gets coins man these guys are moving along you can see they don't have very good aim yoshi and rosalina are pretty close together oh is he gonna up nope the pipe's in the way oh rosalina gets yoshi i think oh yoshi it's rosalina back rosalina eliminates yoshi wait that means that i'm not even in fourth flight oh look mario's so close to me damn you're not gonna hit me like that let's see what's uh rosalina gonna get mario there one shot on him mario misses again uh rosalina misses good aim good aim you guys are getting close just a few seconds left i hope we all win yeah because there's just a few seconds left we might all win it's like there's a stand still there's a truce we just eliminated yoshi but everyone else is in first okay so we all get coins i want to be very careful to not accidentally get the bonus star for most coins collected okay i'm still in first 23 coins okay if we if we pass by the shop then we can buy a custom ice block and maybe that's something that could actually help us in our challenge so let's do that said here well of course oh or warp block i could get right in front of a star and then teleport so you know what that might actually be even more useful so i'll get the warp block i'm going to try to collect warp blocks look at the little bunny in the background can we land on a lucky space the one that rosalina was just on and what do we get custom dice block would be nice another double dice go ahead and roll yoshi he's getting close to the star 17 away but he can't afford it let's see where is he going okay nice get a bunch of coins please please get 12 coins or 15. ah custom dice block oh no even if yoshi wins the next mini game he still can't afford this star which is sad and you can see that right now this game is set to 20 turns wait wait wait oh uh you see what i mean you see what i mean about easy cpus and the way that they use the custom dice block she's six away from the star rolls a five to land under lucky space gets a skeleton key but i guess like oh unless oh my goodness oh my gosh i was gonna say unless mario rolls a ten wait and mario chooses to buy a custom dice block here so now he can't afford this star both rosalina and mario are one spot away from the start unless mario gets some coins here let's see custom dice book man easy cpus i don't think they can make very good use of custom dice blocks often yeah so sorry as i was saying this game is set to 20 turns right now i don't know if they'll be able to win i might add 10 more turns to make this 30 turns at some point this will be an easy one to lose all i have to do is not swing and another okay they're gonna get some hits right mario got one yoshi going come on rosalina okay there they all have at least one so that means that i'm not winning that means that they are getting coins that's good and you guys can let me know in a comment who you think is going to win this game do you think that or well not this specific minigame i mean the full board but yeah you guys can let me know if you think one of the cpus will win and which cpu or if you think luigi will still win all right there you go mario and yoshi both still can't afford to start they're both one coin short but rosalina goes before mario so that's good because that means that she is going to be getting the star okay so it doesn't really matter what we roll okay just the one just oh no i don't want any hidden blocks okay good i don't want any hidden blocks especially not a hidden block with a star imagine if i got a hidden block with this star i'm like trying to avoid stars saying no to stars when i pass by toadette and then i end up getting a hidden block that'd be so sad okay yoshi gets a chomp call he lines on a red which is good because there might be a bonus start for most red spaces then rosalina please buy your first star a nine nice okay that's very nice rosalina finally gets her first star that is fantastic absolutely beautiful where's the next star wait that's right in front of yoshi i need yoshi to win that mini game i need yoshi to win the upcoming oh wait luigi can also get it oh wait no i'm luigi chance time i didn't purpose you know what i was thinking was if i purposefully go over to chance time maybe that'd be a bit like cheating but if someone else lands on chance time switch coins with yoshi wait oh that's not that big of a deal okay so rosalina had 11 and yoshi had 10 but now they just swap so rosalina has one coin less than yoshi has one coin more too bad it wasn't like swap stars if it was swap stars this challenge would have been a breeze that would have been so funny it could have actually the challenge could have actually ended in just 10 turns quicksand cash yes yes okay so in this mini game i need yoshi to get at least nine i don't want to collect those i want to avoid those and he gives you to get at least nine yo she has four so far okay i don't want that money back i actually don't want that one guys let yoshi get some coins let him get some coins is that six oh no i accidentally picked that one up uh oh get that one please please please please yes yo she has at least nine that's perfect okay okay that's actually perfect okay i'm getting that one oh i actually never mind okay good i was worried that maybe it would disappear before it got to yoshi's housing that i should get it but it did make it in time to yoshi so that's good okay plus 21 coins to all those guys blush plus a bunch of coins to yoshi that means that now these guys are gonna be able to afford some stars and i like where this is going okay so yoshi's probably getting this star soon so i'm just gonna roll normally okay i roll the one that's actually all right because yoshi's already passed this if yoshi was on this spot or behind me that would be very bad oh wait actually uh there might be a bonus starter who lanes on the most event panel so i actually don't want that okay yoshi's one away from the start and uses a triple dice block i think that's a bit overkill he gets 10 6 and 10. he might be passing by a second star and not able to afford it now so yeah i definitely