All Minigames Mario Party Superstars Ranked by How DANGEROUS They Are (Tier List)

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today we rank every mario party superstars minigame based on how dangerous they are some mini games are guaranteed death some have a chance of the characters dying some minigames look like they would result in broken bones or a minor injury and some minigames are so safe that grandma would play them i hope you enjoy this video first up we have mushroom mix up this one it isn't quite grandma would do this because the characters they are falling into the water but it's not from a super high height so we are going to put this one into minor injury in bombs away you have cannonballs being shot at you from a pirate ship but you might just fall into the water and be safe so this one this one's kind of on the border of broken bones and minor injury let's put it onto broken bones just to be safe because there are cannonballs being shot at you for shy guy says you're in a barrel and the shy guy can cut away the rope and then you float away into the ocean on the barrel so this isn't exactly something that grandma would do and we don't know what's going to happen to you after you float away so we're going to rank this one in minor injury also for the crazy cutters minigame we might not expect grandma to be on a jackhammer so this one we are going to put into minor injury this is something that you might expect to be doing at a job using a jackhammer like this and using a jackhammer repeatedly over time and feeling all those vibrations in your hands is something that could give you some injuries over time tipsy turny is a really tough one because all you're doing is you're walking around on this platform here and you have this shell following you but if the shell bumps into you it doesn't hurt if you jump onto it it doesn't hurt so this does seem like a pretty safe mini game so this might be the first one that we put into grandma does this even though maybe jumping around might be a bit much for grandma maybe it should go into minor injury this one's kind of on the border but we're gonna have something and grandma does this next up is dizzy dancing so this one you all spin on a record you all get dizzy and then you have to fight to get to the treble clefs and since in this one people are fighting each other i'm pretty sure you can punch each other in this mini game jump on each other this definitely isn't something that grandma's doing this is at least minor injury but i don't think that the battles are serious enough here to go into broken bones so this one's going to be a minor injury also all right now things are starting to get very intense here for bumper balls there are three different stages for this first stage you knock your friends into lava just being on these balls themselves and bumping into each other like that is already basically a guaranteed chance of breaking bones if you're knocking each other off he's like trampoline dodgeball but if you're knocking your friends into lava this one is definitely going into guaranteed death over here because if your friends fall into the lava they are out of here in the water stage of bumper balls i don't know if i want to put that into broken bones or chance of death because running around just on top of the walls themselves is dangerous enough but bumping into your friends but i think i'm going to leave this one in broken bones even though it is pretty dangerous maybe it deserves to be in the next one it deserves to be at least here and the final stage of bumper balls that we haven't looked into i would say that this one is even a bit more dangerous than the previous one in the previous one you're falling into water this one you're knocking your friends off of a mountain and it's also slippery so that makes it even more dangerous so you know what this might be our first one over here that goes into chance of death okay hot rope jump you do not want to play with fire you and your friends are jumping over a jump rope on fire this one is going to go into chance of death over here tread carefully is a really tough one because we're in these tanks we're shooting at each other we don't have a lot of protective equipment we don't have helmets on or anything and we don't know how powerful these cannons are so we don't know if this could be anywhere from grandma does this all the way up until broken bones or even chance of death we don't know how powerful these cannon shots are but based on how the characters fly away after they get hit and they fly away inside the tank they're probably getting banged up a lot while they're inside the tank so i think i'm gonna put this one into broken bones cars in this one you have to remember to never turn your back on an opponent and this one is basically the same as tread carefully except i think that it's less dangerous slightly because you can't really hit the other characters with these spikes but you do still fly away so i think i'm gonna put this one into minor injury then i think that's an appropriate spot for that because this one should be less dangerous than tread carefully sneak and snore is definitely not something that grandma would do grandma would not sit inside a barrel and get grabbed by a chain chop and get thrown down a pipe but is it serious enough to break your bones i guess it really depends on how aggressive that chain jump is but i think this one from what it looks like in the mini game i think this would be minor injury all right this one over here we've got another one that is definitely grandma does this in her spare time we could always see grandma winding up the springs at the back of fly guys and just letting them go and seeing how they go all right this one here is a racing mini game this is basically go-karts and of course there is some danger to doing something like go-karts but this can be pretty safe and i'm sure there are a lot of safety precautions in place oh wait but if you're too fast in this minigame and you catch up to someone else then you knock them off of the