Making Buffalo Wild Wings And Sauces At Home | But Better

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so we've covered many of the reigning kings in the burger world the french fry world the chicken nugget world but we cannot miss one of the most important regions chicken wings [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so today we're making buffalo wild wings but uh but better but we're not just gonna make the wings better right the way that you cook them there's many ways to do it and we'll discuss that later i don't just want to do one sauce i'm gonna do multiple so i took to our discord which by the way if you're not into discord the link is in the description you really should be on there because you can participate and help making these videos and yada yada yada yada we did a poll asking which people's favorite sauces were we took some put them together and now we're doing three sauces the parmesan garlic the asian zing which is like from where from what part of asia you understand how large this region is and the mango habanero we're not only going to defeat them once not twice but three times so with all that said let's make this shall we well they all have horrible ratings this one has four stars oh i'd like to place in order for it to go let's do 15 of the parmesan garlic 15 of the mango habanero 15 of the asian zinc no blue cheese um yeah no it's horrible can i do um do you guys have ranch yesterday okay that's perfect right it's like blue cheese isn't even that good let's be honest finally yes i appreciate you even buffalo the representative of buffalo wild wings said yeah blue cheese is not good a strip mall buffalo wild wings why do i have this intense desire to not go in here i happen to go order for josh well i have the wings yay i've also never seen a restaurant that empty in my entire life even for coke it was more empty than empty let's go home big grim so we've got the a bag of ranch don't have a problem with that can you imagine if they just give us a bag filled with ranch so this is mango habanero asian zing these boxes are totally and the garlic parmesan that smells like a foot to be fair parmesan is stinky so i'll give them that god this thing is just let's start with asian zing by the way what what from where in asia is this fight the end off twist that bone out whisk the other bone out pull that out and you've got the wing with no bones all right yankee with no brim all right immediate thoughts first off chicken wings love them chickeny nice whatever second thought under season i always thought that they use their sauce as the crush right you gotta season the wings a little bit flavor the sauce boring it's like they took just sugar and sambal olek and that's the sauce yeah this thing is just falling apart invest in new boxes how much is this company worth invest in new boxes these are better kind of like these but already know what people are going to say they're going to go josh you got to do it with the butter like they do shut up they don't use the butter they use the sauce that they use everywhere else they're not gonna be like hey let's make a new distribution facility they're not doing that it's that sauce it tastes good does it taste like parmesan and garlic no no depth of flavor and to be frank it just tastes like old sauce so they're just nowhere near as good as they could be mango habanero what smell is that not mango okay i actually kind of like this one but with the caveat that it purely tastes like habanero with a little bit of sweetness no mango present tastes alright can we do better than these we can at least do better with the packaging but the answer is yes all right before we get started let's get our optional ranch conversation out of the way please look i want to say this carefully and lightly because i know it's a touchy subject and i want to be nice about it i hate blue cheese dressing with a fiery passion that breathes deep within my soul just a simple glance at a crinkle-to-go ramekin with its lid fogged up and dripping from the condensation of the putrefying depths below is just not my thing but with that said i have a resolution a simple and easy to make optional ranch so get a medium sized bowl and add two thirds of a cup of mayonnaise half a cup of creme fraiche half a cup of buttermilk quarter teaspoon of onion powder three cloves of garlic grated one and a half tablespoons of rough chopped parsley one tablespoon of finely chopped dill half a bunch of chives thinly sliced the zest and juice of half a lemon season that the taste with salt and pepper and give that some risky whiskey whiskey and that is your not blue cheese ranch dressing now look we're making three different wing sauces here asian zing whatever that is mango habanero and parmesan garlic but before we jump into those sauces let's talk wing prep please i don't want a metric ton of drumettes you want as close to a 50 50 selection of germets and flats remember flats are papa's favorite and by the way for any of these wing sauce recipes you'll need about four pounds of wings to serve four to six people so put those all in a bowl season them normally with salt toss them together to distribute cover and let those cure in the fridge for at least an hour but ideally overnight look you don't need to let