Don't Look At Your Lack, Look At The Lord (Part 1) (Nov 17, 2018)

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[Music] you want some encouragement all right does anybody know William off award William off award anyone he lived he was born 1921 he died 1990 or he's been probably he's probably the most quoted writer of inspirational Maxim's he's written over a hundred articles that have been published all over the Reader's Digest probably some of your kids like Reader's Digest what's that something a magazine that we used to read anyway very a lot of a lot of Christian publications as well but let me read you a quote he said flatter me and I might not believe you how many people get flattened you don't really believe it because you always think there's strings attached either think there's strings attached who you think they they're missing something right a lot of times bill was on the phone before an hour flattering me and flattering me and he does not flatter he does not throw it around I know you're not you don't blow smoke up anybody's dress and he's he just doesn't manipulate he hates that he's a principled guy and he will not many play but what he sees I totally don't see sometimes you guys will give me compliments I don't see it now you might think how could you not see it I'm being honest with you okay I'm being as real as I could be I don't see it I don't see it if somebody calls me and asked me to speak I shudder I'm like what the heck am I gonna say they got the wrong guy and I freaked out so he says flatter me and I might not believe you criticize me and I might not like you come on you guys you know who you are ignore me and I may not forgive you encouraged me and I will never forget you all right so that's all premise I'm not gonna criticize you mocking ignore you I'm not gonna flatter you I'm gonna try to encourage you okay and when I heard the word encouragement from my Heavenly Father I immediately think of Moses you got to realize I was raised with Moses I was raised an Orthodox Jew Moses is our guy you'll see statues of him all over and the Jewish world holding the Ten Commandments I mean the law the Torah is called the book of Moses it's called the law of Moses when when the Bible speaks about Moses you know it's synonymous with the law I mean he penned the first five books the foundation of the Bible he has this stellar record right he's called the servant of God I mean he's so important that God officiates his funeral he's over-the-top he's mentioned eight hundred times in the Bible there's only two people mentioned more than him King David is mentioned nine hundred times an issue was mentioned twelve hundred times what I'm trying to say is he's a big deal anybody know I'm saying he's a big deal and he's also mentioned in the Torah as the most humble man that ever lived and we know what humility is humility is the key stone it's the cornerstone to a great relationship with God they ask you shoe who'll be greatest in the kingdom he said you were the most humble not you who have the best doctrine so he has this stellar record so the minute I hear encouragement he's my go-to guy okay so I want to read the first fourteen verses of chapter 3 of the book of Exodus and you may by all means follow along now Moshe was tending the Sheep of yet Roe his father-in-law the priest of Midian you might say that sounds kind of Hebraic the whole Bible is it was written by Jews to Jews in a Jewish place leading the flock to the far side of the desert he came to the mountain of God to Horeb the angel of and annoy appeared to him in a fire blazing from the middle of a bush he looked so that although the bush was flaming with fire I feel like I'm flaming the fire are you guys warm are you guys cold are you guys okay who's cold seriously I just want to say you're cold okay um could somebody check that that that thing and see what's going on with the whatever you call it the heat air-conditioning maybe you can lower the heat a little bit you don't have to put it on air condition but it seems a little I'm probably just feeling the Spirit of God and I'm probably you know just that's probably what it is but um but I just don't want to if you if you get really cold for whatever reason just say hey I'm really cold and then somebody will give you that jacket okay so in a fire blazing from the middle of the bush forgive me he looked and saw that although the bush was flaming with fire yet the bush was not being burned up Moshe said and I quote I'm going to go over and see this amazing sight and find out why the bush isn't being burned up when I don't know I saw that he had gone over to see God called to him from the middle of the bush Musha Musha he and said quote Here I am he said don't come any closer take your sandals off your feet because the place where you are standing is holy ground I am the God of your father he continued the God of Abraham the god of its ha the God of Yaakov Moshe covered his face because he was afraid to look at God Illinois's said I have seen how my people are being oppressed in Egypt and heard their cry for release from their slave masters because I know their pain I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that country to a good and spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey the place of the Kenan I the hits high the MRI the parasite if I and the yeah view sigh yes the cry of the people of Israel has come to me I have seen how terribly the Egyptians oppress them therefore now come and I will send you to Pharaoh so that you can lead my people the descendants of Israel out of Egypt Moshe said to God Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and lead the people of Israel