1 Dollar Dumplings (3 Ways)

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so these aren't generally considered expensive but hear me out you're paying six to eight dollars for how many four six a hundred you never really know when you could have the greatest of all time for this price right here that's but cheaper so [Music] okay so today we're making dumplings but not just any dumplings completely homemade dumplings for this price i know we already said it but i just have to reiterate this this is ridiculous why would you not want this this is like what you pay for like really crappy frozen ones that you it says you got to do it with the steam basket and everything but in reality you just pop it in the microwave and like the outside's still like frozen the inside's piping hot and like what have i done is that what you want no that doesn't sound good we're gonna make three cookie methods pan fried steamed and a lacy skirt dumpling you don't know what that is you never put a little skirt on do a little dance let's let's just make this let's just stop talking and make this okay let's have a silly little discussion of fresh dumpling dough versus store-bought one package of circular dumpling wrappers cost around two dollars and fifty cents that seems good but let's make our own first you'll need a large bowl add in one and a half cups or 225 grams of all-purpose flour half a cup or 75 grams of bread flour mix to combine then separately get two thirds of a cup or 147 grams of hot water and when i say hot i mean hot hot good low dissolve half a teaspoon or two grams of kosher salt into that water then pour that into your flour mixture and begin mixing until you get a shaggy dough then knead that fine for about five to seven minutes or until get a beautifully smooth and supple dough wrap that with plastic wrap give it a wholesome and kind-hearted personality and rest for 15-20 minutes from there you'll divide it into four to six pieces and using a pasta roller or rolling pin roll it into a very thin sheet you know on a pasta roller you'll obviously need to roll it starting from the thickest setting and landing somewhere around number five or six and by the way you know thin is not barely thinner than a two by four you wanna be able to see your got dang hand through this dough once you have your sheet get a three to four inch biscuit cutter depending on how big you want these and cut out circles that's it repeat that with all of your dough now that puts you at this price for homemade dumpling dough that makes a similar amount of one package of store-bought which is around 50 wrappers total i will say that it is significantly more annoying to make these without the pasta roller and well pasta rollers cost money so it's gonna be up to you to decide what to do here now you can't call it a rapper unless you got something to fill it with filling is undeniably easy so no complaining to papa get yourself a medium bowl and add one pound or 450 grams of ground pork to that you'll add three cabbage leaves finely chopped and by the way quick method of fine chopping cabbage remove their cores i very finely slice this into ribbons then turn that the other way around and cut against the grain to get a very very fine chop now optionally you can give it a few more passes with a knife to get it even finer then add that to your pork along with a one inch knob of ginger fresh grated three cloves of very finely chopped garlic three green onions very thinly sliced half a teaspoon or three grams of sugar a quarter teaspoon or two grams of fine sea salt yes this looks like more because i got a little wild here on the salt one tablespoon or 14 grams of soy sauce one teaspoon or four grams of optional sesame oil then using your hands give it a nice mix kneading for about two minutes or until everything is thoroughly incorporated and homogenized that's it that's the filling now before we fill our little baby dumpers we're going to make our dipping sauce in a small bowl add a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of white vinegar and a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of soy sauce mix that together and that's actually it somehow this perfectly balanced mix of tart and umami saltiness is what makes up that classic liquid that you dunk your dumpers into that lead directly to a good old-fashioned bus feel free to add a tiny splash of toasted sesame oil or chili oil i did both but neither are necessary and it's perfectly delicious without it so we're not counting that towards the total although if we did it would be this much all right we're ready to fill get yourself a row of dumpling wrappers and fill like so first add a heaping teaspoon of meat into the center brush the perimeter of a wrapper lightly with water then to shape first close it like a taco pinching the top of the taco together and starting with one side crimp one part of the dough towards that center pinch to keep it folded then working your way to the edge crimp a second one over that and then the third and now you've crimped one side then crimp the other side bing bang boom make sure there's no air bubbles and all the seams are sealed and that's it look it will take some practice to get right it's okay if it's not perfect there's no reason to feel embarrassed no matter how terrible pathetic or ugly it could possibly be look i'm joking wrapping dumplings is like life before your very eyes you observe what looks like such a long stretch