I Teach Pewdiepie What Being An American Is All About

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today we're checking out whistling diesel it's a truck a truck channel truck enthusiast it's basically the fps russia of vehicles look at this stuff on the screen here you got look at this look america this is your whoa america [Music] the industrial revolution look what he has done holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how do you even oh my god you need a ladder america that's how he gets out yeah i recently came across this channel i can't remember what i was looking at this dude just does he does a lot of crazy things basically gets vehicles and destroy what the heck is this thing what is that what is happening like russian videos but it's actually it's either russia or america you know it that is that's pretty [ __ ] they look like those sea animals what are they called urchins oh yeah the sea urchins yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i know oh my god there's not even the videos that we're watching i'm just like seeing these thumbnails and they're never they're they're never click bait look at this beaut oh it brings a tear to my eye dude brings a goddamn tear to my eye oh oh my god dude what is going to happen now is it floating yeah it's floating man it's out there in the ocean coast guard what are you doing dude what the [ __ ] are you doing oh my god oh my god there's a dumbass america america baby the lane of the free the one i was going to watch is the one where they do a toyota helix durability test okay yeah apparently it wasn't like top gear or something that's like the most indestructible truck in the world really yeah yeah i want this truck yeah all right all right yeah yeah welcome friends welcome to the next first episode of hilux testing our toyota high helixes just dessert can he speak you might want to do that intro again that's part of the charm man [Laughter] it's like kay's cooking speaking when the fire alarm is going off it's like bro you wanna maybe shoot that at some other time what is going on is that the amish all right so all right yeah there's there's actually two parts of this so i'm just kind of going through the highlights of it they're doing the the test it's a hard slam they're gonna do like a thousand slams on this door to see how well the truck holds up okay the handle broke at the five door slimes you gotta take his shirt off man got flipped gotta take that shirt up let's go 466. love that got a flex in front of the camera he's like the skinniest jack dude ever like he bosses every day baby only biceps that's a heavy-handed dude i want to get a fight with him and slap my whole face off that's his workout regimen slamming doors that's why he bent the door jesus look out well that's the power bro the power you're not i'm not surprised indestructible i don't know man don't think so i think this is a i think this is like a uk and uh a u truck because i never heard of a toyota helix in america ever really the wheels the the steering wheel is also on the opposite side too so this may look normal to you but this looks pretty weird to me i don't think i've seen this very often i mean it doesn't ring a bell either isn't it isn't it the weirdest thing how people are buying like the mercedes whoa it's just like all these kids buying like them the uh mercedes off-roader whatever it's called everyone has it in la apparently with the g-wagon and then they just yeah the g-wagon it's an off-road vehicle isn't it and everyone just drives it downtown l.a and i'm like why why why is this a thing that everyone wants an off-road vehicle the land rover or whatever it is that brand yeah exactly the same thing and it was like i listen why is why explain me why you're gonna be more comfortable in another type of car right because these are built for i don't know if g wang is a good example but they're built for off-road the suspensions are going to be all over the place right you know just get a normal car and you'll be more comfortable you don't need the car that everyone else has well it's like it's it's like rich people or you know people while off getting like an r8 like an audi r8 for like their date yeah and yeah exactly right it just feels like what's the point you're so low to the ground you're just like oh god other than just like going out and flexing you know he hit a speed you hit a speed bump and it's like ah okay gotta go somewhere else let's go yeah this is i like this that's why i want to watch this this is not something i can normally react to but since i can put your face in the thumbnail people click on it so i can i can actually okay i'm glad i could be here i can't you're welcome this this video speaks to my soul these are my people right here just out there this is where you were back in the day for fun obviously he's taking it a lot harder on the truck than you would here he says and i think he's at lowe's right now which state do you think he's in well his accent's not that heavy so did they just put concrete in the truck yeah it's synthetic load it down blocks look at that the tire can smash down whoa is that legal you can just go like that oh why not you know it fits in the truck i don't know that's not the best part though the best part is that when they take it and they gotta start driving vega okay damn that too that's impressive that's really good let's do a pretty guy i actually almost want to freaking heal this kind of makes me want to buy it to you know you look man this is a very old one yeah i don't know how that did that let me open it up with the freaking lift here what is this why why why did he uh i'll be he's afraid to be push they took that like it was nothing dude didn't even break the glass [Laughter] i love this car it's such a [ __ ] you can do whatever you [ __ ] you want with it we're gonna take it down the field wide open here we go oh my god whoever comes with this field trying to bail hayes could be yeah do you think they're gonna go pick those up afterwards again oh my god [Applause] get some air holy crap and now i just driving into the woods why is this minecrafting the trees how do you know which streets not to hit yeah he's just going at him man that's a big one right there oh he like cringes too like he's gonna get he's gonna hit him wait for one to go through the windshield right how is his windshield intact at this point i was i've been looking at cars like like the last week i've gone in that rabbit hole right i'm like yeah that's the way you found this isn't it yeah exactly