Making The KFC Famous Bowl At Home | But Better

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so people keep saying i look like the colonel first off stop second off that means if anyone can beat him it's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we're making the kfc famous bowl i thought a lot about this people were submitting all sorts of things the double down classic bucket and for some reason the famous bowl was the most listed which hilariously i've never heard of before well go get the famous bowl will taste test as usual to be honest with you guys you might be thinking well it's just fried chicken right no it's not just fried chicken there's there's a certain formula the certain 11 secret special whatever spices i think we can crack the code and i don't think it's gonna be that hard so with all that said let's do this shall we kfc kentucky fried chicken we're going all the way to kentucky in our minds oh it's a taco bell kfc yo they they've got they've got some sort of deal to keep each other alive they're like police people say that i look like colonel sanders but i'm kind of like the ugly version of him but i make better food so it doesn't matter hi can i do uh three famous bowls thank you so we got this stinky bowl so we've got whoa that is the chunkiest drop we've ever had the bag the kernel looking um looking like a this is so this is the famed bowl i've actually never seen this in my life we don't have a spork but we do have this big fork this is a bork it smells nice i can smell the plastic they put this in when it was too hot you catch them you can smell the plastic this was 16 for three of these pretty good two things to know chicken not bad it's good it's crispy i seasoned nicely and the potatoes on the other hand garbage garbage i'm saying it the corn the chicken the cheese tasty gravy tasty fine i'll i'll let them have that but what i will not let them have is these garbage potatoes i dislike them so much my mom would make mashed potatoes on the side from scratch and then we would eat the kfc with that all in all the bowl's pretty good you can't beat this price but we can definitely beat this flavor before we begin let's prep our chicken in a medium bowl add 1 tablespoon or 14 grams of stone ground mustard 1 tablespoon or 14 grams of white pepper 1 teaspoon or 7 grams of celery powder half a tablespoon or 8 grams of paprika and one tablespoon or 14 grams of kosher salt whisk that all together with two cups or 480 milliliters of buttermilk now wrassle yourself one and a half pounds or 680 grams of skinless chicken thighs cut those into one and a half inch evenly sized chunks now listen folks please get your chicken evenly sized otherwise they're going to cook unevenly and i'm going to have to give someone a spanking or something i don't know toss all of your cut chicken into the buttermilk marinade cover and fridge that bad boy for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours let's talk mashed taters i'm very passionate about mashed potatoes so please be respectful to your root vegetables get yourself about 3 pounds of either russet or yukon gold potatoes cut them into chunks and place them in a pot of water boil them until soft and drain them obviously you can peel or not peel that's up to you now in a small saucepan combine half a cup or 120 milliliters of whole milk and half a cup or 112 grams of unsalted butter heat that over medium heat until hot and melted so i like to run my potatoes through a ricer which will be in a link in the description but you can also just use a plain masher once all of your teeters are riced or mashed go ahead and mix in your hot butter milk mixture not buttermilk but like butter and milk yeah along with half a cup or 110 grams of creme fraiche or sour cream season that to taste with salt and pepper and you got your titers so since it's illegal to have potatoes without gravy we're gonna make some now mine has a little bit of a secret i flavor my chicken stock instead of flavoring my finished gravy and by that i mean take two and a quarter cup or 530 milliliters of good chicken stock put it in a sauce pot along with five dried mushrooms of choice these are home-grown oyster mushrooms bring them up to a simmer and then immediately turn off the heat then add a whole head of garlic sliced in half and optionally a small bundle of thyme now let all that steep in the hot broth for about 10 minutes strain out all the solids then in a medium sauce pot heat up four tablespoons or 56 grams of unsalted butter over medium heat until completely melted then whisk in four tablespoons or 35 grams of all-purpose flour let that cook while continuously whisking just a few more seconds so now you've made what the flench call a roux take your warm fortified stock and whisk that into your roux until all of it is added continually heat and whisk until thickened and you'll have a lovely gravy season to taste with salt and pepper and a generous pinch of msg yes we do that when we're competing with kfc oh you better believe it okay so this is the easiest part let's talk corn then just take a small bowl and place it inverted in a larger bowl shuck yourself some corn break off its corn weiner sorry then place that flat side of the corn on that smaller bowl and cut off all the kernels and then i'll leave you with a beautifully bare cob oh this reminds me you can also totally use this cob to steepen your chicken broth that you use for your gravy if you were to desire that it adds a nice little sweetness now get a small skillet or saucepan and heat three tablespoons or 42 grams of unsalted butter over medium heat and just let that continuously heat and bubble until it begins to brown not burn just brown then immediately turn off the heat and add your hardcore corn toss it in the butter till hot throughout and season it to taste with salt do not cook the corn i want that crunch now the time that we've all been waiting for let's talk secret 11 herbs and spices now obviously this is quite a bit of spices so get ready for a worthy one here so first you're obviously going to need two and a half cups or 375 grams of all-purpose flour and to