Kaizo Mario 64: The FULL CUT

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[Music] gamers welcome to my rocks i'm starting to get a little more used to them by i mean come on it's not the same thing it's not i'm not going to go into this whole spiel again let's just get on with the video so kaizo mario 64. this is one of the more infamous hacks for mario 64. it's basically the same game except it's made to be way harder there's a lot more enemies a lot more fire a lot more just difficulty overall um i don't think i'll beat the whole thing today definitely not today but over time i would like to actually try to beat this see if i'm actually good enough to do it i did bring something very important and that is g fuel in case you don't know you can save on g-fuel just use code mandy when you're buying some but anyway with that said let's get jinky with it all right so as you can see the game starts off there's fire coming out of the pipe i think that should be a clear indication of how this is going to go uh welcome to omega edges sm64 hack alrighty a year's worth of work and a great deal of patience i present you the second half of project 2009 that makes me feel old holy crap the game has been completely remade in a super challenging manner okay let's do this let's do this thing so you might be wondering uh how do you get into the castle because i can't go in i can't drain the water uh you're not gonna believe this if you've never seen this game before you are literally supposed to die i'm not kidding this is how the hack starts so we're gonna take damage to the fire we're gonna die and we spawn inside here and if you zoom in there's a bob on we talk to him and that opens the door to get inside the cannon absolutely ridiculous like this just kind of sets the tone for what's coming okay hi hello okay now what we have to do is dive through here perfectly that didn't count no one saw that you didn't see it there we go okay and now we're inside the castle this is how we're greeted we get burned this is just gonna be the hack we're gonna get burned a lot also there's fire all over like the middle of the castle too there's like random fire thingies there's flames coming from the stairs so we're gonna start and of course bob on battlefield uh what does the sign say i don't actually remember how i recommend that you go to the castle courtyard to get some special hints i don't need no hints i can play this on my own okay that's right it's not bob on battlefield it is now chain chomp battlefield now why is it called chain chomp battlefield well take a look oh you can't cause the game's paws okay take a look around you all the goombas are replaced with chain chomps that's right okay let's see what the first star is king bobbum on the summit i think this one is pretty much the same right sounds like that should still be oh hello that's a lot of chain chomps it's a good uh it's like seven or eight oh look the bridge is gone uh-oh what are we gonna do about that nothing we can't do anything about it we are gonna take this little shortcut though i guess oh and all the red coins have also been moved to be way more challenging so that one is going to be a little annoying to get but believe me they get a lot harder okay so yeah king bobbum plus uh you know about four chain chomps so this will be fun um so yeah basically the only way to do this one is you have to throw him in this one spot this little tiny corner where i kind of am right now it is the only way to hit him without getting hit by chain chomp er okay can it be that pip squeak like you that has defused the king yeah yeah whatever why am i reading the text it's a mario game okay there you go and the the stars do look a little different too they're a bit more uh i guess they're a bit darker best way to put it look at that no damage let's freaking go that's what i'm talking about okay we got one power star move on to the next one who calls it a power star it's just star i don't remember if this one's hard or not let's see so talk to him do the things take the shortcuts although there's a lot more chain chomps so it's hard to take the shortcut should still work though i can't imagine it'll be that oh my god yeah this is still really not difficult so pretty easy start this is probably like the easiest star we do honestly oh my god okay this is actually where it gets kind of hard we have to hit this finish pole okay we got it whoa look at that slick dodge that was sick can we get it without taking damage i oh my god i don't know uh maybe yes let's freaking go that's what i'm talking about actually doing pretty well so far look at that two stars already blast the floating island okay i can i can do some blasting um get out of my way can't see i can't see where he is talk to him mario stop being shy i feel a little ashamed about that one not gonna lie also i forgot there's flames coming out of the uh the cannons too so it's like you have to time your uh when you like out of the cannon otherwise you'll just burn now thankfully when you're actually in the cannon you don't um really die you just kind of have to wait wait for the flame to go away and then shoot yourself up so it's really not that bad oh yeah i forgot to put the box in the weirdest spot ever okay will i get it i think it counts and it doesn't okay we're gonna do something epic jump dive super epic we did it find the red coins this will actually be looking for him because i don't know where they are i know where a couple of them are but a lot of them are like brand new locations so this will be interesting if any of you spot one let me know but i don't know if i'll get your message on time might be a little delayed but just let me know if any of you spot one okay that's fun that's really fun okay i'm living dangerous living dangerous i'm living dangerous man red health only ah god jesus oh cool the game crashed okay i saw a red coin floating in the air we can get that when i'm not getting hit by chain chomps okay not see oh that's right there is actually one on this uh hill thingy okay let's not oh my god what oh what are you guys doing going through the wall hello you stay away from the wall and the game crashed again that's really epic third time is the charm yo okay let's do this i remember where one is there is one up here in this weird spot see if i can uh just do a bit of that good old good old action right there okay oh oh wow okay there's a coin right there i'm probably gonna have to like long jump for that from from like up here oh wait there's a red one over there let's get that real quick that isn't a weird spot what even what even is this coin okay now this coin oh okay i don't think a long jump from here will work but maybe maybe honestly maybe like a cannon shot might be the only way to do it hold on what is this is this a star okay yeah this is the star let's just grab this for now and then we can get the red coins i guess after all right red coins again we're gonna do it gonna get those red cons i don't actually know if we can get star five i'm not even sure but this one i don't know man i think a triple jump could actually work it's just like it's so difficult to try to navigate around these chain chomps oh yeah baby let's freaking go hell yeah grab this okay we'll get this coin over here this one's pretty easy okay that's okay oh my god dude why is there so many boulders you know what do you think about it is the chain chomp like a boulder that's alive they're the same shape as this they move frantically they're just as beautiful like they all it basically all lines up i think they're the same thing yeah dude i have to make this freaking coin shot much much much later okay this has to be the one that was so close that was stupidly close okay good so we have that there's another one that i remember seeing so i know where six of them are now but as for the other two i'm still not sure where they are okay so i know there is one that is like up here just have to climb up this wall okay it is way up there actually come on there we go okay so we just got to find two more not seen oh there's a red coin up there what wait wait a minute since when was that there okay so yeah the coin is uh it is right oh that's actually not that bad okay okay that actually wasn't that bad okay so we have that just gotta find where the last one is hold on what was that what was that that was the heart i got zucked by the heart it freaking debated me you just can't assume that all red pink shiny things are red coins that's a bad assumption to make okay i'm really starting to get stumped i feel like i've checked like every nook and cranny there it is wait a minute i thought i got this coin okay there we go cool holy crap that is a time consuming star but i think that's enough of bob on battlefield let's try another level i don't actually know where it can go next uh i'm assuming potentially uh peaches slide oh that there's like a bunch of flames on the slide now okay i'm remembering this a little bit smack that thing and then jump that thing that's how you do it that was my rhyme i hope you enjoyed it now please make sure to uh hold the phone hold your phone very carefully hold it nice and sturdy because i remember where this other star is if i'm not mistaken we actually want to land like on this or maybe it was i think the star is like up here i think it's up there okay so let me try this one again because i think it's what we're supposed to do [Music] okay yes there's an arrow i fell yaha uh-huh yep yep yabba yadda doo yadda bam bada bing bada boom let's freakin go one health we don't care let's do this where's the star look at that look at that let's freaking go it's what i'm talking about all right so for warm sports we have just chip off womp's block okay so it seems like it'll be simple enough oh flamethrowers heights and red coins within death's grip bigger challenges awaits you and womp's fortress yeah the biggest challenge here is not dying in the death zone okay so i guess we're going to need the wing cap before we can even make progress on this level okay that's good to know let's try another one see how this one is we could probably do the aquarium actually that'd be pretty easy okay what do we got okay oh all right new red coin spawns uh i guess they're just in the corners which i mean this still isn't really difficult per se maybe this will be like the easiest star we do today perfect easy as it can possibly get so one of the kinds of secret stars we can do bowser um but let's see if we can actually do jolly roger maybe something will kill us here too let's see jolly roger bay uh plundering the sunken ship so far so good [Music] okay all right then um that that's cool that's fun uh i guess our only option now is to either go back to bob on battlefield get 100 coins in the fifth coin or go to bowser those are our options i'm gonna opt with bowser i will do red coins i'm very worried about red coins i feel like they're gonna be super difficult but i don't care we're gonna do it anyway so far so good no metal cap switch and the coin's still in the same spot maybe all the coins are in the same spot got some arrows um the switch is missing how do i get coin over here okay well let's let's start with trying to get this monstrosity look where this freaking coin is dude this is ridiculous that's gonna happen a lot more okay but i think that is like the only way to do this you just have to very carefully there we go all right look at this crap dude what even is this you just like i guess i'm supposed to long jump like here no okay figured it out so that's all you got to do that's actually not that bad oh my freaking god that is how you get to that coin you gotta hit this switch okay i'm feeling this one i'm definitely feeling this one i don't know why i just am i'm feeling it up i'm feeling it up turn around yeah i would punch a boulder but that would hurt i don't have any boulders i just have rocks i got the stupid coin we're two coins in let's finish this level oh look at that there's a coin just chilling out in the distance way over here that one's gonna be fun to get can't wait uh why is there why are the flames doing that where's the amps are the amps on a vacation are they taking a lunch break like what's going on here i'm sorry what am i supposed to do about this what the heck and there's a freaking coin right here this is horrible oh my god why am i even going for red coins i feel like this is just not worth it but i also feel like i'm gonna need this star because i think levels are just going to get harder from here so i think the strategy is like legitimately burn yourself okay cool so we got that one at least no way you're supposed to grab the ledge okay i figured that much out at least okay so grabbing the ledge helps you avoid the fire climb up do a backflip hey it kept me alive for longer i'll take it i will take it okay i'm starting to figure out patterns go up avoid that okay i'm actually starting to figure out patterns for this okay you know what i'm gonna get that coin later i have died to this le this thing like 50 times legitimately i'm really tired of dying there so i'm just gonna go for other coins and try to get some health because this is some bull crap ah okay i just figured out what i have to do for this coin i have to long jump for it and then fall all the way back down okay honestly that's fine i'll take that so this coin i'm wondering if i'm supposed to long jump for this one too i still don't really know okay there's a switch there's some snippets let's just take care of the snippets now you don't like them okay okay uh where's the pipe what does this have to say bowser kidnapped you yes you're right is the pipe like oh no oh no why is the pipe there okay we're not gonna worry about that yet let's oh i see this switch is probably oh which for these boxes okay okay i think i see what to do i have to long jump like at this angle and then land on this that's what i'm supposed to land on to get the red coin we still have we've only we only have five red coins you only have five red coins are you serious actually i'm kind of wondering something does this switch activate the box up on the green path i'm gonna check it might honestly activate it it does it freaking does and that's also on a tight timer oh my god okay come on don't burn don't burn okay and kablam there we go okay great so unfortunately we burned a fire once so we're really not doing great on health still but that's fine we have six of the red coins wait a minute where's the the eighth one because i know there is obviously this one up here that i don't know if i will ever get in my entire life uh where is the other one okay honestly i really don't know how i'm gonna get that other red coin up here i i just don't foresee how it's gonna be possible like i'm really debating on just fighting bowser even though i've already spent so long i just don't know okay i figured out the strat i actually figured out the strat to get up there okay that's like the easier way to do it so now we just got to figure out how to get up the next two areas and then still find one more red coin good lord all right let's try to figure this out one okay it's actually fine we take those we take those we're actually up here we're actually gonna grab the coin ah i actually got the coin okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine run run run get off of there get off it's okay it's okay it's fine it's fine i died okay i figured out the strats baby it's all good it's all good we living okay now we just have to find the last one i don't even know where the heck it is okay i'm just like checking ledges right now seeing if there's anything around there wait a minute what was that what was that what was that hold on i saw something there it is that's gotta be it okay i'm telling you that is the way to do it okay let's just head back and try it again there we go i actually got it oh my god i cannot believe it i actually got all the coins i'm telling you it's just the red coins are the hardest part of this hack i think all right we made our way up almost fell but that's fine we made it holy crap i can't believe we actually got that star so now that that's done next thing to do is to get up here get up to that pipe looks like we're doing a bunch of box jumps okay i don't know how fast i need to be i'm just gonna assume we need to go kind of fast these are some those are some tight long jumps okay nice first try let's go that's what i'm talking about all right we made it to bowser we actually made it to bowser i don't know if he's any harder or not but i guess we'll see okay let's try that that should work wow that took 30 seconds in comparison to like the 30 minutes 30 or 40 minutes on red coins good lord that was insane but we finished one floor which is great so glad we finished one floor [Music] but uh now we're in the basement and we're gonna start with lethal lava land and we'll see how this goes okay boil the big boy i'm gonna give him a good old boil i'm gonna give him a good ol boil once i could actually do this level because i'm gonna burn and die yep okay so we can't do that one let's try shifting sandling can we do any levels at all in the towns of the big bird okay this is a really great start this is an amazing start i gotta say you're going to lethal you die shifting you die let's try uh the other hazy maze cave when there's when i say the other there's only one only one exists let's try that and see if we also die here too let's see what we got we have swimming beast cavern and we die okay that's cool okay here's what i'm thinking we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to get one more star i guess we're going back to freaking bob on battlefield we need 10 stars so we can unlock the wing cap and then from there i don't even know i honestly don't even know literally all i can do is like 100 coins here so let's do 100 coins screw we're gonna do a hundred and we're gonna do star five so here we are back in chain shop battlefield i can't believe i'm already back here come on there we go okay cool so we can actually get coins from this fantastic that's what i like to see oh my gosh am i really gonna do this for like every chain shop i think i have to all right already at 30 that's actually really good maybe this won't be that bad there's five more here already halfway go go go hopefully i get coins before he hits me yeah yes okay good very good all right there's a red coin we can get as well perfect all right somehow didn't get hit don't know how but it worked out do a little pole dancing even though he doesn't really dance on the pole he just grabs it and there we go 69 coins nice perfect okay we're already at 83 that's actually really good now if only i knew how i opened the cage before because i really have no idea what i did um i don't know well okay there's some coins here okay we're looking pretty good now we're at 91. this is pretty sick okay there's like one chain chop here okay these coins will be easy so really at this point we can just start going for secrets um that's like all we have to do that's left also i remember where some easy coins are you can just literally go up here yeah there's a bunch of them right here there we go that was actually really quick that was way faster than red coins so i think we'll go ahead we're just going to exit course after this and uh we will unlock the wing cap going right in before we burn oh oh i see i'm not sure why the box is there we got the wing cap at least so there's that i guess we should go for [Music] i guess we'll go for red coins okay hold on is that wait a minute is that seriously what i'm supposed to do am i supposed to land on that box