Making EVERYTHING a road in Mini Motorways!!

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this video is sponsored by squarespace find out more at the end of the video hello fellow engineers have you ever wanted to drive to a slice of brioche and collect an upside down shopping bag well now you can because today we're playing mini motorways right so last time we actually completed the game we completed mexico city however at the start of that video we also discovered this the weekly challenge no i missed it i missed it no oh no no this is the right one build a bridge start with one bridge and unlimited road tiles so we're gonna have some fun with that so let's try the weekly challenge begin all right pause straight off we've literally got unlimited road i can do whatever i want five minutes later that feels better that feels better so we're gonna do a road from a house i think we'll do it along the coast like that and we're away we're in the game i will explain how this game works for those news of the channel but um there's not gonna be any new people that haven't seen this game yet surely basically cars leave the houses head to the shop collect the upside-down shopping basket it's a bag not a basket and you get points and the rest is history oh look we've forced a green to spawn in there straight away that's they're all sharing at the moment and we'll just do that for now something i've always wanted to try actually is if you build your own roundabout does that work like a roundabout are there no more upgrades oh i didn't know that so we literally have one bridge oh that's interesting game well well well how the turntables if we build that and then connect our houses to it does it actually work like a roundabout no i'm not sure it does actually but he's gone to there they can drive either side of the roundabout so it's not actually a roundabout a little while i really want to do like some cool road patterns i haven't been able to do yet like that's kind of cool right that's engineering how about new oh god okay we've got an imax now we've got an imax i don't think there's too much worry about mixing traffic between greens and purples they i'm just a little bit worried where the next shop is gonna spawn it's either gonna be down there or down there but not if i do that oh look another purple oh i wasn't expecting that are we gonna get any more houses please game please whoa slow down slow down oh god all right i'll tell you what then we're gonna have to take these guys up over there we're gonna have to take you around the bloody trees because we can't dig up trees anymore oh no we literally can't get around that so can you see there's a yellow house and a tree we can't go around you don't we don't have a tunnel either oh dear so we gotta wait for the map to zoom out it slowly zooms out you can sort of see it very very slowly there you go it happened right in front of our eyes and now we can actually go around that and connect to green up but i really interested to see what a good score on this level would be so i don't really have a clue at the moment but we can do that to get the yellows and the greenhouse segregated we don't mind mixing the pinks and the greens but uh we want to try and avoid the yellows and you can see that road that has properly avoided everything so that does actually appear to be working quite well strangely um oh god we got yellow up here oh that's not ideal why would you do that i think we might just have to get rid of this green so now these cars on their journey they only have one junction which is this one that will slow them down all the others will be fine well there's another yellow up there what is going on so now i've got two obviously because they've got the supermarket there this is not going to be a high scoring round oh i hate it that we get the end of the week and we get no upgrades as we've only got one bridge it's pretty critical that i block these two islands we get shop spawn on both and not the same color houses then we'll literally screwed so we can only go to one not both oh no we've got a red we've got a red oh we've got a green there now okay so we're gonna have to redo this road a little bit to come down and then up from there i think that keeps everything fast though let's keep an eye on this yellow cart yeah he's creaminess he's going faster that's good that is good oh dear we've got purple up there oh this is horrible this is horrible the purple houses are just in the middle of nowhere all right couple of reds over here so we'll do are you tit blue blue come on man you're literally opposite side the maps go to a different supermarket you idiot oh right we're gonna have to go like around here in the most zigzaggy way possible there's no point mixing with the reds upsetting them you may as well stay separate so assuming blues can get there in time i don't know if they'll be able to eat we got a yellow there i think we're just gonna have to cross-root it all right another blue house down here to connect in that's gonna help a bit i i can't see us getting anywhere in this game look we're getting destroyed already all right a load of yellows to connect up so we'll do that with you and a green down there that's not too bad because we got houses right here but a yellow as well really game i don't have a tunnel oh no can yellows even get round there yeah everything's sort of connected oh this is hurting my head this has hurt my head we need to oh god we need to really fill up this area that was close there you go so that's purely just to block the area so we don't get any supermarkets down there uh somehow we've made it to 500 points which ain't too bad there's so many purple houses down here gonna have to connect them somehow i was gonna fill in this area well it you can just oh i actually i really want to try that actually i'm gonna do that next round next round we're gonna do what if the entire map was rude oh no that's on imax now how are you meant to do this level is it because i messed up at the start so i did knobs everywhere this looks like i've just graffitied the outer edge of the map as well but i haven't this is all tactics oh look we got our first timer because we don't have any yellows connected uh i don't even know how to connect yellows to that if i'm honest what is that it's just a disaster that yellow one has killed us that has absolutely killed us and not even gonna be a thousand points what a mess 803 let's let's see how well we did 7 000th not that bad the top score was 6 000. oh and if you get 3 000 you're in the top 10 all right then we're going to do it again but we're going to literally just tarmac everything screw mother nature we are literally just tarmacking everything [Music] right there we go we've made a massive runway so let's see how the house gets on there's no journey to it right our first journey what way is our