wouldn't have used the triple dice blog there see what i mean about cpus using items at quite interesting times okay where's today going to next this way wait okay over there over there is rosalina heading up there did she go up to the top i don't remember but mario might be heading there too wait no mario's up at the top where's oh rosalina and mario are both heading there soon that's fantastic okay yo she's passing by the shop gets nothing goes in a circle i was wondering if he would pass by the shop again but he goes up here to land on a lucky space and he gets a trump call bro yo she has two chomp calls i really hope he doesn't use that as someone else is about to get the star rosalina's eleven away custom dice block what are you gonna roll a 10 or what no probably something three yeah of course you want to land on the lucky space man cpus just love landing on lucky spaces she gets another customized box she's probably gonna use it to land on another lucky space all right mario are you gonna use your custom dice book are you gonna land on the same lucky space are you gonna prove my theory four wait four wait is that just a normal blue space why would you want to land there that's kind of surprising i'm actually very surprised that okay bonus mini games will double coins to the winner the final countdown okay so what i'm going to do if i just stand here do i lose let's see or will someone lose before me i'm just gonna stand here let's see okay mario what are you doing bro oh my goodness oh my goodness guys how how i should have jumped off and i'm like i don't want to make it too easy for them i won that by doing nothing luigi wins by doing nothing my goodness oh and i forgot that that was a bonus minigame that's not good i actually should have tried to actively lose that one that's not good uh-oh because i need these guys to have more coins that's not good okay let's just roll normally a three is that an event panel oh we're going this way okay so we're going to the left for some reason that's fine give me you know i'm actually okay with a chump call i'll get rid of a double dice let's do this get rid of a double dice and if the stars in a really inconvenient location then i can use the chomp cull and maybe i'll get closer to someone else yoshi lands on the bank but gets zero coins because no one has passed by the bank yet or paid any coins into the bank now then will you reach the star eight away rolls in eight yes yes rosalina what are you buying seven coins on what a warp block that's fine but yes two stars already and it's only turned six well wait wait oh oh yeah i forgot that you pay coins as you go by the bank but luckily she still has enough oh no she's going to bowser please don't be lose the star please don't lose the start of bowser rosalina [Music] okay toadette where are you going to next where are you going to next [Music] that's right behind yoshi you know what i might use the chomp call when it's my turn hopefully it moves to a more convenient location okay and rosalina is going to bowser now okay i'm really hoping that it doesn't land on lou's one star is that an option it isn't okay give ten points to bowser okay she only has seven coins but she loses all of her coins so that is a little sad maybe i shouldn't use the chump call yet actually oh man i don't know yeah cause mario's the only one that can afford this star still let's see what does he buy spends 10 coins on what triple dice block yeah all right now what is our mini game gonna be case everyone versus rosalina so maybe we actually want to win this do we want rosalina to get coins you know what i think it's better that mario and yoshi both get coins so i'm actually gonna try to win oh where is she going there we go okay then she's just floating around she didn't use any of her speed boosts but we did win that one i'm surprised that she didn't sneak by us okay so i get 10 coins but so do yoshi and mario so yoshi can afford a star mario can afford two so you know what i will use the chomp call now because the stars so far away from everyone so hopefully it moves to a more convenient spot now i don't want yoshi to use his trump calls as someone else is getting close to it i'm worried about yoshi using the chomp calls let's see where do you go ah down there i guess it's a bit closer it's a few spots closer so someone might be able to reach the star like one or two turns sooner everyone's still pretty far from it though so i'll just roll normally now a ten and you know what if i get to be right in front of this star then i can use a warp block and send someone else in front of the star so that might be nice [Music] okay what do we get from the lucky space ten points i've got enough coins i don't want to get like the rich bonus star or something go ahead and roll you she has six he's landing on just a regular blue i hope he gets a hidden block give him a hidden block nah so sad okay rosalina oh and there might be a bonus star for most bowser spaces so so far rosalina will be getting that one if it's a bonus yes please be a star be a star no just coins that's so sad okay but she's getting closer to being able to afford her next star which is good use your triple dice yeah bro roll 28 or higher get 1099 nine ah man that's so sad okay just 17 but still only 11 away from the star now so maybe mario can reach the star in two turns oh wait but also what way the arrows are facing is going to be really important okay he buys another triple dice block and he lands on a lucky space he needs to roll a one next turn which is actually not great because the arrow's gonna switch when it's the next turn and then the turn after that he's going to want to continue to the left over there so that's actually not great that the star is there leaf leap okay this one is going to be yoshi missed mario can you get the first jump oh my goodness how many times is he gonna miss the first jump but wait oh man yoshi hasn't made it to the fourth one yet okay so as you can see easy cpus they're not very great at this mini game and this is unfortunately a mini game that luigi well unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it a mini game that luigi cannot win by doing absolutely nothing man it looks like mario's winning actually he did pretty poorly at the start where he couldn't make it onto the first leap but then he came back and he came in first here 60 yards okay so they get some coins that's quite nice rosalina can almost afford the star okay so i've returned these arrows switch so that one arrow is very inconvenient for mario right now we need him to roll a one so i'm just gonna roll normally a nine pretty big number we're heading this way now item or blue let's go to an item maybe we could get a nice item maybe like a warp block or a custom dice block okay custom dice block would probably be the only useful thing okay so we get a mushroom nice we're probably not going to be using that mushroom and probably also not using the double dice unless i want to get close to this star and then use the warp block oh you know what so maybe next turn i'll actually do that it depends that depends on maybe that would be a good idea that might actually be a good idea next turn using like the double dice block and then using the warp block the next turn that might be a good idea okay yoshi got an item he got a cursed ice block but then he didn't want it so he threw it away rosalina's using her skeleton key over here does she head on up of course she heads up because it goes to the lucky space if she rolls a one next turn she gets to go to a chance time she gets seven coins everyone can afford this star now which is fantastic mario please get a one that would make this easier he's using the triple dice block he doesn't want to get a one he would have gotten a one maybe he would have gotten a one okay but now he gets 17. so he's going this way i guess he'll be passing by the shop wait he switched the arrows oh man he's just making things more and more difficult now because now that arrow's going to switch back to the right so next turn i don't want to pass by but the turn after that i want wanna pass by if i want to use the warp block so this might actually turn out okay it's just gonna take longer to get to that start but it might turn out okay so what mini game do we have bumper balls should i just run off myself or see what happens if we do nothing okay so we are out first so that's fine doing nothing was a good strategy to come in last you know she runs off by himself you know what the physics in this game compared to in the earlier mario party games from bumper balls are so different and another thing is it's so much easier to win in luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing in the original mario party well in mario party 2 at least when i've played it but in this one i don't know if i've ever had luigi win by doing absolutely nothing in bumper balls okay everyone's got a nice amount of coins in the 30s in the 40s it's quite nice okay so we're just gonna roll normally hopefully we get a pretty big number because right now would be a good time to get a big number a six uh so we're going around this way can we pass by the arrow next turn i'd kind of love to pass by the arrow next turn next turn would be the perfect time to pass by the arrow hey yoshi gets nothing from the shop wait oh he landed on the bank twice now i was wondering if he's passing by or if he landed on it okay it looks like that's his second time landing on the bank this time he gets nine coins rosalina get a one get a one ah it's so sad so sad okay but she lands on a lucky space so she's gonna be passing by the shop soon but my question is okay she's got 45 points that's actually great my question is though when these people pass by the shops because it's going to be turned 10 soon and when the game is half done this this shop starts to have gold pipes so i'm really wondering if people are going to start to buy gold pipes uh maria lane's on the bank but yo she's just lighting on the bank right before him so he gets nothing that's so sad and our minigame is rapid river race i don't know what happens in this one if we don't press any buttons do we just move forward at minimum speed let's see what'll happen i'm guessing you probably come in last place the easy cpus can't be can't be this bad game let's see uh everyone already passed by the urchin and didn't get hit and there are a lot of urchins in the middle over here okay yeah so yeah luigi's just running into all these urchins here can't steer there are quite a few in the middle here oh my goodness it's like they don't want luigi to win by doing nothing okay close match over here yoshi's embarrassed with 47.73 mario's second and rosalina and a close third luigi made it about halfway through the race all right all right okay everyone has 40 plus coins this is great mario still has zero stars that's kind of sad okay and let's see is anyone close to the star i'm the closest yoshi and mario are you maybe heading this way okay so if we want to get at least a nine and less than 17 then with the double dice block we have about a 60 chance i think about a 62 chance if i counted right and with the mushroom we have a 70 chance because we have to roll at least a four we only don't make it if we get a one two or three so you know what i want to get the other guys to the star so let's do this and hopefully we roll at least a four don't get a one two or three oh man that's so bad we basically wasted that item should i go up now or should i go this way you know what let's go this way i don't want to get the bonus star for buying most items so you know what i uh but i am gonna buy a custom dice block just so we can be careful because i really want to make sure that the others can go and uh start to head towards that start and if i get close to the start i want to use the warp block so that i can get the others to the start can we get another double dice you know what i don't want this double dice though throwing away that double dice that we just got hey go ahead and roll yoshi if these guys get huge numbers i might not even have to worry about okay he gets a 10. so