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today new kinds of things happen baby [Music] just keep talking this is the key to the number one car in the world the rolls-royce phantom a magnificent machine and I'm very very lucky to be able to have this car for the day actually for a couple of days thank you so much rolls-royce motor cars of Orange County specifically Stephen Witt Jack so know who's my sales exactly sold me a bunch of cars my car went in for service and they let me this so can you believe it what better opportunity to show you the Phantom and it's it's extraordinary I've driven it all morning it has some amazing features and I'm gonna show you what they are so let's take a closer look [Music] the engine is it's a 6.8 liter v12 thank you for that Adam because I had no idea I was gonna say it's made of metal it makes 563 horsepower believe really I think so this particular car believed the sticker on it is somewhere just under six hundred thousand dollars I think the list is like 450 plus options and it's got about a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars worth of options so let's take a look it's amazing first of all can we just talk about how big it is it's huge so it's do how many paces from front to back let's do it ready yep big Pacers and middle paces yeah I think that equates to about 19 feet it's enormous now kudos to my garage at home actually because I was concerned whether this would fit but I have a very large garage and it has about four feet left so I was very pleased so that means if I ever wanted to buy one it does in fact fit in the garage but its enormous its enormous but it's luxurious let's go inside yeah I'm gonna get in the most unbelievably comfortable and roomy passenger seat so it has all sorts of things I don't know if you can see from here well I like this here look at the back window are we ready ready Oh side windows are closing - oh so it's full black up close the door black out there's about 500 buttons here oh my god okay mind out the way here we go cheerio it's not working what am I doing wrong I think you might be disabled from the front I'm good to enable it are you gonna close it I'm gonna enable it I'm here but it has buttons by full blackout it's duck I can't get out this time I never know I'm doing with Charles do it okay there it is power switch I think wait good I wish I knew who do look it's lit up maybe I need to switch it on let me switch you on see if that makes a difference okay this is the start button so that's for the windows so that's the step now it's not good leave it like that but that's for the windows I don't yes I think door is everything it does let me try so this now operates the front and let's see if I was right as probably rocks it's huge okay ready yeah yay bye open the blinds from inside just fresh two button I just pressed a button that I thought was the blinds and the floor moved what okay I get to that let me just figure out the blinds the blinds are here I can't blind two here I pressed the I pressed this I thought it was the floor you ready look at this oh it's like a little footrest larious oh my god do it again dad you lift it up so even you can't see this Michael but even the mechanism under here is like Chrome beautiful - Rolls Royce yeah that's unbelievable and there's air conditioning vents to your feet there are the Starlight headliner isn't it pretty yeah and there's something here now in case people don't know tell them what the what this is like what the sky is that they put in the roof this is the sky I believe at least this is what they told me on my rate cuz the same thing above the factory in England where these cars are built so this is the astronomical blueprint I suppose one might say of the sky above the factory there's a button here I think it might have something to do with this it's a table the laser screen in there you can have these snacks I wonder how to open this I don't want to pull it you pull it I don't want to pull it I'm sure it's electric we don't know where the switches is it look at all the controls on here this you've got air conditions heated seats air conditioned seats you've got your blind for this side you've got your blind for that side you've got your blind for the back there's this knob does this nah this knob is the heat control yourself control yourself okay wait wait so this is the blower so you get the knob okay okay if the blower that's the knob for the blower the easier memory seats this is massaging seat and it gives you all sorts of instructions of hand it will get that in the front so can you adjust the angle of the seat in the back you can yeah can you lay it back I'm trying to find the seat controls and they're not on the window no they're not here no but there's a bunch of buttons here for other things where that's the floor the door volume controls the seats are electric now let me figure this out I have to figure this out yeah okay so this is this I need to open these blinds because it's so dark in it yes open the blinds I closed it okay okay is everything open we're open okay good so this is seat recline this is seat forward and back this is headrests this is oh look I have a control okay so maybe that's something to do with this let's see if it does in fact do it left yes how about this check it out look Jeff tele I have everything you could imagine let's see what it does so change view category tanks shift time shift it's the TARDIS Doctor Who in the TARDIS okay gonna close this so this car really is built for the passenger as much as it is for the driver probably more for the passengers yes but we have this conversation off-camera do you think that this is a car that if you buy you have to have a driver or do you think that you could also be the driver as well I think this car is actually a bit of both I've driven it now probably 30 35 miles and it drives phenomenally it's very powerful - very luxurious easy to drive the predecessor the old phantom I I had one of those too I had the drop/add and honestly it's a totally different car this is so much better it's like a big version of the dawn I love the door and I think the door is a little bit nimbala and that's definitely a sport version this you could do both ways you get a driver takes you out for dinner and during the day you want to drive around town there's worse ways to go absolutely so anyway there's all sorts of stuff in here and closing it the see what's in here what's this one watch what one that one is that cup holder it is a cup holder and then there's a something here 12 volt power it's got headphone things in it Wow also up here but what a lovely mirror nice picture there too oh it's me sorry okay shall I get out yeah let's see what's in the front there's lots of good stuff in the front I'm sure I've never seen a car with so many controls though like everywhere you look there's a knob I