Cooking Challenge Against My Girlfriend Who Doesn't Cook

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so today we're doing something a little bit different this is kate we've gotten a lot of requests for her to cook one of my recipes in front of me while i judge and i thought let's take it a step further we're both going to cook something together the same thing the exact recipe of mine we're gonna compare plates and see how we did for today we are making a steak sandwich it's basic but there's also some level of culinary flair there's intention and there is technique involved technique kate where are you on the spectrum of cooking like what where's your skill level at right now i haven't picked up a knife in like eight years you've picked up my knives can you show everybody today how to properly hold a knife i showed you how to do this so i know you know how you put this here and then i know you do this so you don't cut off your fingers it's not bad at all right yeah so the recipe i chose is pretty simple i think she's gonna be fine i i'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised i also don't know if my ego can handle losing i think i'm gonna win just to mess with you there's not really a winner or a loser there is absolutely winners and losers oh all right if we're gonna play that way okay i'm i'm not going down without a fight honestly it's my competitive somebody's losing a finger today and that's all i have to say what is this um spinach one last thing before we get started let's talk about skill sets we've got searing properly cooking something how to properly toast something making a basic sauce knife skills the whole point of this entire moment is you're gonna follow along verbatim with me but hold on you're not just gonna follow along fellas oh my god no so here's how we're doing this all right we're both gonna run through this recipe you can't look at me you're just gonna follow along to the sound of my beautiful voluptuous luxurious manly sexy voice we have our steak we're making a steak sandwich right yes sorry i know you're talking to me are you ready to start yes get your pepper you see that i was gonna make them into a friend don't look over here not supposed to look over here get behind what do you think this is for i don't know what do you think of the lord give me your give me your pepper my pepper what does she have what does she have i have a pepper oh my god the belt because i'm the only one with the stove i'm going to roast these real quick okay you put them directly on the plane i don't need help this is just placed in here poorly who put this in here okay so these are roasted okay here's yours you have some foil put it on the foil wait take take the pepper on the foil all right and then wrap it in the foil all right place that to the side that's gonna steam here's me wrapping it now got some mayo here so in the in that bowl you're gonna add about half a cup of mayo roughly what does half a cup look like bro i think it's gonna look like this you're gonna have to figure it out i think this is more like a cup i don't know we have some mustard okay this is dijon mustard a little bit of spice okay so of your dijon it smells nice you're gonna add about a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons into your mayonnaise cool wait a tablespoon and a half or half a tablespoon a tablespoon and a half yup get your chives to slice your chives as thinly as possible nice and thin we don't want them chunky we want them thin sounds like she's going really fast how are you how are you matching my speed right now told you i'm a pro do they look good yeah they look great kind of annoyed with the speed put the chives in your mayo chives in i don't know what's going on over there um we're really trying it right right so the chives are in it you get a little bit of pepper a little bit of black pepper crack that in there nice and coarse i like it course oh and one more thing get your uh garlic head and we're just gonna separate out two cloves of garlic one and two how you doing over there bud got your garlic yeah we're doing great excellent so just give those a light tap that's how i like to loosen the skins there's a lot of ways you can do it but a tap is gonna get those skins to pop right off cool one garlic clove peeled and then now the next garlic clove peeled now get your mayo which now has the mustard the chives the pepper and finally get that microplane of yours wait what am i doing with the garlic you're peeling it after you've peeled it you're then going to grate it using that microplane into your mustard mayo how you doing over there i'm doing great so once that's grated get your spoon and some salt to taste you want this to be nice and punchy so you know don't be shy get your lemon you're going so fast i need you to take a deep breath vikram tell me if she looks over here somebody get no vikram don't somebody get a tickle gun i'm gonna tickle you okay so i was gonna say a taste this does not look right i just need a minute we don't do that around here so take your lemon wait i didn't even put the salt in there slice off a cheek make sure to salt it you want to make sure that you can add salt in a second okay slice off two cheeks of the lemon is that where i cut yep squeeze those cheeks into your uh your mayo so stir that stir that all together all right and then that's it it's a very very easy mayo it's thick it's viscous all right this is what it looks like one one of those chunks get your onion we're not gonna dice this or anything we're just gonna slice it in a nice little round so turn it on inside are you cutting it already yeah i know how to cut an onion if you cut it too early you're gonna screw yourself bud okay so turn it on its side you've got your uh your root here at the top just cut the top off like that okay and we're gonna cut this into like little rings oh shoot i'm glad i didn't start and we only