them sit but if you do then the salt will penetrate all the way into the meat i like that seasoning going all the way to the bone brother all right the actual cooking of the wings is a large debate some say bake some say grill purists say fry i'm not a purist but in my opinion the longest lasting mind-numbingly quiffy most tender wings will fly out of a fryer so what i recommend is to pat your wings dry in batches then lower them into a large pot with at least three inches of fry oil that have been heated to 350 fahrenheit fry your wings in batches until they reach a pale golden color and are cooked through about four to five minutes remove them from the oil and trade on a wire rack and repeat with the rest of your wings now once those good old wangs have been par fried increase your oil temp to 375 and drop your wings in batches yet again for two to three more minutes or until they become beautifully browned and ultra crisp skinned pretty much this double fry method will never steer you wrong from there your wings are ready to be coated now see the benefit with this method is you can have your wings ready to be crisped up right when you're about to sauce them so now that we know how to do that let's break down each sauce first up is their asian zing in a medium sauce pot add one teaspoon of toasted sesame oil and one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil heat that brother up over medium heat and once it's hot and shimmery add four cloves of rough chopped garlic cook that swirling often until the garlic begins to turn a toasted golden brown color then add a two inch knob of ginger that's been finely chopped saute that for two minutes or just until softened then add half a cup of granulated white sugar half a cup of dark soy sauce a quarter cup of regular soy sauce a quarter cup of mirin three quarters of a cup of rice vinegar one tablespoon of gochujang half a cup of bring that to a simmer then reduce the heat to low then just let that reduce for one to two minutes then in a bowl stir together three tablespoons of cornstarch and a quarter cup of water to get a slurry whisk only half of that slurry into your sauce and if it needs further thickening feel free to add more of the slurry after that turn off the heat add a small handful of thai basil which you know we actually ran out of so we'll pretend that we're not using regular basil here let that steep for five minutes and that is papa's sweet chili zing sauce or whatever the hell you want to call it now you can use this sauce right away or store it in the fridge and just warm it to loosen when ready to use so now all that's left is to crisp up your wings toss them into a bowl coat them generously with your sauce toss them roll em around with a spoon you do what you gotta do so you can suck that sauce out of every and any little crevice on that wine then just place those in a serving bowl top with green onion and those are your wings but hang on we got two more sauces here next up is mango habanero but you know with actual mangoes and it looks like what it's named so in a small saucepan add three quarters of a cup of water and three quarters of a cup of sugar heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved then get yourself four large ripe mangoes cut off their cheeks scoop out the flesh with a spoon and you know don't forget to get the trim around the mangoes oh and of course who could forget to suck on the seed trust papa always suck on the seed now keep up your mango flesh toss it into a blender along with your simple syrup that you just made blend that on high speed until completely and totally smooth pour that into a large skillet along with three tablespoons of frank's red hot whistle together and bring that to a light simmer over medium heat now while that's simmering in your blender add two cloves of garlic ten habanero chilies with their stems remove a quarter cup of lime juice and a half cup of white distilled vinegar blend that on high speed until as smooth as possible and optionally you can stream in about a teaspoon of oil just to get it even smoother give that a little whiff to get your nose on platinum same day shipping directly to hell pour your habanero puree into the simmering mango sauce stir together and let that simmer and reduce for five minutes or until nicely thickened then just season that to taste with salt and additional vinegar for extra acidity reduce another minute then add one and a half tablespoons of corn syrup whisk that in then add a quarter cup of room temperature unsalted butter and constantly whisk till the butter is completely melted and emulsified into the sauce for the record the corn syrup helps stabilize the emulsion and get a touch of extra gloss on the sauce look this stuff is pretty spicy but it does mellow out with the vinegar and the sugar and the butter but if you want it less spicy you could just add less habaneros if you're a little baby now all you got to do is second fry your wings until sensuous and toss them in a bowl coat in that sauce good lord look at that sauce just giving us the drip now give that a nice little toss to coat thoroughly dump on a plate and look no need to garnish these because they look so beautifully special on their own and the smell of the tropics fuming through the airs and a