know can I take the camera and show what's behind this door panel sure okay so here we go guys I don't know if it's in focus or not and I don't know if you can see it but there's oh there's a mirror there hello see that's a mirror okay getting it in different and of course it has the umbrellas but they're not in this specific car don't don't day okay get in the front come join me here when you guys set the other side I want you to go sit in the other side because it's remarkable coming round might take me a while the long way around well actually let me hear it it's such a well-balanced engine smooth so after about thirty five attempts hitting buttons I figured out that this is the one that opens oh so that's why you were able to tell people how you haven't to let me in Makaha by opening the window and you putting your hand in there and reaching over and grabbing it because I do that with all my own cars anyway I never know where the button okay get in alright okay so I'm going to start by showing you something let me just move my seat back a little bit more room this is fun stuff this button here allows me to control atom seat oh you know it's like isn't it cool watch the front section of you seen ready I knew you'd say that it does all these other things too so now this button here is the massage option not like a regular massage option but here we go look what we can do so we have shoulder massage oops where did it go hip activation upper body activation whole body massage back mesh massage shoulder massage lumber massage upper body exercise and I chose the whole body experience wouldn't you know it didn't know whole body exercise do it it's there so I have to show you something else you look down here this is the control policy process and there's the controls so let's hit this again let's do this again I'm going to put on the whole body experience where is it and execute okay so there it is so you see this now yeah you see has a six-pack that's exactly what it's doing and on the lower section to just pretty cool right I mean that's pretty amazing okay what else does it do well these lights are really nice what else doesn't it do I think you have to close your door to make that work and close your door for you you ready yeah closing kaboom thank you there you go so now you like to play with these lights right yeah I like the fact that this is almost like a big soft box and this does look starlight headliner on and off so here it goes on and I'm assuming this one here is the dimmer it is indeed so at night how bright of a headline very brave so what I do at night is a dim it to the minimum because otherwise people can see and it's so bright yet so bright but if you set it at a low level it's very beautiful but you know daytime you have it bright and nighttime you have it not so bright this is the air ride suspension so we can lower the car I didn't know that yeah yet the car is going down so now we're in sport mode sport mode but I think this switches off by itself when you get to I think 30 miles an hour and it goes back to the regular so what do you think this is more like a load what I think I don't know I don't want to tell you that I can know you can't or somebody can or they can't I'm gonna film this from outside I want to see how much for it go from low and then go all the way up to high so like okay she wears it now so it's all the way low okay so I'm gonna get out and then you have to get back in so we can continue our conversation yes bye-bye so this is full low the window so I could hear you okay yeah I go yeah the back went up first now now the Front's going yeah still good are you up for high like cool ponies can you get higher than that is that it oh wow yeah the backs has gone up again I can hear that the compressors just kicked in is that is that it was it stopped flashing press it again I don't I don't know I think it's stable now it's not moving put it into drive and now just like roll for it there you go it's locked so there we go that's yeah that's a considerable height difference screen yeah to get out of the car should be okay pretty high I'm scared of heights that's remarkably yeah like watch what's how high it goes so look out you see how high it is it's already high the cars already high so this is analogous but watch how low it goes when I go low for ponies like yeah probably not I take your word for yeah okay I won't close mind okay okay so what else we'll be going here miss the way you have got our night vision which I haven't checked out but there it is never rely solely on the camera system because it could lie good let's take that off and it has everything else that the dawn and race have and the ghost I believe this is active cruise control it has the there we go active cruise control first what does that mean first second third not sure I don't profess to know much about all of these buttons but we'll go through them there's a ton of seat controls here including a steering wheel heated oh yeah they have high in the must-haves and I am very upset that I don't have it in mind very upset and it doesn't exist you can't get it maybe you should buy one of these you keep telling me that honestly I like this yeah it's a bit big for me but it is nice yeah tempting what else does it have so let's switch this off this is heat air conditioned seats so is that everything we have we gone over all the things I've probably missed 50% of the things in the car but there again I'm not familiar with this car and very privileged to be able to drive it for a couple of days and again thank you so much Stephen would Jack so no from rolls-royce motor cars of Orange County guys if you want to buy a Rolls Royce he's your guy all his info will be in the description so yeah I know what do you think should we go for a drive I think so let's go for a drive so I'm gonna smash cut some b-roll so Jon do the thing but you know how to do now are you ready yeah I'll do it wrong sure did I do wrong that's pretty good sure do again nope I think a leg [Music] so guys I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did driving it's been so much fun you know what to do hit that subscribe button hit the bell ding ding we're in it to win it we'll all have one of these see [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 652,900
Rating: 4.8713837 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, rolls royce, rolls-royce, phantom, cullinan, wraith, dawn, car review, supercar, super car, luxury, car, bentley, ferrari, lamborghini, exotic, top gear, car collection, car collector, garage tour, here in my garage, millionaire, billionaire, wealth, wealthy, business, los angeles, hollywood, beverly hills, palos verdes, lifestyles of the rich and famous, southern california, california, socal, rolls
Id: 7A7jBgMax5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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