car gonna go oh no he'd go so slow because he thinks there's a junction everywhere yeah oh i forgot down there bollocks right we are gonna need more houses so i might strategically delete a green oh bollocks i forgot it was a doubler i think they did that on purpose so you can't like cheat all right i've made some space so we can spawn some greens you're not going down there though right i'm pretty sure we are going to beat the game going to go well there's just two things we got to watch for one is when the map expands we quickly fill it in that was close and two that we have enough traffic so we got this greenhouse down there but we literally can't involve him there's no way of doing it oh you cheeky bloody game it expanded and now we've got houses really far away yeah but at least this guy now has a road to get there now look how slow the cars meet oh this is ridiculous this is ridiculous no he has green down there bollocks i'm just keeping an eye on all the edges which edge is going to expand first i wonder if there's a rate i wonder if there's like a pattern like do they expand on certain days let's try and measure it shall we all right pause so it's nearly the end of sunday was it the end of saturday i think it was the end of saturday i think it just turned to sunday oh god we got on imax we got an imax pause right it's monday so is it 24 hours that is the question it's another one tuesday maybe it's every 24 hours ish oh bollocks i don't even see that one god damn it oh my god look how slow that journey is oh you bastard i literally looked away for a second all right pay attention matt pay attention look at all the edges oh we got a timer already we're only on 71 points this is not good right it was top it was top oh and right i bloody missed right i tell you what as we have a timer i might tweak the rules a bit i might just make these ones a bit quicker just to try and get rid of the timer so i gotta make it to a hundred points surely right right or bottom is gonna pop next if we even make it that far i know the time is too strong i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to delete all this all right let's try that for now then that should at least get the traffic we've got there a bit quicker can we beat the timer real quick that was close your left has gone left has gone you might have done oh the bottom's gone the bomb's gone all right the timer's trying to go down it's a bit of a losing battle though or we might get rid of it yes we got rid of the timer technically this still counts we've actu we've hit 100 points now as well oh the left the left oh the timer is not happy at all i've sort of made all this space for new houses but i was about to say but they won't spawn in there but there you go one just spawned in there so that's nice oh top top i think if we can just keep this like top area completely tarmac i think that will count that will count as a success oh man we're so close to a timer again there's just not enough houses i don't know why maybe it's something in the water oh the right edge just went no on the left edge well there's definitely not a pattern though it just sort of expands whenever it wants to it seems must make sure no other edge spawns oh left left left left left man this is getting risky now i might delete that hope we get some more houses spawn in their top i'm trying to paint it but there's so much going on oh i've got another timer we've got another timer it's not looking good any other edges no we're all good oh look another another one oh we're getting some we're getting some more houses spawn that is good just color it all in oh left left left left left bloody level how big is this level stop expanding i'm gonna keep an eye on everything all right i'm starting to uh get fatigued now my hand from just holding the mouse down constantly i guess you'll just keep an eye on left next i assume that's next yep there you go it's just gone right constant timers and they're red well if we try and make some more space there you go more houses you could do some more greens oh there is a green not connected connect you in i was about to say i've nearly caught up with coloring in but uh keeps on expanding all right 469 points this could actually be the original method screw playing properly mean you can just do this that might be the entire level expanded now oh no the top has gone bloody hell how big is this level and the bottom and the left side oh bloody oh the question is though how long can we actually last because timers are constantly going up there's not really any fixes we can do i'm just trying to connect houses and keep an eye on the edge like traffic is backing up so much i guess actually maybe we could bring a few of these like that way instead bloody left the map expanded damn you left of the map yeah this junction here really not great it's proper holding up everything all right there you go they're split up now i think the map has stopped expanding uh let's speed up and just see how much longer we last so unless more houses appear it is going to end at some point you see the timers are slowly slowly getting higher and higher all right so more houses spawned in there i've just connected them up that might make us last a little bit longer actually i might sort of keep going back trying to make more room just in case our house wants to spawn oh the green timer's going up and up now yeah it's no longer the number of houses that we're short on it's just the traffic piling up look there's two cars on top of each other there oh there's the end there's the end we lasted 71 days which is that better than our original go i think it was and the best thing is we even outsmarted a brainiac master so a massive thank you to squarespace for sponsoring today's video so squarespace gives people a powerful and beautiful online platform in which to create your own website you can connect with your audience and generate revenue through gated members only content you can manage your members send email communications and leverage audience insights all in one easy to use platform you can create a community on your squarespace 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Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 295,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini motorways, mini motorways lets play, mini motorways guide, mini motorways walkthrough, mini motorways lp, mini motorways review, mini motorways game, mini motorways gameplay, simulation games 2021, new simulation games 2021, new strategy games 2021, rts games 2021, puzzle games 2021, new puzzle games 2021, management games 2021, mini metro, dinosaur polo club, casual game, minimalist, city planning, highway, traffic control, real engineer, highway engineering, rce
Id: h5XzF9ZIgMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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