there's even a shot that i might not have to do this but you know what but at least i'll probably be able to bring people closer to the star which will be great and you know she gets 15 coins that's amazing i love how many coins these guys are getting rosalina gets a 5. so wait oh she's just landing on a blue i think yeah just a blue she gets a one next turn she might go to chance time mario what about you what are you doing a three that's not bowser is it okay it's just a blue that's fine oh another bonus minigame okay so you know what i am going to try to actively lose this one ice rink rinse okay let me get out first guys guys i'm sorry i'm getting out first no no no no no let me get out let me get out okay good good good okay because the easy cpus they get out very quickly here so i wanted to make sure to get out so that i wouldn't accidentally win because i need the coins to go to these guys i want these guys to have a lot of coins okay so rosalina gets 20 coins that's great and she has what two stars yeah she's got two stars 70 coins and and she's passing by the shop soon which is amazing i really hope she buys a gold pipe gold pipes are 25 coins and they teleport you straight to this star so you can buy star okay now what i could do is use a custom dice block roll a one and then next turn i'll be able to pass over to the left and then the turn after that i'll be able to use the warp block and bring someone there so let's see oh man but these guys don't have a lot of stars right now on yoshi's so close behind what does he roll his six wait where does that bring him does that bring to the same spot as me oh no oh no that completely throws a wrench in my plans oh no because now the arrow's going to change back next turn oh no wait do you pass by the shop and she passes by the shop so she can't wait oh it's turned 11. okay i thought next turn was turn 11 for some reason good good good good good good very good very good okay i hope she uses her gold pipe next turn i really hope she uses it cursed ice block on yoshi all right well it's not going to be able to head towards the start because the arrow's changing direction anyways unless i roll a one next turn but i don't have a custom dice block [Music] okay mario gets a lucky space what do we want to get get an item bag ah just 15 points okay at least he's getting points but look he has zero stars bro bro you've got zero stars bro too bad nobody is heading up to the boo at the top to steal stars i'd love if they stole some stars from me that'd be great okay money belts and this is a team mini game so you know what if i collect coins then my that means that my team gets more coins so you know what i actually should collect whatever coins come down rosalina that money bag was right beside you how could you just let it drop down is yoshi gonna get anything yoshi's at the top looks like he's actually trying but he's just not getting oh he has three points i thought he had none i missed that one and that one money bag let's get it okay just so they get some more coins very nice okay so rosalina and mario and i we all get 20 coins each i'm worried that i might get too many coins and get like the bonus star for most coins from a mini game even though in a lot of them i'm losing when i'm in a team sometimes i win to help my team win like this okay and that arrow changes back so that's not good for us if we roll a one that would actually be okay because then yoshi would be able to continue to the left towards this star but i don't know if rosalina will use the gold pipe right away that's my concern so i guess we'll just roll normally let's see can we get a three oh no we're on a red that's not good because we don't want a bonus star for landing on the most reds someone else landed on a red earlier who was it yo she gets just one be a hidden block with a star please okay please use your gold pipe please rosalina why why don't you just use your gold pipe why why i'm so sad rosalina so sad so sad that you didn't use your gold pipe that's so sad 12 coins i still have more coins than rosalina i don't know if a 20 turn game has two bonus stars or three bonus stars because even if rosalina gets three bonus stars i still have more coins than her right now mario buys a double dice block he lands on the event space so the arrow turns to the left but after this turn it's gonna go back to the right so everyone is heading away from the start except for rosalina and she's very far from it so this is not great okay now it's mario and i versus yoshi and rosalina in cake factory who do i want to win because if i pick up if i pick up these cakes mario's just standing there holding this strawberry blinking like luigi my brother why don't you put down the cake am i holding a strawberry here i want to put it down on a cake and louise is just like mario look the cakes are going by they're going so fast i can't grab a cake mario okay i've got only three so far i'm surprised that mario isn't putting it down he's just standing there yeah it looks like the cpus are all right they got four cakes done not bad so yoshi and rosalina get some coins you know what actually that's good because i want rosalina to get more coins because she has the most stars she's still one coin behind me yoshi's two coins behind me mario's tied with me in coins i'm surprised how even it is in terms of coins but not in terms of stars wait and uh and look at the map here it's luigi yoshi and mario we're all lined up one after another like this i guess i'll just roll normally it doesn't matter too much what we get or where we go we're going up this way we get an item okay maybe we could get something nice i don't okay gold pipe isn't an option you know what warp block would probably be the best i don't remember if you have to press a when the item you want is at the top or the bottom or how does it work let's see yes okay good timing got exactly what i wanted now i just hope that we can get close to the start without passing by this star that would be perfect and whatever these guys roll doesn't really matter i'm just really hoping