track so you know what i would have put this in grandma does this but if you're too fast then you can actually catch up to someone else and knock them off the track so that would injure them so i've got to put this one into minor injury we've got a lot in this here so far bowser's big blast and the question is how big is the explosion the explosion's big enough to knock off the screen whoever is the closest to bowser but it doesn't affect the people who are just a few steps away so you know what i think this might be just broken bones i don't think this one is worthy of being chance of death i think this one would be just broken bones okay and we have got roll call and whether we are counting toads or booze or ball bombs we are at a pretty safe distance away so i think no matter what we are counting in the roll call minigame we could put that into the grandma does this category okay honeycomb havoc is not grandma does this i don't think grandma would want to go and potentially get stung by bees it's not bad enough to be a broken bone because worst case scenario you're just getting stung by bees so this one is very very appropriate for minor injury over here that one fits into there all right this one when we are bouncing on top of these balls over here and trying to knock each other up whenever you're bouncing on top of something very unstable that just makes me think of trampoline dodgeball and that just makes me think that it is a broken bone waiting to happen so that one's definitely going into broken bones mush pits you want to try to get a mushroom that turns you giant and then you run into your friends and if you are several times bigger than your friend and you are running into them i think that would be a bit more than a minor injury especially if you're getting really carried away with the play here so this one we're also going to put this one into broken bones storm chasers is a really tough one because it makes me think of it's probably a bit closer to minor injury than grandma does this because you might run into some of the monty malls you're running around a bit but maybe tipsy tourney which we put into grandma does this this one might even be a bit more dangerous than than this storm one so let's do this let's move up tipsy tourney into minor injury because it's possible that you get injured jumping around and we really want grandma does this to be like the safest tier possible so i think it's appropriate to keep storm chasers in here and tipsy tourney we're gonna move that up into minor injury all right cheap chief chase does getting eaten by the cheap cheap kill you because you also run into these bombs but i don't know how dangerous these bombs could be because after you get hit by one you're stunned for a moment but you can still keep swimming so i think this one i think we should put this one into broken bones because we don't know what happens if that cheap cheap gets you maybe it's worse but it's probably at least broken bones all right a golfing mini game this one is 100 grandma does this grandma can absolutely go golfing that is just fine racing on a rocking horse you know what this one is about just as extreme as grandma does this category can get messy memory another one for grandma does this wow this is making me this is making it seem like there aren't that many dangerous minigames i thought for sure that we'd have a lot more dangerous ones but there are still a lot of mini games to go so maybe we'll start to see some more dangerous ones in trace race we're carrying giant pencils and the category of whether his grandma does this or minor injury really depends on how heavy these pencils are because if those are some heavy pencils then possibly it could lead to an injury if you're lifting something that's too heavy you never want to lift anything too heavy for you but i think we're gonna keep this one in grandma does this because those pencils don't look very heavy at all in book squirm there are these giant pages that are falling down on you and you want to rush to the hole so you don't get crushed by these pages so i don't think that those pages are strong enough to give you broken bones because it is just paper after all so i think we're gonna put this one into minor injury over here in paths of peril you can fall down pretty far there is the latitude that picks you up but if any of us were falling from a distance like that i think that might lead to broken bones so we're going to put pabst apparel in broken bones in the baseball mini game a lot of precautions are being taken if grandma was doing this she would definitely be wearing a helmet so this one we're gonna say that this one is safe we're gonna put this one into grandma does this in leaf leap i don't think that broken bones is enough for this one because you can go up hundreds of yards and i think if you're falling from a height like that like it looks like we are approaching space when we climb up i think this one is chance of death i don't think that it's quite guaranteed death because it depends on how high you can get so i think we're gonna put leaf leap into chance of death over here there's our third mini game with chants of death pushy penguins we're also going to put into a chance of death just because freezing water and getting pushed into freezing water is very dangerous coney island this might look like an innocent little mini game you go around you collect ice cream but the ice cream that you're collecting can be several times higher than you and ice cream does have some weight to it so it's actually a very tough choice putting it between minor injury because maybe it's something that's too heavy and putting it into grandma does it so this one we are going to put this one into minor injury all right bill blasters this might have been a difficult one to choose at first and to rank it but look we can look at this now we can see that we have tread carefully ranked in broken bones and bill blasters is basically tread carefully but i think it's a bit more difficult because the bullet bills are being shot directly