Can I conquer the world in 10 years in Dwarf Fortress?

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dark goblins elves humans and the undead plague this world there are tens of thousands of them spread across some 205 settlements and I want to see if I can raise every last one in just 10 years starting from a fresh settlement in these Savage Wilds Zan founds this Venture and breaks ground to start brass strangers Journey but though this city is named after brass the dwarves find iron rich lonite as they dig down into the ground a long tunnel leads to an initial Central shaft from which all economic activity like this woodworking area is going to be based ston workking in a nearby Hub isn't even ready before the first combat comes to their door it's admittedly not a goblin army but a wood cutter standing right beneath the tree they fell to gain a casses belli against all elf kind stonework workers prepare to make doors and furniture for bedrooms that are dug out one level up from the entrance these are overly simple for now but that will change once the war machine is up and running processing the plentiful iron around here a planter prepares farms near the surface do these each need to be these neat 2x3 chunks with walkways between them absolutely not are Aesthetics way too important to dwarves even during challenges like this ask them Amphitheater which will serve as the tavern and dining area once fully furnished but though the basic foundations of any Dwarven settlement are being somewhat rushed through that still isn't fast enough for mesos and inish it's a fittingly militaristic first impression for new migrants as is the battle that ensues moments later when the dwarves are attacked by agitated owl people angry about the local deforested area fortunately the early military is ready to rebuff them without loss and seeing such an impressive sight convinces some of the migrants to join the militia it quickly swells to five dwarves but especially given their lacking equipment there's still lots of room for improvement before they're ready to take on Empires with thousands of people ambitious dreams fuel hard work and they'll be marching to war before too long hungry mouss will be fed in a food prep area above the Tav and the injured from both the ow people and all future battles will be treated in a hospital carved into the sand even further up but finally he said like 2 and 1/2 minutes into the video it's time to start the metal working quarter where all of the armor and weapons that will be made into the very picture of fear to every non-dwarf out there will be produced the homeland's diplomats arrive just in time to watch the dwarves install the first metal smelter which will turn iron ore they've found everywhere into workable bars just half a year after settling here the Diplomat also gets to watch a giant honey badger get dispatched by the militia Captain mesos if she wasn't literally sleeping on the job definitely just all of that extra training that she's been volunteering for an ash furnace near the Carpenters turn one log into charcoal which is burned with the plentiful coal around this place to fuel all future smelting and forging with that done the mayor Zan takes his place in an overly spacious and under decorated office then prepares the first work order for rigth the hopefully legendary blacksmith to be the dwarves finally carve out space for temples near the amphitheater where they'll worship Gods who are mostly more benign than them they finally start making as much food and booze as they go through but it'll be a while until they're actually stocking up up a surplus instead brass strangers is blessed amongst Dwarven kind for other reasons their veins of coal and iron are so massive that they need to build tunnels to the far end of their ubben just to better excavate these plentiful deposits it's little wonder that this was the site chosen to start all of this Bloodshed the smelters and forges are soon always busy and it isn't long until the armor situation is already looking much better their iron suits have everything but high boots and gauntlets though that extravagance stands in stark contrast to the Simplicity of cultural spots like an altar though with such an ambitious goal fueling both forges and Dwarven willpower weapons and not altars are made but the dwarves dream not of nicer accommodations as the first year comes to its end but of Steel weapons and gear only having a few soldiers makes fullscale War impossible for now but the dwarves have been good there's a little Goblin Hamlet to the West that they can raid As a treat and so the militia headed by MOS heads out to break history and start a Cascade of blood soaked Domino exactly one year after first arriving here it only takes them a few days to return with mixed news the orange lines are injuries or losses yellow is neutral the cyan that isn't there till near the end mark good kills the soldiers only rampaged through the streets and didn't fully raise the sight which means there's still something there that they'll have to go back for but since iron didn't seem to do a good enough job miners descend down into the ground to try and find flux Stone so that forges can start making steel in doing so they find a cavern but they also find Dolomite which will help at the forges iron Fuel and flux makes pig iron iron pig iron flux and fuel makes steel every bar is expensive sure but Dwarven steel is nearly the strongest material in the world and these dwarves are on the path to have it so incredibly early even hearing that rigth is preparing to make this into armor is apparently enough to make some of the soldiers shed their iron gear an eager anticipation they quickly breach another Cavern while mining out more flux Stone but while the lower Cavern will stay closed this upper one is going to be left open that invites threats sure but it also lets them grow more food in the fertile soil than in the near baren Sand above and it also lets them Harvest silk that the plentiful little spiders leave to eventually make clothes processed at a clothing area near the caverns the caverns also provide the opportunity for the kind of sprawling randomly placed and irregular rooms that any real dwarf loves neither better rooms nor the promise of conquest and Glory draw migrants though these are influenced by Fortress wealth when the last year's Traders left and with so much of their focus being on making steel gear the dwarves didn't have riches to draw more migrants they'll have to wait until the next Traders see the wonderful and expensive ensive steel gear and ample silken stocks just waiting for a tailor in a different kind of act of violence animals are slaughtered for hides fur fat meat and bones to help the fledgling economy while the military starts getting used to the weight and heft of the first steel gear that will help as they prepare for soon Tobe resumed raids to start picking off smaller settlements the forge also turns other plentiful meals like silver into statues to make this war machine just a little bit more pleasant that should also impress Merchants who arrive at a fortress valued at 14,000 DF bucks Zan asked them to bring instruments next year which will hopefully make this place just a little more lively and just to show them that they're serious about making Outsiders less Lively the military makes a show of marching off to attack the nearby Goblin Hamlet they had already raided but even though they loot it and Rampage between both buildings in the tiny place they don't manage to fully destroy it which seems like it'll take more troops they try and prove that wrong a few more times but the seemingly empty Hamlet remains perhaps that's a sign