Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario Maker While Touching Every Coin?

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now obviously we can't touch every coin in Super Mario maker there's only a bajillion levels with more being added every day but what about a set of courses that everyone can play like the event courses that's what we'll be doing today we're gonna go through all 46 levels and see which ones lets us get every coin in which don't like usual blocks without coins do not matter even if we hit a piece switch and a bunch of coin spun in if they weren't originally there we can avoid them and the same goes for the infinitely spotting coins those don't count either now I know what you're thinking where on earth can I get those Nathaniel baby coins with the really cool designs on them well you're in luck you can pick them up right now at crowd made calm slash Nathaniel bandy and if these shiny bundles of joy aren't your cup of tea you can grab this limited edition it's not Meili golden pin right now it even comes with a nice back cover and would look fabulous with your pin collection so if you want to support the channel and get some sweet looking merch links in the description on to our first challenge level we'll go from the bottom to top and we're gonna start with ship love this one was going okay at first until I entered the ghost house the second time there's five sets of question blocks each with ten coins in them now firstly when you get close to the two sets on the left of thwomp hits them this makes it nearly impossible for us to get all 10 coins because the thwomp hits the block early and we're on a strict timer to hit all the coins which we simply can't get to the other three blocks next to it are put in really obnoxious spots there is no way you can get all 10 of the coins out of these either sure you can hit them a couple of times but try to do that with two swinging fire bars in the tiny cannon platform isn't very useful so this first level isn't possible next is new arena maker and we have a bunch of cannons that shoot infinitely spawning coins that we don't have to worry about but our big problem is this giant 12 because all of these question mark blocks have coins in them and since we're in the mario bros 1 engine we can't pick up Koopas to hit the blocks or anything like that I went ahead and downloaded the level just to double-check that their work coins in them and sure enough I was right but alas arenal maker returns actually returned us a favor because all the coins here were doable the level itself is kind of crappy simply because it just isn't that fun to play and now to the last arena level it seemed like this was doable until I got to this maze like part with all the koopa troopas there's a question mark block at the bottom left and you're supposed to use the koopa to get these coins after playing through the level i went back to count the coins I got from that block and it was only eight out of the ten I tried a strategy where I basically built up a few Koopas at the top and then released them through the maze back to back in doing this I was able to barely get nine out of the ten coins so wow this is better I'm not sure if I can optimize the Koopas any more than I did there so unless there's some other way this level is impossible in the Triforce Heroes level the coins weren't much of an issue except for a bunch of ten coin blocks near the beginning at first I killed off all the goombas so I could get these coins without them getting in the way but for the bottom row I could only get a to the ten coins from each block so I tried again and use the goombas to my advantage by bouncing off them for the first two hits to improve my speed doing this I got nine out of the ten coins so even then it still wasn't fast enough but it seemed pretty close so I kept trying it and this was my best attempt I feel like that was pretty optimized and still only got nine coins from both so unfortunately here's another level that we can't do next was the Super Mario cont wente fifth anniversary level and this excited me because we're finally using the new super mario bros engine which will utilize ground-pounding to help with blocks and the propeller mushroom for traveling and then we ran into this giant C while we could hit all the blocks on the outside there was no way to destroy the ones on the inside it's too bad the clown car isn't the fire-breathing one since that can blow up blocks but all we have access to is the normal clown car this level straight up clowned us after that was cat peaches level and i gotta say i'm blown away that an official event course is genuine garbage and not actual gameplay there's not a lot of coins here but it makes up for that for the random barrage of enemies after several tries I eventually figured out that there's stars you can grab and after getting a hold of those and knocking out all the enemies I was able to get all the coins of all the levels I'm shocked that this one was possible and the same goes for cat Mario's course it was incredibly easy and doable with not much to say now for this Yoshi is awesome level I gotta praise it for its ingenious creativity you're supposed to keep Yoshi alive at all times while he's running on his own which is pretty awesome what is an awesome is after about 30 seconds I realized we aren't getting all the coins at one point you need to hit a p-switch to turn all these coins into