to get the other box okay let's not do that yet let's actually start with red coins before i even think about that okay yeah i think they're in the same spots cool okay so at least that's still pretty easy they didn't make that any harder which is nice hey we got full health so now we're just gonna try to land on this box i guess and break open that other yellow box oh i got it i got it okay okay okay there's actually a star up here holy crap dude oh my god okay i'm just glad we got it that was insane i think that means we can do womp's fortress now which is nice so at least we can play something different let me see chip off wamps block yes okay i wonder if this will be okay there's a lot of heat pose the swamps are missing the plant is uh taking a nap oh the ground is gone the the floating island no longer exists i'm gonna have to uh triple jump at a good time bam okay makes you so mad burn bridges walls things floors you did that yeah bam staff 13. all right to the top of the fortress this seems simple enough all right climbing up the fortress wait what's even the po okay so this is where the red coin star is now okay oh what's this there's a grey thing okay oh oh no oh no all right then i okay the camera sucks i already don't like this i imagine this might take a little while this seems like something where i'm just gonna keep dying over and over and over until i figure it out oh my god stop i lose so much speed okay oh my god so i think i definitely have to long jump to get there but you lose so much speed it's really hard to do that okay yes yes we made it wait what what why is there just a random cannon okay whatever i finished it yeah let's just go for the wall why not what oh okay [Music] yeah that was blasting away that you know what that is one way to put that star that was blasting away a wall and while i'm glad i got that star that means i have to climb up the stupid fortress again okay good good very good okay at least we did that on the first try i can't complain 20 minutes later all right everyone so i actually had to do some research because i legit got stuck and i figured we're supposed to do with the cannon um you are literally supposed to just push a once you get to it if you move you're basically gonna die i hope this is what you do i think this is it okay we landed in a freaking cannon now we can actually aim for the poles and finish what is the spot i don't know what the spot is [Music] okay jeez we actually got it all right now what okay now i gotta jump for this pole that is a far way away nice perfect okay where is this freaking star we've got to be close by now i can't even see i can't tell i just gotta hit this freaking switch which i'm worried about okay hit the switch okay random boxes let's just randomly add boxes here because why not and then fall all the way down that's also fun okay okay here we go hold on is that wait are you serious there's a red coin up here okay so i thank god i got the star but i have to do that again for red coins oh my god this level is sadistic i don't want to do red coins it's like the last thing i want to do i can't i can probably drain the moat and do that one i think i'm going to do that i'm kind of over this level for now so yeah let's go ahead and drain the moat and get the vanish cap star oh we can get mips too at least mips won't really be that hard okay so mips is still easy thank god what if he like made him faster make mips twice as fast that would suck but all good we got the staff time to drain that water and no one really knows where the water actually goes i guess under the castle somehow i don't know oh that's interesting so uh we're spawning at the end of the level okay cool immediately stop using vanish cap time to burn i'm assuming the coins are in the same spot maybe hopefully okay hold on hold on my camera was really bad i gotta redo it okay so yeah the coins are in the same spot it seems like okay our last con oh that's cool let's just spawn it on the opposite side where there's no ground completely out of bounds it sounds good all right cool i'm excited hit that switch okay at least we got vanish cap but now we gotta figure out how on earth we're gonna get that star all right climb back up just about so i'm guessing there's gonna be like a switch or something it's gonna activate knowing this game is gonna activate boxes hopefully not curved but uh that's my guess i probably have to drop down here yes yolo we're going we're going in hot in hot to the blackness of death here we go we're just gonna you know we'll stay sideways i can't see the boxes but that's fine no one likes seeing seeing is like overrated i've heard okay yes we made it okay we gotta do one more maneuver probably a backflip ground pound or just a backflip okay i'm not gonna lie that was actually pretty clever making us do the level backwards and then back forwards to get the star that was kind of cool now that we have the vanish cap that's good um i don't think we can do jolly roger bay yet but i think we can do lethal lava land because wasn't that a red and blue box i think it was okay let's boil this bully oh yeah we're gonna give him a good old boil let's go that's fine i'll take that over instant death that's fine with me okay i like how all the platforms are underneath the lava you know it's really bad climate change even affects lava you can tell like all sorts of things are just missing because the lava levels have rise so much dude where are the red coins there's not even like oh the red coins are in the lava okay i see oh i almost survived wait a minute it closes all the way now okay that would have been good to know i really wish i knew that it closed all the way come on baby let's go okay now let's actually take out this bully time to go down buddy bye-bye yo chucky is gonna give me the star is this like a ceremony oh that's so nice of you okay there we go right in right in no so close oh okay you know what i don't want to die i'll just take the star wait what hold why is there 8 000 bullies up here hold on give me a coin first before anything else happens we got to kill the snippet we all know we don't like snippets they're a pain in the butt okay this is hilarious there's so many bullies up here okay we're just fighting him now all right so i guess you don't have to get all of them this spawn the same spot yes it does cool and bam 20 stabs we're actually making a lot of progress at least in comparison to last time we spent 8 000 years on the bowser coins we're doing pretty good but next is red coins and these red coins are not nearly as easy eight red hot coins you got that damn right they are very red and very hot oh you actually go i don't realize you go through the great okay well that's not so bad then oh wait a minute i can't do red coins i have no way of getting that coin up there i guess let's go ahead and do some other stars i'm glad i didn't make that much progress the volcano does not seem to be changed too much again it should be noted that this is a very old romhack it's uh it's probably close to a decade old at this point which is insane so there in terms of rom hacking it was still very and it's very much in its early stage back when this was made but even still it's it is pretty impressive to see how much was done for it okay so we can't do the red coins we could probably still do the log star i think it's there although there's no log okay this is gonna be interesting trying to get there okay so we're gonna long jump and do like this crazy maneuver oh it actually works oh my god i can't believe that actually works ah there's no okay there's no uh huh well then i think i am stuck i don't know what to do now so my game plan is to uh take a stock and uh go somewhere else i guess we'll go to shifting sand land no actually let's go to uh hazy maze cave so i can get the metal cap i want to get that out of the way so i can actually do job roger bay okay i think i can not die here now okay good so land on this okay what's going on on this side a giant wall okay here we go gamer not actually that hard but that's pretty funny so you have to do oh it's an easy start right there oh look at that wow that's a lot of boulders that i mean i would consider those more rocks because boulders have a more gray texture to them i mean here's the thing like what's behind me i think they are still boulders but they're just like grinded into pieces but we've already gone over this whole spiel plenty of times i wonder if star six is still in the same spot watch for wrong for rolling rocks come up from here then we're just gonna long jump across there we go unfortunately we take damage but that's fine there's we're close to the coins okay perfect that's all we needed all right now is the star still here yes wow i'm surprised it's still there we're in we are we're in we're in the house we are in the house okay that star is still there we still need the metal cap i really want to get that metal cap yeah we're we're just going to grab that metal cap honestly and then we'll keep doing stars here i guess okay uh i don't know if they move coins okay so they definitely moved coins all right oh did they actually i can't tell maybe oh no they didn't move points at all i'm just i'm having a bad memory it's been so long actually since i've done red coins we're good with just this one star wait hold on there's toad he's back buddy you got a staff yo i must have just thought of enough stars before all right let's figure out the dory star it looks like it's a little different i saw a second switch i'm not really sure what that was for i guess i could get star three as well real quick that won't be too hard to get okay perfect so i don't know if the star is still here uh also where the red coins are now okay interesting uh what oh it's for this box okay you know what i need i need to wait for dory to do this part i think i don't even know if this is the strap i'm gonna keep trying it okay there we go nice and then bam let's freaking go that's what i'm talking about so that actually wasn't so bad really interesting way of doing that one i just don't know where star three is gonna be i mean there's first off the red coins are all over the level i've noticed they're like not just in one area so that's gonna be a pain in the butt but i still don't know where star three is i guess for now i can get star four uh but for the red i really don't wanna do red coins but there's fire in the poison now all right well that's not much of a problem for what we're doing literally just going through here no problem it's cool no biggie climbing up climbing back up here and we're grabbing ourselves that easy go i don't want to do red coins that does not sound fun so uh we're gonna do something called falling off the stage and trying another level oh this looks fun oh okay i guess that's how you do that i don't like how all the red coins are in actual quicksand that's not a fun fact that's actually an unfun fact that's just a fact for you that's not fun what am i even doing i'm doing talents of the big bird okay oh wait i see him i see that fella come here buddy oh yeah let's go star is still in the same spot so pretty solid start so far for shifting sand land i can't complain do we are rocking in those stars 28 we started with i think like 11 so that's a total of a lot of stars i don't want to do math right now i think 16 or 17. okay ah i get it okay bounce off use a tox box bounce off pyramid get star okay that's game plan wow that's hard that is really hard actually oh cool i'm getting a nice sand quicksand bath that's gonna be so relaxing okay right in let's go that's actually really clever because it doesn't change the meaning technically that still is the top of the pyramid it's just higher up that's actually so clever okay cool so we did that 29 stars dude we are about to get the second bowser that's what i'm talking about all right inside the pyramid i can go inside a pyramid no problem although i noticed this the entrance was sealed so i guess i'm gonna have to touch the four pillars can't see okay wait a minute i just had a big brain idea actually use the wing cap to get up there omg wow it's no longer difficult to get inside the pyramid we just gotta use the wing cap one two three four five six exactly and bam stab and there's a red coin in there's a red coin in here there's red coins i think in both areas but anyway it doesn't matter we got 30 stars let's just try out bowser in the fire sea and we'll see how that goes oh yeah obviously gotta do dire dare docks first now i don't know what's gonna are we gonna be able to access the the sub right away i don't know how this is gonna go okay everything so far is normal for now oh wait what's what the heck oh there's a giant brick what the heck wait what am i looking at here oh there's a star all why is there a star all the way up there how do you get that oh there's a box oh okay i was like what the heck all right good to know that we want to come in from behind and then do like a long jump so let's try that because that oh that'd be so cool yes okay okay we take those we take those all right now the trick is to not break the box come on yes perfect and bam oh that was so cool that was a really cool start um okay so that's start two now okay first off there's 8 000 sharks that's probably not good i think we should stay away from them but secondly i guess maybe that star was replacing the one that is usually in the little cave thingy or behind the red bars maybe that's not there anymore okay is it there i'm kind of curious let's see oh it is still there okay so i i honestly don't remember no it was red coins wasn't it okay i thought maybe it's red coins but now i'm really not sure all right well let's go ahead and take the fun way up we don't need no boxes man we are starting on such a relaxing stage for this video but that's just that's just not kaizo it's not going to be relaxing for long especially once we get to bowser 2. i imagine that is going to be super difficult but there we go so i guess we can try out bowser in the fire sea now you know we're gonna do this the fancy way boom okay oh i gotta hit the coins okay oh my oh my god imagine if you missed one coin if you missed one coin that's it also uh okay there's flames now there's no thing uh there's no platform that moves so i guess we just got to do a little uh good old long jump okay this is legitimately the most awkward angle of all time yes yes we made it oh don't fall don't fall all right so there's a freaking coin i forgot i got to get red coins here oh my god okay i guess i'm gonna go for it yes oh thank god holy crap that was hard okay no pull no pole dancing but we are gonna do a little bit of that action i have a feeling there's a red coin behind here there is okay a little bit of that okay that's not so bad that's a much easier actually okay there's still a coin down here uh oh there's okay so there's just no platform all right no elevator elevators are banned in kaizo apparently anything behind here god i hope there's no coins around here i'm just so worried about like i'm so worried about missing a coin really that's gonna be the worst if i get all the way to the top and i miss a coin oh it'll be horrible there's a coin up there come on okay i can i was gonna say like really not seeing uh oh hollow stop fly guy g's chill okay i don't see any coins oh i saw some coins oh no oh no this is freaking ridiculous okay i think that is the idea that's what you're supposed to do let me see if i can man i feel like i'm gonna die if i go for this freaking coin i definitely have to get more health though that's for sure even where is the other red coin okay it's up here okay that's actually good that's actually a good thing so we can get this coin we can come back down here we can get the other red coin and then get the star wherever it is okay got the star we'll head back here i'm dead [Music] oh okay that's i just had to puff out my chest it helped okay so seven red coins no other coins to really grab and i don't know where this last red coin is alright so i've looked up where this last red coin is because i could not find it you're not gonna believe this it is underneath the collapsing bridge so you know what that means i have to make my way back with no coins so how do i do that i basically have to go on this little thing on the side and crawl my way back yes yes yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go okay all right okay gotta be patient now do some wall jumps around here do our roll out now the coin is it's underneath this this is where it's gonna get tricky all right that falls and now we just need to grab the coin okay then we gotta pull back and then hope we go back up the top come on no no no no no come on yes yes yes yes and yes okay now where did the freaking star slot i don't know where the star spawn is it up here i don't think it's gonna be up here it is not because that's where the coin was i think the star spawned at the beginning from what i could tell but i honestly i don't know for certain okay okay there we go good good now very carefully drop pull back back yes yes okay oh my god thank god we got that star holy crap all right i've made my way back and now we're gonna fight fricken bowser let's do this thing about a bam bada bing hopping right in there just got a one up somehow i got okay let's just let's do it i managed to reach you yet again but this is where your luck runs out yeah right pal oh i see what he said oh my god dude why are we so close to the lava um there is uh no bombs the bombs are missing i don't know where i'm supposed to throw bowser what what happened okay i don't know what happened but cool is the bomb like under the stage is that what happened you know what i'm not gonna complain either look we got the star we're done with bowser in the fire sea i never ever ever ever ever have to go back here this level is an absolute nightmare i'd rather play dire dire docs again then go back to bowser in the fire c what do we have to do here we gotta do pole jumping for eight red coins let's do it now that we're done with fire c i actually feel much better now that level was stressful so it's good to be done with that one i think that's all the coins we can get here so go to the other half of the stage all right 52 if the blue coin switch is still in the same spot then i think we'll be okay to get everything okay you know i gotta say i'm kind of surprised that this hack didn't take out the polls you would think they would have taken out the polls but i guess not it was feeling generous today for once oh but there's no ship now oh that's not gonna make it hard though okay assuming there's six there's oh my god there's way more than six wow you can get hella coins here oh that's cool i'm getting all of them because that just feels nice that's nice how is this game how is a kaizo version of dire dire docs more generous with coins than the original game that just doesn't make sense and there you have it that is coin number eight so now we just got to get back for the star and that's it we got it 35 stars already i know i say already it's been like i don't know 30 minutes and it's only i've only gotten five stars in that time because of freaking fire see but you know what that's kind of nice it's good to get 100 coin stars out of the way you don't have to do them anymore so let's see what's next oh into the jet stream okay this won't be so bad either you know i feel like a lot of these stars aren't even going to be that hard because there's this one there's that the cage one collect the caps and then there's this one inside this area that i'm in where i just have to swim through the rings and that's it two three