The 2 Dollar Gourmet Breakfast Sandwich | But Cheaper

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let me set the scene for you it's sunday you go out with the fam to have some breakfast oh we'll have a little breakfast sandwich and it's 11 what when you can make it even fancier for this price right here that is but cheaper so [Music] very important things to say this new york times best seller number one thanks to you thanks to everyone who supported thank you if you have your book and you haven't left a review leave a review and if you haven't gotten the book what the it's a goddamn new york times best seller you're gonna tell me you're not gonna go get that go get it link's in the description the second thing is we just hit five million subscribers we're gonna do something on that very soon and the third thing or fifth or there's multiple things so i know that everyone's wanting a book tour we won a little mini one it was amazing tons of people showed up that we took over the san francisco ferry building and the barnes and noble in the grove in los angeles so thank you for coming we're doing more it's a bit of a struggle planning it but they're coming keep an eye out keep your uh peeled anyway let's make this sandwich okay so a breakfast sandwich usually consists of all the things that make breakfast in a sandwich which could be multiple things scrambled eggs bacon egg and cheese whatever blah blah blah pretty much if it has eggs in it people just assume all right that's a breakfast sandwich so is a burger with an egg on it at a breakfast sandwich it basically is right i think this is one of those menu items that's egregiously expensive for what it should actually be we're talking about buns egg cheese maybe bacon no just no and more specifically under seasoned eggs the only thing that's good about it is the cheese you're biting into it and if there's a bite with no cheese you're just like god where's the dang cheese that's not a good song so i don't have much else to say about this other than we're gonna make the fanciest one we can for the cheapest price physically possible so with all that said let's make this shall we ah look at these shabbat buns artisanal lovely you think that's store-bought yeah well this is but cheaper buddy and local bakery shabbat don't come cheap but we can certainly make it ourselves yeah i bet you were probably already expecting that now first we're going to start with our poolish consider this the flavor and the rise to our bread first in a bowl get yourself 220 grams of bread flour separately you're gonna hydrate a scant quarter teaspoon of instant yeast into 220 grams of water that's around 95 degrees fahrenheit i say quarter teaspoon because it's less than one gram so now cover that with plastic wrap and let that sit at room temp overnight for 14 to 18 hours once that's done it should look like this now we're ready to make our dough in the bowl of a stand mixer add 375 grams of bread flour and 12 grams of fine sea salt mix it together now place it on your stand mixer with the dough hook add your poolish to your flour dissolve a half teaspoon of instant yeast into 257 grams of water that's around 95 degrees fahrenheit add that to your stand mixer and let that mix for five to six minutes or until your dough starts to pull from the sides of the bowl now mind you this will be extremely loose and sticky that's how ciabatta dough is just trust in the process all right now coat a large bowl with non-stick spray add your dough cover the plastic wrap and let that rise for one hour during that hour pop a baking steel or pizza stone into the middle rack of your oven as well as a cast iron skillet on the bottom of the oven preheat that brother up to 450 degrees fahrenheit and yes we want to preheat it for this long i want it hot hot top of the morning top of the morning top of the morning after that hour i want you to stretch and fold your dough by picking up a piece of it with damp hands stretching it to its max without tearing folding it over itself and repeating that all the way around the perimeter of the dough like this then cover that and let it rest for 25 minutes then stretch and fold again rest 25 minutes covered stretch and fold one last time and then cover and rise for 45 more minutes that's the process at this point it should be nice and homogeneous and a beautiful smooth dough now comes shaping time be gentle but move quick you ever heard that one before maybe in a little special place be gentle but move quick sweetheart now generously flour a work surface and carefully dump your dough onto it gently form into a rough rectangle without degassing split it right down the middle lengthwise with a bench scraper generously flour a board or pizza peel with flour and cornmeal then cut each of those segments into three even segments you know flowering as needed and utilizing basic math you should end up with six evenly sized pieces gently cover with an inverted container like this let it rest at room temp for 30 minutes now all you gotta do is pop three to four of these guys at a time onto a piece of parchment paper giving at least two inches of space between them quickly load them onto your seal or stone add one cup of ice cubes to your scorching hot cast iron pan and immediately spray the back of your oven and a little of your loaves with water not the glass though cause glass and heat and water probably not a good idea so try to avoid the glass please quickly close the door and bake for 15 minutes then remove your steamer and bake for five to eight more minutes or until a beautiful golden brown ciabatta emerges i just want to shove the whole thing in my mouth even though that would be physically impossible without unhinging my jaw like some sort of horrifying anaconda human-like creature but hey they look good right anyway let those cool the room temp and repeat the process with the remaining shabara now another thing you can make while that's all rising is this spicy uh mayo mayoli spaioli sounds weird in a small bowl add half a cup or 120 grams of