i think that's why i was looking at like all these sports cars and i was like well i don't even want a card and then i was like maybe i saw like a cool truck those are super cheap and they're you they're useful too like i regret not buying a uh well i love my volvo obviously but the fact that it's so big is so useful i i love it it's the only thing though like this is i'm living in melbourne right now if i got a ute a truck everybody would call me for things all the time because i'd be like the only guy that has a bed you know yeah hey i'm moving something can you come over here and get it no all right well i had my big freaking you know souped-up f-250 king ranch and all that stuff that i was talking about and i couldn't even take it i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't take it anywhere why i couldn't i couldn't go through it wouldn't like fit through the drive-throughs i couldn't take it to like the airport oh really well that was that's not good yeah that's too big i just yeah it was my big old redneck mobile but if i got something like the helix and you know got yeah that will fit yeah yeah yeah yeah well it's not over yet i want i want the helix after watching this all right well it's we're not done because that's part one yeah this is part two i'm in i mean find out will they handle a role in drive just find out it's already flipped over can you actually drop them from the top of a building we don't find that out today oh they got this this huge trailer yeah it didn't for for little like yeah trucks what are they called this is a huge fan they put the yeah let's go all right they got space they got anything else on there it might might as well keep coming no [Music] [Laughter] halfway through the videos gotta nope oh look at this i told you to pull it no he put it revert it oh oh yes look at the tires they're [Applause] truck this poor car check out the bottom it looks perfectly fine nothing's been no nothing bent either that's insane oh my god do they want to die like what the hell are they doing [Music] running out of ways to destroy this car versus the raptor oh they get they get the helix versus the raptor they put some extra weight in the back of it yeah yeah yeah which is the raptor uh this one uh it's the ford ranger right yeah it's like they're all right forward okay it's like their premium truck interesting oh this truck is so badass dude holy ash but it's also like a tossed up one isn't it yeah like it's a totally [ __ ] helix it's not like a brand new either it's still nope let's just drag into some cars now we're merely simulating miniature accidents okay listen look yeah that's been quite easy i shouldn't be able to do that i folded the hood by hand with like one hand you have to admit that's yeah got them trying to piece a dress piece of trash just drove uh probably 15 minutes with no coolant whatsoever nothing flowing through and it why would you do that i mean you gotta test it man you gotta put it through i'm surprised it doesn't freaking crack when he's putting this water on it oh look who it is look who wants to stop by squatted for weight oh that sound right there you hear that you hear that that they got the diesels yeah they they cool man they why do they gotta do that that's so dumb i hate that [ __ ] they're 16 years old their dad just bought my truck and they put some you lift it up and yeah you put the exhaust on there and that's probably about all you really do because you don't know enough about vehicles to actually do anything else there's there's no uh cod mod culture here in uk or like europe in general you don't see it often at all no really yeah it's strange how that's not a thing like in america it seems like oh yeah you gotta mod your car man yeah you can make i mean i i usually always do it to my vehicles that i got in america like i got the the jeep gladiator and the the stock tires look like garbage on it so cool step it up yeah yeah yeah stepped it up and then same thing with the truck and this makes me want to buy a toyota helix it does that it's like but like no one's ever actually gonna that's why people watch these videos because no one's ever gonna do anything no one's gonna do this you know whoa i haven't seen this one what is this they drop it from a helicopter did they drop it did they drop it from a helicopter no i'm missing what the f are you kidding me where do they drop it are you serious they dropped it oh my god no way i feel like this is what your channel would be if you were in america you know this is what you'd be doing this is what you should have been doing dude this stuff is so cool but i'm too lazy to like do it yeah and you got you need a team of like you know right professionals that actually okay all right that car is go that car ain't going rest in peace so that's what it took huh dropping out of a helicopter rest in peace helix rest in peace what a piece of [ __ ] this truck couldn't even last being thrown out of a helicopter oh no not again oh man they did it twice oh poor truck it's gonna explode against the ground oh my god oh my god no he looks no there's nothing they took that like a chant whoa dude it's so flat i don't think you're driving it after this i don't know i don't know i don't know i could i think it'll stop i bet you it still works i bite you it still runs that's cool we gonna drop it again it's had enough man stop there stop it's so flat bye goodbye helix rest in peace man i'm buying a helix dude i'm sold well i know what channel to watch if i want to see if a vehicle is going to stand up to the test or not because there you go that's pretty much this dude does just tear them up it's cool that's awesome love it it's cool well that's it for this video thank you guys very much for watching of course you can check out phoenix yeah you can i can i say i make videos i mean shoot this is the this is the only channel you can watch pewdiepie videos without actually going to people's channel of course you can watch them in those kin videos on pewdiepie's channel you know that's true what what hmm nothing i'm just saying we make videos with you we share videos it's yeah i know i yeah that's a crossover what are you saying i was saying that too but i was making noises while i said it well if nate's your birthday happy birthday stay tuned my friends and i love you
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,239,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: ku4N7AvXja8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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