out of Egypt he replied I will surely be with you your sign that I have sent you will be that when you have led the people out of Egypt you will worship God on this mountain Moses said to God look when I appear before the people of Israel and say to them the god of your ancestors has sent me to you and they asked me what is his name what am I to tell them God said to Moshe AHA I share oh yeah and added here is what to say to the people of Israel hai-yah has sent me to you now that is one meaty meaty meaty section you might look and say okay I get it he's gonna be leading the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land man man oh man oh man man man are you glossing over the Word of God man so what do you say we break it down we got nothing else to do right any football games on this early yeah so we're good to go all right first two verses Exodus 3 1 through 2 now Moshe was tending the Sheep of you throw his father-in-law Jethro the priest of Midian Midian leading the flock to the far side of the desert he came to the mountain of God to Horeb horror of his synonymous with Sinai and Sinai is not in a Sinai Peninsula but I don't want to get into it I've taught that I've showed it based on what the scriptures say is it a big deal I don't know it's just not where everybody tells you it is then again they've told us a lot of things aren't true right the angel of I don't know he appeared to him in a fire blazing from the middle of the bush he looked and saw that although the bush was flaming the fire yet the bush was not being consumed Midian northern Arabian Peninsula east of the Gulf of Aqaba just to give a little idea of where he's been for the last 40 years 40 some people say I've been praying for a whole year Lord 40 40 years it's basically um Weston Saudi Arabia that's where he is Weston Saudi Arabia if you were gonna go today western Saudi Arabia he'd be in Midian biblically speaking now some see the burning bush is Israel's destiny right tried in the fires of affliction yet not consumed she went through it even when God made a pact and a covenant with Abraham remember the flaming torch that went through the animal pieces and a lot of people believe that was Israel's destiny has she been put in the fire more than any people you know believe me I am anti-slavery as much as they come I am New York an abolitionist I get it but nobody has been persecuted like the Jewish people no body even comes close demographers those are people that are experts in population growth there are 14 million Jews today there should be a minimum of 250 million so I don't I'm not insensitive to anybody's suffering but please we have a corner on the market we've suffered in every country in every century since the beginning of time and we're still suffering today you go to Paris France Paris France and you go out at night with a Jewish star and you're gonna get your head handed to you somebody's gonna beat the snot out of you Paris France go figure so some people see this Israel's destiny tried in the fires affliction not consumed others see it simply is it's the glory of God is it Israel's destiny yeah I'm not I don't want to argue it's just opinion yeah I could I could definitely see that is it the glory of God yeah but you know what I see it's almost like who cares what you say I don't share with you a lot of personal stuff because I share with your personal stories to help you see the glory of God but I don't tell you what I think because I try to just read the scriptures and study the scriptures and break down the scriptures and I like literal hermeneutics ok however personally I believe we should all be burning for God and yet not consumed that's what I see thank you burning listen listen how many times you said heard who should be we get these people in American I say in America who are doing some things for God and they look outstanding their nominal believers I'm here to tell you I am a nominal believer I believe that the problem is the reason why some people look phenomenal is because so many people are lukewarm just think about it right ha how many of you this is not a question that you'll be afraid to put up your hand hopefully because it's you can't refute it are over 50 golly we got an old congregation don't we man I'm gonna sit down you guys just made me tired seriously I didn't know you so many old people how many people know that the two words customer service is now an oxymoron how many people how many people are on the phone trying to get through and your prompt and your prompt and your prompt and your prompt and your prompt and then they don't ask you can I put you on hold they put you on hold I have to call them now when I go don't please don't put me on hold I know I sound like an irate knucklehead and I sound like my dad but if you and me and you will put on hold for 25 minutes you wouldn't like it so just bear with me I need your help I need an advocate here I'm not irate at you I know you're a salaried person working month to paycheck-to-paycheck like me but help me out just help me out and then when you find somebody that just does their job with some decent level of competence you want to buy them a dinner that's how they get you they have so much incompetence they hire so much incompetence than when they get somebody decent they like they walk on water I finally got somebody yesterday after calling somebody who was decent and decently competent I said how come I can't find any confidence she said sir if I answer that I'll jeopardize my job I said sweetie you just answered it and this is what she said I promise you you will receive the facts did I receive the facts nope this this is unbelievable isn't it we're these