at the characters with no protective equipment so i think this one can go into chance of death actually so you're in a dark alleyway you have a chain chomp coming towards you and you want to flash a flashlight at it at the last possible moment letting it get as close as possible because whoever lets the chain chomp get as close as possible wins since that's a pretty dangerous chain jump i don't know if that one is worthy of chance of death because the chain chomp doesn't defeat mario in one hit so we're just gonna leave this one in broken bones i think that's appropriate for this one a speed skating mini game you obviously can get injured by skating but i think if grandma takes all of the safety precautions necessary and she doesn't push herself too hard then we can put that into grandma does this catch you letter we can do the same thing here also in this one you're just returning letters to a postman you might bump into each other a bit but it isn't too different from going to the shop and running into people where there when there are lots of people over there so this one's another one grandma does this in what goes up you bounce up and you climb along these paratroopas over here but you can't have a humongous fall like you can in the beanstalk level because every once in a while there's kind of a checkpoint where as far as you can follows down to those clouds but in reality if you're jumping that high without any safety equipment and you're going up hundreds of yards and you're expecting to land on a cloud to save you we're gonna put this one into chance of death also maybe it deserves broken bones but better to be safe than sorry and say this is a chance of death in snow world these are not just regular people who are spinning around on their snowboards this isn't just minor injury over here and you can also break your bones it might even be possible to die snowboarding and skiing like there are accidents that happen and these people are spinning around like crazy they're spinning around not just not just one spin not just two spins the hard and master cpus in this can spin like 5 000 degrees from a single jump so and because of the height that they're jumping at this isn't just normal snowboarding i'm putting this one into chance of death just because how high this is and not everybody that will be attempting this will be an expert so this is definitely deserving of chance of death okay a monty ball whacking you in the head with a hammer this is definitely not grandma does this it's at least minor injury we don't know how hard the monty moles hit you they must hit you pretty hard because when they whack you in the head you're dizzy and disoriented for a moment before you could start moving again so this one might be deserving of broken bones it's possible that they hit you hard enough to break a bone sometimes or maybe even with just repeated hits of the hammer they could do enough damage to start to break some bones so that one's going into broken bones in the final countdown that is a pretty far fall there and i know that when you complete the mini game in this game you have the fly guys they come and they carry you back up but in real life that's a pretty far fall that's going to result in at least broken bones and maybe even a chance of death so we're going to put this on a chance of death just to be safe because that's a pretty big fall over there far this fall you could survive what the uh a flight attendant survived a 10 kilometer fall in pokey pummel you're swinging a hammer back and forth to take out these pokies over here this seems kind of similar in intensity to crazy cutters so i'm not sure if i should put this one in crazy cutters or grandma does this let's put this one into grandma does this because it's not a jackhammer it's not something that's repeatedly vibrating against you swinging around this hammer could be some exercise that grandma's getting and manner of escape this is basically an escape room everyone knows that grandma loves escape room so that one is another one that ends up in grandma does this counting goombas is super super easy that's very obviously just uh grandma does this over here no risk at all over there really oh this one is a bit violent though this one is not just pose for the camera this one is posed for the camera and attack each other so this one's actually really similar in terms of dangerousness to dizzy dancing so we're gonna put this one in minor injuries right along with dizzy dancing over here this racing mini game is a little bit intense for grandma it's at least minor injury because you could go up to some really fast speeds and you could bump into these spiky things i don't know if it is intense enough to put into broken bones and you know what if something does go very wrong here and there is a chance of something going wrong here then it might end up in chance of death so i think it's safer to put this one in broken bones than minor injury okay over here we're just stretching out bowser's face that's a very very easy one that's obviously one for grandma does this over here bowser's trying to burn us here whenever we're doing something like this with fire that one is probably in chance of death i think that's the safer place to put it skateboarding while a giant piranha plant is chasing you i would say skateboarding itself like without the giant piranha plant is more than grandma does this at least minor injury and possibly broken bones so if we add the giant piranha plant to it which adds a sense of urgency and you're trying to run away and there are obstacles you have to jump over falling trees i think this one is safe to put into broken bones because of that archer rival although it might look dangerous at first i think this is actually a very safe one because the characters are safe the arrows there's no way that the arrows are going to be hitting the actual characters here all that they're hitting are the signs maybe you could get a minor injury to your hand from holding a sign and then someone shoots an arrow at the sign from the vibration but