need two of those we don't need a bunch of them this is enough to serve like i just cut the f out of my finger wait really are you okay look it's not that mad oh hear the at me dude i thought you cut your finger off that's not funny okay dude that sounded like her finger went off because that knife i just sharpened you did not sharpen this knife it's so dull the video does not lie so get your foil of pepper you got that now the skin's charred but if you literally just rub your finger down notice how the skin comes right off yeah so then take it so so do that but then use your paper towel to sort of like wipe it off wipe off all that charred bits we're cleaning them isn't that so pretty now we're gonna we need to take the seeds out so cut the top of the pepper off just just a little bit right i can see those seeds in there and then cut down the length of the pepper sort of opening it up it's like surgery and then cut around the inside of that pepper to sort of open it up spread it out into one long piece the top and bottom you don't need that's trash so instead we're left with this sort of this guy we got our long piece of pepper flesh and then we're literally just going to slice that into nice little batons ribbons if you will and if you slice them properly they should look a little bit like this you know you got little little joints little batons little flappy men okay so put those in a bowl once you've sliced them all are they in a bowl no all right got my lemon got my olive oil and i've got my salt now from there i'm gonna add a little bit of salt that's kosher salt i'm gonna take just one of those cheeks of the lemon not the whole lemon just a little cheek of it okay that's going to go in and then a nice generous sort of drizzle of olive oil and then just toss those together get a nice and dressed let those sit to the side marinate okay so get two of your onion slices really you only need one so you can just pick your favorite one and take off the skin layer but leave the rest all together so you're just taking off one layer the outer layer okay it should look like this i gotta use the stove you have a stovetop so you're good over there turn that on to medium high you're gonna add a little bit of oil to the pan coat the pan nicely all right just enough to coat the bottom about two tablespoons is it getting nice and hot i don't know maybe we're just gonna wait let it get ripping hot you have your onions ready almost okay your fingers look gross from the pepper well no because i wiped them off oh oh no smoking yeah cool so it's hot so add your onion oil doesn't steam hey that's and it gets a good sound mine's still uh my pan is taking its time what do i do with it oh no it's popping all right my oil's hot i'm gonna add my onions this one's actually not hot enough i don't know what's wrong with my stove right now like this has been heating for how long okay now we're gonna let that sear for about two to three minutes untouched i flip it back over tj are you helping no no helping i'll let you know when i flip mine i already put mine is there good color yeah is it brown yeah okay cool well season it with salt then i'll wait for mine to cook i don't know what i'm doing actually now i'm seasoning it with salt to taste don't have a feet does the green mean it's raw huh is the green mints raw what are you saying does the green mean that it's raw green uh it could just be really fresher yeah i mean i suppose we're brew laying onions we're brew laying onions i don't know what's going on if you think it's done go ahead and pull it ow and just salt that we have our onions all right they're not completely raw they're not like completely cooked they're you know a little bitey and there's some caramelization on the outside that that's how i want them now your pan you can set to the side okay so we got our lettuce take it out of its bag put it on the cutting board dude this is like in a that's okay and then you're gonna take your knife and cut it off cut the entire piece of lettuce off you have your steak all right get some paper towel just one one sheet okay and just dab your steak off so it's nice and dry all right kate no uh no wet you have it on your board right yeah okay so start heating your pan over medium-high heat to your pan you're then going to add two and a half to three tablespoons of oil just enough to coat the bottom of the pan nice and good uh get your salt and pepper ready because you're gonna season your steak okay i got my steak right here always season your steak right before it goes in the pan never like let it sit with salt again what did i say about water right god damn it what if i already saw salt okay so season it with salt generously kosher salt that's my favorite choice uh especially for a steak all right so we've got salt on that end pretty generously some pepper whoa pretty generous rub that in other side more salt nice and generous don't be shy all right you want a lot of salt on a steak cake now we got our salt and pepper it's all rubbed in the sides nice and gathered up all right steaks looking beautiful hands looking nice and hot now we're gonna add our steak to the pan and sear it for about two to three minutes all right so our pan's nice and hot steak goes in okay don't look please i'm not looking all right so steak is searing about two to three minutes ah this is my favorite part about cooking a steak is this [Music] all right so put your butter in the pan tilt the pan face with butter you're basting it and you're just going to do that until it's medium rare so take your steak out put it on your cutting board and let it rest that's how i get tongs yep okay that's the first steak i've ever made wow okay your stick should be nice and medium rare so let that rest don't touch it don't cut it just let it sit and do its thing stop looking over here get over there i miss you pan on the stove once more one last time all right place it over medium