Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 64 While Touching Every Coin?

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[Music] Super Mario 64 is a bit of a complicated beast when it comes to collecting every coin obviously the concept of the challenge is simple but the way the game works makes things complicated depending on what star you select sometimes you'll have access to every coin and sometimes you won't so here's Mario's goal for today we'll only be allowed to collect stars that involve coins so only red coin in 100 coin stars and on top of that we also need to attempt to collect every coin from each stage at the same time this will be played on a zero-star save file so that way we can't just select any star we want to our advantage we will be able to use the winged metal and vanish cap for assistance but otherwise that's the challenge so let's jump into it the first world we're gonna do is of course Bob on battlefield normally we would fight King Bob on for a star but he can't give us any precious coins so he is out of the question now we can't go for every coin yet because we need the wing cap for all the coins in the sky so we'll start by just trying to get all the red coins the first seven are pretty simple since they're all in easy places but then there's the eighth one on this island normally you would use a cannon or the wing cap to get to the island but like I said we can't access the wing cap yet and the pink bottoms won't open the cannons lucky for us mario is a very versatile character and can do a lot of cool things with his moveset what we have to do is carefully long jump off the top of this mountain and then we can barely snag the corner of the island to grab the last red coin so there we go we got one star and we'll come back for all the coins later next I decided to tackle whomps fortress because I knew it would be easy there's also some hitting coins that we have to grab from these mini whomps by doing five jump kicks we can get five extra coins out of him why that happens I have no idea but outside of doing that we were able to grab the red coin star the hundred coin star and every coin in the whole level now with three stars in hand I have a lot more options and decided to tackle the aquarium bonus level this was by far the easiest one to complete it just grabbed the eight red coins and the extras in the stage but now things get complicated with Roger Bay I knew this would be a struggle because we don't have access to the ship and that ships important because I need it for two red coins but I can't complete the first star to get access to that ship I also don't have access to the cannon because the pink bomb didn't show up so I started by getting all the coins in the water and was able to get just enough for 100 all that's left is these two pesky red coins my only idea is to use this tiny slump of land to long jump to them but getting up there is a challenge on its own I tried a technique called frame walking to climb up and jump for these last two coins this technique is done by mashing the joystick up really quickly if you want to learn more about this I would recommend checking out pan ins video in the description explaining how it works while this strategy is technically possible actually pulling this off is stupid difficult you can't make any wrong inputs or you slide back into the water I tried going up every pole at every different angle and I got pretty high a couple of times but never high enough because this seemed pretty much impossible I went ahead and put in a moon jump code just to check if my idea would work anyway so I got up there did the long jump and I couldn't even grab the closest red coin so I hate to say it but we aren't getting all the red coins here before moving on it should be noted that this star is technically possible but not from human beings going back to one of pan ins videos he demonstrates how to get this star without the ship but you have to do a very specific blj then jump off the cannon with your built up speed and perform dozens of wall jumps at just the right angles to grab them through the air this was done by at a spot and not a human so I can't possibly do this in real time and again the full video is in the description so while we can't grab all the coins we did at least get one star so we'll just move on to cool cool mountain I started by going down the slide to get half the coins in this stage then I went around the level and nabbed a hundred coin star after that I got the red coin star left the stage and realized I should have done that to begin with so that's my fault for putting more work on but anyway I played through the level again and jump down to the very bottom at the end because this section doesn't let you climb back up so you want to do at last I was a bit scared that the coins from these fly guys would burst too far away from Mari to grab but I managed to get them all and every coin and cool cool mountain so now our star total is at 7 but we're gonna need one more to get that first Bowser key and we can't do the slide level because there's no coin specific stars there our only option left is to go for a hundred coins in Bob on battlefield now I didn't do that originally because I thought it wouldn't be possible without grabbing coins in the air but it turns out if you squish every enemy and run circles around every poll and all that you actually can grab just enough coins for a hundred we'll come back one more time and try to nab every coin here once we get the wing cap but for now let's move to the first Bowser level all these coins were really easy to get I got the Reds in every coin in the level through Bowser into a bomb and headed for the basement before tackling basement levels I thought it would be best to grab the vanish cap in the red coin star so I did that on top of getting any extra coins there and now I finally have enough stars to go for the wing cap snatching up the red coins was easy enough but trying to grab every coin here is a joke what makes this so difficult is the way the wing cap works you lose lots of height and speed the longer you're in the air so you have to play almost perfectly I tried for a long time and just wasn't able to grab all the coins no matter how hard I tried I even tried to start again after recording all of this main footage and I still couldn't pull it off I did find this one video of someone doing it but that must have taken him thousands of tries because holy crap this was hard so I guess it is possible but I'm not a god like mister Demetra over here and yes you can check out the full video in the description so now that I have the wing cap I can finally complete Bob owned battlefield I purposefully selected star for in the hopes that the Koopa would show up so that way I can get his five coins and when I went to the field to check on him well he wasn't there so unfortunately under these circumstances I can't get every coin in Bible battlefield but that's okay we don't really need it since we have access to the basement hazy maze cave is next and this one took quite a while it wasn't really challenging per se but some of the bats were so annoying like this one I had to jump near him just so he'd come down and this bet was just like stuck in place so I had to wall jump to get his coin now this eyeball might look impossible to destroy since you normally have to run circles around him but you can actually just damage yourself crawl inside him and do circles to get the coin I believe this works because when you're in his hitbox and you have invincibility frames they don't go away unless you leave his hitbox but besides that I nabbed the red coins and every other coin in the stage all that was left to do was to dive into the metal cap stage and that level was stupid easy in terms