Painting a HUGE Canvas (Pt. 1)

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[Music] hey it's me today i have a big big big project in fact this project is so large that it's not gonna be finished in this one video this is gonna be a two-parter no cliff hangers i'm i'm letting you know from the onset i'm going to be painting on several very large canvases the largest that michael's had to offer because i'm moving i'm moving out of this house and into a new house and i'll tell you a little bit about that later don't worry just calm let's just i'll handle this information that is all that i am actually painting these canvases for the new house because there are some large empty walls i want to create my own artwork for the house and i will be hanging them up in the new house and showing you how they look that's what i'm going to be doing today and for the next couple days and next week this is not gonna be quick i've got a lot of work ahead of me enough yapping let's get started with this all right so i'm not gonna be working in my typical setting of my little art room with my little table because these canvases are huge i've actually moved everything out to my garage so here's my um dark depressing workspace for the next two weeks that's fine no big deal but hopefully we can still create something beautiful even in an ugly space because sometimes beauty is born out of ugliness and this this is it okay i don't know what i'm talking about anymore i've got my paint shoes clearly they've done this before and i'm feeling a little bit lost here what am i doing i bought a couple of small canvases to kind of practice on before we do the real thing they're so far away and these came in a big multi-pack i didn't really choose to buy this many of them but i'm sure i can use them at some point you know if i ever decide to become a traditional artist these are what i'm gonna be using for painting tools because my little bitty brushes they're not gonna work here so i'm pouring out some paint and then i've got this giant bucket that i'm currently struggling to open [Applause] this is actually joint compound you can get it at like lowe's or home depot okay back to struggling finally i realized that you have to use a screwdriver to open this kind of container i i knew that i got this and this is what it looks like it's this real thick wet gooey frosting but not frosting don't eat it looking stuff yummy yummy it's usually used to seal drywall but i'm going to be mixing this in with my paint i don't know why i thought that was funny it's not funny basically it's just to get a nice thick texture of the paint without having to buy the super expensive heavy body paints because i'm gonna need a lot of this paint and i didn't really want to buy all of that oh yeah that's a nice texture right there okay so i just need to make a few more colors oh that is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen oh i told you beauty could be born in this ugly place i'm touched take a hunk of this i've already contaminated it and throw that in with the paint oh yeah this is fun it turns out perfect now how about some gray oh it's like a giant paint worm or a melting gray brain oh yep that's me killing this entire container of paint and the frosting get that in there back up i'm holding this plate with my feet okay and i'm gonna continue on with this process which was quite fun and satisfying um you know the first time that i did it but it also took a very long time oh what up with the orange it's a it's a puddle well turns out i accidentally got pouring paint it was a terrible terrible mistake which is intentionally thin that's kind of the point of it it's the complete opposite of what i need here well let's try this anyway so i basically got it back to the texture of like normal paint that's fine all right and back to our practice canvas let's go for it just testing it out seeing how i like it okay okay yeah i'll just clean off the knife and switch colors i always clean my knife between my victims and i'm just kind of layering that on creating some blocks blots blotches not blobs though they're not here today did i mention i was doing abstract art um no oh so i'm doing abstract art and so you know i'm not really planning out exactly what i'm gonna do on the big canvas i feel like you really can't plan an abstract artwork you just gotta let it happen but this is me trying to plan an abstract artwork um because i just have to maybe it's just like a warm up it just makes me feel a little bit better to do this and it looks kind of cool i like it don't touch it it's good and then came the yellow [Music] oh no what have you done you can't fix it i don't know i just think that the yellow ruined it and now it's just i hate it but it doesn't really matter okay this was just supposed to be practice it's proof of concept i do think that the texture looks good that's what i was looking for so let's move ahead to the big canvas also please excuse my busted appearance and weird braid and here's where i really start to notice the scale of this thing i can't reach from one end to the other well i'm gonna have to like move my whole body around the canvas and start on this little corner with a bit of pink paint actually that is a lot of paint it just looks like a bit because the canvas is so massive that's a lot and after just a couple brush strokes or knife strokes one thing is clear i need a lot more paint good thing i bought an excessive amount of paint to make this happen the cashier at michaels was very amused so i'm gonna mix up a bunch more paint this time i am going to customize the color a little bit i want to tone these colors down just a tad they're still bright but just not so neon and please let's watch this paint montage that i have assembled for your enjoyment [Music] [Music] well now that i have an obscene amount of paint ready i can get back to painting right off the bat it seemed like i was making quick progress i mean look at this i'm covering a lot of ground i'm gonna be done in like five seconds but no no that is not how it happened so this painting well all of these huge paintings that i'm going to be making are going in kind of the main area of the house ugh the sun the sun is shining and ruining the lighting i'm used to controlled lighting what is happening i can't deal with it okay i