four no come on okay five still counted let's go that's what i'm talking about look at that easy star number 36. [Music] okay there we go ring number five mumbo number five you know this somebody that one shark is out of sync and i hate it come on in sync no don't backstreet boys me in sync come on shark stupid shark can't even swim and sink all right well there we go star number 38 here we go wow so we're done with dire diary docks doesn't that feel good to be done with like the most boring level oh it's so great all right eight red hot coins um do i have oh look at that i got the cap okay that's cool that's very cool bro look how high up this coin is oh my god how do you get that okay actually how do you get that that's a legitimate question yes got it freaking got it okay good then it runs perfect okay oh this makes this so much easier oh yeah oh this feels good oh this feels good i can just go i can go go gadget that's what i'm freaking talking about i can run through goombas i don't even care yabba dabba freakin do dude okay let's grab that run back okay i gotta get another metal cap that's the way to go metal cap for life dude okay i got that i like how there's a coin literally right there that's a perfect spot for a coin really is i don't know what else to do i'll try a bit of this action okay good okay actually that's fine because i actually want to get all these coins because i want to get 100 on top of getting the reds so let's oh i forgot about those i completely forgot about those okay now for the next star we want to go over here it's like underneath this bridge thingy there we go okay oh now let's get this coin okay this coin over here yes oh this is a bad idea this is a bad idea just go just go okay okay we'll figure it out we'll figure it out gotta go here oh my god okay let's grab this real quick okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it is okay now this is gonna be challenging getting all of these coins how the heck am i gonna get all these oh my god i don't even know okay so i think if we get these last two coins we've gotten all of them except one which is pretty good all right good we'll uh all right fine be a butt head if you want i don't care all right is there coins over here don't wait what's that shadow there's a coin up there i need the wing cap so i just got to figure out where to get a wing cap like i know where one is it's in the lava but i don't think i can oh maybe i can get that when i'm when i am metal oh i'd even think about that okay so there is a wing cap under here the question is can i somehow get to it okay okay ground pound yo i can fly now let's go let's freaking go it's what i'm talking about yes i'm actually gonna do this oh this is so cool we actually need to use um a freak the metal cap to get to the wing cap that's so cool okay this seems to be the highest platform i don't know if it'll be high enough but hopefully it is to get to this coin come on yes okay got the coin perfect oh we are smooth sailing those coins over here let's freaking go okay i don't know what this switch does does it oh no oh my god i made that so much harder than i needed to oh but there's boxes here whoa okay hold on i'm gonna honestly i'm gonna do that again okay we're gonna do that exact same thing so that i can get more time to go back over there because it might be a quantity to get okay is there anything over here there is there's a coin nice okay so we found the last coin we're also going to grab that chuck yeah oh this is all working out perfectly i think okay so here's the thing if i can get the coins from bruh what he what what the chuck you do that for no i need your coins i need him to respawn or something oh no i literally need his coins to get 100 coins okay you know i'm gonna go for this guy now there goes those coins no okay so i'm gonna try something different i'm gonna try to get these chucky coins first with only the metal cap that's gonna be the main goal is to try to separate them and that might actually work okay separated yes okay that's one okay 89 coins uh i don't know if that's gonna be enough we'll see we'll grab this guy oh this will actually be enough okay i just need to get a bunch of these coins okay 90 okay actually that is just enough because i have one two three four five six seven coins i can get two from the red and then the rest of the chukkya that is over here and that'll be 100 coins exactly okay throwing them this way need to get all of these coins all of them okay we got them all we're gonna fly to the red coin that is oh it's right here yes yes oh my god hundred coins and red let's freaking go that is probably not the way to do it but i don't care that's how we just did it holy crap that was intense and this the thing is just disappearing that was perfect timing that's what i'm talking about okay so beyond the blue fire that's the fire that's like on the other side so i'll let the chucky throw me i don't care where he throws me grab the heart we'll grab the metal cap and then we'll see if it's a teleport because i honestly think it is we're approaching it we're big chilling we're teleporting and we're in the star let's freaking go wow that was a lot faster than the last one and it is nice having all the caps i can actually do everything the top of the lava fall okay all looks the same i'm just going to climb up and then we'll kind of see from there hard to say where the star is going to be i mean lava fall might be literally the lava waterfall it could just be in the same spot i don't really know please don't throw me off thank you bro i got a feeling it's up here oh i can't go into close-up though with this camera okay dude i really have a feeling hold on let's check i have this i have a horrible feeling oh no it's literally up there oh god okay well let's give this a shot i guess i don't even know this is gonna be so hard to get okay they made it so you literally can't get it okay so i i have one shot at bouncing off the lava come on let's fricken go dude that's what i'm talking about and we've been chilling on the rock and we are done with lethal lava land let's go we are making some pretty good progress today it doesn't seem like we've only gotten 12 stars but i feel like i've made progress let's go back into hazy maze and see what we have to do oh yeah red coins oh boy oh that's right we spawn here too okay well i don't know if the coins have moved i don't remember if they have or not but we're just gonna have to go everywhere ding ding ding so the red coins are not all in the same spot they're all in different spots i might as well get these coins i don't know how the coins are going to be i know there's usually a lot in this level but they could be really scarce in this hack who knows okay i'm not really seeing any bats i'm seeing nothing except freaking flames and stuff there's like nothing in these caves there's like absolutely nothing and the caves are like sealed off too oh cool there's no elevator left nice how are we gonna do this i s okay i saw something here i saw a thing see i thought i saw a blue switch okay oh i did see a blue switch i keep finding secrets what the heck oh they're all here okay hold on okay hold on come on let's go fast oh my god that was so close okay well that's good that's good so we just got hella coins right there which is awesome just need to find seven more red coins and then i guess 39 other coins oh what's that what is that shadow there's a freaking coin in this are you kidding me okay well i got it why are there coin why is there a coin in there i mean come on that's so ridiculous there's another coin in here why why are you so evil okay let's do this and then dive yes coins coin coin coin coin coin oh baby yeah that feels good oh that feels good to get okay we got these oh metal cap don't need that for anything there's no red coin in there uh what about what about over there let me check that okay five coins perfect that's we like to see okay this is good so we have three reds we just gotta find five more and then we're basically done i honestly don't know where the rest of these coins are i don't know i've been everywhere i feel like it seems like i've checked pretty much every room there's like one area i haven't checked yet for coins see i will check this section could be coins nice more of these perfect maybe underneath yes okay we found a coin that was just a lucky guess okay so just one or two more coins and then just reds okay there is there's a red coin i see it it's right there okay groundhog before i burn before i burn come on okay perfect we got 100 coin star thank god so there's another place that i have not checked that i just remembered and that is near the beginning because normally it's sealed but there's still an entire section i haven't been to yet so we're gonna check that we'll see if there's any coins um are you kidding me there's gonna be a coin right there let's just let's just get it that is evil okay that is straight up evil i cannot believe there's a coin there so i'm at the point where i am looking up where stuff is and you are not going to believe this when you see it this next one is absolutely ridiculous it is probably the stupidest red coin i've ever seen in my life alright just wait you just wait till you see this is everyone ready for this are you all ready for the dumbest red coin of all time here it comes it's coming it's this spot right there that that is literally the the dumbest red coin spot i've ever seen in my entire life and guess what you want to guess where this last red coin is it's here you see the shadow you see that little shadow that's a red coin there's a red coin right there and wow imagine if you did not see where that star was originally it's literally just black that like there's nothing there there's nothing to you there's no frame of reference if you did not already open this up or if you were just randomly ran into it there is no way you would even know where the star is okay this is by far the dumbest star i've i've ever collected anyway jolly roger bay i have all the caps now and from what i can remember i was basically just big sucked yeah so that wasn't there before and it would happen was i would die from that tornado thing so now i can actually do stuff so plunder in the sinking the sunken ship oh i think this is i okay so i've actually done parts of this level in the past red coins are in those shells and you have to get them i don't want to do that right now we're gonna do uh anything but that let's do the ship because the ship will probably be easy i imagine probably i shouldn't say anything is easy especially for a hack like this i mean who knows now maybe these are different let's see because normally okay that's the same so looks like the inside of the ship is exactly the same yeah wait a minute wait wait a minute hold on there's no box where's the box where's the oh there it is okay i thought they just like moved it would have been a little upset if that was just like a death all right easy game easy life we got boulders back i look i know i've had them for a while now but they're just so beautiful i missed boulders so much okay jolly roger bay star number two can the eel come out to play yes he can eel's always come out to play all right mr eel what even is the eel's name like i know there's unagi but that that is honestly probably not his actual name because you know you don't just call humans like human i mean it's probably just the species the unagi is a species of an eel so what is the eel's actual first middle and last name i mean if i had to guess his name is probably trent i don't know why he just he kind of looks like a trent to me so trent trent bogders trent bogdars that's that's his first and last name i like how the star is inside the tornado that's fun oh well not quite but kind of looks like it okay this is going well so far just two stars nothing out of the ordinary besides the tornadoes i am worried about the red coins i really do want to do them but it's going to be hard anyway you know what we'll get to that in a little bit for now let's just you know pump out a bunch of stars we'll get ocean cave next or do we want to do this one oh we could do this one too just need some good swimming come on come on there we go not too bad as long as you know the timing for the swimming that one really isn't that hard okay i guess we'll just have to be careful oh my gosh oh man those coins are awfully close to that tornado does not make you very comfortable okay oh oh wait a minute what oh that's weird okay so i wonder if there's like usually something blocking the path i don't know hello what's up chuck yeah i'm gonna chuck yeah got him all right we're not gonna worry about them right now so we got we got this oh that man wanted me so bad he wants me so bad he's not gonna get it though i'm getting the stat you get nothing all right that's just how life is pal red coins in the whirlpool basin i don't know if i want to do that yet i think i'm gonna wait a hot second on the uh doing those uh let's just do star five that was pretty easy so i guess for jolly roger babe pretty much every star is the same except for red 100 coins um that's a little disappointing i guess for a kaiser hack but again you know i said this in previous parts this was one of the very first mario 64 hacks out there so it kind of makes sense you know people are still kidding kind of like getting a feel for how these things work okay should be right about there very nice oh what up what ups on all of them that's kind of cool and there's no star oh there we go there's the kaizo we love to hate guess what guys plan b we're getting red coins now red and 100 i'm very nervous about this oh my god okay one oh this is really scary i don't like this at all oh my god this is terrifying i think if i just take my time i should be okay okay okay six seven and eight yes okay and the star spawns wait is that where star five usually spawns what it kind of looks like okay yeah so it did spawn where star five usually spawns okay so i guess star five is completely different no i haven't even found it yet i don't know where it is okay oh oh hello hi hi uh what's up what was your name trent sorry trent just don't mind me i'm just getting coins excuse me that's not polite that is that is not polite hello why would you do that oh come on ah that's you know what that means i probably have to get the red coins again for 100 coins so okay that's some pretty that's some kaizo bs right there come on man all right well we might as well get the star then we already got the coins we're apparently forced to get it without a hundred got your stupid star we're actually almost at 50 stars now holy crap that is ridiculous the phantom pirate ship it's going to be invisible it's going to be in why why is it going to be invisible okay we made it oh snap there's the box okay let's get the box oh my god it's so high up [Music] okay i don't know if i'm gonna grab it but i at least broke this the box okay so we at least got the box open so i guess what i'll do now is just uh just triple jump to it or something okay got it that time nice uh i mean i guess i gotta do hundred coins you know i'm at the point where i literally just did all the stars and then what like 10 minutes might as well just get the rest of them awesome you've recovered 50 power stars that opened the star door on the third floor you've done well to survive this far up ahead of the last two courses in the game each of them have their own characteristics i like characteristics as their wording choice tick-tock clock is based on precisions and puzzles rainbow ride is based on control and accuracy i don't think i've ever actually read these proceed with caution death comes easily in the following challenges okay i don't think i've ever read those in my entire life usually i just just mash a really fast okay the pathway is open good very good in fact great wait what's that shadow okay yep there they are oh nice dude we got all of them right there okay that's really good okay we'll take the burn honestly it's fine we get coins from anyway so no big deal oh hello trent hi hi hi okay bye see ya all right and seven and eight the star spawns right there there we go ah feels good to completely finish a level okay and i think that's it we've done everything so uh wow our way out of there okay jolly roger is done we have not tackled we really haven't done cool cool mountain have we wow okay i guess we gotta do that level next dang 51 stars in and we're just getting to cool cool mountain that's ridiculous i'm trying to remember like what even happened last time like how did we die i think it was probably a cap or if i just not tried it i don't know let's see slip slide in a way okay i don't know why i never played this one before okay for the slide we have i mean so far not really anything okay fairly easy besides a little bit of fire right there but that's okay all right honestly that was that was way easier than i thought it'd be yeah pretty simple now we're gonna do the penguin one next i'm a little worried that the penguin up top is not gonna be the correct penguin but i will still try it anyway just in case because you never know maybe that wasn't changed i don't think i've ever done that before i've never done that before either that was a little weird that's fine we're just gonna go ahead and do a little bit of a slide down here hop off of the ledge not die because we're epic and it is the same baby okay i'm surprised that was mario that's mario every time that's what he does ha anyway big penguin race big pinguino race now we're gonna hop into here give ourselves a fun little dive and kablam time to race big pinguino he probably has a name too let's call him um he's earl this is earl so we're gonna go ahead and race earl and you know he thinks he's such hot stuff you know he's probably done the slide a few thousand times but uh it's a me a mario i look i'm just a master at everything don't like hello hello that's really weird to have to do okay that oh oh no okay so i think the challenge here is not getting burned because i lose so much speed when i get burned oh but nice there's still coins there that's good oh no oh that's a problem okay okay okay okay come on come on okay i don't know if that's still counted i mean i skipped a bunch of track i guess we'll find out in a second i did it world record attempt right there here we go all right earl it was a good race fair game lobby got the shake on it very respectable but now eight red coins on ice is our next challenge oh my god what is i don't like how these red coins are going i really don't like it so far so let's go down the slide first and get these coins okay let's get wait is that a cannon hold on what why is there a cannon is it to get a it's to get the star are you freaking kidding yeah i'm just screwed okay so this is another one of those levels where i apparently can only get eight reds once and then i have to go back in to get 100 coins that is really annoying let's go down here let's see if there's any reds like uh oh my god let's yeah let's see if there's any reds going on up here there might be one up top okay oh nice there's a red right there okay that one's not so bad as i miss it don't you want to be cool as ice there we go okay sure i don't know what just happened there oh my god what is this red coin this is gonna be fun oh man oh oh baby that was that that might have made me soil myself a little bit that was a little scary so we gotta find the wing cap and we gotta find the pink bobbum don't know where he is okay well we okay we found the wing cap nice very nice [Music] it's a red very good why is the camera so bad right now [Music] okay i think it kind of fixed itself there i do not like these reds these are some scary why do they why did the hint say on ice there hasn't been a single coin on ice yet boy okay [Music] i hate this game okay so i've gone back i've just got all my coins again um obviously the teleporter doesn't work fun fact guys the teleporter does not work um i still don't know where half the stupid red coins are since they all moved anyway what i needed to get was this coin oh wait a minute oh my god that coin it there's two coins just in the middle of nowhere bruh all right here goes nothing oh my god okay there we go yes yes okay that's what you have to do oh there's a coin right here okay i gotta get this one too oh god okay yes very nice very nice so i feel i've explored a lot of this area i've not done a lot of flying so let's actually like go back here is there anything oh my god do you guys see that coin hold on it was do you see that coin oh what is this crap oh we're gonna get high enough yes it's gonna be close we're gonna make it yes all right one more coin [Music] you know let's do uh this i'm so there it is there's the last coin i knew i saw it okay now where oh it's gonna spawn all the way at the top okay this is where we need the cannon all right shot of the century boom right on the arrow let's go 55 stars we didn't even 200 coins yet we haven't even touched that yet oh my god so now we're gonna do snowman's lost his head and i'm not gonna lie a little nervous so now we're not gonna do snowman's lost his head we're gonna come down here and uh we're gonna do star six now this one i remember from playing a long time ago it's pretty stupid what we have to do for this star uh you'll see in a second basically we're gonna go and take a little bit of a shortcut we don't really uh it doesn't really matter okay it matters if we die that could be a problem but uh yeah you'll see what i mean in a minute good so as you can see there's a switch now we're gonna go ahead and hit the switch so here's how this is going to work i'm not going to make it in time we have to climb up the boxes hit that one those uh boxes has a koopa shell in it then we koopa shell up the freaking secret area to get a star all right i will never forget this star the star is so ridiculously ridiculous and dumb hey come on grab i i i grab the stupid i gotta be so snappy with these shells come on yes yes hop up there we go there we go yes oh my god get a good camera angle this is my good camera angle guys great camera angle hey we hit the box i don't know what's happening [Music] did we get it we got it oh my god what an obnoxious star to get now we're gonna actually do snowman lost his head so this time we're not going to land in the chimney gonna go down here i'm gonna say hello to our little pal uh a snowy this guy's name is snowy okay sure go faster mario what are you doing you idiot move move your ah i'm gonna lose the snowman [Music] right there right here baby this is where your head is come on think with your head not your bottom part snowman think with your head this is why you'd think with your head okay think with the correct head all right kyle i'm just saying so you gotta do 57 stars i think we're gonna get hundred why not i've already kind of committed to getting all the stars anyway so let's just get those hundred a slip slide in little penguin you know let's actually do this one so we don't have to worry about earl that's gonna make our life a little bit easier although these coins are gonna be a little annoying to get but hopefully we end up getting um more than a hundred without reds that'd be really nice actually dang they really removed a lot of the coins didn't they they removed a lot of the coins okay okay that buffs out that buffs out let's go so only 25 coins in there i have a feeling we're gonna have to get all these reds i don't know i got a really bad feeling about this so i guess we'll start with the easiest reds to get okay this one's not that bad it really isn't we'll nab this coin okay let's go ahead and get um the coin up here there we go okay we at least got that all right i'm gonna run out of wing cap i'll just have to go back and get it oh frame one wall kick let's go okay so let's get that wing cap again get that other red and then i guess just try to get the rest from there okay let's just turn around this will be easier yeah this is much safer instead of going all the way around we'll just do this instead [Music] okay 87 we're getting close so honestly what i want to do next is get this red coin um that's like floating in the air i really do not want to be grabbing a star in the air that just doesn't sound fun in the slightest so let's get this one come on there we go nice okay so 94 and there's still 10 coins we can grab which is awesome so we got these ones and then there's a couple more farther up ahead and that's it then we'll be done uh i'm just so glad it's not it's like it's basically exactly a hundred i could have avoided getting two reds and i think that's it oh my god mario no stop we've come this far grab the star please okay wow we have what we have knocked out two entire worlds today that is wild so cool mountains completely done and so is jolly roger bay now i've kind of come to the realization too that i think there is gonna be an episode of this sometime next year i don't know i don't know how many episodes it's gonna be to finish the game but there's gonna come a point where the episode is literally just cleanup you know just get all these random missing stars and random levels like that one i don't even know what that is uh that one's done a bunch and shifting that's just what it's going to turn into okay booze mansions to change the name go on a ghost hunt we okay i don't like this is not a oh my not a good place to spawn now is it okay so i saw a buu up here this is reminding me of like mario 64 randomizer now where the booze would just spawn wherever they felt like spawning probably one that i need yes it is okay see if there's any more uh there is lord's boo right there yep there's another boo outside this is just the randomizer at this point oh we can't go in here okay hold on i saw vanish cap okay we're gonna have to go in through the back that's so ridiculous oh my god this is insane so many it's all pianos now they're all the booze have been replaced with pianos okay mr piano i'm not even giving you a name you're just straight up evil okay you don't deserve a name the answer is it a boo or a piano the answer is yes oh two of them i'm glad they were you know interconnected there that's nice okay so the last one's just right here that's not bad that is not bad at all good dealio i gotta say all right hey let me just take this one out i feel like hold on is he up here he is okay this is the one we want now where is the star gonna spawn back inside of course it is wait oh actually i need to go that way cause i gotta get the uh that counted as a hit oh man that's funny there we go very nice that was not as bad as i thought it was gonna be i'm not gonna lie i think we're gonna go back inside we're gonna get star three actually and then well we could probably do go the merry-go-round two but we're gonna get star three first all right this one this one's super easy double jump bam got 60 stars right there that's what we're talking about all right let's do merry-go-round it's probably pretty much the same the star might move they might not it's hard to say okay virtually the same fight [Music] yeah okay stars in the same spot so basically the same fight as before fairly easy star number six to one okay so let's uh let's do one more star for today we're gonna go ahead and do uh the the balcony star we might as well right imagine this will be uh roughly the same thing i don't know where the star is gonna spawn it's gonna be a different spot nope basically the exact same one okay so yeah i think that is going to wrap it up for today i think we what do we start with 44 stars we got 18 stars today 18 stars and i think two or three of those 400 coin stars now we're at a point where i have never ever seen these levels i've seen a lot of the older levels way in the past but things like snowman's land tick-tock clock tiny huge island tall tall mountain i've never seen those in my entire life so i have no idea what i'm gonna expect from this toad's not there so no free start from toad of course not toad is somewhere else he's he doesn't exist i guess i don't know uh so let's just go to snowman's land snowman's land atop the snowman's head all right red health we're not dead yet that's good why is there red coin inside this box uh i don't think you can escape this box wait wait a minute hold on can we get a zoom in that was so cool hold on i gotta do that for a minute okay that has nothing to do with playing the game but that just looks freaking sick but anyway let's not worry about red coins let's do something else ice bully might be really easy to do uh okay it's not gonna be hard because this is still oh god oh god okay maybe i might actually die ah oh okay top the snowman's head you know what let's uh can we do that one is that any different and of course there is no star i am not surprised in the slightest if i had to guess the star is just it's still up here but it's in a different spot let's see um oh it's the box isn't it it's the box are you kidding me all right box you want to go pal let's freaking i hey that was close for a first try come on let's fricken go second try that's what i'm talking about that was actually really cool i like that one a lot okay 64. that's the the best number in the world 64. i'm just kind of i'm just kind of looking around i'm finding all the red coins so i i mean i guess that's good but i i really don't know how we're gonna get that oh wow that's a lot of uh little that's a lot i don't what even are these like snow piles that's a lot of snow piles i also hope i don't need that snowman's coins that's gonna suck if i do also also also there's no fly guys so i can't just jump over i'm gonna have to go around i'll do the the epic gamer strategy way there we go so i like to see that's what i like to see and there are no boxes let's see what this does is it over here i don't know what the boxes are for yet okay there's boxes oh awesome so if i mess up the box jumps i get to climb all the way back up that's awesome that that's super fun design can't wait yes yes let's freaking go that's what i'm talking about [Music] wow you do not have a lot of time to mess up like you basically gotta do it perfectly i mean i went a little slow like at the end but that was about it the pond secret switch that wasn't even in the deep freeze so in the deep freeze is that like is it in the water i'm gonna check the water because i haven't checked the water that closely i haven't done igloo yet either so we still gotta do that is it uh i don't wait wait a minute why does it push all the way down there okay pal i don't know you know what let's do igloo because i don't know where else to look okay let's see what's different in here do we have we have just the normal star we got b goombas that's good actually that's probably really good for hundreds that'll help a lot well i mean i guess we can get the igloo star to start but let me just see if there's anything different in here just the one up in three coins right yeah okay i still don't know what the deep freeze means what does that mean i i guess i'll start working on red 100 because i i really have no idea what else i could be doing also here's what i'm thinking we probably i know i was gonna say like you have to finish getting 100 in there but no because we have to be able to escape this somehow okay how do i escape because like i can't really build speed to do anything how do i escape what the heck i'm trying to like wall jump early but i'm not getting the speed to do it what the hell do you do i'm gonna have to exit course i'm stuck okay you know what for now let's actually just do a different stage that might be one of those stars where whenever i do the cleanup episode i just do that because i honestly have no idea let's try it we'll try wet dry we'll see how this goes we'll start i guess with the low with the low setting we got flood the ocean city well that's different okay oh nice all right we're starting on a box um well i guess it's just always gonna be flooded oh i gotta get up here like this okay well that's not that's there's there's like no enemies the enemies are on vacation what hello i'm sorry what where did they come from we got two boxes that raise when i get close to them okay there's a switch okay i guess we're hitting that what and it raises with it oh and there's fire okay oh there's another thing oh my god flood the city this is flooding the city okay there's another one here it's just gonna keep going up i think at least i can do that that works i can just do that very basic um side flip dive that's really easy this camera's not very good either okay let's just do this i'm trying not to fall if i fall i have to restart okay here we go all right we're back up and we have a lot of fire to worry about oh my god jesus okay this is it yes we got it oh my god dude i'm so glad we did that already like my god i would hate to have to do that later all right top of the town hey well i guess we gotta climb up we gotta climb up the long way every time do this what hold on what is this for i don't actually know what this is for yet uh let's see hey boxes the boxes do uh i don't know what the boxes do let's just try this let's see if it's the same oh that's a little bit of heave hose that's a yeah that's a good amount of heatphos right there if i somehow survive this i don't know how that works also i guarantee you the box is for that i guarantee it okay so we gotta do this really fast then i just pray i don't get hit ah no okay here we go here we go come on no i do a little bit oh okay we'll do a little bit of this and a little bit there's two wait wait a minute i didn't see those boxes that was just pure reaction i'm like what's going on am i supposed to break them may i because like at that moment i'm like okay i guess i'm breaking the boxes and then there was another one and another one and then finally the starbucks secrets in the shower no great the secrets are gonna be different okay i'm probably not gonna even do secrets i think i'm just gonna do emergency exit i feel like that's just gonna be a lot easier wait will it oh no wait a minute oh that is not wait what hold on how do i wall jump up here now i'm so confused i don't understand what to do because i don't think i can wall jump out of this i'm just the more i play the stage the more confused i get i don't understand what i'm supposed to do now i mean i guess what i could do is i could go into um could go into downtown and see what's going on there but hey we're gonna take our nice little nice little uh you know let's actually squish that nice little detour over here slide across bonking is fine i mean for all i know the rest of the stars are here we haven't even seen a coin yet there's been zero coins they have to all be over here okay boxes is the is this in the same spot let me see yes it is okay this looks surprisingly normal does this have a red it does okay the reds seem to be the same okay now i'm really confused how we're gonna get 100 coins those amps are different so there's that i suppose i could get like secrets here or i mean i could get like just reds and that's it but i don't know maybe i'm just gonna go for 100. hey there's this that star is still there star six that's the same okay and then we have this is the last red well there's one more up here too but what how do you get 100 coins i'm so confused maybe i have to like select a certain star and then things spawn i don't know i guess what i could do is i could try to get you know the rest of the coins here i really don't think that we're even close to 100 or that we're gonna get even close but you know what let's just get this star we're also gonna get star six as well now we got the funny number which is good but um yeah i don't know i think we'll probably just get star six and then just move on from there taking this long jump over here get ourselves a stan a second once i can get up always hated the camera for the start i mean this one's the same uh say goodbye to funny number now we're at 70. this is just the epic number because we could attempt final bowser i think congratulations for finding 70 power stars you can access the top of the tower but your adventure is still far from over if you don't believe me head to the top of the tower to see for yourself okay okay let's go ahead and do that oh sick toadstar let's go do you have a star there's something strange yeah whatever yo let's go okay good so we got this star at least okay let's try going in here oh what does this say the way to bowser shall only be revealed once you've collected all 120 power stars why can't i go in here i'm just curious i mean i probably shouldn't even be surprised we go out here what the heck wow that is a punishment for trying to play the game early so i have to get every star holy crap man this is going to be a long adventure it's already been a long adventure we've this is the fifth video and my recording sessions are like an hour to two hours all right well i'm stuck in wet dry i'm stuck in snowman i guess we're gonna try tall tall we'll see how this goes scale the mountain i this is okay okay we're all righty we're scaling wow i have to do that every time going into this level that is some bull crap why is there a box probably a star right there why let's just scale the mountain and see what's going on here there's like no enemies there's there's a bunch of boxes what the oh what what what are you doing here within the middle of nowhere near a waterfall near the top of the waterfall where the pink bobbum was and within the second gap the secrets of tall tall mountain okay oh you know what i'm thinking that um that sign might have actually been a clue to teleport us to the box that is like out in the middle of nowhere over here that could be it i don't like any of this oh my god why are the red coins hanging off the ledge at least why okay there's 100 a wing cap somewhere a secret oh my god it's secrets are you kidding me also can i just okay that was the most gamer thing i've ever done in my life i've never been stuck well i was stuck down there i didn't know how to get up and then i saw the fire and while i was talking i'm like why don't i just climb up the mountain that was what hello where's the log what i okay i literally have to use the fly guy to get across what if i lose him i could very easily lose the fly guy not come on not right now just give me your freaking there we go okay oh my god i am i think this level this might be our hardest level yet i do not like where these reds are these are some scary reds dude where oh my god i'm dead i'm freaking dead wait a minute oh i get it now the sign there was five different posts on the sign the sign was telling me where all the secrets are at least this star is the same though so let's just get that then we gotta go back to the sign and then we're gonna have to like write down i don't have there are no pencils outside i don't think there is i could run aside to nathaniel's house or something but the monkey of yukiki's kids you know let's just do this first we're gonna do the the sign secret thing later this is not good this is gonna be a thousand times harder just kidding no way first try oh my god i cannot believe i got that wow that will never happen again that was wild first try let's freaking go dude what was it first try