4 Player Chess with 4 Super-GMs: Hikaru, Anish Giri, Vidit, Radjabov

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yeah anish is just on cloud nine he's nowhere  else okay looks like the game is starting yeah   okay so okay it's a delay yeah okay okay got it  yeah so you just you get you got your five seconds   back okay okay okay okay this is the master  class yeah the masterclass phase no this is   free for all also a niche it's your move yeah i  don't know so i don't see the game has started i   can't see anything you see that you see the watch  you see that they should show up at the top um so i see the watch oh it's increment it's  not a delay guys it's an increase oh okay   oh sorry okay okay yeah you're gameplay  sorry sorry sorry just he says sorry   as if it was unintentional  misleading of my teammates here   it's we are not teammates teamwork do you  see it now this is this is free for all no   still no no okay yeah i'll just paste the link  of the game which you can just click and use yes   yeah i guess uh no yeah yeah  can you send the link please yeah a.g we have friends right uh you mean  like for reals or in this uh environment   for for the next 10 minutes yeah yeah no in  terms of yeah chess.com definitely yeah yeah   hey so yeah it's uh it's free  for all uh i don't actually know   if we are allowed to talk no no no no no no  but you guys know you guys know how where the   pawns get to get to the end of the they drank you  make the queen yes yes yeah although i remember   levy calling me uh a noob whenever when i was  watching your stream uh that never happened   i do i do know how the pawn queens guys  i'm a big fan not only of your car but   also of levi i'll be honest so one day one  day long time ago i was on my sofa chilling   scrolling uh you know this uh broadcasting  app looking for some unknown streamers   that are not hikaru basically everybody else and  then i clicked on the so-called gotham chess i saw   it had like 200 euros or something so that wow  pretty big and uh yeah and then i told my wife   you know this guy he's the next next big thing  his next big thing and here we are here we are is a real story or a true story true  story true story you can ask my wife   don't ask her i mean it's true no but  really really i i thought you were uh   you are the most entertaining streamer  for me at least so guys uh you you you   brought me uh to follow the game but  i still don't understand the rules yeah got the queen you saw how anish got  this queen you still push the pawn to the   eighth rank and you get a queen yeah okay  and everything else is still the same thing you can uh like attack any of the players  there or like he just he attacked me yeah well levi you left that  pawn free so i know but but   you know i thought i thought we were  friends maybe i i'd okay i gotta get uh so more or less like everyone  just plays uh on his own yeah   yeah the point is that at some point you try  to make a pact and then at the right moment   you break it i think that's how that's how i  understand it but i don't know in in free for   all yeah yeah normally although technically  that's illegal but everyone does it anyway what's illegal to make a pact yeah yeah   yeah yeah because i think i played some  free-for-all game and they said the the like the   the devs the people who created the game they said  they they they they wanted to pass a measurement   message to me that it's illegal to like do that  yeah but hikar you are the only one here who is   professional streamer has a team and all that  for us noobs is just fine all this it's fine   i mean of course if you are representing a team  and it's you are wearing a shirt and all that   then of course i understand yeah you have to play  by the rules but for us it's just by the way two   more and free for all points matter so when like  i capture a rook it's worth five so that's why   i have six six points okay but you can take any  rook of any opponent i mean uh yes yes okay okay   you will have to play for a long time  for me to understand what it is so now   hikaru is going to take anisha's knight  on the next move what where which one well   no but i mean that would be very bad that  would be very bad because then then my king   is too weak yeah bishops are a lot better  than knights in uh yeah okay whatever don't worry okay honest you are ready i'm i'm i'm red because i'm very  nervous i'm blushed yeah yeah lovely you have 18 seconds but i have five second  bonus i'm not scared no guys i have like here i   have a game there i have my stream and here i have  my son so i like i have to really multitask like   to an insane extent here okay wait my queen is  attacked uh so one more thing it looks like we're   playing a mode where the promoted queen is one  point so it's not nine sometimes it's nine but   this time it's not nine and uh how do you know  when it's nine or nine it has a little one on it   it has a yeah yeah i understand but how do you  know when it should be nine or should be one or   something is there well okay you see you see the  other anisha's other queen there's no number on   it so it's just worth nine points if there's no  number then it's just worth nine it'll say one or   sometimes when you promote can you have nine as  well or no sometimes sometimes yeah some modes   yeah yeah but uh sometimes it's just uh like  random or is it any rule there i don't know   i don't know i'm actually not exactly so you  don't know how to play the game this is this no but they are pretending to be noobs i saw  them they know theory and all that but it's the   only serious when you play couples when you play  couples yes then theory is relevant couples in i think hikaru hikaru is a pretty strong  and free-for-all i'm pretty pretty   bad at free-for-all i'm we're much better  at teams but yeah there's different no no   hikaro i think i think who who's the better  in the teams is it like michael jordan   you are because you know the theory oh you guys  are so sweet guys you are so sweet i like this   tofu you know you two of you streaming together  is like who is better you or me no i think it's   you no i think it's you oh let me thank you  and yeah we have yes beautiful a video is now   also very long time yeah i was  just listening to the bromance what's going on wait is  that pawn attacking my queen   i think it is it is pretty sure it's a thank  you mcqueen it's a force yeah yeah it forks ah   thank you nicaragua do you actually yeah actually  yeah like you're if it's like when napoleon   attacks two pieces at the same time yeah oh  thank you thank you good to know nice nice   you know sometimes when we have to like a normal  chest position and uh like the board is turned or   something or there are no uh you know this uh um  i mean no no numbers whatever is written anywhere   uh you're filthy but but on each the queen is only  worth this is the wrong