Mario 64 but you lose 1 coin every second. Die at 0.

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imagine if coins gave mario life support today we'll be seeing if we can beat super mario 64 while losing one coin every second once the coin counter is at zero your damage drains every second until you're dead the only rule is to finish the game oh and uh by the way coins actually drain faster with the more that you have so you'll never see the counter reach 100. however there's still a way to get them but more on that at the end i gotta be honest hi uh i haven't played mario 64 in a while i know that kind of sounds crazy coming from me as you can see we don't have coins at the start so our damage immediately starts draining and by the way damage still drains during cutscenes just to make my life that much better so i entered peach's castle bowser tells me to go away and i die i mean maybe there's poisonous gas in the castle now who knows just entering levels requires fast movement since there's a door animation that wastes time and drains my health faster what this entails is entering a level with little damage dying spawning in front of the painting and jump back in with more health this is how every stage is going to work and when i get a game over i have to do this all over again so on bob on battlefield i figured we'd start with fighting king bobo and as you'll see i'm taking a path which has coins that are along the way stopping to kill enemies is gonna take too long to be worth the time loss in most cases so i need to grab the ones out in the open now i know what you're thinking there's no coins where king bobom is how would i have time for the throws easy solution throw them once run down to the heart for health since the fight won't reset and rinse and repeat and that my friends is star one complete although unfortunately for me i have sacrificed my life for the coin gods to get this star which means i spawn outside the castle and the whole cycle repeats itself next was koopa the quick which basically followed the same route that i did before while waiting for koopa and keeping my health up i somehow managed to bonk on the top of this hill fall and take damage and then fall again to the very bottom simple mistakes like this are quite literally life or death i now have no way of getting back up there because there aren't enough coins for me to survive and i tried to but alas i perished and had to go again the second attempt was successful and following that was stars 3 and 6. with star 3 i missed the cannon shot to the island and now i can clearly show you why killing enemies is not worth the coin i have almost no health left and have to painstakingly wait for the goomba to pop out of existence for just one coin i did survive however and just took another cannon that had coins near him star six was straightforward and after that i moved on to womp's fortress there is nothing notable to say about womp's fortress there's a lot of coins here so i just played as i normally would the only way to get into the aquarium was to enter jolly roger bay spawn out from that painting and then i'd have enough damage to enter without dying it was an easy enough stage per usual now jolly roger bay has a really interesting property with this challenge if you keep your head above water you will constantly replenish your health this basically means that water is our friend for the first time probably ever on the downside of this once you have zero coins submerged in water your health drains almost twice as fast due to your breath limit and not having coins this is obviously a problem for stars one and two in which i need to be underwater for a long time the only way to combat this was to grab the blue coins from the switch and run back and get the stars as fast as possible if this blue switch wasn't there i don't even know if half these stars would have been possible i also tried out a different red coin route because i was concerned about a faraway red coin i grabbed all the coins on the bridge area and dove straight down to the clam on the deep bottom floor because i grabbed extra coins beforehand i had time to get the coin and swim back up top and since the rest of the reds were near the top of the water i could easily get a red and go back up for aaron health following that was peach's slide in the wing cap red coins both were pretty easy so next was our first bowser level the beginning was the hardest part because there weren't any coins next to me so i had to very quickly long jump to the ring of yellow coins doing this allowed me to get the reds and continue as normal i made my way to bowser and uh all of my coins just kind of drained i'm not sure why this happened so i talked to kaze about this since he made the mod and he gave me another version where the coins wouldn't drain like that that just seemed really unfair especially since bowser has two text boxes which wastes time so i tried again and went in with about 10 coins even with bringing these coins in i still drained all of them by the time i actually got the key cool cool mountain was another stage that didn't give me trouble and again it's because there's a huge abundance of coins outside and on the slide stars one through six were pretty simple to complete and after that i finished up bob on battlefield i just needed stars four and five which were also pretty simple what happened next was something i didn't take into account at all having time to get into big boo's hunt because if you think about it you have to take a second to kill the ghost wait for the entrance to work then mario slowly flies inside and even when you get into the level you have to go inside the house to get coins which at the minimum requires two doors and doors in this challenge are deadly as we've learned oh god a door okay quick no oh hurry up hurry up come on no okay okay i think we're fine i think even when you spawn in the courtyard you still don't get into big boo's haunt without being almost dead this seemed to be impossible until i remembered our best friend water the water in the courtyard has a few sections where you can dip inside and completely heal and even better there's three ghosts we can kill for their coins to give us more time for the ghost stage although strangely you have to wait a second to grab their coins they don't seem to be obtainable right away but that could just be a weird thing with the booze i'm not really sure but anyway with this strat i'm able to get into a room grab a red coin