that was insane i can't believe i got that holy crap 73 why we've already gotten 11 stars this is really good we're making good time fellas eight red coins in the br wait wait i understand everything now i'm gonna die again i understand i mean it says in the clue but i literally have to blindly jump at the coins and rely on breezes that is terrifying so i still don't know what to do about that box honestly i think what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the slide oh before i do the slide is the star still there i don't know let's check um is it sealed off is it's not sealed off okay that's potentially a good sign okay let's see i can't even tell i don't think the star is there pink bottom's there okay i guess you know what let's talk to them you open the cannon thanks there's also a box that's interesting um i don't know if like a star is in there or if it's just like nothing there's a star in there star is mysterious mountainside so i would assume maybe you don't go down the slide or maybe you do i don't even i don't even know you know i'm going to go up i want to see if you go up the slide i hate this okay so let's see is this even open it's still open okay uh let's check behind us there could be something here what is this lots of coins okay that's different is there any like teleporter or something in the corner i just want to try it no okay and there's flames on the slide of course and chucky's okay please don't flip oh my god oh my god dude where's the freaking coins ah coin yes yes i live i get to live yes let's go oh no ah this is so scary oh my god there's so many flames on the slide [Music] and of course there's a flame here um i might actually just get the star again wait okay am i supposed to is you know what i'm game overing i don't want to do this i don't even know what else to do i don't even want to do red coin i just want to do easy stars today like i don't mind doing hard stars but today i just want to get through all the easy ones and then work on hard ones later i still can't believe we just have 74 stars like the fact that we actually got to that is ridiculous um let's go ahead and try we've actually made so much progress today i can't believe it let's try a tiny huge okay pluck the plant really that's how this is gonna start fine i'll go to the big painting if that's how you really feel game then that's what we'll do we'll do big painting all right pluck the plant okay that's ah what okay so um progress report tall tall mountain i'm basically stuck tiny huge island i can't get one star in time huge island i can't even get to the level so that's cool you know what let's just try i feel like i've already made so much progress today let's just try the other levels and see what they're like all right let's start with tiktok if i had to guess the the timing will be different but i'm still going to go in at 12 because maybe it'll be the same i'm sorry but what am i looking at what am i i guess and then i'm dead okay i don't know what to do there we're just going to go to wing mario let's just do that wow i might just have to spend time just looking at a speedrun because i really have no idea oh god jesus okay i don't i don't oh no i don't see a wing cap i don't like that i don't see a wing cap where where is it uh i mean i can long jump down here i can long jump to the the box oh that's the wrong spot that's not even why is there fire breathing out of this i don't like this game anymore all right so we're going to try on the ride hopefully hopefully i can get a star there at the bare minimum we have cruiser crossing rainbow my dad and my dad i'm dead i'm dead i have to enter it oh my god the game okay i know what's gonna happen i have to be at full health when i get in there and uh after that i have to land with one sliver of health that's what's gonna happen and i guarantee you that box i stood on probably has a star in it i have to somehow get it oh my god i don't think i realize what i set myself up for there's a star up there i'm gonna start it's one sliver and then there's there's a freaking flame down there i hate this game there's no carpet are you serious i gotta grab this it's literally all are you i'm gonna try lunch grabbing that's a lot safer that's strangely safer okay the thing is missing that's that's fun okay i think i see what to do here actually does that respawn i don't know if that responds or not okay i can do that that's fine that's fine that's fine okay hold hold on hold on let's get on solid land uh oh i might have needed that oh my god come on oh my god okay i don't even have that i don't even have to wall jump for it that's actually really nice are you kidding me oh my god i think i see what i have to do i'm supposed to triple jump off of this this gray pull piece this is going to be insane insanely easy let's go that actually was terrifying all right swinging in the breeze i still don't know how i'm going to get up top can i even is that even a thing i can do are they even there yes they're there the star is still there too okay the challenge is just getting to it oh wait a minute this will be that bad actually then i can just do okay this is actually really easy okay this will be the easiest star oh maybe not oh okay you know what that was not that bad i'm not gonna lie i thought i was gonna get zucked and i have to like retime it but no that was not that bad that was close but i'm just glad we got something this stage is fun like it's so ridiculous and over the top with all the setup you have to do i like it i like that okay so those are the two easy stars yes those are the easy stars now i probably have to do like this and then just go fast go fast fast fast fast fast fast [Music] what do i do about that maybe i need a triple jump okay so that's what i that was that was insanely close i feel like i timed that well and i still barely made it now what the hell is this crap i'm supposed to stand on this then do what go over here i i like i really okay here's my only thinking is maybe i'm supposed to like wall jump off of this and then i go over there i don't even how am i gonna have time to wall jump when it spins that fast i don't even think that's the way either okay you know let's go over here can i actually do anything uh you know what actually okay maybe you can i'm just doing something wrong i don't know i don't i don't know what happened there i don't care i got up here that's good um now what now there's nothing there's just no carpets you know people make the joke about doing carpet lists in mario 64 speed runs how about carpet list the level that's the real challenge like is there even i can't even tell if carpets are up here they probably are right because i don't think you could legitimately even do big house without the carpet like you can if you know carpolis but like that's pass only i really don't know what i'm supposed to do here like all i can think of is maybe the carpets are invisible i guess that could be it the carpets might be invisible that's my the last thing i can think of okay let's just fall and see okay they're not just invisible they're just in not there i don't know how i've missed this but um i'm going the wrong way that that's also that's kind of an epic miss right anyway i don't know how i missed the second miss so we're just gonna grab him right now look at how fast that was that makes me feel good that makes me feel confident in how we're gonna do today okay i've also missed another star in the secret slide we've recently gotten the one on the roof we've gotten of course the time secret star but there's another one that's really just like in a weird spot so we're gonna go for that one next okay so this next star i kid you not is inside a box just randomly floating in the air and i had to look up where it was because i had no idea like it's almost impossible to see without this like randomly guessing but you have to jump around here without getting burned obviously it's somewhere around maybe it's on the other side but we'll we'll find it eventually okay so it's around okay so you might have seen a tiny little glimpse of like yellow it's gonna be in that spot basically oh oh okay okay okay this is good this is really good okay can i ground pound from here no i can't believe that happened there we go okay that shoe yet all right we're golden okay and that is it for all the slide stars so next we're gonna go ahead and finish bob on battlefield yes we're on the sixth video and i've still not finished this level i don't even know why i never finished this but we just have mario shoots the sky not shoots to the sky he shoots the sky so we have to shoot the sky i don't know how we're going to fit the sky inside a canon box but you never know with this game anything's possible right i'm making the assumption that the star is still i have to get the secrets oh that's probably what it is i have to find the secrets oh goody all right and i guess that's one of them okay secret one the rest aren't in the sky oh goody this'll be fun try to find the rest of them i don't think it's gonna be i don't think it'll be a row of coins which is good that means i'm not gonna have to like just randomly collect coins like i am right now it's basically just find the single coin and get it oh i see okay so there's one there all right i guess we'll get that next okay here we go can't really see it oh that that's not that bad here we go okay easy no problem all right nice we actually got it let's go all right here's the next coin all right very nice i don't actually think we got the coin but we got the secret at least all that really matters of course okay another one here yes i figured it out basically you just gotta take the cannon and then you'll find them okay it's four and then the last we haven't done a cannon on the other side of uh chain chomp battlefield so we'll do that one next all right now i know we can't see it but i did see the coin okay that's nice anyway i like i was saying you can't really see that coin without it like spawning in later but i did see it a little bit earlier so now i guess we just grab the star and finally finish alright we are finally done with chain chomp battlefield that's all wrapped up hmm what do i want to do next because there's still there's some levels like like this one god bombs fortress is gonna be such a pain in the butt uh i guess let's go let's do booze mansion we'll try that one i know i say that i'm about to do a hundred and red coins here but at least a hundred won't really be difficult i'm actually kind of surprised i haven't done it yet all right let's go and do reds and hundreds i already see a red right here i can just do a bit of a uh okay guess i'm gonna have to backflip or something or no not not that let me do a uh okay what what do i do this okay that's not that bad oh coin up here oh that was not a good idea bad idea okay okay okay we recovered got the coins back oh nice is a coin all the way over there that'll be fun to get all right well guess we got to get inside in case you forgot then uh gotta go all the way around okay i don't think oh the red is there there's multiple pianos now interesting okay i've i forgot about that take out lay eyeball hello notice thank you thank you for the notice you have granted me coins for your notice that that's exactly how eyeball should be just follow the guidelines that's what you got to do and there is no where is the red coin it is not there anymore maybe it's like uh no okay i thought maybe it was in a different spot up here but i guess not oh very nice that's a really good coin placement really you nailed it freaking nailed it okay at least we got it out of the way i don't uh you know what let's actually go now we'll go to the basement we'll get all the coins we can hopefully there's a red down there and uh yeah oh what's this this is this more coins or is this just like a one-up because if this is coins that's that's gonna be kind of a pain potentially there we go and it's a lot of coins okay see can we get coins from here still i'm hoping we can okay good all right so i'm not really worried about coins at this point it's just finding the reds all right i will leave this ghost dry don't need to hit him okay we found we found the one red down here that's probably all it is okay from what i can remember i think there's like ah what is i think there's like two red coins that are just kind of really high outside i think that's two of them but i still know where that last one is probably upstairs somewhere let's try uh these corners nope maybe this one okay there could be one behind the door never know and there is not but that's all right glad we checked okay i've now done my wall jump training we are good to go all right meru oh oh look at that jackpot okay we got plenty of coins all we got to do oh actually i'm gonna get okay if the blue coin switch is still there we're gonna get that coin that one won't be so bad or i can get this okay i'll just snap this one okay so we got our hundred coins start at least so now it's just finding i think the last three reds i remember seeing was the coin on this side or the other side i think it was on this side oh my god there it is okay hold on i'm not ready yet i don't feel ready i don't feel prepared i gotta line up better all right here goes nothing yes we got it all right we actually didn't take damage too now time for the long trek back up okay i i guess we can check if there's a coin on this side i would assume there probably is yep i see it's right it's a little hard to see but you can see it it's over here all right here we go is nothing uh okay we got it good all right now where is that last one is it outside i'm not seeing it so i guess we can try the eye room and see if it's in there it could be but if it's not there i have no idea where it is it is gonna be close it's gonna be really close yes we made it oh thank god oh all right i'm glad this star didn't take 10 minutes so just get in first try that's it we're done with booze mansion so we'll go ahead and go into uh womp's fortress however i do not want to do red 100. um that is going to take a stupid long time like i said this is the cleanup episode so we're just kind of getting the rest of the easy ones so we can focus on the hard ones um in the future so here there's one more easy one that i actually don't know if it spawns yet hopefully it's already here and i don't have to well that's that stinks hopefully i won't have to like actually do reds and hundreds first but i guess we'll find out all right let's uh let's get that wall jump mario any day now there we are okay so let's see if the star is there if i bust this open boom there it is so normally that's actually also in the game but it's usually just a one up in case you don't know but you decide to replace it as a star because it's like a super obscure fact that no one knows there's a one up there so it's super easy to get to i'm actually surprised i didn't do it before okay so next let's see what we want to do next i think we're going to go ahead and do somewhere over the rainbow next um and the only difference really with that one is just the red coins are different spots so i'll just have to figure out where they are and that's basically it it won't be that bad so now we figure out how to do this because i do not remember nor i don't think i've ever actually done it before okay we're gonna try this okay we made it um okay yeah we'll jump probably we're gonna jump down here next or oh maybe down there okay that's probably what we want to do actually go down there because that's why i think where the bottom buddy is okay please make it yes that was a little close okay we're good okay so now we have a chance oh apparently i've already talked to him before interesting or no wait oh okay oh never mind okay i was for some reason i was assuming since the wing cap was on i talked to the bomb buddy don't ask why oh there is like what why is there a coin underneath like that oh no oh no all the coins are underneath the clouds oh my god this is gonna be so hard okay here goes nothing oh i don't like this i don't like this that makes me very nervous oh my god why is the coin this far out holy crap that's i'm gonna have to probably take the other cannon hey for now let's just get these ones since i see them let's go back we're going to play this safe this is not going to be easy it's going to take us a lot of a lot of cannon jumps probably [Music] okay now now comes the fun part just try to not get too low okay okay that oh that was fantastic that was fantastic let's go all right now just climb our way up again and boom i missed the star oops mario don't you dare run off oh no no no no no no we're gonna get this we're gonna get it we're gonna do a triple jump easy bam we are officially done with all of the secret stars i think let's check yes all 15 okay so that is it for secret stars all right well i didn't want to do this but i'm looking through my list here and i think the last the last thing we're going to do is we're just going to completely finish this main floor here we're going to get reds 800 coins and womp's fortress it's going to be a pain in the butt to get the reds but we got to do it at some point so let's just do it today okay here goes nothing oh i do not i do not like these red coins and i do not like those hippos at all there's another red over there that's okay um okay need to get out get out get out yes give me a minute give me a minute after that that was way too scary oh yeah there's there's a coin over way over there oh there's a coin right here okay this doesn't look that bad actually yeah yeah it does how do i oh wait hold on can i just do okay that's actually super easy that's just a really random spot for it oh yeah i need to get hundreds too i keep i'm just i'm so focused on the reds because i know one of the red coins is going to take me like 10 minutes if not longer because it's that much of a pain i'm checking i'm checking over here because i don't know i have a feeling there's a red coin on this path somewhere and i'll have to climb back up is it is it here okay it's not in that random corner interesting actually really that's actually really nice thank god i don't have to do something like that oh yes there it is i found it i knew there'd be one over here oh i can't wait to go for that let's do it now oh my god why do they do this uh okay [Applause] yes yes okay all right all right thank god that worked it's also red right here too ah i want to go for that we'll go for that in a little bit there we go very nice okay so we got that one how many are yeah we're at five okay five reds and i am not seeing a lot more coins so we're probably just gonna have to figure out where the blue coins are because i still have no idea now before climbing up this freaking monstrosity again we're gonna get the coin over here in the cage this one's pretty easy to get it's actually in case you don't know it's a really easy way to get this star too well before we get 200 coins we really should just get that red coin that i am i am dreading to get it's gonna be a pain in the butt but we got to do it gotta climb back up here get in oh thank god that's over you don't want to know how many times i just tried that okay and i remembered that when you just shoot the can and you don't move you go to the next cannon which is still like the dumbest thing ever but it worked oh i hate that jump it's not even that bad but it's always scary yes all right okay we are almost done now we just got to do these boxes very carefully okay we're almost there all of that just for one red coin oh great great game i love this game now to figure out where i'm supposed to go next [Music] we just have to get that last red and i do think we're going to need those blue coins or the blue coin switch as well because we're kind of out of red or just out of coins in general the real question is though how do i get to those platforms so i might have to oh wait a minute hold on hold on okay i think i finally see what i'm supposed to do here i've been looking for a little bit i think i just have to long jump from here oh yeah yeah this will make it okay so that's basically what i got to do all right so okay good oh i have to time it too oh that's fun okay you know let's just let's wait it out let's wait it out that flame chomp doesn't even matter his fireballs are like nowhere near me he's gonna time it out here we go grab the coin oh thank god we got it okay all right so now it's literally just we gotta find where the blue coins are okay found them we got the hundred thank god we did that star alright and there is that last red it's just right up there that's it and we did it we actually freaking did it he climbed back up that stupid whirlpool of hell whatever you called that thing we climbed up we did we did the monkey bars we did the boxes that are curved we got the one red coin got them all got the hundred we're done with the main floor finally oh my gosh that was so difficult we've actually gotten 10 stars believe it or not it doesn't feel like it feels like it's more stars but it is 10. i think we're gonna go ahead and get one more star today now last time we did snowman's land i was really confused about in the deep freeze because normally it's just inside you know this area right but they got me thinking what if it's a different deep freeze what if it's where you literally freeze and then i remember there's like this random box that we can check so we're going to go over here because there's just this random box which it'll spot there it is and there's a cannon so what we got to do is we got to find the bobo and i think the star is inside there okay so he's still there good okay talk to him and hopefully that'll open up the uh deep freeze all right moment of truth there we go there it is all right so that was all it was it was actually a pretty simple one literally in the freeze this time we're gonna finish up all the basement stars and we're gonna try to finish all the upstairs and save but we'll finish most of the upstairs and save all the tippy top and everything else for like parts eight and nine hopefully we end it like eight or nine but anyway this is seek the golden secrets this is a level that i actually had to look up because um basically there's secrets in hazy maze cave now and you can't see them so that means you have no idea where they're gonna be so there is a secret here i'm really glad i could see that that that was so awesome man if i could i'm just so happy about that really happy i could see that secret and the second one is gonna be right here i guess because why not and then for this there's the other three are basically like on the other side of hazy maze so it's gonna take me a second to get to them and the third secret oh actually it's not there hold on we're getting close to it though this is the third one we gotta just climb up here to where there's nothing which honestly is a pretty good spot to like put something because like you know most people don't even know that exists so cool i guess that's another secret of course we have to just get through these these boxes by uh doing that i guess i don't know that's supposed to work even secret number four right there and then let's go and grab the fifth one which is pretty close by and number five is right there and that is where all of the golden secrets are again i'm so glad i could just you know get some sort of hint and idea as to where they were really fair and fun fun and fair okay now we're just gonna you know go through these bricks no pr well maybe okay there we are we finally got the secret star we are done with hazy maze cave but we're not quite done with the basement yet as we still have a few to do in shifting sand land uh yeah shipping sale oh my god 100 coins no no i'm not excited for 100 coins oh my god but thankfully there is one easiest star that i forgot to do which is stand tall on the four pillars uh this is literally just the same thing so i don't okay i don't know why that didn't work it's basically just the exact same thing as the original game so that will be pretty easy to do stand on the pillars do the the boss punch the hands eyeballs that's it all right so we stood tall on the four pillars so of course we're going to stand tall of our with our pride and get inside all right let's punch some hands in the face now i honestly don't know why i didn't do this one last time this one's not that difficult we get it you're angry you're very angry you just want to nap anyway who cares about naps we got the 89th star we finished probably our last actual easy start because it all goes downhill from here now we get to do red coins and uh the way that this game works is there's actually two different red coin stars in shifting sand land the first one red coins in the sand and then the sixth one which we will combine okay which we will combine oh my god with um 100 coins those coins are in the pyramids so we're going to start with just reds here and as you can see all the coins are in the freaking sand and i think what i'm supposed to do is use the wing cap and like grab them that way but honestly i have no idea i i don't know um i guess i can try that oh my god that's gonna be so scary but we can try it okay here goes nothing oh my god okay just gotta breathe just gotta breathe that was terrifying all right next coin next coin oh my god it's not in a good spot i'm not i'm not at a good angle not at a good speed i don't like this at all i really this is not going to be fun easy does it easy does it i can't see what i'm doing i can't see anything i'm blind oh my god okay okay you know i honestly need more distance from this coin so i'm gonna go ahead and get another wing cap let's just take this nice and easy okay here we go here we go easy oh my god we have taken a chill pill we are chilled we are chilled okay we are chilled out my body temperature is now 89 degrees it's getting dangerously low but it needs to be i don't know if there's any more reds in the quicksand it's kind of hard to say to be honest i i guess i'll keep looking let's keep checking because i don't i don't know for certain oh my god there's one there no i don't like that ah oh my god that's so scary okay but it's done with it's done and over with we're okay i think we're finished with everything in that area there's one right there okay okay we'll go ahead and nab that yes okay all right where else are these cons oh they really are all in the sand the title was not lying was it okay i think this one we can actually do a super cool way ah yes okay we got it okay i don't know if that's how you're supposed to do it but that's how we did it did dunn did it got it yes don't know why i clapped clacked clickety clack oh great there's another red there okay so at least we know where that one is so i still don't know where the eighth red coin is but uh yeah we're gonna have to obviously get a wing cap for uh for this seventh one ah okay that's a problem well we got the coin i really don't like where this red is it isn't a very i guess okay okay we got it we're in good so now we just have to find that last red coin which i have no clue where it is still i mean we haven't checked like over here yet i guess we can look because it could be oh my god it could be over here there's quicksand in this area no okay yeah this won't be that oh this is very far out i don't like that i okay it's in the same spot okay just be careful be careful big [Music] okay dude i gotta take a boulder bath after that that was freaking that was stressful i'm not gonna lie all those coins were stressful but you know what we got him we're in the money we got it 90 coins not we have gotten 90 coins at some point 90 stars right there eight red coins in the sand we are not done yet thankfully i don't think i need to get any more reds um because now i just have to do eight reds in the pyramid and uh from the video that i double checked i want to have around 60 coins um before i go into the pyramid just to ensure i get enough for 100 as well so yeah i'll just go and go for 60 like 63 62. okay let's get in let's hop it in here and finish up shifting sandland yeah so i have okay we found a red i was going to say i have no idea where the reds are i don't know where half of these coins are going to be there is a red coin right there why would you do that just don't okay i didn't okay you get a nice little uh vacation tour down to the bottom we're not getting those coins either so that that sucks oh there's a lot of okay actually that's good i'm glad there's a lot of chuckies that's gonna help a lot why is there a wink cap in here okay well at least we got a lot of coins we got more than enough coins here look where the red coins are there's a reason we have the wing cap i understand everything now and i don't like that i understand everything why is there a red coin inside this do i push it yes it's also really weird to be using a wing cap inside the pyramid this feels weird i really don't like this angle i'm being put at and the camera in general is bad in the pyramid so like this is not helping at all okay i just have to pull up really early that's how i get these okay pull up early yes all right good pull ups we're pulling up as well got to get them gains [Music] ah okay good good so i'm glad we got that at least let's go ahead and nab the goomba coin get ourselves a freaking oh no [Music] no i can't believe that just happened okay now let's get the goomba coin just like that we're golden okay got ourselves a hundred coin star at least so now it's just the reds oh my god these reds are ridiculous okay so where else okay so there's one in here i think we're done with at least the quicksand ones which is nice okay that one's done [Music] boing indeed okay i see a coin that coin's pretty easy to get to let's have to climb up a little bit okay we're done and there's the star okay yes freaking yes okay good can we please just get up i'm begging you okay thank you please grab the star why is the star even like inside the pillar whatever we're actually finally done with shifting sand lane we finished it thank god all right so now we're gonna go to uh snowman's land there's only two more to do there and you're never gonna guess what they are yes it is hundred and red coins dropping for red coins and then 100 coins now you might remember from a previous video i don't know if it was part five or six but i got stuck inside here and i didn't know what to do so i looked up what you're supposed to do and guess what you can just triple jump out of this thing like i was trying to do but i was doing it the wrong way so we're gonna try to do it now hopefully i'll be able to actually get it so we're gonna jump in and apparently you just kind of do this i don't understand how this was done i got stuck again i still don't know how to get out of there so we're gonna get that coin at last and we'll just go for i guess just the rest of the reds and then we'll go for 100 coins yeah there's nothing else in here we got all the big goombas so oh sure we'll we'll take the invisible wall bonk we're going to here i i guess we'll oh they're all money bags oh no i really don't like that that is not that could that could like could they really have put those money bags in a worst spot i'm glad i didn't accidentally hit any of them that's actually good that means i get like a decent shot at them but oh my god so i know there's a coin here let's go ahead and grab this one real quick sure i'll take only the first red oh my god we're only at one red coin okay i'm gonna try going to one more area i have an idea to make those money bags slightly easier but it's really gonna come down to the fact of if there is a koopa shell in this level or not i don't know if they took it out oh it's a blue coin switch goody that's actually really good okay okay okay okay that's fantastic wonder why that's fantastic because i don't have to get all 5000 of those money bags i only have to get a couple this is freaking comical at how ridiculous this one is and i still haven't found half of drop dropping for red look at the pie screen i just paused the game look look look why would you do that that's not okay you want me to climb up the stupid snowman like eight times no this is freaking pain i cannot i seriously can't believe this i also need to get some of these no okay i got all the coins i honestly just need why the money bags even disappear i'm gonna get this one i got okay i got his coins that should be enough okay that'll be enough for 100 at least okay because i still need to get a lot of reds so we're good on that so no more getting the money bags that just disappeared i guess now we just clump the snowman a thousand times and then fall thankfully we do have a shortcut for climbing up the snowman you can just kind of do a little bit of this and then a couple of wall jumps just like that nice and easy i did see a coin up here too why why is there a coin up here oh okay that was not that bad okay so uh dilemma i don't know where the hell the coins are i know they're here okay there's one okay we got that one at least hey we don't have to come up again yay there's a red right here okay good can i just do like this can i push b and grab the star [Music] no come on all right well i guess it's not that big a deal i can just climb up and get it again okay nice so 100 coins done i still don't know how to get that last red coin i have no idea how i'm supposed to do that but we'll get that last i think we're at what four okay so we basically gotta jump off the snowman three more times [Music] okay thank god we got that all right all that's left is obviously just this one and somehow getting out of the freaking igloo like do i really have to go in here i don't want to do that can i just like punch it can i grab it through here please well we got uh we got all the red coins now we have to somehow get out what what how did i wall jump i don't know how i wall jumped okay whatever i don't care i did it somehow cool yes we actually yes okay so we are done with snowman's land that leaves us oh okay you know let's go ahead and finish today i know we're not getting that many stars again but let's finish today with getting the rest of wet dry world so wet dry world has more secrets which are again very stupid um but that's fine it's okay we know how to get these so i was having problems with getting up to emergency exit last time and i realized that i'm overthinking it i literally just have to make the water higher and um then just like swim to it that's it i love how empty this stage is there's just nothing here it makes it even more like eerie okay so let's go ahead and uh hit that is that gonna be high enough i don't think it is i think i got to do one more up well let me see where the water goes does it go all the way up to the uh oh that is high enough okay all right so this is really easy then so now we literally just swim to the star and that's it star number 95 okay so next we'll do shells and the secrets so here's the thing with these secrets they're also in random spots that you can't see uh however i did watch the video because again i could not find them on my own and i think i remember where most of them are if not i'll double check but uh basically we have to flood the water again because all the secrets are like they're so stupid wait till you see them so i do remember where one was precisely it was around this spot oh my okay so they're still there thank god the secrets are still there but i do need to get more height it's a i think you just go inside here okay that's two and then there's like another one around here all right guys i double checked the the uh the video you're not gonna believe this is so ridiculous so there's a secret there super obvious spot by the way i'm really glad you know how obvious that was so i was going in the right direction as you'll see it's actually higher up i have to go here and then up easy there we go found the spot and those are the secrets if you have any questions don't ask me and then of course it is like inside the box because let's make it as cryptic as possible but we're done with secrets we're done with emergency exit i think all that's left in what driveworld is 100 coins so yes we will go ahead and do 100 coins because let's just get her done sick so 58 coins that's awesome is that gonna be enough i don't know okay i forgot about the coins up here but 63 i feel like that has to be enough all right let's hop in boom look at that right in okay so now we just need to finish up get these hundred cons oh yeah that's right i totally forgot like all the red coins are in the same spots it's honestly really nice okay and we got some extra yellows good i really hope it's enough i guess we will see i think we've gotten all the reds now i don't know where these last eight coins are going to be oh my god i hope they're here okay good there's some coins is that gonna be enough mario let's climb the pole do some pole dancing you do maybe if you pull dance right you'll you'll get extra coins right could happen i guess are you i literally have to get all the coins here i have to get the skeeter oh thank god i didn't fall i'm so glad that coin didn't fall we got the actual star holy crap i think i literally had to get all the coins we are done with that we're done with the dry world so all that's left is tall tall mountain not even that much of it only like half of it the entirety oh my god the entirety of tick-tock clock tiny huge island and then a good chunk of rainbow ride now with tall tall mountain um basically actually for the rest of these stars i'm gonna have to look up how to do one this one i looked up earlier and uh basically eight coins in the breeze equates to me literally being in the breeze and grabbing the coins like i have to kind of like fall this way okay i have to like go this hold on go down mario so i have to do that but not die that's the idea if i just if i don't die it'll probably work it'll work pretty well all right i got a new game plan we're gonna go and do a long jump boom easy just like that exactly as planned all right we finally got one coin you know what makes this really hard i can't see where the damn coin is that's the problem that's what makes it so freaking hard okay i'm over the coin i am over the coin i should be able to get it yes yes papa no what you're no longer my papa after that you have been rejected from papa status mario this is pain this is pain i can't see where the coin is so i go down i have to guess where to go and then i don't get it except that time i got it so that's good all right now we're cooking dude mario must feel so goddamn breezy right now like his he's gonna have a really bad hair day when he finally takes his hat off just like every everything is gonna feel like breezy and dried out honestly can we get mario some lotion because i think he's gonna need some after all this wind let's get the con thank you all right yay we got all the coins let's go [Music] but first and foremost make sure to get mario lotion i'm gonna do it off camera but uh don't forget when you're playing this get him some nice lotion after all that win because god damn wow so it actually wasn't that bad i was thinking that star was going to take a lot longer it was just those first three coins that were such a pain in the butt because i had to