Perfect Cajun Crawfish Boil with Spicy Butter

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
ever watched one of those mukbang videos and you keep seeing something over and over and you're like man i really wanna eat that well today not only are we gonna eat it we're gonna make it the best way we can we're in a different spot it's okay but if you've ever had yourself a low country ball then you know that that process is so heckin messy that's where today's sponsor kitchenaid comes in with its free flex third rack dishwasher aptly named for its third rack giving more of your dishes a proper place flash my dishes for me they're able to hold more room on top saving space for below it's actually the largest third rack available are they magicians no just uh you know good good engineers honest review i've had it for two months and genuinely the best dishwasher i've ever used it's true but before we even use it i think we need to actually cook something shall we now you may not be on bayou but you sure can make your house smell like it first we're gonna make what i'm calling josh's holy ball seasoning that's holy boil by the way in a medium sized bowl add a 30 cup of smoked paprika three quarters of a cup of old bay seasoning three tablespoons of ground cayenne two tablespoons of mustard powder three and a half tablespoons of kosher salt two tablespoons of sugar three tablespoons of fresh ground black pepper and one tablespoon of coriander seeds that have been lightly toasted and ground finely i used a mortar and pestle to grind mine and finally two teaspoons of dried thyme which i like to crush in between my fingers to get it even finer now give that some whiskey business until thoroughly combined and that is your incredible seasoning before we get our low country ball going let's make some spicy cajun butter you want this trust me don't skip or papa no ever in a medium sized sauce pot add one pound of unsalted butter aggressively exposed heat that over medium heat and let that chunky boy melt down until completely melted then add 12 cloves of garlic yes 12 cloves that have been peeled crushed and minced let that cook for about two to three minutes stirring often or until the garlic is very soft then add three tablespoons of my holy boil seasoning one tablespoon of smoked paprika and two tablespoons of old bay seasoning stir that together and let it cook for another 30 seconds or the spices are lightly toasted and fragrant that is some of the most addicting stuff you will ever place on your tongue now to prepare your boil you need a very large pot and a perforated insert for that more specifically a seafood boil pot that's about 40 quarts in size just trust me this is how proper boil is done fill that bad boy up with water until it reaches a little over the top of your strainer that's inside place it in a stove that ideally has a large stock burner on it turn the heat to high and get that water boiling it will take some time so while that's going let's prep our veg meat and seafood first cut two lemons into slices two heads of garlic cut in half like this two yellow onions that are very roughly chopped and six whole ears of corn that have been peeled and cut in half to get these cute little guys and that's our veg now for the sausage i like to get two pounds of large smoked cooked sausage then just cut those into two to three inch segments now let's talk seafood this is a special boil so calls for a very special ingredient from my homies at regalis foods a whole king crab yes we don't play around here you understand in my case i went ahead and just broke those down to get these two lovely meaty clusters obviously freshness like this is unbeatable but two clusters from your local grocery store will do just fine next up we have our crawfish i got about 40 of these guys which is about two and a half or so pounds now a lot of people argue about purging them look the way i do it is i just cover these guys with fresh water let them sit for about eight minutes then drain the water fill it again to cover gently stir drain once more then simply fill and drain one last time for a total of two rinses to clean these guys up nicely also if that freaks you out you can also just use all shrimp by now your water should start getting all steamy big chunky pot go ahead and add your sliced lemons be sure to burn vikram by accident oops your rough chopped onions optionally one tablespoon of handashi and one cup of shiradashi which is also optional your garlic five bay leaves then using a paddle if you're a true buy you man give that a gentle stir then add all of your holy boil seasoning give that a thorough stir taste and season it to adjust salt levels if needed oh also don't forget two tablespoons of crystal hot sauce for that extra kaplao once that reaches a rolling boil add 15 whole red potatoes to the pot let that cook for 10 to 15 minutes or till the potatoes are just almost cooked through but not quite yet if you fully cook them they'll be much later once your potatoes are almost ready add in your sausage give that a good stir from