queen it's only worth oh   it's not a big deal you're a noob it's the  wrong queen oh well no i mean your king is   you're you're you're i mean if if vidid also  attacks you you're in a lot of trouble so   but i i don't know if okay virus is  just pushing pawns he's just shot i just   i just i just have no time and i blundered  something so yeah let's not do it guys i think i got him i got him see  what i did there see what i did there   okay okay checking there yeah you have a chance  to mate is it or uh it ends there yeah just board   ends there the board the board ends yeah there's  you can't check on the end of the but the thing is   if if anish like i go right after a niche so  if he's not mating me then then hikaru can   steal the checkmate on the next move so you  have to be very careful because like if you   just give a check because then hikaru will take  his rook on the next move oh like that uh wait i   don't know man oh man guys uh sorry okay it's okay  i gotta i gotta you know i feel that the the the   top 10 or i don't know top 20 list will be highly  impacted after the lockdown right guys all right oh my god what is going on there he got is  going after levy that's what's happening   yeah he's not i'm i'm making sure that levy  can't just take anisha's bishop i'm trying to   let anish get the checkmate here and so uh does  it mean that you have to more or less like uh   capture all of the other pieces and then you  are alone there winning winner of the game or   what is it well a checkmate is 20 points yeah  so if you get a checkmate you gain a lot of the   points it's based on the points that you score  yeah but how the game finishes i mean what way   checkmate checkmate no yeah but but checkmate ends  it right for a lot of yes yes when it gets down to   one player it's over once three the one who got  mated is out of the game that's for sure yeah   and then and when all players are mated except  for one then uh you're done and then who has   the most points wins yes what the hell oh  i just i don't know sorry sorry sorry sorry   sir chill out okay but if nobody's mated then  what you keep going still checkmate someone   someone will get checkmated yeah but you can't  checkmate everyone no you can dude can yeah wow no i'm just uh making moves i'm  just making moves ah okay okay   and the the moves capture my  pieces that's a coincidence it is dirty dirty what happened you ran out of pieces to capture captures and then captures  captures and then captures captures oh man i don't have a lot of  pieces left oh boy what is this oh i'm sorry lobby this is not it's not  cool man hikaru here he's smiling but   he takes it too seriously it's clear he's  leading and uh he has a better position i uh the thing is no one is following up on  hikaru's moves like i could have been   lost many times now but who's the  best player in four players chess no probably probably probably anisha is not going to be oh oh oh no guys save  me come save me guys please save me somehow   i didn't know here i have a computer here i have  a sound there i cannot focus guys   i have here hikaru you know it's  just too much it's overwhelming guys but seriously who is playing i mean uh the best  i mean this is some random some random guys   okay like amongst us probably i'm the  best and free for all but in in teams   where there's theory levy is much better he is  he's the best player but no like it it's really   funny because sometimes like timor you'll be  looking at you're playing against somebody and   they're crushing you in four player you  look at their account they're 1100 blitz   okay so they people only play four player they  don't oh yeah but i can't believe this because i   don't understand where everyone is going like more  or less uh oh i'm just looking at it already for   10 minutes uh very sneaky my chat is really  disappointed with uh with what you've done there   yeah oh he got one disappointing i got  to check me yeah i got the checkmate   but where is the checkmate he can move the king  no no no no no yeah the the green queen and rook   cover the two yeah yeah yeah the green queen  yeah cara uh they're saying your zoom is frozen   did you move it somehow or no i'm moving no  mine is fine in my my uh stream i see hikaru   it's hikaru against widget right yes yes wait  what it like moved hikaru you're running out   of time no is it normal nobody you gained  five seconds every move okay bullet skills   this is eternity guys hikaru you you won you  can claim the win you're up 21 points on your   next move it'll say claim win ah yeah yeah this is  true yeah yeah wait i did not know about this yeah if you're up 20 points and there's only one  you got 48 points yeah yeah i did not know   that this claim for win rule you can be the  captain of indian how can you claim for a win   how can you clear up by 20 points because i had  49 and he had 28. so i ca so he gets 20 when i   claim to win and he gets from 28 to 48. yeah  so i win no guys you guys have pros now simply   no but it shows up at the bottom it says  you can accept uh or you can claim okay we   will be getting an invite shortly for teams  i don't know what the teams exactly are but   okay there we go i have the invite  okay so timor i've been instructed   that you're next so have you learned  the whole game no no no not at all   who is a benching me or i'll bench your bench  yeah yeah you can chew a bit more focus now   he's also like a proud proud guy you  know he took the second place and stuff   so he just keep your uh you can keep  your camera on it will probably yeah   it cost me 2 000 viewers i think if you switch  your camera off so just we are not sure what   you we're not sure what you are doing there  we're worried there somebody says here in my   in my chat the big fan of gotham his best  content for beginners helped me a lot wow   gotham you've got many fans man uh guys by the way  i i said the the game after this is seymour this   is vidit it's going to play this game in case  oh humor is after okay okay justice justice for   timur okay okay no no guys i'm really fine i mean  uh i hardly can uh learn normal chess even but   for purchases finally done understanding with  normal shows yeah after all these years yeah   now i know why i love the game you know my  wife was there for 30 years or something what's your current 5000 watching it's  crazy first time ever yeah yeah i tell   you if you switch off your camera it will  be 12 000 so please i told you i told   you with it when you are doing the proper  chest it doesn't work simply just have to   have to do four players and also but  guys there are ten thousand for hikaru   three thousand for gotham there is nine hundred  for we did and for me and taymor there are 25   people of 50 people each so that's how we  got to 14 000. so uh hello those 50 guys hi mike thanks for always being there for us no  but i mean also on