Mario Party but Every Turn I Spin The Wheel...

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so a game of mario party is usually wild on its own but what if you had crazy rules that you applied at the start of every single turn surely this would make the game more interesting right so simon i compiled a list of 30 different rules that i would follow during the game and we built a wheel to spin that determines which one i would follow at the start of each turn so i roll the wheel for the master cpu characters i roll the wheel for which board to play and we began one of the craziest games of mario party to date first turn first turn first turn here we go here we go do app do all right do nothing rules only only mandatory inputs only man the the easiest i just pressed a not doing this wheel condition follows us until the minigame once the minigame is over in the beginning of turn number two we will roll the wheel again we are totally collecting cash right now we're going off we just drained linda of our entire wallet what i don't think there's never been a more power turn in the beginning of peach's birthday cake you've ever seen in your entire existence what is going on please be a mini game where i have a chance please be a mini game i don't have a chance and there goes the first turn you know we didn't do well in the mini game but we did we did you know some monopoly we did some monopolying turn number two turn number two if i jump reset okay okay okay i can't jump whatever i do can't jump there are a few conditions on the wheel where if i do if something happens i have to reset the turn watch what did i jump just watch yoshi uh see if he jumps at any point after he uh after the the the the the nice the dice block uh it's possible that these conditions were not play tested but that's what makes them fun okay we don't know what's gonna happen time help me out here this is why i pay you the big bucks okay take yoshi and just keep them on the ground in the edit all right you know what to do hammer drop this is a thing i'm running i'm running around see this is one where i oh man i'm actually upsetting spaghetti i want to go in on this mini can now i'm smooshed i'm actually kind of scooping this coinage though on the ground i'm gonna make it now we're just getting hammered oh back i got 42. no yoshi that one is a little scuffed it's okay it's okay let's see we'll see what the next one is play with one hand okay all right i'm gonna choose my right hand because it's a strong it's a stronger hand i think i don't know and there goes my coins okay i have 57 we're fine i'm working on my birdo voice it's not very good right now but it'll get better trust me wario with a daddy roll and he's got enough coins he's got daddy's money he's gonna buy a star with 20 coins man i don't like that i don't like that one bit we have absolute coinage right now we've been draining people coin minigame oh don't even do it to me right now stop it okay thank you what am i doing with the other hand it's uh you don't have to worry about it all right it's a one hand challenge that's all that matters look at this strategy right here i got the little i got the the finger over here finger over here what am i doing what do i what do i do am i steering or is she flapping she's flapping i'm steering i picked the right hand i'm not switching now switching would be you know it's we would be legal it wouldn't be a legal maneuver oh look at that though look at that look at that inside lane absolutely beautiful linda oh they got lit up i thought we were gonna get destroyed oh oh oh oh oh oh oh dude i went too hard inside it's okay ow we hit a giant totem pole i feel like we're doing okay i always have trouble like looking at the mini-map oh no no yeah we're winning we're winning this time ow no please not again just not again go high so we don't get hit what happens if you hit that oh you can't you can't they were throwing dude what was going on down there i can only press a it's very similar to do nothing but also different because i can press a as many times as i would like and i could play the minigame and press a similar to a video we did way back and i got 10 coins taken i just literally just lost the ones i won rosalina we're losing this is peach's birthday cake we've been from doing well but we just don't have the rolls dude we need the rolls birdo's gonna get some coinage i think oh no she's gonna get some custom okay i can only press a mother no i don't wanna i'm sad no they're punching each other oh i was hoping i could maybe tie for third well we tried we gave it our best go go go go go go go go oh no wow [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the mini game does not does the minigame count i can't do it dude i thought i when i wrote that down i was like oh yeah i'll just make it through the there's no way this mini game there's just no way i thought i did pretty good i think i don't know i don't know how long that was all right well that didn't work i mean wheel wheel wheel will will i'm losing my oh my god oh geez okay see you guys bye where's my controller did i win yet wait tonight oh my god all we have to do is just not look and we get lucky that's what it's all about i got a star i can still hear the game yoshi seems excited i think we did well oh someone oh oh oh oh i think it's playing no no no no it's it's flower ooh is it bowser or not is bowser and i don't think i don't think it was bowser oh i think that's bowser though no communism i got a coins give me the shuffles or something did i win yet i don't dude i feel so left out oh i hear toadette who dat birdo wow wow is anybody out there i'm so lonely okay okay everybody be quiet everybody be quiet what the freaking what what are we doing what is happening i don't know what minigame i'm playing is it the one with the rope what's happening hello okay can i take it off now no i lost did i have one left i heard my oh no i had no clue what mini