keep like dipping underneath the wind to get them okay so next we have um oh so this one is really really weird basically i'm gonna have to do the slide well you're gonna see how it's gonna work it's very very bizarre but it shouldn't be that bad okay so yeah we're gonna do the slide and then things are gonna get really weird in the end which you'll see assuming i don't die from the chakyas chuck yaz chuck knows i'm gonna say chuck no today how about no chucking how about no more getting burned is i am freaking dead okay let's do a lot more al let's do a lot more jumping this time okay now i kind of know where fire is going to be it's going to be it's going to be right there now i know exactly where it is perfect can i please get the i get happy [Music] actually that's fine kind of helps me point ah ah okay oh my god jesus no not the chuck guess all right oh hello goodbye ow dude i actually need i know this is actually not good i need okay good i was gonna say i need some health i think fire comes out of this yes okay so now we're gonna jump into the fire go ahead long jump long jump again this is so dumb when you guys see this then we gotta come down here remember this box from like two or three episodes ago we the box spawns when that timer spawns let me grab this bonk on the thing now i'm freaking pissed that that just happened all right can we not there we go good yes all right so yeah that's basically the star go down the slide and then do the box now what the hell now i'm like out of bounds okay whatever look at that we're almost in the triple digits that doesn't even feel real that we're almost on triple digits after all this time so now we have you know two more stars to go these these ones are going to take a while the tall tall secrets this one we kind of figured out a couple episodes ago uh we're also going to do 100 coins and we're also going to die so that's i'm definitely dead yep now i don't know if i need these red coins for the hundreds if i do i guess i can get them but for now i'd really rather not so this is what we need to pay attention to within the middle of nowhere near a waterfall near the top of a waterfall where the pink bobbum was and within the second gap the secrets of tall tall mountain those clues really aren't that great they're not horrible but uh you know it's a good starting point at least yep now here's where things are going to get interesting is luring out these chakias and not dying okay here we go perfect grab one there we go let go of me i need to get those coins you idiot okay thank you mr chuck yes sir i do not like how close i am to the ledge don't freaking die okay i'm not dead i'm not dead that's what matters we are living son okay perfect perfect so easy 15 coins right here oh hell yeah okay and there's a secret right here where the pink bobbum was all right now i i know there's gonna be two near the waterfall i don't really know what that entails though oh hell yeah dude let's go 95 excellent okay that's gonna make this really easy now well i honestly i don't want to get any more coins on the slide okay that's i really gotta no no no no okay go ahead throw me that way that's fine whatever i don't care brah oh my god that was so lucky that was insanely lucky i am gonna have to get a couple of coins don't get all of them yeah okay fine i'm gonna have to jump gonna have to jump for it god damn it i did not want to do this okay oh my god this is the most clutch thing ever the fact that i didn't like okay first off i should have flown off and not have been able to come back but i only was able to come back i didn't like fall down oh now i'm freaking dead you know what honestly let's just take it that's fine we got our 100 coins 100 stars uh we didn't get that many secrets we only got two so we can go and do the secrets again that's fine [Music] i hate doing that one that's so scary you have to fall so much to get it it's really weird um i mean if you're not familiar with how like wall jumping works you have to have some speed so like the fact that i have to slow down in the middle to get the secret and then speed up to get the coin and then like move out of the way it's a lot to kind of think about all right uh secret two again camera being big stupid okay so there's two on the waterfall and there's like a hidden area oh i actually think i might know where that is as i think about it let's try to find the water wall the water the waterfall once worked first first oh wait it's probably on the little stub thingy on the bottom that's probably where it is but let's go up here because it said top of the waterfall is it just mean here yes okay okay so my theory okay my theory is there's one here there's not okay we'll actually look at the sign again however i did look up where one of them is and i have to say i'm really damn glad i did because this one that i'm about to do is quite possibly the dumbest thing of all time dumber than the red coins in hmc actually okay are you guys ready for this this is so freaking stupid okay so one of these mushrooms i think it's this one uh no maybe it's this one one of them you know takes you down where the hell is it is it this one i think they moved the thing all right i got an idea so i'm supposed to take a secret to get down here but that's not working so i'm just gonna go down there myself look at that okay so you ready for this you ready for this where this freaking secret is we're gonna go here warp do a backflip go back i know completely obvious how could i have possibly missed that i should have known that was so obvious now the last secret let's go ahead i'm actually going back to the sign because i do want to try to do these without looking it up if i can we're in the middle of nowhere near a waterfall near the top of a waterfall so near a waterfall where the pink bomb was we got that one and within the second gap so it's literally just the waterfall okay so it's somewhere around there it just says near the waterfall maybe i have to [Music] go down here hmm well i'm going to look it up there it is okay and the freaking secret is on the stupid lonely mushroom well there's no tox box for me to get that easily i think i killed the fly guy we're gonna have to improvise to get that start that's we're gonna have to do i could take this cannon i think i might actually do that it's not the worst idea there we go let's freaking go we're actually done with tall tall mountain whew that's not even the hard stuff today guys we're not even at the hard levels yet we're at a point where um we've pretty much completed all the levels that we've like you know seen right we've got all the secret stars we've done levels one through twelve uh i've gotten zero stars in levels 13 and 14 and i still have a lot to do on the ride here we go um i don't actually know what to start with i think we're going to start with um you know let's go and start with tiny huge island because these are going to be hard as hell so fellas i've looked up a few stars that i'm doing next and i'm very terrified okay we're gonna take it one little baby set step at a time though and uh we're gonna try our best all right but yeah all of these okay not this one and star two don't look that bad it's star three holy crap wait till we get there so first first and foremost i have to swim like down okay i didn't die i didn't die so i did not know how to escape him before i finally kind of figured it out you just have to basically swim down and you'll be okay now this next section is freaking nuts okay wait till you see this too so there is fire here in a block obviously i'm not gonna be able to hit that the only solution is to take damage damage boost oh i just messed up but basically you have to damage boost with chain chomp to break the block come on there we go okay that's what i literally have to do oh my god so ridiculous but hey you know what there's a solution we know how to do it now so that's good all right anyway there is a plant up here okay wow that was really impressive and how bad that was so we could actually get star 2 now if we really wanted to i kind of want to get the plants first though it's it's literally just the box with fire now it's really not that bad so there is a plant around here there he is hello goodbye this this one's actually kind of an obvious spot but uh it's basically on this little island thingy now if the camera won't be dumb okay very nice okay so there's a plant around here right i think it was maybe it's down here okay there's a plant here we took damage almost burned it's exactly what we needed nice and fired up boom look at that okay now we're gonna do a bit of this action that was very actiony gonna do a bit of this because apparently this is how it works in this game ah that was close okay good i'll take the cons please thank you thank you very much thank you for your service all right and then i think that's it i think there's just one more at this point i'm not mistaken you know i'm surprised i didn't add wind here this would have been a good spot to add wind that would have been nice and uh nice and trolly all right and it is down here boom and the stars should spawn here i think that was five right okay yeah all right there you have it all right so next of course star two journey to the summit that's not how you spell summit can i just do this oh hell yeah let's go let's fricken go ha-ho wahoo so this star will probably get first try no issues whatsoever bam look at that first and a half try just like that easy no problems the hidden block maze that is one way to put it okay so are you ready for this are you ready for this so first step we jump down here which block do you go down you might be wondering there's three options oh the one with the pipe okay let's take the pipe so we ground pound and i have to talk to the freaking bob home i for i didn't even realize that 2 000 years later okay [Music] how bobbum oh my god we found him we actually found him okay the stupid pipe is open now all right the goddamn pipe is open i don't even know if it's the correct one was it just one of them was it a different one i don't know it doesn't matter all right anyway hidden block all right is this going to be open now yes so this is where things get really stupid this is a hidden block maze um i don't actually remember exactly where i'm supposed to go i think it's this one i think i'm supposed to ground pound this one okay so he ground pounded there that specific spot land in the cannon and now i have to shoot myself back up so we have to shoot out of the cannon this specific spot we're gonna hit a switch all right then we have to climb up here go across all this crap then we have to come around here i think i'm starting to forget there's the box hit the box grab pound again please get it i swear to god you better get that damn star mario yes that was three stars you know how long it took me just to get three freaking stars all right let's finish up tiny huge island still got three more star actually i still have four stars to go um thankfully these ones don't seem too nearly as bad as freaking star three that one was just horrible uh i forgot i have to do this i'm dead so i'm gonna go and do hundred coins as well as secrets now funny thing about the secrets they're actually in the exact same spots but of course getting to the secrets is not gonna be nearly as easy but you know that is that is one comforting thing to know the secrets were not moved oh man i'm not gonna lie i feel drained after like these past three stars jesus and i honestly what i the goal i'm thinking today i was thinking ah maybe i'll do the rest of the stars no no no no that's not gonna happen uh the goal is let's finish tiny huge island and then finish rainbow ride and then for the final part it'll be tick-tock clock and then final bowser so we're also going to want to have around 70-ish coins maybe a little bit more before we go to the tiny world there is a bunch of coins we can get there but um honestly i want to try to get like maybe like 75 that's kind of the goal okay i'm just checking for coins up here nope don't know why i thought they would add any i mean this game generosity no they've never heard of that word oh i do want to go up here though for reds um yeah so we are going to go and get reds the reds also look pretty obnoxious but not like impossible here goes one uh-huh i'm living nope just kidding hey there's scuttle there's goombas down there i want those goombas two huh three four live okay thank you five okay you know what i'm also looking forward to getting that last red coin you know when we get to that star and then the screen freezes and i have to hit the wall jump gonna be so much fun i can't wait to do that how many freaking coins okay i need to get two more where the hell are the other two gotta find them i think there's one i missed one over here didn't i uh yes i did okay this one's really well hidden actually yes okay there we go jesus what that what the hell is this one this has to be the worst one yet oh my god that one's scary all right seven coins that's good enough we're at 65 that's actually fantastic so not we don't need to get too many more coins um can we stop burning now thank you yes let's go ahead we are going to start heading out to uh you know the block maze again we actually have to go back there we're not going to do the maze though we just need to you i mean you'll you'll see you'll see all right here we are back through the pipe if i could ground pound so here's how this works all right i have to somehow long jump my way off of this pipe in order to uh get back to the tiny oh are we gonna first try this yo let's go okay so we got back up and like i said the secrets are in the same spot so that's not the problem the really the only issue now is just getting the rest of the coins not dying from all this fire oh my god that was close okay one there we go perfect okay good good i feel like the hard part of this stage is out of the way at this point that was really all i was worried about was that jump all right secret one oh let's get this coin as well there we go where the hell did that other oh there it is okay all right yes thank you for not dying much appreciate it all right so here are the rest of the coins there's gonna be two boxes okay well we got that but yeah let's go ahead and finish these coins now yes yes let's go you know what that means only two more levels get hundred coins for just tick-tock clock just rainbow ride i'm actually so excited about that so hype let's go oh thank you thank god that's done so red coins should not take as long i do have to get them again which kind of sucks but why do i keep going in the tiny i just i'm just i'm still not used to i always go in the tiny everyone always goes in the tiny painting this one just isn't used ever [Music] seven now comes the fun one because the screen gets to uh freeze okay i wall jumped i think i wall jumped in not a good area not a good direction perfect nailed it boom thumbs up i think i did the wrong direction again please work just work for once you know what new game plan embrace the wrong direction we're gonna land on this platform over here embrace it oh cool the camera just decided to give me a big freaking middle finger right there jesus oh my god okay whatever it's done ah damn i need to take a bowler nap later it's the nice snap all stretched out on the boulders i gotta do it later so this is gonna be the last star here um i also had to look up how to do this one because i wasn't really sure how to go back from because normally like you have to ground pound the top of the mountain i'm gonna die god freaking damn it but normally you have to go to tiny island hit the water on the top of the mountain then go to the giant you got to do that but obviously i can't do that here so i have to do a clip to get into wiggler so first things first we're going to go ahead and kill this chucky get him out of the way basically i have to dive into this mountain and go through it and i don't know the exact spot come on get the damn speed you idiot there oh my god second try holy crap whoa that was so sick all right okay let's go that's what i'm talking about i have no idea what spot i'm supposed to go in there we go oh that was so cool that was not as hard as i thought it'd be i'm not gonna i really thought that was gonna be way harder okay well then this is just wiggler fight you know wiggler fight might as well do it with your eyes closed all right where's the star gonna spawn the same spot uh yes okay oh my god we actually finished tiny huge island my freaking god that was nuts okay well i've already been playing for a while but i we we got to make some headway fellas i don't have much of a choice we got to keep fricking going because that's just what we do here um rainbow ride let's do that next okay okay four more stars to do today i've looked up every again like i said i have to look up all these stars because it's just getting way too confusing so i figured out how i'm supposed to get past that part now it took a little bit of tinkering oh my freaking god but i know what to do now let's go and grab the ledge thank you get some coins just as a backup and uh yeah it's actually still incredibly dumb what i have to do but i know what i have to do so you're not gonna believe what we have to do for this i know i've said that like a thousand times but seriously this is the most insane one yet i have to run at it straight and when it's like facing me i have to run up that's what i have to have to try to time this out [Music] this is going to take some tries [Music] yes okay yeah yep you're good mario yes that's right papa mario don't you dare die to mario okay okay okay now we're partying it worked we must not die we have one bar of health you know what's great about this though i get to do that jump more times yes all right anyway that was one part of the star one portion of what i'm supposed to do i have a lot more game to play still in case you didn't notice that i still have more game to play after that okay so got the cannon we're actually gonna need it twice for this stage so that's how we're gonna get it now let's get it out of the way okay now it actually shouldn't be so bad well i'm gonna have to avoid this fire but that's whatever at this point but after what i just did this is nothing now i just need to grab this pole do some pole dancing mario break it out there we are very nice okay here we go this is the easy part how is this the easy part of the star this doesn't even make sense i can't even fathom that honestly all right fancy back flip almost died you have to almost die it's kaizo if your heart isn't pumping at 200 beats a minute like what are you even doing so now we have to get the star like this will this be it let's frickin go oh oh my god i'm not done with that i i just i can't even fathom the idea that i still have to do that jump i'm not done yet and you know what i'm doing i'm doing 100 coins next okay so what i have to do for under coins i have to get 65 coins before going to the big house and by the way you know we get to the big house we take the damn we take the cannon and then we take the cannon to the big house we have to shoot to the can it's it's a whole damn process you guys will see it's freaking nuts first and foremost though let's go ahead and grab a bunch of coins um yeah we need to get 65 so we still have a bunch of coins to get but that's okay [Music] all right you can see i got four four four four plus 40 coins that's 44. that's some quick math just for you you're welcome now you can do your math homework 44 coins now and uh i have to do this jump again fun yes yes okay okay okay okay just call oh my god