probably should have taken pictures of how that room looked before i added the paintings into it but whoops forgot about that so you won't see the actual space until the very end of the video and before you skip ahead don't do that that is highly offensive and just so wrong okay so at this point you can see my color scheme for the room the main color is this blueish teal and the neutrals in the room are kind of gray and black and then i'm using orange and pink as accent colors yes pink in my living room wow wow pretty bold colors for a living room but i think it's gonna work okay i wanted to do something a little bit more vibrant and colorful but not to the point of obnoxion my word i made it up okay so this is where we're at we've got a four-square kind of situation it looks like the colors are afraid of each other and we don't want that so i'm gonna start working on kind of dragging these colors through each other i just dropped a big blob of paint let's pretend like that was on purpose yeah totally meant to do that and resume adding little touches of colors on the other colors just the light touch in the brush and the i really don't know what i'm doing okay this looks a little bit better they're mingling now they're talking to each other sun oh yes i'm raging about the sun again at this point i took a quick second and when i say a quick second i mean 35 minutes and i made a whole new batch of paint it got less satisfying and more of a burden i've spent a lot of time doing it continuing on using a lot of that gray and just like that the whole plate is pretty much used up now i kind of talked about this in the intro but not really because i didn't want to bore you right off the bat but now that i've got you here you're captive you're here don't go anywhere stay here let's talk so okay we are moving to a new house and as i said you're still going to see me in my old studio which is in the old house for the next couple weeks but at this point right now i am actually living in the new house and i go back to the old house to film because the art room in the new house still needs work done before it's ready so excuse the messy transition here oh look at that i'm out of paint oh my gosh all right new batch coming out there we go this definitely took a lot longer than i originally anticipated because i had to keep on messing with it and adding layers of paint on top of paint to get it to look i don't know i don't know what i'm going for make it look good and so i just keep on messing with it and it's like an eternal string of messing with it at this point it's about halfway done um i had been working on this all day i was getting tired i'm eating a banana i don't even like bananas i'm not super impressed with what i see here i've got these knee pads on the jordan let me borrow because i'm working on the concrete floor they have gotten painted you're welcome jordan custom knee pads that's next week's video no it's not there's paint everywhere it's just it's all out of control and i believe this was the next day i'm gonna keep going now i've done several palette knife abstract paintings in the past there was this one and there was that palette that i did and then there was this one that almost happened but it was too ugly so i killed it but i've definitely never done anything to this scale by the way though the paintings that i'm doing next week will be different they're not going to be in the same style oh wait this is my favorite part of the painting these thick orange splotches right over that blue anyway everyone who comes to our house is gonna see these paintings so i was basically panicking the whole time like it looks a hot mess everyone's gonna think that this is stupid but i just kept going okay because at this point what are you gonna do throw it away that's worse than just continuing eventually i covered the entire canvas and finally i'm bringing in more of that black on top adding some drama and a little bit more contrast there i thought that it would help to add the black and the gray in there to just kind of balance out that bold color at this point i needed to let the paint dry for a while so with much struggling i moved the canvas over to sit and dry in a different area of the garage and this was just thick with paint okay it took a good couple days to dry completely and although i'm pretty happy with how it looks for now there is one glaring problem that needs to be addressed those unsightly edges oof they are truly terrible never never ever ever ever leave unpainted edges on a canvas it looks so bad i can't look at that so of course i'm going to paint these edges so that they look like a nice seamless continuation of the painting and they don't draw any attention that's the goal now if you've ever left unpainted edges on one of your canvases hmm it's okay i'm not mad at you alright are we ready for the final reveal so here is the painting hung up on my wall and yes i did choose to paint my wall the same teal that's in the painting it almost kind of blends into the painting in some ways it was an idea i think it came out kind of cool it looks good to me so this is now kind of the centerpiece for this funky little sitting area that we have here it honestly doesn't look that big on the wall because this is a big wall right here but you know what i'm happy with it the colors really go with my vibe they match perfectly especially with this pillow very proud of this pillow also yes my rug it has little rainbows on it just had to sneak that in i love the texture of the paint on this canvas it just looks so cool i'm really happy with how it ties the whole space together and i'm just really happy with this little area it's uh one of the only places in the house that's currently finished so there's that also the painting looks like it's hung up really high on camera for some reason but it's really not it sits around eye level oh opie spotting he's here i'd say this turned out pretty well come back next week to see how the other three canvases turn out please be there don't stand me up be there thank you so much for watching and i will see you next week bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 4,689,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kJLtXhJS5Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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