game that was no clue okay all right freaking wheel man if anyone rolls a one or ten reset the turn okay all right whatever you say wheel do i want to reset the turn probably not right we'll do custom i guess i got schmoney why not i feel like i should take this so this is this might be gang related i feel like i shouldn't be wearing this right now oh okay i don't have money anymore okay watch for a one or ten [Music] are we really real on this are we really real all right well now we just need to okay oh this completely changes the game i had a custom dice block i was moving around and now i'm not now i'm taking the slide down is that good maybe i don't know four or four all right we're still playing [Applause] the wheel just rigged it in our favor absolutely huge eight it's eight yes she's got how what is that that's that's mine how much property do i owe what's going on here okay please birdo we're doing well here we're doing well oh that was close all right thanks wheel thanks wheel that was good i own the whole board i got boardwalk i got i even got all the railroads i got all i got all four to railroad jeez maybe i maybe i didn't want this maybe this is not the turn i don't know we're gonna find out it's birdo it's birdo gives coins to rosalinda birdo are you okay berto hello there oh oh wow it's free game on this mini game nobody could roll one or ten in this mini game right the problem is i'm big stinky at this at this one this is like i don't i just can't play this mini game for some reason uh i'm gonna go in here i'm gonna go a little me and wario know what's up dude or we don't or the it's all the way on the end why did it take that long for to get through the door what was going on oh this one we already know is confirmed it's confirmed i'm awful at this minigame i don't understand how do you wheel wheel wheel wheel wheel we'll we'll bend max coins possible when prompted okay i can do that throw coins around like i know i got is nobody's business there well there's nothing or oh do i do i spend coins no this is the top one percent millionaire oh wow it actually came into play we're going big baby big property buy high sell high higher all right the wheel just gave us the wheel just gifted us a maximum size plant we're going all full monopoly on this board right now we got the hotels and everything going hey rosalina how about you custom dice block out of my freaking hotel no okay that's okay take your time she can't afford it dude she can't afford it she's only got 27. boardwalk moves only baby a nice one yeah i've heard of mario monopoly before how does it work what is boardwalk is it like is it like peach's castle or something dude i stink at bumper balls man what's going on oh uh oh uh oh we're going aggro we're going aggro the problem is i just get a little too aggressive and then i end up dying oh geez oh it went aggressive it's the dinosaurs rare bumper ball dubski bumping balls wheel wheel wheel wheel wheel wheel we're the inverted fans at oh geez we're the inverted fans hold on oh oh there you go there you go there you go oh the wheel give me the wheel i got a little frozen frozen block hidden frozen block barney barney time bro wario is spooks dude look at wario wario are you okay golden lucky space i love the light green on the oh it's so cool so linda needs a seven she gets a seven does she have enough coins she does dude we are not doing that great right now we got a little bit of time we get a little bit of time but we are not doing that great oh and now rosalina's gonna get a frozen hidden block okay all right four coins lucky lucky lucky birdo with a double oh that's good she might actually get moving she's been rolling like a ones and twos the entire game in the game the nightmare on peach's birthday cake ice rink oh what's this one gonna look like oh geez all right we're in we're in here we're in here as barney i'm playing as barney dude everybody's kind of killing it i'm scared what is going on right now i'm on top of somebody you've never seen gameplay like this oh my god you kidding me we got to the time limit with three people it's just oh my god the inverted the invert is too strong glow stick edition get cracking crack the glow stick wheel wiggle wheel wheel wheel wheel wheel how many away i'm eight oh no wheel if someone lands on plant you gotta reset no wheel why okay wheel okay it's okay everybody everybody just relax now nobody okay no hidden block star we would have had to reset for that now nobody land on my boardwalk property all right got prime real estate maybe just land on it next turn not this one because then we'd have to reset and then what if we reset and we roll like an eight or something that would that would big stinky so we don't want that at all i don't even remember where my property is we don't want any chance time either you know what we're actually doing okay i don't think i think birdo's the only one that's near it and we've gotta hope that birdo doesn't roll on it birdo birdo be a good little dino no i don't like that okay you know what actually is i think it'll be all right yeah yeah that's wait where is it is it this next one okay we're good we're good just wait for it wait like two turns from now and everybody comes around again it's gonna be prime so that wheel didn't actually screw us that could have been bad we're good we're good we're good right press one if we're good i was not ready for it my hands were my they were not warmed up i'm just hoping i still could beat the masters i don't know what do the masters usually get on this 40 something maybe hopefully oh no i'm dipping it low oh there bringing it back up bringing it back up bring it back up oh no okay all right all right all right all right that's fine that's fine that's fine we got away with a win whatever dude whatever that was i knew that was bad we barely won that could be the difference could be the minigame star that was a 20 bagger two five turns remaining oh