youtube those numbers numbers   are a little different because don't don't most  people watch youtube normally like they watch   the videos as opposed to a live live stream so so  numbers are always a little bit lower aren't they   uh no you can have also live stream uh but uh of  course like uh it's different on your platform i   mean right on your platform like uh there are more  of also options to like you have subscribers yeah   and stuff yeah all right that's true yeah here is  you subscribing for uh it's me and hikaru teams so   i have to move these cameras a little bit yeah i  did it okay so yeah so you and anisha are a team   um hikaru do we beat them in three moves or do we  no no yeah do the c6 could be six and beat us i   want to see why do the cc queen b6 okay explain me  why what's the point of physical b6 because we get   two turns on someone yeah what this this what's  the point of the screen move yeah what's the point   because you have to understand if you make a move  and then then hikaru goes and then i go we can put   our queens together and we win because there's  a bunch of different checkmate patterns so ah there we go see you don't get this when it was  who did you do for a player with before i gotta   go toward both no one taught you this so let's say  i play e6 let's say i play e6 hikar will take my   queen and then i'll be mated yeah something like  this no i got mature guys sorry uh agar matar he   played epic he just played knight forward and  night back the night forward and night back   and in the entry one i don't know how that was  free for all yeah yeah yeah but do you feel that   expensive for me but yeah free for all yeah do  you feel that it helps your like uh usual chess does it help you think i mean because uh i don't  know the recent results of hikaru shows that   this helps a lot so i mean i i think it's just  like it's not not actually like the four player   helps it's just like just just the fans i i don't  know because i i mean do you guys don't feel the   same way like when we play the tournaments over  the board nobody cheers like everyone's watching   online but no one actually like no one you you  don't even see the fans who are rooting for you   yeah yeah yeah maybe can we change that somehow  or oh oh i know that we're playing on each they're   treating me to me already to you where is the game  where is the game nobody said no one set the game okay what can i do with it  what can i do i'm sorry for you yeah but i cannot stop the wait what's the mate  so the matrix queen takes f6 and quit xf7 yeah   no i mean okay no no you cannot do it it's not  no because if hikaru sacrifices the queen village   goes yes yeah exactly so you're fine bro just  chill out uh uh but it said i'll get the queen out   oh no no no you can't take it oh my god where  did i get the queen out that was ridiculous   okay anyway i don't know what you're doing  yeah i just got the queen out but uh yeah um but what is the siri in this one is it like  uh you have the established series here yeah   you just try to bring out the queen's queens  early no i mean is it is it like you you know   that this is the theory already or is it like  you think it's a siri well we know you bring   out the queens but we just don't know what  you do after that so it is theory okay and   that that's i think the people have studied it  more but that's just what we know yeah oh yeah   and then there's different setups where you can  block in queen movement it's like really it's   really strange or you can also give give up your  queen like correct that's awesome yeah i mean yeah that was really stupid no but i'm completely  overwhelmed guys i'm just completely overwhelmed   oh no but but sorry something serious uh when  do you expect uh proper chest to resume like not   one tournament but like proper chess calendar to  resume i i mean do you know about the tour or not   yeah the uh mctory you mean yeah well i mean  okay it's mostly online right uh mostly online   right yeah but but what i was what i was going to  say is i mean they're they're intending to hold a   tournament every single month from november  through next september yeah so if you're   intending to hold hold serious tournaments online  for the next year basically um i don't really see   how you can compete against that because i don't  think people are going to want to um are going   to want to like why would you want to have to  travel as opposed to just playing as opposed   to just playing yeah exactly exactly exactly so i  don't know i don't know no they're that yeah that   but there is not even the need for it towards  then you might see i might say that yeah you mean   you mean just it's just no need for it anymore  what right in a sense yeah i would say so   because i mean i i like how how do you have  like grant how do you have grand chess tour   like even the grand chester if they try to hold  that i i still think most people would rather just   play would rather just play uh the magnus event  than play play the grand chess tour even so to me   i i don't i don't see it coming for coming  back for another year probably well yeah   yeah i mean uh a a year for sure yeah that's  that's what you predicted not only because   of the covet but also because of the the ways  things are scheduled already yeah right right   yeah that makes sense make sense but i  mean we'll see we'll see yeah all these   international master invitational tournaments  yeah yeah do you want to do something you want   me to do something smart or what uh for once  yes okay okay just tell me just tell me the move something you know some attack you know  something but don't you think that uh like   the otb chess will be like completely ruined  after this like it will be hard to get them   back all this uh you know the circle no  no no no i mean i i think i think maybe   maybe like i like should i do something smarter  just make a move um attack his queen gotham's   queen or something i don't know and then i'll give  him a check i don't know we have to take his queen   okay uh okay i don't think it was wise but okay  i was thinking along those lines we just probably   spent a lot of time for the preparation you know  and the coaches and stuff and now he says no no of   course they will be back there to be chess and so  on useless completely you know there is new series that must be very smart uh i don't  know why but it must be very smart   it's something genius probably guys it's  genius that's why we have hikaru here guys   you would never see such a movie not for hikaru  thank you for coming here okay yes back ever   no i mean i think no okay i mean i think otp  trust has to come back at some point even   just for normal tournaments because there's  there's the problem another question another   question do you think classical  chess is going to collapse very soon   as opposed to wrapping them blitz yeah  