to take a break from Raising for now and let soldiers that have been abroad for so long work in the Fortress they add a lot of Labor that the Fortress had been falling behind on without their help the upside is that that hearing about steel gear being insufficient motivates rigth to make their first Masterwork steel piece The Fortress adds a library to store Scrolls and toms they legally acquire on their trips outside and the Planters also start working the caverns to prepare to feed a growing population while other dwarves make more smelters and a jewel recorder to build wealth and attract more residents there's a fine balance between military experience and the larger military that will come with having a wealthier fortress attracting more soldiers but with the second year almost gone and zero of 205 targets raised that's more than enough piece for now the military set their sights on a different settlement and kill everyone they find once more but again fail to raise it at least the soldiers gain more experience with every fight and it's far better practice than mere training steadier hand and swing weapons better and the third settlement is finally dropped for good the fourth follows suit and is raised to the ground these were both little 10p person Goblin Villages but the military is finally getting the hang of genocide this thick winter is no season for adventuring though so the soldiers take a break from trekking across the world as the year finishes passive this next set of raids will feature full sets of Steel gear a mass massive accomplishment for the fledgling Fortress of brass strangers of course the Army needs better accommodations which means a barx near the front of the base so that they're ready to handle Goblin attacks fit with Furniture to hold the gear and plenty of space to train between raids that's prepared while metal is made into more Masterwork steel gear and exquisite Platinum crafts an Elven Caravan arrives perhaps not realizing that no amount of trade will save them in the end but despite that resolution Zan still gets sweet talked into buying some snakes it isn't long before the forges start to cool and soldiers start moving over to full steel armor oh how beautiful they look in the entrance the sharp clack of boots on Stone the beautiful gleam of light off shining steel sure there's only seven of them for now but their numbers will swell in time and all will learn to fear this intimidating sight surely now they can handle a small Goblin Hamlet full of rotting corpses no no of course not they come back with more loots but the place isn't gone really the steel gear needs a proper test that will come in the form of whatever humans are guarding a small independent settlement to the far Southeast but given their habit of rampaging through and not actually getting rid of settlements the third year starts with defenses being dug out around the base's entrance to prepare for a firing line of ballistas perhaps it's that promise of safety even when the military is gone instead of the promises of Conquest offered by departed trador Tales of Steel but migrants finally arrive again after a full year of refusing to come the huge swellen wealth brings lots of hopeful hearts and the population more than doubles mos' Squad is filled out with a full Regiment of 10 dwarves then mink hot is promoted to Captain and gets most of a second Squad to start training it's enough to make someone that fancies themselves a hunter confident enough that they set out to try and prove it but given the number of Savage and giant creatures about these lands that's quickly stopped so the military can focus on war and not Saving Private Asen but though the 30 incoming dwarves had some 10 amongst them with combat experience who fit right in alongside the rest of the military there are no metal Crafters to bolster the fortress's wealth with excellent Platinum crafts there are no tailor to work silk into Exquisite garments this dir of Artisans doesn't stop the two dwarves in The farming Guild from realizing their importance and providing everyone with meals and alcoholic sucker their farming yield goes in near the caverns they now were but before it's more than a few simple tables in a big room the rest of the dwarves get more bedrooms to rest their weary bodies in and more war to feed their patriotic thirst for Conquest it ends in disappointment yet again as this apparently unkillable infestation refuses to be exterminated this challenge of theirs might be harder than expected because they can't find the last goblin hiding out on the roof and not because the goblin armies themselves are too strong but finally after the sixth attack on the smallest little Goblin Hamlet they managed to kill the last goblin hiding there and burn the place down everyone loves a happy ending though this story is far from its end the other Plucky settlements that resisted their first attacks will meet the similar f Tales of material wealth draw human Traders from whom Zan will actually ask for some human weapons that the migrant dwarves are skilled in but that rth can't or won't make they're a proud dwarf and not some surface dweller though perhaps living on the surface might be better than in some of these rooms this addiction to nestling them against Cavern walls should know some limits it clearly does not MOS brings back Tales of destroyed cities while mot trains their troops up and waits for a few more soldiers and for more steel gear to make sure that their Adventures are safe though that might have to wait just a little while longer the once plentiful coal has finally run out from these presumably extremely Smoky tunnels which means that it's time to dig down Into the Depths to replace that now missing fuel even without that a child starts to craft the first artifact but instead of making a fitting weapon of War they make a rock salt amulet that's almost as salty as their parents are for having raised a child who isn't patriotic enough to contribute to the war efforts hopefully their current lack of work on steel gear doesn't put off the liaison and Traders who are here to see progress at least Zan can confirm that they've now burned down a few settlements shortly before miners bring back news that they've started to reach magma they'll begin carefully Excavating it by Digging Up level by level until they stop hitting lava warmstone then digging down into the next layer to safely expose the glowing red fires that will fuel all metal working soon enough another 15 migrants arrive while miners keep working plenty are fine soldiers and Meo is quickly promoted to Captain a third Squad as the Army SW Wells up to some 30 that joyous news might have been too much for Zan who forgot to buy those instruments they specifically asked for last year and didn't think to ask for this year because why would they need to ask for something they were just going to buy anyways thankfully magma melts away all regrets the sweltering heat they feel has to come from lava directly beneath the floor so after clearing it out and rewarding a child who made an artifact toy axe the miners finally unveil magma proper this space is perfect for clearing out a large area that will serve as the new metal working District it won't need much fuel and that means that it's perfect for making as much steel as the plentiful iron reserves allow steel armor the military already boasts ATT test to how well these first smelters treated brass strangers but all metal working Duties are slowly transfer deep into the ground bedrooms and other facilities likewise start making that same trip so that everyone can live like a proper dwarf and of course that includes preparing for fullscale war the last of the small