4 PLAYER CHESS ft. Samay Raina, Agadmator, GM Anish Giri and GM Vidit Gujrathi

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[Music] hey everybody we are live what up what up what up what up water so we are live with initially Antonio Alexandra and of course of course of course with this late again guys an example is yellow gamete is green with it is red and anisha's blue Anish of could learn from the last game you play everyone opening the with the Queen okay I'm gonna go with the knife by the way is you can take the bishop your Bishop is hanging is not a good idea to exchange in this game because if you exchange everyone else will corner you anyways you can't exchange because you can just you can just agree no no don't take don't take the bishop no it's completely it's completely that's the point you don't take if it doesn't want that you do it no no see if it is important to happen so much mind tricks here okay with this go for a queen guys I admit I went back with the night I'm just checking what's what's happening I'm just trying to make two more steps ahead he gets a queen so you have to stop it somebody else no but who's gonna stop it Queenie oh you get to the central square you get a queen yeah oh okay the eighth-ranked the eight square again already you started to gang up against me this is unfair like it's been like one minute since we begin so how am I looking or not you guys I'm asking the chat how am I looking with the clean shave guys I was going to ask it but I didn't want to you know and also please let me know if sub changose trying to figure out the game Eve everything say if you know it does not emit can move dragon first wave in will get the Queen one further you got one further okay oh well I guess NH can stop whisking stuff on each plate so I think it's not possible to stop I can't believe you guys are not trusting me if she and the most experienced player if you team up with me your chances increase so who is up meeting up with widget we go we go against we start with my position look I have motivation to pick you up with you you've got the Queen I am telling you the strongest I'm a guy that's playing for the first time but this is proudly played this but with it I would say listen listen the point is okay first we beat Alexandra I can mother is going to move them back and forth then me and you just move the knight back and forth meet it why did you do this and I want to see if you are really with me if you take my bishop and know that you're not with me so listen listen look look how I am with you I am letting you I am letting you take my bishop you say why to show the to show you to show you there trust him okay fine I mean after you night I guess you'll have to unite because the grandmasters have United Alexander is about to Queen guys you just could you just put the Queen in front of her poems yeah that's it the only one with the second Queen it would make sense to go after him yes I know I'm defending my own are you interested in working as a team by the one ish now very stressful with wins it's your time to shine okay how I don't see how not taking my bishop okay I'm not gonna take a bishop okay I trust you yeah let's just see how we [Music] castle prom no we only teamed up against the VD to get him out first yes two queens attack one of his no actually no I I would need a Commodore to attack another queen of Izzy's anybody who attacks me is going to pay for it image they have two twins yeah so it's better not to do that I'm not believing is threatening you and you guys are not doing anything it's it's not a cert if it's a genuine case of first rule of chess never trust with it my LinkedIn the chat oh yes guys please follow Alexander on Twitch I'll have a link but if I do that my internet might go away so I'll do it at the end Anish you're just quitting your point of course no I'm cleaning my own palm to bridge together wait we'll beat her with an extra Queen is fine you'll beat her anyway see any of your boosters attacking they are coming forward I'm creating what how to attack no shame look at the rating you guys have combined this is like high schoolers bullying a little entering elementary school it's not a good look I need come on man you got you got a no I just I just heard you hit 10,000 100,000 followers you're the man here come on what is this pond doing we have to I'll protect you give that bishop otherwise a potential Queen is very dangerous is it dangerous don't wander it anyway man just let me exactly let her get the Queen come on this is just pathetic oh yeah you get three Queens okay we have the Queen skill we've got all the calculation the tactics it's not about calculation tactics come on the politics look at her position shell Gaudreau kanji 100 so this is where old area nice pattern of pieces okay what just glad not what's your plan I'm just advancing getting some cool I will use my queen kind of like I don't know like the u.s. army lens it's bigger army to smaller countries just please don't take my bishop yes Alexandra Anish is going to Queen and are you I used switch are you not going to switch so I'm not switching I'm just saying hey we've got this let's let's kick them out first like you're just