What if Mario Party Superstars had ITEM SPACES Only?

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today we played mario party superstars but i made every space an item space this game is so much closer than i would have expected and i hope you enjoy this video i hope you like items because we're going to see lots of them just remember that mushroom head isn't actually an item that's right my head is not an item you can't use it you can't use my head as an item that's crazy talk wait do you want to use my head as a mushroom item hot dot turn if you land on an event space the star will switch to the left island but there are no event spaces here so there isn't much reason to stay on the left island and toad's got a fantastic point here and i'm really really curious to see will the cpus stay on the left island or will they go over to the right island because very often when the star is over on the right island when no one lands on an event space sometimes the cpus go to the right there is still a bit of a point to staying on the left because there might be a bonus star for who purchases the most items from the shop but i don't know how big of a deal that's going to be okay we get just a three so sad just a small number oh and i also changed the starting space instead of a green space that does nothing i changed that to an item space and i was wondering if anything would happen if we landed on that but it looks like the game just treated that as the regular starting space okay you know what let's go like this maybe that'll be okay if everyone gets bigger roles than me then it would be good but yeah i would have loved the custom dice book i was thinking of going for the mushroom at the start but if i got the mushroom at the start then uh if i went for that maybe i would have just fallen in the water instead of getting the first side of this actually half to me before wow yoshi actually didn't get an item poor yoshi and i colored the characters i made this yoshi right over here and we're playing with a spike and with mr l over here so it's like red team versus green team who would you guys be cheering for mario and red yoshi or spike and mr l all right and all the mini games are all going to be random like this oh but it's so cool that we actually are with yoshi it's actually red team versus green team right now let's go this is exactly what i was talking about here we go team red on the left versus team green on the right let's go let's go let's go whoops sorry for punching you yoshi okay let's go let's go let's go i punched you again i'm so sorry i'm so sorry even though we punched each other well not we punched each other i punched yoshi a bit they're still not done with that rock okay to be fair yoshi is the hardest difficulty the green team is lower difficulty so that's probably partially why we are doing so much better we're already moving away before they even got out of the car over there okay let's see let's see how we can do over here yoshi go to the one on the right go to the one on the right no no no no no no we don't need to team up we don't need a team up bro why'd you punch me for it let's go there we go there you go okay all right it's almost like they're catching up a little bit looks like they might be catching up a little bit oh wait but on their last section i don't think they have to break three boulders okay let's go like this then oh i wonder do you deal more damage if you both attack the same one together or is it better if you split up because for some reason whatever one i start hitting yo she keeps coming over to me okay now we are even more ahead we are going i think this is the final boulder right are we going to the final boulder over here i wonder if jump kicking does more damage per second because it seems like the cpus especially the better cpus they do jump kicks but yeah we are pretty far ahead of those guys it's very nice to be with the hardest cpu and facing off against the easy cpu at the normal cpu so here we go team red is in the lead oh and this is something that's super cool you don't get any coins on the actual board since it's all items well i guess you get 10 points when you pass by the koopa troopa and bowser can take away some coins and you can get some coins for um and you could get some coins from the boo okay and mr l chooses to roll a 10 and he's heading up what is he buying from the item shop spends five coins what does that give him a double dice block okay but little does he know little does he know that the star is not going to go there on he doesn't get an item from the item space that's so sad for him okay i'm actually should i use the warp block i don't want to swap with luigi swapping with luigi would be so sad okay please anyone except for mr l anyone except for mr l why why why do you do this to me oh no oh no not only are we on the left island but we don't pass by the item shop and we're going to be passing by bowser and it's this mini game so we might not even get a good item okay let's see i'd love the mushroom or the double dice block would be perfect good good good good thank you okay it's not the cursed ice block and it's not the warp block and it's not bowser