that i do think so i i think yeah i i   i see that happening too i don't think it's uh  i don't think it's the only way but i see that   post possibility happening to you but don't  you think everything collapsed already   no no but many things i mean we're having here  a wonderful four players just uh competition so   that's that's there but okay but like teamwork  i mean you mean across all the radio ranges are   just top level events i guess is the question  an issue yeah but i mean after this look down   with the sponsorship and all that stuff when  when you know we play these tournaments online   and if they're going to come back uh at any  point uh rather as you said than you know   creating this online events instead yeah well  okay because some better anti-cheating rules   and stuff but you know just doing it online but  like i i think the problem is is when you have   tournaments that are over the board you have you  you have sponsors for the these events but it's   private it's like mostly like private individuals  but yeah i think you can make the argument that   when you have something like the the like when i  played magnus if you have 40 000 people watching   the event you can get serious sponsors because  yeah it's commercially viable yeah for sure yeah   yeah whereas it's completely different over the  board like you don't have those same numbers yeah   so which means that guys can you just tell  me because i was distracted how did it happen   that hikaru put his queen on priest and it was  never taken how did that happen because it was   gotham's move why will you take kika no you know   why i'm asking is because i mean should we  concentrate on youtube just or like twitch and   stuff i mean i i think i think so like i think  the reason it's doing so well is anish attack   his queen attack his queen play e6 okay okay okay  but he'll give queen c6 check he'll play queen c6   don't let garo answer even one of my questions  properly you know it's just one sentence and   then you just uh completely say something we  have two streams at the same time we have one   where you have a serious discussion with hikar  about the future of the world and there is this   four-player chess going on parallel no he carried  this interview this was saving my queen oh sorry i   i was trying to i drew the arrow and everything  i was trying to save you this one throw arrows i thought you were getting checkmated  that way now i'm doing this no i'm not   getting mated he it's only green  attacking me how can i get married   you said you are super strong in this team's  chest but we are still like what's going on uh okay it's fine we we give them a queen um you're gonna give me a check i don't know  if it's good though it's all good feels good   it feels good man to give a check i like it yeah   i also like it i like watching i don't  i don't like what hikaru did that   double check his mate or not double check  is made no no if he if he can escape from   the king it must be not made uh i think it's  like if the king can move then it's not made   right but you can definitely mate did you  did you ever give this is your chance did   you ever give a statement why you're not  playing in norway or is it or can you   not yeah yeah it's written no it's written  there uh some i don't remember it was written   safety something but you said you felt safe and  you could see them yeah but it's different time's   different information is different oh you mean  yeah back then i didn't uh again i was not uh   you didn't tell me your informations uh yeah yeah  in fact i was afraid that i will be called like   the guy who is sabotaging the event by talking  yeah yeah yeah he's going to say his queen okay what's that do you miss otb chess   no not not really no and you  didn't even in the normal times yes back you know with all the goals you know  drinking champagne no not really missing it he'll be this champagne imagination he loves  it so i thought he'll get yeah he's imagining   he caught in a bathtub with champagne no i was  completely there spacing outfit nobody carried   my imagination you were dressed in clothes  you have to worry i mean it was all good it was not like you know i'm feeling awkward now  you're wearing the the t-shirt yeah he's wearing   a tsm bathrobe yeah let's let's call it guys let's  call at least one goal so at least it feels normal   you know i need to [ __ ] do this i don't know  i'll just do this it feels right why why it's   good feels good feels good intuitive intuitive  genius i am i don't think so uh back me up   just felt good you know spur of the  moment bishop takes i don't know d6   i don't i don't i don't think it's  that good of a move yeah i mean what   you're doing wow he just let you die he didn't  even back you up just what could i oh knight   six i could have just taken like oh  i mean you had your queen taken yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah that was so  stupid yeah man oh that was bad i need that   can you remove that uh yeah yeah oh yeah that was  so stupid of me really yeah that was not good can   you remove your arrows as well or i love it left  i have received a friend request on thechess.com   uh by black tea no that's not the one no that's  like you need the green tea it's different it's   not the one no it's because of my tea that i'm  drinking i guess that's the uh yeah yeah probably like like when you look at chess people  people follow it because you have um   because they like they like um all the content  but also the competitions they like it when you   have decisive results because you can't have  you can't have 70 draws i mean this is this   is the other big problem with like classical  chess like no one wants to watch when it's   70 draws there isn't a winner so i i think  yeah yeah much faster it's also much faster   of course yeah the time it's just action more  action of course yeah yeah i mean imagine uh   if you have here 30 000 people watching and now  suddenly you start thinking for a move and you   are quiet for half an hour they will all leave  yeah in 20 minutes i mean they'll be like okay   it's fun but i'm leaving because i have nothing  is happening but also because then then like you   get down but then you you get down to like five  minutes but then you have that second controller   you get the extra hour so it's like it doesn't it  doesn't end right away that's the other problem   yeah but i mean for the world championship and  the cycle and so on they will still keep classical   chess right so i think so yeah because they  can sell it well more or less that the match oh   yeah i mean i think certainly they they they can  try i i don't know but i think yeah i think online   is the future for sure yeah an issue and if you  go to attack levy somehow but you overcame carlson   every every couple of uh every couple of minutes  uh this guy says you better attack