Can I Survive the Zombie Apocalypse In Medieval Rimworld?

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hello again surviving in the old Medieval Times is tough without Refrigeration electronic lighting Firearms you know all the lovely modern stuff that we take for granted in our Rim world games but I think I know just the thing to make it even more tough zombies I've played with the Zombie Land mod before but I had guns and robots which to be honest made it pretty easy this time I expect lasting 100 days will be a pretty serious struggle we're starting as a tribe of five Ibis frog gazelle Lemma and RAM all of whom are pretty decent colonists because they're going to have to be in order to make this work the mod list for this playthrough is pretty limited I have just the medieval overhaul mods Zombie Land and vanilla expanded casts you can as ever find the full list below right so zombie spawning zombie land uses this threat scale graph to determine when to spawn Zeds giving you occasional bre bite from the hordes I've set it up to spawn zombies from any soft ground that's left in darkness ordinarily that would possibly be too easy because you'd just light the whole place up with electric lights but we don't have those anyway don't get attached to all these guys because about 15 days later their little H is swarming with zombies and they're all dead I tried next with a group of eight seven of whom have bows none of whom made it past day 30 so what do we do if even with seven competent archers we weren't able to hold off the hordes well magic starting with a single saster might be just what we need it's the only real area of effect zombie clearance method I can think of for this scenario so of our five starting colonists who you can get just a little bit attached to this time I promise we'll make humps here into an ice wizard the others toon bear shark and dog are all fairly decent colonists but none of them can conjure Elemental projectiles so you know kind of second rate compared to humps the almighty in their first two weeks on this blasted Rim world before the zombies arrive the gang dig into a hill and make what I like to imagine resembles a much less cozy Hobbit hole it's less cozy because it currently has rough stone walls and Floors five Beds which are just slabs of raw wood pushed awkwardly close to each other a table and some benches also just made of logs a hoop Stone to throw rocks out for fun a basic kitchen next to a cupboard full of room temperature meat and animal fat and of course last but not least a dedicated spot to stare at the wall from whilst figuring out how to build more comfortable Furniture outside they have a perimeter wall complete with a rudimentary kill tunnel a covered space to store things whilst the cupboards are being mined out a meat and hide dry Zone and across the river the land which time forgot where we keep the small but ever expanding horde of tortoises before the other hordes arrive a single neander does so humps gets to test his Magics and to be honest his Magics don't do all that much to this big tough guy but eventually he does go down maybe this doesn't bode well for the zombies but we'll find out soon enough the last thing we'll do before it's time to hide is finally plant some Fields kind of slacked on that front to be honest all right here they come everyone in it turns out ice SP is pretty decent against zombies but poor hump's brain gets hot too quickly massively limiting his killing power so his next few levels will be put into cter stats it's just a few days into the Zombie Apocalypse Now and a Trader's alpaca tries to sabotage our Survivors by dying right in our Gateway leading to a small but dangerous incursion of Undead to the base as well as the undead the alpaca also delivered some food silver gold plasti all kinds of shinies so that's pretty Prett good to be fair from this point on we'll be pretty lucky to have any Traders or visitors make it to the base but on the bright side that does mean we fairly often get to loot their stuff for free the next past that humps unlocks is the ice laser so let's go and test it out in a totally Reckless Display of Power yeah unsurprisingly it slaps but let's not do that again it's quite dangerous Also let's just replace this log gate with one made out of steel we were lucky enough to have a steel ruins SP on the map and so have a decent stockpile it's not likely that we'll ever be able to make any more steel so we'll try to use what we have wisely if only we could use some of it to make a vehicle from this video's sponsor War Thunder which features more than 2,000 tanks helicopters planes and ships all of which are ridiculously detailed so you can decide exactly how you want to end your opponent's whole career whether you just want to sit your Panther in a bush and smell the roses or fly a supersonic jet around flinging airto aair missiles at people it also doesn't matter whether you just want to point your mouse at something and watch the pretty explosions or get hyper immersed in the simulation with your five fig simulator setup the graphics and sound design are both also topnotch all of which together makes War Thunder the most comprehensive vehicle combat game out there I've actually personally played over a thousand hours and for some reason most of that was as America so play War Thunder now for free whether you're on PC Playstation or Xbox and use my link from the pinned comment or description below to get yourself a big old Bonus Pack sadly we don't have access to that level of military technology here we can however make iron thanks to researching smithing so as the threat level drops to zero giving us a break from the zombies we can go out and get a fresh batch of wood to fuel the incredibly important torches as well as the freshly built furnace with the zombies returning we'll hide in the base and smelt iron in pretty massive quantities I'm not sure what exactly we'll use it all for yet but I'm sure it will be handy less