The Juiciest Homemade Birria Quesa Tacos

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this is a really special one not very many people have a local place that can make something like this for you that is until today or well you're the one who had have to make it but yeah today we're going to be making video tacos now let's talk about this there are a lot of ways to make this there's a very specific way that i prefer them which is with the consomme which is technically not like the consummate that i'm imagining the consummate i imagine is like clarified in french you essentially get a rich sort of slightly thick soup that you then dunk these meaty rich fatty cheesy tacos but we're not just gonna do tacos we're gonna make them quesa tacos it's a quesadilla and a taco what more could you possibly want you've seen images of this dish all over the web it's taking the internet by storm and there's a good reason for it it's one of my favorite taco dishes of all time so with all that said let's make this shall we right so beeria is traditionally served at celebratory occasions so that goes to show the amount of attention to detail and love that goes into this pay close attention first we're gonna snag us five ancho chilis five guajillo chilis and two chili de arbol de arbol if you want me to pronounce it all right take those dried boys remove their stems and de-seed them the original video is typically made with goat meat which is lovely but i decided to opt for beef on this hence therese de res you'll need one pound of boneless chuck roast three large beef short ribs with the bone attached or one pound of boneless short ribs and two large slices of ox tail about one pound as well see what we're doing it's it's even amounts one pound one pound one pound season those all generously with salt in a large pot add enough oil to coat the bottom something high heat like canola and heat over medium high heat until screaming hot add your meat in batches and sear about two to three minutes on all sides until you get a nice beautiful deep brown crust all over each piece of meat repeat with all of your meat placing it to the side as you work look color is so important here please no gray meat all right this isn't grey's anatomy now look at that lovely fond on the bottom of the pot that's what you want now to squirt of any burned oil left in the bottom add another couple tablespoons of neutral tasting fresh oil place that back onto medium heat then add one chopped yellow onion saute that just until begins to soften then add 1 tablespoon or 12 grams of tomato paste cook that down until the paste begins to darken and stick to the pan then add 8 cloves of sliced garlic saute until fragrant then add two and a half quarts or 2.25 liters of a rich beef stock please make your beef stock for this all right i'm tired of saying it it's the heart and soul to so much of the flavor here also uh you know maybe get a pot that's big enough because papa did not and now he has an extra dish to clean thanks to his negligence from there add your dried chilies then separately get a piece of cheesecloth and in the center add one tablespoon or eight grams of black peppercorns one tablespoon or five grams of toasted coriander one cinnamon stick and six bay leaves fold all the sides together and tie tightly with cheesecloth and now you have a little sachet of flavor toss that in your stew bring that up to a light simmer and cover it with a lid and braise for one hour stirring occasionally once that hour is up fish out them chilies then place them in a blender along with a cup or two of your liquid and blend until smooth you'll get a nice vibrant orange puree pour that back in your stew bring it back up to a simmer then place the lid on and braise for an additional one and a half hours or until your meat is so tender that it jiggles at the mere sight of your lips now remove the meat discard of any bones and shred the meat and fat together as chunky or as fine as you'd like i like mine sort of medium fine you know some chunks for variants but mostly nice and thready and emulsified with its fat season your leftover broth with salt leave it to the side it's also called consomme but not to be confused with the clarified french stock known as well consummate now we're ready to assemble our quesad tacos but first let me have a brief discussion with you in order to pair respects properly do yourself a favor and get oaxaca cheese it is in my opinion the best way to enjoy these you just can't have these without buhaka cheese and be sure to tear it into little threads like this both for easy melting and some childhood string cheese like nostalgia anyway use the freshest corn tortillas you can find corn tortilla guide coming soon i swear then dunk your corn tortilla in the broth completely which should have a vibrant thick layer of reddish orange fat floating on top that'll coat the tortilla nicely and when dunking try to be careful when you're holding onto these or else place it on a medium cast iron skillet set over medium heat top that with a generous amount of your shredded oaxaca cheese let that cook just until the cheese is nice and melted a blow torch helps too then on one side of your tortilla add a generous helping of your braised shredded meat drizzle a large spoonful of your consummate onto your meat really let it soak it up fold your taco over and let it cook for one to three minutes flip and toast the other side until both of the sides have been toasted nicely and the cheese is completely melted finally to serve these bad boys get a small ramekin or bowl fill it with your broth or well consummate top with some finely diced sweet onion and rough chopped cilantro and all that's left to do is get your melty meaty little man dunk it in your consummate and let all of your problems fade away these tacos are coveted by both the culinarian world and the internet for a very good reason so without further ado the proper way to eat these is to talk you want it to be messy all right don't be a little baby only a little baby can be a little baby you ever think about that okay i got kate to stop talking anyway i have to get in the mood again i'm sorry oh that gets you in the mood all right you have the exterior crunch and yet subtly soft soaked the spicy fatty stew the meat is ultra tender the cheese is ultra cheesy that you know it's a quesadilla in a taco quesada that's what it is i'm not gonna claim that this is ultra authentic traditional i'm sure that there's gonna be some grandmother that's watching this it's like oh my god this white guy is being white again all i have to say is you if you don't have something like this in your area this is as close as you might be able to get it home with pretty low effort that's something to be proud of i hope that's helpful but do you want to know what else is voluptuous juicy and packed full of meat [Music] b-roll all right guys and that is it so we made video tacos well queso tacos technically this is actually shockingly easy yes there's a there's wait time for the cooking but this this is something that everybody on the planet can make and should make really seriously if you've never had this before and you don't have the chance you don't have a local place maybe you live in canada and there's nowhere maybe you're like in i don't know some like midwestern state that people forget the name of but anyway you need to make this please take it from me this is a beautiful thing to make for your family for yourself it's enjoyable it's it's good times bro so anyway if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time oh wait i have to close the camera what am i doing bye [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 5,475,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birria, birria tacos, birria tacos con consome, birria con consome, birria consome, quesatacos, taco recipe, homemade tacos, homemade birria, birria de res, birria de res con consome, birria de res recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, birria quesatacos, braised beef, beef tacos, beef birria recipe, quesadilla recipe, con consome, consume recipe, sat bawl pro, tacos, birria taco recipe
Id: 4wORLNNsZc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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