Learning to Speedrun Tears of the Kingdom

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls uh welcome welcome into stream hello hi there how's it going guys um today what we're doing is we're learning how to speedrun tears of the Kingdom now you know there's a couple questions you probably have there's a couple questions that I probably have um in so I'm going to answer them uh first off um if you're watching this and you're not subscribed to the channel um uh it's right there probably I don't know I I think it's right here right subscribe we're almost to 2 million subscribers we're getting there it's kind of crazy um yeah um and then I also stream uh Sunday through Thursday uh actually Sunday through Friday now um at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time um and uh Wednesdays I stream on YouTube um everything else is on on Twitch uh which we got to talk about there's a lot of really cool things that are going on this week um but we're going to be learning uh to speedrun tears of the Kingdom you can see right here look it's tears of the Kingdom whoa um so in particular um uh you might be asking Point girl uh you said you probably weren't going to stream uh tears of the Kingdom speedruns for a couple months and the answer is sort of yes um so I want to learn generally like the movement of TI of the Kingdom some like General like speedrun strategies and stuff um the main reason is because uh the routes for speeduns in TI of the kingdom are I kid you not changing every single day like legitimately there's a new world record every day there's new strategies every day there's new glitches found every single goddamn day um ever since launch so um I'm personally U just going to do the great sky island and stuff see about some like cool routes that I know right now and then um play around with some glitches today um and then uh hey maybe I can make a speedrun video of this in the future on um what speedruns look like like pretty much straight after launch so um pretty cool pretty decent um yeah I have a I have a couple different um things here but uh I'm currently on 1.1.0 the version um and we can like play on the speedrun um sort of um thing here yeah uh there's also some really big announcements that I got to make um because um there's some really cool things that are happening um this whole sort of uh week and in the next couple weeks so um yeah I'm on 1.1.0 um for the version here some of the glitches that we'll probably use during the speedrun or like me learning how to speedrun this um is um they're they're only for like 1.1.1 and Below now there's no timer or anything because I'm just practicing I'm learning right so I'm not going to get things right and I don't I barely know the route itself um so that's what it is you know announcements I mean chat do you guys want to hear about the announcements I mean uh we can like straight up if you want like right now we can do it right now um also uh TBH uh thanks for the uh uh Channel membership thank you I appreciate that then also 50 gifted Channel memberships from plays for fun thank you so yeah okay all right I'll do the announcements um don't you worry U so yeah there a really cool thing let me show you this i' play while ago he's giving us great content Crow why that's playing but thank you appreciate that um oh is it because oh um I actually don't know why that played it's not even through my where did that come from oh God dear Lord G me strength okay anyways um so let me show you this um uh there's a really awesome uh special event if you watched pointcrow party and you were like pointcrow I missed out I wanted to watch that if you want to see uh things like uh Battleship with real ships giant explosions on stream all of the events um that are happening um well let me notify you of this right I I constantly after every event that I do get people asking Point Crow why didn't I know about this and this is your CH I'm trying to tell you I announced this a while ago and and now you know um but uh this is it um this is this is the next event that's happening if you have not seen this already you not following me on any socials because I've been plugging this like no other um so here we go Dr Crow the patient's condition has worsened emergency surgery I can't make it there in time can you send in the backup they're on vacation what about the other doctor sick what do you mean sick is there anyone available at all is that our only option my God I hope you got your medical licenses so uh June 11th uh 2 p p.m Pacific time on Twitch um you guys are performing surgery uh I I seriously hope you you guys have your medical licenses right that's why I enlisted you for this that's why that's why we're that's why we're doing this you know um so yeah this is going to be with Ethan Nester um also known as form known as crank gameplays you might know him from the brain leak podcast in Unis Hest um and he's going to be on this chat perform surgery now now now you might be asking Point Crow um Point Crow Point Crow PR Crow um um what is this like it's it's it's like I I is is this just like um like uh Surgeon Simulator or what no it's not um no we have like a full like robotic arm um that you guys will be controlling by typing in chat um and so you guys are quite literally um doing surgery um it's it's yeah so that's what we're doing June 11th 2 pm Pacific Time on twitch.tv pointcrow um so check it out um if you dare I'll need you there guys I'll need you there this is very important um uh yeah so anyways um that's that's the big announcement there's also a stream on Friday of a game show that we're doing um and that's also really cool too so um anyways um I hope you guys are excited for that um but that's uh that is specifically what we're doing uh I hope you guys are notified of it and everything I've been trying to plug it as much as possible so you guys are aware um so I don't want to godam see anybody saying you know like oh when did I know about this that's on you now all right I've posted on Instagram Twitter um uh YouTube Community tab twice uh streams every single stream for the past two weeks be there or be square be there or be square okay I think we just like keep going this way uh for this uh like the intro for what I recall is literally just like pretty inconsequential you just keep running through it and just like enjoy you know you keep going you know um so all right let me also turn on TTS real quick let me see if that okay let me turn off TTS real quick um uh and uh we'll just continue on with the speedrun um from what I know all right all right all right all right I'll turn it back on anyway thanks for enjoying the streams guys appreciate it um it's a lot of fun to do um so it's uh pretty pretty neat um to have here uh yeah Zelda is pretty slow you just keep running and then if I recall you just just like I don't know if there's any strats for the intro but regardless it's like you just keep running and pressing B hi Crow first stream came from papers please VOD oh hell yeah I hope you enjoyed the paper uh papers pleas VOD uh papers please VOD um that was a lot of fun to do that was that was really cool U it was a really a really great game I think next uh next week will be another uh non Zelda stream Hi Point Crow yo I'm actually playing tears right now something I just noticed is that the name names of the light roots are the reverse of the names of the shrine they are under yep uh I also found that out it's pretty cool um it's a it's a really neat um addition and it's not yeah I mean it's it's Britney also High Point Crow yo it's Britney um yeah the uh um light roots are the reverse of the um actual shrines that was pretty cool how does TTS work it's just a Super Chat and uh um it it fun been waiting to finish to to watch you man dancing um by the way chat um for the speedrun it starts from like when oh oopsies from the speedrun it starts from when you actually like get control of link and so you have to watch this unskippable cut scene uh every single time you do a speedrun my is coming up and I hear is a gift from me it's it's quite literally unskippable so um you start the great Sky Island around like s minutes in um but it's a good cut scene so we'll take it you know it also like allows me to like wind down between runs and then I can just like talk to you guys um so I don't want to do a timer yet because that implies that like I'll be behind time and all of this stuff um but like we're just going to practice we're learning how to do the speedruns okay so we're not we don't have any times to compare against we're learning the routes seeing the seeing what we need to do how to do this um Etc it's like very low stake High Point time on a stream yo welcome in hope you enjoy um it's really cool I I mean streaming is like what I do so you know it's like it's you know every video that I do is like streaming so it's it's pretty chill you know pretty fun I have a fake medical degree um you know what a fake medical degree is still a medical degree so you are going to be allowed for chap play surgery I trust you I and I hope the patient does too I hope the patient does well y I love you and these Zelda vids I've been watching for a while thanks for being a great streamer hey thanks for enjoying thanks for enjoying thanks for having fun with it um uh we've been focusing a lot on Zelda for the past couple weeks just because tears of the Kingdom but we'll return to the regular we'll return to your regularly scheduled programing for J Queen boss fight um I I don't know what um kill them U placed his faith um but yeah uh we'll return to the regularly schedule programming soon guys so then um you guys you know won't be bombarded too too much with uh Zelda content even though we have a lot with it uh there's a ton of other ideas that uh we have like remember when we played uh Mario party with my goldfish right pretty cats Zelda and Link are staring at your stream in absolute confusion why is Birdman saying our name's mother that's so funny I like the name Zelda and Link for it that's kind of cute uh somebody on Twitch yesterday was like can you name my rats I have rat I have two rats and we we like name them cat and dog or route one and rout two um yeah by the way once again still on un skippable cut scen so I can't I can't skip this so hi my first time watching a stream too yo welcome in hope you guys enjoy have fun with it can wait to see what mods people make for this game yeah I hope you uh can watch some uh mod videos from some other people um that'll be fun I have zero plans on modding uh tears of the Kingdom what's up Point Crow first stream watching live but um uh yeah um that that doesn't really matter too much anyways um because um we have like some really other uh fun cont content regardless so pretty cool hi Edge Raven I like hearing you talk and narrate while I perform life saving surgery on a family of four it's not going to be a family for the for for June 11th it's not going to be family but it'll be funny you know okay sussy little hosy uh all right right so uh let's go over here where's life way it's once again we're just learning how the the title says learning how to speedrun Tis of the Kingdom right like um so we don't need to like have a timer if you're just like learning when we get master mode they should replace those keys with a red line L uh that'd be funny right so we're just we're literally just learning like there there's no need to have anything else right it's just like okay what's the movement what's the route and then we can maybe like start doing some stuff maybe we can start doing some timing afterwards but this is literally the first part of it you know um and I want to make sure like I know which cut scenes I can skip which Cuts need have a break on um sort of like what we need to do where we need to go Etc good luck with the Red Bull jump oh yeah I'm super excited to show that off yeah there's some really cool speedrun uh stuff here I'm not doing early wings for those who know um I'm doing um the route where it's like Ascend we're going to do Ascend uh into uh um oh what's the other one oh my God in ascendant to fuse into ultr hand and then go back for recall oh that's like the the current like sort of Route yeah I'll show you guys the Red Bull jump it's really funny the joke that the speedrun community has made is hilarious here you'll see it why um first time I've watched a stream but I've been watching your ice video all day and I have to say you're one of my new FF streamers thank you I'm glad you enjoyed the uh watching me watch watch ice melt okay so the first thing here is actually like a small like time save I want to do um that I want to like sort of practice that's why I'm like pausing here so I want to so if I it's like you crouch and then you press like X yeah yeah you go farther okay perfect yeah so so you just literally like go up and around right uh so let's try this again right so if I go here Crouch X if I used to be a major VOD frog those vods got me through hard times thank you uh you got yourself through hard times those vods were just entertainment you watched all right keep that in mind all right you did that that wasn't me I'm just a guy you know but congrats hey have you watched any of the sub hour runs yet yes uh I am a very prolific Watcher of player five he's pretty cool um I occasionally watch uh gymnast not not too much um a little bit of lim he was doing some all shrines um but uh uh yeah uh hello blunt talk why funny red man have long hair uh okay so to do this I want to crouch and then is it just x no X brings you up so it's it's Crouch and then Forex but then why didn't that give me a big like leap love your content favorite YouTuber um so yeah I've seen some sem runs I've seen World Records live like I've been pretty up to date with the any% speedruns I just wanted to see see about this you know um and just chill you know um just uh practice sort of like some why didn't how long does it take to help the family of four um why didn't that work I want to get this it's not too difficult here but like I just you know this is why I don't have a timer is because I just want to keep practicing over and over again some of these glitches some of these um sort of like movement techniques some of these exploits Etc you know hopefully watch your play through after my own and the ending still made me cry it was so fun reliving vicariously through you I know right a to jump so the reason why we don't do a to jump is like let me do it right it's like do you see how slow that is right so we want to do like particularly why are you doing this route instead of early bird cuz early birds uh early wings um is really hard and so whenever you do like speedrun learning right you want to start with an easier route so you can sort of get it down and then you can like improve upon that uh later so I want to do not that o I got to write the first time which is crazy that's like what you want to do right like you want to like start with like an easy route that you can just like do it might even just be like do it with speed like but like regular strategies like a casual playr and then like eventually go further farther can you play some chill Tunes I'm the biggest bad um I appreciate that thanks for the 10 bucks I don't really take song requests though um especially because like with this I want to like chill um and like get this so if I do like Crouch walk forward X oh that works okay okay that works okay I think I got it down so uh forward X Crouch like that I don't know if I got it that time but that's like faster than diving for what I like know okay cool will you ever seriously Play Breath of the wild again uh probably but I mean it's been what the game's been out for like a month and that's like no time at all so it's like if I want to play breath of the wild again it' probably be in a couple months all right so then let's go here uh and then we're going to do this and then the fastest Strat is just to go over here and then dive uh wait wait yeah okay [Music] cool ah such a pretty game I can't skip this right okay cool so yeah um the uh I'm excited to like do some stuff with teers of the Kingdom I already did a um glitch showcase uh yesterday on Twitch and that was crazy because we broke the game more than I thought we would um and I probably will do another like next week and like combine the two for like a video itself um so that'll be kind of great are you playing on the most recent patch uh I'm playing on 1.1.0 so no okay so then okay wait wait wait so for here I want to do a want to go so I need to practice this part in particular High Point Pro do you know where the Dark Link are how do I do a jump slash there I need to do a jump slash right there all right we're going to watch this title card a couple times um because I need to while I'm falling I need to do a jump slash maybe it's because I need to have my weapon out already um so then I can land on a closer Lily Pad uh later um I think it's probably like I'm I'm probably like it's probably just um not like that sorry um it's probably just uh like like that okay that works yeah so it's it's B then um then y um so then or B then yeah that works okay let's try this again um so this is like what I mean when I say practicing that's why we don't have the I feel like I have to repeat this a couple times um but that's um that's why like we want to like um practice it practice it practice it we want to learn it learn it learn it so a lot of people ask me like constantly Point Crow how do you speedrun how do you get better at speed running how do you do this you don't just like rip it right like you have to literally spend the timei right um so it's also like one of those things where it's like you um you want to like it's like for anything ever in life you need to practice to get good and it's really funny when a lot of people are like oh speedrunning why do you speedrun the game when the the game is 100 hours why do you only want to spend 30 minutes uh it's because uh no one speedrunners spend the goddamn most time in the game right you know just to save like a minuscule amount of seconds U which is hilarious you know hi Crow I've been watching your videos for three years yo oh that's awesome oh yeah I'm glad you've been joined for that long so I want to do this and then I don't no I have to how do I dive earlier there I'll figure it out all right let's try this again I want to land on a certain Lily Pad here so then we don't have to swim as much because the the less that we the less that we swim the better the faster it is right and yeah and speedruns are like also super satisfying to watch fastest language there hasn't been too many timings catched a lot of speedrun methods uh they did good thing I'm not on that version um there's no fastest language currently uh there hasn't been too much testing but of The Limited testing um the pacing seems to be pretty much the same between all languages so we're just running it on English for now hello exterity warbler just finished playr hope you enjoyed it's really fun really fun game all right let's try this so I want to land on the closest Lily Pad like right over here so I need to press B right here and then why oh that works too I I didn't want to swim but the only thing I'm disappointed by with tears is they didn't include the gudo vi outfit it was my favorite in the game and I would have loved to see the fact that people thought link was a girl expanded beyond the desert yeah um I I wish they had that as well if I yeah I don't think they have it um that was a really fun inclusion in breath of the wild I really like that uh sort of main quest it's pretty cool um and all right I I just need to practice this um is there a way to like do you miss the ancient Shaker technology so much okay so I guess I could do that I can like dive in and then