him somehow   please uh you know you could have brought his  rook uh i have no pieces left buddy i don't know   you could have no you could have brought this  your rook attacking his knight and i could have   taken that next move okay sorry i'm oh yeah i  could have i could have but hikara would have   taken my rook so it wasn't possible no how he  would yeah he would take her no ah it was not   there yet anyway no no not there yet yeah so now  i'm attacking his knight and you're attacking his   rook so take advantage of that he can only defend  one uh no hikar you still have to go six thousands   more to overcome carlson i i uh okay he's what  you mean on youtube or wherever we can do it today guys all of those who follow both  unfollow magnus and go to hikart   that's one way to do it yeah i mean you don't  you don't have to you know you don't have to   go both up you can just bring one down so  that's fine he's not doing much there yeah   only on his own no but you know he actually uh  he actually streamed the tour on his channel   yes but okay i mean i mean on his own yeah he's  when he's uh doing something no no he doesn't   do it no there are a few videos where he is  promoting the apps yeah there are some yes and there were like people around sitting  and watching and uploading like oh   so nice stuff like that no  but of course he is not yet   but i have a feeling he's also going  to start doing stuff yeah for sure how well it works for hikaru so uh all right  hey carl we're gonna have to do something   yeah your pawn is attacked  i am running out of pieces   uh in team chess what's going  on there uh i'm gonna get mated if you don't win at the very start it's  it's very very common we are just by the   way suffering prolongedly yeah we are losing  already for half an hour this game i think   i think do you see how many pieces i have  left oh you are actually in some trouble you have to attack him give some checks or  something i have three pieces of men and   they are moving like this or like that they  cannot go anywhere but i will i'll try i'll   try to go after you okay hikaru is coming after  you though oh yeah i can see that yeah defend   yourself that's what you can do help you  oh change your plan thank you change your in this version the pawn doesn't become a  queen pawn has to get away with the other ends   yeah it has to get to the 11th row yeah wait what i don't know i just want to  actually move i don't know all right   hikari you got it you gotta mate anish it's  the only way if if anyone loses it's lost   award yes yeah yeah yeah if one player has  mate let's make him let's mate levy how fast   you did really a brilliant thing by  moving the rook and giving your king   uh oh no that is really i'm gonna just run i'm  gonna run for my life the king the king march   the famous key march yeah my king is  gonna be like some uh offensive piece   here mine as well we are both offensive guys  offensive things here oh my gosh what is crazy hey you gotta hide guys why both kings are  attacked what is this it's teams so vita keeps   checking uh checking levy and i keep checking um  anish and is there a perpetual possible in this   i um i think you repeat three times  yes can you offer a draw here as well and who will accept i don't know i mean  there are three names and you pick up one   okay anish just run just run i'm i'm  joining the attack with the king come on   king f6 and q7 are made oh man oh we have  we have a d in the house here guys we have   id in the chat thank you uh famous adivan  baskaran is here in the chat the one and only oh i got still mated what did you just wanted you made it trouble are you sure this is not something it's like the  meme you know there's like this the checkmate   i mean i'm sure you had some sort of checklist  you had some some mate now my team was joining   us we were winning guys we're winning i was i  thought queen d7 is what i was planning next   move and but guys did you play did you play with  full force because you managed to fight you yeah   yeah so let's rematch let's let's have a  rematch no then let's have to take more uh let's because i have another stream with sagar in  few minutes which i have to go so i think   it would be good if raja and you play they  i like you why the saga pays you more yeah   sucker pays you more than than we yeah okay  i respect yes more respect yes from back   than you guys you are so busy you know i just  missed few days of streaming and you became like   no but it's going to be hello we have here  gujarati the one and only olympic champion   let's try and decode his best game yeah okay  let's go let's go one video bye bye bye bye no   i'll hang out with you guys for a few minutes  and then go okay i'll hang out for a few minutes you can do like you can do like videos last time  remember we you had your camera on remember you   were not streaming but your camera was there  remember well it would fit it if it would be   a lot easier if you turn the camera off so  that we can just crop raja so we don't have   to do it in the middle of the game because if  we have to crop him in the middle of the game   okay okay fine okay this is this is okay thank you  there goes my 2 000 extra people okay bye bye bye also um you can take out this ing there goes my  streaming career okay okay people they're already   going they're going they're gone they're gone okay  fine fine fine okay let's crop this so that it   let's drop it okay so timor you guys there is  venus voice venus voice is still there please stay yes yes yes more awkward on his own stream ever  listen this is like just like talking on demand   like we just get the no hikaru's thinking  why am i doing it why am i doing it for free   but okay okay okay well everything you do  is for free though on twitch or youtube   like it's up to the people who are watching if  they want this let's drive so guys do subscribe   on twitch on twitch preferably youtube  subs are freeze uh to all of us but uh   yeah okay that's fine fine by me instead of  benefiting cuba it will be benefiting giri four players chess four players yeah guys do  subscribe to subscribe like and everything   okay yes what was our goal for today we were  gonna get a niche to like 55 000 or something uh   i mean uh 300 people more let me  see let me see let me check my uh   my channel how we're doing anish are you  the highest view channel in the netherlands uh what do you mean you mean uh yeah there's  probably some guy playing the guitar who has   i don't know probably no but i think there are  this uh this two guys the the guy we have a poker   guy we have a poker guy by the way uh lex lex yes  lex phil house yeah phil thomas i think his name   yeah but also guys you know the guy and the  girl that tried different drugs and uh like what   what what what i forgot the name it's very  famous it's also there they're reviewing it   in the us as