that rosalina uses her golden pipe i need her to use her gold wipe so badly because the star's so far away from him please use it please yes yes thank you thank you she better not say no to the star imagine she says no to the star now just went away and she rolls a one because that's the lowest number you can roll and well with a normal dice block at least that's the lowest that you could roll rosalina gets star number three i am really rooting for rosalina in this match over here if that blue tile right in front of her is a hidden block with a star that'll be even better oh my goodness and these guys are heading right towards the star that's amazing okay oh mario's probably getting that though it'd be better if yoshi got oh wait no but the arrow's changing next turn so maybe it'd be all right if mario got that yes hidden block please be a star ah that's twice now that we've seen hidden blocks i think that's been twice get a nine or ten six that's so sad wait that's actually amazing that's actually amazing because he lands here next turn is going to switch back to the right that means it's very likely that yoshi's getting that star yo she probably needs like a three or four to reach that star manor of escape all right you know what i'll actually try and help these guys so maybe if i go into the right door wait a minute what in the world yoshi which door is it i'll just follow yoshi wherever he is she goes i will follow where are we going yoshi wow rosalina already won i'll just keep following yoshi wherever yo she goes i will follow looks like uh yoshi and mario are both having some trouble [Applause] yes why don't you go back into that door i will follow you yoshi wherever you go wherever yo she goes i will follow come on yoshi yeah there's only one door left and where are we going yoshi into this door let's go wow you guys okay mario's coming back up to this floor mario was on the last floor but then he came back up okay they're on the bottom floor almost made it through who's first wow what a comeback by yoshi mario was on the bottom floor when yoshi was like three floors up are you gonna come back upstairs come on mario bro bro come on how many doors are there come on mario that's gotta be it right there we go okay so we're in fourth that's good everyone else gets coins that's good [Music] and it's great that rosalina wins we want rosalina to win a lot okay she's up to 84 coins two stars behind me the game's getting close to an end soon what turn number was that turn 14 right now okay okay okay okay okay so those guys are about to reach the star they're three away all right so let's just roll normally because yoshi or mario are probably getting this star here oh and you know what this is actually something i forgot about if the arrow was facing the wrong way then i'd be able to pay the monty mole to switch the direction of the arrow but i'm going to say no because if i accidentally picked yes then they wouldn't be getting this okay another item space would i want another warp block that is the question or do i want something else ah because i do have a double dice with me i don't know if i'd even want another warp block ah we got it then we got it we got it we got it okay you know what whenever i say that whenever i'm like yeah i don't know if i want to get it i always end up getting it but if i'm like please please i need it then i don't know if we actually get it when that happens you know what i don't know how many turns are left maybe wait what turn is it what turn is it let's see turn 14. yeah i don't know i don't know okay yo she's using a custom dice block why bro why why this stars three in front of you you roll up one with this special dice block with the custom dice block why would you do that bro oh my goodness maybe you thought there'd be a hidden block there or something hey please don't do the same thing okay custom dice block don't roll it too don't don't don't go why bro why why bro bros this star is three in front of you both of you use a custom dice block to roll only one it's like you guys are trying to get me in trouble and you really don't want to win it's like they're trying to lose okay get me out get me out let me get out let me get out come over here there we go okay we are out okay at least i'm gonna give them coins they can't stop me from giving them coins by losing the minigames on purpose and who wins rosalina's out so yoshi wins like it made a bit of sense for that first person oh it's kind of funny we have three warp blocks but i guess we can just roll normally because it doesn't really matter there's no point in buying a gold pipe they do have gold pipes but there's no point in getting one wait do i land on the bank well i land on the bank i get another three coins just like the game is trying to make me win but yeah there isn't a point in using a gold pipe or sorry there isn't a point in me buying a gold pipe okay wait are you gonna finally reach the star thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i hope the next star is very close to rosalina and she can get it this turn that would be perfect [Applause] yeah because if i buy a gold pipe then if i use the gold pipe item oh it's down here okay so yoshi might start heading down here soon but yeah if i use the gold pipe then it teleports me to the star and you do have to roll after that so i'll pass by this star if i do that okay she just lightens on a normal blue rosalina is kind of far from the star rolls in nine ah because this star might come up here so i'm actually a bit worried about her getting a big number right now if this star goes up to the top part and that'll be very bad i don't know if anyone would be able to reach that i would hope that yo she would use the chomp call i should have bought a chunkle i don't know if that shop that we just passed by could have a chomp call okay mario gets eight and one i don't know if that top shop sells chump calls or only if the one on the bottom left sells it i don't know if the first shop sells chomp calls also okay mario and yoshi just cannot be separated they keep