Making The Perfect Fettuccine Alfredo (3 Ways)

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so apparently fettuccine alfredo isn't really a thing in italy what what what yes quite possibly let me explain are people thinking right now like quite possibly [Music] okay so today we're making fettuccine alfredo three different ways what we believe to be the original version of fettuccine alfredo which is fettuccine we're making the americanized version which many of you probably know and probably are here for obviously the best way that we can make it and then the third it's gonna be i guess i don't know i felt like i was bullied into making a healthy version because everyone's like something healthy anyway with all it said let's make this shall we okay red alert listen up buddy fettuccine alfredo isn't really a thing in italy oh whoopsy doodly it's an american thing so before we even go there i'd like to show you where i believe it actually came from which is an italian classic fettuccine alburro it's one of the easiest pastas of all time to begin you're going to need 14 ounces or 400 grams of dried fetuccine i'm putting a lot of flare i'll calm down a little bit place it in a pot of boiling water that's been seasoned very generously with salt i mean like as salty as the ocean all right buddy now let that cook according to the package's instructions or until al dente remember to taste your pasta as it cooks now while that's cooking get a large bowl that can easily fit your pasta and add half a cup or 115 grams of unsalted butter that has been softened and as soon as your pasta is done pull out and reserve about three quarters of a cup or 175 milliliters of the pasta water then drain your pasta and immediately add your hot pasta to your butter bowl start tossing that with the butter pretty vigorously once the butter is almost fully melted add 2 cups or 250 grams of fresh grated parmigiano reggiano begin tossing vigorously using your pasta water as needed to melt the cheese and thin the sauce to a consistency you like ideally you want to turn into a creamy white sauce that then coats each noodle nicely it should cling with a beautiful emulsion you should have something of a glass to it then just season that the taste with salt and pepper and serve in a bowl top with additional parmigiano and black pepper to taste now let's see how we're looking with this one fettuccine alfredo the italians they don't like it okay it's an americanized thing this is technically what alfredo was derived from fettuccine alburo okay that is this okay [Music] oh my lord something about doing it the right way really hits different at the end of the day this is the right way to do a proper fettuccine alfredo not with cream but the only problem is this requires technique if you can get that down then you'll have your best version ever but we're still going to do two more after this we're going to be doing an americanized version i'm sorry italians got to be done all right and then what dare i say healthy version right on to the next the illegal but oh so tasty fettuccine alfredo all right again boyle 14 ounces or 400 grams of dried fettuccine as directed on le package that's not a real french word i don't think separately get a large pan and add one and a quarter cup or 300 milliliters of heavy whipping cream and half a cup or 115 grams of unsalted butter turn the heat to medium and begin constantly stirring the pan until all the butter is melted increase your heat slightly above medium and bring to a gentle simmer now let that simmer stirring occasionally for three to four minutes or until it starts to lightly thicken once that's done cut off the heat and add two cups or 250 grams of parmigiano reggiano see how it's about to get all fancy again with those two teaspoons are four grams of finely chopped thyme and five cloves of garlic that have been very finely chopped vigorously stir that together until thoroughly combined and emulsified then season the mixture to taste with salt and pepper and look this process is real simple once your pasta is done reserve a half cup or 120 milliliters of pasta water drain your pasta then immediately add your hot pasta to the alfredo sauce and toss using your pasta water as needed to emulsify the sauce further you'll likely use about half of your reserved pasta water so a quarter cup or potentially more depending on how much you reduce the sauce then to get a nice little shape grab a carving fork and a ladle twirl it up real nice into a beautiful little man place it in a plate or a shallow bowl and immediately top with a nice fresh grating of parmigiano-reggiano and a crack of the black peppercorn now let's see if there's a difference between these two challengers this is the version that many americans know this is the alfredo now the italians that are watching this right now probably their immediate thought is oh what the heck is this ah what do you mean what could you do you're right this is the non-traditional