well and so on you never heard of  it anish you have great competition i must say   guys let's let's pl please share the stream  please let's let's overtake these guys who are   uh doing it uh you know what i'm smoking stuff  like teamwork we need you in in a four-player   chess in like the where should i go and it  will take one hour so oh on chess.com on the   left side you have to wait vivid what are you  doing yeah i just wanted to say bye before oh   you just finished dropping it you know at some point there's going to be like  a girlfriend and she should be like okay so   let's let's marry and stuff like yeah yeah but  i don't please don't because i have to grope   so cropping is priority here okay so  teamwork oh wait now i also have the crop now   now i actually have to crop okay  okay yeah i think we all do now   okay okay okay so uh two more in in  chess.com on the left side it says play   yeah yeah i'm there already hover and then  hover over play and just click four player   chest that's it i'm i'm there okay okay uh it's  very hard to understand how to give a girl try and make sure they can set the game up this uh seven run once here yeah exactly right okay so uh well for  now i think we are all cropping the screen   and then we will get an invitation okay on  the top left did you guys get an invitation   uh i i already clicked it i think  yeah i clicked as well okay here we go   sometimes there's a small  delay okay pardon me pardon me yeah one second okay okay wait a second a second my game is  not there yet uh hey ikaro are you streaming in   1080 is it or yeah yeah 1080 yeah but you  did like like all this uh like you know   you did something with the compy and stuff yeah  all this uh you know the settings and stuff   to stream in 1080 right no i didn't i didn't have  to change anything really oh okay hikar did you do   your own uh obs at some point and stuff um i mean  i had some help but it's pretty easy to set up   for the most part thank you very much for telling  this that took me like one and a half passes just move on one square preferably so we're  going to play with the same words or whatever   we can make we can make arrows you see like this  you can make arrows that we only two of us see   right right exactly the teams how do i  know what is the teams like um you're   playing with anish yeah you're green at your  green and blue so you're you're green teamwork   but what does it mean i mean what should we do as  a team except trying to win try to use your pieces   together so think of his piece as your piece so  you can use the two pieces together oh my god wow   nice pieces a niche yeah so i'm gonna  cross the the fourth wall as they say uh   and uh i'm gonna i'm gonna speak to a different  audience on a different platform i'm being   informed that i'm rude but i feel like i've barely  said any words this stream so what's happening no   no no do you know what happened i think when you  uh when you told the videos about the cropping uh   oh oh no i have no disrespect i actually  have a statue of vitid in my house   so me too me too no guys seriously chill out yeah  i gotta start your feet in our house i got it fine   indian chess federation website so no no i mean  i have maybe he showed me he has five flags there   it's all fine uh it's all good no but seriously  uh too sensitive sometimes guys too sense   too sensitive let's be real we're all good friends  here we did big fan of levy levy big fan of widget   uh seriously he just cropped i mean what you  just cropped obs guys can you make a move by the   sorry if that's rude you you can flag also  it's completely your choices okay yeah okay okay okay chat chat is cooling down here  chat is going down just going down i think that   statue thing convinced them that it's fine  okay yeah should do more of that because you   know if you don't let people about the status  you have in your house they just might uh not   not know the kind of person you are i have an  entire room dedicated just to hikaru so i mean is that yeah yeah just a little  bit but it's fine just a little bit   you have a statue statue off with it and all the  things are connected to hikaru yeah more or less   in the house you said so is it like living  in the hall of fame in saint louis no yes oh saint louis okay guys san luis is the stuff  honey you have 10 seconds thank you i was thinking   i was thinking i was thinking but you don't this  doesn't this isn't a queen this is the problem oh   what a queen oh problem oh okay i'll go backwards  i'll go backwards what is this uh what is this   my move now yes it's your move but why are you all  moving like in a strange way that you are trying   to attack me somewhere this is for player chess  it's all yeah but where is the attack you know   you will see it later timur i'm prepared  to get mated but uh i don't see the mate   yet okay on f7 maybe i would king of seven  yeah calculation skills calculations queen of okay well anisha is still trying to  make his queen so anish you have uh   9.6 seconds yeah yeah i know i know wait  i just i just got like a flashback timor   you just said where is attack isn't that  the famous interview anish was a part of   with with badour yeah i don't have to i don't  have time to watch all of his interviews so   that was the that was the interview but there was  claiming to have a big attack and anish was saying   where is attack no no no i i did a little bit too  much of ironic in there yes too much ironic was   it was it this one yeah yeah yeah this one yeah  yeah it could end badly for everyone definitely   definitely it's all it escalated quickly  that one yeah very very quickly very quickly okay my queen is not good news good news you're  getting a lot of uh you're getting a lot of   hearts uh from uh from the chat here levi oh  this guy's trying to play the king of india   normally i talk a lot so i do sometimes say  some sarcastic things i offend people i felt   like today i'm saying like 10 words it's very  hard man i understand in general it's very hard   because you know hikaru is being very nice like  i've been provoking uh everybody and everyone   please make a move you know i saw  the other day he did an interview   he did an interview somebody asked him  about me and he was like yeah yeah no   i need to support him you know i'm a pretty  cool guy yeah and i was like i was like you are   i'm oh i was like oh thank oh thank you very much  no well well thank you very much you know so yeah   but uh not everybody's like hikaria some people  are uh sometimes uh for for the sake of for the   sake of playfulness you know they're being a bit  edgy and then stuff these days sometimes yeah this   stuff for sure so i can i i'm feeding you lady i'm  feeling you i'm feeling you i feel the pain when   i get into a twitter altercation with the world  champion that's when i know that i i have made it   this is uh yeah i