ending up on the same spot okay four player mini game and it is trace race [Music] all right let's have these guys defeat us let's just stay all the way down here just gonna draw a straight line down here i don't want to get anywhere near that i don't know if we get any points for this because we'll be kind of close to that circle no i don't think we touch it so i think we're okay ah this one comes down really low though we might touch this one we didn't that's good okay we might get zero i don't know if you get zero points for this hopefully we get zero for this let's see how the others are doing not great it's like right-handed people drawing with their left hands over here all right let's check out the scores do we get zero i hope we get zero yes yes yes yes we got zero okay zero is possible that's pretty cool wow yoshi got a lot of coins for that you know she's had 102 coins so man it could be rosalina or yo mario has so few stars i kind of hope that mario doesn't get any stars now i want yoshi and rosalina to get stars mario would just get in the way wait are they gonna give a gift to mario now let's see who are they gonna pick i i hope they pick rosalina or yoshi who do you pick monty mole yes yes give her a gold pipe super warp block oh man oh man not as good as a gold pipe but that might be game changing i'm so lucky that they gave that to rosalina they don't always give it to the person in second place often it's the person in last so let's just roll normally you get a nine so you know we're actually kind of close to the star we're only a few away from the star what's yoshi going to do [Music] eight away roles attend yes yes bro yes get that star okay so yoshi and rosalina both have three stars each now which is fantastic so each of them are only two stars behind so funny mario is so far behind in last place he has zero stars 99 coins mario's been so unlucky he hasn't been able to reach the stars and ah no no can anyone even get up there man you need a skeleton well maybe you need us either need a skeleton key or the arrows pointing the right way to get there it's super difficult to get up there [Music] let's go you know what wait wait wait rosalina's near the shop okay custom dice look pass by the shop and buy a gold pipe gold pipe gold pipe get a gold pipe get a gold pipe to get a gold pipe you don't have to worry about the skeleton key yes yes rosalina yes yes yes i am cheering to the sky right now with my sore voice because of all the screaming that i've been doing in my videos over the last few days but yes i hope so much that she uses her gold pipe next turn if she uses her gold pipe next turn that would be amazing oh is mario also buying a gold pipe mario also buys a gold pipe okay time for the battle of the gold pipes hey miranda's lions on a normal blue i'm okay i was gonna say i'm wondering if he's gonna get a star from a hidden block just coins why is everyone getting just coins from the hidden blocks the one time that you want cpus to actually get stars from a hidden block in a challenge like this they all end up getting coins okay everyone versus yoshi and what is it spotlight swim and you know what you know what let's actually win this let's try to win this so that rosalina gets some more coins there you go nice fast win poor yoshi in the cage okay rosalina and yoshi are fighting for second place right now they're so close it's not too important what we do you know i should actually not buy an item because i'm worried that i might buy too many items if you know what i'm gonna go this way just so i could stay near the center and if we have to go to the left side then i can go there and use a warp block that'll be my plan for now yoshi what are you doing five he's still got his two chomp calls that he didn't use and he's getting it it'd be hilarious if he gets one more chomp call okay triple dice block that might be good maybe he'll be able to use that to reach a star use your gold pipe use it please please yes yes rosalinda yes thank you oh man that's so good that she used it right now and she's gonna be passing by the boo well she might be she might be let's see i kind of hope that she chooses to steal a star i kind of hope that she chooses to steal a star that would be amazing if she just stole a star when she passed by the blues but easy cpus very often they don't steal stars they just steal coins but i'm really hoping that she chooses to steal a star where's the next guy ah down there okay so rosalina won't be able to pass by unless like someone's near there or she gets there in another way but in the past that she's heading she's not passing by because you can't go down there you have to go to the right then she reached the booth steal a star steel star yes yes thank you oh my goodness and stolen from me that's amazing this is actually quite the rare sight because very often even harder cpus very often they don't steal stars that's actually so lucky because she takes the star so she's one ahead of me i lose the star so i'm one lower that makes it for others to beat me but she's landing on bowser now so if she loses the star that'd be bad bowser coin revolution would be amazing because her coins are super low right now i would love for rosalina to get some more don't be lose one star give half your coins to bowser that's so sad for rosalina five stars but only six coins but it's turn 17 and we finally have an easy cpu in first place mario's using his gold pipe now so he's finally getting his first star of the game man 17 turns into the game he's got 103 coins and he's finally getting his first star but it's all clap for mario now congratulations to mario for getting his first star finally congratulations mario you finally got your first star i'm sorry mario but your peach is in another castle wait down here is anyone going there is yoshi going there ah no but the the star order is changing are you gonna buy another gold pipe why wouldn't you buy another gold pipe bro if he bought another gold pipe then he could have got the star next turn and this star would have moved oh versus space so hopefully