Managers, what's the worst case of karens? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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managers of Reddit what was the worst case of I demand to speak to the manager you've experienced this bacon is so raw I can still hear it mooing one it was pre cooked bacon - I know damn well had bacon never moved at Red Lobster someone grabbed the manager and told him his shrimp was cold wanted a free beer and he could get better fish by fishing this manager was my dad and was meeting us after work and apparently looked like an authority figure since he had a tie on my dad replied that's cocktail shrimp you [ __ ] I worked at an independent chocolate shop that sold various flavors of truffles brownies and drinks we had non-dairy options vegan options and nut free options a woman demanded to speak to the manager because we did not have a dairy-free nut free sugar free vegan option luckily the owner literally just laughed and said we do have one it's cold water I have never seen such entitled rage managed a liquor store in a college town people would always ask to speak to a manager because we wouldn't sell them alcohol without a proper ID or they would try to show me a school idea like that would mean anything to me also got some social security cards birth certificates or other forms of irrelevant pieces of paper like a picture photo copy of their ID the best is when I would work up at the front registers and people would tell me to go get a manager and I would do a 360 and say hi now dock off my boss didn't care he was a good friend of mine and would laugh I didn't get it unless they deserve it worked front desk of a hotel had a woman throw a goddamn tantrum because the state we were in charge of 6% room tax she demanded that I remove the tax I told her that we had no control over taxes she still wouldn't accept the reality of taxes so I printed off contact information for her state representative and told her to direct her complaints to them she did not like that at all she started screaming so I got my manager my manager said basically what I said that we cannot legally remove at axé so the woman grabbed the bowl of mints on the counter and threw it at my head and stormed out we had her credit card on file and charged her for the full amount when I worked in a gas station a dude that I knew was 18 came in and wanted some cigs this guy was a d I knew he had his license revoked so I asked for some ID he whipped out a fishing license written in pencil so I refused to sell him cigs and he was fairly upset he yelled for a manager and my manager came around the corner and told him that I was right this was an unacceptable ID a kid told my manager I had sold cigs to him before which was true my manager just said that sucks now leave after he left my manager said that she had sold to him before too but he was a d so who gives it then the kid called my store asked for my manager and told the same manager that two employees were disrespecting him obligatory not a manager but maybe not the worst but this was definitely the dumbest I ever saw a sign was accidentally left up from earlier in the week advertising men's Levi's errs buy one get one half off so for two pairs it would be roughly $90 the current sale was to get two pairs for $70 had a lady pitch an absolute fit that they weren't ringing up buy one get one half off she was being ripped off etc' tried and tried to explain to her that we had accidentally missed a sign but that she was actually getting a better deal at the current price she wouldn't have any of it and demanded to speak to the manager store leader comes out and tells her the exact same thing but the lady will not listen and is adamant about getting them at the price on the sign store leader finally gives up and tells me to just go ahead and do a price override and charge over the extra money lady leaves smugly like she thinks she's just worked ass over big time and makes some kind of comment about how I need to learn to listen to customers on the way out TL DR lady spent an extra twenty dollars on jeans because she wanted them for the price on an old sign several years ago I worked as a supervisor at a call center this jerk was referred to me because he wasn't happy with the answer he was given by one of my workers he asked me for the manager again I told him I was the manager he said I said I want the manager m.a and manager now give me somebody with a D and a tie I hung up immediately then I died laughing I've had unhappy customers call and ask for the owner of the company by name because they googled it I explained that that person is technically an owner but has nothing to do with the business and doesn't even live in the same state then I go on and solve their problem with what authority I have meanwhile I'm that owner of the company never show all your cards when negotiating I was busy at Christmas at an old job sorting out wrapping paper et Cie the queue got large so I jumped on the till a customer approached and complained about having to pay five P for a plastic bag the charge just started she said she wasn't going to pay so I charged her and asked for the next customer she moaned that she wouldn't be able to carry everything I asked for five P she asked to speak to my supervisor I said I'll go get him I left the tills turned a corner waited a few seconds and reappeared informing her I was in charge one of the heads of the radiology department was infuriated when there was a network outage in his area stormed up into our support area screaming for a manager me listen to him rant and rave and finally decided to take a walk down there to see what I could do start looking around and I find a bunch of ten-dollar network hubs splitting one PC connection to eight pcs I started laughing and asked to put these hubs in he said I did what's so funny explained that he was the source of his own problem started disconnecting the hubs and guess what the network came back up i confiscated about seven hugs and told him if he needs more connections he has to contact engineering and have them run more lines he flipped out and I just walked down the hall to his VP's office and explained why happened when I was leaving the office a VP called him he no longer works here I was running a coffee shop by myself when this dude came in asked for an egg sandwich no big deal I start making hers then the next customer asks for a BLT I start warming the bacon on the skillet next two first customers egg and this guy waits until I hand him he already made sandwich to freak out he needed his food to be halal but our coffee shop was very much not allow after demanding