Introducing the Instant Kill Hypersonic Claymore

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good day ladies and gents kbic media here on a completely inconspicuous world with a compass telling me to head in this direction everything seems perfectly normal nothing weird going on here let's just follow the compass and see where it takes us oh that was unexpected but fortunately we have plenty of gear here let's pick up where we left off and already we can see something kind of suspicious oh God something's going to [Music] happen yep something definitely happened all right we got some time let's find out where this Compass is taking us yep that was the arrow that hit our shield and something just flew over our heads it feels like trying to follow this company it's giving me real nope Vibes but push on we must nope no that's not going to happen all right maybe we can be sneaky and approach this problem from a different direction here we are let's see all right we're [Music] close what are we looking at I think this is it all right we got it let's get out of here aha another Compass H I feel as though this is trying to take us somewhere all right let's see where it goes H more completely inconspicuous terrain I'm sure nothing bad will happen [Music] here no I am completely wrong about that there is definitely something very suspicious going on here and it is making me terrified to do anything but now you're probably wondering what on Earth have I done this time but just wait it gets even worse if we continue to explore this world you start to get the idea that something very dangerous is going on yes and arrows are just appearing everywhere out of nowhere you cannot run you cannot hide everywhere you go the arrows will find you no amount of protection will save you and no matter how hard you look the Fret is totally invisible however if I go ahead and enable schematic rendering all of a sudden Things become a lot clearer that's right after I failed to make an anti-personal Cannon using arrows in a previous video I did not give up and I have been working hard to find an alternative solution when Minecraft wouldn't let us make an orbital strike Cannon for arrows we had to start thinking outside the box instead of building a big complex machine to deliver the payload to the player I made a small stealthy machine that can fire repeatedly over a targeted area this is the Claymore Minecraft's ultimate anti-personal weapon the basic idea is that we have hundreds of arrows in a stasis chamber which are given some random horizontal alignment a sensor grid to detect when a player is in the firing line and a buttload of TNT which pops out of the ground with a water log block to shoot the arrows at Hypersonic speeds and unlike with most traps every time it fires it will rapidly rearm itself so it can be used again and again and again meaning not only will the cannon wipe the floor with you going back to try and get your stuff will practically be a death sentence so how exactly does the cannon work well the first step is to dup a whole bunch of TNT then rapidly transport the TNT into one spot for this we use these Coral free dupers based on a concer by air ingate and NBD which produce 88 TNT accelerating the arrows to about 70 blocks per tick or four times the speed of sound which deals about 140 damage on impact if we consult the damage graph that we produced in the previous video we can see that this amount of damage corresponds to about twice the total amount of hit points of a player with full prot for netherite with at least two pieces of projectile protection 4 as well as the absorption effect from golden apples it is possible to barely survive a hit from the Claymore however the reduced protection that you get to other forms of damage will usually put you at a massive disadvantage in conventional PVP as such it is unlikely for a player to Kit themselves out with full projectile protection in order to make sure that our sensor grid will only respond to players we make use of the calibrated skull sensor combined with the skull shrier the really cool thing about this combination is that any vibration that is not directly caused by the player will be completely ignored by the skull Sher however if I create a vibration it will trigger the skull shrier and only then will the Claymore fire and the best part is that by simply water logging these two blocks they make absolutely no noise meaning any player entering the firing line will have no idea that they've triggered the detection mechanism with the combination of extremely long ranges as well as the entire Cannon being hidden underground it becomes extremely difficult for the player to figure out where the cannon is and get close enough to the cannon to disable it in order to make a concealed mechanism to to get the TNT above ground I had to enlist some help so I went to Synergy a creative server full of Minecraft's best and brightest piston door designers I gave a design brief for the kind of piston door sequence I needed and the player by the name of exorden got back to me with this bad boy this mechanism is basically a hipster trap door that is capable of transporting a water loock block exactly two blocks above the ground around before completely concealing itself normally if you try to move a waterlock block it will delete the Water Source however if you specifically use the sticky Piston's ability to drop the water log block it will retain the waterlog block State and that's exactly what this hipster trap door does it only uses the sticky piston drop blocking when extending the mechanism to make