i think that's safe to put into grandma does this look away this is another one this is grandma's favorite new game just dance 2022 that's definitely going into grandma does this title toss is a really tough one because it's like kind of like making little waves in a pool and that might be something that grandma would do for fun but if you look at how far these people are falling down the mountain are these people tumbling down the mountain after this because we could see just the tips of trees over there so if these people are going to be tumbling down the mountain we don't know how far they're going that's going to be at least broken bones maybe even chance of death i have no idea why luigi yoshi and peach would agree to do something like this with mario they're trying to get up to the top mario's dropping down boulders at them and these are some huge boulders we can see that they flatten out the characters when the characters get hit by the boulders so this one is definitely at least broken bones i would even put into chance of death maybe even guaranteed death but yeah i think chance of death is appropriate for that one coconut conk is a super fun mini game and i'm sure that nobody puts their grandma inside a barrel and tries to drop down coconuts on her i'm sure nobody is going to leave a comment saying that they do that how many people per year die from coconuts 150 people die each year from being hit oh from being hit on the coconut by a coconut i'm like is that a typo did they mean to say hit on the head by a coconut but i think maybe they're making a joke about it so you know what i would actually maybe even consider putting this one into guaranteed death but maybe the barrel provides some protection in some kind of way so we're gonna put this one into chance of death just because coconuts are pretty dangerous spotlight swim this is a really tough one it's really tough to decide between minor injury and grandma does this because in a way it's like you're just swimming around for fun but if you get caught a cage drops down on you but i think it still is pretty safe i think the way that the cage is dropped down is safe the cage doesn't actually hit the player so i think that one is safe to put into grandma does this the hide and seek mini game that's another one that we are going to put into grandma does is that is very obviously a grandma does this no risk of injury over here in this mini game in this soccer one that is another one that we can put into grandma does this maybe we could put this one into minor injury maybe it deserves to be here but it doesn't look like the soccer balls are being kicked hard at all so we can put that one into grandma does this in squared away i want you to imagine this imagine people being in actual cubes like this and squishing each other with these cubes like just rolling around in cubes like that even without squishing each other i think might be possible for broken bones but when you squish each other you could flatten each other this might be deserving of chance of death because of the way that they flatten each other with these cubes we don't know how heavy these cubes are but i'm going to put it into broken bones because we know that it is likely at least broken bones two bit or lose it is definitely more intense than grandma now is it minor injury or broken bones because the machine that mario is riding on looks like it's pretty dangerous and we're moving at pretty fast speeds down this hill so i think i'm gonna put this one into broken bones over here it might be worthy of minor injury but we're going to leave this one in broken bones for pogo a go-go i think even just jumping around on a pogo stick on a rotating platform like this might be dangerous just because of how physics works but we don't know how far these characters are falling down we can see that there are clouds in the background here so i'm expecting that to be a pretty high fall so that is at the very least broken bones but i think i'm gonna put that one into chance of death just because we don't know how high it is the football one it is possible to break bones playing football obviously but i think i'm gonna put this one into minor injury over here people are trying to tackle each other they're not trying to break bones skewer scary okay whenever you are dealing with very powerful industrial machinery you have got to be very very careful and you do not want to mess around with that kind of stuff that we are putting into chance of death maybe even guaranteed death but we don't know how deadly these skiers over here are so we're leaving that one in chance of death now how dangerous is the bobsled you know what if i bring it up here i know that it's gonna be somewhere in here if we start to compare to some of these is the bobsled more dangerous than these ones with broken bones and is it about as dangerous as these ones that are chance of death with the high speeds that you move at wit in these bobsleds and the fact that the walls are missing in some parts and you could just fly off the track i think chance of death is appropriate for this one i think it's better to put it into here than to put it into broken bones hand carve havoc if you play this mini game properly then you're not going to fall into the lava but there is a chance of falling off of the railings and going into the lava so it's not guaranteed death even if you lose as long as you don't fall off your safe so this one it's like it's almost guaranteed death but i guess we technically have to put it into chance of death if there is a tear between chance of death and guaranteed death if there was like high chance of death then this one would be in between there this one would be up there but for now we're going to keep it in chance of death in this minigame where we have to escape from the dungeon you might get hit by some fireballs and you might also get squished by these swamps so that would be at least broken bones if the swamps squish you if the fire gets you you might be in trouble so you know what this one we're going to put