R to go like maybe like half a second faster there that works that works um I do miss the I wish there was an explanation for why the shik technology is like gone that would be nice that be really cool go back to the 1.0.0 patch um not without exter methods now um and um in which you got Google um that's all I'll say so I just haven't updated I turn off auto updates and stuff right first live stream keep up the amazing content question do you plan on releasing any elen ring content soon Yes actually it's actually kind of a mean with my editors of like uh there's a 100 hour playthrough of that was too far that was too far okay let me try it again there was a 100 hour playthrough of uh Elden ring that we are currently basically whenever I don't have a video for one of my editors like they just work on that video because it's 100 hours um and so yeah we'll we have some Elder ring content coming up soon um within the next month or two I think um so I hope you guys enjoy it you know um so pretty pretty cool um all right so if I do this so if I X okay if as long as I jump and make sure I don't like um like throw my weapon here with like B I think I can like just like dive real fast that that works kind of cool so um but yeah I'm glad that you guys really enjoy the content um the next video should be out within the couple next couple days um there's uh um there's a couple things um number one we beat tear of the Kingdom like 2 3 weeks ago without using any stamina and we've been working really hard on that video so I hope you guys are like excited for that um that's pretty neat um yeah the the the things that we had to do to pull that off was like what your opinion on the discussion about the prologue being excluded from the speed drum uh I think it should be excluded um but I'm also like I I want to make this very clear that while I do speedrun and I am like wait let me okay sick we made it on the lily pad okay perfect right let me do one more time just cuz we got it right doesn't mean we're going to get it right again um but I want to make it on that Lily Pad um just because yeah so so just because I speedrun doesn't mean I'm like super heavily involved into the speedrunning community so and I realized that I have some sort of like influence on that and like whether intentions or not and so I want to like specifically like not comment too much on giant leaderboard changes and and all of that because I know that it can like affect that and I also like really respect like all the work that like the speedrun moderators and everything is doing basically what I'm trying to say is that like I know I have some influence over this indirectly and I don't want to like impart that on people who don't want it imparted on them do that make sense um so I I think I I I don't know enough about the speedrun in order to like make that like decision in my mind yet of like doing a like uh Mario Sunshine thing right um so yeah uh once I get more involved though in the speedrun community maybe I'll have more opinions but it's like you know like I I just don't want like I I I I think a streamer or a chat is a very good reflection of their streamer um and like what what happens is like based on like what their chat like what their streamer does and so it's like you guys are like representative of like me and I don't want to like I want to have like a really nice Community perfect oh my God I got it again cool uh let me do it one more time and then um three's three is the charm and then we'll move on um but yeah like uh I I just want this I want people when they see a pointcrow viewer to be like yo you watch pointcrow to oh my God that's so cool right um rather than like oh oh we got some point Crow viewers here you know which I have seen like occasionally like around the internet and so I'm trying to like really curb that yeah the more you can recreate success with a speed ring practice the better you'll be at it like when you have like some timing with it you know so hopefully that makes sense uh Chris wolf thanks so much for the channel membership first love to you also know there's probably some Boys in chat calling you sex I don't know if I like that uh that makes me uncomfortable uh move on all right uh but yeah um so tears of the Kingdom speed runes are going to be pretty cool I'm really excited to see what the community comes up chat also love the speed running Strat also nice Elden ring woo hell yeah dude I love Elden ring so much is one of my favorite games of all time uh the story of it the lore of it the World building the game game play was phenomenal heard they're making a Zelda to movie I don't I I didn't hear that I don't know what you heard let me try that that was a little bit earlier okay perfect okay and then I want to uh go out and then just run Perfect all right cool so let's um what we need to do for here right is there there are like some methods of like moving if I'm correct let me save here so we don't have to do that again um there are some like quick methods of moving where it's like you run and then it's like it's like um Crouch BRB or something it's like it's weird cuz they patched out whistle sprinting right you can't whistle Sprint um but it's like it's strange cuz you have to do it at like 84 beats per minute and then like it's just like yeah it's called Crouch running it's like where you run you crouch RB it's it's a lot um so I'm not going to it's not worth my time right now of like cuz I haven't even completed a speedrun so we're just going to skip it over and just like keep going you know um the other thing too is like you have to get the purad because otherwise like the game doesn't let you continue you know it's just like you just have to do the purad it's like similar to like trying to exit the great Plateau at the beginning of the game like it just makes you do it hey Crow I really love your content thanks for staying true to yourself I really respect you for that not many people do anymore thank you for the what $100 thank you that's so incredibly kind of you um you don't have to do that like this just damn thank you um uh yeah I just like I don't know um I maybe wear my heart on my sleeve a little bit too much uh for um like streaming and everything um I'm very passionate about what I do um and um I am glad that you think that you know I I don't know it's also this it it's double-edged sword right you know one thing you get like my real thoughts some things my real emotions on everything but the other end it's like I also am a person that doesn't take so if I see it I'll call it out and um I might be a little rude with it and mean with it and I also like have flaws of my own because I'm just a guy you know so if I can like own up to my own flaws then you know I can have like an actual real dialogue with you guys okay so for here I think we just go along here I need to make sure I actually I don't know if we do this I think we just fall down yeah yeah he's just a little guy no I'm just a guy though like when you really think about it right I'm literally just a guy who lives in Los Angeles who is talking to his computer for several hours a day you know all right I think yeah so for this um I think I do something different ring BTW do you have the lighting Helm in to trying to keep it as spoiler-free as possible sorry if this is a spoiler right made it as Vega as possible I actually also love your content okay so let me go so if I want to do this it's like and then you go like oh shoot yeah okay so there's there's like a weird like um jump attack here that you can do um to like get to that water you know so I want to like practice this like a little bit you know it's like you have to like um uh you have to do like it's like um RB oh it's RB y b r y it's like a weird button combo it's like it's like rby y RB y you it's it's it's strange that you like it's like you jump attack like across there you know to get around like I know we can cross uh the bridge and everything but normally you want you don't want to do that on a speed cuz it's slow some guy who watches videos thanks for the channel membership by the way I appreciate that a lot thank you guys right so we basically like we won't normally have this bridge like completed um like right here so what I want to do is I want to infinite jump attack like to here don't worry Crow We Are The Crow Nation we will all support you and love your content no worries so it's rby y r rby y and rby something like that yeah but it's like I got I think I got to do it faster penetrating oh God I get it like penetrating the YouTube chat doesn't get that reference that it's just weird YouTube chat doesn't understand that reference it's that's from a twitch stream from whatever pretty sure they do it backwards sake what I mean oh damn it I didn't get that right let me do it [Music] again super not Cesar in into the White House fat hell uh that's weird okay all right here we go uh de's the kingdom um uh all right so rby y rby y rby y then rby rby rby let me try it again all right here we go I need to try it again um CU I need to like oh you know what I'm not doing I'm not doing the very uh beginning which is like I want to start like this like and then and then you get more Mo like ra you get more momentum with like a back flip like you faster so then I need to be like right here um and then go backwards and then it's like it's like here and then rby y yeah yeah there we go cool okay so we want to do that and then we want to get a uh hot footed frog hot footed frog are for like later because we get um uh because we get speed food from it but that's how you do it that's how you do it okay so you backwards you you back strafe back flip into an rby and then you um and then you like backwards jump attack yeah that's how you do it or Lings is faster yes you're correct but it's also really hard to do so that's why I'm not doing early wings uh like for for the routes and stuff like you got to realize when you learn speedruns you want to do the early strats you want to do like the the easier earlier strats so then you can like um sort of get the hang of it and then you can learn harder things to slow you know um okay um sometimes uh uh and you got to be that for practice you know ah I messed it up let me try it again um yeah so you want to you want to like um keep practicing the same things over and over and over again so then you can like you know get better at it so okay uh let me do here all right so I want to yeah so backflip so it's uh so it's backflip and then our uh damn it okay see this is why we need practice right just CU you get it once right doesn't mean you're going to get it like a ton of times yo Chris wolf thanks for the 10 gifted memberships thank you so much for that I appreciate it thank you uh thank you so much for that all right let me let me uh try this one more time all right so well actually a couple more times so uh backflip and then rby y okay a dang it okay let me try again yeah um damn uh it's just like it's literally all about practice right that's practice makes perfect um and that's how you get good at this um um so if you're not willing to put the um um work in then you're probably not going to be oh I lost my momentum um you're probably not going to be good at this are you aiming at the lily pad or just the water we're aiming at the hot footed frog um in the in the pond because we want to get at least one hot footed frog because then we can dup it and get more uh for later but specifically what we want to do is like um um we want to to get there cuz we won't have we won't have this um uh Bridge here and so it's just faster to like line up here rather than watch the cut scene and do a back um like a back flip sort of jump attack right so you backflip and then our B uh you see damn like we want to backflip and then start like a backwards jump attack you can dup oh you can do so many things this game's broken just wait till you hear about zgl it's crazy like zgl is like like actually kind of insane um it allows link to like stack like hold multiple items at once which does all of the um damage of the items he holds in a single swing it's crazy okay High Point Crow BTW which dungeon is your favorite um my favorite um dungeon I think to complete the easiest dungeon was the water temple for sure the hardest one was the fire temple but I think the my favorite one was the wind like it was like great you know yo like it was really fun to like complete and do okay your Super Goat was good I'm glad you liked it and then b y ah dang it I have to keep moving forward where are you and YouTube so for the past six months I've been streaming on YouTube every Wednesday um I have take a shot for every time someone makes a family of four jokes so far no one really has except for you so um yeah okay so like yeah so you can see all the past live streams I've done on YouTube for the past uh seven months right here in case you want to see them you can also see all the unedited footage of the uh my first TI of the Kingdom playthrough right here all seven of these streams pretty cool right right um yeah uh all right here we go uh so let me uh backflip and then Y and then RB Y and then RB y rby y why can't I get far um maybe I'm not going carrying the momentum you know how to speedrun totk in one easy step use the rewind ability on the timer as you beat the game yeah just recall the timer right just just just rewind like easy you know what that's a why hasn't anyone done that that run up to the wind Temple is phenomenal yeah the wind Temple's a lot of fun yeah so we want to get like you see the frogs like right like right over there like those frogs that's what we want to get to um that's what I'm trying to practice here some reason I haven't looked at your Twitch yeah I stream the majority of the time on Twitch like Sunday through Thursday 1 p.m. and Fridays recently um at 1 pm. are on Twitch I just stream on Wednesdays on YouTube to talk to you guys because I don't really get to talk to my YouTube audience that often so hello um I need to get that better the lightning Temple is hell not really uh the lightning Temple was pretty easy uh and for from what I uh did maybe my brain works better with the lightning Temple than that of the fire temple uh we could just have different brains like that um I really liked it um I maybe was um used to like uh like light puzzles with like Twilight Princess you know that that's probably what it is you know I love Crow while eating a family of five okay maybe I need to do like why can't I get farther I got really far that one time chat you guys remember when we got that one frog like that was great hey Mr Crow longtime fan first time chatter wait till chat learns about the better Master Sword or as the game calls it item not found uh message not found actually um uh the glitch itself is called Master Sword not found which is really funny okay oh we're so close wa can I even get this frog now no I can't um actually it's not item not found it's it's actually a message not found um actually it's not even called message not found it's called MSG not found um yeah yeah you can glitch the master sword from the intro into the um uh into the game um it's pretty cool so if I do this and then there we go we got it yes yes finally oh I did it right that's what that's what you want to do and actually kid you not that's like ideal that's like the most ideal line you can get oh all right let's do it again let's do it again I got it I got it I got it see once you get a right right you got to you got to repeat it you got to keep doing it so you can do it again the the the thing the change I did there was like I pressed Y and then I I went further with it you know frog champ uh I wonder if I like I do this ZR and then I yeah wonder if this is like a better way anyways um so okay so if I do this and then then I started with Y I need to do like I think there like five jump attacks there to to to like actually succeed I got to figure out exactly what happened there right J exploding dude I like whenever we do something cool and I see like chat just go wild I'm like hell yeah it it makes my brain go bur it's like the dopamine just like hits you know you feel me it's just it's like a lot of fun all right so like this and then Y and then and you can control where you go with it okay okay so so it depends on like depending on where your left joystick is this is the things this is why we have to like do it repeatedly right cuz you figure out things so depending on where my left joystick like is like angled towards that's where we like fall into sort of um what's harder to pull off a family of six or a difficult family of four okay okay so I needed to get one more in there and I think it's because my line for that was like pretty bad you know I think I think that's why um it it like really depends on like the line there and the more I can do that the better it'll be because we need to get those hot footed frogs for later um in order to get from if I recall the uh fuse Shrine to the ultra hand Shrine um we use uh a speed food specifically for that like reason oh that was bad that was bad that's not going let make it unless it might it literally might let's go oh my God he's getting better oh let's go okay okay okay I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it we don't have to have like five as long as we're like lined up properly got the Frog the fog okay let do it again see if I can like manage this so rby rby rby rby rby I can't okay if there's like a certain level in which you press R and it auto Dives for you so I need to like make sure that I don't reach that like that level when I do like the next rby because I'd rather just like like fall down into it you know anyway thanks for all the super chats guys thanks for the memberships thanks for watching thanks for the subscriptions if you guys are liking the stream and watching me uh learn how to speedrun tiar of the Kingdom um feel free to subscribe to the channel you know we're we're nearing um did you not we're nearing 2 million subscribers okay so I can't do another oh I can here and then can I save this if I can't yeah so I can still get the Frog there that's still a success you know okay the more successes we get in in the more different like varying like ways the better what's her favorite armor set in to uh I really like the depths armor yeah depths armor with the Twilight Princess cap I think is like my preferred oh no probably depths armor with like the dendral mask I'd go with that actually you can use the button to jump all and then we want to NAB nice oh my God look at that look at that oh my God dear lordy the frostbite armor I actually love the frost insert family of four the frostbite armor is like super cool like I love what they did with it like the back list like I was like damn dude all right all right let me uh NAB this then go back again so someone earlier was like mentioning about the visce set how it wasn't in the game um but hey you got the frostbite armor so close second you know dude dude I'm nailing this oh I think we got it oh yeah the Ember armor is pretty cool so it'd be like the Ember my favorite is like the Ember helmet like the mask or like you know like the headpiece um plus like the tunic uh the tunic at the depths and then like the The Depths legs those I think my favorite all right if we get this like two more times in a row then um I'm just going to like nail it here um so right oh come on come on get the get the frog frog yes okay that's one all right cool cool cool cool cool so you can still save it it's slower but you can still save it all it's if you get the Frog there with a slow line it's still faster than repeating it again okay let's do one more time so Y and then rby y rby y rby RP y I'm a little far from the frogs here it's right there all right we got it okay cool let's continue all right