people being trained any of you over 50 that has a business how hard is it to find competent young people who are industrious who going the extra mile is part and parcel of their modus operandi happened so getting back to this screen if the Spirit of God is in us how could we not be ablaze you read in the book of Acts chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit came upon them why would they're like flames of fire on their head because he done poured the oil into their lamps now I understand you have a lot going on your life people always tell me Rama I'm busy I have four children it's not like this I'm a rabbi you know I don't have to raise them I'm involved in an international ministry I'm on the phone with people all over the world all the time it's not like I have an easy job or an easy life with that being said you know you've got to cultivate this relationship with God he just doesn't throw out the oil like fairy dust what do you say we move on to the next screen Exodus 3 3 through 4 Moses said I'm going to go over he like you know I know this isn't true per saying I'm not giving you a falsity but how long was the bush burning maybe other people soared and said ah I'm gonna get to this I got my agenda I'm taking care of my day do you know how many bushes there are burning that most of you just pass by earth is crammed with heaven many of bush ablaze but only those who see it take off their shoes Elizabeth Barrett Browning mosha sort man and he said well look I don't want to I don't look he was an unbelievable guy but you know 40 years and a little podunk town of MIDI and all you're doing is taking all you know taking care of sheep see a burning bush you're gonna go over right I mean we get another nail salon and Macon in it's packed you have to you have to when you read the scriptures they have to become a part of you you have to touch the fiber of your soul this isn't doctrine it's not intellect or information see yourself in Midian he's there 40 years there's nothing going on nothing there is nothing people said there's nothing going on Macon there was nothing going on Midian nothing no strip malls no stadiums no restaurants nothing tents in a desert he took care of the Sheep went to sleep probably about 7:30 8:00 woke up at 4:30 took care of the Sheep that was his life some of you would not make it so he went over he wanted to see and then he hears his name crazy right that's crazy right faith is an action word it's not an ideology and faith isn't concerned about history it wants to see itself in current events doesn't want to talk about high school well I was in high school I always had this ministry that was 40 years ago before me is faith is action Moses saw it and he went over but do you notice God didn't talk to him till he got moving he initiated he didn't know what to expect maybe the fire was gonna jump on him but he went something called him the Spirit of God pulled him and he went how many passed by then he heard his name from the voice of God by man don't pass it by you know a lot of times God will interrupt your life but always for the better always always for the better emotionally you want to talk about how people make decisions they always make no rabbi I just referred to the Spirit of God bullcrap your emotions are so strong you want what you want and then you tear God on it you think emotionally I wanted to come to Macon emotionally I was living a half a block from the ocean emotionally I had a $80,000 house that was paid for emotionally I had a bike ride biking was my love in my backyard called the loop that people from all over the state of Florida came to ride on my backyard wasn't in our backyard how far 20 yards and I was on the loop gorgeous crazy I didn't have to lock my doors I don't have to lock the doors to my car was safe and and the spiritual community was beautiful because it wasn't over churched and what we had we had unity I preached at the Methodist Church in the Episcopal Church I did a wedding in a Catholic Church it was beautiful if God asked me and mostly he said how do you feel emotionally he knew how I felt I don't want to come but it was absolutely obvious that this is what he wanted so we didn't think hard we was stupid we didn't think about it people asked me what were you thinking I said if I was thinking I would too came I wasn't thinking thank God thank God us - we grew us we would have never had this ministry never had the connections we have never seen the glory of God that we've seen if I would have emotionally made a decision the bush was burning and I heard my name I just wish it was burning an almond beach verse five is a beautiful verse because it's the first time we see the word holy in the whole scripture this is the first time holy shows up and just for the record I don't want to mess with your theology I know some of you I believe is much longer than not me and I totally respect whatever you study get from it but I'm here to tell you you will never be able to define holy some of you have defined it with perfection absolute venom you can't define it it's something that belongs to God and God alone we become sanctified but he is he is holy there's no way to describe it except you just say it and hit the ground god is holy it occurs for the first time though the whole book of Genesis you don't see it and why is the place holy not because there's any special properties that's why God didn't tell anybody where Moses was buried because Jews would make pilgrimage like Catholics make pilgrimage to the Vatican and like southern people make pilgrimage to Memphis to see Elvis because these people are worshipped and Moses would have been worshipped but God says worship