Making Doritos At Home | But Better

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we've out-pizzaed the hut dominated the fast-food goliaths of the world and now i think that it's time that we also venture a little bit into the coveted snack world [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to but better episode episode 17. i'm doing this for a little while huh for the record we're going to keep doing fast food don't worry that's not going away that's the whole baseline of the series but i also want to start doing snacks because a lot of people have requested it a lot but igdms blah blah blah so on and so forth you keep asking me i don't really make cheese powders that often but i do make cheese foams but you know we're gonna give this our best shot and we can see how close can we get to a dorito and can we make it better so with all that said let's make this shall we we're not gonna go to 7-eleven because 7-eleven i feel like they're not gonna like a camera in there or what's the place that people just don't care walmart look at this these are new poppables i mean i like the concept but why okay um okay doritos should we get the party size doritos is over party what is the difference between these but there's more air here's the air here's the air this is the same amount of chips you're already on the down right now for the first time we truly have the bag the sound of this triggers my remember when i was like in class and i would like try to open a bag of chips without the teacher hearing and it's like so doritos uh they've rebranded so often this is like this new brand is so aggressive why doritos why do they need to be so aggressive they're they're nacho cheese chips all right you don't need a lasers crunching and slicing through your lettering just for epic gamers only epic gamers this is for you you got the classic doritos smell right i wish more of these were triangular the majority of them are actually like all like half pieces i mean they're doritos like they're they're kind of good they're kind of good the one thing i have to say about doritos they're nacho cheese flavored no this tastes nothing like cheese i don't even know how to describe this they taste like doritos which tastes good so what if we made an actual nacho cheese flavored chip now first things first let's make our flavor powder so i thought for a while exactly how i'm gonna make this so i looked around on amazon turns out cheese powder is actually really easy to find and so i just bought some cheddar cheese powder some white cheese powder you know the links will be in the description for that so for this method in a bowl you're gonna combine one cup or 112 grams of cheddar cheese powder a quarter cup of 30 grams of white cheddar cheese powder a quarter cup or 35 grams of buttermilk powder that's optional two and a half tablespoons or 15 grams of nutritional yeast yeah okay it sounds gross but it's kind of tasty so two teaspoons or seven grams of msg yes you heard correctly if doritos is gonna do it i'm doing it too all right one tablespoon or seven grams of onion powder two teaspoons or six grams of smoked paprika and finally one tablespoon or 14 grams of fine sea salt give that some whiskey business until thoroughly combined and that is your cheese powder flavoring so it turned out a little more neon than i expected okay so let's talk about making chips of course you can mix together your masa flour ideally it would be better if you had nyx tamale and all that and ground your own corn but let's be humble for a second okay we're making cheese powdered chips if you want it fast just buy some corn tortillas place the whole tortillas evenly spaced apart on a baking sheet toss them in an oven at the lowest setting possible for 10 minutes to dry them out and then cut them into quarters and now they're ready to fry then all you really have to do is get a large heavy bottom pot fill it up with at least two inches of oil make sure it doesn't go any higher than the halfway mark of the pot otherwise it's a fire hazard and that is bad now you just take that there pot of oil place it on a stove top over medium heat all right i'm gonna stop that now and heat that until it reaches around 350 degrees fahrenheit or 175 degrees celsius for my metric homies then in batches making sure not to overcrowd the pot fry your chips for about two to three minutes submerging them and flipping them every so often so that they get evenly fried and as soon as those chips sort of stop frying and bubbling and they're just kind of floating there you're then going to remove them from the oil place them on a wire rack set over a baking sheet and then immediately dust with your cheese powder now notice how i'm not sprinkling here it really works a lot better if you're using a fine mesh sieve and just kind of tapping it out that way we want that real even coating then just give those chips a flip and dust them yet again with your cheese mixture i know that you might think oh well joshua can i just toss it in a bowl yeah that's a practical thought but it doesn't really work very well and if for some reason the cheese powder isn't sticking to the other side just get a spray bottle fill it with a little bit of vegetable oil and lightly spray them prior to dusting them and it should definitely stick that way then just rinse and repeat with the rest of your chips and that right there well it actually looks kind of different than