entrylevel settlements fall to the Army as the third year nears its end it's time to ramp things up and while that will involve killing humans it's still surprising to see them drowning thems elves near the entrance oh one of the nearby Goblin settlements that was raised was just reclaimed by a 2,000 strong group that's going to be a problem two of the three squads start venturing out at a time to speed up how quickly settlements fall before them and though they still don't always raise them it is still good experience for soldiers who are becoming proficient Killers while more raids go out miners finish work in the metal working district and flood the tunnels with Magma that lets rigth happily resume steel armor production and even ramp it up since that armor will be venturing out with proud Dwarven Soldiers the civilians work on man defenses at home by installing fortifications that arrows can Pierce through at the back of the entrance to prepare for future ballistas the Elven Caravan brings a giant camel and frankly how the hell does this fit when Zan was mining this out did they just get huge step ladders and carve out 15t tall tunnels just on the off chance that Elven Caravans came with giant pack animals the children start getting jealous over all the animals that the Goblins get to play with and so when the next raids go out and start targeting slightly larger towns of 50 Goblins the Dwarven soldiers bring back beak dogs so that the kids have animals of their own these are hideous little creatures that unfortunately won't be alive too long around here but at least their meats hides and fats to help the Fortress grow but stealing their puppies and destroying these larger settlements will doubtlessly draw attacks so the dwarves prepare a Siege Workshop near the carpentry quarter to make ballista parts and arrows the primary squads continue to head out on larger and larger raids but instead of goblin reprisals a forgotten Beast is the first to try and exploit some of the military's absence the most valuable soldiers who definitely aren't just backups enter the depths the Beast opens the door like a gentleman then throws itself at the Army who handle it with surprising ease despite their inexperience they dip Dodge and block though it did admittedly poison a child before the soldiers killed it that just means the military needs to grow even more fortunately more migrants arrive and morale among the Victorious Squadron is high enough to draw recruits eager to train unfortunately attacks against goblins have drawn the eye of the larger Empires they were allied with some 8,000 of the creatures have turned their attention on brass strangers and declared war against all Dwarven kind that's going to be a problem problem though once they fall subjugating the rest of the world should be much easier at least there'll be no shortage of meat to fuel the soldiers since every Conquest NS a dozen beak dogs to butcher but though brass strangers is doing well subjugating their local little towns the rest of the dwarves farare poorly in the war two dwarves here assume new titles after their hometowns are burned down and then the first goblin Force to ever show up at Brass Rangers door and does so to try and finish the job fortunately this is but a scouting party of brave but foolish brutes that are easy to push off in a messy Affair the soldiers even throw beak dog soap everywhere just to taunt the dying goblins and so War rages on Dwarven soldiers trample yet another Goblin settlements Goblin soldiers return the favor at a Dwarven City another dead Baron leaves their position to someone in brass strangers bringing the fledgling Fortress up to three VIPs it's a good thing that ballistas are about ready human Traders only reconfirm what everyone already knows this world is at War and no place on this continent is safe oh imagine being a warmonger how Despicable but the resettlement comes faster and faster sometimes soldiers bring back Tales of having raised a settlement just for Scouts to report that the goblins have resettled it before the soldiers even got back raids have to go out more and more frequently to kill the Goblins faster than they can migrate that news is enough to make a militia Captain so depressed that they go from being happy about their friends to accepting death in an easily won fight to being a little annoyed that they got rained on desperation drives an attack on a fortress guarding the local area but the underprepared forces aren't ready and suffer the first real losses of their campaign the goal of raising the world in 10 years has never seemed further and that only gets worse as the war continues to worsen mafl has become the monarch of the last remaining Dwarven civilization sorry became it happened some time ago because even though there's a popup for Barons there's apparently not one for Kings a scout finally brings a report from the besieged capital and while it did Sur survive their warrior king did not remnants from that attack assail brass strangers to finish the job though they're pushed back once again diplomats bring more news about the terrible tides of War but all the Royals seem to want is suitably extravagant accommodations they seem to prefer ignoring the nearby Goblin encampment with three times as many goblins as there are dwarves in the entire world the only Twisted upside is that war ref refugees migrate to Brass strangers and they're both eager to get revenge and often well suited for it the population swells to over a 100 for the first time most are just peasants or laborers but they're Brave and willing to learn and so they all start training under an experienced hand's watchful eye they learn quickly after all wielding steel is in a dwarf's blood they're more than able to help when the next attack arrives at their door and when the fight heads back to the Goblin Villages they came from the squads kill and loot towns on the outskirts only slightly faster than the larger settlements inside can resettle them but even though it's slow that's the first time they've made progress against this ever encroaching threats in more noble Pursuits the king's in a strange mood and prepares to make what's surely a unique and masterful artifact as their Royal rooms are prepared it's just some boring ing shell earring at least the Newbie squads are already gaining enough experience that they can kill forgotten beasts with but a single loss they even join the other squads on a big mission to the Fortress that handed the dwarves their first real defeat and while it does take the military a worryingly long time to return they bring back Tales of lots of kills as they Rampage through the place but though that drives a recruit to make an artifact they still just make furniture and jewelry instead of weapons of war no one seems to want to encroach on Rigo's territory at least with some of these boring artifacts displayed in rooms full of platinum Furniture the king is finally satisfied with his Royal Throne the rest of the Fortress continues to do well despite the focus on the military kib went from never having touched a needle to being a legendary weav thanks to the stockpiled silk 11 furnaces Roar and spew noxus smells that dwarves somehow Love full time and even a protracted Siege would find that they had to outlast deep stocks their numerous defeats even draw goblins that are so desperate that they seek to Parlay MTO speaks for the rest of the military when she laughs them off and while it does draw the biggest Force yet of some three dozen goblins and just as many any beak dogs the huge attack only inflicts a few casualties amongst the newer recruits before the Goblins are killed to the last the injured can be treated at the