no one but the Lord your God the place is holy why because God showed up and when God shows up the ordinary becomes extraordinary so he says take off your shoes mo Moses doesn't even think he's like you know he's overwhelmed in the presence of God maybe he hasn't been in the presence of God in 40 years I don't know but he a mess he is a mess it is such a beautiful story the next verse is so dang beautiful I don't know what to make out of it look at verse six he says I am the God of your father I'm the God of Abraham I'm the god of Isaac I'm the God of Jacob you got to realize Jacob had 12 sons one of them being Levi and Levi have a son named Moses this was his direct lineage Moses is overwhelmed he just covers his face he's afraid to look he's a mess why is he a mess guys Moses was the Prince of Egypt Egypt is the most powerful community in the world the Egyptian Empire was the Empire there was no other Empire he was the Prince of Egypt he lived in a castle he was royalty he ate the best food he got the best education he learned swordmanship and fighting he had it all in fact he was probably going to be the successor to Pharaoh Pharaoh is just a title like Prime Minister he was going to be the next pharaoh of egypt 40 years he lived in that castle 40 years he had it made and now where is he picking up sheep dung in the Arabian Peninsula and how do you think he feels about himself tell me I'm a loser and if I didn't have a couple of kids I'd kill myself you get the picture how do you see this rabbi how do you not it's right there stories right there he's a prince of Egypt now he's cleaning up sheep dung in Midian and every day every day he's thinking about his people and every day it's killing him you know why cuz he can't do nothing about it right does he love his people he was living in a palace he was living in a palace and his people is struggling did being oppressed he's not taking care of his people like a lot of us and not taking care of the people we're taking care of ourselves my pension my future my kids if you take care of yourself I get it nobody's gonna take care of you but if you only take care of yourself what are you every day he's thinking about how his people are being beaten how they're struggling and he's doing nothing about it because he can't you know when I was up at this bar mitzvah I found out something about my dad that I just didn't know I I kind of knew but I didn't know and it was so touching to me I want to share it with you based on this my dad had a really rough life I know a lot of dads have and I'm not trying to compete with your dad but he was a child to diabetic you know shooting insulin when he's just a little little kid not a good prognosis for his life at 18 he goes off to fight World War two he had no father from young age and his mother sadly enough was out parting so he was taking care of his sister and his brother now if you know anything about World War two they had a force called the Rangers and 80% of them would not come home they would tell them that up front it was a volunteer force you want to be a ranger and I met a few Rangers and from World War two I met one in the Bahamas actually what they do is they would say ten if you step forward and then they'd say now eight of you you eight step back and they go you'll be the only two that will all upfront 80% of you I'm not coming home two Purple Hearts missing in action Bronze Star for bravery which look up what it took to get a Bronze Star for bravery in World War two you want to know the way I am you seem so intense I'm like nothing compared to my dad and then what I didn't know was he was married to a lady and they lived in New York and he had a little baby named merrily merrily was my oldest sister I had three sisters I just thought she was my sister he comes out of the war shell-shocked you want to talk about PTSD he didn't have psychiatrists and drugs to help him out like we have today he comes out and he goes to find his wife somebody says she moved she remarried imagine hearing that after four years in the war what I think he was there for two years forgiving me two years yeah because Marilee was - where's she live I think she moved to Florida my dad's a tough guy he goes down to Florida she's remarried to this guy he was a bad guy he found out he's abusing Marilee so he beats the living snot out of him and he gets arrested and gets thrown in jail and the Jewish War veterans come to his aid and bail him out but the thing is you cannot have any contact with your daughter you cannot step foot in Florida so here he goes back to New York he meets my mother marries her and then I have two sisters and me we come along but can you imagine how he felt like Moses what's going on my daughter she's being abused I can't help her do you know the pain that he must have had that he never talked about that I didn't know I mean just knowing my dad and knowing me that would kill me that would kill me if I had a kid that was being abused and I couldn't help it's like you got a kid in a burning building and you want to go in and they go too late and all you all you have is the screams from the building and you're standing outside this than you could do so I could I know him I know him his he had no hobbies his hobby was his kids he had no lights his only liked was my mom didn't have any extracurricular activities it wasn't boys night out they didn't go hunting and fishing my dad's focus was his family that was it because the way he was scripted of course so what happened to him obviously he was pouring all his love into his kids because subconsciously where's my merrily merrily doesn't know she has a real father she leaves jack because he's abusing