pushing your pawns that's true Amish is just playing for himself here I'm gonna do I can try to stop his pawn I'm just curious to see how you're gonna reply to me yeah Jonesy chitters you have to be something not treat Queen's visit what are you doing why are you doing this trust me I'll show you I won't take your queen are you doing this why are you taking my queen I promise I won't take it I promise guys you just promoted the Queen eh and now you're trading it was trading it I'm not going to take his queen this is to prove this is to show he's gonna take yours no he won't no you won't you tables are turning Anish tables are turning don't do it it I promise I'm not gonna take it this is how he come on beat it there's just too much pressure she thinks we are eldest she says she's going up against us no I'm not ganging up against vidit just against you Gary oh no chess has never dressed with it big fan Sammy can you ask with it for a shout-out jatin jit in viola can you give a shout out with it shorter to Jeetendra and I had no square for my queen actually where should I put my queen with a train - damn Queen I thought my Anish I mean should I trust you again for the second time video what I mean again I've always been on your side from the beginning we didn't promote Queens to trade think of the work that the pawn did to get all the way there those years of laboring let's not treat them and I won't take your queen for real man but they should I put my queen have no second do you leave it there I'm not gonna take it I'm nothing happens a little you're gonna get adrenaline leaving your queen on that square seriously we did you've got nowhere to go either I capture you or she captures you change I'm not capturing him I'm not taking his queen and he's gonna play and he'll see what we did you could go to her to her b5 go to b5 all right whatever g4 or that oh there currently no one is blaming anyone for the you know leave your queen there the first rule of like survival is that you have to think for yourself so first rule so I always trade Queens oh yeah but you always need alliances otherwise you're gonna be outnumbered and we both have screens here we both have an advantage where it were you know moving together here I've never done ever getting you with it but I've no squares they should I keep that you can do you can leave your queen where it is because I promise you I'm not gonna take it and Trust is all I have in this world so if I break my trust and no one will believe me for the rest of the game so I have no intention to take your queen here guys everyone like this room I have a little penny I have other priorities everyone like crying after that speech if you trade Queens you no longer defend your pawn with the Queen not capture the pawn I know we have to take out the look we're three I know you're very strong veted but technically Anisha is a little bit more than us he has better internet connection you always teach that's all I'm saying so I have no reason to take your queen because I want to be good here you have to somehow just take yeah I can take it I'm trying to decide whether to take it with the night or the King here sorry I'm in the night or the Queen if you take with the Queen then you lose the Queen if you take with the knight then again we'll take your Bishop god I trust you I don't I don't trust anything you say anymore videos I'm going for a visit spawn don't worry [Laughter] nice and safe there yeah right now if I could also if I could also do a discovery on Geary's Queen I would do it but this discovery check of course so just do it when she's gone she's gone in no time you do that so basically you want me to eliminate her and then to play against two Grandmaster I think I okay so everything is very clear and obvious now what's happening what's happening yeah correct Oh Ganesha now do something somehow somehow come on Ivan thank you okay no show me show me try to achieve I try to attack character at some point or not we are doing it already we are yeah I mean if if you don't go first I got matter is going to because it's clearly come on I got the door I'm gonna try to help you out here I'm gonna let you take some pieces from him I'm gonna start by here we go oh there's a chick that is so that's a great ovation on eesh can you can you give her another can you give him another check just take this just take is night because if you take her night if you have to sorry if you take with it's night he cannot recapture your night with the bishop again don't even try it with Alexander after we did I was my word sir guys the chart I'm already apologizing in advance if my power goes off do not kill me both this is also live you can watch it over there just in case something bad happens thank you sir Toby I really appreciate it wait guys what's going on here please do not capture I can't take you can take Aneesh you could take the pawn Nexus King and then I can support your queen the one on I too because he's gonna be in check and then it's my turn to check him so I'll take Queen on I three other we win almost you don't have to and he's have to right yeah Oh so should I take one more time with check and then I got Mother's gone with his queen