Cheesy Homemade Mozzarella Sticks (3 Ways) | 3 Million Subscriber Special

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cheese is already a beautiful thing as it is but you bread it you fry it it's cheesy gooey do i really need to say anything [Music] else [Music] this is gonna be a little different today the apron is off so you know it's gonna be special we're celebrating 3 million subscribers together wow would you look at that well first off we're a little bit late and i apologize for that it's been very busy we've been trying to do a bunch of stuff i'm not gonna make excuses the point is i couldn't be more thankful and it's because of you guys because of the support of everyone who enjoys what we do thank you doesn't even suffice anymore now it's just we're gonna do more we're gonna do it bigger and better and all that to the house and studio tour this is the kitchen you know it you understand it you usually only see this plane but there's you know there's other parts that make up a kitchen pantry as of right now it's a massive mess we did our best to try and kind of get some sort of organization but you know sometimes it gets a little bit chaotic we've also added this to the door this was a buddy of mine cam he came up with this whole idea and i think this is great the way that i've tried to organize this is like this is all spices only spices and like a couple dried items like dates this is all flowers grains and sugars and nuts on the far right everything else is kind of just melted together it will get better we are technically on the second floor by the way plaque on the wall one million times three here's the craziest thing we received this what 12 months ago or less less than a year ago now we're at triple that it's been a wild year for a lot of people and i'm super grateful for what we've all gotten as a team and it's due to you guys so anyway first floor this is technically a townhouse it's not like a house house because there's multiple it's built tall and skinny um this is the guest room now there's a very special thing about the bathroom in the guest room this was for vikram when he started uh when he was looking for a place to live in houston i thought you know i want to give vikram a gift so i gave him a big gift the perk of living in a really tall town house that's this tall is a lot of them actually have the benefits what i'm trying to say is that is the benefit of having an elevator you put the tripod in here vikram mommy's here to greet us oh hello he's here this is vikram's favorite thing to do is be in a small space with me this is the uh this is our bedroom the bedroom after living here for i think six months now i've kind of got to a point where now i'm ready to actually already move out long story short we're building something very special back in austin all right finally the fourth floor you always have a bathroom in your office with a shower this is um this is essentially our two editing base we edit all the videos here tj also edits it on his computer on this desk over here this is where the voiceover happens it's the same mic that i started with since zero subscribers we've got to stop talking now because kate's about to take a very important exam and we've got to get to editing so let's move on to the recipe alright so we're going to start with old reliable the classic mozzarella stick with ranch specifically look you can use marinara but i'm a ranch with moth sticks kind of guy that's right judge me all you want on that note here's how to make the ranch real simple in a medium sized bowl combine three quarters of a cup or 116 grams of mayonnaise half a cup 125 grams of creme fresh 1 tablespoon or 25 grams of dijon mustard begin whisking that together then stream in half a cup or 120 grams of buttermilk now once you have that add half a bunch of finely sliced chives half a cup of finely chopped parsley three sprigs of dill also finely chopped and three cloves of garlic grated season that to taste with salt and pepper then whisk all that together and enjoy one of the greatest ranch dressings to exist on this planet maybe that's a little bit much but you get the point it's good now normally with these kinds of mozzarella sticks you need bread crumbs but as you know we make our own seasoned breadcrumbs from scratch you'll need about eight thin slices of a simple white loaf of bread line those on some baking sheets you don't need to coat them or anything and toss them in an oven set to 275 fahrenheit or 135 celsius for about 15 minutes also if your oven doesn't go that low then just put it as low as it can go after about 15 minutes or until it's very dry and crumbly let that cool completely then toss some of the bread in the food processor begin processing so it all fits nice and snug in there then add one teaspoon or five grams of salt one teaspoon or three grams of dried thyme one teaspoon or three grams of dried oregano one teaspoon or four grams of black pepper ground obviously and one teaspoon or four grams of garlic powder blend that together until you get a nice fine well uh bread crumb texture like you see right here and that's all it takes now for the breading station you'll need one bowl with one cup or 150 grams of all-purpose flour another bowl with your seasoned breadcrumbs and one bowl with three large eggs whisk together until combined and smooth then all you need to do is cut up two large blocks of low moisture mozzarella into half-inch batons remember to keep them even so that they fry evenly it's a simple concept then to bread take a baton dip it in the flour dust off the excess toss it to coat in the eggs and finally toss it in the bread crumbs to coat every crevice now just repeat that whole process one more time to double coat your mozzarella