Improving Total Warhammer 3 by Destroying All Elves

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this video is sponsored by War Thunder elves truly one of God's greatest failures Legend has it that 2700 years ago a dumpster full of roadkill and genetic material was struck by lightning and from it emerged a series of grotesque Abominations that we now refer to as the elves I know this because it was my dumpster and I saw the whole thing ever since that day it has been my personal mission to wipe them off the face of the Earth and today in total Warhammer 3 we're going to be doing just that because we're playing as the beastmen a gang of marauding and barely sentient Savages that want nothing more than to crush your skull with a gigantic Boulder our goal is to reach ulwan destroy everything and erect several herd Stones so that no one can ever settle these tainted lands again do we have what it takes or will a late game crisis cause me to annihilate my computer there's only one way to find out okay here we are in the obsidian Peaks we have an army led by toox The Brass Bull in case you're unfamiliar with torox he's he's a oneman killing machine I've never personally seen him cry and he instills great Terror in me on a daily basis the rest of his army is composed of unor herds and a couple of minitar the minitar are quite good in fact toox specializes in them so hopefully late game we'll be able to make an entire Army of angry bull people the unor are they're like the lower class second class beastmen you know no one respects them they barely meet the threshold told for being considered sentient and generally you want to just kind of throw them into suicidal situations to allow your minitar to you know flank and and do the things they need to do okay so the first thing we're going to want to do is introduce ourselves to our neighbors now our neighbor is a dark elf a sex criminal almost certainly all dark elves are and her name is Alysa but everyone calls her a pedophile so we're going to just start by killing her at clar karand now this is a peric victory and I could I could autor resolve this easily but sometimes you have to make a statement this is a Siege battle I hate Siege battles Jesus Christ okay I've made the horrible mistake of accidentally accepting a Siege battle but we're going to make the most of it you can see here that torox is uh he's just a hulking monstrosity but his one weakness is that he's he's fairly large and susceptible to being shot by archers now on the other hand archers are fairly susceptible to being chopped into small pieces by torox so as you can see here the Virgin dark elf is just no match for the Chad minitar holy [ __ ] that guy's entire torso exploded wow okay even I wasn't expecting that all right so we've achieved victory in our first attack and we've managed to sustain some casualties now mostly that's because this was a Siege battle and I refuse to play Siege battles on anything other than three times speed it's a moral stance I take because I don't like them but the important thing here is that we can now convert this settlement into a herdstone you see beastmen don't don't really play like a traditional faction they're a horde faction so mostly we just run around messing up everyone else's day in fact going to make this herd Stone here and what this does is it has converted the entire region into a blood grounds which you can see here by all this this red area and the more blood I can collect in the blood grounds then the higher level ritual I can perform once I perform the ritual it basically kind of like desecrates all of these settlements so that no one can settle them again as long as this herdstone is here so the gameplay Loop is to make a herdstone kill a bunch of [ __ ] perform a ritual to get rewards and then no one can settle this area pretty much ever again and so that's the tactic we're going to be using to deal with the elves we're going to make a series of herd Stones hopefully on the inner ring of ulwan and then ulwan it'll be uninhabitable that's as God intended alwan will be just it will belong to the beasts okay so we can technically build some things at the herdstone mostly it's just very simple things to help us kill more people personally I enjoy the Winds of malady it has a small chance of creating a plague that can affect our enemies and whenever they get in a fight with us they start off the fight winded which is really not the state you want to be in when this guy is trying to kill you now obviously the goal here is to go to ulwan and Slaughter as many elves as possible but honestly speaking the elves are pretty strong so we're going to need to develop our society a little further on lock some better units and just get some practice in on these surrounding factions and then we'll move South and hop the ocean go to alwan and uh see how that goes so the blood drive continues with Venom Glade if I can destroy this I'll get six points and then we're up to Circle Of Destruction and it'll be a great time let's actually start with the circle of Destruction we also have this meter here it's basically like a momentum meter it's called Beast steel rage and the higher it is the more benefits we get and the lower It is Well it's starts messing with us and the way you fill it is by killing a lot of people in a short amount of time so this really uh incentivizes like a meat head play style of just killing everything nearby you at all times not great for politics but it really simplifies your decision-making process it's like a flow chart that just looks like is it alive yes kill it okay fantastic we've achieved Victory the elvs are dead and my beastial rage bar is quickly filling when it gets to max level I start slamming my forehead on the desk in excitement so we're going to raise this settlement and that's going to give us some points towards our ritual you can see a a fireball forming above this uh herdstone that's good it's a good thing now you may be wondering why do we want to perform these rituals at the herd stones in the first place what does it do for us well it gives us ruination the more ruination we have the more units we can field I need 60 more marks of ruination and then I can field the sand gors or 100 more to F the minars so this is kind of like how we research things we can only have a limited amount of each of these units but once we have them unlocked we can spend dread to increase our unit capacity until we can field an entire Army of cigor Gorgon Elemental of Beast jabber slice all of the weird things you just generally don't want to encounter when you're playing a a human Army additionally we can gather dread this is just our primary resource we can gather dread to to unlock new Heroes and Lords now this is one thing that I've learned about playing the beastmen I used to feel annoyed when I would destroy a city see with a circle of Destruction well that one was that city was really asking for but I would destroy the city and then another Army would come in and colonize it I would take that personally but it's actually a good thing because then I can destroy the city again and rack up more points so we really just want to be running the clock up killing as many people as possible destroying as many cities as possible and sometimes your enemies will actually just help you in that regard um and it looks like kostra I I always use to pronounce her name clra anyway looks like slra it looks like this fat [ __ ] fish lady is going to take the settlement so once we finish off the elves down here she'll be the next Target okay we're moving on the Venom Glade this will be the last outpost from the uh the dark elf faction okay I took a few casualties because I was too lazy to fight that battle manually but their uh their faction is now extinct which is very nice for us and fortunately for the beastmen it doesn't actually cost me anything to recruit new units and there's no upkeep either these kind of funny little goat people they don't have a very profound understanding of personal finance so I can field a pretty large army and replenish my Army without too much trouble an oddly pleasant experience playing the beastmen so far I won't lie we've just been issued a quest to defeat this Army now I'm going to warn you it's never just this Army the quest always says oh just kill some dark elves then you get in there there's like 500,000 people so we're going to want to improve our military a little more before we uh before we tackle that one okay costra has colonized the Venom Glade we're going to go back there and beat the ever living [ __ ] out of her now technically speaking costra is I think rank 81 and we're strength rank 151 so on paper we should have no chance at killing her but I am a animal a wild beast of the woods I run around on all fours and bite people in public and give them rabies and furthermore I don't know how numbers work so this whole strength rating system I'm just going to disregarded for the entire playthrough okay we could autoresolve this but it would kill just just about everyone so we're going to fight them but before we go any further I have to tell you something War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat Sim ever made and it's available for free on PC and console you can take command of over 2500 tanks planes helicopters and ships ranging from the bip planes of old to the modern tanks and jets we have today choose your favorite weapons and allow War Thunder to envelop you like a warm blanket with its detailed Vehicles realistic graphics and authentic sound effects there are over 70 million people that want to liquefy you with a 120 mm Smooth Bore Cannon so I suggest you dive in today and start fighting them off personally I enjoy the damage x-rays which help explain what happens to the human body after it has