How To Out Pizza The Hut | But Better

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oh yeah I know I know all right all right bye-bye sorry that was the CEO of all people today we're gonna help Pizza the Hutt hold on your pepperonis [Applause] [Music] [Music] so this is but better episode three or four I think it's Episode four this is the series where we remake mass-manufactured fast foods but with classic cooking techniques with the intention to make them better browsing my comments and a lot of people were saying Josh please out Pizza the Hutt and I said you know what I'll do my best so that that's yeah that's a synopsis solo with that said let's do this shall we all right so we're gonna talk oh wait hold on I'm gonna taste both Domino's Pizza decide which is better and then compete only as three and a half stars on yo can I just do a medium pepperoni pizza Domino is your next buddy boy Jesus is that how much people eat just do a medium pepperoni pizza awesome cool thank you to the Domino's and the Pizza Hut guys show up at the same time and only wait a minute it took 25 minutes there hurry here Domino's gets the first pick no three oh they're doing like a garlic butter thing on the on the cross okay next okay so pizza friendly arrived it's real soft kind of spongy oh do you know what this doesn't taste good Domino's is the winner the wonderful screws okay it's a pizza time I'm sorry Italians so let's serve by making our dough now look if you want to really get though the flour choice matters double o tipo Italian flours what you want but all-purpose works in a pinch you need two and a half cups or 380 grams of that to that you're gonna add two teaspoons or 10 grams of sugar one during a quarter teaspoon or six grams of fine sea salt and optionally half a teaspoon or one gram of diastatic malt powder I know it sounds fancy you can get it a lot of places just helps with color and flavor slip it around with wires attached to a metal stick until thoroughly incorporated okay so here we've got one cup or 245 grams of water at around 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius so then we're gonna have one and a half teaspoons or 5 grams of instant yeast mix that together and just let that sit for a couple of minutes until it starts to bubble a little now here's the best part of this recipe no machine required you can do this all by hand just pour all that liquid into your flour mixture mix it by hand to get a rough dough sort of looking like this dump it on your counter and then just start kneading it knead it for about 5 minutes until you get a roughly nice and smooth dough now will feel a little sticky at first but once you've kneaded it it should come together and not stick so bad if you just can't handle it you can always add a little sprinkling of extra flour but for the most part it needs to be pretty hydrated now once you've got a nice velvety smooth ball like this shape it into a slightly top ball by sliding around in circles on a counter keeping your fingers in contact with the counter so sort of tightening it up like that lightly grease a medium sized bowl with extra virgin olive oil toss your dough in there cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for about one to two hours at room temperature until thoroughly doubled or alternatively you can let it go overnight in the refrigerator now if you're doing it same day you need to start preheating your oven I'm gonna need this pizza stone obviously please attend to the upper third of your oven and preheat your oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit for at least an hour before you bake any pizzas now let's talk about pizza sauce look unless you live in Italy I really recommend just getting the 28-ounce can of peeled san marzano tomatoes they're delicious and they're form Italy plus less prep now I tend to be a little particular about this I like to remove the seeds whenever I do this so you can like poke pop them open just rip out the seeds separate them and then run the juice to refine my strainer then I like to add two cloves of garlic 2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters of olive oil salt to taste in a large pinch of sugar then just blend that all together until nice and smooth and well that's it I mean if you want to cook it down and make a little thicker so it doesn't get too watery when baking you totally can but a lot of the time I don't and it's still wonderful now let's talk about that's funny to me now let's talk about pepperoni okay you can pick up whole pepperoni at your local grocery store hopefully I've strong preference to slicing my own you can get them way thicker and they get those nice sort of like cups those peppy cups oh yeah so that's the goods like to slice I'm just a little thicker than about a quarter of an inch okay so once your dough's reach plump boy hours you ready to shape before you do that you need to make a quick mixture of equal parts cornmeal and all-purpose flour I did like a half a cup and a half cup okay so once you're ready to prep your dough first realize that you should have brushed your plastic wrap with olive oil yeah it was a stupid mistake lightly this to work surface with your cornmeal flour mixture divide your dough into two evenly sized pieces and shape into medium top balls same way as we did before and place them on a generously dusted sheet tray you know with that flour my shirt you can cover with a lot of things actually just