let's continue on all right so that that's a really I really like that a lot like that's a really cool uh speedrun Strat there we got to remember it um then from here do we get wings no we don't get wings um we walk through here if I remember uh we walk through here here we just kind of beine it and if we can pick up a stick then we need to pick up said stick yeah like over here okay so we want to get this tree branch for later um so yeah and we don't want to fight the constructs so we just like kind of like walk over and like or just like run over so all right oh no no no you know what we can just probably get the stick here that's actually like that's probably some like better like save okay cool let me save here again I'm going to constantly keep saving and saving over again so then we can like repeat like what we're doing I don't know Chad is this like uh entertaining for you guys to figure out like how to speedrun what we're doing here um I just want to like cuz I I feel like it's rare that like speedr Runners will like show you genuinely like well actually it's pretty common um but a lot of the time when I used to do it is like I just go with the speed the Mystic head piece yellow and the chest piece and leg piece orange okay so then what I want to do here um and I need to focus on this is I want to grab the shield from this construct and the way I do it is take my tree branch have him defend throw it um okay no and then that's supposed to I'm supposed to get the shield from him okay hey Crow can I touch the fly bag the what the fly what the is the fly bag do I have to like maybe hit once and then throw okay that worked but it might just be the throw I don't think I hit the shield itself um yeah like I want to make sure I get this this Shield so like that and then throw no okay so that didn't work my kid is confused she wants to fast forward LOL that's funny um okay I think I think it's because I need to throw and hit the shield specifically so I need to do this you have grown a t as a streamer and as a person over the years and it has been awesome to see much love to you and your team ah thank you so much appreciate that a lot thank you thank you thank you um yeah I want to throw the um the tree branch onto the shield and then if it hits the sh to add an armor based off the light dragon like the other Dragon sets but it gives healing like the light dragon Parts I thought yeah I thought life steal for for that was really cool okay so that didn't work specifically I wonder it's because I didn't I hit the head instead of The Shield we need to hit the shield and get rid of The Shield do you prefer to te of the Kingdom or breath of the wild tears of the Kingdom uh I don't know for speedrunning but like for playing the game casually and like the story and everything else definitely like tears of the Kingdom right so like that and that works hey let me try it again I I just need to get this consistent how stressful is it streaming how much effort is it to constantly be thinking of what to say for hours on end or has that gotten easier over time streaming itself isn't too stressful um I've surrounded myself with some like pretty I'll put it like this all right oh here's a here's a small rant um uh streaming itself is like not too stressful um I I just like kind of comes naturally to me um and everything it's like kind of chill um and um and all that I I don't have to like constantly think of like what to say and everything because I got TTS uh I already have stories in the back of my mind that I can always just tell um I talk a lot anyways so it's just like off the top of my head just rambling I can read chat you guys are cool it's like having a bunch of different people talk to about uh and everything um it gets a little Annoying obviously Haven to answer the same questions over and over again but you kind of get like used to it and you try to like do your best with it to like sort of explain in certain like ways um for it um but yeah um for time wise the the amount that like I stream is like about it makes up like 30 40% of the job itself it's like a lot of people don't realize that um it's like I stream and that's like making the content and everything but I also have like meetings I have like full I have to uh answer just a ton of different messages constantly um I have U people that work for me for this uh that you know depend their livelihood on it um I uh I work like 60 80 hour weeks um with like tears the kingdom it ends up being like uh like 100 hours 120 some it's crazy I don't sleep um there's like a bunch of different personal stuff that goes on um where it's like you're now viewed as like um for some reason like some people will now view you as something a little bit more special than the guy that you were before um and it's just like no I'm just a guy who does things you have to constantly keep worrying about like um is somebody talking to me because they like me or is somebody talking to me because they want to um use my numbers uh it's like it's just like it it with you in so many different ways you'll get hate for existing um the amount of death threats I've gotten in my life is like a bajillion times more than before I started streaming people just hate me for being ha like existing people like me um people like me too much where it becomes very parasocial and they want to try to find out like my personal information it's like it's a it's a lot to deal with so whenever like see people are like hey I want to start streaming and I want to like you know do like a uh um uh I want to like stream myself right uh and like make this a career like you you have to really like it right like you have to really really like it um cuz otherwise like you're just you're going to quit in a couple years has to be like right there doing good though yeah no I'm doing fine like I have I have a lot I've like surrounded myself with like a lot of people that I think are like the best people like in the world you know like I love them so much um and they're like there for me and it's like it's you know um uh and uh you know I I there's a whole bunch of other things that like just kind of exist of like safety measures um for it I have uh the best like moderation team that I know of uh to keep chat like sort of like um positive and fun to interact with I mean chat today's been great um because of them um you guys are good I've sort of been like um you know whenever I see some I told you guys already like I just call it out I'm just like not the kind of person that like will just continue onwards and everything it's just a lot is is what I'm trying to say so yes uh streaming itself like being live isn't too stressful for me um it might be for some other people but overall like just in the industry itself it's extremely stressful and you just have to like find um like interact with and like you know and that like um that like like you know just things that like work for you um for all of it so like you can you can have it it's just like it's I'm giving the reason why I'm talking about this is to like give like sorts of heads up you know of like by the way this is like things that people have to deal with that you may not realize um like and um and it's just like uh a you know uh it's like you you can obviously like deal with it and like have live a happy life with it all and everything um it's just like FYI it's like a little bit there's a cliff that you have to climb first to get to there you know was that it was maybe a little too much of a ramp but um yeah what I want to like really uh reiterate is like you want to like like I I'm doing well because of all the these safety measures precautions and all the things that I've dealt with in the past right um um but like it's not it wasn't always that way like a year ago I was a mess my favorite is frostbite legs and torso painted pink and the fashion hat from Hao made him a F booy this makes him a drag queen I love that okay so we're going to continue back over here we're going to do something that we're probably going to practice for a while it's called the Red Bull jump have you ever been recognized in public a couple times yeah um but all of it's been like really good inter I haven't had a bad interaction with you guys um so we great like hell yeah um just it's yeah so um fact you can still do shield resets in to yep um so pretty cool go into detail I mean there's not much detail um it's just like I've just had people occasionally just be like oh are you are you point Crow it's always starts with like a like are I just want to make sure you know and uh I'm like yeah I am and they're like oh hey you know um uh can I take a picture or like like hey I I hope you're having a good day um that's really it and then uh we just do that and then we just go about and um like what's your favorite video like oh I like this you know it's always just really nice you guys are pretty cool uh so pretty respectful okay so this is called the the Red Bull jump um the reason why is because later in the in the in the route um later in the route uh we we get um these things these are these are wings um the reason why it's called the Red Bull jump is because it gives you wings that's that I didn't coin this phrase this was a speedrunning community thing so the the way you do it is you have to like like in order cuz like normally what you would do here is you would use Ascend to get up here um and you can like we we proved this in the no stamina run you can actually like bring a rock like right here stand on the Rock and then like jump slash onto it um but with a speedrun what you do is you run from here and then and then midair midair you turn around and then jump attack so I don't know how to do this so we're going to have to figure it out right so it's like it's something like you run run run and then back oh God you know it's it's it's it's it's very strange it's like you press it's like you run and then press R oh God no you don't use a bow here for it uh we don't even have a bow why not Ascend my brother and bear do we have Ascend um and we needed that we need to we literally need this to get to ascend um so uh let me do this I think I need a cuz I need a jump attack right so it's it's very precise it's it's actually a little difficult here to do so let me do like it's something weird right um so if I want to jump and then midair right so it's like jump and then midair look the other way that's what we need to practice first okay here we go link harassed his child AKA construct what I don't guys I I I feel like there's like also like yeah I don't I don't I don't know if I like that joke um okay let's continue so I want to like it's like wow thank you for sharing that I'm glad you enjoy streaming so much you make a wonderful impact on the people around you thank you thank you thank you so much I appreciate that I try to keep it positive here um so I want to like it's like jump and then like like yeah but like I need to turn around for that would you ever do a review video on this game or not your style maybe ranking video of your favorite Zelda where does this one rank uh I've never done like a review video or anything like that it's not my style I don't really like writing videos too much um or or like I don't really do ranking videos maybe like a stream for sure but yeah considering the sequel to the game that started at all for you is out now do you still get collector's anxiety and huge open world RPG G's there's you can get oh the problem chat oh dude the problem is like I want to make that video so badly for tears of the Kingdom but like but like the issue is that you can get every item you can't miss any item in the game you're the one streamer I actually follow thanks for creating amazing content thanks for enjo to support you this thanks for enjoying so I want to do like it's like X and then no I don't I don't want a shield jump Shield jumping is not what we do here um it's like I have to turn around like mid mid jump you know what's happening we're trying to do a uh Red Bull jump here um so it's like a damn I wonder how to do this so weapon throw cancel into a jump slot yeah so so if I do like yeah yeah yeah okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I just need to do the timing so it's like you jump so I'll show you I'll show you guys like this right so you jump here and then you weapon throw and then jump slash like that right uh let me try this sword yeah like that that's like how you do it all right let me reload real quick so hopefully that like makes sense you're by far my favorite streamer love the content thank you all so let me try this uh again I need to like line up properly to do this um so the lineup's like right here I think it's like right here uh and then you uh run ah dang I have to jump a little a little bit earlier I think uh we we need to do this right so this is this is a um Red Bull jump chat where you get wings afterwards that's it's literally the jump to get you wings and normally you can't just jump like you just can't just jump up here doesn't work you just can't do that so uh what you need to do is you need to uh run and then um throw your weapon and then mid throwing your weapon while you're in the air you jump slash backwards and it can work so that's why can you just Shield jump there no you can't so here for everyone saying you can Shield jump you can't right um so here we go have people tried that no this yeah this is this is a speedrun route everything is possible we just need to practice it right that's why so if we do like I need to be faster too it's like it's like a really like precise like jump that's why so I know it looks like you can you just can't it's like unfortunate so um so the way that like we do it is the correct way I just need practice doing it correctly you know so it's like jump so it's like um uh jump maybe maybe it's too soon maybe I'm doing it too soon those rout you're doing include zoggles yes so it's like wait do I even have to like do you support the idea of recreating older zelder games with the new open world format I don't actually have to go up um I don't know I don't think so actually I think they're like fine games in the way they are I don't know why you would recreate them um I mean if it's like a fan project then I guess sure but I don't think Nintendo you need to jump in the mild of that patch of flowers yeah yeah yeah I'm I have to do it like a little bit earlier um okay so if I go right here um so it's like ah oh that was so close you saw that that was so close I know I'm crazy right also uh chat thank you so much for subscribing uh seriously uh I'm glad you guys are en jooy the streams uh thanks for being here appreciate it uh and if you aren't subscribed uh feel free to uh it's free literally and you can always change your mind later if you want to there's no like um other stuff you know it's just yeah um here we go so let me do oh what did I do wrong there uh it was like ZL something like that oh that's funny I got an update um on the uh twitch sponsorship stuff yeah vers thing I I saw you in chat yeah um we released a new brand and content ability bad for you bad for twitch and we're removing them immediately um uh okay uh just to fill you guys in real quick on that um twitch released a new uh policy guidelines saying like Hey we're going to um overly dictate how you can make sponsorships which would break everyone's contracts that they currently have with the sponsors it made it means it it basically meant that streamers would be earning 50% your streams really make my afternoons great after I get off of work thank you what was your favorite boss of the game I did like mine is the wi Temple boss I like the I I do like um The Demon King though it's really satisfying um basically um um basically uh they were like it would remove 50% of like all like streamers like income and um uh it was just like really bad for like all creators and so they basically just like literally walked it back 24 hours later um because we were like the are you doing like why we like we're going to like move you know um anyways so like this is like can you walk back 730s too you know cuz like they're they're kind of doing that you know for do I do the 730s oh dude I don't know you got to you got to give them like like you know like you can't just be like uh all right cool now uh still you but give us the 730s it has to be like hey thank you for listening to us we would also really like that you know got to be a little passive with it uh n not be mean I was already mean on them uh literally yesterday so all right sorry anyways small side I'm I'm very very passionate you know uh about like the Creator economy and so like having something like this um impact is not great um can you explain what 730s are oh do you guys not not do you guys not know what 730s are is that like I thought that was like a a common thing no okay um wow wow uh okay let me just like quick inform you while I'm practicing this uh so take notes chat oh I got it oh then I didn't get it damn it sorry I I that was close though that was the closest we've gotten um okay so 7030 so basically uh right now as it stands if you are an affiliate on Twitch or a partner on Twitch basically if you were basically a streamer on Twitch um because pretty much anyone with a pulse can get affiliate um like basically when somebody subscribes to you right it's the same thing as the channel membership on YouTube when somebody subscribes to you on Twitch the streamer gets 50% of that $5 and twitch gets the other 50% of that $5 also known as a 50/50 split right so if you pay $5 for a subscription on Twitch half of it goes to the streamer half of it goes to Twitch um which is like okay um uh which runs the website right they make the platform and everything it's it's only fair uh that you can do that right um but then like um uh YouTube came along uh and YouTube was like uh actually we're going to pay our creators uh 7030 so of that $5 um we're going to do 7030 so so the Creator gets 70% um then the um the create then then TW YouTube gets uh 30% so if you do a channel membership I get 70% of that right uh um and uh I think there's there's a bunch of other platforms that like kind of took that on and they're like you know what 50/50 is a little bit too much uh to like give the platform we're going to all do like 7030 so basically any streaming platform around um it does 7030 uh or more that's just like how it works right um it's just 7030 and everything so twitch is the the odd man out here and twitch is doing 50-50s now if you are a um very big streamer on Twitch um or just like pretty pretty decent streamer on Twitch you know um then you get a 7030 it's a special contract they call it the premium contract where you get a 7030 on Twitch right um and so recently uh twitch was like okay we only have like a couple hundred of these 730s spoiler alert I have one of them um we only have a couple hundred of these but but you know what come June 2023 we're going to sort of like remove those 730s I know like they you know it's just like we're just going to make it universally 50/50s and um no one liked that um because number one um one of the reasons why a lot of people were like I want to be a bigger streamer so I can get a bigger split so I can get pay more so I can make better uh better um better content for my viewers and stuff right um so there's that right and then um another thing was like the bigger streamers uh bring in a lot viewers into twitch and so we're like no we like the 730s you know because we can make good content with the 730s um and so basically at the end of the day uh twitch is removing the 730s and everyone's very mad about it um and they're like not only are we removing the people that currently have 730s but anybody who wants it you cannot have it at all link should have deflected Gloom so he de passed