been hit by 50 BMG other than that the variety of game modes and customization option are fantastic and the game is so well optimized you could run it on a treadmill I want you to use my sign up link in the pinned comment to download the game for free on PC Playstation or Xbox it'll give you a bonus pack with multiple premium Vehicles an XP boost 7 Days premium account and 100,000 silver Lions along with my personal and undying affection thank you War Thunder now back to the video these things are a little concerning just just visually I don't like the looks of this but otherwise I'm sure we'll be okay yeah this is this is looking a lot better here cra's uh Army is largely disintegrating there's a couple of more Hardy units on the map like the Damned Knights erant she is she's relatively tough but you know what they're just all blobbing up around torox and that's just that's never going to be a winning strategy so this should be fine okay cra's Main Army has been defeated and so this battle should basically pave the way for our war path all the way through her Empire she'll probably have a couple of secondary armies that we might have to fight but usually this early in the game when you kill the main enemy it's pretty much it unsurprisingly she's decided it might be a nice time to call for a peace treaty she's offered me her entire inheritance I don't know what numbers are I don't care since we're a horde faction we don't really have any cities per se but torox himself is kind of his own mobile City and you can see we can kind of upgrade these little buildings to get access to new units and currently we have unlocked the gore herd which are slightly better than the ungor but I still don't respect them personally however these guys have great weapons that's pretty nice so we're going to get a few of them okay well I've waited around for a little while but our enemies don't want to push into the blood grounds they're actually kind of hiding out over here so I think what I'm going to do is just perform our ritual right now we'll get 22 marks of ruination that's not great but it'll you know it's a start once we get 25 we reach ruination level two that unlocks all of these things here you can see and it allows us to field more armies so the more ruination we have the the more capacity we have to field armies and uh more capacity for each individual unit right now nothing great but I am having a grand old time walking around in uh syra's territory and just disregarding her entire existence because I'm really not worried about her okay this is the capital city of the vampire Pirates the Twisted Glade I don't actually like our odds right right now giving us a valiant defeat High casualties that's not good but looking at her Army it's doesn't look that terrifying the vampires usually have a a lot of really powerful ranged units but she has like one two three I guess these deck droppers are kind of annoying I don't know I'm not that worried I'll just lay Siege to them because I really don't like fighting Siege battles so hopefully they'll come out and attack me oh okay so I don't know if you saw that in the background elthan AR just finished off uh costra diin Army so this is she's in a pretty desperate situation now which is why she's come out of her Gates and she's trying to attack me um I'll take the fight and I think I'll win the plan is just walk at them we're just going to walk them down also as beastmen a lot of our units are actually hidden just by being you know kind of in the forests and and near the forest like the it's hard for our enemies to see exactly where we're at so we can usually creep up on people pretty good before before they see us he this is going all right um some of my units are are just being absolutely annihilated by bats and that's a little suboptimal but otherwise I'm not detecting too many issues with any of this something you have to try to avoid in this game this is just beginner stuff and I it happens to me all the time blobbing your units up like this there's no need for it get the units out and around and then try to circle on your enemies hit them from behind do a lot more damage get out their archers helps a lot oh this is a great opportunity for me to summon a cigor and see how that goes there he is big man big man thow a boulder at all these little men how about okay we need to work on the aim but everything else great even being within like 100 fet of torox is a real occupational hazard if it doesn't matter if you're on his team or not he's just killing everything out here okay enemy Army is basically fully crumbling we're just waiting for them to give up at this point fantastic Okay so we've exterminated the vampires the drowned are now it's faction destroyed and I've taken the the Twisted Glade as the next herd Stone meaning that our new blood grounds is it's actually there's a lot of overlap but I definitely have to kill the black forests and the monoliths which means good old athanur is uh well he's he's going to have to die all right next Target is going to be athanur who is athanur I don't know an insane psychopath he was dropped on his head as a baby and he fell down 42 flights of stairs so now I'm going to perform a uh late state what am I talking about bro I'm just like rambling he's got some strong weapons and he's also level 14 and yeah his his army looks this is going to suck all right we can do it though yeah this is a valiant Valiant defeat Auto resolve this is a pic Victory Auto resolve against my better judgment I think I'm going to try to fight this just because all of his army is just there's no front line it's just archers which means that I should just be able to run them down 90% of our army is H hidden positionally they might have a hard time accounting for that you can see the balance of power is certainly not in our favor okay any second now I'm expecting to get shot in the side of the head with an arrow and there it is we just kind of walked into a bunch of hidden Shadow Warriors and they're they're going to focus fire the minars down pretty hard but I think we can close the gap on them in this relatively short time frame I think we can do it once we make contact with them they're going to have a really hard time getting away okay that's good we've got them on the run now we've engaged them with the minars usually these elves they're very annoying because they can shoot and move at the same time they're just Dreadful to interact with this this is just going to be a painful fight because it's going to be me chasing archers with infantry which is like not good for anyone like no one enjoys that experience the Infantry hate it The Archers really hate it and the people managing the units it's just painful all right the battle's just about done all that's left is well everyone's dead except for othan ARA so we just have to go find him and chop him up a few times there he is as as soon as I targeted athar with the cigor he uh he started running away what's wrong buddy don't want to be crushed by a gigantic Boulder it's a shame it's like the nicest thing that I could possibly do to you given all of the options okay we're getting close to unlocking the fire pit which will finally allow us to unlock minitar you better believe my entire Army is by late game just going to be minars we're going to continue our path up to the monoliths hopefully get some good fights in go to the monoliths decisive Victory easy loot and raise this gives us few things but most importantly gives us enough money to construct the fire pit okay by utilizing the Beast paths I've managed to sneak my way into athan's territory and I'm going to take the Black Creek Spire shouldn't be hard at all and this will be our next herdstone it'll be kind of a base camp and from here I think I can just Farm a lithan for more and more blood he's a pretty strong f action and though I've taken some of his territory I don't think that I've totally crippled his capabilities you know to fight me so I'm just going to let him build an army and then I'll destroy it and then it'll come back and I'll destroy it again and hopefully we'll achieve enough ruination to unlock the ruination level three so we'll need to get about 30 I'm going to try to bait alanar into fighting us just because I I really don't respect his army I I think I can take two armies at the same time he decides to go for it oh this isn't good my Army failed to spot an enemy Ambush they have launched a surprise attack surely giving them the upper hand look at look at what a little [ __ ] [ __ ] alanar is he won't even make eye contact with with the bull he's just staring at the ground all defeated okay we're going to mess you up man you shouldn't have ambushed us like this so there I was walking through the field with all of my homies when suddenly out of nowhere we were attacked by wild Savages tree people shooting shooting pieces of wood at us and also a bunch of Cavalry that were deployed on the other side of a lake anyway I'm going to go kill these guys now okay all in all things are going pretty good this is where they mostly spawned in and attacked us from um you can see how that's going for them right now they did kind of flank us with some Cavalry from across the lake which at first I thought was just a hilarious misplay but then I kind of forgot they existed and and so it kind of worked but we're we're reorienting ourselves and uh this should be yeah we we'll have this taken care of and no time also we can see here alanar himself is just really really no match for for torox he's yeah he's getting a train ran on him this is nice though that's experience for us o let's see how our new giant does oh you'll fit right in yeah you're great okay after a little bit more slamming and smashing and ripping and tearing the uh high eles are in full Retreat oh [ __ ] I think my guy died okay so after fighting that battle we've been awarded eight points towards our next ritual so if we can just just keep doing this over and over again we can rack up a lot of points little ironic now the cows are farming you okay I was trying to give Athan some time to rebuild his army so I could attack him again but uh you know what the rage meter it's just not it's not working out so I'm going to go to Karen car and take the fight to him how the [ __ ] is that possible I'm going to lose these two and then I give one of them a buff and then I'm going to lose three oh what's that you're going to kill my units that I got for free oh no how will I ever recover okay okay the ritual is getting more powerful we are at a Devastation of 14 that's nice we're aiming for about 30 oh oh yes I'm just looking through my hero recruitment lakshi going have to work on the name he has unsad bloodthirst minitar gain 10% weapon strength all minotaurs in the Army that's huge I don't even care you don't even have to be able to cast any spells whatsoever just sit in the corner of the map and provide me that buff this is going to work out great going to be a terrific team and now now alanar looks like he's going to attack us again okay we we failed to spot his Ambush but something tells me it's not going to make a difference we're going to slam them we're going to smash them it's going to be our rated and this time I remembered about their little fancy maneuver where they had the cavaly attack me from Over the River so I I kind of set up some Spearman there and I'll bring the chaos uh giant as well everyone can get some oh where oh where is my pretty little alanar there he is torox is going to go introduce himself alth those guys weren't even attacking alanar he just got pushed over by a bunch of bulls that were rushing to combat this guy is really just doesn't have a battlefield presence okay fantastic another W for the beastmen okay alanar his army is in Ruins technically he surviv like this guy just cannot stop leading hundreds of thousands of people to their immediate demise and then somehow surviving with like 10 Health like someone needs to fire this guy after that battle we got up to 26 ruination 26 Devastation rather quite nice if I can finish off athan's Army and maybe this other Army there take out the shrine of ladel we'll we'll be in a very good position o that's not really great the sword of Cain has been claimed and it's been claimed by allariel the radiant she's uh she's going to be one of our enemies not too long from now oh that's a shame the enemy failed to spot your Ambush attack now and the element of surprise will give you the upper hand well I think I'm going to have to show him how a how a proper Ambush is conducted I think it's only fair yeah and it's pretty hard to lose a Siege when that's happening his Knights are being chased around the battlefield by toox and uh wow okay this is yeah this is going fabulous I wouldn't change a thing about this Ambush alanar himself is having like a mental breakdown he's not even shooting he's just he doesn't know what to do he's just running around in random directions jumping spamming every button on his keyboard he knows it's over it's so over and then he's dead that's how you do an ambush you little twerps better luck next time oh okay well some random tomb Kings have decided to declare war on me because they have a minus 40 aversion to me just racially they really don't appreciate me normally this would be something you'd be concerned about but like I don't own anything like there's nothing that you can do to me that is going to bother me in any way so you know go nuts man this is one of my settlements okay if you think you can make it worse like be my I guess all right athanur has basically rolled over and died at this point um I don't blame him it's you know I probably would do the same thing he has one uh one settlement left the black light Tower and a decomposing Army so I'm going to go over there finish him off and then we'll just kind of take a look at what our next move is going to be oh yes and um we're going to do this ritual for 36 it's pretty nice so the ritual of Ruin has been performed we got 36 and that okay that puts us at ruination level three so looking at this menu we are going to have access to Giants we already have those chaos spawn uh Beast aore herds with great weapons gouge horns Beast aore herds yeah it's the usual stuff what's really it's going to be exciting once we can get access to these guys and these guys so we just got to keep pushing our Tech forward a little bit at a time final attack on the black light Tower here let's see how this goes over HC Victory medium casualties easy there's no greater pleasure in this entire world I'm confident in saying this than being able to autor resolve a Siege battle and there we have it okay at this point in the game most of our immediate threats have been taken care of we are still contending with a lot of people that don't like us and some tomb kings that want to kill us but they probably don't know how so I think it might be reasonable to open up the rewards of dread go over to Lords and we're going to recruit a second Lord now these are these are legendary Lords so you know you probably want to start with them before you get into the unnamed randoms I'm going to take morgar the shadow grave now unfortunately what that does is it actually Confederates me with them and uh his beastial rage is really really low I've never been so bad at the game that I've run into this issue so I'm going to try I'm going to try to solve it on the Fly I have no intention of playing in this region so instead I'm just going to abandon his entire Army and uh disband him and then recruit him I'll re-recruit him up in this region okay so from all the way across the what from thousands of kilometers away a man I've never met has come to me and he says I have traveled far the least you can do is listen and then what asking he's he's demanding that I pay him money it's like someone from Romania traveling all the way to my house and then they're like listen you have to hear me out and then they just threaten me I mean that sounds in character but I'm going to oh it will result in war oh whatever will I do the highly secluded wood elves that never leave their creepy little Forest are going to going to be at war with me I'm I'm quivering okay the tomb kings that declared war on us earlier are they're expanding they're actually becoming a somewhat formidable faction they strength rank 15 I think they're yeah they're one of the strongest ones I've met so far I mean I'm still not worried about them but I'll I'll definitely take the opportunity to kill them but before I do that I'm looking at my Army it's in a pretty good position you know I've got some decent units I think I'm ready to finally fight that Quest battle that was issued to me like 40 turns ago so this is win the following battle with toox the brass Bulls Army and if we do this we get a nominal amount of money some casualty replenishment the Rune tortured axe that's what I'm really after and a lot of dread so we'll go do this see what did I tell you what did I tell you they say you have to fight one army they say it's just going to be Eugene dread tongue but then he brings his friends forcus piss Taker and moar spite heart however I think yeah we have we have sporticus so this is going to be this is just going to be a big messy disgusting battle it should be interesting oh they've got some haranath executioners these guys are quite nasty whoever goes up against them is going to be beheaded so I'm going to probably just Uno doors maybe that I don't care about okay the lines are crashing against each other we're more than a match for them especially once you take into account my minars that are going to be working on the right flank they really don't have much to offer Us in terms of resistance now unfortunately our last spellcaster was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident but we've got a new guy and he can do this so you could say it's all working out all right in the grand scheme of things really and the enemies have folded our Left Flank because they had those executioners there it's kind of kind of predictable but the important people are alive More Death Knight reelers have joined the battle okay yeah so I see that what What's Happening Here is that everyone loves a good scrap and the more people we kill the more people are going to show up so there's some people flanking us on the left side now that never that truly never gets old this is the gouge horns approaching these archers I never got to see these guys in combat before yeah they you know what they have the they have the heart of a bull just not the body I respect that that the green skins have come to join us in this night of Slaughter the Orcs are flooding across the field and I I really don't see anything working out for our enemies here I mean my entire Army has been devastated but like I said everyone everyone important is okay toox toox doesn't even have a scratch on him he's just running around slamming his head through people not even his horns he's just impaling them with his his bare head which is like a real power move and then some nor skins have also been drawn by the promise of great B okay yeah this is just a just a fiesta in every sense of the word okay I'm going to have to lean on the Orcs a little bit to carry me through this section of the battle because my just I don't have enough units like my heroes and stuff they'll be fine but everyone else is like my Giant's going toe to- Toe with his giant and it's not going so well for me but it's okay it looks like my orc friends are picking up the picking up the slack yeah this is nice this works all right after what can