version but i gotta do it for all the people i see him turned away look at me of course you can tell it's not traditional obviously can't just say that this doesn't taste good this is gummy very gemy you want that more americanized flavor that you might be used to if you go to some crappy italian place this is going to be the best version of that which is technically lesser than the italian virgin but still yummy now we've done our two versions the next one we're gonna test and see if a healthy version i don't really believe in the whole healthy non-healthy thing it's lower calorie all right we go okay last but not least we have a healthy-ish herb fettuccine alfredo now this one is completely different and requires a little trickery first you'll need a head of cauliflower remove the stems and acquire yourself about two and a half cups of cauliflower florets that'll end up being about half of a medium head pop those floors into a medium sized sauce pot add in one cup or 240 milliliters of milk this could be whole milk which is my ideal choice or even a nut milk if you want yes nut milk haha very funny followed by one tablespoon or 14 grams of unsalted butter bring that up to a boil over medium heat then reduce the heat to medium low and let it simmer covered with a lid or in this case foil because i don't know where any of my freaking lids are for 12 to 15 minutes or until all the cauliflower is completely mushy remove from the heat pour all the contents into a blender along with three cloves of garlic two teaspoons of finely chopped fresh thyme half a cup or 62 grams of grated parmigiano-reggiano season its taste with salt and pepper and blend on high speed until it's as smooth as an egg wait what some eggs aren't really that smooth anyway right from there you know the drill boil your fettuccine this time you don't need as much pasta butter if any at all pop your pasta into a bowl that's been filled with some of your caulifredo sauce and toss until thoroughly coated and served with more parmigiano on top adjust salt and pepper levels and let's see if this healthy little pants man can even compare to the real deal stuff my guess is probably not okay oh my it's almost upset that it's the healthy one this one's a little coagulated now that it's sad this tastes good but it is no alfredo it does lack that intense richness that crunchy umami cheesy easy flavor but i bet you could make this even better if you added some nutritional yeast or whatever keep the calories low without having to add more cheese that's a good idea which is which i'll figure it out you're going to know which one maybe you know both are just like good to me i don't care can we get an italian dessert are you telling me i'm italian that's fettuccine how did you not tell the difference that's got the natural fettuccine flavor that's way better that's fettuccine that's a good thing i'm not going to be here oh my god this tastes exactly the same it doesn't but if you're washing your your calories or whatever this is a good alternative you're trying to get shredded like me and noor you want to know what else is full of creamy nudes calling your name in the darkness b-roll [Music] our guys and that is it so we made our fettuccine alfredo or well alburo or the cauliflower cola fredo the point is we made it three different ways and each version i think was special in its own way the italians they get very upset about the heavy cream version heavy cream is uh something that they don't tread lightly with and i understand why because it's kind of cheating it's not a true emulsified sauce because you're using cream to bind it all and yada yada i get it but it's still kind of jummy i'm not gonna lie but at the end of the day the alburo version is the best i think it's the most fully flavored and it's also the most simple it's simple beautiful rich and decadent all in one what more do you want in a little pasta dish you know creamy yum yum the healthy one you know it tasted healthy but for the most part it was actually pretty good on its own now what i classified to be similar to the other two not really but it does satisfy that desire a little bit look it's up to you if you're on a diet or not maybe just maybe just make it all the way okay anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you [Music] hmm
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,509,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, fettuccine, fettuccine alfredo, how to make fettuccine alfredo, alfredo, alfredo sauce, how to make fettucinne alfredo sauce, homemade fettuccine alfredo, fettuccine alfredo recipe, easy fettuccine alfredo recipe, easy fettuccine alfredo, pasta, youtube cooking series, best fettuccine alfredo, best fettuccine alfredo recipe, joshua weissman fettuccine alfredo, italian, how to make alfredo, how to make alfredo sauce, fettuccine al burro
Id: 9n5z0LTGII4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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