mayonnaise two tablespoons or 30 grams of sriracha three cloves of grated garlic salted taste and the juice of half a lemon stir that together and you have your special breakfast sandal sauce next let's talk tomatoes i want those tomatoes to be special so yummy so get yourself two large beautiful tomatoes and slice that into half inch slices keep the got dang slices even please all this prep can be done while you're waiting for your bread so you have the time and don't even try to talk your way out of it buddy heat a large pan with just enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom over medium-high and once that's ripping hot add your tomatoes in one layer season your taste with salt and sear for one to two minutes or so you flip and looks beautifully brown and lightly charred like this repeat on the other side oh also season again with salt and let's see here for another minute the goal here is color but don't let the tomato go to complete mush part of that is making sure your tomatoes are not over ripe otherwise you'll get tomato puree instantaneously and that sucks place the tomatoes to the side and repeat with the rest next is our cured meat normally people pick overpriced canadian bacon or regular bacon but instead we're using something a little more exciting like mortadella because it's typically cheaper and also significantly cooler again heat up that skillet with just enough oil to coat the bottom over medium high add your mortadella sear it for one minute per side just to get it hot and a little bit of color flip sear for another 20 seconds move to the side and repeat with the rest of your mortar deli skeleton last but not least is a beautiful fried egg it's simple same exact concept oil in the pan heat over medium high this time you want a little bit more oil sort of like a small pool now once it's hot crack in your eggs and let them cook just until the whites are set then either swirl the pan or flick some of the oil on top of the egg just to finish cooking the white place it aside and that's your fried egg it's not rocket science and to be honest you should know how to fry an egg by now that goes for everybody all right it's an accountability check now we're ready to assemble first get a shabata bun toast that absolute unit to utter perfection and you know always toast now layer down add a generous layer of spayo on the bottom of that bun and on the top bun add one layer of cheddar cheese and one layer of gouda cheese now either broil that or hit that heavy with a blowtorch until melted and a little bit of char add a nice fat slice of your brulee tomato a generous layer of your seared mortadella one to two fried eggs depending on your preference to be honest this sandwich is pretty heavy so one i think would normally do just fine but it felt like being extra here because b-roll obviously now before topping this add yourself some fresh basil leaves on top just scatter them around don't overthink it snag that top bun and respectfully crown your king i mean wow look at this the egg is busting it's got the drip and just by looking at that i think i'm about to bus and all for this price per sandwich right gat dang here now let's see if that taste can surpass its unbelievably low cost wow look at this aftermath now that looks like a saturday night first off the shabbata unbelievably soft i'll be right back this looks beautiful i'm ready to eat it let's go that's me giving myself the credit card because i made it this is i'm beyond words screw this being a breakfast sandwich this is a perfect sandwich on its own whether it's for breakfast or not doesn't even need to be for breakfast this would be i would have this for dinner breakfast for dinner brender i know there's a lot more effort that goes into this but really almost all the effort goes into the bun itself wanna know why i can tell you that because we waited until the very last second to actually make all the components to put it on the sandwich because the entire day was taken up by making the bread you're left with a multitude of buns of shabbat you can store them in the wherever you store shabata and then assemble the sandwiches as you want or you could just go buy shabbat but guess what it wouldn't be much cheaper if you did that jabata's expensive but not when you make it water and flour that's cheap with all that being said this is a perfect sandwich cheap or not i would pay 20 for this sandwich and yet it's for this price right here what else do you want this is but cheaper we did the darn thing whoa be careful with knives make the god dang sandwich you want to know what else has juices oozing and running all over itself b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our beautiful breakfast sandwich a stunning shabbat bread made pretty simply it takes a little time all right i'll give you that you can make any of our other bread doughs and it's going to be similar in price so shut up if you don't want to make the shibata all right sick of it i don't want to wait for it to sit in the fridge are you serious get over yourself you're going to watch netflix for four hours tonight just take literally five minutes to mix three ingredients together and leave it on the counter covered in plastic wrap are you serious and you know what that's it enjoy your day if you enjoyed this video if you liked it or whatever leave a like subscribe okay shut up [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 924,665
Rating: 4.9530511 out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, but cheaper, but cheaper Joshua Weissman, cheap recipe, affordable recipes, cheap sandwich, cheap sandwich recipe, breakfast sandwich, breakfast sandwich recipe, egg sandwich, egg sandwich recipe, spicy mayo, spicy mayo recipe, easy sandwich recipe, homemade ciabatta, ciabatta recipe, how to make ciabatta, easy ciabatta, bread recipe, homemade bread, flavored mayo, fried eggs, egg recipe, easy egg recipe, homemade buns, breakfast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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