have to be very i mean you  have to be very careful very very careful   it comes it comes the price also knows a lot  about it i know a lot about it i know all the   pluses and the minuses of this particular uh this  particular aspect of humor of the world champion definitely okay so i remember so normally when  kikara and i were playing four-player chess   the admins would come to our ch would come to  the stream and tell us like what we're doing   well and what we're not doing well uh yeah  they said castling is like really bad but   hikara and i have to this day not figured out  why it's so bad to castle like we have no idea   but that's because you're attacking lobby right  why can't i take the pawn i thought the queen   yeah also it's not removed no no no no i meant  the other pawn yeah i have two pawns as well oh my god oh he wants to eat yeah no because  he's watching something and there is food   in there so of course he got hungry oh man let  me see where the where his mother is currently   that's a very big question where's his mother  that's a big question um you don't want to   make him food in the middle of the game oh sure  sure are you can you cook a niche how good of a   chef are you not during a four-player chess game  that's for sure uh okay i mean i can order from   that app that he car was advertising that i can do  but cooking on my own is hard that's hard uh then   oh he's good he's good mama's  gonna print that mama's saying to the kid when he wants to eat  so that uh mom is coming soon yeah you're   conditioning the wrong things doesn't  really change much for for the kid it gives hope guys it's all about hope yeah  that's true that's true ah okay well aneesh you he's oh so lovely you know he was listening to  something so he took out headphones and said   what did what mom and dad said she's coming and  he put the heavens aneesh you can go make him   some food now what is it oh the bishop the bishop  oh yeah oh oh okay you're a very nice teammate   no but i didn't i i felt i've intuitively i felt  something there on the square but i didn't see the   bishop so uh rematch rematch okay yeah yeah let's  lose again okay let's lose again all right let's   do the same thing but then then we can switch  things up right that was embarrassing because i   didn't do anything that was the track meeting well  he's distracted i mean i mean come on come here honest when the kid eats then the next  thing is uh you what do you have to do right no no he's not this kind of kid  he's already grown up he's unleashed   we could take like three minutes uh with anyone  so it's not about kids even but for kids you have   to take care so that's the problem we could  take a quick break a niche if you need it   and then we'll just play out no no no no no no no  seriously okay wait wait no breaks i don't think   we need i don't even need a break i think it's  all good so good okay i can bring my sound here you can explain to him why fasting is good  we can check also where uh intermittent we're going to check guys  uh what's up with the food   do you speak how good is your dutch um it's okay  but it's worse than my russian english i think   but it's okay i can i can speak definitely  i can speak you can communicate fluently   but any uh in netherlands they speak english  yeah yeah no but i speak i speak dutch of   course in the like in the shop and stuff yeah  and in school i spoke that so i can speak that   for sure it's i'm fluent in english and the  shop is just the same yeah more or less there   yeah most of the time definitely yeah  no holland is an english uh you know   how to say english friendly country which which  language does your chat demand you speak the most   my chat now are they like speak russian i i got  a request you have to speak russian this entire   game but but you have yeah wow but my chat just  likes to demand stuff my favorite is to click   on an account and see oh following five minutes  ago no messages written already demanding stuff   already like speaking stream that stream where  i uh watched you with my wife and told her that   you are going to be the next big thing oh you were  also doing something like this you were destroying   some kind of chat member man oh that's you that's  pretty on brand yes that's some brand yeah no but   he deserved it to be fair there was one guy  there was one guy who sent you like one dollar   and he said something like teach me teach me the  karaoke or something like this yeah it was not   really worth the invest you know it was good not  good no uh where's the next game uh i think we're   waiting uh two more you accepted right yeah i i do  okay sometimes there's a lag sometimes there's a   like oh yeah just accept their rematch now my  channel now suddenly it demands hindi my chat   is like my chat is now massively demanding i have  i have two invitations by anish and by seven once there are some occasional uh occasional  people who want tamil but for that you   have adebayon basketball guys even  vidiq cannot deliver your time also   but but i need to speak do you speak  any hindi i mean actually actually i   spoke nepalese so i can understand some of it  but really very very little very little yeah this game i won't move my queen out early and  have a nice good clean game it's normal normal   opening yes you care how is your language  situation these days what's your language   it's just just english just english and  italian and some spanish but that's it but   okay the thing is now now because there  there's so many weebs everyone wants me   to speak japanese so i might have to  learn some yeah yeah i know this is   true that's nice but italian you learned some  italian at some point or yeah yeah i did yeah we have a fan uh in my chat he says he's stuck  in russia but our streams really make him happy   what what nationality yeah i uh his name is uh  bishnoy i don't know but he speaks he said it   in russian so he speaks at least the language  so it's okay okay so he's indian yeah probably   i don't know i don't know where he's  from but uh yeah he speaks russian   so it's not that bad if you get second  russia you speak russian at least i could have also been stuck in russia to be  fair i was on the verge i was on the verge for   the candidates yeah yeah candidates yes one day  away is there anything on that with fabian chinese   um yeah yeah about the resumption of the  candidates you mean yeah yeah yeah yes uh and no   so occasionally there is an attempt to communicate  like uh that there's gonna be something and then   it's again a bit of silence so it's like uh it's  in uh in waves it moves in waves the communication   but maybe one day we'll we'll be playing  it's unclear maybe we'll play this year okay why did you give that pawn captures forward  it's it's oh okay okay okay okay cool cool cool   cool because pawn captures forward that's cool i  just somehow didn't see