only be described as a sexually inappropriate amount of violence we finally won a hollow Victory maybe we should just call it a loss well I don't think so because I now have access to this really really powerful axe as if I as if I was having any trouble chopping people up into bite-sized pieces before it's going to be really easy now all right so to recap things so far we are a psychotic barnyard animal that has strangled the life out of everyone that has ever come near us this has given us a firm foothold in the region and allowed us to unlock several new and Powerful units as well as a legendary Lord morger shadowgave with this I had toox go north and start farming resources from the Dark Elves and the only other faction standing in our way was the tomb Kings who I had largely forgotten even existed until they showed up at my settlement and started kicking the [ __ ] out of me okay tomb kings are back they're pretty pissed but their army is of a fairly low caliber perhaps the lowest caliber Army to have ever drawn breath on the face of this Earth in other words words I think I can kill them we don't really have defensive structures per se but they have to attack us here in order to capture the control oh no we do we do get a tower okay yeah this this works so I think I'm going to just try to hold them along this line let them come through the choke point and then then I'll try to go for a wrap around so let's see what we can do here put the people I don't care about yeah they'll be like the first people to be shot to death they're more than likely going to think that we're insane for leaving our flanks exposed so they'll send these units in to attack us from behind not realizing that behind them is a razor Gore herd that is going to eviscerate them and eat their entrails that's the game plan tomb Kings start the battle by advancing through the choke point towards us where we will be ready to receive them quite a lot of Tomb Kings maybe maybe even a concerning amount of them oh dear he appears to have identified my Razor Gore herds in the woods CU he's shooting them with artillery I guess The Jig Is up that's that's all right these things are pretty nasty okay the lines are just clashing now nothing too exciting just a little preliminary cavalry charge I guess I'm able to goon up on his uh casket of Souls which is quite nice good to get this disabled early on in the fight there's a few more units on this flank than I had anticipated but I think we'll be all right all right this side it's time to Spring the Trap there's not much of there pretty obvious what I was planning to do but our opponents walked right into it they're clumping up really hard here and now we're going to try to get a wrap around that'll be a lot cooler if it wasn't so dark can hardly see anything he's got a couple of units that are you know strong enough to just plow through my unor but I think on the whole we're taking an advantageous position oh God no there's way more reinforcements this is way worse than I thought I can't cope yeah he's got the Scorpions out now it's not good when the scorpions come out morgar is working over time to try to pick up the pieces here but this is just really not looking great okay so we might have lost this one the issue is they had the all these archers and uh it was hard to get around behind them because they were fighting by this big rock and I really wasn't anticipating so many reinforcements so we're probably going to lose this herdstone wow they they they managed to defeat us and you know what they didn't even deploy as many units as us we had about uh 3,500 they had 27 damn we uh misplayed okay so that was a stressful and expected setback with mortar dead and our herdstone destroyed our enemies could start colonizing this region which would set us back like 30 turns I tried to bribe them with all the money I had gained from lobotomizing Dark Elves but they weren't having it so I put torox in overdrive and had him begin a rampage through the tomb King's territory he was becoming so powerful by this point that I was just using him to solo entire enemy garrisons obviously the Bony freaks didn't appreciate this and it all came to a head at this final battle oh this is what what I've been hoping for the tomb Kings two onone against toox all of my Army is half dead I like these odds now this is a battle in a beast uh Beast way because I was in that stance when they attacked me since it's in a beast way I seem to be able to deploy like 90% of my Army in a Vanguard position which means I'll be like right on top of the enemy's Main Army I'll be able to close this Gap in about 20 seconds so we're just going to be rushing them okay this is still fairly substantial enemy resistance I'm not going to say that this is nothing certainly not nothing but I think rushing is our best chance here because we need to try to hit them before they get the reinforcements the reinforcements are only going to make this harder the minotaurs are I mean they're getting pieced up a little bit just on account of them being largely alone but they're they're holding their own which is good enemy reinforcements will be here soon unfortunate I'm going to try to take out the tomb King leader using toox yeah gaps in their line allow me to get into their archers I managed to get some some monsters in their backline which is helping oh but what if I just use the purple Sun I've never seen like such a good use case for this in my entire life oh yeah that's that's Gang Busters that's that's beautiful I'm not going to say this is a Flawless performance but I think we're going to be able to win this just based on like Terror tactics and my enemy not being that good okay we managed to kill some of their leadership I think there's only one Commander remaining if we get him the entire arm is definitely going to crumble the biggest mistake that the tomb Kings yeah they're they're falling apart now the the mistake that they made was not stopping me like if this gets in your backline you've made a grave strategic miscalculation granted I don't know how I would exactly stop that from you know seems like the kind of thing that um would be hard to do seems like the kind of monster that kind of goes where he wants but uh yeah you got to try to stop that beautiful that's a nice win all right so let's do a quick overview here it's turn 73 we we don't have a lot to show for it uh but maybe that's the mark of a great beastman player we've castrated the tomb Kings so we have their scrotum you know they went from strength rank like 20 to 79 and the dark elves to our North they're not so strong either I mean they where are they at 37 forget about it what I'm going to start doing now is posturing for a move into ulwan I think this is going to involve an invasion of the wood elves because they hate us and it's you know it's going to happen eventually so I may as well kind of kick things off on an advantageous note once we have the wood elves subjugated we're going to work our way down these Glades until we're somewhere around here hop over here and just start our colonization of ulwan I've got all of the late game units that I think I'll need access to I think we can do this now so we're going to regroup a little bit here we have certainly we have a lot of armies and we're capable of doing some Terrible Things oh Ariel hm okay Ariel has declared war on us she she's aloof safe and secure away from the rest of the world this leader is mostly unmoved by the fate of others but apparently she's incensed to Violence by the existence of beastmen um okay this is a little ahead of schedule but I think we'll be okay that's just one high elf faction who cares so far we haven't had any contact with alliel the radiant she's just kind of staring at us angrily from across the water and that's that's fine because we'll be over there probably in the next 10 turns to uh you know deal with that okay so things are going pretty well for us at this point I mean the dark elves are technically alive like they have a pulse it would be illegal to kill them but just barely the only issue is that we have the wood elves penetrating us from two positions like a double-pronged dildo that also hates us because we have minus 241 relation with them so you could say it's a complicated relationship and um I don't suspect that it's going to resolve peacefully otherwise we're just going to spend the next few turns cleaning things up and we should be good Barbed knuckle boxing this is sweet I love this faction like I just realized my guy literally doesn't have a weapon he just has chains wrapped around his fists and he's going around punching people to death I couldn't I couldn't write a better faction honestly this really is like the best faction for just [ __ ] with people like I'm destroying all your stuff and I've also destroyed all my stuff already so you can't even like retaliate just seee it's all you can do yeah it's about time you big dumb [ __ ] the sister's of Twilight have declared war on us so this this is about to get interesting as far as I know this is going to be a nightmare matchup for me because the sisters of Twilight they're wood elves okay so like the the degeneracy is on a whole another level in order of degeneracy the I would say the the dark elves are the least degenerate because they're at least open and honest about being sex addled Freaks and then the High Elves are somewhere in the middle for their degeneracy something about them just creeps me out but definit Ely the top of the list for you know complete absence of morality is the wood elves they specialize in this kind of gorilla Warfare hit-and run tactics and they use a lot of archers you don't have to be a very good Archer to hit a gorgon for example we're going to be absorbing a lot of fire but luckily they're some kind of