jr so i'm happy you know i think this is a really good board to showcase all of the item mini games like you could definitely see all the item mini games on this board all right yoshi please go ahead where are you going yoshi my friend ah man yo she's going across yeah so you know what part of the reason that i thought that i should use my warp block right away is because there might be a bonus star for most items used oh yeah that's right you have to pay coins when you pass by the swamp i forgot about that but yeah there might be a bonus star for most items used and i want to make sure that i'm using an item every single turn so that i can stay ahead of the others wow and spike's also heading up this way okay so i am in one of the worst positions right now actually oh my goodness okay spike gets a double dice block all right how are the mini games gonna be split this time four player mini game okay because when you land on a green space it's random whether you are blue or red so the teams will end up being pretty random okay let's get out yoshi first we need yoshio we need yoshi yoshi i'm sorry bro sorry bro yoshi throw rubber bro good good it doesn't even matter if we lose i just don't want yoshi to get any coins because he's about to reach the start even though it's team red and we should be working together i have to win myself that's how we have to do this okay let's go let's go let's go where are you at bro spike let's go goodbye mr spike the winner and mario is the winner here bumper balloons is such a great mini game and you know what the physics in this game are so different compared to how it was in mario party 2. so that's amazing so yoshi wasn't fourth in that mini game so he doesn't get any coins at all so team red still is in first and second should i be working together with team red or is it everyone wins on their own okay mr l rolls tonight is he going up again ah he's finally going across he's going across i should make the fee very very high to come across oh but wait maybe i should head up and then try to buy a gold pipe i guess it depends on what i roll with the double dice let's see 27 away from the start just give me double tens right now that would be perfect let's see two and six great we got an eight not very high and we're passing by bowser over here what does he give us 19 coins he takes away 19 coins from us okay what do we get for the 19 points at least we get an item i guess but the item might not even be that useful because we land on an item space every single turn and if we can get a good item every turn then we might not even use that a gold pipe a gold pipe oh my goodness i didn't know that you could get a gold pipe this early in the game okay let's see let's go now ah the devil dice block ah man it's too bad that we could get that gold white i'm actually very surprised that we saw the gold pipe that early too bad we couldn't get it at least we have a double dice block that we could use next turn all right what about you yoshi where are you going two away from the star rolls in eight and you can't afford it that is so sad for you so sad wait and wario's actually in second place okay so he's feeling oh wait and wario's actually spike all of his coins are stolen my goodness spike has absolutely nothing that is unbelievable okay what is you she get yoshi gets a mushroom over here again okay what about you spike what are you going to do uh i'm going to roll the dice and uh get an 8. all right what are you getting from the item shop oh you don't have any coins so you can't get anything okay and you already have two items you didn't get a third item though okay we've got a four player mini game it looks like it's flipped this way personal plumbing would be nice uh trapeze artist ah this is a luck baseball mostly luck based where you want there to be a lot of goombas below your shadow and then you can catch them okay let's see let's see where the goombas come here goombas that's okay that's an okay amount of goombas red yoshi's got a gold one so the golden ones were three mr l has a crazy amount my goodness mr elf might be winning and he has a gold one in there too so i don't know yeah spike isn't doing well at all but hold on is mr l winning oh is it a tie oh oh no he had one more mr l how did you do so well i like that that rhymes though that actually brings up mr l into second place he has one coin ahead of us right now man you know what i don't think it's worth going for the most items purchase bonus star for me hopefully luigi passes by the star yes bro there we go okay okay he can't afford the star and he passes by it's so sad for him and yoshi's in first place so mr l is probably going to steal coins from yoshi when he passes by hopefully he doesn't use that warp block though and swap spots with me as i'm about to reach the star that would be very sad if that happened okay let's use our double dice block of course 19 from the start don't give me double tense don't give me a 10. okay thank goodness i saw the one i'm like wait is that a 10 but it wasn't okay that's good oh wait but i would have gotten 10 coins from the koopa troop and i would have been able to afford this star anyways so