Making The McDonald's Big Mac At Home | But Better

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I never really cared for any of these "fast food but better" videos, anyone that is ok at cooking can make a better burger than McDonald's but being "the best" isn't really the point of fast food is it?

Also hate these tall ass burgers, I don't know if people generally enjoy struggling to eat their food but I know I don't.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 938 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/radvenuz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ha ha funny to see Joshua Weisman here, I used to get angry at his videos because the whole talking into the cupboard thing rubbed me the wrong way. However, over time I grudgingly came to accept he is very good at what he does.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 117 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rmczpp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love how most of his recipes look but I hate how you literally canโ€™t really follow any of them because he just has to pull up some crazy shit. I need duck fat for my hash browns? What

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 594 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/M_ataraxia ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love Joshua but the thing that bugs me is that his "But better" series involves him taking hours and spending way more money on trying to beat something that is literally just meant to be quick and convenient. Fast food restaurants aren't trying to make gourmet food, and people who regularly eating at places like McDonalds aren't sat there thinking "man I wish I knew how I could make this but myself but like way better then I wouldn't have to come here".

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 350 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ReveriaPleb ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I didnโ€™t watch the video came straight to the comments and saw everyone giving this dude grief and wondered why.

I made it to three minutes into the video and couldnโ€™t watch anymore.

McDonaldโ€™s does a lot wrong but youโ€™re being a bit much friend.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 356 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ScaredToShare ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm gonna have to strongly disagree with these comments. The majority of you are just bashing him and his personality. I don't find him pretentious at all. There are plenty of other chefs on TikTok and Instagram who are so pretentious it hurts. So he uses words like 'qwispy' and 'papa no kiss' as examples, but half of you idiots say shit like 'chickie nuggies' and other dumb shit but that is apparently fine?

He has got some of the best techniques and recipes for stuff that I've seen on YouTube. He doesn't do stupid shit like aging steaks in butter. Yeah, the things he makes can be a little over the top, but that's kinda the whole point. Yes, his 'But Better' series makes regular fast food way better, but here is where I get irritated with you guys. A regular Big Mac is convenient, cheap and tasty. If you have no issue with a normal one then just eat it and move on with your life. He purposely makes fast food into a gourmet version for entertainment, yet this offends most of you.

His recipes can all be recreated at home quite easily. You don't need to be a professional chef to be able to make any of these recipes. I've made quite a few of them, like his Levain cookie recipe, his seriously kick-ass tortilla recipe, his hash browns with duck fat (bruh, it's in most stores in a tub for $5-$10) and his homemade KFC hot chicken sandwich, which isn't even in my country. He does his 'But Better' to make some boring fast food meals into really tasty meals. You just look at the fast food dished out by some of those places and it looks like shit. Not just that but in lots of ways, his versions can be healthier. Fast food is processed food. It makes you shit like a rocket.

Feel free to disagree. You guys all have your own opinion. But this feels like you are all criticising him a bit too harshly. I mean, this is Reddit after all.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IThrowBarrels ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œTake THAT, McDonaldโ€™s! My $30 burger tastes better. Haha. And THAT is why Iโ€™m not wasting my life doing this, DAD.โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 169 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/freakdageek ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can't stand this guy. I'll never forgive his "Cajun" boil with Old Bay. Not to mention he throws in like $500 of extra seafood in it.