pacifists because they seem to be incredibly underleveled the sisters of Twilight their armies right here they're level 15 they haven't been doing a whole lot clearly because toox is level 38 and I'm going to go absolutely annihilate them they they they tried to Ambush the plane of spiders that's you've played yourself I'm afraid okay they're trying to run away I hate to break it to you but running exactly 12 ft is not going to dissuade me from pulling off your head yeah this is it's just a decisive Victory you know what guys in the interest of time I would usually just autor resolve this but it's important in life to appreciate the little things sometimes you have to pet a cat on the side of the road sometimes you have to smell a rose and sometimes you have to crush your enemies with your bare hands you have to enjoy it all right these are the things that keep us alive so I'm going to enjoy this God this is half of my Army right here it's just this such easy uh management I kind of love it all right very good here we go straight down the pipe the rocks are landing pretty good minitar advancing through the woods they're still undetected right now they they get pretty close before being detected our enemy does have some flying units which are like kind of bothersome just because I I have no um ranged units whatsoever I've just kind of given up on that maybe we can throw some Boulders at them I guess that might technically work yeah our enemies are not having a great [Laughter] time that's so good eventually on once we kill all of the ground units they will be forced to land and they're not going to like what's waiting for them okay no they've decided not to land they just gave up they flew away with full health you know what something tells me um this isn't going to be as hard as I thought it was we lost two models they only have one kill so 50% of our casualties were friendly fire that's pretty nice I'm impressed with myself and I think we can have this wrapped up I mean there's what like seven settlements not too bad actually just a walk in the park and now we can we can focus all of our attention on the wood elves Venom Glade easily captured medium casualties okay toox is going to plow through to the Temple of adath which I struggled to pronounce even after three attempts and what we're going to do is turn this into a herdstone and then that'll give us I think a blood grounds over pretty much all of the wood elf territory oh this is in an existing blood ground so I can't make it here okay so I'll have to make one at vals Anvil I think oh no the end game crisis the wild Hunt now fortunately I don't think I turn the difficulty setting up too high cuz there's only two armies they're pretty good armies but I think we can take them okay the wood elves are taking both of their armies to hag Hall and from there I think they're going to try to attack me at V's Anvil now malagor is he's definitely not ready for that just is unfortunate but I think toox can like 4v1 at this point so not a big deal yeah I'm just going to I'm going to put my balls on the table torox is right next to a big Garrison the sisters of Twilight both of these armies and uh let's see if they take the bait oh they're taking the bait I've distracted them from vs Anvil by getting them to attack three-on-one toox let's try it this is supposed to be a decisive defeat I think there's a good chance everyone's going to die but torox is like he's such an animal such a laser brained [ __ ] [ __ ] sex pot you already used that joke let's let's see what happens oh no we're in um we're in the Beast path because I was in the the um the Beast path stance so it's going to be a nice tight narrow area for us to fight it's not clear if that's going to be to my advantage yet I mean it will simplify things but it'll also probably help them bottl neck us two enemy reinforcements are coming in right next to me so I'm thinking I just wait for the these armies to arrive I'll literally just sit here and wait for them oh the CYO has an ability what does this one do warp gaze oh that's terrible he can petrify his enemies so they can't move so imagine you've got this thing like 20 ft from you then suddenly you're unable to move but you're able to watch him slowly pick up a gigantic [ __ ] 3,000lb Boulder put it on his shoulder and launch it at you and you just have to stand there and take it they're going to come in they're going to have a very bad time because they're all ranged units the main enemy Army appears to be taking an aggressive posture against us I think they know what I'm trying to do so they're trying to get to me and stop me from killing all of their reinforcements but if they want to do that they're going to have to eat a few Boulders on Entry good luck with that fellas I think the wood elves are giving up yeah I think they're taking a defensive stance they've realized they're not going to make it in time to save their reinforcements so they're just going to wait for these ones over here 15 seconds so now that they have these reinforcements it's going to be a lot easier for me to hit them with Boulders because there's so many more wood elves okay here we go they're coming onto the map I've got this area pretty congested with minitar they're high mass entities so like very difficult to kind of push your way through them okay so all of the enemies coming in at this gnarled old corrupted pus oozing tree yeah they're they're being killed I think the sisters of Twilight themselves are dead currently everything else is charging across the field in a pretty unorganized kind of pattern still more reinforcements coming through here so I got to keep most of my guys there but I'm going to start pulling off some minars cuz we're going to have to receive all these enemy reinforcements this is what I was worried about just so many enemy archers it's just an absolute Fiesta over here um torox is in on it he's going insane oh yes yes we're getting the purple son of zerus right in there oh it's it's so good just going to keep spamming the purple sun on these guys we've got some good matchups too though like their tree man is being okay supposed to be getting messed up by our Gorgon oh God toox is like not a scratch on him so this is good more enemy reinforcements are arriving from this position that's not great I thought we had seen the last of them okay everyone's starting to crumble a little bit here this isn't great still I'm I'm I'm putting a lot of faith in torox because he he hasn't taken like any damage yet I can't even [ __ ] tell what's going on here I'm trying to determine if it's worth nuking this place but it's just everyone's covered in blood everyone's covered in everyone else's entrails it's such a mess the wood elves are look how tenacious they are they're they're being slaughtered down to the last man like every single unit here has an absolute sliver of Health left and they're steady they're a little tired like they're not breaking okay toox is managing to assassinate some of their leaders very good it's just it's just toox and the heroes now the heroes are God it's just toox toox is the only thing left on the field but he's an unre he's wavering [ __ ] I was just about to say he's Unbreakable his toox never gives up he [ __ ] that one up a little bit I we got a lot of kills we got hundreds of kills on most of our units I'm not sure which army I'd rather have been in they both got pretty messed up but I think we can actually probably push the fight on the next battle and win oh they're coming after us again you people are out of your mind torox is going to turn himself into a canon ball and plow right through you no this isn't this isn't going to be a perck victory this is going to be me sending toox in by himself and soloing your army toox is going to mangle these poor people everyone else just kind of hides over here I think yeah okay sisters of twilighter dead toox is just getting mobbed by hawk Riders he hits them once and he's like really do you guys you guys really want to do this and they're like no no we don't damn shame if someone killed you okay victory sweet okay so what's the back shot off of all of this well torox kind of sacrificed himself by throwing himself head first into a Wood Elf uh death trap and his army is in shambles but the nice thing is that the wood elf armies are also in shambles I mean most of them are like five to seven units half of them are dead so toox is going to pull out take a little vacation he's earned it and we're going to swap out for malagor the dark omen and um morgar the shadow gave they're going to start taking a more active stance in this theater of war oh wow we got our ass kicked so badly that the buildings are damaged what the [ __ ] didn't even realize that was possible wood elves are trying to rebuild their armies but they're they're contending with so much they're contending with a lot of plague damage it's kind of slowing them down and morgar is pushing on the Witchwood here he's got a I mean it's a stupid Army but it's full health which is more than the wood eles can say so let's see how they handle this pressure oh I think he's going to go for it he's going to try to fight morgar the shadow gave this will be interesting morgar is not nearly as tough as toox but I think I can still mess them up a little bit alternatively I run away maybe I run away looking at this Army right now and I'm like oh yes the Army full of random things that's always a dangerous one I'll run away this one's a lot better yeah I'll take this Auto resolve so that was a puck Victory Auto resolve at the uh ice Gorge okay yeah see now his his armies are split up a little bit I think there's got to be someone in an ambush stance almost definitely oh no my Army failed to spot an enemy Ambush I think we can take these guys without their reinforcements