it's a big number so that a lot of my wealth can be redistributed to these people because rosalina has very few coins i want rosalina to do well [Music] okay just seven coins not a big deal what's the mini game is it one ah it's mecca marathon i was hoping that it would be something kind of like snowball summit so that i could take out the others and save rosalina for last and then just jump off myself but with this one i can't control how well the other cpus do all i can do is just not mash at all and then just my fly guy falls right away so rosalina's the green one right now right let's see i hope she wins yes yes rosalina good job maybe her fly guy was so good at floating because she can also float so she gets 18 coins she can almost afford this star i've still got all these warp blocks that i haven't used yet but maybe it's actually kind of good that i have them all because there might be a bonus star for most items used and i don't want to accidentally get that okay and i'm with mario sorry to do this to you mario i'm sorry to do this to you mario but we have to purposefully lose this mini game wait wait what way do i tilt should i try and make us purposefully fall off or just not mash at all what way should i go [Music] okay i'm not even pressing the a button and we are in the lead let me try and fall off there we go okay i had to do that because i need them to win i am sorry i'm sorry sorry to do that to you my brother mario when i was not doing anything we were somehow winning the race so i just hit the a button a bit no they also fell off oh man that's so sad i wanted rosalina to get those coins oh everyone gets plus five that's actually hilarious i had no idea that that would happen i thought either everyone would get 10 or nobody would get anything now then i am not using a warp block here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does this shop have gold pipes it might i'm kind of tempted to use a warp block right now but rosalina wouldn't be able to afford a gold pipe if she came here why did those guys have to lose in the mini game i'll just roll normally then seven if i go there i land on that uh but the stars that way so you know i'll go this way again i'm going in a circle again and we already have three wart blocks so it doesn't really matter what we get i can keep my eye on the warp block and try and get its bottom middle bottom left bottom right bottom right bottom right bottom right yeah so we can just get the wart block like that we already have three warp blocks so we can't hold a fourth one we have to throw one away yeah we've got to throw it away look at all these warp blocks like huh what one should we get rid of the issue what do you do chomp call maybe ah triple dice [Music] if rosalina got one more star that would make me very comfortable okay if she gets a 10 with triple dice block is funny that's a number that you could just get with a normal dice and he got that with the triple dice okay nice yo she buys a gold pipe so he is going to be getting up to uh oh i didn't realize the star was there i was thinking this star was somewhere else actually i should have gone that way oh no that's not good oh man i could have made this much better i thought this star was somewhere else okay at least rosalina's here that's good that she's closer now roll four okay she's getting close why would you go there why wouldn't you go to the left rosalina and you get no item too rosalina are you trying to lose rosalina we're trying our best to help you win this one and mario gets an eight and a two also a ten this is funny yo she got a 10 with a triple dice block then mario got a 10 with a double dice block it lanes on just a normal blue hidden block or no no hidden block hopefully i don't get too many bonus stars i'm really hoping rosalina wins tread carefully oh my goodness you know what let's do this let's get out everyone except for rosalina because we definitely want rosalina to win so let's do this let's go for mario first because we don't want mario to do well mario i'm a bounty hunter that is coming for you there you go mario's out yoshi you're up next bro let's go get him out okay now broselyne tonight you know what no no i don't want us to both win i want her to get me out get me out get me out here i'll go into the bullet she was shooting off to the side there i purposely ran into it so it would hit me so that she won okay good so she gets 10 coins you know she gets some coins don't want mario getting too much we want rosalina to win that's who i'm going for right now we got to make queen rosalina win if rosalina chose to go to the left in the last turn then it would have been possible for her to get the star i wonder if yoshi's gonna roll normally or use his golden pipe i'm very curious about that okay so i guess we'll just rule normally not really much we can do we're going here not buying an item of course because we don't want to get the start for most items purchased you should use your gold pipe please ah just a normal roll and a three so no one can go and reach that star right now that's kind of sad yoshi's hopefully using his gold pipe in the last turn that way he could at least tie me for stars and if he gets more bonus stars than he would win who's lena rose is seven oh she's dueling mario for how many coins for how many coins okay just nine so even if she loses she can still afford this star that's okay who's gonna win mario looks so evil here he looks like he's ready to win this duel rosalina looks a bit cautious ah looks like mario is cocky but he lost the duel the winners rosalina she gets plus 18. and another plus six for landing on the blue what about mario not really anything important he can do in this turn rolls the seven wait unless he lands on the i think he's actually landing on the event space oh and he buys a gold pipe it's funny i go there's nothing important he can do then he buys a gold pipe and lands on an event space and duels yoshi there's so much going on in this turn actually 29 coins that's a kind of big deal but no matter who wins they can both still