dude that went so smooth that time holy all right all right let's get some damn coins now as well perfect okay 70 we have so many coins now this is perfect this is all we need so here comes the fun part guys so this is actually also something you can do in the vanilla game if for whatever reason you want to try like a fun challenge to get to the big house at the carpet you can do so um just using this cannon um you basically have to hit that bridge way down at the end so that's what we're gonna be doing come on come on here we go okay i see i also knew that was coming as well this level does not play around it really does not play around now as you can see there's no carpet i uh have to find in it basically okay you'll see what i'm not even gonna explain i'm not gonna explain what's gonna happen all right because this is just freaking crazy there we go that's the angle baby yes okay so now we gotta hit this don't you dare burn jesus okay so now we have to hit the switch go back don't burn i mean i guess i can burn but i'd really rather not we have to go into the freaking fireplace all right stand here teleport and boom we're up here we actually did it oh my god i can't believe this and the game is actually nice enough to like reward you with all these coins all these boxes have 10 which is fantastic and just like that just like that as if it was so quick we got the freaking hundred coins ten stars away and soon to be nine stars wow that was really soon crazy oh oh my god we're not done yet we're gonna finish rainbow ride now these reds i i don't know if they're actually in the same spots or not i just know they're all still in this area we're just gonna get those for fun okay can we uh can we do a bit of this please thank you okay so it looks like the reds are in the same spot which is nice [Music] you know what fire strats let's go the game froze so i've ran into a very strange predicament fellas um the game keeps freezing on me uh i don't know why i'm assuming because there's too many flames maybe that's the problem i have no idea but if the game if the game keeps freezing i don't know how the hell i'm gonna get this star can i get this one please without the game freezing thank you okay good now we're gonna climb back up we're gonna try again don't freeze game get the object we got the object okay now we're gonna climb back up again [Music] okay got the object we're gonna climb up one more time get the last coin hopefully he doesn't freeze yet again i caught on fire but that's all right i should be able to bust out of it oh i didn't hit no i didn't oh that's weird okay look at that a star oh my god we did it one more today one more for today let's finish rainbow ride get it the hell out of the way this la this next door is actually pretty normal believe it or not it's called the invisible platform but that doesn't really mean much because it's all basically the same thing as star six it's just literally the platform itself is invisible and that's it oh hell sweat okay well i wanted to get the swag trip the swag track just get the get in the damn cannon i want to get out of this level all right we're gonna try like right here all right perfect boom oh my god oh my god we finished rainbow ride it's actually done that was nuts this is actually kind of interesting i don't actually think there's uh red coins in final bowser because all that's left literally all that's left is just tick-tock clock if we don't want to get burned by the fire so here's how this works okay you ready boom now we can finally leave this is how you get through this we i have to do this every single time for this star insane now you might have noticed something um everything is missing a lot of platforms are just going to be missing okay you know i kind of want to do 100 red coins also another thing this level has exactly 100 coins so you know what let's just do that first this one coin that's it only one good start really glad i got that one coin um also there is a red coin that is like up here never would have found it if i didn't look it up well there's that one but then there's also one that we actually can't see let's get this one real quick though there we go okay we got it that time so there's our first thread you might as well get this one as well this one kind of scary little scary not gonna lie a little scary but we got our second red okay now this next red coin is right there now unfortunately on that block is a heave-ho so we're gonna have to somehow not die from uh climbing up here i don't know how that's gonna happen but i guess we'll find out [Music] get it yes just don't die thank you thank you okay we actually got it that time all right three coins down lots more to play you might have also noticed that the yellow blocks are just gone so what we have to do i'm actually going to wait for this hypo okay one eternity later safe we're safe freaking call the rep we're safe we did one of them we did one of the jumps only have to do it five more times that's it no problem whatever huh now we finally got up here holy crap here's what's next we have to actually get every coin from this chuck yeah with the heave-ho right there yes i'm serious don't give me that look i'm actually serious okay how we're gonna do that great question i don't know yet [Music] okay sure we got it that time i will take it i'm not gonna complain about that we actually got the coins we needed so at this point we're gonna have to triple jump right up here and grab the ledge don't die die not dying is a really good plan um so we finally got up here yeah like i said like everything is missing like so many of the platforms are just gone they don't exist how do we get up this wall you might be thinking we literally have to stand on top of the wall i'm dead serious this is extreme to the max all right if i finish this game this will be the hardest game i've ever finished in my entire life all right i'm scared i don't actually know what i'm supposed to do at this point i'm supposed to stand on top of this wall but i mean as you can see it's a little thin okay it worked that time all right so now from here we have to literally double jump and wall jump our way up oh thank god okay it worked that time good i feel like we're actually making progress now after all of that freaking crap so that's good we got to get these coins here of course okay we missed one might want to get that okay don't burn don't burn mario no more burning we've had enough burning okay we have some red coin we have a red coin down there we're gonna get that probably last that's what's gonna make the most sense for us to do hey we get all these these are literally the easiest coins to get out of like every coin in this entire level those are actually the easiest one normally those are some of the hardest blue coins to get all right so i think next i need to actually climb up here i know i just got coins here but let's try let's try actually climbing up and not getting thrown by the heave-ho do i have to climb up from there can i go at a different angle i want to climb up this way okay i have an idea i honest i'm trying to figure out what i'm supposed to do i keep getting burned by this fire here so we're gonna try we're gonna try this that actually worked oh my god that actually worked how i can't believe that okay [Music] sure whatever that's fine i'll take it i don't care good enough with me all right let's uh okay now this is actually good we're starting to get into um we're getting close to the end actually because a lot of these last coins is just reds and then there's just like 10 coin boxes that we have to get all right we'll grab this please have good rng i kind of needed that coin god damn it i need to get uh this red here that's in a fantastic spot by the way i cannot believe that works that was terrifying god damn okay so we have four coin we have we literally just need the last four reds okay so we got to get this one how am i gonna get this without dying how how how how what who what where when why how okay we're gonna long jump this sucker and we're gonna hit it that was fantastic actually because i was i was aiming for the red and we hit the invis wall knocking us into a better spot anyway this is great let's grab that okay so the last two i know how to get them gotta kind of climb back down though okay that's fine i take damage from that why so this is new what could this possibly be for hmm i wonder oh right of course i just have to do this grab the coin then you know just get back on here and uh die inside that that's it so what did this thing be for we have not seen this exclamation point block used well it's actually used for this part right here okay just gonna grab this coin come down here and uh just real quick you know 100 coins off of this random part hopefully i'm not gonna die here i feel like i'm gonna die i don't know why okay i'm not dead yet that's good oh god what's gonna happen don't get pushed off okay ow okay oh my god guys we did it we are done with 100 and red coins and we are even doing red coins because we don't have to do them in the final bowser level thank god that is over holy crap let's move on to whatever's next roll into the cage i guess oh yeah that's right i forgot i have to do this stuff oh my god this this hack is whole i'm so glad we don't have 200 in red but god damn this hack still sucks okay we made it thank freaking god we made it what do we even want to do next all these stars are hard there is no let's do the easy one no they're all hard i kind of you know i kind of want to climb all the way to the top so i'm going to do that again let's just we'll go from top to bottom let's just do that whoa mari for the love of why is there invisibles right there [Applause] this this hex action making me go insane i'm glad we're doing this start you know second because this is actually a lot more annoying than i was expecting it to be please get the hell up you idiot yeah mario come on mario mario mario please don't be an idiot please just triple jump when i say to triple jump you're going fast enough to do it i will forgive you mario if you forgive me just forgive me and do the stupid-ass star do it now forgive me mario please get the star here all right nice only what four more times of doing that that's it only four more happy about that okay so i actually i don't know what i want to get now i mean there's quite a bit of options i think i'm gonna do secrets actually and secrets is basically finding all of these gears and then reaching them yes how am i getting better at this i only did that like five times instead of you know like 30. how i shouldn't be seriously no one should actually get good at that ever that shouldn't be allowed get the hell up thank you all right keep looking where else where else they gonna be they could be pretty much anywhere that's what makes this fun you know makes this very fun they could be literally anywhere okay there's another one is this does this count this should count right good number two so there is a gear up here unfortunately so i have to just jump one more time before i'm done with it for the rest of my life uh oh that's no fun okay we got it and we somehow didn't grab the star as well that was insane there's a gear right there okay let's get that let's also get some health okay number four now we have to just find the fifth one i don't know where it is all right so it's somewhere down here somewhere down here um there it is i found it i found it i want that i want that can i reach it from here i don't know come on yes it actually worked [Music] righty oh i'm so happy that actually worked and the star is right in the middle just right here easy peasy oh my god we're almost done we're actually almost done three more stars to go secret off the clock years it's finished and everything i should not have to climb to the very top ever again i still have to do the two stupid hard parts at the beginning but otherwise that's it i'm actually i have no idea what i want to do next um i i don't know i guess i can do i can do a pit in the pendulum why not let's just do it right now let's just freaking do it we're just gonna do a little bit of uh this action we got to do a bit of bop and then bam done look at that two more stars to go okay that's it the more times i do it the better it feels because it's like hey i don't have to do that soon it's gonna be a great feeling when i finally get to that point so here's what i'm thinking we're gonna do next we need to find out we'll roll into the cages i believe it is over here this is what we're gonna do we're gonna hit this we're gonna come down here camera's gonna say holy what do i do and then i'm just gonna go ahead and um try not to die for the love of mario mario [Music] i did it i actually did it okay now now now now now now now and also now all i have to do is just ground pound twice that's it okay yes oh my god when will this freaking level end oh i know when it'll end after this next star we'll have 120 and we will actually be done oh my god make it end i'm so ready to be done with this game oh my god thank freaking god i only have to do this one more time too i'm so tired of this jump messing me up as well this is just pissing me off but we're almost done we're actually almost done and we got it on the first try let's go that's what i'm talking about [Music] okay we made it we're done with hard jumps yes freaking three cheers hip hip hooray hip hip hooray hip hip mamma mia can i just get up here faster i can't there's nothing i'm so i don't want to do this stupid jump with the stupid gate i i know it's last time i gotta do it i just don't want to do it again it's not fun not at all all righty guys we're actually almost done we are in the home stretch at this point all right you're in the goddamn home stretch all we got to do is climb up here and then get the star that's it then we're done oh my god 120 start i actually did it 120 stars i actually freaking did it i cannot believe this happened we're almost done we are almost done all we have left is final bowser and that is it you will be done all right here goes nothing let's do it let's finish this damn game and hop into here and we are dead so i thought he needed 120 stars for this that's what you would think right but no this is not how you get to final bowser you want to know how you get the final bowser well what else opens when you get 120 stars the cannon out here and what is in this cannon the final bowser so we start by burning to death we have one thing of health half of the stage is invisible and even better there's no coins welcome to kaiser mario 64 the final level this is what we have to put up with this how we're gonna do it i don't know yet i actually have no idea how we're gonna do this but we're gonna do it somehow so one good thing to note about this the stage itself is basically the same layout so if i know the stage layout i can probably get through this okay oh my god platforms i can see yay i can see for a little bit at least okay we're climbing up here you guys remember how the stage layout works you kind of know where we're supposed to go at this point now we have to make a way up here this is different there is also new stuff new stuff in the stage for some reason why they chose to did that because this is kaizo what else did you expect mario buddy really gonna need you to work here oh yeah there's also no ferris wheel yep no ferris wheel so i have to long jump off this box and then proceed forward that way but we're going the long way i can't believe i'm actually doing this because like you know fellas i've seen speed runs of this game and i'm like wow this looks dumb i would never want to actually attempt this final level on my own but no i have to get up there somehow how in i can't see where i'm supposed to go yes okay so i got up here now i need to do yes progress i can't believe i made progress oh my god okay okay all right kick up the wall this is pretty simple oh my god we're actually doing it we're actually gonna freaking do this i can't i actually cannot believe we're actually gonna do this climb up here i'm scared i need a boulder to hold me i'm so scared yes i did it i just licked the mic oh it's all sweaty there's like flies and stuff all over it too yes yes progress more progress feels good so i know there's going to be a pull here as well let the flame do its thing climb up quickly before i get screwed over okay we're almost there all right we're hitting this i remember what this looks like i gotta go through here and do this crap get ourselves a good grab and go forward yes why is there a chain chomp there why is there why why why why why why why why is there a chain chop there and there's flames of course there's flames [Music] huh what happened to the chain chop what happened to the j job he's like what the hell oh don't get burned no no no we got the glitch we want the glitch we like the glitch oh my god no way we made it to bowser we're gonna finish this we're gonna actually finish this hack okay let's do it you again matio i'm surprised that he got past my traps and minions for the third time me too i can't believe it either but now you're gonna pay if my plans are succeed you must disappear now are you ready mario yep i'm freaking ready to finish yes [Music] come on one hit one hit is done let's do this let's finish strong it's finished freaking strong run at me run at me daddy yes yes grab the tail that's hit number two one more to go come on get your ass over here bowser do it your thick dummy ass yes yes it's done it's done please don't burn on the flames mario no you've really beat me this time i can't stand losing to you my troops worthless it turned into power stars what they're 120 and all i can't believe i missed that many but you found them curse you no curse you this game is cursed now i see your piece to return to the world oh i really hate that i can't watch i'm out of here just wait till next time yeah okay whatever if you're reading this and congratulations for beating kaiser mario 64. thank you you've beaten my ultimate creation and collected 120 stars because of this you have just cleared one of the two requirements for the project 2009 hall of fame damn that's insane omega edge29 what the hell did you make why did you make this oh my god guys we just have to touch the big star and we're done we're done we're done i'm throwing throwing the controller in the grass i'm about to throw myself in the grass we're done it's done it's actually done i can't believe it's done oh my god we did it we did it now i i feel like nothing special even happens at the end but i gotta see the ending for this okay it looks like the ending's basically the same all right the best part coming up here we go the delicious birthday cake thank you so much thank you so much for to playing my game how about thank you so much for to playing my video thanks for watching the entire thing thanks for not only watching this whole video but hopefully all of them wow well that's it we actually did it it feels weird to be a conclusion but we have done it and with that thank you so much for hanging out near the boulders it has been a blast and i'll see you next time with another series another video all that good jazz bye
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 255,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaizo mario 64, super mario 64, super mario 64 speedrun, kaizo mario, kaizo mario world, super mario, mario, super mario 64 70 star, super mario 64 120 star, bathaniel nandy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 4sec (10864 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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