firecracked spice on the back of the nose now next but not least is our parmesan garlic or in our case parmigiano aliosos probably not the greatest translation this is the easiest of the three because most of it is done in a blender so you guessed it snag a blender add in eight cloves of garlic two tablespoons of dijon mustard one tablespoon of corn syrup optional but helps with the glossiness one and a half teaspoons of fresh thyme leaves the juice of two lemons one cup of finely grated parmigiano-reggiano two egg yolks then begin blending that on low speed and gradually work your way up to high then once everything in the blender is smooth and pureed slowly stream in one cup of canola oil while blending constantly until all the oil is added in the sauce is emulsified and creamy then just pour that out into a bowl and to that you're gonna add one red fresno chili bruno cut which is just a very fine dice one small shallot also bruno cut salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste two teaspoons of rosemary finely chopped two tablespoons of fresh parsley also finely chopped then mix that together and that's your parmigiano wang sauce and just like all the others fry your wings toss in a bowl coat with your parmigiano sauce and salt to taste hit the wings with some extra lemon juice toss to coat thoroughly place in a serving bowl or tray then optionally top that with some thinly sliced chives an additional freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano or grana padano and those are some luxurious wings that look nearly angelic singing ancient cheese hems from a mountain top so we've got our three sauces all lined up in all their powerful glory quiffy wings coated in the most beautiful and cared-for sauces versus the same lineup of sauces from buffalo wild wings it's time to determine a true winner so let us taste test wow we made it first off these mango habanero wings look far more mango habanero than these let's get in the show right here these are perfect in the world of mango habanero what do i think i think flowers and tropical fruit everywhere and this bongos and that's not the right instrument that's what i feel when i'm eating these wings tropical sweet little bit of heat right now a little pop in the pants but that's all right i could recover from that we already know this is gonna be a winner just look at this if flavor had a definition it's just this color on chicken i want to like take this to the back room there's not as many flavors that i would describe as beautiful sensational sensual that's that last one parmesan garlic we won it does not have a caesar salad taste so before anyone's like josh that's basically a caesar shut up there's no anchovy it's not a caesar it's an emulsified parmesan garlic sauce and it is busting all in all this is a win but we need a taste tester vikram's back yeah i mean you you like wings of any variety really wings this is the asian zing number one number two all right that's number one got some chew got some flavors going on okay he didn't even swallow all right this one's clear buy a long shot this just like punches this one in like out of this dimension number one two good job he likes it he likes positive affirmation he's a words of affirmation love language kind of guy you know you should let us know in the comments say something nice about vikram this doesn't even taste like cheese i can't get garlic or parmesan it's just like it's clearly there's a sauce but there's nothing really ah okay so we got two out of three wing number one and wing number two yeah this one spice is just like i still feel it it's still in my mouth this one's so much deeper i love mangoes i love spicy stuff this is just such a perfect mix you want on all fronts i don't think i'm ever going to buffalo wild wings again you want to know what else has papa's piping hot crispy wangs coated in any sauce your heart desires b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our buffalo wild wings three different sauces we cooked the wings to utter perfection we cured them cured them of their ailment of being awful see how i kind of did that we literally did cure them though by leaving them in the salt which kind of tenderizes them makes the skin crispier it removes the excess moisture so you get crisp er skin all in all every single sauce i think was totally knocked out of the park i even went back and ate some more wings with more sauce i want those sauces bottled in my mouth who knows maybe we'll bottle them and sell them until then if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you around the corner with the chicken wing [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,384,599
Rating: 4.9460664 out of 5
Keywords: wing sauce, wing sauce recipe, homemade wings, wing recipe, how to cook wings, chicken wing recipe, fried wings, fried chicken wings, baked wings, baking chicken wings, Buffalo Wild Wings, Buffalo Wild Wings sauce, easy wing sauce, mango habanero wing sauce, mango habanero, parmesan garlic, parmesan garlic wings, asian zing sauce, asian recipes, asian wings, Korean wings, gochujang sauce, Joshua Weissman, cooking show, YouTube cooking show, sat bawl pro
Id: 93uEGbM4gt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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