out Ganondorf is old and dead for two septian years oh I almost got it oh I almost got it there I almost got it um yeah so anyways that's the the whole 7030 stuff does that make sense chat I tried to explain as much do you watch hell of a boss I don't um it's also the reason why this is so important it's like you might be like oh rich man complains about not making enough money first off I spend so much money on my streams you don't even know Chad it is hundreds of thousands of dollars um I I do not7 I'll address that that's that's a funny Don know um I uh I do not make as much money as you think I do um because I just like to give you guys good content right um but I still make a lot of money right it's fair um but it's also like guys I can I can deal with like a pay cut from twitch or anything else I can deal with that right like I I'm lucky enough to have an audience that watches me and I can get ad revenue and all this stuff and YouTube and all this but I'm like you got to look out for like the smaller folk the streamers that are literally doing it paycheck to paycheck which is the majority of them the majority of people who stream on Twitch and try to do it for a living don't even make minimum wage so a pay cut now takes that bar and lowers it a significant amount in which they in which case we just got a whole bunch of communities that just like go away you know and like this policy is making the big streamers bigger but not because uh but it's like at the expense of smaller streamers so you got to look out for that you know oh that's so close that's so close um anyways also by the way uh super Chats on YouTube I got 100% of so um the $7 joke I got 10 bucks from that so thank you I get 100% of the super chats it's just like Channel memberships I get 70 70% uh and then on Twitch you know Etc so uh it's the same thing for like bits on Twitch and stuff like I get 100% of those oh oh dude dude d d d I'm so close I'm so close so we're trying to make this jump let me like bring back to the stream real quick um oh it's $7 after tax okay you know what that's actually more accurate so that's that's what the the whole 7030 tweets and stuff are you know um so uh yeah so in case you guys are curious right so we're trying to make this jump right here um we're we're trying to make this jump you can't like regular jump like front hop jump slash you can't do that to make it you can't Shield jump either so what you have to do is you uh need to run here and then mid jump throw your weapon so you turn around and then jump slash which then makes uh you able to to get on to here um and we're going to need Wings later for the run because it makes it a lot faster because wings are actually incredibly fast for this for the speed run so uh yeah anyways I hope uh me talking about the the whole streaming thing wasn't too boring for you guys but I just wanted to like you know it's I'm passionate about it and it's something that I like so you know a dang so um it's like something I like to keep you guys informed about because um it directly affects you guys because there is a strong correlation at least like with my channel where it's like the more money I make the more money I can spend on content and then the more entertainment you can get in the future right so it's like we always want you always want to advocate for people making more money rather than the corporations taking it from anybody else like you always want to same thing with like the writer strike you know like out there like we want to pay writers more so you get better content and more shows and entertaining stuff to watch rather than corporations take uh you know sort of uh shortcuts in order to out the writers so then the corporations can more get more money it's very much like that right like they're not going to do much for for you I'm here making stuff for you you know um so oh oh we been I don't know how to get past that I pressed Nintendo switch online I don't know why I did I was panicking okay we're going to be playing uh so are we boycotting twitch no no I don't think a boycott would work in this case um what you need to know what you what you the way you do this right you need to tell twitch what the are you doing pay my Creator more um which clearly works cuz they just walk back to their whole um guideline stuff um and um if you're a Creator and you're listening to this right um I would I would entertain other Revenue sources you know hit them where they their wallet is because I mean I started streaming on YouTube once a week to just try it out turns out pretty good for business all right I'm not going to lie a lot more people watch me on YouTube I get paid out more on YouTube the player for um viewers is a lot better right like like I don't know if you've ever tried to watch a VOD on Twitch sucks um the player on YouTube's great you can just rewind the stream if you want to go back um really cool and um uh you can watch my vods um pretty easily it's just on my YouTube channel the live tab it's pretty pretty simple right um so overall YouTube's kind of great um I like to do it every now and then uh and I'll be honest um uh there have been some people at twitch who have sort of been like hey why is like in in the most like what the way possible out of touch they you know there's been people on Twitch being like why is that streamer streaming more on YouTube I don't understand and I'm like because you're paying me less like come on um you know like so so they they notice right they notice um to to to to say the least ah God I can get this soon I've been close guys Mason thanks for the uh Channel membership thank you yeah the only thing I really want is more moderation in YouTube chat like more moderation options um just because it's very difficult on my mods currently to be able to police chat um they do it fantastically um but it's just like the tools that we have available um are very not so like for example if one of you guys gets like timed out right like if if I don't know let's say you're spamming right and you get timed out because we're like yeah we don't like spamming in in this chat right um and then they ask the mods they're like hey I just want to know why I got timed out like why I can't chat for 10 minutes because I wanted to just do better my mods don't know like we just can't know why it happened so we're just kind of like sorry and it just looks bad on us right um it's not only that that but it's like we have like Auto mod and like we have like uh Bots that try to like covers things um that humans can't and uh they just don't work sometimes so there was chat I I didn't I'll tell you this there was one day it was like it was like a a couple weeks ago where like moderation on YouTube just didn't work the entire stream we don't know why I could not mention it on stream though for the you know you know it was insane so once moderation like is better on YouTube um dude I think it's all over for twitch you know I think it is I feel like twitch is never learning every 3 months literally I think you're right I've tried my best chat I really have oh okay okay I got it I did it I did it yes okay merch and join Eric's Discord hell yeah uh yeah doodle merch is out if you guys want to watch um if you guys want to um check that out um porker. shop you can buy a little plushy that's cool I'm going to Super Chat more often then hell yeah I mean the thing is is like um oh actually there's another TTS message that I'll talk about in a second um um of like hey I want to support creators how do I do it the best I'll talk about it in a second we're going on a rant here but it's kind of fun to talk about so you are saying we should just give you $5 on Super Chat every month instead of a membership no I'm not saying that um the reason being is like if you give me five bucks then what do you get from that like obviously like you fund you know some shows and stuff right um like you fund some shows Etc but um when you get a channel membership you get emotes that you can use like in chat and stuff um on Twitch if you subscribe then you get ad free viewing I don't run mid rolles yet at least on on YouTube um so you know there's that um and then also like you get a little badge by your name saying hey you know I'm uh I'm Channel member um at pointcrow and you get little stuff like that right um you get you get like for a membership or a subscription on Twitch in a membership on YouTube um you get benefits for it so I'm not saying pay me five bucks for month it's like no you can do whatever you want you don't even have to do that it's free the content's free like I don't have any paid for Content so um you can just like watch and enjoy and have fun you know oh I oh I almost did it again so have you thought about using truffle for YouTube streams crazy you mentioned crazy you mentioned that I have truffle and you should use it uh it doesn't help moderation though truffle doesn't like help moderation too much uh okay so the reason why that's not working is because I didn't do my jump l or jump R right here you know I love eating other people's fingernails I'm so proud of you okay so I can't so I got it there again I I'm getting it I'm getting it all of this practice is helped even like taking a small break with talking Mason by the way thanks for the channel membership um it's like I can't jump once I'm on the stairs hope my money makes for some good content soon right so up like that and then once I'm on the stairs I can't I I like I have to press down on the the the joystick all YouTube needs is better moderation support support and the ability to interact with a stream such as overlays and the cherry on top widgets uh yeah yeah I think you're right but moderation is the the main one I've been trying to talk to YouTube about that yeah so I just pressed down on the dad YouTube Discovery is better found you couple few ago release by searching for bot speed runs and I'm now a regular viewer probably wouldn't have found you on Twitch TBH here's $7 thanks for the $10 that is technically seven so um but like because of I just want you to have fun and thank you so much U I'm glad you guys are enjoying wow that was a good one oh my God chat I'm doing this so fast what the this is actually great everything at twitch is so automated that I'm not convinced there are actual humans working there twitch support is an absolute joke uh yeah I think you're right I mean they cut a lot of their staff oh face cam my face Cam's blacked out no consider chat it's not because my camera overloaded okay consider that it's not my camera that has overloaded and it is um dying because of the heat in this room consider that I just wanted to spend this opportunity to re face reveal right you know um I just wanted to do a face reveal for you guys cuz I never got to I just was like always live so um guys I mean like if you subscribe right now this is a stupid bit if you subscribe right now I will finally reveal my face I know crazy face reveal um Chad I do have to go to the bathroom so you know what if if we oh God I'm going I I swear to God um wait can I do something funny here I think I can I think I have an opportunity for like something great um I'm going to regret this too I'm totally going to regret this um but chat if we get to 177 um th700 thou if we if we get this to to to 1 like 1777 then I'll reveal my face whoa oh I know it's crazy it's actually crazy if I do if if if we do that all right then I will reveal my face um I'm going to be back in like two minutes I'm going to the bathroom okay I know it's crazy it's a face reveal for yo I'm back yo oh okay I guess you guys just don't want a face reveal all right sick hey that's on you guys that's literally on you that sucks dude all right that's cool you know you just don't get this content all right here we go let's do this jump um R in the back Ah that's let me try again all right I'll turn TDS back on too uh okay we'll all right so so it's it's run back and then when we hit the flowers we we jump press R and then y so it's jump r y ah but I wasn't lined up properly let's see why you resetting sometimes but Eric are you sure you want to do that I know you have been self-conscious about your looks since the fourth grade hey you know what I know you joke but that's like kind of real yo that's I you got that like right like on the dude do you know me Jesus ah there we go uh all right let me uh keep going um oh I made it I made it a but I didn't do it I need to get it like consistently I think why isn't Eric showing his face oh I well I I gave the option for chat to do a face reveal right I was like okay we reach this amount of Subs if we all sub right now uned for face R I'll do like I'll do a face reveal right whoa crazy and then chat unsubed right so then I was like all right guess I guess we're I guess we're staying like this right I was like cool cool you know we'll just we'll just uh we'll do this we thought we'd be funny uh you know what and now you now you now you have the consequences of your actions right now you have to live with the consequences of your actions here I could have done a face reveal I could have I could have but look what you've done look what you've done chat yeah so you see Master sword's running low energy so I got to reload just to to make sure because we have to use the the master sword later again you know your Quantum quences a faceless streamer can we have a vtuber model um um hey guys it's me it's me Point gr I I did the jump look is that great that close enough right him him hey you know thanks for subscribing guys appreciate it it gave me enough confidence to I know you don't face cam but what is that black box in the bottom left no you can't act like I've never streamed without a face cam anymore like you like I what do you mean it's like oh he's never he's never stream what do you what do you mean oh my God I got three times in a row holy I might have nailed this somehow I might have actually nailed this like legitimately unironically holy hey if you have the hey if you're a channel member put a put a doodle emote in chat let me try it again but I think I got it this time all right here we go you're such a good YouTuber I was never here D oh my God oh my God four time Chad I think we got it I think we we we might be able to move on actually I'm not even going like this was crazy holy what the what's your PB I don't have a PB yet cuz we're still learning how to do the speedrun you know okay chat if you subscribe right now okay if you subscribe right now okay I will do a face reveal I'll take away my YouTuber model and then do a face reveal I'll do it just for you guys it's our favorite streamer Point doodle practicing for a speedrun you know it no way I know you guys been wanting for a while um and uh I I just might do it I might you know what I might just do it it's been a while it's been a while it's been about four years of streaming and I think I think it's time watching Ice Melt while murder ing a family of foo foo oh is that what the Foo Fighters are that makes sense oh that makes sense oh that's cool it's cool it's cool oh my God I I am so good at this all right guys Manny thanks for the channel membership Ryan thanks for the channel membership Mazy thanks for the channel membership okay guys based on only his voice I think he is 5T I'm going to do a face reveal B I've done on stream this so dumb whoa he's the guy from the profile picture that's crazy whoa I never knew oh God this is so stupid all right watch this guys guys I'm going to get this first try if I get this right now we're going to move on okay all right bro I got it five times in a row are you kidding are you serious if she needs a break her sister you shall take okay okay we got this this is it this is our time nice woo let's go all right I'm going to save it p c dream collab I've met dream like four or five times now he's hot um wait I need to reload this um I doubt he remembers me same thing with snap snap snap snap snapnap in George I guess my precious little boy what is that oh my God what is that okay so then for the speedrun itself here we want to go right right here open this and then we want to duplicate our wings right so the duplicate our wings we just do 1 2 3 nice wait nice we have six now and uh I need this right go back to not showing face please now we have 12 cool yeah isn't that crazy is that the first time I've shown this on YouTube I think I might have I think it's no no no I showed it on the last like video I think that s an interesting time to click on the live stream I'm glad you enjoy I'm glad you enjoyed yeah so let me show you guys let me show you so so if we get the wings and the speedrun like this right so we got three [Music] wings um and so we get it right but that's not enough for the speedrun so what we want to do is um we just take out three of them like we're up next to a wall and then we press Y and B and then now we have six hi hello that's it just you you hold them Y and B now you we have 12 uh we do it again and Y and B and now we have 22 it's called a Zone I sort duplication thought I thought that was patched um I am am on I don't want to close this I'm on version 1.1.0 um okay so then what we do here um is I think we just like go around and off yeah we don't take damage here uh and then okay and then we go then we run over this way this is this is the next like part of the speed run that we have to learn CU we run this way I don't really care look like that guy who murdered a family of four just continue oh I didn't you know what I didn't do I didn't dup my hot footed frogs so let me do that really quick too I forgot about that shoot I forgot about that um we need to do that like the moment we get um like our wings that's what we need to do here right so so let me so so the way to you do that is you Shield Surf and then while you're Shield surfing you like hold the Frog and then press Y and B uh and then oh shoot I missed it okay well we still have a frog cuz I duped it so you Shield surf you hold y uh and then ah get the Frog here we go did that not wait that might have not actually DED it yeah okay let me try this again so we need to dup the frogs um enough so that we have um I think we dup it three times hi then we have the uh um speed food and then we dup the gliders three times cuz we need more than three so so that's why we need like dupe and everything so let me do this real quick let me um jump and then hold YB so that gives me another frog and then jump and then YB what was the first Zer you ever played that might be enough but let me do it one more time um and then we do one uh Phantom Hourglass well I watched my cousin play Majora's Mask but Phantom Hourglass was the first one I did all right so that's probably enough right so we need like five or six or whatever right so that's like good and then we take the wings here uh but you know what no no I failed I think one of those and I want to get my durability on my shield enough so we need to do that again so yeah my first one my first Zelda game was Phantom Hourglass that I played and owned the first one I played was like Majora's Mask Phantom Hourglass great game by the way actually great game so all right let's do this again jump and then hold YB pick up the Frog get the Frog there it is okay cool I need to get better at that and then do the same thing we need to get I think at like four total uh and then do it one more time um so perfect okay so now that we have that um we have the ideal amount of durability on our Shield so we can continue on and then we're going to get the wings probably like right here so that I can dupe them and then get more than three Wings right so we have the three wings and then we take out three of them press uh y to sword now we have six why y be to sword again now we have 12 I think 12 is enough but we can always dup later and TTS jokes Ty I'm