of road you may be unsure how long it will take to get to the other side or if you will at all for that matter but working through each of these things one by one one foot after the other and sooner than you know it you've made it to the other side dumplings like life anyway once you've repeated that with all of your dumplings you're ready to cook these bad boys i got three cooking methods for you pan fried steamed in a lacy little skirt obviously the easiest version is steam to get a steamer basket place it over a simmering shallow pot of water add in some cabbage leaves so your dumplings don't stick to the basket fit as many dumplings as you can within reason don't get them all over each other then cover the top and let that steam for a total of eight minutes remove the top hit it with some optional sesame oil and well that's it like i said easy now for the pan fried version get a 12 inch non-stick skillet add just enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom of the pan with a very thin layer heat that bad boy to medium heat then once that's hot add in your dumplings in a circular pattern as many as you can without overlapping and just let those bad boys cook and get some color for two to three minutes or until the bottoms look like this good lord look at that thing little bubbles all around golden brown it's a beautiful thing anyway once they look divine on the bottom quickly add in a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of water immediately cover with a lid and let them steam maintaining that temp for three minutes then remove the lid and if any water is remaining at all let it continue to simmer until all that is evaporated and they're done remove them from the pan and you have beautifully steamed and crisp bottomed gyoza wow now last but certainly the most exciting is the skirt version these take a little practice now it's almost exactly the same as the gyoza version only difference is that once you've added your dumplings and they've reached that crusty golden brown bottom that makes me absolutely bus instead of adding water you're going to whisk together a slurry consisting of half a cup or 118 grams of water and 2 tablespoons or 19 grams of all-purpose flour whisk it until thoroughly combined then add that to the pan making sure it coats the entire bottom close the lid and let it steam for three to four minutes remove the lid and let it bubble out any additional water and you should have a crazy thin twill-like crust on the bottom carefully loosen it from the pan then invert that onto a plate and that's it but this is pretty cool all right i think it looks cool and it does have a function because it adds an unbelievable claunch to the bottom of your dumplings now we have dumplings cooked three different ways with all of that for a price of this per serving look it doesn't get any better than this play with the fillings to customize it further while i play with my dumpling and by that i mean it's taste test time look at that sorry i forgot he had headphones on that's my bad so this isn't even all of them and it's for this price right here three iterations bip boppity boop i always see people dunk them like that right and then you eat it and you're like oh that was pretty good except like literally none of the sauces in it so what you do you bite a little bit right you open her up and you spoon that in there you can see it drip down pop it good lower you pop it and lock it oh my god right off the bat steam versus pan fried there's no comparison that brown that little brown part of the gyoza skin will make you bullish instantly ain't even got to ask me out on date first i'll go straight for that last but not least are these fellas now josh why why put a skirt on because cue wrong because it's crisp it's extra crisp that's crisp and these have been sitting for like an hour for a little extra effort you can have all of that however you want it'll take you the same amount of time to make this as opposed to even getting take out i'm sorry but my dumplings are already done and i've saved money so you want to know what else is full of big glistening dumpies ripe for the picking b-roll [Music] okay so that is it we made our dumplings they were fantastic fantasmic hold on now can we call merriam-webster yes hello i'd like to add a new word you don't like it that's fine these dumplings came out beautifully it's a simple process at the end of the day it just takes time to do the little but that's fun right you bring people over have a great old time you drink some champagne or maybe nothing maybe just drink water but nonetheless you can have a beautiful time and dozens and dozens of dumplings for an egregiously low cost that are the best that you'll ever eat that's the whole point of this series take it or leave it buddy [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 3,399,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, dumplings, dumpling recipe, gyoza, easy gyoza, gyoza recipe, dumpling dough, homemade dumpling dough, dumpling dough recipe, dumpling wrappers, dumpling wrapper recipe, gyoza wrapper, pan fried dumplings, crispy dumplings, lacey dumplings, pork dumplings, pork recipe, asian recipe, cooking show, cooking series, steamed dumplings, dumpling sauce, dumpling sauce recipe, easy dumplings, chili oil, easy recipe, traditional dumplings
Id: _c37jo94oFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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