there you're going to add two to three pounds of crawfish two clusters of king crab legs two and a half pounds of head-on shrimp these are tiger shrimp again like i said before if you don't want your crawfish you could do all shrimp which would total out to about five to six pounds of shrimp give that a very gentle stir to make sure everything is evenly distributed in your fatty pot optionally you can cover the pot then lightly reduce the temperature and let it gently boil for 10 minutes at this point your entire home should smell like angel tears and as soon as that 10 minutes is up immediately turn off the heat and add your core gently stir once more and let the corn sit for five minutes or until it's nice and hot no mushy corn please i'm sick of it please do it this way now for the moment of truth get yourself an innocent table cover it with butcher paper or newspapers carefully lift up and drain your boil out of its liquid and taking great care dump and spread it all over your table yes this is the only way to do it justice now for your pistol resistance get that lovely butter you made early melted and hot again if needed then smother your incredible boil with it get artistic sling it slang it but be sure to leave a good amount of it on the side for people to get a little ramekin and drizzle it on every bite of goodness then all you need to do is snap crack and pull out some juicy crab doused in butter eat live laugh and stuff yourself until you're physically ill oh and enjoy the famous little man doing a little dance corn potato sausage and i tossed in a little bit of uh these guys who's a little messy it's all good it's all beautiful it's all ready to eat if you've never done this before i highly recommend it whenever the pandemic is finished having its fun you can do this with your family your friends and get together and enjoy a beautiful meal together or you can eat it by yourself there's no one right way to eat this although there is a specific way to eat a crawfish get a crawfish boom there he is looking real cute first off remove the tail all right snap it'll come right out just like that look you got the tail snap that all right pull it off and then i'll get that thing out you don't want the vein that'll pull the vein right out now we have this tail almost ready all right top underside grab the underside on both sides give it a little pull and then the shell peel that off carefully and there you go look it's like a little lobster tail man crawfish little potato a little butter so you know you did a good job when the potatoes are cooked perfectly perfectly not mushy not overcooked they still hold their shape if i squeeze it it breaks but it's fluffy simple concept all right crab leg give a little snap biggest crab segment all right you cut down the top peel it back a little it didn't come out of my piece he's crab butter insane insane what do you want me to say this isn't a butt better but this is better than everything corn cajuns how do we do please in the comments below cajuns if i did terribly please roast me now's your chance if i did great you all owe me a hundred dollars each right feminine will be in the link in the description thank you you want to know what else is full of juicy crab legs buttery dreams and makes everyone just joyous to be alive b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so thank you again to kitchenaid for sponsoring this video that free flex third rack dishwasher genuinely is is amazing i've had it for two months now i've been using it regularly and to be honest my genuine review is it is life-changing it has made my life easier it's made tj's life easier anybody who washes a lot of dishes this is this is for you if you need an extra third rack and you want an easier time washing your dishes you won't be sorry let's talk about this cajun seafood boil big win you can change a lot of variables in this if you want to add other kinds of seafood you absolutely can you want to add a different kind of sausage you absolutely can maybe you add some other vegetables i don't know brussels sprouts whatever you like that is the beauty of a cajun seafood boil it's supposed to bring people together it should make a lot of food it should be relatively simple to make but the flavor should be you know people are always talking about how we don't season our food all right it's time season your food anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,491,922
Rating: 4.9265051 out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, crawfish boil, crawfish boil recipe, cajun crawfish boil, cajun crawfish, cajun crawfish boil recipe, how to boil crawfish, louisiana style crawfish boil, cajun boil, cajun boil recipe, crawfish boil louisiana style, best crawfish boil recipe, how to make crawfish boil, louisiana crawfish boil, louisiana crawfish, crawfish, youtube cooking series, cajun, homemade boil seasoning, seafood boil, cajun seafood boil, cajun seasoning, seafood, spicy
Id: _LZGYG31o2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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