that you're going to add 3 tablespoons or 30 grams of ground white pepper two and a half tablespoons or 32 grams of kosher salt three and a half tablespoons or 21 grams of paprika one and a quarter tablespoon or 21 grams of msg one tablespoon or six grams of ginger powder ah still there okay one tablespoon or nine grams of mustard powder two teaspoons or two grams of dried thyme one tablespoon or twelve grams of garlic powder two teaspoons or two grams of dried oregano two teaspoons or five grams of celery powder and finally one tablespoon or 11 grams of fresh ground tilled cherry or the lassa berry black pepper it's a lot i know but we got to stay true here now whisk all that together until thoroughly combined and you have your secret kfc dredge now to dredge your chicken using one hand for wet and one for dry remove your chicken from the marinade and toss in the flour making sure to coat and press every crevice so you have a beautifully coated piece of chicken like this place that on a baking sheet that's been dusted with more seasoned flour than just repeat with all of your chicken now to fry that just get yourself about two to three inches of depth for your fry oil making sure it doesn't go beyond about halfway up whatever pot you choose heat that to 350 degrees fahrenheit or 175 degrees celsius then carefully lower in your cheeky then fry in batches until you get beautiful golden brown and crispy pieces of chicken about three to five minutes obviously make sure your chicken is cooked all the way through as well you know we don't no medium rare alright repeat that with all of your sweet kentucky fried placing them on a baking sheet lined with a wire rack to drain and that's your chicken so we've gone through the trenches of deep gravy up the hills of mount potato now we must assemble our famous bowl so sure you could just dump your potatoes into a bowl but be a whole lot cuter if you place your potatoes in a piping bag with a star tip and pipe your potatoes into your bowl like this you know for the fine dining flecks obviously now hit those gorgeous potato valleys with some gravy follow that with your brown butter corn then that beautiful crunchy chicken a little more gravy then grate some nice cheese on top don't go skimpy here this is a lovely aged gruyere and optionally albeit untraditional some very finely sliced chives now that looks like a chicken dinner if i've ever seen one so you want to talk famous bull let's talk famous bowl i think we don't even need to eat this to know that we've won let's be honest i said this the very first but better that we ever did you versus the guy she told you not to worry about if that's the situation just break up with her bro it's over she already picked the winner first off piped potatoes my god hey yo christmas check it sounds like i'm saying christmas i mean chicken winner this is this is nuts honestly this is i have to stop myself i'm sorry it's over so such a clear win i'm not even gonna really describe it but the potatoes are perfect they're rich but not overly so it's so good i'm not even chewing all the way ah both my sides are seizing up right now my body's shutting down because it thinks this is my last meal we won thank you so much i don't even want to bring on a taste tester but we will this is a man who values the kfc name and i respect that and so tj we got the gaff tape glasses this time this is a uh pre-manufactured idea we have the kfc we have mine we're gonna give him a little swisher rooney take your fork and i want you oh that's my arm this is number number one cool there you go go ahead and go to the second one my god no this one went these potatoes actually have like texture to them the other ones are just kind of like powder i'm gonna take my lunch break he's just kidding he's not gonna take his next break back to where we won butt better episode 18. i remember this time because we whipped their ass so bad at the end of the day if anyone's gonna be licking fingers it's gonna be kfc slobbing on mine yikes update time to turn the cameras off do you want to know what else looks like the colonel no not me please stop saying it b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made the kfc famous bowl did we win wow buy a line violence so good i can't even talk red anymore we won by an absolute landslide it was it wasn't even a competition sorry about it i don't even know if i would say that i was nervous but i wasn't sure if we would be able to get anywhere near it now do i think the flavor was exactly the same no it wasn't if it was it wouldn't be better but i do think that we got close to that sort of like spice profile and what is the secret what is that secret again oh man what oh yeah monosodium glutamate that does so much for the flavor of the chicken you cannot even imagine that's why the crust is so addictively good so regardless of the spices you put in there if you add msg i mean obviously it's gonna lift it so yeah but the spices we've chosen this they've got that sort of kick they've got that savory quality to them long story short kfc you're gonna have to lick this finger on here brother with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time i also just spit a lot so all right oh and before we go i showed brie larson how to make a crunchwrap supreme which first off can't believe i'm saying that second off i mean i don't know what else to say you should watch the video the link will be in the [Music] description [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 4,597,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried chicken, fried chicken recipe, kfc chicken recipe, kfc recipe, kfc secret recipe, kfc secret spice, kfc secret spices recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, cooking at home, sat bawl pro, kfc at home, but better, kfc famous bowl, mashed potato recipe, homemade mashed potatoes, kfc, kfc chicken, fancy fast food, kfc but better, kfc chicken but better, kfc at home but better, homemade kfc, how to make kfc chicken, how to make fried chicken
Id: B9Z06-4BR1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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