covered this with another sheet tray just beware as you saw before with the dough will stick to stuff and let them rest for at least 30 minutes now while that's resting let's go ahead and greet our cheese we'll need a total of three cups of grated cheese and I get equal parts of three different cheeses here we've got a nice smoked white cheddar a Monterey Jack and mozzarella you can use fresh mozzarella can use part-skim whichever one you prefer and then just grate those on a coarse grater and then toss them all together now if you're using fresh mozzarella I'd recommend cutting it into really small cubes now we need to make one more finishing touch you'll see how we'll use it but simply combine a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of extra-virgin olive oil a good one with three cloves of freshly grated garlic and a generous pinch of flaky salt mix until homogenised time to shape our pizza generously dust a work surface with your flour cornmeal mixture take one of your pieces of dough and place it on the work surface generously dust that and then just punch around the center to sort of create a very thin perimeter now trust me be careful your if you make the perimeter too thick it will puff up and you'll have a gigantic crust just drip the pizza over your hands and rotate it around letting gravity sort of stretch it carefully go slow if you need to don't make sure it doesn't tear get too thin well it starts to get too thin place it back down and just sort of stretch it out with roughly a 10 to 12 inch pizza place it on a pizza peel that it's also been generously dusted with your flour mixture give it a thin coating of your sauce then your cheese well half your cheese that is or well however much cheese you want I don't know your pepperoni evenly dispersed as you can and think carefully because this bit is hot slide it onto your ripping hot pizza stone and let it bake for about five minutes and then broil for an additional minute and you should come out with a beautiful pizza after you pull it out immediately brush just the crust also called the crusty with that beautiful garlic oil we made it just a second ago brushes generously don't be scared and let it cool a little slightly before you cut it and enjoy and just repeat with the other pizza Italians listen up I love you guys I don't think this is a representation of an Italian pizza we're battling Pizza Hut Domino's okay we're not battling the entire country of Italy so anyway I don't even need to have a conversation about this no pepperoni cups moist beat but also melt in your mouth at the same time the crust beautiful tear nice and chewy that garlic oil that's a spicy meatball whoa the ugliest pizza the prettiest mine okay this you can smell the tomato the garlic the spicy pepperoni that needless to say we definitely out Pizza the Hutt but I'm the winner it's me shooters gonna shoot winners gonna win baby but do you want to know what else is gonna out Pizza the Hutt [Music] [Applause] alright guys and that is it so we made pizza but not just any pizza we made a pizza to out pizza the Hut and Domino's I decided to throw Domino's into the mix because well to me it felt kind of weird to just do Pizza Hut and just do Domino's so I figured why not do both I think I honestly think that there were some negatives to my pizza I will say that for one I don't eat the bottom was as crispy as it should have been it was still kind of floppy which is a problem and the main reason for that is actually because it's very hard to get the stone hot enough if it weren't for the immense amount of flavor and beautiful appearance of the pizza I really think we might have almost lost simply because of that one factor for those of you who watched at the end I would like to treat you and by treating you by showing you the Hat for merch you ready ok I'm gonna go get it this is one of three pieces ok it's not just the Hat we're also gonna be doing an apron and we're also gonna be doing a shirt but I really like the Hat a lot so I decided I would show you you ready it's a cute little thing you don't get to hiked up all right come the hell down there it is ok look at that it's a little santoku a little Japanese santoku knife for those of you who watch to the end and you saw that that is my thank you to you for watching my videos all the way through I so appreciate you ok many kisses anyway so if you enjoyed this video where you learn something leave a like subscribe and I will see you next time I appreciate you I love you thank you so much for everything the you guys do for me we've trended two videos in a row well I don't know about this one we'll just let this one just we're gonna do our best every time ok you show up to the fight anyway goodbye have a wonderful day love you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 5,786,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade pizza, homemade pizza recipe, easy homemade pizza, pizza dough recipe, how to make pizza dough, dominos pizza dough, pizza hut pizza dough, homemade dominos, easy pizza recipe, how to make pizza at home, joshua weissman, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, joshua weissman but better, but better, but better pizza hut, but better dominos, but better pizza, fast food, food, cooking, pizza, dominos, pizza hut, pizza recipe, homemade pizza hut
Id: 5DZA85l868c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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