hospital even though it's somewhat overgrown thanks to fungal spores drifting from the caverns it doesn't look nearly as nice as the king's quarters which is actually almost as cluttered thanks to the massive art he wants to look at while eating the other Royals quarters are only slowly built out to PL at their incessant whining while Builders focus on the far more deserving craft ski and temples to the gods that help more than just a few angsty baronesses but as the halfway point of the Venture nears and only little progress has been made it's time to pursue even greater Treasures which will help in this war that starts with a path from the metalworking and won't involve this poorly timed raid hold on hold on there now now suitable attention can be given to the 50 steel-clad dwarves who quickly Slaughter the Dozen goblins with them gone attention goes back to the bridge leading away from the metal working quarter and towards the unexplored depths if things go bad here while the squads are out this bridge will be the fortress's Saving Grace and that starts now 50 proud dwarves leave brass strangers For the First Time The Faint light trickling in from the entrance gleams off armor that fills the Fortress with the sounds of brutes crunching down already well tread Rock the Royals rooms aren't nearly as nice though both baronesses get private Living Spaces now that the king's desires for Royal rooms are all taken care of the 50 dwarves venture out and progress is still slow settlements are raised and reclaimed and while the Goblins numbers are thinning the actual number of settlements that are left only slowly Falls mesos announces a needed change in strategy instead of picking off the little cities on the outskirts they opt to go after larger cities to try and bleed these dry and stop the resettlement that forces them to wander out time and time again at least this Conquest fills out the library very very nicely that ever growing wealth means that more migrants are always arriving most of whom are immediately drafted into squads that start to train up a soldier that headed down to the metal working area actually managed to track Goblin blood there it's a little gross sure but it's also kind of comforting in a very Twisted way this little passage from the smelting area that the miners have slowly worked at is supposed to head towards some adamantine that they saw when opening up the magma c as good as steel is it still pales in comparison to the stuff of Legend but it's hard to obtain and this flooded tunnel is only part of the reason there are pockets of magma and water everywhere that miners have to carefully work around some of the more overworked miners question if this is even needed as skilled Dwarven soldiers attack larger settlements with 50 or 75 goblins without even suffering losses but though goblins can offer little in the way of Revenge the dwarves face Divine retro tribution in the form of a terrifying devil that escapes from the obsidian miners working towards adamantine cleared out the miner Falls in a spew of magma but a retreating child pulls the lever and seals off the cave then plays pretend to imagine they didn't just watch someone get boiled alive this little guy might have just saved the Fortress though and this is cheaper than therapy so all the power to them soldiers might Brave that demon when they return but it threw fire so maybe that just stays sealed off and miners find Adam intin through some other path a a rock salt mechanism that's not even getting the spiel about being inferior to weapons doesn't deserve it the so-called mechanic that made it might be target practice for an Archer Squad that starts to train using crossbows and bolts the dead goblins donated the fifth year nears its end and while there are more and more victories under their belts there is still far more to claim the upside is that everything is speeding up as the dwarves get stronger and more numerous the elves are a future Target for them and their demand to cut down fewer trees only speeds up their demise but with war with the goblins already so taxing it's best to humor these wood elves and agree to only cut down 11 trees it's not like carp is a huge part of the plan but just despite the elves wood cutters go through eight of that allowance right in front of them perhaps it's but a coincidence or perhaps Karma comes quickly brass stranger suffers its first defeat in a long time while raiding at the hands of a brass devil in torment Stars a goblin settlement to the West demons are already terrifying enough normally but during raids they're brutally difficult since offscreen fights are an endless series of one-on ones and the squads can't just gang up on the beasts the squads will go back to finish the job once there's an even more Elite Squad with even better gear in the form of some adaman te The Miner sensed it was around here but no one knows exactly where it is so they'll have some exploring to do though before they get too far with it the miners work on expanding the tombs it's totally unrelated to the divine retribution that happened last time definitely can't happen again it's not a concern just like the huge work order of coffins that arrive just as a new migrant wave comes shouldn't concern them the king mafl thinks that progress towards Adam intine is too slow they want to dig deeper for une Earthly treasures and what could be better than a squad with the strongest armor in the world they also really want catapult Parts kind of got a Ballista thing going on here but sure ruin the Aesthetics after settling in and claiming rooms migrants are once more added to a new Squad to start training up it's a common tale at this point 20 arrive 10 work the Fortress and 10 with less useful skills join the military the squads head out in groups of two or three and make quick work of their targets in Rapid succession but it's okay because they read and pursue intellectual activities between bouts of violent genocide there are tons of successful stories about societies where half of everyone served in the military right but despite the king's impatience progress on Adam entine is slow there are so many pockets of water and magma that Force the dwarves to check every last bit of rock as they blindly mine around looking for that beautiful blue human Caravans can't make that any easier but they can confirm that the world is still at War when they sell leather and books for some basic copper and silken Goods beak dogs were giving them plenty but the war effort requires backpacks and water skins for all of the soldiers and meet rots faster than butchers can provide leather a different human Merchant group sells an elephant which could be very useful if the dwarves acquire a breeding pair War animals are a threat to everyone including brass Devils Back Down Below progress is interrupted by a spontaneous fire but it's only an omen for something even worse the the mayor Z did the mining that actually freed this Beast though he flees and calls the militia to help him before he's even close to out another minor unveils yet another of these fearsome creatures remember rizen the fortress's glory is worth a little bit of sacrifice Zan did manage to Juke his pursuer though some of the other miners aren't quite as lucky as they're still unwittingly trapped in the depths that the thing Rampages through at least they finish off their their last task before they're butchered and the Beast heads for the stairs the military arrives as they emerge from the depths and though they do make quick work of them blood from a bunch of civilians and one of the soldiers joins the creatures foul ior in decorating the thin hallway this whole Venture is going to smell truly