huh and she comes to New York just to live with a friend one day she's there when she's 18 and some lady says to her you have a real father what I thought Jack no no and I can introduce you to him she shows up my dad loses it she's jumping on his lap at 18 years old my mother's like and he just looks at my mother and says I'm not gonna live with us and my mother says your daughter isn't my daughter that's my mom but that's the way I feel about this story how Moses must have felt so horrible about himself in so much pain every day for 40 years and then God shows up and says I have not forgotten you Moses you have a destiny and it's time it's unbelievable it's unbelievable man what he must have thought god I thought you weren't enough to do it me I'm a bum I was living in that castle and then I run away I'm on the run and you show up and tell me I still believe in your moves I haven't forgotten you you had not disqualified man unbelievable let's move on verses seven through nine other noise said I've seen how my people are being oppressed in Egypt and heard their cry for release from their slave masters I know their pain I've come down and rescued them from the Egyptians to bring them up from that country to a good'n spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey obviously the six nations of the Canaanites yes the cry the people of Israel has come to me on a sub note or a side note I want you to know that God didn't haphazardly go I love them and I don't like the Hittites Reed and Leviticus is not my opinion in Leviticus what they were doing the detestable abominable things they were doing bestiality incest horrible things that God had told them not to do and God gave them grace will they change will they change will they change it a got to a point where the land vomited them out by their own actions God does not have passively go I like you over you he's no respecter of persons they brought it on themselves look at the beautiful guys the beautiful beautiful intimate care and concern and compassion that God has for his people Israel I'm here to tell you 3400 years later I'm standing before you as a witness and a light to tell you that he has the same intimate care and concern and compassion for his people today meaning us he still says I've seen I've heard I know I'm coming now you might say when Oh Lord 400 years always are not his ways they're not and if you try to intellectually figure it out in your finite understanding you are gonna frustrate your plans you must to his sovereignty and his goodness and bow down to him as God it is your only hope but I'm here to say that he is intimately concerned and he knows your pain he's not aloof he's collecting your tears he says in Psalm 56 in a bottle he's not letting them hit the floor and at the right time he'll come and you who have the most pain will have the most pleasure when he shows up he has not forgotten you don't believe in the enemy's accusation that he has divinely betrayed us he has not betrayed us look around were a blessed people moving on 10 through 11 it says therefore based on this now come Moses I will send you to Pharaoh so that you can lead my people look how intimate not lead your people he didn't lead his people their gods your gods the descendants of Israel out of Egypt Moses said to God Who am I I mean don't you feel this way don't you know that I feel this every day guys every single day in my life I'm like you got to be kidding me one day somebody's gonna figure out that I'm no good and it's gonna be over and I'm gonna be like okay okay I get it I have no problem I'm just waiting I figured it would have been over about 15 20 years ago Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and lead the people of Israel out of Egypt Moses felt terrible I told you all these years he's felt helpless God says that he's going to deliver them what do you think Moses is thinking right now when he heard I'm going to deliver them he's play thinking and answered a prayer you're an answer to prayer but then when he says you're gonna do it don't you think he's like he's all in he's like overwhelmed God came back to him he has a father he's not an orphan he hasn't been forgotten do you think he's sitting there you think he's sitting there right now and going but it's been 40 years no guys when you're saved or delivered you don't care you forget it don't sit around and talk about the old days and how terrible it was you're safe now glorify God don't glorify the horror oh but Rama you don't know it's like people always ask me what happened 15 years ago here when what do you want me to keep talking about it why are you glorifying that what happened they were maniacs and it was horrible but it's gone and now things are good and I want to live in the goodness I know he's like delivered they go into the Promised Land just like you promised to Abraham I'm all-in what I'm sorry what come again what do you say me go to Pharaoh first of all Pharaohs got a bounty on my head these guys these demagogues these dictators they're like worse than the Mafia they got to take you out because they operate with fear and if they show you any mercy they don't have their their their prowess you follow the Mafia the old mafia that I knew my friends father's that weren't it they take out your wife your kids out of principle oh I'm sorry I didn't mean I'll pay you back too late we got a reputation we got to maintain that reputation Pharaoh had that reputation he had to take Moses out Moses totally disrespected him that was his dad he had to take him out you're gonna send me to the most powerful man in the world how old was he 80 now he lifted me a buck 20 so he's what two thirds into his life