of touching every coin so now two lethal lava land this one was nerve-racking because of the bullies when you knocked them into the lava you have no idea where the coin is gonna go sometimes it'll launch itself right towards you and sometimes back into the lava where you can't grab it plus we don't have access to the Koopa shell so it was a bit of a struggle getting some of these coins without it I got the red coin star early then got every coin up until the ones in the volcano there's one particular bully enemy at the very top so I had to push him down a little bit farther so I'd have a better chance then when I knocked him into the lava I had to chase him down to grab the coin while also not dying from the lava getting all the coins as possible but I had to be so careful and after that shifting sand land was much easier I knocked out the red coin star early and then made sure to get all the coins outside of the pyramid before going inside and with that I was able to grab every coin with big boos hunt I quickly grabbed the red coin star but then on my way back to get the rest I realized it wasn't gonna be possible there's five booze in the merry-go-round under the house and those only spawn when you select star two which we can't do so I ended up leaving and looked around the castle for more stars and there wasn't really anything left I was at a point where I wanted to get into the second Bowser level but didn't have enough stars to do so but there is a little trick we can do and all we need is our little pal MIPS after catching our bunny friend we took him to this door ran at a specific angle and crouched that spawned me outside the door so I was able to turn around grab MIPS and jump out then I ran to the star door and did the same thing but I didn't need to regroup MIPS so we can't enter second Bowser yet but we might as well tackle dire dire docks this is my least favorite level in the game just because most of it is in the water and it's so slow going while nabbing every coin as possible I had to get all the red coins without the moving poles speedrunners do this in their runs but I'm not a speed runners so getting all these took tons of practice and time especially this one in the cage that's like three miles away I had to do this stupidly precise triple jump dive just to get this one red coin like my god I don't know how people can do that consistently in runs but after that I got the red in hundred Coinstar but my actual problem still wasn't solved I couldn't get into the second Bowser level because you're supposed to do the first star in dire dire docks but I'm not allowed to do that for this challenge this may seem like the end of the road for Mario but surprisingly it isn't see here's a clip of someone getting to second Bowser with no stars he has to be LJ off these stairs which on its own is insanely hard then you have to cling on to this part of the wall to keep building speed then you slide on to this exact tile and pass through the door so fast that the hitbox for entering dire dire docks doesn't register that is the only way to get through so after studying the movement of how it works I actually gave this a shot normally I can do blj's pretty easily but doing them with almost no room for air was way beyond my talents there was a few attempts where I got to be LJ down but lost too much speed before getting to the door those that have done this said it took them dozens of hours to do just one time and I gotta applaud them for that but huge spiel out of the way Bowser in the fire si was really easy all the coins took little to no effort to grab and after throwing Bowser into another bomb I finally had access to the second key I jumped into wet-dry world next and it was a pretty simple level and I got every single coin for fun I decided to do a trick where you triple jump dive off this slant in the wall to go to the town for the rest of the coins snowman's land went smoothly too but I was missing one coin I had no idea where it was so I circled the whole level at least three times seeing if I missed it having no luck I looked it up and you guys won't believe how dumb this is what you have to do is shoot your cannon at this exact spot and you grab the coin through the wall why there's a coin there at all I have no idea but anyway we got them all in the level tall tall mountain was next and I made sure to do the slide coins early so I wouldn't have to grab the hundred coin star while on the slide after that I again was missing one coin and I had to look this one up too and seriously I don't understand this game this last coin I was missing was at the very top of the slide part hidden in this corner who would think of actually looking there well anyway now on to the longest level in the game tiny huge island there's almost 200 coins to get here it takes a really long time and not only that but it's really easy to mess up in the tiny level you have to make sure to get the coins from the tiny goombahs without them bonking into you and vanishing if a Goomba vanishes that's too bad you missed your shot at the coin and some of these goombas are in areas of land where fire is trying to burn Mario and my god it was so irritating after what felt like 10 weeks I eventually got every coin here before heading to the very top of the castle I went back to big boos hot to get the hundred coin star because I kind of just forgot to do that even though I still can't get all of them now normally you need 50 stars to get to this next floor but would the blj I can blast through the door and continue on the first thing I tackled was winged mario over the rainbow this one was easy but very tedious there are so many rings of coins you have to grab and it just kind of felt like a chore getting them all after that I went into tick tock clock and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be I've never been so happy to hit boxes with ten coins in them and then there was rainbow ride and wow that was kind of a sluggish level I was able to get all the coins pretty easily so now that we've plowed through every level it's time to take on Bowser in the sky well once we do the blj of course this is the easiest place to do them because the camera stays consistently straight while hunting for coins here I had a bit of scare with this swamp I ground pounded him in the coins just exploded one of them fell off the side and I thought that I lost it somehow though it was just hanging on the edge for me to grab I'm kind of amazed at how lucky I got there it should have just but with that I was able to grab every coin in this level all that was left to do was to throw Bowser into the bomb three times and finish the game so is it possible to beat Super Mario 64 while touching every coin yes but with this specific challenge no if I allowed myself to get other stars beyond the Reds and hundreds this would have been way too easy but I wanted to challenge myself a bit more and see what I could do so before finishing up let's see what we accomplished I managed to get 37 stars but you could technically get 38 for this challenge if you manage to do the red coins in Jolly Roger Bay after the game I tallied up all the coins in the front inside and back of the castle and that was 15 so the total coin counter not including coins that respawn from Bowser firebreath but there you have it guys thank you so much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,678,795
Rating: 4.8694315 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Mario 64, No coins, All coins, SM64, Super Mario, Is it Possible, Ceave Gaming, Impossible, Hardest Mario Level, Super Mario 64 Speedrun, Mario Coin, Mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: NVS-YBguCp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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