disgusting before miners even return because progress in the depths must continue it must resume before cleanup is even started the squads don't yet need Adam mentine but how much would it help how much faster could they go at least most of the western Goblin Empire is down now with only a few smaller settlements and that lone devil left digging reveals more demonic fires but it also reveals strange ancient Metal Gear worth 40,000 how is brass strangers first legendary weapon a rusted old mace they found and not something that rigth made they quickly find an another treasure too this isn't an isolated incident and then after mining through rocks splattered with the last Miner's blood they finally set their eyes on the sublime blue of adamantine it shines even in the caves Darkness made all the More Beautiful by The Faint red glow of nearby lava there's a decent amount of this in the local area though the danger of Excavating it is far from Gone to process that adamen timee craft dwarf shot s go in near the Goblins always attack at the worst times the military quickly rebuffs them without losses before heading out for some raids now that they're gone craft stf shops can go in near the metal working quarter to more Goblin showed up like 4 days later the last time they asked for this it was a big Force thankfully These Foolish goblins are content to wait for an answer at the edge of the local area while squads return from their raids once they do mesos thanks them for their polite manners and dares them to attack they do and they're slaughtered without losses even though the Marx dwars try to change that by charging in blindly finally after far too many interruptions Crafters can begin extracting metal strands from the intricate raw adamantine ore 10 squads worth will need much much more though so miners continue to try and carefully excavate it and as they do they find more ancient artifact weapons that are too damaged and rusted to use but mining around the pockets of water and magma that sometimes greet miners is dangerous work the water cools the Heat and sometimes magma-filled Pockets open up some of them even contain temporal distortions until the miners are finished burning up after the long process of extracting strands blue spindles are then turned into Wafers at the same smelters that made steel bars with the latest set of Steel gear done completing more than 60 full suits it's time for rigth to set their hands on true Dwarven Nirvana and Forge it into gear for an elite group it won't be ready for a long time but that isn't too much of a problem since the current gear is enough to raise almost every settlement from the former Western Goblin Empire only torment staves remains which has that brass devil that slaughtered the last group that even includes UDS taking out a town of 300 without a single loss but the war is far from Over the Eastern Goblin Empire is even scarier with over 8,000 of the disgusting creatures fortunately after they're gone the rest of the world should be comparatively easy to take out zhan and Mos discuss how close they might be to their 10-year goal and both agree that it just might be possible the captain of the Guard is rewarding wed for their good work with their own nice accommodations even if they do spend most of their time abroad it'll be a nice place to retire to when the world's quiet and peaceful at the end of this decade even with Adam mentine underway and the first pieces is done the King still wants more catapult Parts even though the rest he's ordered just sit unused in The Siege Workshop maybe he doesn't realize that you can't use these when besieging other settlements another forgotten Beast arve but though web shooting ones are normally extremely scary a few squads Ambush it as it enters and manage to take it out before it glues everyone and their guts to the walls steel fueled this Victory and the metalsmith guild which is basically just Rigo and syob the amateur metal crafter want a special place they more than deserve they'll enjoy a huge area located just south of the metal working quarter it even has a lovely natural golden pillar running through it which seems too fitting to get rid of even for symmetry the newbies that had trained with the old iron armor or the gear from long gone enemies are finally allowed to upgrade to the most recent examples of rigos hard work 70 dwarves worth of good steel armor is an amazing accomplishment and they celebrate it by turning their attention on the nearby reclaim settlement with 2,000 goblins this isn't only the biggest mobilization that brass strangers has ever seen it's the largest move of the war that consumes most of this continent there's understandably nervous chatter as they leave but the king sends them off with well-wishes and mesos keeps everyone in line her rallying speeches she leaves points out that she has never known defeat at Goblin hands and she swears that that won't change anytime soon the civilians cheer at their backs to carry them from The Fortress and before long the soldiers return with news that brings even louder cheers they achieved nothing short of the greatest victory that Dwarven kind ever has mesos led them wonderfully individual squads of 10 soldiers squared off against a 100 goblins each and didn't take a loss hundreds of enemies died and the town itself was raised on the first go the refugees that fled will spread Tales of Dwarven might throughout the goblin Empire oh how far they've come in just 5 years since they struggled to raise towns of just 10 the seventh year Dawns with Ma's desire for even more catapult Parts somehow at least there's slow but steady progress on adamantine gear that's only somewhat stemed by the tide of creatures underground while the military usually meets them and wins without more than a single loss or two two squads discover that this one breathes fire as it chars them in their armor it only takes moments for the gecko demon to kill 20 strong and battle hardened dwarves it heads for the rest of the Fortress but the bridge is lifted just in time to stop it from killing more than the 21 it already has the raw heat it put out with every breath stopped anyone from even getting close enough to attack it brass strangers was always meant to rely on nothing but raw military might but this thing just butchered 20 dwarves in seconds and that makes it really easy to reconsider one's priorities one trap is still close enough to the vision the mismatch between the bloody tunnels and a metalsmith guild with gold Thrones couldn't be more Stark the rest of the Fortress isn't as nice though that's partially because there's so many beak dogs rumaging about the dwarves have paid half a dozen visits to a nearby Fortress that supposed to have 100 goblins but the soldiers that Venture there never find anything but dozens of beak dogs every time they go the demon slang trap that's really just an elevated platform suspended on a single support one of the nearby levers can collapse is almost ready to take out the fire breathing demon when a different fire breathing threat comes from the caverns the squads that aren't out raiding head down to deal with it while it torches the crop and anyone caught outside fire in the doorway stops them from even trying to go out in help when it finally heads Through the flames to attack the group of soldiers do absolutely nothing to it it's apparently unreachable even as it fills the room with scorching blazes and foul smoke why did the miners build 20ft tall Tunnels for this thing to fly around in 20 armor clad soldiers watch until fin finally one of them decides to just kick it in half real casual like Steel weapons are overrated well thanks to that and absolutely nothing else