I think we can take them okay our enemies took a really weird approach here they put half their guys over here half them over here we're just going to go over here okay his idea of splitting his army up it's not going so well for him because he lacked any front line whatsoever so my chaos spawn onor sprinting through the woods and pulling apart his archers you know your enemy messed up pretty badly when you have units that are in sleep mode either you're messing up or your enemy is was one of two options fantastic this battle is just about over it's really just the sisters of Twilight left and they're going to have to hit the ground soon I love how these guys shamble oh and then you you think that oh they're just shambling then they break into the full Sprint and it's too late good land you [ __ ] [ __ ] everyone's dead everyone's gone home he's just cheating at this point it literally says the enemies in control of the battlefield you must attack by land no I don't think I will okay well I guess I'll just wait for him to land there he goes he's a pretty good melee combatant I'm referring to it as a him but I'm pretty sure it's actually just two women and a dragon but anyway it doesn't matter he's wavering he's going to give up soon there it is okay with that the wood elves are now completely in disarray um the sisters of Twilight their army is neutered everyone else is pretty much dead we just need to complete a finishing Blow by taking the Witchwood killing off store egg core and then that that'll do it for them I think there's a chance that these dark elves to the South might decide they want to kill us that would be pretty like pretty not great they're the second most powerful faction in the game oh well you know what I you can't worry about these things you're just a giant bull man just go around and kill people don't make it more complicated than it has to be to is going to now finish off the Witchwood not even an issue on the other side of the map the wood elves are probably going nuts and killing a bunch of people and technically I'm at war with them but I you know what that really just doesn't bother me I'm I'm way over here it's not my problem I'm seeing some pretty interesting upgrade options here um for our infrastructure we can build things like the mound of blades and the pile of flesh is that just is that what my construction is it's just piles of different objects mound of blades pile of flesh heads on spikes okay that's like at least a little more architecturally involved but they give us cool uh Army abilities such as vile entropy drains something's ammunition reduces its range 50% touched by the moon huge buff 40% physical resistance 50% damage pretty much across the board oh deals severe damage upon expiry I see so phase one gives you all these really cool Buffs and phase two deals 37,000 damage per second for 45 seconds going to have to be careful about using that one but I'll take it that sounds pretty nice I'm going to take a hero and and try to put him in alwan and just see what's going on over there okay this is their last settlement wood elves now officially homeless I mean I don't think that that's going to affect them very much they seem like the type of people that would be okay with living on the street and ingesting bath salts as their primary method of nourishing their body all right so to recap our antisocial personality disorder has manifested in US killing all of our neighbors leaving only vast swaths of rubble in every direction now it's time to launch our war against the most sexually ambiguous man on the planet Tyrion look I don't have an issue with homosexuals in fact they constitute 90% of my Discord server however it's the ambiguity that I just can't stand because if I don't know what your intentions are with my penis then you're simply too dangerous to be left alive so we're going to go over to alwan perform a demographical restructuring and call it a day but first an overview of our military malagor has a unique Army composition that I like to call random [ __ ] morger has Cavalry and anti-infantry Chaos spawn torox is Fielding a variety of monsters and minars and finally kraak is bringing in The Siege weapons along with thousands of level one Spearman with that we hopped on a series of mobilized garbage platforms and set sail with the next 20 turns looking something like this we landed on Alan's beaches realized most of the elves were some kind of underleveled pass pacifist morons killed a whole bunch of them briefly paused to make fun of morathi's army morathi what the [ __ ] happened to your army do you want to talk about it spread a whole bunch of chaos corruption just by existing and then punched through the Phoenix gate and established our first herdstone all right herdstone is down now this is a level four herdstone which is quite nice unfortunately one of our slots is taken by a largely useless Port I'm going to upgrade for Winds of malady every one of our enemies in the blood grounds is going to become tired oh oh this is a bummer this didn't work how I wanted it to work I was hoping that the blood grounds would project outward but it just mostly seems to be focused on the inner ring I'm going to need a series of blood grounds some on the inside some on the outside totally do it's workable it's fine toox is going to go over to the shrine of kernos and establish a blood grounds there upgrade this one as well we're here now and I think that the only like really the only true honorable move is to just stand stand up for what we believe in I don't just hate aariel I hate all elves so I'm going to declare war on all of the High Elves starting with you and uh finishing with you because you were Allied to all of the other elves anyway we're going to go with the buddy system kazra is going to stay near morgar at all times and they're going to farm the inner ring for as much violence as they can and uh torox is going to hang out up here on the outer ring and do the same basically Kazar is taking White Fire tour close Victory with medium really like really it's a close Victory with medium casualties just on principle I'm going to fight this I mean this is not the most effective Army but godamn if it's not enjoyable there's no way that they're even going to reach us medium casualties is my ass this is going spectacular I love the rock sized hole that we we just plow through there and then it takes a few minutes before anyone's willing to fill it they're like H I don't know worked so well last time okay things are coming together pretty good ever Shale is gathering Devastation now just a reminder like Devastation is it's important it basically progresses us as a society and right now we're about middle of the road we need to get all the way to 500 and that will unlock for us the final battle what is the final battle I I really don't know I'm curious to find out and I won't consider this campaign complete until I do okay I'm going to put my balls on the table here Toro he's rushing tore on Le and he's not able to attack it this turn my balls have just been placed on the table and they're about to be hit with a sledgehammer because I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose my herdstone here but that's all right did you give the sword of cane to a level seven yeah okay so these absolute lobotomites gave the sword of cane to a level seven and it's in the dominating phase I don't know exactly what that means but I'm pretty sure this girl is going insane I should really I should just go kill her and put her out of her misery in this campaign the elves they're all fairly underleveled it seems like no one bothered to challenge them very much this is why bullying is necessary okay if someone had have just you know [ __ ] with the elves a little bit they wouldn't be level seven level eight level 19 on like turn 300 okay now look allariel the radiant has just attacked me she has two armies technically I I could take a perck Victory Auto resolve with high casualties and that's probably better than what I can do manually here but I I don't think that's what we came for I think we came to see high elf casualties so we're going to really see it it's going to be visceral her reinforcements will be arriving in 3 minutes because we have a couple points in lightning strike so that increases the uh time it takes them to arrive here and with a bit of Vanguard deployment I think I'll be able to close the distance on her quite quickly so let's just go for it here okay the cows are charging he's just offered his reavers to me on a silver platter so I'm going to accept that okay the cows are charging downhill I've also got some on the flank okay his reinforcements are still not here for another minute and you know things are just not going so great for him she's trying but there's only so much you can do when there's uh you know people hitting you with great axes and stabbing you with Spears and draining the life out of you with Arcane magic it puts a pretty big limiter on what you're able to accomplish torox is absolutely ruining the Phoenix guard which are otherwise you know pretty strong units these reinforcements are going to start arriving now I'm going to try to kind of beat them to the punch with these I have three squads of minitar that are very fresh so I'm going to plow them right into the reinforcements because a lot of these things you know they're going to be archers so we can kind of stuff them up against the wall that'll be perfect battle's pretty much over here against the lal's main Army okay that's a victory wasn't so bad we just had to um crush a few people's skulls beneath our Hooves chase a few innocent men through the woods yeah we got them more croak is up here that's not not how you use Lord croak my dude he's not an agent oh God they're they're all around ever Shale