sticks if it's undercoated it will burst in the oil so always double coat now just get a pot filled with about two and a half inches of oil for frying making sure not to go beyond three quarters full in the pot heat that vapor to 350 fahrenheit or 175 celsius then just carefully lay those guys in the oil in batches and fry for one to three minutes or until they get a nice golden brown like this be aware that if you leave them in there too long the cheese will boil and start to leak out so try to balance that cook time now toss those on wire racks to drain as you're frying the rest and then you'll be left with beautiful sticks ready to serve with your wrench and enjoy a most sensuous cheese pull up this is where you cue the sexy music yummy okay the classic in me there's not much to say about this we all know what this represents all right this is childhood memories you live in america we got the ranch all right you could do marinara there's nothing wrong with marinara i know you guys are probably thinking josh i can't believe you're just doing ranch it's too much then go make a marinara josh i want your beer in there well then don't judge me don't judge me i'm gonna eat my feelings [Music] this has the classic traditional mozzarella stick flavor that you want but just up another level it's crispier because we made our own bread crumbs from scratch we actually control the flavor so you can make it taste like whatever you want you want like a chicken curry flavored mozzarella stick that's an idea why didn't i do that what the these are classic mozzarella stick but upgraded now next we've got something special okay next i decided to fancify this and make giant fried brie cubes because i can you'll need one large wheel of brie okay maybe not this large maybe like a quarter or half this size then just cut it into cubes that are roughly one and a half inches by one and a half inches two notes really keep these guys even i know i always say it but papa never lies and second is to leave the skin on so it doesn't melt too quickly when frying now we're gonna prep these katsu style here we have one bowl filled with one cup or 150 grams of all-purpose flour another with one and a half cups or 140 grams of panko bread crumbs and another with two whole eggs beaten together beautifully now first coat every single edge inside nook and cranny in the flour shake off the excess then coat in the egg and finally toss in the panko insuring to really press the panko so it sticks on every single side then place those on a tray and repeat with the rest of your cubes take your tray put it in the freezer for one hour no more no less if they freeze they won't fry properly we're just firming these brothers up then in that same oil setup heat the oil to 360 degrees fahrenheit or 180 celsius and from cold fry in batches for three to four minutes or until deep golden brown and the cheese is completely melted on the inside you can always do a test one first to get it right then fry the rest then drain each batch on a wire rack as they finish frying and serve immediately i mean look at this that is ooey gooey hours right there now some might look at this and go oh a cube a fried cube no no this is a cube of fried brie now i'm not actually going to ranch this one because i've been eating these all day it's ooey gooey on the inside literally like like ah it's so hot don't do that just be careful okay i mean it's ridiculous it's super rich really really intense ultra cheesy fatty crunchy this would be a lot better rather than having this i would even serve this with like an aged balsamic vinegar it's for my buddies that regales it's an aged black truffle balsamic okay i'm just gonna take a little piece here and it's very thick holy dude dick you gotta try this dude boom stupid that's unbelievably stupid that's so good it is it tj the the acid the richness the sweetness the truffle brie crunch we got our verdict on that i got one more for you after this let's move on to that okay okay we got our two fried guys but i've got one more for you what about pan-fried cheese here we have a pan-fried samorza topped with homemade jam and caviar we're on the caviar kick with this one i'm sorry i had to do it you don't have to do caviar all right it's just yummy now what is gamorza you might ask sounds gross but it's a beautiful southern italian cheese similar to mozzarella but with more complex flavor and it's a little firmer and obviously pan toastable first cut it in half remove the waxy exterior then cut it in half again to form quarters then slice those into little wedges about three quarters of an inch thick now heat a dry non-stick skillet over medium heat until very hot add your cheese pan fry until golden about one to two minutes then flip and fry on the other side for about the same amount of time and repeat with enough cheese to fill a plate or as much as you want now plate it all up top some of your cheese with strawberry jam and a small pinch of fresh thyme leaves and then top the others with a tiny drizzle of honey and a little dollop of nice caviar it's flexy fancy makes an incredible amuse boosh for a party or a nice segue during a lovely evening netflix and chill now let us have our final taste test scamorza now they look a little flat but that doesn't matter if you've never had seared cheese before like halloumi you have never lived we've got two options here strawberry jam thyme and black pepper and then we have truffle honey and caviar not trying to flex it's just i happen to have it and so i thought i would put it on there people want to yell at me i think we'll start with the strawberry this is upsetting because from my perspective this is nearly better almost more exciting of a near eating experience than either of the