handy is a boomalope exploding all over the wall setting a zombie on fire in the process this fiery fella really knows how to cause a Ruckus running back and forth setting the wall on fire over and over again to be honest how long this zombie survived a flame kind of makes me feel good about not taking the obvious choice of making humps a fire wizard I've read enough zombie fiction to know that a burning zombie is just a more dangerous zombie anyway yes we're suddenly absolutely drowning in iron bars so let's make an anvil and craft some leather leather shoes well okay next time the Threat Level wains we'll stock up on coal a superior fuel for all of our various fueled devices and back inside the walls it's about time we set up Auto Slaughter for the Tor horde there are 28 of the things we've also finally researched basic storage so we can have some shelving and barrels in the cupboards to clean things up a bit also a proper butcher table rather than the outdoor log they've been using so far so things are looking pretty good whenever a group of zombies or a special zombie shows up it's usually not a huge deal to have humps cast some spells to put them down these Travelers on the other hand don't fa so well despite their nice armor and weapons they're dragged to the ground and eaten in no time at all they were carrying some futuristic armor too and I've made of this kind of Boon in medieval playthroughs before but not today this would be crazy op and as such is sent back to the future where it belongs with the base feeling safe enough perhaps we'd best tart up the barracks a bit so that people don't lose their minds and do something crazy which is more likely than you'd expect since everybody keeps getting food poisoning the place is quite regularly covered in sick because no one here is a particularly good cook the Zombie Land mod has various specialties zombies and right now there's a minor lurking ominously around the base identifiable by his hard hat this guy needs dealing with before he causes a serious problem I nearly got hump's bit in the process of sending him out to do so but thankfully he blocked the attack before finishing off the attacker anyway out he goes on his assassination mission avoiding the hordes and beautifully sniping the minor with an icicle good job him being out there obviously caused a bit of a stir in the locals so a few defensive ice lasers were required to keep the base safe and then it's back to his meditations a bit later there's not currently any zombies on the map but that doesn't mean we're safe a raid from the mebin Empire has arrived you'd think we could all unite against the undead foe but I guess not anyway I lined up humps in the tunnel expecting them to Simply run to their deaths only to find one of them breaking in through the Rawhide tents that bridge the gap of the river PPS rushes over to save shark before finishing off another Raider to send the last one running that was very rude of them and it's an important point to keep in mind for the future because there's no open route into the base Raiders will just break in like that another point to keep in mind is that on this map fires really can rage look at it go I actually I actually like it a lot anyway bear is wandering around in utter sadness I'm not sure why but he is which is fine as long as he doesn't wander his way outside of the walls the number of statues humps has to meditate about is growing with a new Statue named humps vomit nice whilst he meditates to the idea of being sick The Horde builds up there's 121 of them out there we're going to need to do something about it soon humps can go out and Laser some zombies to death but I think for a little better area clearance we'll need some lightning stuff maybe that doesn't make much sense in theory but you'll see a little while later a scholar Trader arrives whilst the zombies are up and about this to me seems worth the risk of going out to trade with as they're the only reliable method for getting the very important Tech books that unlock more advanced Weaponry so hump sneaks out to trade and sure enough they have the book we need to make crossbows that's fantastic they also have the one for the arbalest which would be really nice but we can't afford it we might get it for free though because humps has very much led the horde directly to them oh I'm sorry boys unfortunately their muffalo carrying the other book made it off the map safely but oh well we got a tech book which is more than I got after almost a th days in this mod pack previously all right it's time for some zero threat hours in which you'll see the colonists extracting a serum from down Zeds this can be used in quite massive quantities to try and cure a Col of the zombie virus I have no idea what the success rate of that is and I would rather not find out we'll also use the safe time to grab some more iron as well as all of that Scholar's bread lovely zombie trampled bread speaking of which they're coming back any minute so back in the base it's time to upgrade our beds from the uncomfortable wooden slabs to itchy straw beds great in fact it's time we claimed some extra space from the hordes for actual bedrooms we should start to Place some of the wooden walls with ones made of bone too because bones aren't flammable obviously unfortunately before I could finish making the base extension the zombies came back so in essence what I've done here is created a dark box for zombies to spawn in that's uh well it's not ideal but we'll just ignore it for now and hope that the problem goes away because we have another problem the temperature is suddenly below zero and everyone's freezing a hastily built but nonetheless lovely marble fireplace in the barracks will solve this problem but the other problem is starting to scare me I do not like the zombie box they're angry in there but like all of life's problems do it went away after it was ignored for some time unfortunately it left behind a whole lot of nasty ass slime No nasty ass