as well 1 2 3 4 5 six six armies near everell three or four armies near torox this is this is dangerous you won't there's no way you're going to attack me here you won't do it he's thinking of oh my God there's four Stacks okay there's so many enemies around us right now it's it's troubling so alaran has sieged me their leaders are terrible so I'm hoping I can morale shock them a little bit but the actual units in the armies are fairly good except for these these brats are going to stand no chance they're going to leave as soon as I kill the leader it's going to be great on our side we have just a Garrison mostly so I was going to fight this battle which wouldn't be so bad it would take time and it would possibly kill my Gore Bal but instead I'm just going to take an auto resolve uh lightning strike here so we're basically ice isolating this one Army away from his reinforcements we don't get our reinforcements either but it's just way more favorable to us like this so we'll snatch up that auto resolve and this is all going actually quite according to plan like they're coming right to me right into the blood grounds and we're um we're just jumping them oh this is just ridiculous all three of them rolled up together and I'm just going to lightning strike them one at a time now unfortunately this last one I'm going to actually have to fight because the auto resolve is going to kill my hero and I I can't personally I can't deal with that right now eventually he's going to give her enough CTE that is going to become lethal she's going to accumulate so much brain damage it's just slamming her head first into trees I can't even watch this oh she's dead so the high elf resistance is not proving to be as effective as they were hoping all right that takes care of most of Alan's stuff alaran himself is actually fairly well leveled you know he's level 30 that's not terrible and he's waiting for me in this um walled settl I'm in no rush to push him I'm just going to keep developing these herd Stones upgrading them getting a stronger and stronger Garrison and improving their effects oh okay we got a little lucky here zil Nilan has failed to spot the Ambush that uh we were setting up and that's just not going to not going to go so well for him because there's three armies of beastmen that he accidentally walked right into bro is done he's cooked I'm going to try to bait these guys they don't seem very like perceptive to my ambushes I'm going to hide torox up here maybe they won't notice him oh my God these AI are insane dude your army was spotted by the enemy before it could spring its Ambush you have an opportunity to intercept and engage them in battle Yeah I think I will intercept and engage them in battle okay I managed to lure alarion out of his little hiding place he thought the shrine of kernos was um vulnerable but he's wrong and now I'm going to kill him for it the enemy failed to spot your Ambush oh man it's going to be an ambush battle too you're it's not your day elarion it's really not your day I feel like when you're fighting the legendary Lord of another faction you kind of want to go toe-to-toe with them you want to measure your meat against theirs they seem to have put some kind of a prison spell on torox he's unable to move that's not bad I mean that's slowing me down a bit we managed to get around to his archers on this side here and if it wasn't for the purple Sun draining the soul out of them well I don't really like their odds otherwise anyway so the enemy Army is in various shades of full Retreat there's really not much going well for them at the moment alaran is getting one V1 by torox and he's just given up and there he goes they died before the reinforcements even arrived this was a pretty thorough beat down of the High Elves the enemy failed to spot my ambush again oh man okay I just chased them down ambushed them again so that arm is totally done alion's going to be he's going to be in the The Penalty Box for a few turns and our Rampage is is starting to pick up finally let's pick a reward kind of like this enemy leadership minus 8 in Toro's local region that's nice I literally saw this faction I was like oh they look simple I won't have to read much right like we've really weakened up the initial wave of resistance here I think I can start pushing our borders a little further with these uh the blood grounds now this is a little concerning however torox is ready to claim his Birthright three high elf armies attacking torox yeah let me know how that bow works out guy yeah why not why not a decisive Victory the sword calls to you oh wow that's [Music] nice you son of a [ __ ] die die give up die die die die die I was supposed to have the High Elves killed like 50 turns ago and if I don't kill the High Elves within the next 30 turns I'll probably just kill myself [ __ ] this I'm taking my shirt off three lizard man army something is sinking in to me possibly a [ __ ] railroad spike easy win we're autor resolving our way through this decisive defeat do you know who I am yeah this is great this is brutal this isn't even a fight man never come back no this is just this is a second Channel video and I at like 25 hours of recording like [ __ ] this man I think it's time to to get a little help out here all right so I started going a little crazy for a while there but that's in the past because I've done some things that I'm not particularly proud of and the lizards no longer want to kill us and the wood elves are decomposing in a series of weighted bags at the bottom of the ocean so so now we can finally focus on finishing what we came here to do okay it's turn 140 and it's finally time to go it's finally time to take out the dark elves with the dark elves gone ulwan will be ours and the world will be safe again so let's get moving on that all right Marathi it's been real it's been a really fun time watching you slowly infest the territory that I'm trying to purify but I think now I'm just going to kill you let's declare war oh they're allies with chem it's like mildly annoying so this is going to be torox against morath this is a close Victory medium casualties but you know what I'm a nice guy I'm going to give her the the chance to at least fight us um in hand toand combat because she's level 50 I'm level 50 let's see what happens she has some pretty good equipment K armi sucks though K armi is trash I'm just curious to see how she Stacks up against toox all right running it down straight down the middle I think that they're one of the strongest factions in the game and so am I this is my strongest army by far I think this is one of their weaker ones except for the fact they have a level 50 morathi so let's see how this translates in combat minitar are just going to smash right into her front line or stop right in front of it too that's kind of anticlimactic my bad otherwise you know things are going pretty good toox is plowing down the middle here okay I'm trying to get my way into morathi that sounded kind of bad I'm trying to get my I'm trying to make my way to morathi here it's a real Fiesta of just violence toox is at full health morathi's about 40 30 okay dropping fast she's she's not holding up so well against toox here with the sword of cane I can't even really visually identify where she's at but you can see her icon up there she's not doing so great all right well this was over in like 30 real life seconds that's great decisive Victory low casualties at banville perfect plenish attack this one decisive Victory low casualties okay perform this ritual no one can settle there morer the shadow gave up here Puck Victory oh I could definitely do do better but I really don't want to do a Siege battle with Cavalry so I'll take this make a herdstone he'll sit on it okay torox has just plowed through like uh morathi V Anvil torser thigh ather I'm losing momentum the more I do this technically speaking now the dark elves have lost their main commander in this region but they do still have several armies scattered about many of them are in some level of disrepair I think from attrition and maybe some combat they were in so if I can just clean them up we'll be in a really good position here fact kraak is very close to lo I kind of want to go for it I think I'm going to go for this this is the main um Elven City the game doesn't want to give us this it wants to be a close defeat but I think we're going to fight it I think we're going to win all right here we are this is the one and only Lo very lovely Castle it's about to become a lot less lovely because I'm going to Pelt it with gigantic Boulders the enemies are trying to kind of counter Siege us with their towers here it's working to some effect yeah see that that we don't like that but eventually you are going to run out of towers I guess counterargument is eventually I'm going to run out of Boulders oh that's hilarious I was targeting these archers but the harpies got in the way so they started getting clipped by The Boulders oh God they're going yeah they're responding quite violently to my entrance but that's totally fine we just needed them to blob up so I could spell them I get some uh spells on and they they did that exactly all right I'm ready for the ground Invasion with um my ungor herd the dark elves are calling in some bombardments on us using their uh nearby black arcs basically just artillery strikes God damn they have a lot of monsters here it's just unfit okay we killed an enemy Lord my my Lord here kazra the one ey he's just hanging on by a th ah [ __ ] he's broken he's getting out of here has ne4 leadership he's is probably not coming back oh no he came back anything happens to this man he's just he's done we're both fairly beat up and we're just throwing everything we have into this one last push we're so close we're so goddamn close why won't you