Making Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust At Home | But Better

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look we've out pizza the hut before and they didn't like that so we're gonna do it again [Music] okay so we're back added us versus pizza hut look the last time we did this they got they may not have anticipated that they didn't like it they commented that comment by the way has circulated the internet many many times it's gonna round it around why not revisit this and do their cheesy stuffed crust let me preface this with something very important italians if you're watching please look away because this this is not an accurate representation of what i think is good pizza all right we're just butt bettering a pizza that should have never existed so with all that said let's make this shall we okay pizza hut we gotta give them a call because it's a to-go order what's the slogan oh no one on pizza is a hud huh i've already done that i'm doing it again but this time not only i'm gonna out pizza the hut you wanna stuff them okay here we go here's one that's only seven minutes away wow look at that the images on here on their reviews are not great i was looking pretty rough but what what's going on here oh no they have two and a half stars uh if this directs me to their website i'm gonna lose my mind thank you for calling my name i'm touching between you and the driver okay cool i don't really want to be touched by the driver anyway so it's fine can i get for you today uh can i do two medium pepperoni pizzas with the stuffed crust okay would you like that extra cheese for additional charge uh no thank you okay it's already was it just me or was that kind of a weird ordering experience the lowest energy slowest ordering hey sarah would you like to have a pizza yes that's why that's why i called i guess now we wait okay so our pizza delivery driver actually found us this time yay good job pizza hut give the box the center looks like a good looking pizza but the exterior looks like a steering wheel pizza's usually good regardless of the quality no cheese pull oh yeah now that's quality pizza quality with confidence let me help you okay so the pizza itself it tastes like the classic pizza hut pizza it's like the mcdonald's of pizza sauce is too sweet it doesn't taste like tomatoes the pepperoni is good i like that and the cheese is cheese is all right it's not blowing my skirt up that's for sure i am wearing a skirt by the way the real highlight here is the stuffed crust and uh this is what it looks like that's what that's what you all are hyped about it's not even stuffed anymore it all came out the front here's the problem with this this highlights what the cheese actually tastes like too much and you lost me their pizza it's pizza it's commonly good it's not terrible but it could be a million times better okay you can't have a regular pie without crust and therefore you can't have a pizza pie without dough to make that you'll start with one and a third cup or 320 milliliters of water that's around 95 fahrenheit or 35 celsius to that you're gonna add two and a half teaspoons or eight grams of instant yeast mix together and let it sit for about five minutes then in the bowl of stand mixer add three and a half cups or 500 grams of all-purpose flour one and a half teaspoons or six grams of sea salt and one tablespoon or 14 grams of granulated sugar whisk that together till thoroughly combined slap that bad boy on your spinning fancy man machine with the dough hook attachment on begin mixing on low speed and add two and a half tablespoons or 35 grams of extra virgin olive oil let that distribute for a couple of seconds then add all of your yeasty boy mixture let that mix scraping the sides every so often to make sure the flour is getting picked up obviously let that mix for two to three minutes or until you get a nice homogenized dough dump it out onto a lightly floured work surface and look the dough's gonna be a little sticky that's okay you can always add a touch more flour and knead that for about two to three minutes or until very smooth then just grease a large bowl lightly shape your dough into a ball plop it in your bowl cover it with lightly greased plastic wrap and of course give it a respectful and lovable name and rise at room temperature for one hour or until doubled in size while that's rising add a pizza stone to your oven around the middle area and begin preheating it to its maximum temp mine is about 500 fahrenheit or 260 celsius once risen bring your son over to your lightly floured work surface love him cherish him and then punch him down from whence he can dump that onto a lightly floured work surface divide into two even pieces pre-shape into a round like you see here don't get it too taut then place it in a dough proofing box or baking sheet that's been generously dusted with flour cover with something that won't touch their tops in this case it's a lid and let it rest for 15 to 20 minutes now while that's resting let's make our sauce it's easy it's fast all right don't whine now in a medium saucepan add four ounces or 113 grams of guan chalet or bacon if you want to be little baby that's been nicely diced saute that over medium heat for about three minutes or until it's rendered most of its fat and is beginning to brown then add a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil and once that's hot add in four thinly sliced cloves of garlic let that cook stirring occasionally until the garlic begins to get nice and toasted but not blackened that would be too far then immediately add one 14 and a half ounce can of good quality crushed tomatoes stir to incorporate then add four sprigs of fresh thyme three sprigs of fresh sage i actually tied these together to make a little bouquet gianni how was my french pretty good no okay it's for the culinary flexin because oh little baby's so cute now enjoy the scorching frame of my tomato sauce season the taste with salt and pepper and let that simmer and reduce for five to eight minutes or