to support my support mark somebody's about my 2x3 Queen to f3 with your queen and it's made Red Queen to f3 is made I got but long move how do I reach f3 with the Queen wears it wrong your d8 diagonally all the way what does beard what is FA like all the way your Queen all the way within the diagonal to the anchor all the way yeah an itch I always trusted I mean I didn't do anything to you why change I mean I yeah it's nowhere to go immediately right now I come to that twitch channel YouTube channel I'm super chat and you know that's all you have to do you I mean I would know I think that this is when you backstab you know Anish this is what happens when you backstab that was though I mean watch a moo-vie god that was so dumb guys you know I was he he's talking the least and the guy who talks the least usually wins so he makes friends with everyone and then you know he sneaky Levin so he just never help you with it he just helped you I can't believe you could get rid of a guy and you just don't do it I don't trust anyone now I mean I took that Queen from oh there yeah I mean check again she still we can still do it guys you get rid of my queen but we can still do it we're nerfing the grandmasters of God I really respect what you're doing I mean it does it just shows don't get emotional about it commotion go think about this moment right now what's the best minutes this this stuff you get one opportunity one chance one moment and you lost it yeah I'm speechless what happened he brought his queen from there to attack me it all made sense before my sense I was hearing you throughout the game no and I mean y-you know I play the game no I played the game assuming that everyone looks out for themselves instead you've got these weird people who are other people for no reason is that what was that you good why not capture could have protected you somehow yeah after what happened before no the thing is I Channel doesn't trust anybody well cuz I keep trying to make truths I'm the only person who has never backstabbed I always do what I say I will but nobody's supporting me see I didn't backstab because I made a treaty with Aneesh and he broke it so I'm again ready to like don't get too emotional about it yeah let's calm down please like this let's take the number up to 17,000 if we can take it everyone like the stream if you like it more people will join they will know about this incredible match okay okay I like Sentra I'm going to lose anyways so I mean there is nothing for me to gain from this match anymore I've lost I already used at least I want to defeat honish okay so how can we do that like this master suite oh you're the grand master you know come up with a plan and I'll do my best to support it if I if I have moves yeah I mean I don't care if I lose anymore so I just want to lose before me life goals I mean you can if you want but that doesn't really do much I push my pawn guy until he loses on time just keep him keep him keep talking about to jump you just have to get them and keep talking to them as long as you can okay I push my pawn and then you bring your queen and then you attack on this King something like that does it work what what pawn push are you making just to bring my bishop oh okay let's try that let's try that but okay he's going to I take my pawn so I mean I'm screwed [Music] what should I do this is like you realize that I got he's got on all these pieces still on the board so what am I supposed to do okay nobody likes me anymore for you guys anybody likes me still here or I like you you are now the favorite the visit is to crippled so now we have to find out videos people did yeah what did it play nice okay okay Alexandre you can bring your queen and pin his king I'll take his Knight and then we made him next move so you want me to play between I thirteen just pain is king just pin there is never an eye in chess it's from a two like H so and if that's why you're gonna lose this match buddy I'll send you the notes after the game right in front of okay let's see if there are any Queens here I don't have meeting I mean take a spawn but yeah I will support you visit I'll support you whatever you want yes yeah of course what this are you gonna do it oh is that right like initially not capture the Queen because it's being predicted okay now we can still me I can take on be on the pawn in front of his king and then you can take the one in front of his bishop guys you don't know how if you want come on but you are what you want that take why would you want that what is your motivation here eliminate this drunk so if I take the pot in front of his king and then you live with the bishop no no but then it's gonna be your turn before his so you take the pawn in front of his bishop and then he can't stop both checks so he loses okay if you take my queen I'm gonna lose so I have to trust you already yeah yeah for sure cuz you'd rather have him lose than me because I'm easier to defeat okay of course oh god this is just this is developed [Laughter] yes do you realize you're getting rid of all your pieces i got us there with the full set I don't care I was about join some I froze a commentary I was gonna say guys 15,000 watching please like like this