sure that the water logged block is preserved by ensuring that we use a water loged block to bring our TNT to the surface we completely eliminate the block damage of the blast allowing the machine to fire as many times as we want without blowing itself up and by ensuring that the arrows are release exactly two blocks above the ground we obtained far more versatility in the heights of terrain in which we can hit targets figuring out the alignment for the arrow was actually an extremely interesting problem cuz first of all we'll have to find a water loggable block that would completely nullify the explosion damage of the TNT which means that we needed a water loggable block which the TNT would actually sit inside of in order to completely cancel the explosion damage to help us find these blocks we can use the Minecraft block property encyclopedia but we can filter various blocks for their specific properties for example we need a block that is movable water loggable and has a height that is less than a full cube if we go into these tabs and deselect the properties that we don't want we'll be left with only blocks that we could potentially use in our setup so fences stairs and walls are not going to be useful to us so really the only options we have are chains lightning slabs and trap doors with these four blocks we obtain viable vertical offsets for our TNT's positioning another variable we also control is the timing in which we load the arrow into this launcher which allows us to control the vertical positioning of the arrow with the ability to control the positioning of the arrow and the positioning of the TNT we need to find an alignment which shoots the arrow perfectly straight horizontally as it's much easier to find terrain that is relatively flat than sloping at some constant angle if we take measurements of the position of the arrow with each Tech we can port a trajectory of the arrow over time this creates a parabola which should be familiar to anyone who has done projectile motion you can imagine that each Square in this grid represents a full cube in Minecraft meaning we can overlay the relative offsets of our TNT provided by our water loggable blocks within each grid point we want is a point where the positioning of the TNT closely matches the positioning of the arrow at that particular time so why not just pick an arbitrary point on the curve where this is the case well the problem is if we pick a point on the curve where the slope is steep this corresponds to the arrow having some initial vertical motion meaning it would not fly straight so instead we only really want to focus on the point of the Ark at the very top where the arrow is moving moving at its slowest so let's Follow the arrow at the peak height of its trajectory where it stops turns around and then starts falling again due to gravity and what we arrive at is this point right here what we have here is a very shallow slope to the trajectory meaning the arrow is moving very slowly downwards and we also have a chain alignment for the TNT where the TNT is slightly beneath the position of the arrow meaning the TNT will afford the arrow some upwards momentum to cancel out the residual downwards momentum from Gravity back in Minecraft what we have is the chain which is aligning our TNT and the game Frozen just before the TNT detonates so if we go ahead and grab the motion of our Arrow we can see it has a tiny amount of downwards momentum if we tick forward a step the TNT explodes transferring all of that knockback to the arrows and if we have a look at the motion now we can see the arrows have gten about 70 blocks per tick in the horizontal Direction along with a very tiny amount of vertical momentum upwards if we turn on hit boxes we can see that the arrows are flying just over 1 and 1/2 blocks above the ground at the perfect height to hit a player directly in the head if they're standing on the ground level the best part about having this tiny amount of vertical momentum is when we TI forward another step and the arrows start flying off into the distance the tiny amount of vertical momentum is canceling out the downwards pull of gravity allowing the arrows to fly straight for longer this means using the alignment that we have the range of the Claymore is effectively only limited by the player's render distance and of course we use a a horizontal distribution of arrows to give the Claymore an area of effect in fact you can even see the shape of the distribution drawn out in the eyelines of the arrows that is freaking amazing speaking of statistical distributions are even went as far as modeling the Claymore spread to produce this heat map of the heat probability with range the dark red region is where you have at least a 90% chance to be hit by an arrow with 100 arrows the hit probability remains fairly consistent out to 250 blocks then starts to decrease rapidly past that in fact I copied the heat map over into Minecraft to be used as a Rough Guide for positioning the Claymore in it schematic now this is where we get into the how two of the Claymore which is not your typical build and forget trap you need to be strategic about where you build the Claymore as the terrain has a massive impact on its Effectiveness simply put arrows do not ignore blocks you can make them ignore blocks under certain conditions but when you do this they will also ignore entities such as players making them effectively useless this makes it kind of difficult to use the Claymore as most terrain will simply not work forests forget about it mountains not a chance large tracks of land where the elevations