miners also need to expand the hospital after finishing the Trap meant for that first fire breathing threat but any good trap needs bait and unfortunately for L bomb they are one hell of an ugly baby there's no way that another fire breathing threat is here oh thank the gods this one is in part of the cavern that's closed off so it can't get in back to using a baby as bait or not since lore bomb is actually a military baby being carried around by an active duty Soldier a random peasant heroically volunteers to stand in their place don't worry about that hunger and thirst they will not be a problem for very long some other bit of nameless bait mines out the way in oh oh wait that's that's Z the mayor he quickly gets drafted into an exclusive Squad and told to run the away the bridge on the left is pulled to make sure that only the volunteer waits for the Beast then the lever for the support structure is pulled to send the top floor tumbling down the cacophony and dust it kicks up is spewed throughout the Fortress but the gecko demon meets its end and whoever that was will be spoken of as a hero for decades to come with the demon guarding the depths gone the miners return to harvest more Adam mentine there and peasants come to reclaim the steel gear from the squad that died to the gecko they'll have to clean out the charred flesh from the pieces before the next wave of migrants come and the future recruits are told to put it on miners also work on adding another entrance into the caverns in case more fire breathing threats show up they aren't going to seal them off completely to prevent a fight fight but the soldiers shouldn't be metal coated meatbags just waiting to be roasted goblins show up for a fight While most of the soldiers are out and while the Marx dwarves are here they forgot that they're supposed to have bolts or how to get more from the stock of more than a thousand so they instead rush to put on steel armor and use their experience swinging crossbows like maces to beat the Goblins back more and more of the filthy creatures show up but these only show after the other squads return and only serve to add another Victory to Brass strangers record even with three archaeology sites worth of bone and discarded equipment to litter the ground more goblins still come as do friendly Caravans who will see the Fortress approach a million dwarf bucks worth of value that's only starting to go up faster and faster as rigth makes more Adam mentine gear to supplement the steel that most of the military uses as well as syb's efforts to turn plentiful rare Metals into Exquisite crafts admittedly they aren't quite outweighed by the eye-watering smell wafting out of the plentiful pools of vomit blood stinking corpses or rotting miasma that are everywhere no wonder most of the Fortress is less and less happy as time tis by but the first adamantine order of male shirts is almost done and it's not like the soldiers can sit idly by cleaning up when there are Necromancer Towers to the north aren't bedrooms covered in vomit worth the safety that comes from cleaning up such places the king says no as he slips into a depressed state mafl misses both the thrill of battle and the comfort of familiar faces he decides to sit in his room and eat food while not really caring about anything in the world anymore that's not not quite ideal for a king after the squads comeb back Victorious yet again his wife who had served in the most Elite Squad is relieved of Duty hopefully her presence is some kind of comfort for him children join the king and slipping into a depressed state which doesn't really make sense because they have literally hundreds of puppies to play with in between bouts of hauling corpses and bits of teeth that is not an adamantine helmet but it is close to armor the gem and crusted adamantine artifact is worth over 140,000 on its own that immediately goes into the king's hands and if a fashionable hat doesn't snap him out of his depression then surely a Mis generator will there's not much room as is so for it to go near the stairs it'll take a lot of fangling and rebuilding that includes briefly opening up the Forgotten Beast infected Cavern and and Walling it off just a little bit deeper it's a good thing migrants are always arriving the most recent group is led by an experienced hand as they start to train underground they'll be the First Responders to hopefully handle any more demons deep within the rocks or they'll die horribly as the next demon comes out of the walls and Slaughters them on second thought having newbies fight demons with only a few demonstrations on which side of the sword to hold might not have been the best idea it doesn't help that two of the soldiers even went to the wrong side of the walls though frankly they're probably the Smart Ones fortunately the teacher arrives to fix things after returning from a brief break throughout all of this the dwarves have constantly been raiding the Empire to the Northeast they take down towns of 75 or 100 to slowly bleed out the 5,000 Goblin Fortress as they resettle it though with only rough estimates available from scouts it's hard to know how much progress is actually being made back home rigth has worked over 100 adamantine bars in the gear and the fort's wealth approaches 1 and2 million so the migrants in the coming season should buoy the population and make Conquest even more fearsome unfortunately the other goblins start to realize what's going on and join the war everyone but the small Goblin Empire in the South and the elves to the East are in a huge World spanning Conflict at this point and Brass strangers is the Lynch pin of the non- goblin Alliance located in the center of the world well that can't be good everyone just randomly elected a new mayor after almost 7 years of Zan's impeccable rule coincidentally at the same time that a huge lava spill hit the caverns where miners like Zan worked a week later people finally notice that the mayor sorry former mayor is missing when he doesn't show up to congratulate the military on another successful defense of the fort deagle the mayor and Dumont the manager take over for his responsibilities and claim his accommodations zhan might be resting in peace but Falling to the lava in Desperate search of more Adam mentine to hopefully win the war he started seems like a fitting end for the man it's probably a bad thing that the entrance to the fort is more than 50% vomit while blood is almost as common as clean space in the remaining area the dwarves might just be throwing up because the elves are backed to demand that the dwarves limit themselves to a handful of trees though they are going to once again accept it so that they can focus on raiding goblins and not watching the leaves the front of the Fortress might need a pressure washer to clean but instead an inlet for a Mis generator will have to do and so time passes quickly raids go out to keep bleeding the larger fortresses Adam mentine progress continues the elf Merchant decides to leave through the yet unused sistern and someone finally installs the grate to drain the Mist generator a miner opens up the river and lets water flow in it's first directed at a well to service the hospital where it quickly overflows because water pressure is a thing in this game after closing it off letting the water flood the entire hospital and installing another Floodgate that stops the pressure from ruining everything waterers turned back on it sloshes above everyone's heads as it heads for the M generator which is one long vertical empty shaft through the bulk of the Fortress as it falls down to the base of the sstn that Elvin Traders thought was an amazing exit it missed all throughout the staircases