drinking okay cool all right so now we continue this a good stream I'm glad you're enjoying uh I'm I'm very much glad you're enjoying only been an hour it's actually been about an hour and a half right about now um but I am specifically like like what what we're doing here is I am sort of practicing routing and learning the like the the great Sky Island um as of right now uh just because it is something that um I want to do can we go back to no face cam so mean uh okay so we want to go over this way um and not run out of stamina and I want to grab like ah damn it I did it wrong I want to grab these three spicy peppers you know I'm surprised that you figured this out I I didn't um you should not give any credit for any of these glitches that or route that you see here to me I I want to make it very clear because apparently it hasn't been in the past um for some reason um I did not come up with any of this I am following a route let me save here um like whatsoever you know okay uh and then uh okay oh and then I have to get the energ from UK congrats for streamer award oh thank you so much uh yeah that was like about three three months ago it was crazy that we won best speedrun streamer for uh stream rewards that was kind of crazy you know okay let me uh save here so you lied to us no I I they show me a clip where I said that I discovered all of this I dare you that does I've never done that all right so we do this and we go across okay now the platform here is a little weird we want to get to ascend um and all now I can do that jump across you retain momentum good evening Point Crow have you ever struggled with anxiety I would really appreciate any tips you have as a successful guy thank you in advance uh while I appreciate that I don't think I am the person you should talk to for something like that you should probably get a therapist um let's see let's go around oh I think we go up this way um there's a specific spot I want to like get to here is it up here shoot um yeah and then over this way and around there's like a spot that I want to get to for Ascend I don't know if it's the correct one um um but I want to make sure it's like yeah I can always go back what's the wings used for you'll see them later um but like we'll need them for later um yes so let we go here and I want to get up to ascend but it's the I think it's over here I want to go this way I think yeah let me go this way and then up and around yes it is right here okay okay okay so I want to save here and then and then this is like a weird jump that I have to make uh cuz we're trying to make our way to a end this is like all platforming so I need to go like around here and then like jump across and not really take any coal damage yeah it's like that let me try that again that might be a little bit tricky when I'm doing it uh like with speed uh I it's like it's it's it's routing right now that I'm like trying to do and then um we have to like climb up particularly in like a certain way with like proper stamina in order to make it to ascend you know do a shield there that's not part of the route we need the shield for later that's why so we're not we're not doing a shield jump there um Shield durability is like routed pretty tightly here if I recall so okay and thanks for the subscriptions appreciate that guys thank you okay uh up and around so so uh right here and then oh okay that works that works that works well sort of never mind okay if I do that like better then I can do that you know like if I if I like can jump around we'll be like fine with it okay um and reason why we're doing this cuz we got to practice so go over here jump and as long as I don't stay in it too long we're fine and good to go all right 1.1.2 runs are quite different yeah but we're running this on 1.1.0 so I don't have to really worry about that I might go grab a 1.1 uh I might grab a 1.0 copy of the game um later so then I can like do those speedruns but we'll see um everything's being routed like constantly every day world records are being broken as well so it's like there's no need to like be really good at speedrunning right now I just want to like sort of like get into the Rhythm sort of practice kind of learn what's going on right now so then later U I'll be kind of like more up to date so yeah I want to practice this jump a little bit because it seems like I it would trip me up a little bit here and I don't want to like have clown in the bottom corner here we go go um and we're good right let's try this again that's why we're reloading are anticipating a big split in the leaderboards between 1 1.2 and earlier there already is I know tears is new and going to be the focus for now but do you see yourself going back to bot for challenges or speeduns in the future yeah I can see it um not for a hot second um there's definitely ideas I have for it that I haven't you know finished yet I want to do in the future um I just haven't like done that you know because I'm focusing on tar of K like you said yeah so I'm not done with breath of the wild and I probably won't be um it's just another game that I can have in my Arsenal right so I can do that pretty well uh that worked that worked I it might be like a greater amount of um Le way than I first thought I had so it's not like as um tight of a jump to switch speedrun breath well and tears of the Kingdom at the same time it's actually a really fun idea um tears of the kingdom speedruns are around like 50 I think the world record is 55 minutes right now um for breath of the wild the world record is 23 minutes so um it's a little different you can probably do uh uh you know probably could do two breath wild speed runs and the time it takes to do one TI of the Kingdom one um but also keep in mind that tears of the Kingdom has only been out for uh you know a couple couple weeks now you know so okay let me do it one more time um just CU get in the rhythm of it but I think that I I'm we have so much more leeway on that jump than I initially thought so were good yeah this is the end like I'm practicing for any% right now uh which is any percentage of um completion of the game also just known as like how fast can you beat the game okay so now that we're here I'm going to save and then we have to we have a very precise platforming sort of jump here so I need to do this and then jump one two three and then wait to last sliver and then jump up ah and then you so you're supposed to be able to make that that's like that's the platforming of it is like you have a very small sliver of like stamina here you know I've never heard anyone say any percentage in my life it's just a better way of like explaining it to a casual audience of like this is actually what it is um it's like the same thing as like low percent nice okay we got it that is so tough please turn of Face camera I have chorophobia it's the fear of clowns uh please stop chatting um you the um the idiot store called they said that you're you have a meeting today you're kind of late to it nice okay let me do it again pretty much getting this pretty well toxic streamer have I been toxic at all today other than to you guys because of your TTS messages who's the one being toxic now okay uh would it be would it be better if I did like a no a shield jump like that wouldn't work okay two three and then wait till the last sliver right there and then we make it okay one more time then we're good why don't we just like all learn to get along guys why don't we just all become friends why don't we just have the have the uh just just just relax together and and just live in harmony anxiety thing okay let's try this again um hopefully we'll be able to get this okay one two three last SL Del oh that might have been too soon oh we still got it though okay and then we wait here oh wait we wait here and then up this works all right perfect cool and then we get to the Ascend Shrine right uh our first uh our first shrine here dude awesome like actually like oh I ran out of stamina though never mind but um this is really really helpful um all right so so far so good the guten Bach Shrine yeah so that's what today's stream is I don't know if it's like um um I don't know like what about it but I it's a little bit more of a relaxed sort of stream of learning how to do speedruns and stuff um reason why I'm not like totally speedrunning yet is because I haven't learned it and I thought it'd be kind of fun to show you guys what it is if the category is called any percent why can't I just claim the run over at 0% and get world record good good question good question good question I wonder what low percent for this game would look like cuz right now there's no wrong warp glitch so you have to get like all the powers you have to get purad I mean any percent is basically low percent for this game right now you don't have to get the parag glider for we actually don't get the sorry I don't know I have the hiccups Daddy YouTube papa Point Crow is abusing his audience I don't like that joke [Music] I um so yeah I don't like I don't know why I just got the hiccups there but um let me save here too um yeah there's no there's no like uh wrong warps or anything so low percent TI is like the same thing as like breath of the wild you know all right let me go so we run here let we go up all right so we just do that basically um and then we can go over here so the ascent Shrine seems pretty good shrines in dedication to a family of full okay we do this and then we go around all right I I just want to I want to practice this Shrine just a little bit you know oh I did it wrong okay yeah and then I can't make this cycle cuz I wasn't fast enough so I'll go over here okay I really like how you speak out if you think a joke isn't good yeah like I don't know if I'd like jokes about that all right let's reload okay we are learning to love you be patient with us heart yeah all right let's see let's try to do these s Trine like really fast cuz there's actually like a timer this is actually like cycle based like genuinely U because of that like weird like cycle of like that that second like platform going like that in particular so I need to like make sure we can do like Ascend like pretty quickly CU this this is like very reminiscent of like breath of the wild of like the shrines um being very helpful in the speedrun you know we go up here and then um okay are we going to actually make this cycle cuz we're kind of slow that's kind of funny so we can do this we we get up here and then we love your content have a good day thumbs up damnn it thank you so much appreciate that we go uh here I can't press B there cuz it's not faster we just go up uh around here as close to the wall as possible that okay I'm only goofing about the clown business I love your tears of the Kingdom playr L there's a difference between calling me a clown and my AUD like there's there's a there's a quite a big difference you know the idiot s said something about family four that's funny are you learning how to run from a family of four all right so we go this way marker do you like your chat yes I do you do you guys are funny I just don't stream on YouTube too often so I feel like there's not a when do we get beating tears of the Kingdom without touching the ground we almost got a breath of the wild without touching the ground um video but um it actually like destroyed my hands because of moon jumping so it was actually extremely like difficult you know you know that make sense like it was it was difficult because like whenever you moon jump to get stay off the ground you have to jump so you're about jumping like every like a couple times a second so it's like it it like destroyed my hands um so yeah there's so far there's no oh there's no speed there's no like glitches that make it so you can't touch the ground I mean there are like infinite height glitches um but it's not like moon jump that allows you to do that [Music] so there we go do you think you'll ever get the world record run for tears of the Kingdom no I'm not going for world record I've never gone for world record I just go for this is fast this is cool you know it's chill destroy your hand like the calculator yeah yeah that's the thing that like you don't realize too much about speedrunning but it like really like there is like a physical toll to it you have to actually like do stretches cuz otherwise you're just going to cramp up your hands um and kind of destroy them I got um um tendonitis in my thumb does blessing still work no you can assume that all glitches from tears from breath of the wild don't work in tears of the Kingdom they patched like all out can I make this [Music] cycle go okay nice got it all right not too bad instead he broke his hands on a calculator later literally all right we're getting we're doing theen Shrine pretty pretty well pretty fast pretty Speedy people discovered smuggling again yeah there's some weird smuggle glitches out there um but blesses was like it's because of like bcks so maybe uh it's possible I mean we're really like um we're really figuring this out but um like we got to like there's a new glitches like every day that like appear out of this uh game so we're we're seeing it um the Virgin differences um make it very strange to speedrun but you know will we see duping in the speedrun we have already yeah yeah we dup the frogs that we get uh oh weird we dup the frogs we get and then we also dup the uh gliders we get too all right cool we'll we'll continue with the S Shrine I think I got that uh like unlock I don't think I have to practice that anymore but yeah I have to be careful like when I stream because of like the damage I did to my hands it's like permanent damage too like it's not going to go away you know like if I literally like um like I I quite literally like cannot do some tasks um like whenever I like I lift something up it's like uh I still feel it yeah so I know there's like obviously the joke of like oh man just you know injures himself playing video games but it's like no like I was quite literally like doing this for like a solid like three hours you know so kind of [Music] crazy all right so what's actually cool about this too that I um that I know is that you can actually skip this um um cut scene normally um you can you can skip Shrine cut scenes speed R hurts you hands almost as much as Geometry Dash also love your vids and streams bro I haven't played um but uh yeah um you can you can skip that cut scene on the other shrines and it actually like what's what's cool about it is that like you you don't have to wait like you did in breath of the wild cuz in breath of the wild you would have to wait 3 seconds so the game like would load faster but for this one it's like fine you don't have to do that anything okay um so this is where I get a little lost again um of like what I I think what I need to do um is we go over here and then as we're like running here we have to take out our wing and then go like like we run here take out our wing and then jump you know uh Buck Cherry thanks for the channel membership thank you so much for that um right so if I do that how do I release the wing I drop it with x okay so I want to go so we we leave this the shrine and then in order to get to the next um place I go here and then up X drop and then hands hurting but what about those forearm gains what do you mean yeah it's true I guess so um here let me do something really quick chat need to make [Music] sure um I set an alarm for something here and I make sure I do [Music] it carpon would suck yeah having like a permanent sort of um feet picks of crow plushy so weird um yeah the uh um sorry what was I just saying yeah having carpal tunnel U would really suck like any permanent sort of injury like uh I have a friend who has um um like a like tonius and I'm like I don't know how i' like that's how do you like how do you deal with that you know like damn so I'm I'm like literally like it's one of my biggest fears so I'm like very protective you tonight is 2 not fun oh no no um so I'm like very like like keep volume down like you know I have chronic General Pain live laugh love doctor's office not live laugh or loving right now all right so I need to so in order to do this I run I run run run and then I press up and then over here x keep running and then jump okay there's there's a there's definitely a thing that I got to get here but basically we're going to take our wing out like mid run so then we can like go to the fuse Shrine so we're currently practicing speedruns right now guys so sorry if it's not entertaining or anything I'm trying my best um I just thought I would like um show you guys what I'm doing chill um relax just talk to you guys as it is you know the timing might be a little bit difficult um but a lot of people ask how how do I speedrun um and um this is me showing you so yeah it takes it takes a while to like actually like do this so um okay so if I want to I want to do up to the right right no okay so uh up right drop run jump okay but that means okay I need to find out where to do this though so it's like we've discovered already like uh the the red bull jumps um like the weird jump slashes uh for the hot footed frogs um like how to get uh Shields and all this stuff it's like small little like route tricks here is like perfect you know um so it's like oh maybe I have to jump here so I have to jump and take out the wing I kind of did it once you know are you ever going to do anything with Mario Odyssey um ody to see these nuts across your face got them oh take that all right here we go uh I maybe I have to jump so I I I I I jump and then this drop no I wonder why not man you'll never recover from that that sucks all right let me try um maybe that was the dive animation yeah so maybe I have to do like like this and then drop and then go o oo all right let me see how to do this again let me let me let me pull pull it open on this and hey if you're liking the stream uh while I'm looking this up uh if you're liking the stream feel free follow cont made me disabled now I'm in a person person okay um yofu thanks for the uh Channel membership um yeah so we're just practicing over and over and over again on like okay here's what the speedrun uh Strat is here's what we're doing here's what we're chilling with um and all that okay let me um do this okay [Music] so I was watching uh speedrun tutorial sort of here um where do they actually um do this okay um so right here and all right I got the timing right or I got the loation right no I got the location wrong actually okay um um so that that that's something okay so off to the edge and then backflip take out the wing whoa okay I'm actually doing this completely wrong okay so I want to go over here like Shield surf out to here um to like right oh go okay I fell off let's do this again okay streamer fell off I know crazy all right so if I go over here I Shield surf right here press B and then here's what we need to so I need to go like right here and then it's like it's like backflip up take out wing jump slash that's that's how we do it that's that's like it's a weird jump but I think we can all right pause champ chat we can do this fingers crossed so if I jump over here and then open okay so I take this I go back like this and then I um back flip up take out the wing oh so why did that not work I got to figure this out that's like part of like what makes this sort of practice for this right is like um I mean it took me a full week to learn how to do a breath of the wild speedrun you know um it took me a full week um so yeah I don't know what's more difficult but it's like we have to literally just pract I fell off um I just you have to practice it you know like if you want to if you want to speedrun this game if you want to be good at anything in life you know you you you literally just got to you got to practice you got to practice you