between 1 and two blocks Bingo however even with ideal terrain you'll still sometimes find large patches of terrain blocking the firing line of the cannon so it's quite likely that some terraforming will be needed after carving a clear pathway for the arrows you can cover up most of the terraforming by simply placing back some grass like so foliage such as grasses and flowers are a great way to cover up the terraforming because it makes it very difficult for the player to recognize any patterns in the terrain from the ground view it is possible to notice some odd geometry from above however if players are flying over with vtra they're not getting hit by the Claymore anyway with the train all organized you can go ahead and disable the sub region for the firing pattern and enable a regions for the cannon itself with a bit of terraforming you can make the Claymore itself blend in really nicely with the terrain the sign to be extra cautious about is the sub region known as clearance if you activate this and then we start rendering the schematic we need to make absolutely sure that our hips of trapo is working properly by making sure that the space where the TNT and the arrows will be is completely clear of blocks so right here I've just got a trigger activate the trap door and we can make absolutely sure that the trap door is working properly then with arrows loaded in the stasis chamber inside of the clay mall you can go up and do a test T firing out pops the TNT in the arrows and Away goes the arrows there they go they've collided with the terrain in the distance with that all working we can go ahead and cover it up and the next step is to go into our sub regions and install the sensor Network to start with we want to go ahead and activate this disarm like so and this will make sure that we disarm the cannon while we'll building the sensor Network so it doesn't fire continuously with the disarm in place you now go ahead and put in the sensor network with the sensor Network now properly installed we can go ahead and remove the disarm and now any unsuspecting player that wanders into the firing range will be eviscerated however there is a slight problem with this you see pretty much the instant that the player dies the chunks that were being loaded by the player will be unloaded and so pretty much every time the Claymore gets a kill all this complex Redstone which goes into actuating the hips to the trap door will get broken by the chunks unloading and so another important element of the Claymore is to include its own chunk loader now notice how the schematic tells you to build this as low as possible in the world and the reason for this is that you want to minimize the chance that a player coming from the nether will accidentally discover the chunk loader for the Claymore and once you establish where the portal is for the Overworld side you want to go ahead and grab the coordinates of it and find the corresponding coordinates in the Nether and then whatever rotation you have for the schematic in the Overworld side you'll want to do the reverse rotation for the nether side so then you can build the nether side switch it on push on the Overworld side and now the mine carts will be looping back and forth so those are the broad details for how to set up the Claymore more specific details will depend entirely on the terrain in your world for example here is a clel that was built into the side of a hill with a row of Pistons opening a small slot for the arrow to fly through there are all sorts of ways to incorporate the design into any specific terrain and I can already hear the questions rolling in such as what happens if a player is using a totem well here is an example of Staggering two clal together with exactly 10 game tis between the activation mechanisms this will result in two volleys separated by exactly half a second which is just enough to damage the player again after the first damage frame however it turns out that doubling the amount of Claymores pretty much doubles the difficulty in fitting in into various forms of terrain I also had the idea of incorporating a stealth Network which would actively disable the triggering mechanism for the cannon when a plague is near it to try and prevent it from being detected however repeatedly disabling the clay or whenever players get near it seems like a wasted opportunity to get some guaranteed kills you might also be wondering why I haven't opted to use the newly implemented wind charges to accelerate the arrows well they certainly seem like a promising method for accelerating entities for the time being they're a brand new feature and as such their properties and behaviors are constantly being modified so I'd rather not experiment with a feature that is not fully implemented as trying to build models just to have the underlying mechanics change it be extremely frustrating to work with as for the Claymore it's done it's working and the TNT mechanics are unlikely to change and if you want to try it out for yourself be sure to check out the World download down in the description as for the content on this channel I've got a couple of cool projects underway such as Minecraft's most powerful mob farm and an insane Universal crafter using the new crafting block so I hope you guys are looking forward to that and I will see you all next time
Channel: cubicmetre
Views: 187,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tnt cannon, arrow trap, oneshot weapon, redstone, stealth cannon
Id: Ek5s9fSq9bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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