on the main main levels of the Fortress before crashing into the base dwarves love these things and they gain happy thoughts as they travel through the Fortress after being misted by it which should help fix their bad spirits raising the third largest Goblin fort in the world might also lift their Spirits it has 750 of the brutes against the 100 Dwarves that brass strangers can mobilize very very very slowly the Mish generator might help keep people happy but it's also eating a lot of frames or maybe the world is chugging because the drain isn't working and water's falling twice as far as it should someone forgot to put a floor in where it's needed and the raid is delayed until that's fixed since pathf finding for a 100 Dwarves really hates all that water flooding everywhere fortunately it's a quick fix that's not actually fixing it turn the water back off dwarves drown in the tunnel is everything through the Fortress floods a few more get caught in the torrential downpour and are pushed into the sistern where the waterfall beats them down and drowns them before the water even starts to evaporate the disastrous Mist generator is staying off this admittedly was not a good execution of the idea it wasn't even a neutral execution of the idea blame Architects that have only ever prioritized War engineering and not Civic work at least times once again stable enough for the raid to go back out against the massive Fortress while everyone else continues trying to gather Adam mentine the local vein is starting to look tapped out so miners explore the rest of the area for glimpses of the blue above the magma sea Unfortunately they find nothing but the raiding crew brings back even worse news mes sau's tactics started off well enough but as the the dwarves got tired and the defeated foes in front of them were replaced by fresh enemies time and time again they started to fter in the end the dwarves lost the battle of attrition and while the Army killed some 150 it took almost 20 Dwarven lives that have to be refilled the Silver Lining is that the less experienced newbies were amongst the dead so the more experienced soldiers are largely still alive that's becoming such a common trend though that the less critical dwarves from The Fortress have been picked clean filling out groups that have died to raids and to Demons from the depths recruitment staggers until the Haggard and angry king demands to be put into the first Squad his wife cautions him and tries to get him to abandon the idea but he refuses to budge and neither lodric nor emotions sway him from this path the look in his eyes says it all and she can do not but po I MOS to allow her to dust off her old armor and return to the squad in hopes of keeping him safe this has always been where the adamantine gear was going to go and so they're finally told to equip it it frees up steel for some of the other recruits though even with that it isn't quite enough and other dwarves are starting to lack some gear has steel-clad soldiers lost abroad can't have their stuff recovered but just putting on the gear is not enough for maos to the West lies a brass devil and the gaun King wants either a glorious Victory or a glorious end but the devil lives up to its name and grants him neither the king is struck down just like any peasant before him worse the devil remains unharmed it just refuses to die no one has ever seen anything like it and no one knows what to do but that that's not even the only threat left there's the seemingly unra Fortress to the east that purportedly boast a 100 goblins but never has anything there's the remaining Empire's fortresses to the Northeast that boast 6,000 goblins between them all As Time Ticks by and there's only a quarter of the decade they have left it's a sign of the struggles and multitude of deaths that The Departed squads leave just some 50 people behind to handle the Fortress migrants do arrive yes but it's despite the danger and there are never as many as the war machine calls for waves arrive as more tombs are designated the coffins that fill them are still worked on near the entrance what a great time for the new Queen to take her throne and get the Royal accommodations that come with it if this all fails it's on onal her first request is a brass dance floor in the expanded Tavern and while that will look good it's a strange desire when limited hands ensure that important work like hauling off rotting corpses isn't always done on time but the tavern now needs some performers and it appears that the queen is a legendary musician and Rigo the legendary Smith is a great orator I always love discovering what familiar names have these hidden talents back below the hunt for Adam mentine draws miners to these deeper depths they unleash more monstrosities as they do the Army arrives but the beasts bury deeper continually grow stronger or the Army just gets weaker this one notches a few kills as always against these inexperienced recruits it wasn't even a soldier that killed it some minor with a pick did a better job than five steel clad soldiers before them goblins attack and the army that goes out to greet it isn't even staffed by fully equipped soldiers anymore dwarves win the day but more than a dozen died at Goblin hands for the first time in a while here it's too many for individual funerals and all of The Departed soldiers are buried after a solemn Affair that's a huge wakeup call oo's First whe task as Queen is consolidating and reforming the military the 10 and 1 half sparsely populated squads are condensed down into just six fully equipped ones it's both all the dwarves The Fortress can spare and all of the bodies that the remaining steel gear can equip everyone is half experienced soldiers who are quite literally Masters or experts at their crafts and half less experienced novices or barely competent soldiers that finish filling the squads out and will provide Manpower during raises also there's no Marx dwars anymore they never work with that the rating has to Zoom there are just 2 years left and so much ground to cover that it might already be too late while they're out more tombs are dug to prepare for the inevitable losses that will come with these fights gone are the times when dwarves prepared intricately designed sections for these These are little more than Mass Graves but it's all the civilians can afford the time for at least rigth will be happy in the mostly re-prepared metal working area are there are plenty of Steel and adamantine bars to shape another forgotten Beast shows up fortunately soldiers arrive in time and put the Beast Down without any losses it's the first threat that hasn't killed anything in a while so it's safe to say that Ono's redistribution of the military is Flawless and nothing can ever go wrong with it there's actually another legendary armor Smith here that migrated though the second Forge still belongs to the nearly legendary metal crafter onal not the queen onal a different one oh said armor Smith went to grab Adam mentine but a pocket of magma a minor Unleashed burn them to death one has to wonder how Anan the baroness could ever be stressed in such a pess fortress she's only surrounded by lava and besieged by goblins while all the military squads are gone fortunately Solon the soldier is running a little late to their raid and the war elephant out front that never found a breeding mate slowly trundles after the goblins and delays their attack while not really taking any injuries Solon would have ignored the Goblins but they foolishly attack the soldier and drag them into it the advanced Squad is taken out and Solon is attacked by the remainders that really did not learn their lesson a different Squad returns in time to