but if the average person lives to be 75 that's 50 still you don't have a lot of prowess at 50 I know some of you think you do whatever I still got it yeah okay show you them sure do my son will beat the snot out of you okay so he's thinking man I'm old but then God says don't worry I'm gonna send you a helper you're 83 year old brother what a dynamic duo can you see them help me put on my cape whoa they're doing shots in Metamucil before they go in a Ferro Billy up to the bar so he is not feeling it and what does God respond to him absolutely stunning which is what God will respond I've heard this so many times Exodus 3:12 he replied I will surely be with you that's it I mean that's it didn't you see us say at the end of the Gospel of Matthew I will surely be with you to the end of the age that's that's all I got God yep yeah and then he beautiful II he gives him he says I'm you're gonna see a sign he doesn't even ask for a sign he didn't throw out of fleece God does it for him says you're gonna see a sign I that I have sent you when you lead the people out of Egypt you will worship me on this mountain meaning you're gonna get out and you're gonna have a time of great worship free you're gonna be free people on Mount Horeb on Sinai worshiping me what's he thinking he's thinking yeah right you can't blame him but the crazy thing is he says when you lead the people not if it's God saying it's done everything in history is not the futures not a mystery to God it's all set up you just got to walk it out it's all done it's all done time he established time right is beyond time he's transcendent beyond time the time he established everything has its timing everything has its place it's done all you got to do is walk it out don't live your life for him let him live his life through you surrender stops figuring out what you think he wants you to do and then ask him to anoint your plans surrender when you lead the people Exodus 3:13 we're almost there Moses said to God look when I appear before the people of Israel and say to them the god of your ancestors has sent me to you and they asked me what is his name what am I to tell them why is he asking that question what why are they gonna ask them what is his name yet but they only know God did the Jewish people right right you got some ideas but you like I'm not saying nothing you've got something to say just say it that's why you got the dang mic you're the rabbi just say it stop ask those questions and say it we might not agree with you but say it polytheism he's familiar with polytheism many polytheistic many gods pantheism ran rampant in egypt they're there for hundred years they're not worshipping God they've been indoctrinated that's why it says be careful will you pitch you ten you walk into a room with ten sick people I Got News for you they're not catching your health anybody know what pantheism is panty I know you know you're so smart pantheistic people there's a lot of pantheistic people Hindus attendees think they believe that God is everything and everyone and that everyone and everything is God so the tree is God so they'll worship the tree we know that's not appropriate right because he only supposed to worship the Lord your God they're very nice people you know the Dalai Lama runs the you know Nouveau Hindus and I don't know has anybody ever gone to a pizzeria in New York City there's thousands and thousands of pizzerias you walk in there so the dalai lama walked into the pizza shop in new york city and he says can you make me one with everything you get it can you make me one with it's a pantheism joke the dalai lama didn't like it either don't feel bad Moses asks what's your name because in the ancient culture of three thousand four hundred years ago to know a person's name was to know the person the the name was their renowned their Shem their reputations he's like look these people if a a long time now I've been out forty years they've been they have 400 years generationally I can't just tell him God because they're worshiping bouncing to God what's your name what do I tell them like he's almost willing to go right he if he wasn't willing to go at all he would have been saying it find somebody else I'm done and go back to a sheep he's he's in he's being pulled in he just has a few questions you can't blame him you would chew are you crazy going to Egypt going to the Pharaoh and saying let my people go with Cyril de Bergerac 83 year old brother is so they they they kind of I think they forgot who God was and I'm here to say just for the record I think we forget who God is right something happens and what do we do we go into a tailspin panic mode and lose again right I always tell people don't deny in the darkness what you once believed in the light it's easy to praise God mer everything's going good so Exodus 3:14 we're almost done I was gonna do more but I don't want to do more I mean I want to do more but you don't want to do more we'll get going Exodus 3:14 really I could tell Exodus 3:14 God said to Moshe hyah hyah and added here is what to say to the people of Israel hai-yah has sent me to you now all these terms the that's phonetic but all those Hebrew terms all represent forms of the verb to be God is basically saying I'm God I was I am and I will be all forms of the word to be and let me just show you a few scriptures Genesis 1:1 just the first part of it it says in the beginning God the right from the jump of the Bible God is claiming to be self existent the reason why secular folks can never accept the Bible is because then they got to accept the fact that God always was so they believe in this nonsense called evolution which doesn't make any sense in in the history