getting a 10 actually would have been okay all right let's pay some coins over here paying three coins to go across over here we have enough coins to afford the star the question is just will we be able to reach the start you know what i really like this board i thought that adding item spaces to every single spot i don't know i thought that maybe this wouldn't be as interesting of a board but this might be my favorite board like this that i've made i've made a bunch of boards like this i've done like all bowser spaces all chance time spaces over the last few weeks i've been working on a bunch of boards like this and i'm enjoying this one a lot more than i thought that i would okay and we got a custom dice block which is very very nice okay please go ahead yoshi you've got two mushrooms so you choose to use your mushroom now and where are you heading all right you're heading back down here which makes sense yoshi's now the closest one to the star my goodness so for the rest of the game we are probably going to try to stay on the right half of the island and then fishy boopkins is over here not really much of a point oh okay and he uses a cursed ice block on yoshi not really much of a point to staying on the left half of the island oh fishy bopkins over here gets a 10. so he's passing by bowser oh wait but he has no coins so it doesn't matter okay do you get another item he gets a custom nice box they've got a double dice block and a custom dice block getting quite a few items all right i just really hope mr l doesn't use his warp block and if he does i don't want to swap spots with him because i really want to reach the start be so nice if we could reach the start x-ray payday okay hopefully we can get a perfect score in this one okay so the money bag is up first so we want that okay so let's go money take take then boom okay take okay then nothing for a while okay and it's gonna be coin coin then don't take okay then coin then don't take the next two and then it's money bag coin okay then a bunch of punches then an empty one okay then after the empty one this one is empty and it's coin coin coin coin coin empty and then the last one's a bomb were there really only 20 coins i would have expected that there would have been more maybe we missed something i'm not sure if we got all the coins too bad that wasn't a bonus mini game if it was a bonus minigame then we would have gotten double that amount of coins all right here we go please don't use your warp block bro please wow he didn't use it that would have been a very clever thing to do when you're right past the start that is probably one of the perfect times to use the warp block because you can oh my goodness any throw away is warp block yeah because if you do that you can stop other people from reaching the star possibly all right we are nine away from the start we've got a custom dice block that means if we roll at least a nine we could roll nine or ten let's roll a 10 just so we are closer to the boo and closer to reaching the next star so here we go we purchased the first star of the game on turn five i'm surprised there weren't any stars earlier in the game i guess there were two people that passed by this star that were just barely not able to afford this star so we could have had two more stars in the game if they had some more coins oh boy now it is time for the wheel all right let's go what do i want that one no not that one that's not what i wanted oh no that's so sad mario's looking over at bowser junior like mamba mia what are you doing here i want to do the item all right and yoshi uses a mushroom so that cancels the effect of the cursed ice block and he gets an extra seven so that's twelve so yoshi is reaching the star and not only is he reaching the star but he's actually going to be in first place now because he has more coins than me so hopefully luigi passes by the boom next turn and steals coins from yoshi that would be nice oh oh oh he's very close to the boo he gets a warp block all right wario are you why are you not using your items why are you just rolling normally i'm so confused about you are you okay wario does get 10 coins over here though go ahead spike i wonder if he's going to stay on the left island this fishy bumpkins over here this spike he's being so silly okay he has a triple dice block a double dice block and a custom dice spot but he's the only one that's on the left island it's like he's hoping that the star will come over to that island all right it is time for the two brothers in paint misbehavin it's not red versus green in this minigame in this mini game it is the brothers versus the non-humans that's what it is who will win the humans or the non-humans in this one whoa i was hit okay we want to paint as many goombas blue as possible oh and hold on isn't there a new splatoon game coming out i think i heard about that i've never played any of the splatoon games before but yeah whenever i see this mini game i think of splatoon because i imagine that splatoon is like this where it's like you want to cover area with paint that's my understanding of splatoon whoa oh man we're doing pretty good at this start but these guys they really came