5 Things I'd tell me about Resolve - Beginners Welcome!

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oh hello my name's casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we're talking about the five things i would tell myself if i were starting davinci resolve if i could go back in time and start resolve again of course when i started resolve it was a little different but if i were starting resolve today these are the five tips i'd be like hey these are kind of important and of course the idea is that it's good it's good for you if if you're just starting resolve see that's how videos work anyways peace of wisdom number one one one one the timeline is shared between pages what that means is that this edit timeline here in the edit page you can actually access this timeline from all of the pages so i go to the cut page and it's the same timeline i go to the color page and it's the same timeline fairlight well i don't have any audio here but if we enable video tracks look same timeline even in fusion which looks like you just open one clip if you open up the clips here it's actually taking it directly from the same timeline so the cool thing is that you can go back and forth without having to round trip to other programs without having to convert your files or anything like that you can just go use of editing no problem bounce over here do a little bit of color and that's totally fine maybe go back to the cut page if you like to use that switch over to fairlight do some audio go back to edit and keep working on your edit it's very fluid and if you've ever used basically any other video editing app that's probably not the most intuitive thing but it's very very convenient and i think one of resolve's best features second piece of resolve wisdom it's a good idea to actually learn all of the pages i feel like a lot of people will just try and stay in the edit page because it feels comfortable right if you're coming from something like premiere it makes sense that you select something here and you adjust its properties here in the inspector there's your effects library where you can drag titles in and do effects and things like that i think even sometimes to the point of going over to the open effects here and trying to use some of these color effects to actually do color correction on your movie when really it makes a lot more sense to go to the color page that's like probably the simplest example but the same thing with fairlight you can do quite a bit of audio stuff here in the edit page but fairlight is where you can really get complicated and do things like eq and dynamics and effects like that it's definitely worth at least maybe looking at a crash course on each of the pages and this is definitely true with titles graphics effects things like that no one seems to want to jump into fusion because well it's frankly kind of intimidating with the nodes thing but i promise you having some basic idea of how fusion works is really worth it because with all of the tools combined here like captain planet like the kids on captain planet combined i am captain you can do so much more than you'd be able to just kind of trying to piece things together in one of the pages so if you haven't checked out my crash course definitely take a look at that because i go through the basics of all of the pages it's worth considering the next one is somewhat related it's almost kind of the same thing but it bears repeating get familiar with fusion because it really unlocks some creative freedom here we can look at this picture of the city right and let's say we want to have a title over this well right now we can put some text over it in the edit page right and we can make a title you know something like this but if you're familiar with fusion you can take this up a notch without very much trouble say we want these words to kind of be stuck to this bridge you could certainly limp this along in the edit page and move this back and forth but it would be miserable and it wouldn't look very good whereas this really doesn't take very long to make happen in fusion if you know a little bit about how fusion works we just use a planar tracker and track this back and forth create a planar transform and run our text through it over our footage boom we're done in fusion and now we have our text tracked to that bridge and it's just a really cool effect and honestly if you know fusion it takes like two seconds it kind of just takes simple things up a notch just by being familiar with that page and if you're intimidated by fusion and you're like gosh how do how do all these nodes work i have a really good guide on how fusion nodes work that'll make it crystal clear that kind of stuff will make a lot of sense so check it out next piece of resolve wisdom i would give myself if i were starting resolve today is that the cut page is really good for some things this is kind of one of those highly debated topics like some people only use the edit page and they just ignore the cut page some people will even hide the cut page from the interface because they just don't see a point for me most of the time i'm working in the edit page because i feel like there's a lot more control over especially the audio tracks adding certain effects stacking things in layers that kind of thing but the cut page is actually really cool for certain types of edits the biggest thing i use it for is searching for b-roll or putting together something like a vlog so a video kind of like this right you can go up to the top here this upper left-hand corner of our viewer and click on source tape source tape brings up all of the footage from your media pool in one long kind of like mini timeline here and you can scrub through things and hit i and o on the keyboard and then hit one of these buttons like append and throw that down into the timeline and i've mapped a keyboard shortcut to p for append and so we can actually go through and really quickly i o p i o p i o p really quickly make a rough cut of whatever our story is and now we have our whole story down here in the timeline and it took like five seconds that's opposed to in the edit page if you were going to do that you'd have to double click on each one and set in out and you can still append at end if you want to i can hit p but you know you kind of have to go through each one and it's it still works it's just a little bit more awkward and so stuff like that searching for b-roll making a rough cut with the cut page is just awesome the other thing the cut page is really good for is multi-cam i don't have any right this second but you can select multiple different angles in a multicam sequence and tell those that those will sync up and it will automatically sync them up based on audio and you can go over to the sync bin and you can do multicam edits really easily here in the cut page i go through this a little bit in my crash course but that's another really great thing in the cut page so is the cat page perfect for everything no but it is really nice for some things and i definitely use it on a regular basis okay fifth piece of resolve wisdom get good at settings what does that mean well in the lower right hand corner there's this little settings cog i would recommend opening this up and looking at everything even if you don't know what everything means just taking a second to get familiar with even just where certain settings are located right so under master settings under timeline format we have the resolution of your timeline we have the frame rate we have stuff with video monitoring which only has to do with if you have like an external monitor plugged in with sdi there's stuff about optimized media and render cache which is like what kind of proxies this makes what kind of video will resolve convert videos that are too hard to play back into what resolution they'll be the main folders on your system that it uses and that's all just in the first page of the settings let me know if you guys want a video on just kind of going through all of these settings because there is a lot to go through here and i probably don't even know all of them right this second but it's important to get familiar with at least kind of the basic stuff especially before you get neck deep into some huge project like one little quirk of resolve is you can't change the timeline settings once you have things in the timeline i can change the resolution here but i can't change the frame rate in order to change the frame rate i'll just delete this timeline and i'd make a new one by right clicking in the media pool under timelines create new timeline and if i uncheck use project settings then over here in format i can make this exactly what i want and you generally want to do this before you start putting media into a timeline but this will work let's say i want this in 30 at 720p create and now we have this timeline at 720p at 30 frames a second so get familiar with the settings well there's there's five tips for anybody who's new to resolve that's some stuff i would tell myself if i were starting resolve today if you want more videos like this let me know this was this was kind of fun you know it was a good time if you stayed all the way to the end and you're listening to me right now and you like this video well make sure to let me know by clicking that like button so i know that you did and you do yeah so that's how communication works let's do more of that let's do let's do a little bit more of that
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 114,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Things I'd tell me about Resolve - Beginner Advice!, davinci resolve 17, tips, beginner, blackmagic design, davinci, resolve, how to, learning resolve, advice, what to know about resovle, using resolve, best tips, editing, video editing for beginners, video editing for beginners 2021, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, resolve 17, davinci resolve
Id: Xk5479ikMHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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