until lightly thickened now that's a tomato sauce snag a pizza peel and generously dust it with cornmeal or flour although cornmeal works better grab one of your rusted dough rounds place it down punch it into a nice circle now against tradition in order to stuff your crust you're actually gonna have to use a rolling pin to roll this out into a circle that's about a quarter of an inch thick you can really hear the screams of the italians as we choose this illegal move i promise italians i don't usually do it like this okay please now from there you're gonna line the edges with mozzarella that means either mozzarella sticks or a block of mozzarella that's been cut into sticks obviously bot sticks are the easiest option you'll need about seven eight sticks that are about three quarters of an inch thick per pizza yes a lot now once you've done that give the inside nearest to the mozzarella a light brushing of water then carefully wrap the edges of the dough inward and just over the mozzarella pinching each piece completely shut you must pinch it shut completely or you're gonna make papa sad once that's done you have your cheesy crusty complete it's the crusty that's what we call it from there add a light layer of tomato sauce give it a nice spread as we enjoy sprinkle on as much or as little cheese as you like it's all up to you this is a mix of one cup of shredded mozzarella and half cup shredded parmigiano reggiano optionally you can arrange some of your little pepperonis should you desire i like to slice my own because i like them thick now make sure your pizza slides around the peel real easily then pop up in your oven and quickly but carefully slide your pizza into the oven onto the pizza stone like you see me doing here it takes some practice but papa believe in you now close the oven and let it bake for six to ten minutes or until a beautiful golden brown i actually pulled mine a little bit early and we'll just pretend that it's not a little bit too light whatever now while that's baking we're gonna make a quick butter brush for the crust to do that you'll need a small saucepan melt 1 3 of a cup or 85 grams of salted butter over medium heat and as soon as it's melted cut the heat remove it from the heat and whisk in three cloves of grated garlic and one tablespoon of grated parmigiano-reggiano then as soon as your hot pizza pie comes out of the oven give the crust a generous brushing of garlic butter all the way around your pizza oh yeah papa give the crusty a little brushy now from there all you need to do is give your pizza a look of confidence give it a slice enjoy a most extraordinary cheese pull sure to make anyone smile and give it a taste test we have two pizzas and i have two things to say this is a lot bigger than mine which makes me very sad and also i kind of wanted more color this would have been much better if we had done this in the uni oven right so just keep that in mind but i'm trying to make it easy for you so we have our fruity pizza now note the underside all right we got some char we got some crisp some crisp penis and then this guy this looks like it's been to jail it's got like a chain link fence on the back end of it first off the pepperonis way better which is saying something because i do like the pizza hut peps they're not bad tastes good but i like them thick i like when they get nice and cuppy and there's a little bit of oil in there that has that they're a little crisp around the edge the bread is soft now let's test the exterior here i mean you already know it's a clear winner right you've got two different things do i think that this is like astronomically better actually no but i would say it's 30 percent better because you have the garlic bread crust that garlic butter brush there's actual depth of flavor you can taste the cheese it's not just like i mean there's not really anything in here maybe that's the problem more specifically you can taste the guanciale you can taste all that little spice there's no weird ketchup sweetness i think we've won this but we need a taste tester to finalize that okay vikram's back that's the pizza end that's the crust end i would try to get a bite of both if you can i don't know how you would do that all right um i don't know the letters but this one is about i'm not fired today oh it doesn't taste like um milk their cheese does taste like milk it's what uh that's what i don't do okay i'm gonna say this is like 25 to 30 percent better yeah you got your standard cheese your pepperoni this one more cheese more bite more garlic more flavor that's what butt better is all about why'd you throw him like that sorry we win again but better episode this is there's no way 30 something [Music] you want to know what else is stuffed to the brim and ready to ooze hot cheese into your mouth b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our pizza pizza and you know how it went you know i kind of wish that i'd used like a pizza oven that's wood fire but the only issue is that might have been a little too hot to actually bake that internal cheese and it just i don't know but i'm gonna test it again if you have a home pizza oven definitely give it a shot in there too and the the more color the better on on a pizza maybe get a little closer to a neapolitan style if possible which is already so far away from it doesn't matter anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,719,344
Rating: 4.9559717 out of 5
Keywords: homemade pizza, pizza recipe, how to make pizza, pizza hut, pizza hut pizza, pizza hut stuffed crust, how to make stuffed crust, stuffed crust pizza recipe, pepperoni pizza recipe, easy pizza recipe, pizza hut recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, youtube cooking show, recipes, sat bawl pro, cooking show, how to cook, pizza in home oven, pizza oven, homemade pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, easy pizza dough, but better, out pizza the hut, pizza
Id: bf_h1LQ0e5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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