and booze blue coin and we're set sailing if we didn't have such easy access to blue coins all the doors in this house would make most of these stars near impossible so i went ahead and knocked out stars one through five since i didn't have the vanish cap yet for star six and that's when i thought to myself hmm well hey might as well get the vanish cap right but again those evil evil doors the only way i can even get into the basement at all is to use the key and open the 30 star door i'm gonna die from doing this of course but when i go back i'll have just enough time to enter dire dire docks without the door animations so maybe vanish cap later dire dire docks is a scary level because of the massive bodies of water and a real urgency of drowning faster than usual however i found a route with coins that lets me travel anywhere i need to which is a bit of a relief so with that i got stars one and two but then came vows were in the fire c this one was just awful i initially thought that it'd be impossible to clear this level because there aren't enough coins i must have played this stage like 20 times only to get the bowser with almost no health and very little to no coins and that's when i forgot something very important this box that nobody has ever hit in their entire life has 10 coins in it even better it's near the end of the level so once i remembered that i just needed to play as fast as i've ever played in my damn life get to bowser do not miss the throw wait for the key and ho mama we were less than a second away from death that was way too close i think i need to take a breather to talk about today's sponsor the legendary rage shadow legends yeah it's that really cool one you can play on your phone and desktop for free i guarantee you've heard of it as it's one of the most influential mobile games out there you can battle raid bosses dungeon runs and campaign battles it's a pretty epic game if i say so myself and they're constantly updating it too with new features and content so what's new in raid well there's hydra for one only one of the biggest baddest bosses in the entirety of mobile games this thing is a beast a super powered clan boss that's like many bosses all rolled into one it's got multiple different heads each with unique mechanics it can share pain scare off your champions cloak itself and poison and so on the battle is like a crazy puzzle box and is one of the toughest fights in the whole game so raid's got a full schedule of festive activities with special events and tournaments and even some new fusion events to help you add some of braids incredible festive champions to your collection my game name is nathaniel bandy and you can find me there raid is supporting this channel and helping fund my ambitious projects like bandy's universe so a huge thank you to them there has seriously never been a better time to get started so hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you'll get an epic champion wrecked our draft 200k silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard so you can summon awesome champions as soon as you get in game and now that we're back things are uh not gonna get any easier i did go ahead and finish stars four and five and i wanted to go for the red coins next that wasn't gonna go so well since the red coins are so spread out there's just no way to get them without dying i might be able to use the ship and take the speedrunners route but i'm not ready to endure that so instead i wanted to drain the castle waters as a potentially easier method to accessing the basement because as of right now the only way to get to the basement stars is to die in the castle near perfectly grab the four coins in the main lobby and long jump into lethal lava land at the very last second i really don't want to do that every time so i drained the floors and got the vanish cap reds while i was at it i tested the floor under the moat to see if it was any faster and unfortunately it's not going to be useful at all even when i die outside so back to dire dire docks i got star 6 now that i had the vanish cat and all that was left was the red coins what i forgot was that you can't respawn this ship after you actually collect star 1 which means i now need to find some crazy ass method to get these coins the good news is that the blue coin switch holds 30 coins which makes this probably possible my first idea was to get these ring of coins on the bottom hopefully nabbing enough coins to reach the switch but by the time i got to the top of the water all the coins were gone making the strategy useless that's when i thought of using this red barrier as a way to wall jump my way closer shockingly this method did get me up if i aim perfectly but even after a hundred tries the poles were just too slow and i'd always die on the way there my next idea was to watch up my way to these four red coins i initially thought this would be too slow but after a ton of tries and performing this unnecessarily swag ass first the wall jump i made my way to the blue coins and actually had a shot at this i had to long jumper coin 5 and long jump back and then basically just wait on the poles until the end i was lucky enough to have a good cycle and was able to actually finish every star in dire dire docks after that marathon lethal lava land was ridiculously easy because once again there were tons of coins just laying around everywhere i got stars one through six with no issues next up was shifting sand land after figuring out how to get coins in the beginning stars 1-3 were a piece of cake however trouble began with fighting the sand hands there's no coins during the hand fight so that means i have to fight them and also endure the large amount of text boxes and cut scenes the only option i had here was to learn topless this is a trick used in speedrunning that lets you access the hands without the lift i've never done this in my entire life and on top of that i needed to get these three blue coins and perform topless perfectly to even have an attempt at this this was no easy feat you have to wall jump at just the right spot in order to get enough height to get inside i mean this genuinely this was one of the most annoying tricks i've ever learned for this game i spent close to 45 minutes before getting it one time and when i did i didn't optimize afterwards by long jumping or diving because i was so shocked of getting it in the first place so that left me less time with the hands but thankfully i fought them perfectly and nabbed the