of the universe a cow never gave birth to a fish it doesn't recapitulate any scientist knows that and then when you find fish fossils on the top of Everest how the heck did they get there there's flying fish in the Bahamas but they don't fly that high and mineralization of fossils in Microverse macro it's these people are willfully ignorant they have been blinded by the enemy and they choose to try to find scientific fact that they cannot find to prove evolution in the beginning God I mean my goodness it's it's absolutely insane the divine record says that God always was rather than seeking to prove it you'll never prove it to them never ever stand on your head they need a revelation and then it says the neck the same verse so you're just in the beginning God right created the heavens and the earth who is he's sustaining it I mean these people are crazy these a theists and nuts what do they say when you sneeze oh the Big Bang bless you single-cell bless america there are atheistic churches that are growing in America more than non-denominational churches they have to be sing shout to the all the earth let us sing power and Majesty praise to nothing the heck are they doing it's insanity it's insanity to believe in the non-existence of something you believe doesn't exist and with irreducible complexity and of the scientific fact they are out of their minds totally last but not least Malachi 3:6 it says but because I don't know I do not change you sons of Jacob will not be destroyed talking about Israel this is the God who will be God is unchanging listen to me I was going to go over I have like we have like 40 more scriptures we'll just do it next week we might have to blow off the Torah Porsha for the first week - the second week we'll see God is unchanging okay he doesn't change his character never changes his ways a wild but his character never changes human beings the character changes by the hour and their ways are incredibly boring very different gods very different but the very fact that the Lord is the unchanging one accounts for the preservation of the children of Israel from destruction in other words there's no Jewish person that could claim that it was their prowess that kept them alive especially in Wars like forty eight in the independence war if I go over the details with you you will say no way I'm not believing that but it happened in your lifetime believe it it's fact it actually happened it's not something to happen thirty-four hundred years ago in the Red Sea it happened they had nothing they had 74 war planes Israel had none they had one tanker would have broken Tarrant they had hundreds and hundreds they had no food they were starving they were living on a quarter pound of dried meat a week they had seven powerful nations that converge they were ready and Willy and said kill them all kill them all kill all the Jews military experts military experts won't study the wars because they say there's nothing to glean cuz they make no sense hallelujah God promised to be a blessing to the world through Abraham and he promised that there'll always be an identifiable remnant of Jewish people which I believe he's talking about me a Messianic Jew a Jew who believes that Jesus is the Messiah there will always be this remnant of Jewish people and they proclaim they shout without saying a word that God is forever faithful to his promises if God could renege on his promises to the Jewish people if he ever leaves them will forsakes them then you don't have a prayer Gentile you don't have a prayer because behavior predicts behavior and he says he's unchanging so if he changed on me he can change on you but I'm here to tell you he won't change on you you're grafting is solid you have eternal security there is no Jewish branch there is no Gentile burns get it through your head making there's no dang black branch or white branch there's no dang old or young branch there's no educated or uneducated rich or poor we are branches in the tree of God never to be removed hallelujah let's stand next week I will go over with you Moses is laundry list of lack I'm gonna go up with you every single inadequacy that he voiced and then if we have time next week or the fun week I'm gonna combat every single inadequacy with the Word of God and by the time we get out of here in two weeks you're gonna want to take on hell with a water pistol sound good there is strength in numbers stop fighting with each other okay you guys are my kids so I'm you older than me but I Got News for you as a shepherd you're my children I don't want to see you fighting I don't want to see you challenge each other I don't want to see one-upping each other with doctrine in Scripture cut that crap out that's not Betty schewe there's uni if you came to bring arguing you can leave with those arguing this is the house of God we are going to fight together back to back five we'll chase a hundred a hundred will chase ten thousand according to Leviticus that means there's strength in numbers let's lock arms and fight this thing we only have one enemy and he doesn't have a social security number you got it now I may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift the bazzara countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of Peace you sure yeah if a wreck on enoy face my wrath you're an annoyed Pineau velika there yes sir I don't know how porno valerka the assembly hall [Music] schmutz all guys love you too
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,948
Rating: 4.9425836 out of 5
Keywords: 11/17/18, Getzel, Hershberg, Lack, Lord, Look
Id: X_4japb-wkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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