slime which takes a really long time to clean a really really long time some neander show showed up right alongside the reappearance of the zombies and one managed to slip past hump's laser beam and beat the Daylights out of him before being ice spiked to death which isn't a very nice thing to do but that's the kind of go-getter attitude that would make gerbal here a good colonist so we'll put them in the slimy box and try to either convince them to join or at the very least enslave them oh um never mind I didn't like the place up well enough I'm I'm sorry bud but these things happen okay they've they've built up in there again we've got to do something about this I sent out humps to go invent the writhing fleshy pressure to atmosphere and then hit it with a laser beam for good measure because we can also a single zombie just popped up inside the walls I still don't really know how or where from but he was just about dealt with safely the zombie count is starting to get worrying now there's almost 300 of them on the map and the deeper we get into the game the more specials I see mixed in the breachers are the really frightening ones right now but we keep surviving to the next quiet period mainly through constantly repairing doors which doesn't really seem like a great long-term solution but with the Slime room properly lit we can finally get on with cleaning it and building hard flooring to make it fully safe before converting it to bedrooms we're also making a start on some of that lightning magic chain bolt is next on the list and it is in my mind an s tiery cast I think we'll have a lot of fun with it oh and it's day 50 by the way our progress hasn't exactly been incredible but frankly it feels as though just continuing to exist is enough of an achievement to celebrate right now and then this thing arrived while I had Discord up some kind of little screamer freak its Yelp makes everyone vomit and then it scuttles off to the nearest doors to open them up for the horde a quick zap to the face followed by an icy barrage puts an end to its mischief and everyone gets back to work on the Slime which once finally clean gets some nice marble flooring it's positively bougie now though a weapon Smith's Buffalo is being eaten alive by zombies dropping us a few nice little presents oh Jesus another one of those awful screamers is in the base they don't attack anyone they're just generally kind of Horrid bedrooms on the other hand are not horrid it feels quite nice to have reached such levels of luxury as this whilst under threat from the hordes the zombies however do appear capable of smelling through the walls bunching up around a sleeping bear at some points I guess it would be prudent to thicken the outer walls to prevent or at least lessen this bunching effect but for this we'd need considerably more bones if only we had a load of Bones around here somewhere anyway before thickening the walls we'll expand outwards more grabbing some bone from the local Rhino population to save death deating the tortoises so soon a local megas sloth saw this act of violence and gave up on the idea of being a wild animal deciding to join the colony instead which is fine I guess anyway we can't actually build this new space yet because as usual the zombies are back but that doesn't mean we can't have fun there's an absolutely enormous ball of zombies out there and for a change it's not raining so I can finally demonstrate the wondrous power of lightning magic humps just has to start a few fun fires and then it's back home he goes or perhaps he should try and lead them away from our home a bit actually uh I might have gotten a little bit carried away and created a small issue here the animals are going nuts and running out of the base so much for our tame megga sloth but look at the size of this fire it's absolutely amazing it's uh it's also sort of a problem though I hadn't finished replacing all the wooden walls yet in fact funnily enough the only part I hadn't replaced is the only part to come into contact with this massive Inferno so until it Fizzles out everyone is on permanent fir whacking Duty and then we'll get this wood replaced right after humps deals with some Raiders from house Oswin which are immediately followed by some imps there are zombies on the map but not enough to deal with the raid so humps needs to go out and intervene whoa whoa whoa hold up whilst he was doing that a breacher zombie has broken in thankfully the ice laser is a pretty solid technique versus Riot armor unfortunately this does cause almost every single toris to flee from the relative safety of the base out into the waiting mouths of The Horde uh well that's Survival of the Fittest I guess I'm not sure why it took me this long to make a tailoring bench by the way but we need one cuz everyone's wearing their original tribal wear still except for humps who's now got a Nifty elex vest thanks to a forced weather Quest and hey remember a little while ago when suddenly it was below zero well now it's suddenly 58° C thankfully wet wood in a box quickly solves this problem it probably shouldn't but it does unfortunately however I have once again cocked up creating a zombie spawning box this time however it's not enclosed so I need to keep the small pack of zombies busy whilst the Threat Level drops okay that was a bit of a saga shark tear down this wall and then build different walls to delineate bedrooms as for Furnishing said bedrooms we have so much iron that I honestly think the best thing to do is turn it into Furniture which feels a little strange but we're doing it whilst I'm doing this humps and toon become lovers which is convenient building them a double b leaves us with a spare bedroom so this is a solid Improvement more space more bedrooms and none of the outer wall is flammable except for the tents don't talk about the tents or the zombies will notice another quality of life Improvement is to lay down straw on the toris island zombies can't dig up through that because