that to capture this way   so what's very weird what's your favorite  variant of uh non-standard chess both of you   um you first go go ahead you  guys fisher chess i think okay and also this where you where you uh what  what is that what is it called back house   back house house is it when you take the other  one specifically yeah yeah yeah black house   black house yeah yeah for sure no backhouse is  the one is the one yeah it's it's a very cool   variant can you play it on uh on chess.com  as well uh yeah you can yeah cool cool there   are different versions yeah with checks without  checks but it's very interesting very interesting yes i don't like this 15 seconds of silence  like for the first time in two hours   yeah because it's getting complicated yeah yeah  yeah it's very complicated my knight is attacked yeah basically this is your move is  it okay yeah and we miss you already   i'm hungry no i was just checking how the food  is uh food is coming guys so it's all good   okay i have to multitask here so yeah yeah guys  don't worry food's coming food is coming wowzy   text oh my god i'm just blocking you out don't  want your bishop in the game yeah this is why it's   so weird ah okay okay the student is from india  but he couldn't return home wow yeah yeah wow   but he has our streams though he has our streams  so do so it's even worse yeah yeah no it's okay well speaking of not getting uh out of a country  but uh so fabiano is playing in norway right   he's confirmed uh yes that is surprising  to me very surprising to me but   where is fabiano yeah that's um this is  strange he he probably wasn't he in states yeah yeah i was just surprised is there like a tunnel  or something going straight from states to   i don't know man he can live in november  with trump or biden one of these two yeah nobody oh my god oh my god oh my god guys  come on you have to be helpful you have to say   that my time is running it's not cool yeah yeah  bobby i think he's preparing for the candidates no   yeah no he must be but i just i didn't know where  he was because i haven't heard anything and i   didn't i didn't think you could get out of the out  of the out of the ui i assumed that he he was in   states after candidates so i assume that he's uh  at some point planning to get out of it but do you   miss him or is it just oh no i was just curious  picard's like no no no no no everyone is like no   no no no nobody's missing fabiana no vienna is a  too strong a player too strong player to be missed at once you know like uh okay let me see the  move come on i'm attacked like i'm attacked or   not attacked i don't know hard to say hard to say  um okay i should attack or i shouldn't let's see you guys have to coordinate your attacks together  like so a niche moves on me you move on me or you   move oh you are helping us attack you together  and helping you strategize you know yes yes i also want to eat yeah it's a complete choker  i can tell you because certain uh my wife is   she had an appointment to do a certain uh  thing that should normally last one hour   in my book maximum right and that is but that  particular ritual is lasting for five hours which   is really really surprising but it's um it's not  her fault not her fault so that's that's the issue hey my chat is demanding to see daniel but i don't  think they realize that i don't control the baby   okay i i i i control i'm in charge of  my son and what he eats which is nothing   oh guys no he ate of course guys by the way  he had lunch he had lunch and breakfast and   lunch so it's all good it's not time for dinner  it's really fine he just he's just watching or   something and there is food in there and then  he gets hungry from the food you understand we're nothing understood but yes yeah yeah  yeah that's good so anish do you do you already   have like a like a road map of uh your son's  activities like how much chess how much not chess   i don't have that that map for myself so  i definitely don't have it for for my son   if you have eight seconds okay  okay we saw my move so it's good   yeah but uh my son he's into uh he's not  hugely into chess but a little bit into chess   and he likes streaming you know he likes streaming  he really likes to be on he likes streaming that's   very i don't think he understands what is going  on uh i mean hikara understands what streaming is   yeah and likes it and my son he likes it without  uh hikaru was like dodgy like do i understand   it like yeah no but my son doesn't get it at  all he just thinks that there is a camera and   it's all nice i'm not sure he realizes how  many people are watching and all this uh   how how old is your son he's uh almost  four i mean yeah probably he doesn't quite   no i don't know what i was doing at  three but definitely not streaming oh this is an intense game wow yeah i don't know if what i did  was right but i want to attack   it's success i should i should use this  disclaimer after every move because i also   don't know what i did is right but i'm just  uh yeah i mean basically the thing that you're   not doing right on ish is that like you need  both players need to attack somebody ah okay   and they're both defending yeah okay okay  i'll attack somebody oh boy that was good my god inspired by hikaru here that's three wait something was free yeah  your move eight seconds eight seconds i can control my clock come on come  on i'm a professional chess player   i'm a professional just there  i have control in my clock i'm getting attacked here oh my  god you're having some kind of uh   wow wow yeah it doesn't look so good no no okay no i like it i like to  try to defend i appreciate that   take a nice try but can you mate him please in  that case or you just like it oh yeah i'm on   my way i'm on oh i'm on my way to meet him  oh my god my wife came this is beautiful   there's going to be food here for everyone son  yeah what what happened is this bishop guards   the queen oh you can't you guys yes so one news  is bad one news is bad we lost here we lost here   the good news we weren't there my wife has  arrived and my son's gonna get food okay oh   but so you can do this you give me the check and  the other guy just supported with a [ __ ] yes that's the whole point of the  game teamwork that you somehow   supposed to help each other which we did not yeah
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 236,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gm hikaru, Hikaru Nakamura, chess commentary for beginners, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, hikaru nakamura, chess gambit, chess opening strategy, 4 player chess, 4 player chess strategy, 4 player chess gmhikaru, anish giri, samay raina 4 player chess, teimour radjabov, vidit chess, anish giri chess, radjabov chess
Id: d2BWLitzuys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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