free food refund et Cie he starts getting heated and loud he tries to pull the whole let me see your manager thing unfortunately for him it's me he literally had been yelling at me for 15 minutes when I said you know what let's call my friend the owner of this establishment and see what they have to say about it a dial her up explain what's going on he grabs my phone from any tells her he's going to call the police and file a lawsuit for discrimination throws my phone on th ground then storms out I was managing two stores while one manager was on maternity leave that day I had a terrible cold and nobody to replace me so I went to the store opened it and went sleeping in the back store leaving it to the experienced sales persons that was the day that that woman who was the one returning the most clothing in that store decided to return some clothes again she asked for me screaming that the employee couldn't be trusted big mistake imagine my face red with fever not wearing any makeup we're undone I was scary looking it took back the clothing and then I sorted her out of the store saying that I never wanted to see her again that she was a waste of time and if she was returning that much clothing she was not satisfy anyway a couple of weeks later I was at the other store and guess who I saw Vantage she looked at me for a second and left don't duck with me when I'm sick I had a woman called to tell me that she spent too little on an ice cream cone we had a special that was like two scoops in a waffle cone for five bucks and for some reason she only got one scoop and said she didn't know about the special despite there being signs all over the shop about it she claimed that my worker didn't offer it to her I didn't focus on upselling at our store so this wasn't a big deal to me I apologized to her but I was also like what exactly do you want me to do about it this happened yesterday I'm assuming you ate the ice cream so you can't return it she wanted a refund anyway for the inconvenience I asked if she had a receipt she said she didn't I said no go without a receipt she said she didn't get one a checkout I explained to her that in my state were not required by law to give a receipt for cash purchased food service items so if she didn't ask for one tough titties she kept pressing saying Shiba wanted to speak to the manager I explained that I was the manager she then asked if there was another manager she could speak to I told her no I was end of the line top of the heap no one else was going to tell her anything different she huffed and told me she would be by to discuss it in person but he never came in I've worked at Toys R Us during Christmas so all of them not a manager but I used to be a developer at a very small firm I was the one who answered the phones either because I was the only one with social skills or because I was the only woman either way one time this very unpleasant man called and asked some questions and I directed him to our online forum for prospective clients he got huffy and said he wanted to speak to a developer I explained that I was a developer just one who also answered phones him that can't be right you sound so young you must be somebody's daughter or something me I mean that's technically true Red Lobster lady said to me waiter I am going to feed my child with endless shirmp now you may think he will charge me don't she'll charge me I will just call corporate and get free gift cards and come back and eat again I responded I have to charge you and that my manager will be over I told the manager and she said when she calls corporate that gift card money comes out of our bonus money basically corporate ducking us managers and yet corporate automatically sends gift cards the moment you call and they also train me to charge her for the extra shrimp basically a lose/lose duck done I worked the customer service desk at a grocery store one afternoon a guy came storming over after getting checked out and threw a package of beef in front of me he starts going off yelling and cussing at me because he was supposed to get a three dollar and fifty four cents discount but the register only took off three dollars and 53 cents he was screaming at me that he wanted his penny back and that it wasn't even about the penny but it was the principle of the thing by the time he was through he had yelled me a customer service manager and our store manager on duty as soon as I gave him that penny though he shuts right up and left principle of the thing I guess used to work in call centers doing tech support for a home broadband company one member of my team Victor was a lovely fella absolutely one of the nicest people I've ever met he was from Niger and had the thickest West African accent you've ever heard anyways he was helping this one customer who wasn't having it that he had a line fault and engineer would need to attend he was flipping his it left right and center asks to speak to the manager I get pulled in hello sir what's the issue this idiot I've been talking to refuses to fix my broadband well sir Victor has told me the issue and I agree that you need an engineer visit another thing why am i speaking to an Indian pardon why am i speaking to an Indian you are not sir I'm English not you the idiot before he was Indian well not that it's important but Victor is actually African pfft they're all the same color it was at that point I hung up and forwarded the calls illegal duck fat it I worked in a nice little geek shop that sold used books games memorabilia guitars et Cie and this kid was buying attack on Titan stuff and they were talking about the next one I never watched the show and they said rhetorically I wonder what the wall is made of so I said the wall it's made of people the wall is made of people and they laughed since they either got the Soylent Green reference or at least thought it was a funny thing to say well their mom grandma didn't like that one bit and after they paid and left she came back in furious and demanded to see the guy who gave away the ending of the book the kids were saying that I was just joking and I didn't even see the show read the manga I came over to see what the problem was and she said if I find out you spoiled the ending of that book I will have you fired and some nonsense I apologized and explained I was making a joke didn't know the first thing about the show was never brought up again but those kids were super embarrassed you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 15,292
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: 9mZ5WuUyhQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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