got to practice you got to practice practice makes perfect um so right here and then press B take this um Shield here and then maybe like uh so backflip and then down here take it out ah yeah that was it that was it and then the moment you take it out you press um you you jump slash so then you can make it onto the the wing okay we're getting it okay we're getting it here we go it's it's getting closer okay okay what in the world are you doing so we're trying to currently um we're we're currently at the Ascend Shrine so let me let me show you exactly what this is so we're all on the same page we're currently the Ascend Shrine and we want to go over to the fuse Shrine which is like right over here right so in order to get to the fuse Shrine U we need to use a glider and particularly like make sure that this glider can go all the way out to the fuse Shrine it's just fast right after the fuse Shrine then we're going to the ultr hand Shrine right over here and then from Ultra hand we go back to Temple of Time Temple of time we go to recall and back right so that's like the overall thing so we're sort of like practicing and seeing how we can do this glider from the Ascend Shrine to the um from the Ascend Shrine to the fuse Shrine so we backflip here go down a little bit take out the wing and then jump slash onto it oh yes oh my God we got it oh I fell though okay but that's that's like how you do it so pretty cool let's go dude all right fingers crossed all right then up and around okay so we need to go back again all right let me Focus here so so back down here wing jump slash right there okay perfect and then I want to slightly go to the use Shrine okay maybe there's something here but this should be good okay not bad not bad at all okay and so if we just do this I mean we we don't have to like this is you know whatever it is right but like we're good to go I just want to make sure do we want to pick up anything here no I think we just go to the fuse Shrine itself I think there's anything we want to pick up okay so let's reload let's do it again we'll try again um the more we get it the better we'll be off is chat on Twitch or YouTube I'm only streaming on YouTube I'm only allowed to stream on YouTube um I'm only allowed stream on YouTube uh or twitch you can't stream at the same time so I stream on Twitch um Sunday through Thursday at 1 p.m. and then I stream on YouTube on Wednesdays so today's Wednesday so I happen to be streaming on YouTube and I have been for the past seven months a I couldn't take that out I wonder why part what release did you first Sr speedrun is Sr speedrun um this is today oh oh oh after breath of wild not tears of the Kingdom um how long did I well I I started streaming July 13th 2019 which was about like a year and a half after tears breath of wild came out um and then about a year after that I started speed running so in 2020 that was two and a half years after the game is that what you meant like that be UPS did uh stream on both simultaneously other partners have broken that rule yeah but like just because someone murders somebody else doesn't mean it's okay for me to you know like I happen to like my contract on Twitch um as it currently stands and I don't think I want to um do anything that will give twitch an excuse to get rid of that contract you know the the whataboutism is like real yeah it's like it's it's very much like I try my best with it the fact that anyone can stream on YouTube at all as a like twitch partner um is very much a technicality on it's not even a technicality it's literally like twitch tweeted out one day my dissertation and having your streams on in the background is the only thing that kept me sane this past month smile yo congratulations on submitting your dissertation that's huge I hope it goes well I didn't release that damn it it's been like that for almost a year yeah I've been streaming on YouTube uh once once on YouTube um for almost a year if you got a good deal on YouTube would you move over let me put it like this I will take pretty much whatever will allow me to make better content for you guys to watch that is my number one priority it's like how can I how can I make the most badass content you've ever seen in your goddamn life uh why is that happening um maybe it's because I'm not far back enough that's literally like that's my priority I know I just like I just really like streaming stuff you know I really like making stuff happen it's really cool to see your reactions of it like I cannot wait for you guys to see the surgery stream um on the uh 11th so I'm far back all right let me take it early okay so that okay so I'm definitely taking out too early that's what it is you know the what the surgery stream uh I've announced it like 15 times but if you haven't heard of it uh on uh June 11th I will be uh you guys are performing surgery if you if you haven't heard of this like let me let me just like tell you where you probably would have heard of it right um because I I've tried to this as much as possible right so if you go to the community tab you can see surgery stream promo right here surgery stream promo right here 11 days ago if you go on to uh my uh Twitter um just it's all over my Twitter it's just all over you know keep up the good content you improve my days um if if thank you so much appreciate that uh at the beginning of every single live stream for the past two weeks I've talked about it um it's a surgery stream where you guys are performing surgery uh with a uh robotic arm I'm trying my hardest guys it's on twitch.tv/ pointcrow try my hardest to let you guys know about when cool things are happening you just got to you got to meet me in the middle right you got to meet me in the middle you got to follow my Twitter uh you got to you got to check the community tab uh you got to you got to you know watch this you watch the stuffs all right um so let me let me do it late now right so let me do this and like is that late I can't tell okay so I I got it that time which is good I just didn't I wasn't able to back flip okay so let me uh let me try it again so down right here right so it's not I don't think it's me in the back here I think it's literally just like the timing of it so if I go here and then right here oh here and then drop and then why perfect actually perfect okay so I was being too early on it was being too early question is how many patients are we performing surgery on a family of four you have to find out you will have to find out uh show up June 11th 2: p.m. Pacific Time on twitch.tv SL Point Crow pretty cool okay so we do this oh shoot I saved it I saved it I saved it so if I want to do this like with speed and I go back and then up that was too early I think and then drop and then here awesome wow [Music] I I'm getting this dude I'm getting this this is great timing okay like so what we're trying to do here is we're trying to just to reiterate like uh what we're practicing and everything it's like we're trying to get a glider and then Glide all the way to the fuse Shrine over here cuz that's like really fast um to do so if I if I do this go backflip here that wasn't the backflip um but backflip right here and then up drop back flip or back oh that was so good never mind that was actually really awful uh chat Look Away close your eyes forget that existed ignore it we're all good everything's fine all right CH you saw nothing so like this uh uh wait so I want to do uh right here that uh actually I could can I just back flip like this does this matter oh it does for the jump slash doesn't it right yeah oh also for the the the game tries to put the um the I think the game tries to put the wing in front of you of the camera so then if you do it in that way it doesn't work out okay cool the stream's going low bit rate that's because of your internet not because of mine so I've seen a lot of people say lag low bit rate all this stuff um it's because of you guys um and uh your setups um I think you should check that first um I think we're all good um from from here okay and then there we go okay there we go okay so then would this some I think this will probably make it you know yeah okay perfect okay let's try it a couple more times I really want to make sure I get this and then we can move on why don't you just use the parag glider that's a good question and uh you probably could use the paraglider if you had it at this point in the game uh unfortunately we do not have it because we haven't completed the great Sky Islands yet um like uh currently we are uh we we in the safe file we are um just completed the Ascend Shrine so if we go here uh drop jump slash back and in wow look at that damn all right let's do it like one or two more times and then uh I think I've gotten it okay your favorite candy I like Kit Kats personally um that that's uh probably my favorite candy but I'm not really a candy person I don't really uh I don't really eat candy uh I don't really have much of a sweet tooth it's not for me like I don't know why it's just like I I just don't like sweets just don't like appeal to my taste buds for some reason it's just like I just get overwhelmed with it I guess do you bite off the bar break off the pieces well you break it you break off the bar and then you bite it into it you know no kit Cas are trash for your health yeah all Candy's trash for your health it's not good for you Candy's not good for you but if you had to choose you know uh I would choose probably Kit Kat oh the reason why we go over here is because oh I see wait wait wait because there's a um there's a choo choo jelly right here isn't there yeah okay so I actually need to um do my glider a little bit differently here because we need to NAB the GL the Choo Cho jelly reason being we grabbed the cho cho jelly item so we can cook attack uh speed food later that's like the important part here oh God don't fall off there we go nice uh chat are you guys uh for Oreos are you guys more cookies or cream for your Oreos this is important I need to need to pull my audience I need to know if you guys are actually like insane or what we need to aim over here see a lot of creams um the thing is like you have to eat the cream first and then the cookie right like you open up the Oreo you get the cream and then you eat the cookies that's like that's what you [Music] do yeah all right so we want to go specifically like right over here with the glider yeah cuz then if we go right here then the choo choo Jelly's right there oh I think we're supposed to like hit the choo choo jelly with the glider is it uh let me double check here cuz we need that Choo Cho Jelly's jelly specifically let me like double check this oh no we actually get the Jelly later never mind okay so I was doing it right so twitch sucks do you think it is Dean Dean Dean wait what d i e n d done oh shoot wait I actually don't know oh dying oh do you think it's dying uh yeah I mean if if twitch if twitch makes these corporate decisions without Consulting literally anybody if it's a good idea or not yeah they're on their way out I'll go on a Lim and say that if they're this out of touch with what makes their um um if they're this out of touch with like what makes their um company profitable then like you know then yeah I don't think they're they're very surviving or thriving that means you too does it I don't if twitch dies I don't think I die I think we're fine chat I can make content anywhere it's not it's not my not my problem I mean it is my problem but like and it's also all of your problems but like you know I've tried I've done my best I've talked with the exacts at twitch literally I've talked with the current CEO of twitch before I've told them these things they have not listened straight up so how would that be our problem if twitch dies um then it's going to be a little bit more difficult to find good content you know cuz um like you guys are the consumers here anyways I have had meeting meetings with the exec before literally in person happened at twitchcon and I was like Hey like your platform is dying twitch Mobile sucks nobody can watch your vods everyone just uses YouTube instead and they're like yeah that's not really Our concern I was like all [Music] right so ran about twitch no we just like made full circle yeah less competition is always bad chat you want you want competition all right let's do uh the fuse shine fuse tr's a little weird though so I have to like nail this in I think if you die on Twitch you die for real if you yeah Chad if you die on stream you die in real life I placed an order for a doodle plush he's adorable hell yeah I hope you enjoy the doodle Plushies are like super super cool and I'm glad that we've done it you know all right so we want to so for the fuse Shrine oh wait I want to uh can I reload this um I want to be able to run this a couple times yeah okay let me reload this real quick I want to I want to run the shrine just uh to make sure I got it hey Crow I played around with the jump to get the wings that you were doing earlier I noticed it's easier if you angle your camera above link more yeah it does take some time to do though so uh so we do this ah damn all right that's fine we'll just run through it oh I need to swap over $350 what are bits on Twitch I just started using it bits on Twitch are the same thing it's just like it's it's the same thing as money twitch just gets cut all right so I want to pick up like one uh two three doesn't matter and then get arrows and bow uh and then I want to um do this fuse shoot here and then we run up and then we go here and [Music] then we got the small key okay and then uh then we go over this way oh that's so funny um okay and then and then we go through the small key here and then go through I just want to do the fuse shine like one or two more times yeah chest use the sand it was super effective okay all right so far um so good with this um I think I'm nailing this in my only concern is that like my knowledge about the speedrun will be obsolete in a couple couple weeks I think all right cool nice spe Shrine done let's go all right let's do it again uh and uh I think we only need to do it twice because it's pretty straightforward you play pretty much play it like with speed there's no like glitches or anything you need uh like the bomb Shrine and like breath of the wild so we're pretty like good with it so we just need to um like uh take this um and then swap over and then we uh take it over uh fuse oh dang it and then we go here you plan on SL know how to do the message not found bug um like during the speedrun no cuz it's not part of the route um there's there's no need to get it right um that takes like a long time to get it and there's why like why would you um for like in general um I don't know how to do it and um I don't really have a plan to it just doesn't really appeal to me as like a you know glitch that I want to cover it's cool and all but not really for me you know that's so funny that you can just open it like that I love I love that you open the the fuse shun like that you know Chad if you guys don't know the mess's not found um a glitch in Te of the Kingdom it's basically where you can glitch out the uh master sword from the beginning of the game into um anywhere into the C so you can just like use it and it has infinite durability so why not it's not fast for the speedrun if you're ask if you're curious should keep you financially stable for a while because twitch is dead no thanks necessary thanks thanks for the $6.90 also um I'm financially stable uh the reason why I'm complaining is not because I need more money or like I I you know or it's because it'll make or break my living right no it's because I'm trying to like fight for my friends you know some of which uh who struggle to make a living on Twitch and really wanted and have great ideas and really want to change the platform right that's why like I'm I'm pretty well off when you consider streamers like I recognize that it's just that like I have friends that um I would want to see succeed and so I'm um doing this on their behalf and also I really whenever I see like some sort of company being predatory bro you got to call them out you know like you gotta be like bro like what's going on dude like why why you doing this do you need more money like or you know like you're you're money grubbing right now why don't you invest in your platform longterm all right so we want to go over here and then if I'm correct we want to like MK this yeah choo choo jelly grab this so then we can have it for later oh and then chat do you guys want to see something you probably didn't encounter during your normal playr this right here you ever see this uh this area this is a really quick way to get to the ultra hand Shrine this behind the uh you know little little little Cove over here underneath the uh great Sky Islands yeah kind of cool right kind of neat I didn't Discover it um this is actually my first time going through it um but yeah it's just a little uh fun fun area so is it over here there's um there's a location I need to get to I think it's over this way we're right here let me double check the the area I need to be at um for [Music] this so you do frogs here you go underneath um and then let me double check exactly where I'm supposed to be at oh okay wait so I actually want to go out farther here and then Ascend up [Music] here okay so this is this is a little bit farther than I thought it's okay Eric there's no shame in needing help here's some money so you can eat tonight I don't need that money I I am well off thank you very much it's free it's free the CH it's free all right oh right so we want to go over here right and then um grab this okay yeah so this is why we're going over here so then we can get a um um let me do this so we dup The Cho Chu jelly right and then we how many times do we want to do it just once uh and then we do we cook two speed food so over here so one and then we use the frogs Yeah so we need eight frogs okay that's that's what we need to do so we need eight frogs and then um we do that and then we cook it twice okay cool I just want to double check that we do okay and then where do I go from here oh oh oh right right right and then I want to go this way it's h it's so odd um I'm sorry I'm following a route here want to make sure that I know exactly where this is go up and around and then we do that okay so the other thing too is I want to take out a glider um and then put this on our Shield cuz that'll help us for later with fuse because if you if you like Shield jump and stuff with a glider on your back you actually like are taller like you can do it like like like you can Shield jump farther and like higher you know that's like the important part and hey you know I streaming for almost 3 hours uh if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet and you like what you're watching like what you're seeing uh and you want to see more of this uh I don't know if like watching me speedrun uh practice is entertaining or what um it might be you know I if you want to follow along you can but if you like it then uh subscribe it actually really helps me know if you like this kind of content literally just your view lets me know if you like want to see more there's been you know uh points where I'm like okay I'm curious if this will you know if you guys like this if if we want to do more of it if this is entertaining and then I like look towards the amount of subscribers I'm like okay and then I look towards the amount of views I'm like okay interesting like sort of go off of that okay let we get right here is this where I want to do it so we've gone from Ascend to fuse and now we're going from fuse to ultra hand after like cooking some food and stuff and so in order to do that we need to grab a glider and go off to here right um so this is like from us to here