back and now what's going to happen to the two brothers they are startled and paintballs are now being shot at us but we can do very well at avoiding them too bad their aim wasn't that bad during the game and that was a bonus minigame so that's an extra 20 coins oh no i didn't realize how serious that was but wait team red is still in first place i like the team red is still in first place both of us are in first and second and both of the green characters are in third and fourth okay so it's the last five turns so let's see let's take a listen to the wisdom of the whales as delivered by cheap cheap who are they going to choose to give a gift to maybe they'll give a gold pipe to someone luigi okay come on out luigi in fourth place over here 20 coins okay that's quite generous he's about to pass by a boo and he can almost afford to steal a star which is scary to think but please go ahead luigi what are you gonna do are you using an item yes custom dice block what are you going to roll something smart i'm sure an eight okay and who are you stealing coins from probably yoshi right yes because yeah she is in first place so you gotta steal coins from him and you know what this game is much more even than i expected it to be like sure there are two characters that have one star and two characters that have zero stars but luigi can very easily buy a star wario can very easily buy a star there's a lot happening here okay you know what yo she right now is probably my biggest threat so i am going to use the cursed ice block on him and in some ways he is a bit defenseless he doesn't have anything that can cancel the effect of the cursed ice oh great and i roll at one why does this happen you use the cursed ice block and then you roll a small number okay let's go and give me something nice all right a double dice walk that's nice at least if someone uses the cursed dice block on me i'll be able to cancel the effect of that so that's pretty nice all right yoshi what are you using of course yoshi is using the wart block swapping with me would be nice actually ah mr l oh no so you she is closer to the star wait does that mean that luigi gets to pass by the boo again hold on hold on hold on because i don't remember if yoshi passed by the boo yet or not [Applause] okay and you she also gets a mushroom all right fishy balkans let's see are you going to finally be smart okay a custom dice block what are you going to roll i'm nine okay are you going up or to the right let's see oh you're finally joining the party spikes finally joining the party over on the right island welcome to the right mr spike please enjoy your stars so close to this star wario aka spike oh a dueling glove uh oh i would love for him to duel me for as many coins as possible that would be great but yeah spike's really close to this star right now okay and we are having a four player mini game and it is rocking race wait oh boy let's go oh we are actually not on the top track that's actually kind of surprising spike looks so funny other little rocking chords very often when i play this i end up being on the top track whoa oh i was looking at the wrong bar i'm like whoops no wonder we spun out okay so you want to go fast but you don't want to go too fast that's funny that i spun out that quickly and it already looks like i'm kind of ahead actually wait wait yes okay okay i wasn't sure if we'd be able to get it or not but we did get it yo she's actually very close though yeah she's a lot closer than we might have thought okay so it's pretty important that we get the carrot now go yeah there we go we gotta add yo she got the poisonous one let's go let's go and we should be able to finish not an amazing time but good enough to beat them oh my goodness spike and luigi are both playing pretty poorly there comes yoshi in second place quite the landslide victory over here and i think that luigi is going to beat spike i think spike is the easier difficulty and luigi is harder and then she's the hardest difficulty all right only four turns are left oh yeah so luigi's passing by the boo probably stealing from me almost guaranteed stealing from me oh what oh wait wait wait wait okay yoshi was in first oh my goodness i didn't realize yoshi wasn't first but mr l the evil luigi actually pays to steal a star it is not very often that you see cpus paying to steal a star but over here we've got luigi stealing a star from another cpu my goodness i'm glad that i wasn't in first place over there oh man okay but right now i think would be a nice time to use the double dice block force is still in the item we have so of course we're using it to give me a humongous roll come on no i don't even care that it's same roll bonus and we get an extra 10 coins we actually actually with those 10 extra coins oh oh i thought that we'd be able to steal a star because i thought we would go from 41 to 51 but it brought us from 31 to 41. all right i'm stealing coins from yoshi we got to do from yoshi over here he does have the most coins we don't want him stealing a star from me that would be very sad man we use the double dice book and we rolled a four just think about that for a moment rolling two dice that go