Making Dresses Out of Household Materials! || Recycle Retro

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we're gonna form a pact okay? you're not gonna step on my patterns deal? hello so listen here friends, and possibly new people who are trying to figure out if i'm interesting enough to keep watching and i'll let you know right now i'm not in all honesty i have been in kind of a funk lately i think it's safe to say we're all kind of in a collective funk right now but i'm back it is finally getting a little bit warmer in massachusetts soon it will be warm enough to actually go outside and so i decided it is time to make myself some more stuff now in case you haven't seen my past few sewing videos i have been trying my best to not buy any new material to make stuff and just use either recycled material or material that i have down in my fabric stash i think nowadays is the perfect opportunity for me to kind of whittle away at that pile because honestly nope still got nothing people in the comedy department of my brain office are taking a little vacation i have a lot of things that i don't remember buying down in my fabric stash a lot of it is tablecloths curtains bed sheets i have some vintage patterns that i've really really been wanting to use i think my goal is to make two full items a safe amount for me because i have a tendency to bite off way more than i can chew and then panic and stress and cry as far as patterns i have a few really really cute 1940s patterns this really cute dress and then this really cute pinafore so i'm not completely sure what i want to do yet i think it also depends on how much of each fabric that i have for instance if i have one single tablecloth i that's not enough to make a dress so it might be enough to make a skirt now i have this pattern somewhere so for my first recycle retro video i made the skirt portion of this but i was thinking it would be really really cute to make sort of a summery play suit out of a tablecloth but i have no idea where the actual pattern paper for the top of this outfit is oh my goodness if i can't find that i think i'm gonna go with this 40s dress and then the pinafore field trip? field trip these three little cupboards are mostly where i keep my fabric stash the rest is uh miscellaneous goods okay let's see this is cute i don't know how much of this there is but oh hello what are you a curtain or a bed sheet nice n' THICC what else we got here i have these two fabrics which are both really cute and very hobbity um but i think i might save those for another time and maybe a vest okay let's see what we got here i think this is a tablecloth oh this would be a cute pinafore though let me see how much oh this is a huge tablecloth tablecloth for KINGS do i want to make two green items though i guess it doesn't matter lots of green but you know it's fine so i'm gonna do a quick search for the top of that pattern piece if it's simple i think i could possibly squeeze in three items activate scrunch mode i found it miss new booty it is very crinkly but i did find it and it's only three pieces i want to say it's a safe bet for me to take on a third item am i gonna regret that later on probably dress pinafore playsuit that's the plan quite obviously a lot of these patterns are really old especially the pinafore which as you could see came in the same envelope that whoever received it back in the day ordered it in um i was like her name is edna this one goes out to edna i will be very very very careful with these in fact a lot of these patterns are pre-cut i think new development here on the pinafore at least i don't know if the pattern that she ordered came like this or if she herself just traced them onto tracing paper and did all this herself the only way i really know what's what is these cutout numbers all the marks and whatnot so that'll be interesting but yeah and then the mccall pattern is also really old and also not my bust size so i'm gonna have to scale that up just a tiny bit first things first i think maybe i'm gonna start with the pinafore just because that one is making me anxious i am going to try to figure out all of these pieces without any labels or anything did me dirty edna let's give it a shot dapper so i think i've narrowed things down a bit it was pretty confusing without any labels or anything and a couple of them were labeled wrong edna these are all the pieces i ended up putting away the jacket pieces because i'm not going to make the jacket so that made it a little bit easier did label the pattern pieces i know i'm supposed to preserve it and all but you know i i needed it and then this does come with some instructions so we'll see if i am skilled enough to read the instructions and actually figure it out yeah i am going to sit down and read this quickly and kind of get a general idea and then i'm going to start pinning this to the fabric and cutting out each piece that i need so as you can see we have the bodice pieces here that's the the pockets and the facing and then the skirt pieces which there's four in total i've gone over the instructions a few times there's only seven steps i think the hardest part about this was kind of deciphering the pattern pieces and now it's just gonna be a matter of putting them all together shouldn't be too hard so first things first is putting all the bodice pieces together sewing in the darts i am gonna get started on that and i will see you in a little bit are you quite satisfied with yourself sir why hello darkness my old friend Babushka this is what i have for the pinafore so far starting at the bottom i guess i have stitched all the skirt sections together the top is what i mainly focused on i had to do a lot of fitting to make it fit me a little bit more so i had to take in the darts in the front and then the sides just to make it a little bit more flattering so my next step is make the little pocket that's gonna go right there and then the belts which should hopefully tie everything together try everything on and start working on the buttons which i think will take me about 27 years good morning brand new day the green dress is complete uh here she is in the shroud of darkness hold on i know what you're thinking those buttons probably took forever rachel and you are correct can't see it but the buttons go all the way down i'm not gonna do the reveal right now i will save the reveal for when i finish the other two garments so you'll just have to wait i suppose you could also just fast forward so now that that is done i think i'm going to move on to the dress the dress i am not as nervous about as the pinafore so that's good i think there's a lot