mozzarella sticks because it's so intense when this is hot all i gotta say is you're gonna bust it over the next one is gonna be the truffle honey and the see the sheen on that you're a caviar person that's for you the caviar applies that extra saltiness that you want the brininess the richness now wait a minute what if we take the jam and the caviar and then make a little sandwich what if you do that [Music] that actually works it layers through the flavors with that done we have three different options for your mozzarella sticks obviously this is not mozzarella nor is the brie but the point is it's fried cheese and if you like fried cheese this is the only guide you're going to need you want to know what's better than mozzarella sticks a very special 20 20 year in review b-roll [Music] so one thing that i've learned about 2020 is not so much that it's like oh man we can't do anything about this it's more so just being understanding to other people's problems you never know what's going on with somebody so let's make 21 be a little more kind to each other let's be a little more loving to each other that's all i want to say let's hop over to the q a the cold brew gotta get nice and snuggly slides underneath this you gotta tuck yourself in it's question time oh my god yay it's so fun this comes from david noel spina should you have worked at a restaurant to open a successful restaurant that is a very good question successful is a subjective term successful in the sense of great food probably you should have worked in a restaurant if you really wanted to win on both the financial aspect but more specifically the food aspect because you're used to both sides and balancing the two when you've worked at one before assuming that you've worked a position that would teach you that it's hard for me to speak on that because i myself haven't opened a restaurant yet there's plenty of examples of businessmen and women and so on who have open restaurants and they've been financially successful but the food blows okay so oh here's a really good one this one comes in from sebastian mcconey real talk can you give advice about how to make recipes your own assuming he's how to create a recipe uh he's been teaching himself to bake and he's been getting really good results he feels like an imposter because he's mostly following instructions rather than applying technique and getting creative you have to learn everything first you can't just go out and just think that you're magically going to create a recipe how are you supposed to know how to make a nice cupcake batter having never made cupcakes in your life you have to have tried a multitude of recipes and then you provide multiple layers of context develop a basic understanding with all the different recipes you tried and then you apply all the knowledge you've learned from that to then make your own then you'll figure out how it works simple as that good question derek duker that's a balling name what is your favorite video you've ever made that's like asking who your favorite child is i mean come on that's that's that's ludicrous you can't ask that it's 100 the popeyes video uh that's what started it all with the whole but better series and i love that series in my mind it was more of like this seems like a fun thing to try and i feel like i could totally outdo these guys it's been a really fun journey sort of getting to that you know creative challenge and constantly pitting myself up against these companies who've had years and years to develop something perfectly and i give myself like a couple days to get it right not even sometimes just a day that's been a lot of fun this comes from fernando and he says uh what do you miss most about working at a restaurant that is a very good question fernando for one the biggest thing that i miss is the people i miss being with all my homies everyone's supporting each other and you know when you go through this you go through this together and now i have vickerman tj we're building our own version of our family here so i i think that that'll come back and i i don't feel like i'm going to be missing it for long moving forward but i definitely miss that like intense that cooking intensity of like dish after dish border after order and uh yeah it's just a special feeling that i can't describe unless you've done it before all right guys and that is it so we made our mozzarella sticks but wait again another moment to step back and say thank you guys so so much for 3 million subscribers we're so thankful the support is just unbelievably amazing and we're so grateful and just thank you just another thank you i know we've said it probably a million times in this video anyway point is thank you mozzarella sticks obviously these weren't all mozzarella but it's the essence of fried cheese it is it is what that represents the crispity crunch and then the gooey gooey cheese pulley center you know there's nothing better than that so whether you prefer it like a plain mozzarella literal stick with italian breadcrumbs or you want something fancy like a deep-fried brie cube doesn't matter it's all up to your own personal choice if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,085,668
Rating: 4.9588609 out of 5
Keywords: subscriber special, 3 million subscribers, fried mozzarella sticks, mozzarella sticks recipe, homemade mozzarella sticks, fried cheese sticks, fried cheese recipe, fried brie, fried brie recipe, deep fried cheese, cheese recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, how to make mozzarella sticks, homemade mozarella sticks, fancy cheese recipe, what to do with extra cheese, leftover cheese
Id: EP87x2TLrH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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