up to ten total and we got oh oh yes he is oh but he only has seven points okay but yeah what i was going to say is that with this single roll that goes up to 10 you can roll higher than that on average so we got pretty unlucky with the double dice there all right okay and it's this mini game that's great wow and mars actually on the bottom here that's kind of surprising okay let's be you know what let's not be careful it's gonna say let's be careful instead let's be risky over here let's go for this one okay let's go for as much as we can go there okay let's go even though that's risky nice and go over here very nice now just keep going keep going don't stop bro don't stop you just gotta keep going yeah oh no for the last one i actually have to wait there's no way maybe i actually could have made that one if i went for it right away but go okay and made it on and there we go wait luigi's pretty far back was he like one quarter of the way through the race my goodness we have a winner the 14 coins go to mario too bad it wasn't more coins but hey now we can afford to steal a star oh what if we stole mr l star that'd be so evil okay and we got to get an item okay perfect perfect okay let's get the custom dice blocker double dice let's go for double dice block it's a bit risky we might get another low roll again but hopefully we don't okay so double dice is in the bottom right bottom left right now double dice blocks right here very nice okay perfect and look at this shadow of the double dice just standing there menacingly all right yoshi what are you up to right now using an item cursed ice block on spike but he does have a double dice block and a triple dice blocks if he uses one of those items it actually just cancels the effect of the cursed ice block so that doesn't really matter for him okay and yoshi can afford this star he's getting very very close to the start doesn't get an item from the item space but he still does have a mushroom hey spikes why wouldn't you use one of your items spike anything even the dueling glove if you wanted to but my goodness it's three away from the star rolls one cause of the cursed dice book gets a double dice block and throws away his previous double dice box spike what are you doing man okay we've got a four player mini game in the mini game is catch you letter okay so let's get some letters bring it back to the shy guy postman and the love letters are worth three points when we can get those where am i okay at first i'm like wait where's my character come here come here oh luigi's struggling a bit with picking up the letter wait a minute is spike sandbagging us is he pretending to be bad because he was actually the first person to deliver a letter to the postman oh my goodness all the characters are it's hard to keep track of who you are and who you want to drop off the letters too because we have so many red characters it's almost like we're playing where's waldo over here okay let's go like this because it's like you can focus on the letters for a moment and then when you look back you're like okay where's the shy guy and you're like wait a minute where even is the shy guy because the shy guy has extremely similar colors to both mario and red yoshi that makes this mini game surprisingly difficult actually okay mr l is 21 away from the start for some reason doesn't use any of his double dice blocks and he gets a custom dice box so he has three double dice walks he gets a custom dice block he throws away one of his double dice blocks of course okay we were on the same spot as mr l so we are also 2108 so we're of course using our double dice block even though it's impossible for us to reach a star hopefully we get some nice big rolls one and seven not really great at all but at least it is better than the double two that we got earlier all right now what are we gonna get here you know what i'm just gonna mash a and hopefully we get the mushroom okay good good we got the mushroom very nice okay so at least that gives us a plus five so that's fine so next turn even if we roll just a one we're guaranteed to move at least six if we use the mushroom okay wait how far away is yoshi seven to the start he needs at least a two he gets a four okay so yoshi is of course going to buy a star and yoshi is back up to one star because mr l actually stole yoshi's star that was unbelievable all right go ahead yo she yo she lands on an item space and he doesn't get an item okay spike are you finally going to get a star two away triple dice ball guaranteed to reach it okay and probably passing by the boo also seven two and six okay so most yeah guaranteed passing by the boo and everyone has a single star now this game is incredibly close it's turn eight of the game and i actually can't believe how close this is all right who are you gonna steal coins from probably me right because i'm in first place yeah so of course stealing coins from me hopefully you're not going to take too many coins from me [Music] okay how many coins is that let's see 12 not that big of a deal but hey wario does still have enough coins to buy another star now and you know what look at the way that he's going he might be able to reach another