just barely help the day's hero out with the last few of them the the last Goblin Raid was outnumbered but still killed dozens this one outnumbered Solon 12 to one and still lost that's the power of actually making sure dwarves are fully equipped but with fewer soldiers and bigger targets raids take a month each and don't always fully raise the settlement with how long each Siege takes there would barely be time to finish off the northeastern Goblin Empire even if the soldiers miraculously won every fight and raised every settlement on their first attempt that includes the massive 5,000 Goblin Fortress which is not happening anytime soon all of that is assuming that the problems from the depths don't rise up and kill any more soldiers too the more experienced squads handle them far better but it still involves leaving a squad behind at all times which further slows down progress abroad of course it isn't always so easy another horrendous creature comes from the depths but this one machine guns off webs that stop soldiers in their tracks skittering spider legs slammed down on immobilized heads again and again and again the entire Squad dies in moments while only getting a few hits in and though they took out enough legs that it can't stand properly the monster still has enough to drag itself about and continue its Rampage the bridges are lifted to seal the caverns off though in retrospect this trap should have been rebuilt there's no way the rest of the military is doing anything to a beast that's already killed 26 including five great soldiers it's safe to say that there will be no more raw Adam mentine coming up from these depths that somehow doesn't stop someone from wanting to study maybe HRA wants to understand what went wrong it'll be a story of greed and unchecked ambition steming potentially successful Ventures it's the kind of tale worth telling in a YouTube video that'll leave every last person who hears it desperate to click that like button but there are still some moral victories to achieve before the decade passes the seemingly unra Fortress to the east has to be beaten this time surely no one escapes from dwar and eyes 13 times in a row with the entire Army gone the invading goblins feel so bad that their forces just aren't there but even then the military only finds one of the hundred inhabitants and again fails to raise the place if only they took the late maf's catapults with the raid that's fine in fact that's even better the larger moral Victory always lay to the West the brass devil of Torment stage AV is still there the soldiers are so much better than when they attacked it a few years ago and some even have adamantine gear while they're gone someone makes an artifact with leather from a forgotten Beast which might be the most badass thing in a fortress with thousands of kills unfortunately the devil is even more of a badass no amount of elite soldiers or good gear are enough and it scores kill after kill after kill kill all without even seeming to suffer an injury against the best Dwarven kind has to offer in this world well actually the best soldiers didn't really get a chance to fight it's fighting single file against individual dwarves and picking off the weak because that's how fights offscreen are battled one more attempt that's what Dwarven kind needs the three strongest soldiers get together mesos Asen and kle are all legendary Fighters mes sauce is rightly named the crystalline danger of virgins she's a legendary Soldier tactician and leader who helped found brass strangers has led the military since its Inception and has over 30 kills under her belt cattle of the green armors has just as many kills and Asen violence IR the veiled channels has even more they have the best gear Dwarven kind is ever made including adamantine weapons and armor they will come back Victorious while they travel a brawl breaks out is half a dozen fights in the hospital the baroness literally kicks a child's ass but instead of focusing on that as things come to a close enjoy a tour of the occasionally chaotic Fortress from top to bottom there's an overused Hospital a few layers of underused a area marked by long minded out veins that were once iron or coal the original metal working area and temples a food and beverage area storage the library and the dining hall/ Tavern the initial bedrooms and mayor's area the entrance with stone and woodworking quarters near them plus the overused barracks and trading Depot bedrooms nestled up against Caverns for a few stories some other economic buildings Guild Halls unused defenses and a lot of area dug out for dolomites there's the Royal areas and clothing District more bedrooms the sistern that was part of the total disaster that was the Mis generator tombs the entrance to the adamantine area that filled so many tombs still ruled by the Beast that did a good chunk of that the intricate tombs that are more decorated and finally the metal working area and Guild Hall it's one hell of a fortress that's housed over 300 different dwarves through its time but now the surviving fraction of that wait for news of a glorious Victory That Never Comes there's no news because there are no survivors to bring back the Tale three legendary Soldiers with the best gear in the world all lost their lives in the fight without ever seeming to inflict any damage back that is perhaps the most suitable ending to Brass strangers Dwarven might trying to Rise Against the threats throughout the world and ultimately failing I think it might be possible with better organization and some better luck if I were doing this again or if you want to give it a try I'd focus more on having a large population especially early on I lost way too many people pushing for Adam mentine because I insisted on doing it with Manpower when I should have relied on traps to get get rid of those demons two of them killed nearly 50 dwarves between them including good soldiers I started raiding with too many people too early when I should have prioritized growing the economy to get more migrants and make a larger military in the mid to late game I should have pissed off the Goblins so that they sent raids to train a squad or two of good soldiers in the early game just so they were experienced soldiers to teach newbies before finally starting to raid in Mass I also should have tried to find War animals when the first few Merchants failed to bring some I should have begun raiding the elves to try and take some back if I did all of that I might have been able to raise an Army strong enough to both kill much more quickly and not lose people which would have added to the number of skilled soldiers in the late game and could have snowballed given enough good soldiers to throw at bigger threats with war animals at their sides or fewer big threats from from a more peaceful world I think it might just be possible with better macro but I didn't have that this time this video has been my biggest undertaking but I loved the Rises and Falls of brass strangers and I hope you did too if so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss my upcoming content I'm going to be covering some of the most promising upcoming city builders and Colony Sims during steam's nextfest and making more videos going forward got an IDE videos for challenges or comments on other things I could have done better this run let me know down below
Channel: Just Don't Die
Views: 311,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress challenge, city builder, colony sim, dwarf fortress conquest
Id: H0v_HlKrLhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 29sec (4229 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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