remake it 20,000 guys let's see if we can hit 20,000 today oh my god okay what did he play okay just move this Queen and now we can interact with his pieces or no use okay well because we defeated Irish now it is not turned he turns on you okay so again so reading now she's the only one left well I've lost hope trust everything there's nothing no sorry guys it was just so ridiculous was so made it not to make him was such a sin against humanity ridiculous what justice I think he got justice punished unbelievable you know you know an issue in few years then he is going to grow up and he's going to watch this video and you think why did that betray with it no I was in check I was in check no way he's talking about me oh sorry I guess you I just leave this and then go somewhere I'll let you guys have all the fun you can now you know trash talk about them you can make them you can do some politics no but I won't say I just want to cry this is so ridiculous I never lost in a more ridiculous way I can't believe your grand master is out no but I mean if like if three people start to I've they're very tools you made it whatever three Judy you guys oh I mean you were completely mated just totally and then Oh playing a goddess I was mated for sure it only because you tried to attack me why why would you do that also known as a silent killer [Laughter] oh this is getting another Queen I have nothing left man give me just one Queen yep guys I'm done with this I'm just done with this I'm just gonna back to my phone and check okay that makes sense I'm just trying to get my King to safety nice one nice one I got great strategy this is the first time we have seen the strategy that just used to bring a night out and they bring night in back in he doesn't need any Queen he doesn't need anything he's happy guys just like the stream Omega watching 23 why did you turn turn your back against me like we were doing good we were attacking all the pieces we're close to be close to win we were nowhere in fact see me and you were nowhere at any point in this game I don't even know what to do what does you have to now start thinking about doing something - I get also you let will get a queen and then you both get again first he rushed me that's the only way you can win if he has so many pieces you see I've Sandra do you care about finishing second behind with it or behind that God what's your choice okay I tell you okay okay I can help you meet again and then you can win because I have no pictures left anyways okay you guys make the decision is depending on the situation I'm not sure what the right hand is here if you if you don't go for again he's going to mean here's the highest number of pieces but you are such a nice nice nice teammate you know that's what happened so nice guys right yes see I'm helping you out I'm helping you out if it takes my rope then he's gone okay well I'm just gonna I'm just gonna make soft gentle moves here yeah like doubling up your looks that's a very powerful move thank you how does it feel to be expected I mean I don't know from where some eye gets all the energy to to produce laughter here you are coming for my pieces what you not letting me Queen what should I do zero pieces left yeah but it is making good progress here you're low on time you're very low on time you're only 55 seconds trust me let with it have a queen you both get again okay so my you I can trust so yes trust me with it please she will help you now examine Sandra if you give with it the Queen he will beat us both Oh zero squares oh okay it's not my move it's I got matches Alexandra better Dupree booze better start coming now okay okay I mean if you don't take his queen we've lost I'm just gonna protect my queen here yeah yeah now he's gonna betray you I can see it in his eyes you don't wanna 3 the odd with one because then there's no trust I've already said I'm not sure what's the problem from welcher attack are you you matter you know you make a battery grab his pawn we did the grab d5 phone what did I point he's got the defect born of the great upon I think no great photos in the way oh you can grab the grape oh yeah you have to grab first oh do we have no increment no no I mean you have 22 seconds oh I made a flag anyway oh oh sorry with it I had to do it you can bring in my Bishop to attack him seconds everyone for themselves say no I'm just your what oh no wait next shoot if you don't check Wheatley I will use my queen to help you well what just happened i checkmated myself i trusted with it
Channel: BotezLive
Views: 374,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alexandra botez, game, board, checkmate, grandmaster, attack, win, how to, best game, move, moves, analysis, twitch, highlights, competition, hikaru, carlsen, puzzle rush, top 10, best chess channel, chess tips, improve chess, funny chess, chess match, educational chess, chessmaster, tactics, chess lesson, lesson, chess battle, samay raina, Vidit Gujrathi, blindfolded chess, indian chess, funny chess match, india chess, chess, chess game, funny, comedy, anish giri, agadmator, 4 player chess
Id: nJcVSgif3aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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