edit: link for those asking,

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 150 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GeoffKingOfBiscuits ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can't stand this fucking guy. Most foodie YouTubers I find to be pretentious twats but this guy in particular is just irritating.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 236 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/el_t0p0 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this is one of the biggest that we've ever done the most requested and we're gonna win [Music] okay so today we're making the big map okay wait right now i have the most important announcement we have ever had on this channel in the history of this channel yeah today is the first day and the launch of something i've been working on in the background for a while my cookbook let me explain [Music] that is everything you should not be doing with my book it is out for pre-order today right now you can go to amazon go to the link in the description pre-order the book the more pre-orders the better it is for us we worked really hard on this for you this entire book is an exact reflection of everything you guys have asked for from me not every single thing because i only have so much time to do that we'll do another book but this one is a lot of those things in a book so go to the link in the description click on it go pre-order get that done papa love you papa kiss you so much work has gone into this and i know you're gonna love it very much okay now that we've done that don't forget to pre-order the book i know i've said it a million times but let's talk about this big mac if you don't know the big mac it's literally just a burger with an extra bun in the middle and makes it tall or it makes it appear to be tall it seems that every time you actually order a big mac you're like oh that's like that's about a tenth of the size that i expected for some reason because it's just not that big it's not that exciting it's got way too much clout and we're here to just we're here to shake things up there's not much else i need to say of course we're gonna make all the buns from scratch but this time we're using sesame seeds which i know i've said as a no-no without further ado let's do this one shall we back at me who doesn't love a good old-fashioned mac now that's a lunchtime powerhouse right there yeah you're gonna be powering your way through the toilet hi uh can i get a big mac thank you did you see the skill she didn't even look she was just like it's just like she's done that should be on that so we've got the bag i see that they've decided to finally fix their design after we've complained about it many times on this channel coincidence absolutely not i see what they did it wasn't the bag that they fixed because then they put it on here big mom oh big mac sorry i didn't see it because you designed this like by the way let me just make a quick point because i know i'm being mean but this is a billion dollar company billions of dollars to make this as good as possible so that's why i'm not very nice about it it's not like one person is like i worked on that this is like a 30 person job now i'm annoyed now i don't even need this yo come on what is this their website starts off with mouth-watering perfection this smells like the bathroom of in and out i really don't want to swallow got this one in the bag boys alright folks if you've been around here and we want to fully flex on mickey d's then you know we're making our own buns if you will here's a little refresher on how i make this hokkaido style burger bun the most important thing is a tang zong it's basically a thick roux that helps bring a little more spring and fluff to your bread it's very easy in a small saucepan add 2 tablespoons or 18 grams of all-purpose flour whisk in a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of whole milk and 2 tablespoons or 30 milliliters of water whisk it till smooth put that on the stove over medium heat and let that cook while stirring occasionally until it thickens which literally only takes like 30 to 60 seconds then just scoop your goop and place it to the side next in a container add half a cup or 120 milliliters of whole milk and half a cup plus 2 tablespoons or 150 milliliters of water heat that so it's about 95 degrees fahrenheit then mix in one and a half tablespoons or 21 grams of granulated sugar then whisk in two and a half teaspoons or eight grams of instant yeast and let that sit until it gets nice and fruity now snag a stand mixer and in the bowl add three and a half cups or 525 grams of bread flour in two teaspoons or seven grams of fine sea salt give it a little toss turn your mixture on a medium low and add all of your yeasty milky froth your tang zong which now looks like a weird gelatinous hockey puck one whole egg and one egg yolk let that mix for about two to three minutes or until it begins to form a smooth dough then add three tablespoons or 42 grams of softened unsalted butter one tablespoon at a time emphasis on softened if it's hard it won't incorporate into the dough and papa have a really big set anyway let that mix until the dough is a smooth boy plop that dough out of the stand mixer roll it into a light ball and place it in a greased bowl cover with plastic wrap be sure to give him a soul and a name that truly exudes respect and regality and let it rise at room temp for one hour or until and doubled now love your little dough man respect him and then release him from this world from whence he came be sure to degas it nicely and place your dough onto an unfloured counter divided into eight to nine equal pieces depending on how big you want them roll each piece of dough into a nice toit ball and place those all evenly spaced apart on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper i gave these a little extra breathing room and put the remaining dough balls on a separate baking sheet now cover those with another inverted rim baking sheet and let that proof at room temp for 30 minutes then just brush each of your buns with egg wash which is literally just one beaten egg with a splash of water then just give all of those a beautiful with sesame seeds look i know i said i was against them but maybe that was an overstatement there's a time and a place and this is a must today anyway bake those at 375 fahrenheit with convection ideally for 17 minutes or until deep golden brown and gorgeous now pull those puppies out and immediately brush them with melted butter and let them cool on a wire rack completely [Music] this here is a culmination of all my secret recipes that will never ever be released anywhere else but this book that's not actually in the book that was a complete lie i made that up the only way you're going to find out what's in the book is for you to pre-order link is in the description thank you so much click all right okay we have papa's buns now let's talk sauce not just any sauce our more exciting big mac sauce start off with half a cup or 120 grams of mayonnaise 3 