a dorito but okay maybe we go back to the drawing board and try to make our own cheese powder get any cheese that you want and you're gonna slice it as thinly as physically possible kind of tough to do uh with a knife that's super flat like this but here i've got some parmigiano-reggiano obviously some cheddar cheese some pecorino romano and finally some gouda all right the dutch are already screaming it's how the rauda i don't i don't know i'm trying then place those on some dehydrator sheets evenly spaced apart assuming you have a dehydrator place them in your dehydrator which has been set to 125 degrees fahrenheit or 52 degrees celsius and let them dehydrate for anywhere between 24 to 48 hours or until they're completely dry and crisp and snappable then take them out you're gonna need to generously dab these off by the way because they they just release so much cheese oil i was not stoked about that but you do what you gotta do then just blend those separately okay don't blend them all at once blend those separately on a high speed blender as high as it'll go until you get a nice powder rinse and repeat with every cheese then grab yourself a bowl now this one's a mouthful so get ready three tablespoons are 20 grams of nutritional yeast which i'm actually running through a fine mesh sieve just to get it a little bit finer than the last time followed by half a cup or 60 grams of gouda powder a quarter cup or 30 grams of pecorino romano powder half a cup or 60 grams of parmigiano-reggiano powder half a cup or 60 grams of cheddar cheese powder i'm sorry this is just funny one tablespoon or 14 grams of fine sea salt obviously you're two teaspoons of msg muy importante let me tell you brother two teaspoons or seven grams of ground white pepper one tablespoon or ten grams of onion powder and one tablespoon or twelve grams of smoked paprika give that some whiskey business and that is our secondary seasoning it's the exact same procedure fry your chips season them generously with your cheese powder and now we've got two different chips we've got the store-bought cheese powder we've got the dehydrated cheese powder and then we've got the dorito now let's see which version of ours tastes the closest and if we want [Music] they all look relatively similar but you can definitely visually tell which one the doritos are pre-made cheese powder first off this slaps but it doesn't exactly taste like doritos i don't know that that's necessarily bad now this is made with real cheese weirdly enough the the homemade cheese powder actually matches the flavor of the doritos way closer and i think that has to do with the umami qualities of the cheeses being intensified msg elves god this is a tough one you know i need i need thick one time for the sideshow [Music] good [Applause] yeah number three which one do you think the doritos are three yeah it's just so obvious it's it's a pretty iconic now between the first two which do you think was closer so the second one was it was cheesier i'd say cheese wise the second one is closer i kind of agree neither of them really even tastes like doritos though that's the funny thing none of them are really bad this is supposed to be nacho cheese flavored but to me this tastes more nacho cheese flavor i agree so who's really the winner burritos win at being doritos nacho cheese being nacho cheese is not nacho cheese that's the verdict now with that said you can also still enjoy a beautiful nacho cheese chip okay papa love you bye all right all right maybe not a precise winner here but do you want to know what else is as good as powdered cheese [Music] b-roll all right guys and that is it so we made sort of a burrito but more like we just made a nacho cheese chip that was really good it's this is a weird one you know we're starting off our first snack butt better and it's not i don't know that i would say that it's better it's just so different and and no i'm not taking this as an l because it's just extremely different okay people are probably going to be in the comments like oh you know you get a rematch creepy cream in doritos well i will be doing that i will but if you want an amazing homemade nacho cheese chip that is made completely from scratch this is the way to go dude all right you want to do this one i think that we win the game of making a nacho cheese chip but making a dorito i just don't know what their secret dorito spice is but we got pretty dang close so whether you make these doritos or not i hope you enjoyed the journey and i hope it gets you thinking about all is possible just with a little bit of time effort and love i think that i had a little more time to develop this we would have had a spot on one so there may be a little bit of a rematch in the future but for the time being if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,254,754
Rating: 4.9170041 out of 5
Keywords: but better, homemade doritos, homemade chips, how to make your own chips, how doritos are made, how to make cheese powder, cheese powder, doritos recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, nacho cheese chips, nacho cheese flavoring, tortilla chip recipe, homemade tortilla chips, diy doritos, gourmet doritos, dorito, doritos, how to make doritos, dorito recipe, making doritos, gourmet doritos recipe, joshua weissman but better, at home
Id: 9_j0dWkB2JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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