heat all right and to that you're gonna add two of those pieces of butter i gave you two or three get your bun and then just cut that in half as evenly as you can you know what i mean by in half right hot dog or hamburger ham hamburger once your butter's melted in bouboulin you know place your buns directly in that pan fun fact no wait i worked at a fast food restaurant and i was the cook they only put me on bread because that's the only thing i knew how to do so then this should be your best product then right yeah okay ones are toasted look at that look at that toast it's beautiful oh they're really burnt did not do well they're really burnt it's fine we have our steak now go ahead and cut that rib cap section off that's the sort of outer layer you'll you'll notice two really three pieces there's that tail on the far right if it's facing you or far left all right cut the tail off all right and then we've got that rib oh surrounds the steak cool now you can slice this a number of ways i'm just gonna slice that guy against the grain nice and sort of i would say like a half inch thick all the way down the whole thing cool wait sliced i cut it off i cut off the tail so now what do i do we're going to just slice that center piece just into nice strips about about a half inch thick wait strips yeah like slices i thought this was supposed to be a hamburger so i've sliced these into strips these are a bit long so i'm actually going to cut i'm going to remove two of these and then just cut the rest in half real quick look at this beautiful medium rare we got going on here look at that so place that to the side and we're ready to assemble our sandos cool so clean off your knife clean off your board assembling the sandwich is very easy okay you're gonna get your mayo now put your bottom bun down first cut side up all right and then now we're gonna get our mayo sauce our mustard mayo that we made earlier put a couple nice spoonfuls on there spread it around so it's sort of coating the uh the bottom bun nicely and evenly look at that that's a gorgeous color is it not don't you just want to kiss that or something so from here we're gonna add our lettuce you know break off some pieces of lettuce line your whole bottom bun with little pieces of lettuce make it look beautiful you know next get your peppers all right layer on as much as you like as much or as little as you want peppers on the bottom about yes so next step we're going to put the steak on make it look just absolutely am i supposed to be touching with my bare hands yeah that's fine all right we got our we got our our beef our beefus is it okay if it's super thick yes that's what you want last but not least all right is your onions those nice beautifully caramelized onions not caramelized but charred don't put all of them just put as little or as many as you like you don't need a ton that i feel pretty good about that amount right there you're gonna add one more good dollop of sauce on top of all that all right spread it let it kind of just fall naturally all over the meat it's gonna look absolutely lovely right you do it right it's gonna look beautiful all right and then a little tiny bit more on your top bun i like a lot of sauce all right guys everybody some people make fun of me about it i like it now finally your top bun this is the moment of truth you're gonna crown your king all right top bun goes straight down onto your sandwich to then complete your beautiful steak sandwich i mean look at this it's stunning visually in every way this is my steak sandwich this is my steak sandwich the moment of truth how do you think you did how do you feel it's a sandwich do you feel good about it yes let's unveil it i'm ready reveal look at that that looks great yeah it looks so good look at that it's like they're friends let's do it i think you did a very good job yes it's tasting time now got my sandwich we got your sandwich we're going to rotate oh no and taste each other's sandwiches so grab a grab a piece you're going to have to hold it together they want to fall apart naturally so cheers make them kiss you this is a pretty god dang solid really yeah this is very good oh no that was really good so what are your thoughts when you want to switch see the difference next one so the first thing i noticed with mine it's much messier mine is not as messy not as messy the true immediate thoughts i like the sauce on yours a lot better adds a flavor to it i think mine's a little bit dry your sauce is dry your steak is cooked nicely it's a perfect medium rare that's true i'm not even not even joking seasoned well the only thing i would say is the bun was toasted too quickly so the bun is ice cold only a little bit of toast but honestly that's a good sandwich and i would eat that and pay for that so we have two different sandwiches mine hers this was never really a versus more so how well can she keep up with only verbal instructions and i think he did very good i really did so this was this is a win-win this was a double w what i learned today in boating school is that i am screwed if me and josh break up and i have to cook my own meals all right i'm happy with these results you should be proud so with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time thank you for coming [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,536,199
Rating: 4.9567914 out of 5
Keywords: cook off, cooking challenge, steak sandwich, couple cooking, couples cooking, couples recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, steak, sandwich, cook off challenge, cooking head to head, keeping up with chef, trying to keep up with chef, joshua weissman girlfriend, cooking, cooking show, how to make steak, couple recipe, date night recipe, date night, chef vs amateur, pro vs, chef vs, chef, food cook off, cook off joshua weissman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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