into chance of death also it is at least broken bones but we're going to put it into the chance of death because if that thwomp squishes you you become very flat you don't want something that heavy being dropped down on you this one we've got a another mini game right over here for grandma over here speed hockey this is basically foosball over here oh and i've just gotta do this one right away this one where we are baking cakes that's another one for grandma over here she's obviously gonna be joining us in this one and this one over here where we pump up the bowser balloons that's going to be another one where this one just goes to grandma over here grandma does this we are flying in some kind of two-person aircraft there are exploding balloons that we don't want to run into and there are cannons being shot at us but somehow no matter what happens our aircraft doesn't go down but you know what i'm looking at stuff in minor injury like the chain chomp and the bumper balloons and attacking each other and with the honeycomb havoc and this is definitely more dangerous than that the cannonballs being shot at you that's definitely more dangerous than that so this one is going to go into broken bones i think that's more appropriate for broken bones if you are eaten by a large piranha plant i don't think there's any way getting out of that one i think that might be our next mini game that's guaranteed death if you lose this one you get eaten by the piranha plant if there's a mini game where you press a single button just to drop down a cage onto some goombas it looks like there isn't really any risk to you to do that maybe some of the goombas would get injured but for the players themselves that is appropriate for uh grandma does this tear if this was just a regular snowball fight then this would probably end up being in minor injury you probably wouldn't expect to have broken bones from his snowball flank but here we are making giant snowballs pushing them into each other and knocking each other off of a mountain that is at the very least broken bones quite possibly chance of death we don't know how far we are falling just like with the pogo a go-go mini game and just like with the bumper balloons on ice over here this one's definitely at least chance of death over here because that looks like it's a pretty big fall over there judging by that mountain that we're on drawing circles around stuff with big pencils i think the same rules apply as trace race and since we have trace race and grandma does this we don't expect that pencil to be very heavy so this one is going to be in the same category as trace race grandma does this we're swinging from a tree with our feet i don't know how well you could hold on to a rope with your feet and then passing cherries to each other so all of our focus isn't even on holding onto the rope over here i think it would be quite easy to accidentally lose your grip with your feet fall off at least broken bones possibly even chance of death but this mini game does look pretty innocent it's just a happy little tree and you're passing cherries along so i'm gonna put it into broken bones instead of chance of death even though chance of death might be appropriate for it for this one where you're eating a giant pizza this might seem kind of silly you might say oh grandma could eat a giant pizza like that but if you're eating food that is several times larger than you all in one sitting very quickly like this i think it's possible that you could probably have like an exploding stomach or something like that if you try to eat that much pizza in one sitting i need to do a collab with dr mike on youtube and find out where he would rank this i think that chance of death is appropriate to rank this one all right if we're racing through a dungeon one of the most dangerous parts here are we can miss this jump and we fall into that pit here we can see that it's very dark so it goes down pretty far we don't know how far it goes down at the very minimum it is minor injury i don't think that the pit is deep enough for us to die because the lack of two comes and picks this back up so i think broken bones is appropriate for that one this is such a fun mini game i enjoy this minigame so much we want to hit these switches and push the ball bombs towards each other and if the amount of damage that ball bombs do to mario in mario games is any indication of how dangerous these are then i think that maybe this one should go into broken bones it's on the edge of broken bones and minor injury but i think i'll use the same rule that i use for the monty mole minigame in the monty mole minigame when you get hit you're stunned for a moment so we could assume that it's a pretty hard hit with the hammer and the same thing happens over here if the ball bomb hits you you're stunned for a moment and you're dizzy you're seeing stars then you can get back up and continue so it might not be broken bones every time but if there's a category that's like chance of broken bones then this one would go into that one this one would be in between these two categories all right burn style looks very dangerous there's lava on the floor you've got this very very quick spinning spiked bar that just speeds up and gets faster and faster i don't think that it's guaranteed to death because i don't think you fall into the lava no matter what it's possible that you fall into the lava but if this spike bar hits you where do you go after the spike bar hits you you know what it doesn't look like there's anywhere safe for you after you get hit by the spiked bar so i think this might be our next mini game that we put into guaranteed death over here and it's not going into guaranteed death just because there's lava because we could see that hand car havoc even if you're the loser if you don't fall off the track you still survive but in this mini game if you lose you're hit by the spiked bar and you probably fall into the lava because i don't see where else you would be going rocky road is a super fun mini game you break these boulders you want to