i'll oh i just covered toad's face they're gonna give it to birdo ten coins to birdo we're doing okay we're in third which doesn't look great but we're pulling up on a star soon we'll we'll will will will will will will don't screw me over wheel don't do it use the the last item you have hey i don't have an item should i re-roll i'm gonna re-roll wheel don't screw me over wheel don't screw me over wheel only say one willable work the syllable worth starting now sure i can do that dice dice block ten star store let's go cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool uh space space blue space yo yo yo yo not she yo dice dice two two plant let's go nine i am fear i am fear i say bad word seed seed seed seed seed seed seed bow red red bow bow zone bow zone bone zone burp bird bird bird rose rose rose 2v2 game frick frick pump i s suck bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad stink all right wheel wheel wheel we only got a few turns left wheel wheel wheel hold right the entire turn whatever you say i'm holding right does that do anything it might it might mini-game i i'm scared of saying oh hey i'm just paying a visit just visiting oh thanks buddy what if i've learned anything from from the mario makers you hold right you win that's how you were that's how every mario game works hold right and win damn rosa linda oh no oh i don't like that i don't like that she has that oh no bad time to get a versus okay it's seven coins okay okay okay bad time bad time crazy cutters really right now hold right i mean i can hold like can i hold upright and it doesn't even matter dude it doesn't even i'm going on the other freaking screen i mean i can hold down right if you guys want but that's i can't not hold right i'm just gonna shave up and down the top of this invisible wall can you imagine i wish i could just go over to wario and screw him up you've never seen a straighter line in your life [Music] what a disaster i mean i'm just lucky that's only seven coins if it was like 20 though would have been brutal the worst timing it's funny because when i got this one the wheel's like okay hold right like whatever you know whatever nope we got something like pushy penguins or something we would have had a chance okay now birdo oh okay low rolls roberto we like that well i don't know do we like that we kind of want her to catch up to our space you know rocky road this might be over too can i invis wall okay i can do up and right but i can't do anything i have to be going right the entire time i can try to do up and right and maybe hit part of the meatball nope there's just no way there's just no way remember how rigged the ai is in this one though it's possible oh look at me look at me i'm holding up right okay that's all i can do though my dudes it's freaking tied all right don't even give up hope hey wario this is the only one that i can do so maybe you should go do the online it's so close here comes the big boy we might be able to compete here in the big boy can we pull it out go come on oh dude you're so close hurry up drive faster go rev it floor it oh this is a slobber knocker dude what a what a match it's actually incredibly close we're in first but oh it's anybody's games three turns remain all right stay with me wheel wheel wheel wheel wheel hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay okay okay everything's gonna be fine how vibrant i am right now wow seven seven gray scale gray scale gray scale i'm gonna i'm gonna get the gray start is that great are gray stars better or worse i can't oh geez okay old school uh 20s 30s because of the birdo experience the duel the birdo has got the juice she's absolutely got juice she's gonna get a start now everybody's gonna have two or more i have three remember there's regular bonus stars on two regular bonus stars that we do not have a victory in at all if somebody lands on nobody's gonna land on our property that's too far out no i can't even see what's the light when do i go when do i go frickin a man this i can't do it i can't do it i don't i can't do this video game with color i don't know what do i might am i doing it yet i got to pull together a huge laugh here huge lap no no is that a frame perfect experience that might be rigged colors ah final turn for the last time everybody oh no oh oh brother oh here we go seven oh hi my friend that's what i for oh is this this oh it is a hidden block oh it's always coins hello the coins please warrior it's over final wait no i gotta i gotta play the minigame i don't know i don't know anymore ice cream oh whoa whoa no i miss the ice cream i don't want to do this anymore i thought there was a shadow there there wasn't oh i got this oh i got the same flavor though i think flavor it seems we have finished we finished the minigame so it's time to move on with our normal voice who was going to win i didn't even remember what the standings were it's all going to come down to the bonus stars will we win the first ever mario party wheel challenge who's gonna win it all let's let's go over the bonuses the first bonus the item bonus who used the most items the wheel was trying to tell me the whole time i didn't have a single item you know i did but then the wheel the wheel wheel said i couldn't remember that one turn when i bought the item and then the wheel was like now i think we might need this the bowser space bonus dude frick frick that's it pack it up we couldn't defeat the wheel it's over i'm gonna hold my breath until the end of the turn
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 478,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wheel, spin wheel, mario party, mario party superstars, redfalcon, what if, all, minigames, superstars, super mario party, nintendo switch, gaming, comedy, entertainment, yoshi, mario, luigi, peach, super mario, mini games
Id: 1lzyv2rqOcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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