less buttons and so therefore it should take me not as much time put the pattern pieces on the fabric cut out the fabric start reading the instructions and putting everything together and i will try to document a little bit more of this process i think i got into the zone a little bit too much with the green dress and forgot to film 85% of it so i'm sorry about that i've got a jenna and julien keeping me company and we are just gonna pump this baby out wish me luck okay so i have all the pieces cut out all the bodice pieces the sleeve the skirt i'm not gonna lie to you the pattern on this is gonna be hella wonky because i just barely had enough of the curtain fabric to make this in the first place so basically all concerns about matching patterns jumped right out the window like an old All That skit for the most part i did pay attention to pattern lines here but then in other pieces i just didn't like the sleeve i had to put on an angle in order to fit it so as you can see that's not right we do what we can do when we're working with curtains like maria from sound of music i'm looking at the instructions now and i'm actually quite surprised how easy this seems to be basically my first instructions are just to put the bodice pieces together and then i'm not doing the ruffles i'm doing the sleeves you just kind of gather the sleeve with the sleeve band put it on the bodice put the skirt pieces together i'm sure that i will run into some problems along the way i will be sure to document those but for now i'm just gonna start pinning things together and start sewing them so trying this on it looks like i do have some leeway with seam allowance pinned it with a smaller seam allowance just so i could be sure that it's actually going to fit first so now it's just a matter of sewing these all together so that it's the amount of flattering that i want yep sleeve area is a bit weird we'll see when i start sewing these together let's go for it all around me are familiar faces i knew this was gonna happen yet i put it on the ground anyways in the path of destruction why am i like this frodo everyone's gonna yell at me in the comments saying i should have traced it on tracing paper first why do you have to make my chaotic reckless lifestyle have consequences? okay so i've tried on the bodice after i put the sleeves on it's not quite what i pictured big old shoulders but i think it it's also hard to tell because i can only reach so much in the back so i can't really tell what it'll look like when it's got a zipper i think this part needs to be thinner so that the top of the shoulders hit right there i'm gonna start working on the skirt and see if once everything is weighed down and the zippers put in and all that good stuff that the problem doesn't fix itself this particular item was a lot less stressful than the pinafore obviously making it fit my body is always a challenge especially for someone who's newer to sewing that's something that i'm still trying to teach myself and trying to learn how things work how things fit on your body and all that kind of stuff so it's getting there time to get started on the skirt they are complete and i am shiny yeah the two dresses are done i will be perfectly honest in saying that i actually enjoyed these two projects a lot more than i usually do which is surprising i don't know if i am kind of seeking comfort and solace in sewing right now and distractions but usually um sewing is very chaotic for me and stressful i did prick myself about triple the amount that i usually do so i'm not sure what that's about yeah i didn't get to the play suit i'm sure editing rachel has told you such but uh maybe next time i'm quite happy with the amount of time that i put into the other two dresses because i was able to finish them off a bit neater than i usually do i'm going to rest now and i will see you bright and early tomorrow for the reveal wrap up time much like in my videos in real life i like to begin and end my sentences with sitting in a chair or leaving okay so um yeah both dresses are done for now i think i might go in and add some pockets to this baby overall i'm pretty happy with them i think there is definitely room for improvement again like i said earlier fitting it to my body i do think they came out very pretty i just think that they both do kind of weird things i think i might shorten the waist a little so it's like right here instead because right now it just kind of gives me very long torso or i could just wear like a big belt with this and then with the pendant four again i think the waist doesn't hit exactly where i want it to and of course the buttons are a little wonky but that's kind of where i'm at right now in my sewing knowledge journey and the more you make stuff the more you learn what fits your body it's a process it's one thing to sew a garment but then it's another thing to actually customize it to fit your body how you want it to fit it's hard but yeah i don't know this is fun i've only really been making clothes for about a year if that quite honestly if i can do this then you can i highly recommend that if you're interested in sewing something just straight up just DO ITTT because that's how i started and that's how i learn sewing is very intimidating still get very overwhelmed but it's just it's fun and it's fun to create and it's fun to wear something and be like i made this in that exact tone i just feel like if you want to create something just freaking do it and now is a great time to recycle some old tablecloths or bed sheets that you don't want anymore so yeah that was it i hope that you guys liked watching i really like doing this series i love you guys whether you're new or old to this channel if you're new here and you feel like sticking around feel free to subscribe i upload every friday and we have fun here and i will see you in my next video byeeee got leaves how'd you get leaves? SHMUTZ i look like an old west grandpa about to take a bath in a wooden barrel what are you hello nobody *mumbles because doesn't know words* problem like Fro-miaaaa am i creepy?
Channel: Rachel Maksy
Views: 687,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift flip, recycle retro, vintage style, clothing hacks, thrifted transformations, rachel maksy, sewing vlog, diy clothes, clothes transformation, vintage style clothing, thrifted transformations dress, thrift flip dress, costuber, recycling clothes, 1940s sewing, sewing 1940s dress, recycling clothes ideas, tablecloth to dress, curtains dress, vintage, sewing
Id: S37rYXPoh04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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