afford another star so it's not too big of a deal but who's going to win mario or yoshi it's very gonna mario loses another duel yoshi gets a lot of coins that's good that's good we want yoshi and rosalina having a lot of coins and the event space so it moves over the other way now and after this turn it's gonna go back to the left so i'm really hoping yo she uses the gold pipe when it's his turn is next turn the final turn and our mini game is chip shot challenge all right time to lose a golfing minigame who goes first i might just shoot to the far right i might just try to aim as much as i can to the far right because rosalina and then they're hopefully going to be getting relatively close it'd be hilarious if they got a hole in one hey not great no great 2.54 away all right mario's up next let's see mario how's your golfing gonna go where's he aiming he doesn't fall off so he's not disqualified a bit farther than rosalina so that's good i'm gonna go like this over there and as hard as we can not even on the island didn't even touch the island okay that's perfect all right yes you know go ahead how are you gonna do yoshi man the model for yoshi looks so good in this game and yo she he's probably uh in between oh okay yeah yeah i thought that he would be in between them like rosalina would be first and mario would be last other than me congratulations rosalina i hope so much that rosalina can win this whole game okay rosalina's still in first here i am in second with four stars though you know what it's funny how far behind mario is all right now let's see where's the star the only possible good thing that could happen would be if i do this i switch with rosalina and roll a seven and then she uses the super warp okay yeah we switch with mario so it doesn't matter even let's just uh roll normally maybe i even shouldn't have used that item yeah if the star was going the other way then we could get there we don't want to get oh no oh no did i land on the most event spaces now i don't want the most event spaces star let's see let's see what do we do i'm ready let's go for coins so we don't roll again because i don't want the most spaces travel toward i don't know if we'd get that one [Music] because here's the thing we don't know what the bonus stars are gonna be okay are you using your gold pipe final turn so it makes sense that you use the gold pipe now then where is this star going to move to that is the question okay so yoshi's getting up to four stars which is great because he's tied with me in terms of stars but i'm gonna have more coins than him but rosalina is still in first place with five stars so i hope that i don't get more bonus stars than rosalina if i get more bonus stars than rosalina then we still win and we don't want to win we want one of the easy cpus to win oh that is great that's great uh and wait mario's right there mario is two away mario's 208 this is actually perfect okay this event space it only changes this arrow not all of the arrows thankfully so now then rosalina please use your item please use it and swap with mario why why rosalina if you swap with mario because mario's one in front of you right oh never mind i thought mario was one in front of you oh that's because i swapped with mario oh man if i didn't swap with mario it's because of me that rosalina wasn't able to get started wait why didn't mario use the gold pipe mario it's the final turn of the game why didn't you use the gold pipe that's so silly oh man oh man i prevented rosalina from getting that final star if i didn't switch spots with mario and the start went over there then rosalina would have been able to get that hopefully we can still do okay okay and i want to you know hopefully i can catch zero dumas let's see if i can get zero goombas and i've got so many goombas i got three i got three i think rosalina might actually oh she also has okay she has four i don't know if i'm in last or if mario is how many does yeah i didn't see how many he got let's see yo she got only one mario got only two i've been second place and i tried to lose winner i tried to come into last and we ended up coming and say okay at least rosalina wins that's the most important thing all right now it is all going to come down to the bonus stars what is the first bonus item bonus i hope that's not me because i actually did use a few items i hope so much that it's rosalina who is it who is it who is it oh mario that's kind of surprising if i get the next bonus star then i'm tied with rosaline in terms of stars but i think i have more coins than i win but i really want to lose what's the next bonus bowser space bonus yes i think that goes to rosalina is she the only one that landed on a bowser's face yes are those all the bonuses or is there one more let's see let's see yes final announcement let's go okay so mario's gonna be in last place mario's in last then yoshi then luigi and the winner's gonna be rosalina oh man i can't believe it i can't believe it okay so even though i kind of prevented rosalina from getting one more star on the final turn she still does win thank goodness so you can make easy cpus win even if you start with five stars and they start with zero stars but we were in second place we were almost in third if you know she got one more star then he would have been in second place and i would have been in third but look how far behind mario is he could have used this gold pipe and got one more star that's kind of funny that he didn't do that i've also done the opposite of this challenge where we try to win when the cpu starts with five stars and i start with zero starts and you might enjoy that video if you like this one so thank you so much for watching i really appreciate all of you watching this far into the video i hope the rest of your day is a fantastic one and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 567,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, evil yoshi, custom board, new board, bowser, chaos yoshi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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