they're idiots speaking of zombies they're back in serious numbers and our forced foggy rain is still ongoing so the burn ination tactic isn't quite as effective as normal but still does kind of work but what's currently just as worrying as ever are these kind of dudes the miners I don't like them hanging around the hillside that leads into the store rooms they've already thinned it down so once we get some clear time we really must fortify this but first another Caravan is getting unceremoniously removed from the area via consumption oh and they've dropped some lovely shinies a gaggle of el X Maes and some of these named ones that I've never even seen before so with the zombies beginning to fall over again let's get one of those psychic wallopers into the hands of humps for an extra 12% s sensitivity and it's a good thing we found some of this nice stuff too because a little while later some Raiders from the Empire show up at a rather inconvenient time humps is fresh out of side juice meaning we'll have to do some normal old-fashioned combat which goes surprisingly well and and after the thrill of combat humps gets toon pregnant okay that's fine I suppose someone always needs to have a baby in zombie apocalypse fiction it adds tension and UPS the stakes I guess but the baby won't come for a good while yet and more importantly there's an absolutely enormous ball of zombies out there just waiting to be burned to death the moment this rain stops if it ever stops this place is worse than an English January but right now the zombie are going nuts on some thrombos and oh oh the rainer's actually stopped go humps go make a fire Ah that's nice I love fire I'm not really sure how much it functionally reduces the population of zombies but it sure looks good of course now I have to keep an eye on the one wooden Embraer and the flammable steel gate that we have in the entrance but it feels like it's worth it as the zombies fade again a wild man wanders into the area and rather conveniently Toton has an inspired taming right now so on day 87 The Colony gets its first new recruit in the form of a wild man named seahorse who's a very good cook so maybe now the floor won't be covered in vomit all the time that would be nice the cycle of events is getting quite predictable now though the zombies arrive humps starts a massive fire the rains arrive we hide inside and make some small progress the progress this time is realizing that I should have researched engineering and Mining a long time ago but to build an advanced research bench we need to craft some basic components which will take a long time and more importantly a breacher has crashed through the wall into someone's bedroom which is extremely rude I don't appreciate that sort of Rowdy Behavior humps can deal with the situation admirably though whilst shark slips in behind to repair the damage and then the zombies start to fall over again thus completing the cycle in this quiet period we'll replace that weak section of wall or we would if it were actually quiet house Oswin have shown up once again and humps is once again fresh out of juice meaning you guessed it normal ordinary combat which thankfully the gang are actually pretty good at by this point unfortunately the melee combat apparently didn't excite humps this time because afterwards toon tried proposing to him twice in a row and he rejected her both times leading to a breakup nice they can however still sleep together and I will be forcing them to do so it'll be very awkward and they won't like it but that's too bad shouldn't have broken up okay the wall is finished the base is secure and almost entirely fireproof the next objective is just to start thickening the walls to reduce the amount of human stink that's leaking out and attracting the hordes but we're getting pretty close to our main objective now of surviving here for 100 days and at this point we can have a good time burning down massive hordes of zombies Without Really Ever facing any consequences which is nice anyway after hauling in all the local muffalo and harvesting them for bones we can get to work on the bedroom walls I don't actually know that this will do anything but it feels good toon however does not feel good she's on the brink of both giving birth and a major mental break which could be pretty tragic if they happened at the same time so let's make some drums and dance around a campfire on day 99 to help her push through the hardship I didn't realize it but when they're successful these drum parties also recharge CCI Focus so I probably should have been doing them for some time now anyway a gang of Manhunter rhinos are rampaging through the Ragged hordes which is fun to watch but ultimately inconsequential and now it's day 100 we did it but before we leave the gang to the doldrums of an endless survival lifestyle toon is having a baby which we'll name thump to combine the names of her now separated parents as nice as it would be to end on the creation of new life though what I'm actually going to do is accidentally ramp some settings way too high and spawn well over a thousand zombies out there and then obviously we're going to set them on fire and just just watch the Flames I like fire a lot guys seriously it's actually worrying anyway please remain indoors the reasons to do so on this occasion should I think be obvious it's because of the burning zombies all right thank you so much for watching as ever and thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video click the link in the pinned comment or description and grab this bonus pack for yourself until next time goodbye
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 177,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, medieval Rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld medieval, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days, Rimworld Zombies, Zombieland
Id: s3dycu0X5uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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