star at the very very last second it's safe to say that stars 5-6 were fairly simple after that fiasco before going to hazy maze cave i very slowly talked to toad and watched as i died in front of his eyes the poor butt boy is probably scarf for life now i'm sorry dude i'm sorry but anyway hazy maze cave was fairly straightforward i knocked out star one and three through six pretty easily since there were a lot of coins star 2 which is the red coins is a different story i had to experiment with my routing since the red coins were so spread out what i ended up doing was getting the top red coins running down below to get the blue coins spreading back to get the rest of the reds and then grabbing the star i also got the metal cap star which was pretty straightforward next was wet dry world which was nice because it didn't take nearly as long to get there compared to the basement every star was a piece of cake because of the water and the blue coins switched right to the beginning so stars one through six were doable another toad had to watch my demise but the entirety of tiny huge island was possible again there was a huge bevy of blue coins on top of water all over the place tall tall mountain was next with nothing to report there was enough coins to nap stars 1-6 and the same goes for snowman's land maybe there weren't as many accessible coins but it was still enough but before going to the tip top i realized that my metal cap red coin star didn't save for some reason so i went back and got that and also got the missing star six from big boos hunt i also had to catch mips still and that turned into a much bigger problem than i anticipated spawning from lethal lava land i would dive at mips and catch them within two dives which is pretty standard however the bunny has a lot of text boxes and a long cut scene which wastes a lot of time it wastes so much time that i can't even grab the star that is literally right above me and there are no coins in the basement so i can't add to my timer in any way i tried to build up coins in the lobby as well as the courtyard but they'd always run out before getting back to mips and that's when i realized i could just long jump from lethal lava land towards the right then run to the left and do one dive this trick is used in speed runs and i had never really done it myself and with the strat i was barely able to get the star and i mean barely this was another frame perfect trick and i had to do it twice for both mipstars now you might think that tick-tock clock was ridiculously hard but honestly it really wasn't there's a 10-coin box right at the beginning several near the top and the blue coin switch i'm also familiar with doing this ball jump shortcut so that made stars one through six pretty easy and rainbow ride was kind of the same thing stars four through five were possible but i needed to let's grab immediately and then run down to get these five coins without any mistakes stars one three and six were also possible but i had to triple jump and wall jump off this spinning platform to get up fast enough thanks to the blue coins i was actually able to take the carpet partially up without having to do a leica 2 bounce but then there was star 2 the big house in the sky this one has a lot of waiting around on the carpet in fact too much waiting around on the carpet with my current strats i wasn't able to get even halfway through the house without dying so i needed to learn faster methods and routes what i ended up doing was getting the coins on these spinning platforms jumping towards the red coins and basically staying as straight as possible while grabbing some of them this gave me a slight edge while waiting to get the blue coins once i got those i had to long jump off this blue platform turn my camera and then do two perfect wall jumps across these glass pillars and start the carpet ride from there it's just waiting in anticipation there were some coins along the way but were there enough to survive [Music] yes by some miracle you can barely have enough time to get this star the cloud red coins were pretty simple as long as he got some of the yellow ring coins along the way you had enough time and that's basically everything except uh for the hundred coin stars and honestly every hundred coin level was easy i thought these would be more difficult so i saved them for the end but since i already memorized routes for this challenge i kind of just did them again and got 120 stars frankly getting to bowser 3 was the hardest part i had to quickly dive up these steps and climb the infamous staircase only to land in the pipe while i was technically dead and with that let's try to finish this thing the first mission was to get all the red coins while difficult i was able to get through the whole stage i even found a lot of coins along the way the only problem with these coins that i found was that they were on the bottom specifically nothing was near the pipe outside of some goombas and a red coin which is a really bad sign so naturally i did something completely idiotic i decided to get the extra high triple jump from yoshi because maybe that would help right well here's the thing i basically needed to learn how to play this level like a 16 star speedrunner a speed run of that magnitude requires a lot of fast and difficult movement and i had to make my own alteration of that i got the womp coins chuck yes coins and went as fast as i possibly could the only problem is that i needed to triple jump off this tilted platform and wall jump off this tiny corner to take a shortcut and guess what this enhanced triple jump does not let you wall jump and i didn't realize that until after a couple hundred attempts so thank god i had a backup save file i went back and redid my entire run pulled off the stupidly hard jump only to end up in bowser's pipe with green health and no way of winning so can you get all 120 stars if you lose a coin every second you sure can but can you beat the game i highly doubt it no if any of you can do it then please let me know so yeah that's a little sad but that's okay i had a grand old time anyway bye bye now [Music] you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 407,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario 64, super mario odyssey, mario 64 coins, super mario 64 coin, is it possible, super mario, mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: 7rsj5jxRuH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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