people just die I don't want to do this you're forcing my hand okay you're basically bashing your own brains out with these [ __ ] Boulders just give up well that's all she wrote All right so we got like just a little bit ahead of ourselves at the Battle of lo as evidenced by the fact that everyone in our army has either one health or they're dead but the enemies are similarly decomposing no one really won this battle but we especially didn't win it I'll be back though they're damaged they're vulnerable wait do I just go back and do it again do I just attack Lo again oh dude I'm doing it I'm doubling down all of my cigor will reload their ammunition you can't convince me this isn't going to work I won't listen to it oh God oh God they're shooting oh God they're shooting this is bad I got to get out of here this is a mistake okay so not ideal but we've managed to destroy most of their towers and we still have what six cigor remaining now you know we lost I don't know three maybe now we can start blasting them with these Boulders the game doesn't want to believe in the cigor cheese Victory but I need to believe in it sniped you [ __ ] where he is going boys you don't like my method of warfare all right now I have to execute the very dangerous part of this plan which is where I take my 164 Health Bray Shaman I ride him right up to the opponent's walls and then I start spamming Spirit leech on them in an attempt to kill them the resilience of the dark elves is just like astonishing I played the dark elves recently they weren't that good I mean maybe I wasn't that good but didn't feel like this I'll just I'll say that much it did not feel like this okay so um Bray Shaman died oh okay we're getting her to land outside of the city Gates I'm assuming that she's the only thing holding all of them together and if I can get her to just stop breathing then maybe everyone else will oh oh wow okay this might work one more try again yes ideal she's dead please give up everyone else there's there's nothing here for you God why why what have I done to forsake you Lord that this is this is my experience that I'm having right now oh no they have an eagle bolt throwers oh no it's full health it could just like one shot my guys I am vanquished I have nothing left to give Lo okay bro you you deserve lo you can have it all right so in a stunning attempt to provoke a mental breakdown I kind of gaslit myself into believing that I could take Lo on the second attempt anyway here we are I'll get it next time can I wait can I go back again you you're out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm not coming back again you dumb son of a [ __ ] go I'm going to [ __ ] kill you cra you're going in buddy you're going in you're going to you're going to kill the shades you're going to do it buddy this is their Commander right there chase him down chase him down 344 Health crack making the difference yes okay their Commander's dead yes yes artillery support fer close this is what it's all been leading up to boys there's like no one left turn around turn around should have turned around right to warn you I'm pretty sure there's just [ __ ] Bolt throwers now there they are the bolt throwers the last sign of resistance they're even firing at us damn they took over one of my cigor damn all right they got my last cigor it's getting desperate now fellas it's down to kraak to clutch this along with my all right everyone put the Buffs on time to go we're rounding this corner that's where they're going to be waiting for us the tow is also there we're taking immediate fire from the tower we're charging surely if we kill every living thing on the map we'll have to get the victory then they can't deny us any further can it these are very very weak enemies but they're somehow oh my God we did it we did it Kazar with a 100 Health my Minar with 68 we broke them oh thank Christ you could call it a pic Victory I suppose might be [Laughter] fair oh man you know the [ __ ] up thing is that they just have reinforcements that are just going to show up next turn okay but the good thing is this is a part of a blood grounds I'm going to loot it and now it's there it's secured it's ours now kasak take a take a break buddy you you've earned a day off or something okay so this is I think the still the first turn of my war against the dark elves and we cleaned out almost all of their Holdings we need to get them at The Shrine of Assyrian they have four places left here and then we can consider alwan safe secure even oh right I may as well I've got some armies here I may as well just hit them back home really put the pressure on them all around I'm still in disbelief about La that was Unreal no dude go [ __ ] yourself seriously I mean that too all right let's see it's the cult of Pleasures turn this is the first turn they have available after having the war declared on them let's see what they decide to do how do how do you react to what just happened okay they're just kind of orbiting right now their Naval presence is nothing to scoff at but I am a I am a deranged lunatic a man on a mission and I'm not going to stop I will not stop until the world is safe from the pacifist High Elves that have been terrorizing us for these many many years their moral grandstanding their High culture ridiculous okay they they really did nothing with their turn Okay Shrine of Assyrian done okay toril done white Peak toox is moving on white Peak oh it's so beautiful it's so beautiful okay the dark elves have only one settlement remaining and it's right here unicorn gate it's being held by shelda the dire overseer and and some [ __ ] with a that's my that's my Champion's Essence I I bought that for 10,000 go give that back you son of a [ __ ] okay needless to say we're going to kill them now right now I've got them surrounded by G um morger and Pub Pub the man Seeker oh man we'll we'll get you fixed up later all right this is the last hold not of dark elves oh oh no you failed to spot the Ambush actually I don't give a [ __ ] and then the Unicorn gate okay easy win oh [ __ ] that's beautiful all right there you have it ulwan is no more we don't have to worry about the High Elves we have something way better which is like a feral Society of rabid animals you know I'm I'm a protector of sorts I have these herd Stones here no one's going to be able to settle any of these ruins as long as the herd stones are here so I'm just going to put an Army in every herd Stone to protect it and you know that combined with the Garrison I think will make this island virtually unassailable so mission accomplished the only thing left to do here is we're at the max ruination level it unlocked the final battle so we're going to just go ahead and see what the final battle is and I can't think of anyone I'd rather do the final battle with than toox himself let's see what happens okay this is good the final battle fittingly is against the French and also Carl France but mostly the French let's do this we've got some reinforcements too kill the enemy Lord to Route their forces oh like that's man say less that's all I'm good at with torox we have some beastmen allies on the right side you can see they're level 17 oh we're grossly overleveled for this Mission the enemies are level 17 which implies that I should be around level 17 I'm level 50 with the best Army in the game so this should be fun the Empire is deploying artillery on the hill yeah they that I'll say this one thing they do have the advantageous position of being at the top of a hill we have to approach from underneath it's not great for us our reinforcements seem to be tackling the French largely by themselves but I'll lend them some minitar to help uh you know ease the burden of it this just feels like a nice a nice little treat you know like when you have a hard day's work and then you buy yourself a tub of ice cream this is my tub of ice cream right now foron flanked the war herd with Pegasus Knights see there's always more they're always up to something oh meanwhile Carl France is Carl France was fighting Doro toox is going to reposition and um take out these reinforcements and then we should be in a very strong position let's say all right who's left who is left out here Luen got to go assassinate him and that should put an end to all of this nonsense go torox go go he's right there buddy just for dirt use the sword of cane on your teammates you don't have to tell anyone about that though that's just between you and me yeah that's just a just a little little trick I learned oh you're not going anywhere okay I guess he is he flew yeah that's the one thing I I'll give them that I can't fly I'm working on it I can jump can't fly yet opportunity for more Friendly Fire always take it the gap between you and your teammates has to be as wide as possible without units on the ground the enem is forced to land oh did you hear that Luen did you hear that you're going to be forced to land now decisive Victory well there you have it with the final quest battle completed and the high elf Menace completely eradicated we can finally rest easy knowing that our labor has made the world a safer and more Progressive place for All Peoples except elves and skeletons Pirates lizards all Europeans but for everyone else it's great finally don't forget to download War Thunder using my link below to receive your premium Vehicles XP boost premium account and a Preposterous amount of silver Lions that's all for now see you later
Channel: Reginald II
Views: 924,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, total warhammer 3, reggie, reginald, warhammer funny video, taurox the brass bull, taurox, ulthuan, Improving total warhammer 3 by destroying all elves
Id: 2wEMaGL6IOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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