break the boulders quickly and you see who can make their way through the path the quickest at first i was just gonna say that this one deserves to be a minor injury because you might attack each other a bit by accident and it's kind of similar to dizzy dancing but if you're breaking boulders with your bare hands and your bare feet you might end up with some broken bones after that so i think this one deserves to be in broken bones i think it's definitely closer to broken bones than minor injuries alright this mini game is basically splatoon you want to paint the goombas i would put this one into grandma does this but it is possible to hit each other with the paintballs so i think this one is more like paintball i think this one's definitely closer to minor injury than grandma does this this sport is a little bit too extreme for grandma alright remember what we were saying about heavy machinery back when we were looking at skewer scary i don't know if this one is intense enough to go into chance of death but those very large clock parts can move very quickly so this is either chance of death or broken bones i think i'm gonna put this one into broken bones over here all right swinging from vines over here this just sounds like something that would result in broken bones but i think i'm gonna put this one into minor injury because we don't know how high the floor is it might not be very high and we could get back up to the vine pretty quickly i don't think grandma's going to be swinging from vine to vine like this so we'll leave this one in minor injury all right we have got a dual mini game here this one is basically we're riding around in some cars and the biggest risk in this is these little electric things over here and if you run into one of them your cart spins around like this you take a bit of damage maybe you could feel some whiplash so i think i'm gonna put this one into minor injury over here it's either minor injury or grandma does this and i think that a ride like that might be a bit too intense it's a bit more intense than go-karts and we can see that like some of the other ones like this like go-karts we put that into minor injuries so we'll put this one along with minor injury in this duel we are in space it looks like very clearly we are in space so we can't breathe so i think on a technicality this one is going to go into guaranteed death i don't know how these characters can breathe there but if we were put into a situation like this this would be guaranteed death if we could breathe there it would probably go all the way down to minor injury if we could breathe but i'm assuming that this is space so he can't breathe there so that's going to go into guaranteed death in this dual mini game this one doesn't seem like there's anything particularly dangerous there are these spinning parts here maybe you could get caught in them and pinch yourself but i don't think that it's anything really more intense than you'd see like going to a shopping mall or something trying to use a rotating door trying to use a turn cell i don't think that it's really any more dangerous than that so i think this is something that grandma would be okay with doing so we're putting this one into grandma does this in the hammer drop mini game you have hammers being dropped down on you so grandma definitely doesn't have hammers drops you down on her normally so this is at the very least minor injury but i think this is better suited for broken bones considering the kind of stuff that we put into broken bones like the bombs away mini-game this fishing for coins and fishing for treasure chests mini game i think this is one that's appropriate for grandma we could give that one to grandma and parasol plummet is at the very least broken bones because we saw that if hammers are being dropped out on you then that's already broken bones but not only are hammers being dropped down on us now but we are holding parasols that are meant to stop us from falling down so you know what i think this one might even go into chance of death i think chance of death is more appropriate for parasol plummet because not only are we having hammers thrown at us but we also have to properly use a parasol which acts like a parachute and if a hammer hits us in the head and we're unable to use our paris soul like a parachute then we'll just keep falling and we won't be able to use our life-saving device x-ray payday might look innocent enough sometimes you open up a box and there's a coin inside but you might also get punched or have a ball bomb when you open that up so this is one that's on the border of broken bones and minor injury i'm assuming that the punch and the ball bombs in this mini game have similar force to the ball bombs in the minigame reversa bomb and the monty moles hitting you because you get stunned so this one is going to end up in broken bones if there is a category between broken bones and minor injury like maybe broken bones then it would go into that category quicksand cash i'm going to put this one into minor injury because i don't know what happens if you get swallowed up by the quicksand there i've heard that quicksand is more dangerous in movies than it is in real life and i think that this might be a little bit too intense for grandma so we're gonna leave that one in minor injury river raiders is at the very least minor injury because you're riding around on something like this you can actually get hurt riding something like that just on water and more importantly there are logs and there's some kind of debris that you have to avoid so i don't know if that would be dangerous enough to break a bone you know what yeah that's got to be at least break a bone that's got to be at least breakable and i was thinking of leaving that one in minor injury but we're going to leave this one in broken bones if you're running up a large conveyor belt with lots of boxes and then you can fall down to another layer of a conveyor belt and you can tumble over other people that is going into broken bones that is not going into minor injury that's at