star okay and the cursed ice block which is a little scary i wouldn't want that used on me hopefully next turn when i land on the item space i could get like a triple dice block or a custom dice block blocker something very nice honeycomb havoc all right let's go yoshi's up first that is a lot of red fruit all together over there okay one two three four five six [Music] so you know what if i get i'll get a two i'll go for a two let's see let's see hopefully you guys will be nice to me ah okay two please get a two luigi i need you to get it too please please thank you thank you thank you thank you i was so worried oh man okay sorry yo if they both got once then they would have gotten me out oh man okay so let's see how many fruits are there one two three four five six seven eight is that right one two three four five six seven eight okay so you know what i'll go for a one over here hopefully this goes okay hopefully this goes okay okay so let's see how many are there now oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man i could get out either way oh roll a one let's see wait did i get a one or a two oh no oh no oh no i looked down for a second oh no don't get a two yes thank you bro oh my goodness everyone is being so nice oh my goodness okay i'll get a one now okay somehow i managed to survive for this long basically on luck okay so i see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay he gets a two that means there's nine uh oh uh oh so luigi has actually a guaranteed win if he plays this perfectly let's see though how many fruits are there one two three four five six seven wait a minute but there are now seven so that means if i get him down to six that means we win okay so he actually made a mistake he could have had a guaranteed win if he didn't do that i'm pretty sure now let's see he goes for a one so that means that we want to get him down to three that's exactly what we want to do we want to get him down to three and now no matter what he gets we win oh my goodness this game was so incredibly close there were so many things that i did that could have gotten me out but we somehow survived to the very end and now mr l is chased away by bees so that's nice that we get those coins we can afford to buy and steal a star which is pretty wild i would like to do both of those things if possible especially by the end of the game okay now where are you going luigi 17 from the start custom dykes block what are you rolling bro land on me and duel me and give me your coins okay he really wants it too for some reason he really wanted to land on that item space right there wait a minute he's oh oh a warp block i was gonna say he's almost making it impossible to reach the star but that wart block could be incredibly trolly okay 13 from the start so if we get an 8 9 or 10 right now that would be amazing i would love an 8 9 or 10 so much no no bro no that's so sad okay just give me something nice over here oh great oh great hey let's see give me something nice okay okay that's fine uh we can't pass by the boo with this but we can pass by this star i don't think we could reach the boo with this okay yoshi rolls in eight probably stealing coins from me right let's see yeah of course stealing coins from me because i am in first place so it does make sense that they would want to steal coins from me but only nine coins so that's not that big of a deal oh man this game is going to be so much closer than i expected it to be i thought hey not only are we going to play pretty well we can get items every turn and use whatever items we want but man the game is really not going as expected okay seven and ten oh my goodness spike's luck is really turning wait a minute that means he's going to be in first place right now after buying this star spike is the only person that is going to have two stars right now everyone else has a single star so spike the easiest cpu is in first place right now and he's probably going to be passing by the boo before the end of the game [Music] all right so it is everyone versus me in this mini game so if we could win this mini game that'd be very nice because i would love lots of coins two bits or lose it okay hopefully i can pop these guys i should try and go for yoshi first since yoshi is the highest difficulty okay let's go let's go let's try and pop these guys where you guys going over here over there come here where are you guys going where are you guys going huh huh where are you guys going going over there going over going over here going over there where you guys going where are you guys going come on come here come here come here stop running i think they might be winning look no all of them made it i didn't get to pop a single one oh my goodness how did they play so well these guys have played better than all master cpus my goodness well i guess this might be the turn where my luck runs out starting on the previous turn this is the turn of the game where my luck runs out it's now the final turn a bad time for your luck to run out okay at least he doesn't use his warp block and swap spots with me because then i wouldn't be able to reach the star but i'm actually surprised that he didn't even