tablespoons or 42 grams of ketchup look technically they don't use ketchup in there from what i understand but i don't care and this makes it significantly better in my opinion three tablespoons are 42 grams of yellow mustard one finely diced bread and butter pickle like the whole pickle not a slice with a splash of its juice an eighth of a teaspoon of onion powder three tablespoons of brunoise which is just an ultra fine dice of sweet onion one clove of grated garlic season that bad boy to taste with salt and pepper give it some whiskey business until thoroughly combined and that's it i mean look at this stuff i'd like to jump off and take a little bath or maybe not maybe that's a little too far why do i say these things okay we're almost there let's just get our toppings put together snack some iceberg lettuce you only need half a head because for some reason half a head produces like 4 000 kilos shave that nice and thin so you get little iceberg ribbons place it into a bowl along with optionally a small handful of fresh italian parsley that's been finely chopped in the zest from one lemon look i like to add the urban zest just to give it a little bit of freshness the ocean now toss all that together and that's your lettuce component if you want onion please slice that beauty super duper razor thin but most importantly give them a nice rinse under cold water after slicing this will help reduce some of their bite and any bitterness and leave a fragrant delicious and sweet onion flavor plus it improves the crunch so uh what are you doing brother wash your dang onions okay it's assembly time first thing get two buns of those you're gonna cut one of them in half and then the other you're going to cut just a round slice that's the same thickness as one of your bun halves so you get that three tier effect you know the procedure toast your buns in butter in a pan kinda like your grilled cheese until roasty toasty and lovely on all cut sides for the burger patty i'd recommend fattier ground beef i prefer something sub 80 lean personally and this is why grinding your own is always going to win it's not just about flexing okay it's sometimes it's about flexing anyway you'll need two pounds separate that into eight evenly sized balls and please make sure your balls are nice and round get a pan that's been lightly greased with oil get it screaming hot over medium-high heat then place a ball into the center you should immediately hear sizzle get a real big spatula the link for this one is in the description and press it down using the back of the spoon so it's nice and flat a little over a quarter of an inch thick and slightly wider than your buns because it will shrink a touch now season that generously with salt and pepper and let that sear for one to two minutes or until a rich crisp brown flip and oh my lord that burgers here has me on a one-way train too i'm about to bust down anyway season the other side generously with salt and pepper and let that sear for one more minute place to the side and repeat with the other patty now the moment you've all been waiting for all right let's just do this add a cheese slice of your choice to both the bottom bun and the middle bun i have one slice of aged cheddar and one slice of american only for the nostalgia towards the big mac give those a nice melt under the broiler or with a kitchen torch now to the bottom button add your lettuce followed by your sweet onion a generous dollop or two of your sauce you're crisp fatty patty then to the middle button again add your lettuce your paper thin crisp sweet onion and optionally you can add pickles but if you do please make sure that they're sliced lengthwise all right anyway add more sauce than your other burger patty add more sauce to the top of the patty yes i want this then grab the top bun and you know what needs to be done crown your king now look at this drippy absolute gentleman of a burger we killed it with the looks now let's see how we did with the taste we might as well just walk away they call it the big mac this is a normal burger this this is a big mac big macs are big it sounds big it sounds like a truck yeah uh two four six eight oh we're coming on down the road yet he's got a big one it's one of the big macs yep there comes the challenge of figuring out how to eat this oh my god look at this this is what i'm about to bite don't you want to bite that oh mama we won thank you so much i really have nothing to say other than the fact that for one this is a burger this tastes like a burger the buns it's buttery the meat is rich and fatty and beefy you can really taste the and you've got the two kinds of cheese the american cheese and the smoky gouda the onions have been washed so they've just retained their sweetness and oniony flavor but it's not overly bitey this is a burger this is really big vikram is gonna be our decider for the day number one wow big man all right get on with it number two oh my god number one number one is yours and the winner this is massive and massively delicious and this was get this underwear out of here it's kind of like wearing underwear on your face not that i would know what that's like but anyway we won but better episode it doesn't even matter because this is the big map the one thing you should take away from this is make your own buns make your own buns and you too could have one of the greatest big mac burgers sorry the greatest big mac burger that has ever lived you want to know what else is full of multi-tiered towers of juicing meat b-roll [Music] guys and that is it so we made the big mac but better the cookbook is out this is just such a momentous moment it's a special time all right i'm very excited about this we absolutely killed this recipe it was insane would i do this again and make a big mac again honestly i see the middle bun as a completely purposeless addition and it just makes it look really cool but you don't need to include the third little extra bun in the middle and it is going to be just as good it's it's not that special all right so again the cookbook is out please visit the link in the description pre-order your copy you gotta pre-order now it's more important to pre-order than to buy it when it comes out i'm just being honest with you so i hope to see you there in the link in the description but with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] yeah you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,562,215
Rating: 4.927485 out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, burger, burger recipe, homemade burgers, but better, big mac, big mac recipe, big mac burger, mcdonalds big mac, how to make the big mac, homemade big mac, big mac sauce, big mac sauce recipe, how to make big mac sauce, secret big mac sauce, mcdonalds, mcdonalds recipes, mcdonalds but better, joshua weissman but better, cookbook, joshua weissman cookbook, cooking show, cooking series, easy burger recipe, homemade burger buns, burger bun recipe
Id: 7oJ_pIaSRtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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