least broken bones maybe even chance of death depending on how powerful this industrial machine here is all right if you're swimming around on a raft and hammers are being thrown at you you know what at first i was going to say that this is broken bones but if you're on water and hammers are being thrown at you there's a chance of you being knocked unconscious and drowning so this one is definitely going to go into chance of death over here in cashapult you get launched up pretty high into the sky i'm not sure if that's worthy of chance of death depending on how high you go but it's at least broken bones you could definitely break a bone from dropping from that height up there beach volley folly you know what i'm very very tempted to put this one into broken bones just because i personally know a lot of people who have broken bones from volleyball but we have the football mini game in minor injury and i'm not sure if you're statistically more likely to break a bone from volleyball or football i have to take a look at the statistics of that before i make up my mind so for now since i'm unsure i'm just gonna leave it in the same category i'm gonna leave it in minor injury even though based on my own anecdotal experience which obviously isn't the data i have to take a look at the data before i form an opinion it's gonna go into minor injury for now the same thing with hockey i wish i knew which sports were most dangerous and i knew which sports were most dangerous if i knew which sports were most dangerous and which ones you were most likely to break a bone then we'd be able to decide if we want to put it into broken bones or minor injury so it turns out in this specific sample in this study that i just looked up football was actually the most likely to have a fracture and volleyball was actually the least likely to have a fracture so that just goes to show that just because anecdotally you've experienced something is more common in one group than another group statistics might actually show that the truth is the opposite of what you would think so because of that we are going to put football into this category and we are going to leave volleyball in minor injury instead this puzzle minigame which is basically like a kind of tetris this one is of course appropriate for grandma so that's staying there another puzzle minigame grandma absolutely loves playing these on facebook so we're gonna pop that one in there this puzzle game also we're gonna pop another one over here for grandma she just loves playing these facebook puzzle games over here just like candy crush now in winner or dinner we're not being eaten by the piranha plant like in tug-of-war but the piranha plant grabs us and just throws us back so i don't know if that is severe enough to be in broken bones or if that should be a minor injury but based on how we have been raiding things i think it is closer to broken bones than minor injury if we had a category in between these two then it would go in between these two and for ice rank rinse this one i'm kind of tempted to put this one into minor injury but also since it's on ice and it's slippery and you can get injured it might just get bumped up into broken bones because of that and these spines that you're trying to avoid they might be a bit dangerous but you know what this is probably about as dangerous as hockey maybe so we're gonna leave this in the same category as hockey minor injury if haki deserves to get bumped up into broken bones then this one will probably come along with it but we'll leave it like that for now and finally the very last five mini games we have got this item mini game where yoshi right now he just presses a button and then you get an item from the roulette wheel that is obviously a very safe one grandma can of course go play the wheel of fortune safely on tv so she can do this as well and when it comes to keeping your eye on a barrel to get an item that doesn't seem too difficult besides the fact that you have to actually punch the barrel and break it so this might be broken bones this might be minor injury this would be one that's right on the border of the two if we had a category in between it would go in between but for now i'm gonna put that one into minor injury this one over here this is a very tough one because i'm tempted to put this one into grandma does this for this item minigame where you're floating and you shoot an arrow to pop some balloons but i'm actually going to put it into minor injury because something maybe could go wrong here and i think this might be a little bit too extreme for grandma perhaps this one where we swing the hammer like this to get an item i'm tempted to put that one into minor injury but since we have pokey pummel in grandma's category we're going to put this one into grandma's category also oh you know what let's move some of these grandma ones over here there we go all right and our final mini game we are on a swing and we want to jump off the swing onto the barrel that one would again be in between these two categories between broken bones and minor injury but we're gonna put this one into minor injury over here because you probably can do this safely if there's a lot of precautions taken but i wouldn't recommend it and i wouldn't personally do it but you could probably do it without breaking bones but maybe it deserves to be one level up maybe it deserves to be here there are a lot of edge cases between these two categories right here broken bones and minor injury so here is our tier list of all mario party superstars mini games ranked by how dangerous they are if you drank something differently let me know in a comment and you might enjoy some of my other videos like my video where we rank jails that i made for mario and bowser's fury in a tier list i hope you all have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,514,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, vs luigi, vs peach, vs yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, bowser
Id: kWdCR001dI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.