use his double dice block because if you use this double dice block he could have maybe at least been able to reach this star okay we're not reaching the boo right i think the booze more than three away from the star unfortunately but we are getting a start we do have a second star that does bring us back into first place but we don't know how long we're going to have that first place for because the bonus stars are coming up and we have no idea what's gonna happen there okay at least we get to duel this guy all right spike i'm going to duel you for literally all of your coins hopefully we can defeat you imagine if it's a tick-tock clock minigame and i get eliminated right away that'd be very sad let's see what the duel is going to be i'm ready mr spike okay it's the racing okay i should be able to beat him on should be able to beat him here i think i don't think this should be super difficult whoa man i'm hit i'm hit okay go here very nice i'll go down here get that up missed that okay let's get this boost let's go up there nice three boosts like that get that one nice get that one nice get this one nice this one what's coming up over here let's go over oh i missed that one and that one oh boy and that one how about this that one's up there get that one okay oh boy move in time and there we go okay not amazing but good enough to win wait look at spike he looks like he has his heads up right now he's like i surrender spike right now is like uh i i lost the door i don't know how so all the coins go to us [Music] poor spike no more coins for him all the coins go to us it's too bad that there isn't one more turn in the game if there's one more turn in the game i'd be able to pass by the boo and maybe even uh oh oh and yoshi wants to know me okay okay mario's just stretching over here the dueling gloves slap somebody's like hey let's go i'm already yoshi yo me for all your queens just seven oh oh so he could still afford the star i guess but i don't think yoshi can even reach this star what's going on over here oh there is one more turn in the game then maybe we oh boy oh boy this is gonna be a tricky one and we are both red but luckily we are on the outside oh man man i was waiting for him to jump and then i was gonna jump after that okay i guess it wasn't so lucky after all all right yoshi go ahead and roll yoshi rolls at 10. all right all right all right what's going on here oh wait wait and uh spike is still going to roll what's spike going to do passing by the boot uh probably stealing coins from me right unless you roll like a one for some reason okay yeah you want the biggest roll possible i don't know who is going to be getting oh and maybe he was only one away from the boot anyways i don't know who is going to be getting this star for most spaces traveled or least spaces traveled if those are bonus stars how many coins do you take 12 coins okay so i am still in first place going into the final mini game but we got to see what is going to be happening with the bonus stars all right bumper balloon cars is our final mini game this is a fantastic one i'm going to be very wary of yoshi let's see let's get him yeah there we go okay now it's just luigi and i luigi my brother stop to turn your back on an opponent ah that was very nice i got yoshi when he was vulnerable alternatively great job everyone it's time to announce final results and whoo win it all first let's go over the bonuses first bonuses if we get at least one bonus that isn't shared with spike then we win so let's see item bonus i don't know if that's me i think it might be me i hope it is i hope it is let's see did we use an item every single turn mario yes yes okay i think that means that we might win all right and wait a minute the easiest cpu is in rank two right now bowser space bonus okay nobody landed on any bowser spaces i made a board that's all bowser spaces before so uh in that board we would get a lot of bonus stars over there but over here nobody gets this bonus star sweet who's the last i don't know if yoshi or luigi are unless okay luigi's in last minute yoshi the hardest cpu and over here we've got an among us green with no heads in second place and mario wins wow spike could have gotten the most spaces traveled bonus star and he actually would have won the game so there's a good chance of the easiest cpu actually being the top winner of this board i really recommend my video where i made every single space chance time thank you so much for watching i hope you have a fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 743,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party superstars, mario party superstar, mario party superstars chance time, mario party superstar chance time, chance time mario party superstars, zxmany, mario party zxmany, zxmany mario party, zxmany mario party superstars, mario party superstars zxmany, yoshi, luigi, mario, daisy, super mario, princess peach, princess daisy, peach, all characters, minigames, game game, mario game game, mario game, item spaces, item minigames, mario party minigames, only
Id: v9eYf74FjHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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