so um let's go let me let me see exactly how to do this um so it's I think we just jump like I think this is just like a jump one right um so I do this the poor boy is wasting away here is a f getto MC chicken BTW love your videos thank you inspired me to get to I watch all of your playthrough I I appreciate it um yeah I saw somebody tweet at me the other day that they watched all 60 hours of the playthrough unedited not TTS machine I am an old British man locked in his basement please help me I was once in a family of four a damn it I didn't get this I need to get this timing right I think okay so how do I do typical streamer taken taken take LOL JK in all seriousness I admire your dedication thanks for the good content I want to like aim like right here I think is this it and then run take so so then so if I'm right here then aim like right here okay then I how do I do this I run take out this drop and then jump but I appreciate it thank you so much for enjoying the content I really thank you so I really want to um I really want to do this one little trick it's a movement uh trick where we stand right here and then we're going to we have to aim here and we want to use a glider to get to the other side and then Ascend to grow like go up to the fuse Shrine right um so that's why so we're going to so we take here we aim here I think and then we run take this out and then jump that's like what I think we do like I I have to this is part of the whole practice part of the speedrun um and the learning that we're doing here is like I need to figure this out see what goes right see what goes wrong what sort of thresholds I have um and then practice it over and over again so I can do it more you know uh my family and I there's three of us but they used to be four can't bear watching you suffer any longer here's a little something to help you out of those rags and into some real clothes thank you thank you for the scraping all your videos for the first time while being sick and this is the first live I've been able to catch love what you're doing less than three thank you thank you um I'm glad that you've been enjoying uh there should be some more out soon um uh okay where should we aim here is the important thing um okay so I'm aiming I think slightly wrong so it needs to be like right over here and then then do I just run and so I I run take out so it's it's um it's run take out Wing drop and then jump that's that's how you do it okay something like that all right let's try it again yeah so you just have to do it over and over and over again um I get a lot of people asking about SED runs and how to do them and so I'm just trying to show it so I do can I drop here why can't why is that not dropping uh let me try it again fun fact in Ukraine your sub is $191 oh interesting um really I said I said Subs to five but interesting that's kind of cool maybe it's uh um Ukrainian dollars worth more possible okay um so I'm going to just try to run place that was too too far I think right so that's not going to place okay so then if I do this is that going to why isn't okay so that worked right here very limited by the way I used the dup glitch to get Max battery it took me an hour and a half BTW here is another MC chicken LOL MC chicken uh thank you appreciate it the MC chicken like H it's new DJ out there modation sucks you're doing great thank you I'm glad you're enjoying get the MC chick yeah it's like it's like uh DJ diesel it's it's you know it's going to be my uh after I'm done streaming it's going to be my little side quest that I go on uh so run here drop so why does that not work is it is it because my lineup is bad I need to take out a wing it needs to fall so that's definitely not working right just try to rip it not the firef fruit okay well the firef fruit Works um oh you know what um I need speed food what am I doing I that's why I make the speed food I need to eat the speed food right of course so then I can actually like so then uh the the the degree of which the um Wing can spawn is greater and then also I'm faster so I can actually jump onto the wing because I couldn't before yeah okay so we'll do this so I need to run like that Wing but why won't the wing spawn [Music] let me try again yeah let me try this again I don't know why that's not working what's happening all right so I'll just explain one more time just for everybody so we can all like come together and realize what's going on because I can I can realize that this can be a little bit confusing sometimes of like when I'm doing uh speedruns and all and like what I'm trying to practice so here's the the overall sort of thing right um so what we're trying to do um is we are practicing speedruns okay we're we're trying to um uh learn how to do at least a great great Sky Island any he present like the the beginning of the game the tutorial right and so um so far um we we've done a whole bunch of stuff uh in the great Sky Island uh namely being uh we've gotten the um Ascent Shrine and we've gotten to the uh fuse Shrine and now we're going to the ultr hand Shrine so in order to get from the ultr hand Shrine uh to in order to get from the fuse Shrine to the ultr hand Shrine we've already like sort of like gone about our you know our way like going over here and now that we're here we need to cross this Gap now we can obviously like walk across and that still works but the faster way is using a glider that we got before and taking it from this place and then gliding to the bottom of the ultr hand Shrine um right here so we can just like NAB it real quick and so in order to do that I need to be in this corner and run jump and then like take out a glider here um and have it spawn but the issue is that like it says you can't take that out there and I'm trying to figure out what happens uh and where it does work where it doesn't work and all that stuff uh hopefully that makes sense so you're all caught up uh okay so up Wing did not work so I need to I need to get this um cuz I'm in the corner proper let me try like that that shout out to the raw meat Club yeah I did beat tears of the Kingdom with just my meat recently so that was fun wait if I stand Here does this even work it does okay don't you need to take a speed potion for the momentum of the jum I have a speed potion um it's all link already has it so uh I am uh trying to see uh what exactly how to do this so I'm at the very edge um let me try this again okay so if I'm at so if I go here let me like really try to precisely do this right so like right here and then I'm going to aim I think it's like you want to aim right here let me try to aim all the way to the left all right and then and then what I'm supposed to do is run forward and then drop a not a fir fruit I'm supposed to run forward right here and release a glider like that but why does that not work this is confusing to me okay so let's try it again all the way back [Music] there maybe that's too early H we'll try this out um I'm trying my best chat that's what happens uh with uh you know learning speeds and stuff um it might not be the most entertaining thing but I am trying my best so um yeah so okay so let's try like right in the center here okay maybe a little bit farther oh why doesn't that work maybe I have to jump right afterwards so it's like no so jumping's not working here jumping is not working hm this one's us uh making me struggle Tad so why does maybe it's cuz I have to keep running afterwards it's possible that's like not liking what I'm doing so if I like run like this Wing drop and then hope maybe it's possible so if you got world record that'd be sick I won't go for it it it's not for me you know I'm such a void frog I want to watch the stream from the start oh yeah first time catching anything live by the way I'm glad you uh like the streams yeah so I don't know why that's not happening you know um yeah no I I'm so glad that you can catch this live that's so cool um I'm I'm properly there and then drop and then keep running interesting maybe this is like super tight maybe that's why like let me line it up right here okay that worked oh my God that worked okay okay we can we can we can we can be on that okay okay we can hook on to that we can hook on to that all right so let me try the first part again uh so let's aim right there and then um up drop no it didn't work okay so why did that particularly work I'm me try to just aim right in the middle drop why did why did that work let's try it like that again and then uh jump first no jumping first isn't it right so so watch all right I'm going to jump first um take it out like that's not going to work right it it doesn't that's not that's not how that is um I appreciate the help though but I think um I know how to do it it's just the the execution is like the the issue right so yeah I threw my weapon I threw it yeah uh and then I want to go right drop okay that worked again okay I'm nailing is is you know nailing it in right is just really just dialing it there nice all right so if I just figure out why it's going right then we're good okay and then we can try it again yeah this is this is a pretty precise jump but but it's like fast it's like definitely worth it you know it's fun to watch improvements yeah we're slowly we're slowly getting it um so let's aim again and then the way I did it was I walked so I walked and then oh it's such a weird thing that you do with your control there um like I walked and then uh Unleashed it so walk go Wing then jump like like and then run jump is basically what I want to do so so I think what I do is I I line up in that corner angle myself right walk like one step unle uh like release the glider and then run jump onto it I think that's how I do it right so like right here um and then like ah it's probably not it but you know oh that was it oh my god wow Jesus um that maybe maybe the maybe I'm too far forward okay so let's try this again so like that wing jump we did it oh my God yes that's our first ex dude dude that's our first successful attempt and then that's going to you know do whatever but like still okay we're we're we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there hell yeah all right let's try here so on the side right there uh X that's not going to work I was too far forward what happens if I like just go from here just like rip it that that's what happens okay so I have to like line up for it it's like a it's very like very precise of when you release the glider so you it's like you walk go I wonder if I do like a weird like claw like this to do it that might be it that might actually work like I think it's because I'm trying to like do it with one hand that might be it so if I if I do like so if I do that go right here and then like do that swap drop run then that might be it and then uh we get there and then I need to run and then we're good okay yeah wow we did it let's do it Snips McGee thanks for the channel membership thank you thank you thank you thank you all right that's not bad at all okay so I just need to do it like faster so what I did there like what I changed was like so I normally was doing this right so you have to walk forward oh sorry so you have to walk forward like this and and then press plus right and then and then you swap over like that and then press X right but instead of doing that in that way what I did instead was I did like up right and then swapped over right right so so in so it's like up right swap over and then X if that makes sense so I'm I'm using a weird claw grip for this uh so let's see if that works right so I'm going to do that again yeah and it works [Music] okay yeah okay okay and if I want to grab off then I can just do that okay perfect yeah so the way you do it is you literally go up right that like that so you like slide your controller up it's so odd um that's that's the uh that's the way I can manage to do it so I was doing it too late that's why it wasn't working so if I line myself here and let me try with like with speed okay so ah I messed up that's fine I I didn't run jump it was a walk jump there so yeah speedr running looks easy but it's like actually a little difficult um but it's pretty accessible like all you need to do is practice and we've gotten this far and I've only been like streaming for three three hours you know right so awesome wow that is a lot you know it's it's hard but once you get it it's a lot easier than you think and I can just jump up okay perfect let's do it a couple more times to make sure I got it see that's that's the thing is like with with um speedr running in particular but like also my the way I practice and stuff is like I mean you obviously if you get once you you got to practice it more but like it's like you kind of like Zone in on it like if it works once you're like okay why like why did that work so look at that at that look how look how quick that is now then you can just do that oh I just dived onto the glider which I just used okay that's weird can you show us glitches if you were watching the uh twitch stream yesterday um or you were up to date on when I stream and stuff you'll see at the community tab that um I did a glitch showcase yesterday on Twitch so if you want to keep up to date on what I'm doing for streams then it's right there uh super easy super funky fresh um and I recommend you check it out because then you don't miss out on things okay I want to like be more at the center so let me do this again let me see if I can like properly do it cuz you you want the glider to be like you don't want it to go down you just want to go across okay let's try again oh damn it I didn't spawn it ah can you do more YouTube streams um I will do more YouTube streams if YouTube gives us more moderation tools uh so ask YouTube for that oh that wasn't good that's not going to be good is it it is okay I want to be a little bit behind here that that's not that's why is it like this oh I guess it's because of like how we did this like how I released the the glider so uh Eric are you going below the island you're flying to then ascending yes that's what I'm doing yeah so I'm going I'm we're we're gliding to that island and we're ascending up to um Ultra hand so like that here drop run and then fall off because you didn't spawn the glider what's your goal for Te the kingdom speed running to have fun that might be cheesy or whatever but to have fun I just want to chill I want to Vibe I want to have fun with it and then if I have fun then I'm good so cuz that's what game's for you know it's you're not having fun with it then why you playing stay in the middle why does it keep diving why is dive when I do that maybe I'm jumping too late that's probably why it's 70 US Dollars yep tears linium 70 bucks and that's a steel um reason why I say that is because um uh uh if you consider inflation tears of the kingdom is cheaper than that of breath of the wild that launch uh literally like $70 right now is um less than less buying power than $60 60 years ago when you bought your breath of the wild so quite literally it is a steal Point Crow I just wanted to preface with a thank you for your content you're absolutely amazing and I love watching you I just wanted to know what's your favorite Zone ey device in um my favorite one is the Rockets you know why is the amount of people watching decreasing cuz they're probably not as entertained um of me watch like learning how to speedrun um versus uh me speedr running but doesn't really matter to me because this is what I enjoy doing um we'll do like a full like speedrun sort of stream in maybe like a couple weeks or so but also it's getting later you know people are falling asleep um it's just how it works you know people come go you get if you get lost in the sauce and like oh God then um well I don't know I'd rather appreciate the people are here than the people who uh aren't maybe maybe it's because like I'm I need to be a little bit forward more on the glider that could be it yeah yeah so the glider goes a little bit faster and second can go James Taylor thanks for the five gifted memberships thank you thank you so much that's so kind of you what's the streaming schedule Sunday through Thursday at 1 P p.m. Pacific time Wednesday on YouTube yeah thanks for the channel memberships appreciate that so like that here jump and then I want to get to the sort of the front front middle okay okay perfect okay cool I think we can move on I think we can move on over here I think this is where we go for the Ascend and then we do another Ascend like right here shoot is there like a double Ascend that you do it's like another one right here and then this should spawn us right in front of the ultr hand Shrine Oh weird uh but that's fine that's all right it works all right so Ultra hand oh Ultra hand's a fun fun Shrine from what I've seen to like complete Ultra hand is like a fun Shrine like like you'll see you'll see chat okay see twitch updated the terms of servers to say no one who streams on Twitch can stream other platforms not just Partners anymore no one can anymore uh I think you got a little uh little twisted they can't stream simultaneously you can still stream on other platforms hi just not simultaneously [Music] hello oh but yeah that's that's um okay so the ability create all right so let me let me save here um so the uh Ultra hand Shrine is like kind of funny because if I recall um if you have speed food and a glider on your back you can just like yeah I think you can just jump I'm pretty sure you can literally just like yeah I'm pretty sure you can just jump here here try again yeah yeah you can just jump like a regular jump Shield hop Shield hop will use durability on the shield which I don't want to use cuz we'll use it later um but yeah uh the uh the glider makes you go farther and then also because we have speed up food but this one we do Shield jump cuz it's a little bit farther so for this one you do jump and then Shield jump and then you can make it if you're proper you know oh here nice all right let me try that again what do the wing Shield do it makes you jump higher I think and shield jump higher and that combined with um uh that combined with speed food makes us pretty much be able to do this so let me try this again ah damn okay um faf max thanks for the channel membership thank you nice cool and then what we do oh this is so cool now this now chat this is really cool you want to know how we jump across this Gap you want to know we don't oh it was so close oh but you can see what we were trying to do there right it's so it's so s it's like the most satisfying Shrine for speedr running ah thank you thank you appreciate it all right so you just literally you run here then you jump and then you Shield jump onto the rail yeah you literally shred game on Legends you know yeah like that there you go oh you want to jump and then you want to press y there okay so let me let me do it again I need to practice this like a tad Yeah we actually didn't use ultra handed like at all that's funny I didn't even realize [Music] that ah all right we got it okay perfect okay okay okay let's do it again we got to run um so run run run run no I got to I got to nail that last jump that's the main thing do the great Sky Island blindfolded I'll be doing that next week actually I'm not joking I I uh I did breath of the wild great Plateau blindfolded it took me an hour and a half but I did it blindfolded um so I plan on uh starting to Route um great Sky Island blindfolded uh shout outs to uh Crystal saver by the way uh who showed me the route for um breath wild blindfolded initially and then also recently did a run of it at gdq um yeah so jump and then ah I need to make sure I get that right let's try it again let's run it back wait what yeah yeah have you guys seen that video uh of mine um beating U breath of the Wild's great Plateau blindfolded really cool really [Music] cool that I love blindfold is so cool I know right damn I need to get that better I wonder what's the what's the queue here for this so if I want to go here maybe like right on this Edge so this should work that did work okay yeah okay so I do have to jump like that to get across okay so you time the jump at the end of the rail as well all right we're turning this we're turning this it's going it's going it's this one's like it's satisfying when you complete it but it's a lot of timing like you have to very at the very end like the last moment you have to jump for everything right we are here jump got it happy birthday Eric party POA have dream speedrun tiar of the Kingdom I don't think the I don't think uh the moderators want to do that all that extra work you know I mean like you know hiring statisticians and stuff you know it's kind of crazy uh thank you uh not my birthday but appreciate it yeah I don't think we need uh uh cheaters on the leader boards Okay jump oh there we go all right here we go jump ah I keep messing that up do this again I got it wrong okay let try again again hot take that is a very cold take okay I need to time this right [Music] okay that was too late that was too late if I fall off I was too late I don't care happy birthday Eric appreciate that thank you that donated $500 how do i chat thank you Gus by the way for the 500 Mexican dollars I appreciate that a lot thank you that's the equivalent of I think uh 50 us um bucks so that's very kind of you um uh you guys know that other currencies have different I just want to put that out there it's very kind but it's like you can donate like 500 R you can donate literally like what um 3,000 yen whoa $3,000 happy birthday Eric 30 bucks want to put that out there sorry I looked if you were live on uh twitch oh Goa that's funny hi linkis how's it going what's up what's up gamer uh I am uh doing a little bit of uh I'm just I'm just poking around seeing about some uh speedrun strats for uh any% obviously like the rat's going to change like tomorrow but I'm just kind of curious on it all what's The American's currency that's smaller than a dollar cents you mean that's my son my boy rip Frederick my son my boy W me help a bit or no um I think I got it if you want it you can um but um I think um I think I can manage for now oh come on [Music] no I got this no link l this I got this I I got this no no no no it's no I'm good like no it's it's no I got it I can do it all on my own everything's fine all right I need to be more at an angle for that nice all right let me try one more time run it back make sure I really get this yeah I just kind of get better at uh skateboarding you know how it is [Music] okay I want back if you have questions my DMs are open I learn this part of the run so I can actually help oh hell yeah this part of the run's just like it's satisfying I this too early uh this part of the run is just like satisfying you know um I just wanted to see like great Sky Island like old rout I guess cuz I'm not doing early wings that's disgusting um but it was it's fun it's cool um all right so if I I need to go at a greater angle so like right here that was too great of an angle too fantastic also Adobe Creative Cloud update available for Photoshop oh my God I'm getting scammed let's go I love Creative Cloud said no creative any like ever whoa a subscript ition for a program that I bought give me more guys thanks for the uh Channel membership as well thank you appreciate [Music] that you mean Premiere PR is the best editing software it never crashes I just love it when my Photoshop exports uh images properly and definitely not with orange squares for some reason dear lordy okay dude why could I get this and then now I can't What alternative to whistle sprinting do you use Eric uh the alternative is uh it's called uh it's like Crouch it's like Crouch sprinting or something um here I'll I'll practice this one more time um it's it's called like Crouch sprinting or something it's very odd and I can't do it um it's like slow for me to do it it's not like as easy as whistle sprinting is so all right let's try this again watch this be perfect guys watch this I got [Music] you okay uh get the thing over here [Music] nice hold you that was so close to not being good I was a little I jumped a little bit too at a harsh angle so we'll take it okay cool beans not too bad this actually pretty fast I uh the world record for great Plateau sky island is about I think like um sorry not great PL Sky the great sky island is about 27 minutes are you doing Red Bull route yeah I [Music] am okay and then to do this you just kind of uh go off to the side uh and then you run over here to get to the uh other spot 25 I thought it was 27 okay uh and then we're going around here we go pretty fast let's go right uh there's one last trick I want to do here and it's difficult um I know we can get recall and everything um but there isn't too much to do with recall if I recall like if I recall um so I do want to practice this Sparky thanks for the channel membership for for months and what can you play um I own um a decent amount I own a Guitar ukulele um some percussion stuffs um so I play a lot of percussion stuff um I used to do flute a tad bit um I've played uh piano for 12 years a lot a lot of side quests okay uh great Sky Island uh world record oh wait what's the um oh it's a 20 7 40 wow okay save right so then to do if I'm if I recall this is like yeah you do that and then you jump here ah okay I got to I got get this so this is this is uh just like you just skip having to like use recall here um you just like forward hop and then grab the gears so you go here and then you do that and then you and then you jump on here oh Dam and then like and then like around you know does the game force you to recall at all you have to use it during the recall Shrine yeah okay so jump and then right here and then we want to jump onto here and then onto here and then we're going to go nice yeah okay that's pretty easy and then you actually don't need to watch this cut scene you just press B there you go that's pretty fast that's pretty cool I do like the aesthetic of having the glider on your back too it's kind of cool like having the wings right I think we can do recall Shrine um it's recall Shrine and then um and then how do we get back here we we teleport back with this okay let me double check all right we're almost done with the great Sky Island chat going pretty quick here um hey Creative Cloud has been updated guys let's go okay so then uh we're doing this we're going down uh and we oh here's a fun fact here's here's a really stupid fun fact so you know how like the the map opens like this the fastest way to navigate the map is going back like back back like as as far as possible and then down so you don't have to move as far it's so stupid but like that saves you like 2 seconds of movement you know okay so then here's um uh with this uh you go I think it's to is it this corner no shoot which corner is it that pause CH why are you guys saying Kingdom what's up huh oh it's just random spam oh okay that's annoying okay um right where is this okay so I want to so in order to do this I want to go uh so I need to run across here and then I need to jump on the side oh this is kind of this is odd wait this is odd yeah yeah you want to run on the side okay yeah okay so we want to go like on can I like gra on to here okay oh yes so I want to go right here somehow and then I can Ascend okay so there's a precise platforming section right here okay yeah then we have to like get here oh that's so weird yeah so I can do this um and then right here nice Chad that's so cool right all right let's try it again that's like it's like cuz normally what you're supposed to do here um is you're supposed to um basically like go like you're supposed to go up you're supposed to use a send here and then recall on these two things um but then we go up up this chat it's okay um anyways Ascend um so basically um uh to do this to get us like to to to get up right um uh we want to go around and then jump here I think it is yeah so then we can be on this precise platform and we have to do that not like we can't swim cuz we can't like step up and swim here you know okay so if we so we we jump here and then off to the side then into this corner and then ascend okay let me try to do that like faster again you know okay you finding a new way to Speed Run no I'm just practicing the route currently you know yeah so we do that all right is this cool chat this pretty neat this is a pretty cool strategy and you just do that and you you just go to sand okay I saw I was so happy oh hell yeah I'm glad you [Music] enjoy yeah Chad what's been your favorite um sort of speedrun Strat so far that you've seen today Ultra hand yeah definitely Ultra hand so far the one where you skip the thing you know yeah yeah the one where you sequence ra the thing and you do the other thing I think Red Bull Jump's my favorite okay the ability to rewind um okay so the ability rewind um this is a cycle base um uh sort of shrine so we have to like catch the first cycle or we have to wait again yeah Red Bull jump is pretty cool right let me try this again the recall one like that we just did was legendary oh it's pretty cool oh I don't have speed food anymore I would like speed food okay we do that we can jump on right here and then actually we don't need to oh I ran out of stamina weird cringe let's do it again all right why do you punt puppies um do I when have you ever seen that okay uh and then here recall we do that and then we just use the momentum to get across then we can use this back on there jump up and then on here we can just yeah dude using momentum is great and then we want to do this grab here and we're good ah it's so close right but that's what I mean by cycle base like we have to wait for that final cycle to to to get it and if we're if we're like if we're perfect then we can nail that in you know like cuz you have to have the the clock sort of things align and if you miss that then you have to like wait for it to to go back so you have to like quite literally time that um here let me save with the food oh I I messed up there I got to reload yeah so we're doing uh the recall shrine okay so we run here we go we want to use recall on that oh that was too a damn it that was too early that was way too I got to get the timing right my head my head the timing got to get the timing over here here have you uh found any glitches no um but I have played around with some glitch hunting uh before on stream uh like the wacko Boingo it's pretty cool um I showed that yesterday on stream oh so I'm actually too early here funny okay do it again that was pretty decent specifically yesterday yeah yesterday is there a reason for reloading practice um that's what the title of the stream is I'm learning how to speedrun uh te of the Kingdom I just can't you know other otherwise you know what else would I do right [Music] oh can I make that I don't know if I can't that might be way too early for me I got it okay not learning practicing I am learning I'm definitely learning oh okay so in order to do that I need to do it precisely like like it's not like it takes time to do it like I'm used to with like magnesis or cryonis or all this stuff like from breath of the wild like for recall the moment you press L is the moment that the world stops so I need to like get that in my mind oh Sho damn it okay how fast do you think the tot speedrun will get oh I don't know actually um I feel like it'll be pretty fast right now the world record's like 55 minutes um and we're only month in it's possible that it remain like at 55 um actually I don't think it will um it's I don't we don't know if it's going to get below 50 we don't know what what glitch is going to be found we'll have to see um I'm hoping it gets within the 30 minute Mark but um considering all the cut scenes that you have to go through um that is unlikely there's uh some significant um cut scenes there so we'll see we'll see I don't know if it'll ever get there but I'm making a composition of that part in the tears of the Kingdom trailer for my band final and um right now oh cool that's sick hey mad mad props for uh composing things it's s minutes of cut scenes yeah at the beginning it's like basically 7even minutes of cut scenes um you basically start the run at like 7 Minutes in but then there's also an unable cut scene after you beat the the demon King so that's um that's also that um so there's a couple unskippable cut scenes that are like you know present to say the least nice that was good ah I'm too early right I got to I got to I got to do that you know I'm in time out for saying Point Crow's present you were in timeout because you were spamming it like no other which is really annoying reflect be better okay oh I still got on there cool nice take that run right patient takes to keep reloading is insane I don't think about that I think it's more fun to reload cuz then you get to do like really cool things like we just did like over and over and over again I think it's like a lot fun you know all right let's do it again U because I need this mods versus chat no my moderators are chat you guys are all chat together okay and so we're just trying to have a good experience together so that's what it is okay here we go so far so good I don't know if we're going to make this cycle we might I need to do that okay okay so it's it's when okay I was late on that cycle then like really late on that cycle I wonder if it has to do with like when I cancel recall we'll have to see anyways how you guys liking this so far how you guys enjoying uh watching me learn how to speed run good [Music] yeah I think it's very interesting I it's another side you don't really see too often you all see runs but you know oh damn it all right we're almost done with the great Sky Island almost done all right ah that still made it somehow uh but it's not going to make the the first cycle so I got to reload anyways Eric happy birthday you're amazing we've been subbed here and twitch since 2020 D on the way congrats on all of it love has he Robin me Mom oh thank you so much what that's so kind of you what the hell I'm glad you've been enjoying I appreciate that a lot I have to reset a thank you also not my birthday wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's not my birthday calm down let's back up a second ah it's my my stamina what did you do yeah chat you guys got me a gift right if it's my birthday you got me a gift right huh no did you not there's no tricks in this try got to go fast uh yeah basically I keep doing that too early do do the first one late and then the second one early my view is your gift you know what and I'll take it I'll take it for your birthday I got you a family of four can't wait I love the uh what you get me it's meth but like with a [Music] heart I got dollars happy birthday thank [Music] you there okay so that works all right cool we I think I got enough [Music] all right and we can just skip it we don't have to wait like in breath of the wild because in breath of the wild you have to wait 3 seconds after that cut scene um before actually skipping the cut scene so the game can load in faster for teers of the Kingdom uh they fixed it I guess where that doesn't work so um it just you know loads uh and then for this do do I actually I I think we use gliders here I could be wrong um no I think we just teleport back to ultra hand yeah and then go uh go out yeah what's a Red Bull jump I would um it's about like two hours into the stream where we start practicing Red Bull jump um so that's what we do when we do it you to get the Ruby no with the Red Bull um um with with this one um you um oh I'm going to die I did not um you use topazes I think um but I think you might be right though nice have you seen the demon king gandor boss fight yeah I've played the game before day Eric here's a cheers to your 21 years I'm 255 um but thank you and it's also not my birthday I got you a basement for the family of four heart oh so so kind of you all right I need to do this trick again oh that worked somehow and then um up here up around okay okay cool not too not too bad uh and then we have to take a heart container here um which is useless for this run so I think everyone would rather get like uh stamina but they force you to do it so then oh okay because uh some people skipped it in breath of the wild I keep accidentally pressing B during this I need to press a so hey there cuz that's like still fast you're going to restart like a thousand times during real run yep and that's what speedr running is that's what it is uh you just keep resetting over and over again until you get a faster run that works I think you can normally do this in this is the first live of yours for me I'm excited to be seeing it I love watching all your videos though thank you that's so kind of you I'm glad you like the videos yeah I work really hard on them I truly don't know if it is your birthday Eric but here is a birthday MC chicken or family of literally January 21st okay U we can skip these cutcenes um and then let me save all right so there's some um things I can do here right so it's like yeah uh I think I have to use a send for this one but then the next one I think I can just jump over right like I can just yeah let me try again I want to make sure that that's like proper say June 7th yeah no Janie I know uh contrary to popular belief June uh 7th does sound like January 21st you know oh the fast way oh wait the fast way to do this is literally like and then like you you use the wing there to to to do it but regular back in the top 100 thank you for the uh thank you thank you thank you thanks for the Dono and then uh I wonder if is like I can do that that might be slow but I can try yeah let me try one more time yeah January 21st and June 7th sound really similar right kahara thanks for the gifted membership thank you it's very kind of you yeah so then normally what you want to do here is uh release Wing if I can okay I can still jump across and still be fine cuz we use to send anyways there uh and then exit jump um right here do this and then yeah that's fine all [Music] right yeah it sounds really close yeah for sure all righty and that is the great Sky Island uh I think it ends on um a button right here pretty cool pretty cool all right I'm going to save here um looks like we now know the Red Bull route so we can run later if we want to uh pretty fine pretty cool hell yeah dude um that was run on 1.1.0 um so you can do if you want so um pretty pretty decent you know anyways thank you guys so much for stopping by thanks for being here that's going be end the stream today I'm a little hungers little hungry so uh yeah little bit about 4 Hour stream not too bad um so thank you guys so much for stopping by we might do some speedruns in the next couple weeks and stuff see if uh the speedrun has changed at all any game breaking glitches subscribe if you haven't already there should be a new YouTube video out in the next couple days um so yeah um thank you so much thanks for enjoying having fun with me uh really cool to just like have a chill relaxing stream so yeah all right bye guys
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 487,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, livestream, live, stream, pointcrow stream, point crow stream, point crow live, pointcrow live, playthrough, walkthrough, event, live event, gaming, entertainment, funny, minecraft, tears of the kingdom, breath of the wild, botw, totk, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, zelda tears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 29sec (13709 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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