blocks so Yoshi can get across but after you do that there is no way to grab them afterwards so this is another level that isn't doable at this point I was getting frustrated at how few levels were possible but I had no idea that we were about to encounter a huge win streak starting with PAX West 2015 Omega thawne final road there was almost no coins to collect outside of the infinite spotting ones coming from the lakitu in nes remix Mario Luigi paper jam mercedes-benz jump and drive Mario Hills Nintendo badge arcade belch bass welcome to Saturn Valley captain toad treasure tracker nes remix Super Mario Bros 2 and nes remix Excitebike all a breeze the playthrough so we just had a nice long win streak there but then came Southwest air adventure this one was really annoying starting with the section where you can find a group of coins surrounded by a few spikes trying to jump around these spikes while not getting hit and avoiding the Koopa was a pain in the butt and took quite a few tries to get down but then I went ahead and bitten saw a huge row of coins at the very bottom of the stage you're supposed to use a piece which to travel from door to door but we have no way of grabbing this row of coins so this level isn't happening but fear not because ku futuring Yamamura was really pretty painless and the same goes for adventure in sarasu lan and paranormal research next we have for contest courses from Tokyo G 2016 in the first level of this was really fun and really easy to grab every coin the second level went okay until I got to the end there's another long row of coins on the very bottom of the screen that we can't reach the third level went pretty well and so did the fourth one wrapping up all the contest courses up next was I choose you which is of course a pokemon theme course the first store I chose was Charmander and he completely ruined it for us his entire sculpture looks cool but it's all made out of question mark blocks which we can't hit come on Charmander really God do this to me following this is a level name I don't even want to try to pronounce but it has two different paths you can take for this one and both of them let you get all the coins the next level with a similar name also had a split path I tried going left and ran into a bunch of question mark blocks like a lot of previous levels it's impossible for me to hit question mark blocks that are surrounded by other blocks so this level is also a no-go within ten seconds of Barbara and tomato land it was already confirmed not possible as there's a huge row of coins at the bottom of the screen with no way of getting them all in the level right after that has the exact same problem another giant row of coins we can't grab next was Mario OS lunch break and it was a pretty simple level to knock out the same goes for Twilight Princess HD as well as toadette treasure tracker for the UI Osakis big adventure core it went really well until the end I mean literally after the flagpole you'll see a bunch of coins shaped out like a heart that I needed to grab but even with a well-timed jump I was always grabbing the top of the flagpole missing all the coins entirely but thankfully Starfy Prince of puff tops level was really easy and the same goes for metal resistance and Popo and Nana's climbing challenge after that was Hello Kitty and My Melody and it seemed like the level would be okay until I entered a door to find Hello Kitty art with coins trapped inside so obviously this level isn't happening but afterwards was Sean's mossy mold mischeif and it was an incredibly obnoxious level due to all the bouncing Donuts but you can get all the coins next was squid sisters versus bloopers it all went perfectly fine until the end of course there just had to be a giant fire fin logo that guess this had a bunch of question blocks he can't hit but at least the Walken with undo dog level was really simple getting all these coins were a cakewalk and dr. Kawashima's athletic training was going okay but of course we were stopped by blocks we just aren't allowed to hit in the Mario Bros one engine admittedly it's funny that this structure is shaped like a headless guy that you can poke the docs head on but come on and finally on to the last level it's from the Nintendo World Championships held in 2017 this was an extremely fun level and believe it or not all the coins here were actually possible to grab so there you have it that's all the event course levels completed of the 4630 were possible in 16 were not I'm pretty surprised at how many we couldn't complete it really made me realize that Super Mario maker levels really weren't built for collecting coins they're built purely as levels to run through in nothing beyond that which does make sense because coins don't really have a value in this game but with that said I hope you enjoyed this video and thanks a bunch for watching guys until next time [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 334,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker, super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker switch, mario maker 2 switch, mario maker troll level, mario maker troll, mario maker event courses, super mario maker reaction, is it possible, mario coin, mario every coin, mario without touching a coin, mario, super mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: h2qU0CmLEOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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